Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1942, p. 2

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RINGWOOD | Carol were Sunday guests in the Henry Marlowe Home at ftuntley. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family were quests in the William Wurteinger home at Woodstoek Sunjday.° -» . v Mr. and Mrs. Gcorjre Young and sonf JOHNSBURG Mrs. Frank Freund and Mrs. A1 Popping were Woodstock callcrs Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff wad; family of Richmond were callers heire Tues- ^ dj . «nd Mrs. William Rauen of Kenosha , vnnn» »•> ; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. |A,?/ g t.m. R0n ' Alfred, spent Saturday evening m the M " w _ . I I^ord Jackson home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Manson of > . * ., . „ , ,»oekfo\mr dt* anad Mrs^. oM »rjt h. Jam*i_ e»s of me achievement prizes at the 4-H I J ««1««° 17m. r1,SPt' y W party at the Community hall Friday! Bill Marz was a Waukegan callet and Mrs. Collins, > were: Sunshine Girls, Shirley Nekl, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlien of Marion Hawley, Helen Ruth Butler I Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling were Chicago spent the weekend at their anj phyllis Lau. Sirs. Paul Walking - ! Woodstock callers Thursday. homejn Rmgwood. ^ ton was their leader. Happy Clovers,! Mrs. Frank Young and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clayt Maxim., Muriel Butler, Carol Harrison, Norma i Spring Grove called on Mrs. Joe P. P&tti and David, and Edrifi Peet of Carson, LuAnn Bauer Ferol Martin, Michels Friday afternoon. Rockfoivi and Mr. ar\d Mrs. Ben Fout, Suzanne Muzzy, Dorothy Smith, Dol- M d M p t Ronjiie and Donnie, of Spring Grove ores Smith, Virginia Passfield, and Voln VnlloH nn iu™ WiriioJf spent Sunday in the Ed Peet home. their leader, Amy Harrison. Mrs. Vol° °alled °n *** Wlll,am Althoff Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet, Vivian Sweeney presented the girls with their and Mildred, of Richmond were callers pins. Members of the boys 4-H re- Friday eveniiig. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and daughin the Ray Merchant turnie Tuesday, ceiving pins were Nelson Cristy, How- :tteerr aann'dd MMrr.. aanndd MMrrss.. PPeetteerr FF.. FFrreeuunndd evening. ' « ard Bruce Harrison, Charles Martin, "day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lil Conway of Crystal Lake William Smith, George Whiting and.,8* e ' M,ller at R,chmond* called on Jennie Bacoti Tuesday after- Richard Freund. Earl Harrison led! Mr. and Mrs. Walter FreUnd and •>«"" - 1 this group. Mr. Brock presented the [-son, Billy, and Miss Marie Rpsing of Mrs. Joe E. Miller at Richmond. family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe I at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and J son, Thomas, of Libertyville spent | Sunday evening at the Dowell home, i Mr. and Mrs. James Williams^ of j Crystal Lake were Saturday dinner j guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Lloyd Fisher. I Miss Ada Dowell is spending this i week in Chicago at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. John Thrum. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Petersen and j daughter, Elaine, of Chicago called at 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd I Fisher Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz I and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher ! and family, Mrs. Alvin Case and family, Mrs. Etta Converse, Mrs. Walter Crook and daughter, Mrs. Winslow and daughtel, ,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Jr., attended the Farmers In-' stitute at Lake Zurich Friday evening. J. J. Freund on Sunday were the Chas. May family, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widhalm, son, Raymond, and Clarence Freund. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Freund and children spent Sunday evening with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund, in Mc- Henry. , ' Chief Pfeul Weber and several firemen attended instructions onair raids at Woodstock Wednesday. Sub-Machine Gun The steel that goes into a single sewing machine will make a high explosive shell for a 75-mm. field howitzer and the steel in two large outboard motors would make a m«I»» machine gun. noon. Mrs. Libby Ladd has returned home *"^5'. T , „ . . - , af-t er spending several months with Mrs. Lonnte Smith and Mrs. Chan Ingleside called on Mr, anc J. Meyers Sunday. Wm. S; , relatives in Colorado and Iowa. : Cey HatrHson --atrt--en--dve.d~ Grand chapter :j »M»i«s»s Katherine • «Alwthowff vo*f// Elgin ». i> xt j . a °" the Eastern Star in Chicago several spent Sunday in the home/of lier F - w t days fhis week. . , V, j mother, Mrs. William AltholT SV V ot ^a"kef* a d ? E The W. S. C1. S. 'will .meet at the Mr and Mrs Everett Thomas ol day, Octobei 16. This will also be a , Snyder of Chicago spent Saturday and SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family shower for the miscellaneous booth for of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey the bazaar. Biggers of Wonder Lake spent Friday ! A community program was held at evening m the Nick \ oung home. , the Qn WedT1esday evening. Mr. Mrs. George Jepson of Wauconda Egbert, agriculture teacher, at the spent Saturday with Mrs. Rose Jep- McHenry high school, was guest son. speaker. Interesting talks were.also Mrs. Frankie Stephenson is visiting ; given by Mrs. Bernice Hawley, Mr. in the Rob McLean home in Wood- Andreas and Chancey Harrison. Re stock Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago was a weekend guest in the S. W. Smita home. Mr. attd Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and • family called on Albert Schulta at Genoa City Sunday afternoon. The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Harrison on Wednesday, October 14. Mrs. Chancey Harrison will assist the hostess. freshments were served by t&t committee. . SOLON MILLS Mrs. Willis Gardner and Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Miss Ruth Lacfe were call- ! ers in Genoa City Saturday. I Willie Monear of Elgin an'd Earl Monear of McHenry were callers in Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Irviri Schaefer, Waukegan, were callers here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zolloner and son of Chicago spient Sunday with Art Peters and Bill Marz. Evelyn Michels and LeRoy Meyers called on Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Schaefer and son of Waukegan were callers here Sundaly evening. McCULLOM LAKE Viola and Alice Mae Low were call- Monear of A farewell party was given last ers in the Ray Harmer and Ralph ^the ^elle Jackson home one day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Getchel homes in Waukegan Thurs- TT * | Schmitt in honor of their son, Mike, day. Mrs. Harvey Brown and daughter,; Jr., who enlisted in the navy some fpu „•!, . j Beverly, and son, Tommy, of Aurora 1 time ago and expects to leave this l7 CrOM m6eting *nd Mary Begalka of Elgn were vis- Week _ itors in the C. L. Osborn home Satur- Esther Smith spent the weekend in day. the William Wurtzinger home at' Vivian Kilpatrick of Chicago and „ n Woodstock. Lloyd Morris of Beatrice, Neb., and farewell "party^in "his^homTr will £ Mr. ana Mrs. James Lindemann and . Mr, and Mrs. Herman Schwabe and I held October 12. Mrs. W. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake son, David, of Chicago were Sunday' T>m+ 1 * • u* u called on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haw- visitors in the Frank Kilpatrick home.! «,i. ™akes a total of eight boys ley Sunday afternoon. I Cadet Bonde Benson of Stewart; n!«n 161 ^ mm, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer attended a I Field, N. Y., is home on'a fif,teen-day ! Doran who has been over-seas for party for Private Harold Wirtz at the i furlough with his parents, Mr. and i xT A™1®,' Leland J* B°urelle, army; Joe E. Miller home in Richmond Fri-iMrs. Ben Benson. anajJohn Boyle, a.r corps; Georg Re.d, ;navy; Willard Kiddleson, navy; Mike Wilbert Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer, enlisted in the army and is leaving October 15. A Schmitt, navy; Berwyn Bourelle, navy; Wilbert Schaefer, army. Billie Reid, Buzz Tonyan and Bob day evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Fern Mulsch of Glenr . ^r' an<j Mrs. Chancey Harrison,' view were Friday evening callers in Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs. Henry Steph- the E. E. Cropley home. enson and Mrs. R. C. Harrison attend- i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benson and ----. ^-- ---- ^ f ' ed Eastern Star at Harvard Monday daughter, Ruth, and son, Glen and IAdams left here Sunday evening for kp.evening. Mr. and ^Irs. Gordon Benson and'fan-! a wel1 earned vacation. They are , Mr-and Mrs-Ed Young of McHenry | ily of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs.' Texas boundr,;,. were callers in the George Young Ray Benson and family and Mr. and I Sorry to learn that a number of Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Harold Osborn were dinner j the ladies here did not know of the o ' an^ s" Young spent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller j request made a short time ago by the a*' ^ Saturday in Woodstock. of Elgin Sunday, in honor of Bonde I Red Cross asking for cakes, cooTcies or . ** Rose Wirtz of McHenry called on ; Benson who is home on a furlough. cigarettes for the hospitalized soldiers h .. * James Bell Thursday. .1 , |f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Chicago [at Camp Grant and Fort Sheridan. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison enter- ' spent Sunday with the latter's sister, I Otherwise, there would have been }' • ^ined Mr. and Mrs. William Glawe of ; Mrs. Henry Carlson. (more packages from here. ! „°°^°ck/"d and Mrs. Clarence j Mrs. Charles Coon of Chicago spent j We are glad to hear that Mrs. Hugh 21T Richmond at dinner W ed-j the weekend at the home of Mrs. Joe | McDonald (Jean) is making such a nesday evening in honor of their : Kuhn. Mrs. Kuhn accompanied heV to, speedy recovery. She has been contwu. ty-s venth weddmg anniversary. ; Chicago Monday. j fined in the Woodstock hospital with Lo,s and Ethel Krohn were callers, The Get-Together club met at the | pneumonia and is expected to return » the Ray Merchant home Sunday Solon school house Friday night and! home this week. afternoon. ; had election of officers. Mrs. Louise . r>. .. . . , , ., Mrs. ^red Wiedrich and Mae and Johonnott was chosen president. Mrs. Lh ^ py"tz furnished the music for Mrs Lester Carr were callers in Cry*. Joe London vice-president, Mrs. Henry I S, tal Lake Thursday afternoon. ' Aubert s^ret^rv Mrs. Einar Wattles at the Masomc temple Tues- A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. William Bowman in Richmond Thursday afternoon i n honor of her birthday. Cards furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded to Mrs .Nick Freund, Mrs: Ernest Peacock, Mrs. J. J< Freund and Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner. A delicious lunch was served to complete the party. Charles Freund and AI Schmeltzer attended the ball game between the I White Sox and the Cubs at Comiskey park in Chicago Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Jung spent last "Thursday evening with her parents, Mr. and lirs. William Freund in Johnsburg. - P. F. C. Victor Blink of Jefferson Barracks, Mo., spent the weekend vis* iting friends here. Sunday guests in the Al Schineltzel home were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kut sh of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Wirtz and chil» dren of McHenry spent Sunday in the Joseph Brown home. The George W. May family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Wagner and two sons visited the Henry Heinle family in Janesville on Monday. « Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller in Woodstock. On Sunday afternoon they visited in the Edwin Freund home at Crystal Lake. Dinner gUests in the home of Mrs. & ! secretary and Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake I Behrents treasurer. called on his mother, Jennie Bacon,! -Mr. and Mrs. frank Foley of Rich- Saturday evening. mond were Sunday guests in the Chas. The P.-T. A. held their regular j Osborn home. Meeting at the school on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ruh and son evening. Plans were made for the; and daughter of Park Ridge were Halloween party. j Sunday evening callers at the Walter Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutton are par-|AyIw«rd home. eats of a daughter, Linda Rae, on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. George Pester of urday, at the Woodstock hospital. j Grayslake were visitors in the John Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and ^ Peggy Ann, Helen and Janet Johnson ; )and Maryann Wiedrich were Sunday / supper guests in the P. C. Leonard - home at Lake Geneva. A number of Ringwood people attended funeral services for John Stecker at Greenwood Wednesday afternoon. Pester home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schreuder of Chicago spent the weekend in the Henry Aubert home. Kenneth Alwin of Oak Park spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Hulda Buchanan. Mrs. Lillian Cames, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carnes and son, Billy, Mr. and Virginia Jepson of Evanston spent 1 Mrs. Melvin Anderson and daughter Saturday night and Sunday' with her ! of Chicago spent Sunday in the Arthur mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Cames home. Mrs. ^Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Emm.! Mrs. Rogers and sons, Fred and day evening. Visitors at the McKim home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Housel of Pearl City, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Westphaln and Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Chicago. Word has been received from Ann Horn. They are on their way home from California. The Property Owners association dance that was held on September 12 at the Bridge Ballroom was a success. Reports to the members will be made later. Mr. Scheubert wishes to acknowledge the donations that were made to this affair. Where did Grace Murphy get that swollen jaw? Dentist? Mr. and Mrs. Walton have moved back to Chicago. The Wattle and Willet families are now living here permanently. ~ v . . u a v u u , L m m u a i r s , i v o g e r s a n a s o n s , r r e e l a n a It is good to see Leo Sales arounu Beatty and Viola Low were callers in Eugene, of Chicago spent Sunday with j a8fain. He has been working in the Genoa City Friday evening. | Mrs. Belle Schultz. Mrs. Rogers re Mrs. Lester Cart, Charles and Joe, jmained for a few days. and Mae Wiedrich were callers in Mc-' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert were Henry Sunday afternoon. (Woodstock visitors Tuesday afternoon. ~ - Alice Mae Low and Ethel Krghn , Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Mrs. Nellie 'rationin^ spent Saturday in Chicago. Jackson were Fox Lake visitors Mon- ' Private Wilbur Benoy, who is home j day. * on furlough, and Pearl Smith, Wood-1 Philip Kienz and son, August, and stock, were callers in the Lonnie IJoe Aubert and son, Donald, of Chi- Smith. home Friday evening. ; cago spent Sunday at the Elmer Neil- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Wood- j son home. stock were callers in the Roy Wiedrich j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner have home Sunday evening. returned from the hospital after .besouth and has not been home since Labor Day. ^ Emma Pyritz is lilke the squirrels . . storing nuts for the winter in case of Mr. and Mrs. James Lindemann and Mrs. W. R. Hoffman of Crystal T^Ve spent Sunday evening with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. I ;' j. Loren Harrison was a guest in the R- E. Frank home at Lake Wood Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained the Five Hundred club on ; Thursday evening. Prizes for higla ^/' * score were won by Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and for low score, George SheP- "•>ard and Mrs. Louis Hawley. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palaski of Anr m-" ts>£ tioch were callers in the James Bell home Sunday evening. pti - Sff Martin Nimsgern of Spring- Grove 1$ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick V Young. w Mr. and Mrs. James Ewell of Highland Park were callers in the George Young home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long 1 Lake were Sunday evening callers ift th" Lonnie Smith home. Don't forget the annual bazaar and _ chicken supper sponsored by the W. S. u C. E. at the community hall on Thtirs- „• dav. October 21. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller spent Sun- ' d*y evening in the Ed Bauer home. Il 'si Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison were . >1 callers in Woodstock Monday. f. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and ing injured in an auto accident. IF YOU \S txwTMA&ey NOVEMBER I THIS BAG Will B£ EMPTY . CHRISTMAS WW' Fast Flyer The wings of a hummingbird beat 59 times a second while it hovers in mid-air and 75 times a second in flight. I It's I---- seas* to b% thrifty. H you save yon are tiutfty. War Bonds help yon to save and help to save America. Bay your ta percent every pay ^ay. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers and daughters -spent Tuesday evening in Chicago with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ollendorf of i Oak Park were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Arnold Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz, is numbered on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paddock and sons of Waukegan spent Sunday with the former's parents, Senator and Mrs. flay Paddock. Mrs. Frank Novy and son of River Forest spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Lilah Mae Fisher had the honor of winning first prize on her poster at the Lake County Farmers Institute at Lake Zurich Friday. Lilah Mae's poster will now be entered in the state Contest at the University of Illinois. The Volo Community club has de cided to discontinue meetings for the duration. Mrs. Russell Magnussen visited Mrs. Karl Magnussen at the Elizabeth Condell hospital at Libertyville Sunday- Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent Monday with her daughter, Miss £dna Fisher, In Waukegan. a. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and. Watch Out for It Quicksands usually occur on flat shores underlain by stiff clay or other impervious materials. They appear 'to be formed by the continued collection of water within the sand bank whicb is prevented from running off by the underlying impervious layer. The grains of quicksand have rounded surfaces. Quicksand is of very light weight. The infiltrated water' separates and lubricates the v particles, rendering them unable to support a heavy weight.,?";. "i'V-v WUat Tt/ou Buy With WAH BONDS We Can't Equal Their Sacrifices, but We Might Try An Army motor trailer looks much like any other automobile trailer which may be seen on the highways or in the tourist's camps. The Army's trailers are used as traveling hospitals, dental clinics and testing laboratories. These mobile surgical or dental units are hauled to their destination and the trucks released for other purposes. They cost from $1,200 to $3,000 and weigh from 1% to 8% tons. You can help pay for them r . . help keep our Army fit. Invest at least ten percent of your income in War Bonds every payday. You can join the Ten Percent Club through the Payroll Savings Plan, or buy Bonds regularly through the nearest bank or postoffice. U. 6. Treasury Department ir ALL the: Rest Of CJ SACRIFICED EVERYTHING to buy more BONDS' ~WE GOULpis T EVEN THE •S'COKE ~^By Darlinfl V. S. Treasury Departing ft Copyright, 1M2. New York Tribune Inc. Better Eyesight One employer reports that after supplying one-fifth of his employees with needed glasses and installing an improved lighting system, output was increased by 19 . per cent and quality was improved by 16 per ceat. Surface Preparation for Metal. When preparing uncoated iron and steel for painting, scraping or wirebrushing will ordinarily suffice to remove the loose rust and dirt. However, in advanced cases of corrosion crude oil--or spent lubricating oil --will prove useful in loosening the rust and expediting the cleansing process. With this certain to remove all the oil remaining after scraping as the presence of an oil film will prevent the adhesion of paint. To do this, wipe with mineral spirits or turpentine. . Cause for Rejection One out of every 40 applicants1 for service in the U. S. navy and marines is rejected becausc of color blindness, reports the Better Vision Institute. About one out of every ten applicants to these services in rejected because of visual errjn in rofractionv y • Only After Commission .i: According to Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, curator of physical anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, thereare no physical criteria for distinguishing the potential criminal. Dr. Hrdlicka bases his conclusions on his own measurements of 1,000 prisoners of both sexeS from 5 to 16 years of age. Physical measurements of the actual criminal, he believes, can show only that he tends to be abnormal. There is no possibility of connecting abnormality with criminality. YOLO 1 A war housing project typical of fJL the many springing up in Northern •' ' Illinois to provide homes for thou- w* iis swMssi unds of war voikcte mmm * m " - ' V t V ^ "> ig - •» i •" V War Housing a and Electric Power In Northern Illinois Ip America'* expanding war production program, the con* • stniction of homes for war workers is an important factor. Great new war plants and additions to present ones bring an urgent need for adequate housing. And with architects, contractors and workmen doing their utmost H meet the demand, thousands of war homes and apartments are springing up over night. . In all these homes electricity is essential for the well- Ijcing of war workers--for lighting and refrigeration, for gashing and ironing, for cooking, for cleaning, for radio reception. Electr'c power lines are being extended to these new war homes as fast as they are constructed. For we know that serving the war workers, like serving the war plants, b vital to America's victory program. Extension of power lines keeps pace with construction of new war homes.These lines cany electricity which contributes so much to the comfort and convenience of war work eft. Improved and highly efficient building methods are used to speed up coil itruction of homes urgently needed for war workers in Northern Illinois « * » i PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS El#trif Ptwer fir Wmr Production in Nortbem-JlHwus Service Order -- 101 Williams St., Cry gt&l i^ira _ ^telephone Enterprise 4100.

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