Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1942, p. 4

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, :.7 *. '7*Jf;-; ^ ;?\. 7*;'Wnr '^.j^jW-1 ^r* fr; WW • y ^ v ^ •; ;»T - T ;r .^•.•^._^..::.-^,._^v^.^:;,:_i.- ,i, "C "* V r '^v S.l > 'V/':*^'A*^ ' *' * *' " ' " *'* " ' wm>, > ; >*$ - ^*^v;T ;>y V" . .„;•-* s ' . *.. t «-*. »*t * ^>*v * 4 ••i -• •*»>*- .* t- * . . ; TUB McHEHEY PLAINDEALE& »'•>"•» Jill I 'juy.' ljjj't ^ »v- ' >^gk< .yipmjp • • » ••» I mi' k " * * _ / • ? * • . ' . }\ 1 .» • » • r~'». " c"w^«r1 •'."\r' fi;«**'$,* /*i? , >*/* *"•'•; " "' "*"'" • - " ' • • r, Ur' vaV*.'J, .• - I ut'-* v*^ " ^ \ ••«•'* Thursday, October 8,1M3 ;ti- • CTHEIIRY PIAMDEALER ihed every Thursday at Mc- 111., by Charles F. Renich. MOSHER Editor and Manager Altered as second-class matter at tbe post off ice at McH$nry, 111., under tfc» act of May 8, 1879, FOR SALE ersondls One Year ... Six Months m NATIONAL CDi.rORIAI_ ASSOCIATION yl/lun^tA-- STREET LOAFING PROVES Jil GREAT MENACE '•'•i.Wtth school just getting off tb a good start for another year many McHenry mothers and fathers are ex Sirs. May Powers and daughter, Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. James Powers and" sons visited relatives in Sycamore Sunday. Marie, who is enjoying a two weeks vacation, remained for a week's visit, i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett and Miss Harriet Bogey of Chicago visited Mrs. Kathryn Boger last weekend. Betty Althoff, student nurse at St. Therese hospital school of nursing, spent Friday and Saturday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Al- FOR SALE -- Two handsome, healthy thoff. Springer Pups, nearly six months old; | Dan Cooney, Freshman at DeKalb, one female, one male. Price $12 and j visited'his parents, HA*, and Mrs. Mar- $14, respectively. Good hunting stock. jtjn Cooney, last weekend. > I. J. Halladay, Salem, Wis. Tel, Bur-j Mr. sm Mrs. Walter Freund and lington, 42-Wv *21 daughter, Madeline, have returned from a two weeks visit with relatives FOR SALE -- Black Winter Coat, «2 00 Mfifht fur collar. Fitted, size 16. Up- ..................... . i to_date style, good condition. Can be seen at <.|£ Barbian's Style Shop on Green street, McHenry. 21 l FOR SALE -- Second - hand kitchen • sink, bath tub and kitchen cabinet. ^Vycital Hardware. 21 FOR SALE -- Light delivery truck, periencing a feeling of relief in know- Chevrolet; five nearly new tires and wig where their boys and girls are for tubes. Reasonably priced. J. M. Con- *pt least six hours of the day. Not that j nell, McHenry Country Club addition. • tfliese boys and girls, at least the great Phone McHenry 237-J, between noon majority, are cause for worry, but three months of vacation with little to do for most of them can easily cause -discontentment. This discontentment ,|san very easily lead to street loafing and 1 o'clock or after 6 p. m. 21 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Pete Justen was a Chicago caller last Friday. Miss Ruth Klodziriski spent the weekend at her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kauss, Jr.', 01 FOR SALE-M3ats and Wheat. Inquire | Chicago visited relatives in McHenry at 202 S. Green St. A. E. Noonan. j last weekend. /N , 17-tf | Mrs. Mike Schaefer of Crystal , -------- --r---------- I^ake and Mrs. Ben Adams visited the which has been proven dangerrjus tp ]*OR SA LE--An eight-room modern latter's husband in Victory Memorial grouth throughout the country. , home and garage on Richmond Road, j hospital in Waukegan Saturday after- Mrs. Walter Wisirner at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Saturday evening.. Mr. and Mrs/ Alfons Adams and little daughter visited in the Ray Walsh home in Fox Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kimball of Chicago, former residents, visited friends here Sunday. . P. F. C. Albert Vales, who is stationed at Fort Sheridan, visited his parents last Sunday. INTERESTING HEAR8YNEWS NEW WESTERN UNITED GAS REDUCTION RATES , WILL EFFECT 93,000 Approximately 93.000 residential, commercial and small industrial gas customers of the Western United Gas stantial reduction in natural gas ceefc to utilities. The first reductipiy itf ifHttlt,, ed ^$297,000.00 annually. : If ? PERSONALS John Molidor of Great Lakes .visMwi the John Scheid home Tuesday and Electric company will pay $210,- i evening 000.00 less per year for gas under a j Mr and Mrs Albert Purvey are vktreduced rate schedule filed by the com-1 iting their son) Dr. John Purvey,Jat Richard Ifrover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Drover of Barrington, has been awarded a $1,200 Francis . jwit ^ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gladstone and Plym traveling fellowship through an pany and approved by the Illinois j iLrvingstonrLa' son, Melvin, spent Sunday visiting I architectural drawing competition. The "" " Chicago relatives. contest was open to graduates of the Margaret Larkin of McHenry and I Unversity of Illinois. In normal times Mabel Knox of Terra Cotta were Cni the prize was a trip to Europe cago callers Saturday. vv „ ' * J Xj* * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chicago spent a few Letourneau of days the past In a letter received recently from EdWiri Stowe, Crystal Lake, who is week visiting their daughter and fam- i stationed with the Coast Guard at ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle at Mc- ; Point Pleasant, N. J., he tells of win- Cullom Lake. Mrs. Pearl Fortin of | ning a Bulova wrist watch as the "air" •Chicago was a Sunday caller in the | award at an amateur contest in Brook- Bourelle home and accompanied the|lyn. Eddie played his guitar and har- In an illuminating story released re- near St. Mary's church. A bargain! i n0on. ^-.^Ijently of a three year search into the t Causes and cure of delinquency, it was * ijevealed that street loiafing and radio " erime stories are big factors in heading youth downward. •y.-y:r Naturally, delinquency is not the problem in a small town that it is in M city like Chicago where these stud- ' • tes were conducted. However, in spite , «f the fact that McHenry is a comparatively small city, the proximity of it to one of the largest cities in the %orld has necessarily changed conditions from most inland town®; It is <Dnly natural that ideas andf customs originating in the larger cities be soon adopted in the nearby communities. - Supervised Recreation Of the large number of delinquent children in this recent study it was found that ninety-two per cent made the street their loafing place, with no supervised recreation. For this reason mothers and fathers here may Call Mrs. John R. Knox.. .TeJ- 17. 10-tf FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin**" your walls ahd ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Flat in West McHenry. Call 95-M. ' 21-tf FOR RENT -- House at 206 Green Street. Inquire of William Schaefer, McCullom ,Lake. Tel. 603-J-l. *21-2 FOR RENT--Five-room modern lower apartment and .garage. Steam heat. In McHenry. Call 17. 21-tl FOR RENT--Six-room nicely furnished, insulated home; two-car garage; gas, electricity, hot running water. *rell appreciate the effort being made ^hre€ to"s co^ a11 winte 0 r; |»y local authorities to prevent delin- I Sevennghaus, P.staKee Bay. 21 ^uency from sneaking in. FOR RENT -- 280-aCTO farm In addition to many church and , . , , _ .. School organizations in McHenry, the > LLlg'ilWay ftDOIlt fiV© miles City council, and high and grade school j f r O lU Alltioch) all modern boards have done much to co-operate j hinlHinprg; 200 acres tillable; in this respect by providing supervised | . . ' - . , . play for youth of ail ages through- j tenant must furnish equipment. For further information, address Box 5, care The McHenry Plaindealer. 21-2 HELP WANTED out the summer months. In spite of all this, however, local streets seem to be attractive to some of our boys and girls. Harmless though it may seem now, the trend may develop into something serious : »|n years to come without the proper toMiperation of the parentis. So try to ^encourage your young son and daughter to create an interlst in these MEN WANTED -- To work on sewer Supervised activities and refrain from ! construction in Williams Bay, Wist Impending their free time on the street, j Three months work. Apply at Bay WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter. Boat Co. 18-tf They will gain untold advantages. RATIONING BOARD . ONE OF COUNTY'S H BUSIEST PLACES Oil Co. Station or to foreman at Eleanor Gamp, Williams Bay, Wis. 21-3 Frances Stratton, who is studying at the Oak Park hospital, visited in McHenry last weekend. Mrs. Eugene Sayler, Mrs, Floyd Cooley and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald were Chicago callers last Friday. Janet Dolan, teacher in the local high school, spent the weekend at her home in( Genoa, 111. Paul Yanda returned home from Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Sunday after undergoing surgery a week previous. Barbara Carey, who is attending Marywood School for Girls in Evanston, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr?. Gerald Carey. Anita and Cletus Althoff of Chicago spent Saturday and Sundt^ at their home here. 1 _ Frances Michels of Chicago visited" {friends and relatives here last weekend. The Frank Sayler family of Wood- ! stock were McHenry callers last Satj urday. \ Mrs. Kathryn Boger and Miss Chris- ; tine Adams of McHenry and Mrs. Har. ; old Frett and Miss Harriet Boger of j Chicago visited Ben Adams at Victory Memorial hospital Sunday. Miss Ethel Jones was a Chicago caller Friday. Mrs. Gerald Carey visited in Chicago one day the last of the week. Mrs. M. J. Walsh, daughters, Mary and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh and daughters and Mrs. W. F. Burke were Sunday visitors in "the Louis Young home in Waukegan. Mrs. Theresa Hickey has been spending a few days in Chicago. Mrs. Nellie Bacon visited in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake one day last week. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann Frisby, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Lake Villa,, visited Letourneaus home in the evening. Sunday guests in the Jos A. Schaefer home at McCullom Lake were Fred Schaefer of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gorski and children of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann and daughter, John Freund, Millie and Susie Frett, Eleanor Schaefer and Micky Untz of McHenry. Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Wauconda visited her sister, Mrs. Alfons Adams, last Thursday. Donald Tonyan and Bob Adams of McHenry and Bill Ried of McCullom Lake are vacationing in Texas. Mrs. Arthur McVickers and baby of Elgin are visiting in the home of her parents this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doberstein of Chicago spent Thursday visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Doberstein,v at McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger visited in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan of Chicago and Mrs. Frank Havet and daughter, Shirley, of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the Alvin Peterson home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petitclair "And son, Paul, of Waukegan visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skow and son, monica and was very pleased when notified he had won the, air award. His | . many friends in this community have j as PosslDIe long realized his ability as a showman | and were not surprised at his achieve- j ment. ... > Commerce Commission. I Mrs. Weber of Chicago spent StTfr- "The bulk of the reduction, amount- j day with her mother, Mrs. O. Conklin, ing to $165,000.00 per year, Will ac-; who is critically ill at her home nettr crue to residential customers in their the golf course. Aise for cooking, water heating and j Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and space heating," the company spokes- j s(>n) Frank, visited in the Eder home man said. j in Evanston Sunday. Marguerite The new rates according to the com- ( Johnson, who was a weekend guest mission's orders are to be effective | there, returned home with her family within twenty days after issuance of I that evening. the new schedule October 1, and the j Mrs. Jack Walsh has returned frota company will start billing customers ! a visit of several days with her daachunder the reduced schedule as quickly A Winthrop Harbwr woraan was burned to death Tuesday, September 29, shortly before noon when her honle in that village was gutted bv flames. Mrs. M. Leon Smith, 70, of 905 Franklin avenue, was the victim. Neighbors said that Mrs. Smith had left the house when she discovered the fire, but had returned for something and was evidently trapped by the flames. The reduction in rates is the second; within six months given by the company as a result of the Illinois Commerce Commission's case against 4the Natural . Gas Pipeline company of America which brought about a subter, Mrs. George Miller, and family ft . Chicago. - v;. * "..Reverse Charge? . The cost of stopping and starttag a 560-ton passenger train traveling at a speed of 50 miles per hour ries from about 84 cents to $2.80. Theft of, most of his belongings while he and other employes on the place were at work in the fields Saturday, September 26, was reported to the Lake county sheriff's office by Emit Nesbit, 53, a farmhand on the St. Mary's( of the Lake farm near Mundelein. Nesbit says that his best suit of clothing, two extra pants and many accessories were taken by the thief. He believes that a former farmhand on the farm who was discharged several weeks ago committed the burglary. • ( Pltclier Beauty Bag * t l , ) J r*"*5'*' Shortly after receiving official notification from the war department that . _r her husband, First Sergeant Walter Charles^ of Woodstock, Dr. ajid Mrs. LeFew, is missing in action, Mrs. Carrie Jones LeFew of Harvard passed an examination for entrance into the J. W. Justen of Momence, 111., and Paul Justen of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of their parents, > Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. j jjas been accepted for service. Her Math Laures has returned to Fay | husband was stationed at Corregidor Lake, Wis., after spending several I Island in the Philippines when it capidays at, his home here. N j tulated to the Japanese and is now be- Mrs. Ellen Whiting attended the ! lieved to be in a prison camp in China funeral of a relative in Rockford on j or on the islands. Hugh Price is an- Friday. | other Harvard young man who was Mrs. Mildred May and son, J. C., stationed there at the time of the surholds Revlon Nail Enamel, Remover You'd love these pouchy little bags for all your purse.cosnietics if they ° were empty! They're twice al en* chanting filled with America's best loved Nail Enamel--«. your unrivaled*" stay-on" Revlon --and Remover. Yummy colors in real sili| velvet; also ray6U|i checked taffeta. | HELP WANTED--Maid for general j housework. Only two in family. No -- ' laundry. Call or phone F. C. Sher- ; The McHenry county rationing | man, Woodlawn Park, McHenry. Tel. Iboard headquarters has been a busy \ McHenry 298. . *21 son, and the former's father, N. C. Klein, of Waukegan visited relatives here Sunday. WANTED fplace since January of this year a sur- j vey of the records disclosed early this j i<jweek. A total of 1,670 permits to pur- w A xxr . ,. u u ! >hase various types of tires including I ^AJ™) ~ ^°man for ^S^ouse- 1 j work. No washing, ironmg. To stay ] jtruck, passenger, recap and grade two nights. Mrs. Edward Schmitt. Tel , • ^ tires were granted. Permits for 1,478 tubes have been v v;issued. During the past seven months ft ^permits for the purchase of 103 new '•'* } cars have been issued. During the past * , month permits for new passenger 1 "tires dropped to a new low when fiff " ; teen were issued. Following is a box score of the pei>- -."Imits issued by months since the first 656-R-2. 21-2 ANIMALS WANTED v; «f the year: Truck Tires, Tubes %• Tires Tubes u January 7* 33 February ........ Sl';v-v 43 March ...:...147 138 April 121 94 May ........121 114 June 115 106 July ...138 100 •k- August ........ September ........ 148 102 tfrr- •> 79 DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE i WAR -- Five dollars is the least we | pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf WE PAY HIGHEST Prices for dead horses, cows, hogs, sheep and calves. Prompt day or night service, including holidays. Farmers Rendering Service. Crystal Lake 8003Y-1. We pay phone charges. 5-26 MISCELLANEOUS 1,012 Passenger Tires, Tabes - , January February .. March April May June July August September February;.. March ....... April ......... May June July --. August September Tires .... 38 . 8Q ...t -41 41 2» ..... 23 ..... 18 .....22 .....15 809 Tubes 28 26 34 52 72 74 94 162 127 FREE RENT of 4-room flat, large enclosed porch; furnace heat; electric i refrigeration and gas stove; in exj change for chores around small farm, j mornings and evenings. Located about 4% miles northeast of McHenry. Geo. iReiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. 21 1 COUPLE WANTED -- As I am callj ed to the army, would like couple to share my mother's modern home in McHenry Country club addition. Cost to be half of living expenses. Tel. J McHenry 215-R, after 7 p.m. Ray- [mond L. Klein. ' *21 267. Trucks 17 .... 27 ....27 .... 24 .... 63 .... 19 .... 46 ....80 McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- double bill -- Brian Donlevy - Miriam Hopkins (1) "A GENTLEMAN AFTER DARK" (i2| "BIR. BUG GOES TO TOWN" SUNDAY AND MONDAY October 11 - 12 Tyrone Power - Joan Fontaine in "THIS ABOVE ALL" Phis -- Cartoon and World News TUESDAY -- Adults 22c (1) "Thru Different Eyes" (2) "Pardon My Stripes" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY "IT HAPPENED IN u FLATBUSH" • Pass. 62 97 119 130 239 273 802 M0 ». March -- .10 Ajwfl - -- 14 May -- 17 JUJie Jttljr 16 August .......26 , September 8 " ' ' . ' *. '7, New Car* ;f... - Ffei Hifta for new caffc • 'wcte isauad to the following in September: James M. Sprinkel, Woodstock. George J. Wehrenberg, Richmond.' H. H. Mass, Algonquin. Wm. A. Boehmke, Fax River Grove. Arthur Wilbrandt, Crystal Lake. Abe Cooper, West McHenry. Frank He«s, Ringwood. Tbeo. Nagel, Ringwood. ..... New Bikes Permits for new bikes wcore issued to following: Gunnar Olson, Crfrtd Lake. WHEEL BALANCING, WHEEL ALIGNMENT--For maximum tire wear, smoother riding and safe driving have your car checked by our New- Balance Master and Manbee alignment gauges. KNOX MOBILGAS STATION, 100 Grant St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 77. 2-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose ef your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. . Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 11-tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN -- On and after October 1, 1942, I will not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Harry N. Wright. 20-8 The Beautiful l-IIOVAl! mm CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre Motion Distinguishes Satellite A satellite is distinguished from ft planet by its motioa rfcther than by it* size. A aatell&tjoos «ro«nd the planet. Yeo've Kiita One George W. Ferris, an engineer of Oolesburg, HL, dea^psed and ooostructed the first of these revolving wheels for the World's Columbian exposition held in Chicago in 18M Helen Manley, Harvard. " Howard Behrens, McHen^, - G. B. Stuart, Marengo. Tennes <>abrielson. Woodstock. Viola Bradley, CrysUl Lake. FRI. A SAT. -- October 9 - 10 Victor McLaglen - June Havoc in "POWDER TOWN" s Pine Regis Toomey in "BULLET SCARS" SUN. tt MON. -- October 11 . 12 Sunday Continuous from 2:46 Barbara Stanwyck in THE GREAT MAN'S LADY" with Joel McCrea • Brian Donlevy YouH see it with your heart! 18e TUESDAY l«c Tax le SPECIAL ' Tax U •verybody's B|pS' "MOKEY" witii Donna Reed - Bobby Blake. WED. & THITRS. -- October 14 • U John Clements - Jane Baxter in "SHIPS WITH WINGS" Plas -- Fete Smith and News Tliat Wed. and Thara. Event: render. Subscribe for The Plaindealer! BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street --: McHenry heats giant steel forgings i for warship shafts tED here is a scene iri one of ^Northern Illinois' steel, forging plants '•^^iherc. shafts for warships* enormous die blocks and steel mill rolls squeezed into shape in giant presses. *In this steel forging operation, immense billets of steel must be reduced to plastic state for pressing. Gas is used f$r this type of war production. Gas is -- also placing an important part in hundreds of other war industries of Nor- Uiern Ulinois. . The manufacture in Northern Illinois of war materials needed by our armed forced ib dependent upon the services 'Y~^|arnishcd hj the Western United Gat and Electric Company. Our first ro» ft- ; S|>on8&bility is Is supply these service* lor wacr plnfb is the area we aerWjjjjU ?o this purpose are dedicated our |aeUit^ 1) ,-j / In oonvoyiag troops and supplies .v rass the seas.. .in driving th# enemies from their stroagholdl in defending Amsrica's shores ' .from attaok oar Navy is playing : a glorious role in the nation's fight for Victory. Northern Illinois. ' is proud of its part in providing fighting men and materials for. WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY

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