McCULLOM LAKE We of McCullom Lake are sorry to learn of the death of Roy Feiereisel, 1 ith Chicago fireman, who 'was ihjured i Stasch. Mr. and Mrs. C. Franz, Mrs. C, Porwaldt returned to her work at Libertyville. Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg Of Mylith Park entertained a group of ladies at a three o'clock luncheon last Friday. Callers at the Mason cottge at Myl- Park last Sunday were John RINGWOOD r U] j were callera in Genoa City Saturday I evening. i The annual bazaar and chicken supfa i per sponsored by the W. S. C. S. will be held at the Community hall Thurs- The Ringwood unit of the Home j day, October 29. Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Ray- ' Sunday dinner guests in the Chanmond Harrisop on Tuesday afternoon cey Harrison home were Mr. and Mrs. .last Thursday in the explosion of an 'Roderie. Mrs. B. Ruthenberg, Mr. and]with fourteen members and seven vis- Henry Marlowe and sqns of Huntley air raid siren. He is a brother of Mrs. E. Mason and son, Donald, Mrs. j itors present. Reports were iriven by and Mr*. Frank Wattle* and Glenn of Clarence Feiereisel, who has resided E. Aridree and Mrs. M. Andree. J.each of the chairmen and the lohson, Mcll<<nry. here with his family for a number of | Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lueder and j "Fruit Cookery," was given by Mrs. Mr. i^nd Mrs. Edward Harrison ol years. daugfiter, Bern ice, and Mr. and Mrs.Sweeney. Elgin and Ed Howe of VVoodMwk wen- Mrs. William Schaefer and son, C. G. Dorwin of Wauconda were call- ' Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana Sunday afternoon culler* in the Harri- Wilbert, returned home last Saturday, ers Sunday at the home of Mr. and spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the son - Pert home. after spending a week in Missouri Mrs. Harry Matthews* . Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Joe Huemann and Mr*. Fred where they were visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason arid Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Huemann of Johnsburg spent Tuesday Mrs. Eva Klawitter, mother of Mrs. Thomas C. Kennedy of Mylith Park ' guests in the William Hiene home in j evening in the George Young home. Giant's Footprints Footprints nine inches wide and several feet apart, found again in the Himalayas, have revived native leg* ends about the "Himalayan giant." Corn Plaster Trouble CaaaMj Common causes of com planters stringing out the hills are worn shoes or furrow opwrs, fault* valve action owing to wear or dirt, worn or sprung check heads,, traveling at high speed* or worn or gummed clutch. Failure to check accurately may be the result of failure to keep uniform check wire, tension, running the planter frame out of level, Schlitt, Jr., attended the wedding of enjoyed lunch at the Skyline Athletic Chicago Sunday. In the afternoon j * Mr amj Joe SJl(iror and Vary mid^ller8^3 °V W°rn Che°k '0rltS her grandson in Chicago last Satur- club in Chicago Monday. they called on Eugene Thomas ' jane *0f Waukeiran were Sundav afday evening. Mrs. Schlitt, Sr.. re- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg of , Glenview. . . ternoon callers in the Ed Bauer home. turned home last Thursday after Mylith Park were callers at Rockford Wayne Foss spent Saturday night ^rs. Arthur Rupp and son of Desspending a month visiting her daugh- last Tuesday. were callers in the iS. "W ;ter, Mrs. Patterson, who resides in Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rodene of Chi- ? Glenview. 'catro were Sunday guests at the home > Mrs: Math Donkel and mother spent 0f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodene at the past week at their home here. Mylith Park. and Sunday wjth friends in, Rockford., PlainGS vS. _ e W'ednch ™»s hostess to the Smith home Saturda afternoon. Bunco ciub at the home of Mrs. Lester ; „ ,, . Al • , . . , T Carr Thursday afternoon. Prizes were , Ca,1f8 Jn the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., «. by«Frt„„d .„d ««, stop. hv. They w re joinqd-by thte rpst of their Mr; and Mrs. Ted Carlson of Gur- 'ard. Nordtrren and Nanev and Mr and Mrs * * on Saturday, evening who later noe were callers tft the home of Mr. !' Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond enjoyed a very delicious t sPaf?- arid Mrs. Charles Rodene at Mylith j called on Jennie liacon Thursday . **<./•» fcetti dinner given at McDo|iald's tav-' paj.jj Sunday. A baby shower Wis givferi in the rMyiith Park were hosts oft Saturday ; family of McHenry and. Arthur home of Mrs. Scotriic last week'in ..'evening to Mr .andMrs. M, Wulhutter J Schultz of Richmond were callers in honor of Mrs. Kominski. Those who Qf Chicago attended were Mrsi Scotnic's mothor, her daughter and two children, Mrs., Banka and cousin, Mrs. Cable, Mrs.'. Sales. Mrs. Kiddlesen, Mrs. Ann Horri, Mrs. Bruzinski, Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Feiereisel and Mrs. Grotthuss. Mrs. Sawdo and Mrs. Lisoenby sent gifts. Don Smart and son. Waukegan; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Wood- Earlene and Jean xr„. tL m m „..a Mrs. Dan Laurence, Mrs. George vogel and son, Phillip and Jackie Wheeler of Elkhorn; Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Sanders of Fontana; Carson Peiren of Plattville, Wis; : Paul Bruckner and Bette Vestley of Chicago and Mr. and Mexicans and Muaie Music is a passion with the Mexicans, and every town plaza has its bandstand for evening concerts. The marimba is a more primitive instrument than the brasses used in band concerts, but when skillfully played it is exceedingly effective. The wooden sound boxes give resonance to the tones produced by striking strips of hard wood in the same manner as a xylophone, f VOLO the Roy Wiedrich heme Sunday after noon. • Mrs. E^ E. Whiting, Mrs* Sibri Whiting, Peggy and Sandra, spent Friday in Norwood Park. Mrs. Henry Hienze of Crystal Lake spent Monday in the Harrison-Feet home. * Mrs. Charles Mountford of Genoa Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson of Chi- Ed Doran says he has more import- cago spent the weekend here at the ant things to hunt this hunting season i home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cham-j City spent last weekend with "her than ducks. I wonder what it could bers. f | daughter, Mrs. Oscar Bergl be? He was seen walking down Green Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller and son,! Mr. and M"rs. Henry Stephenson street Sunday morning with a new rat 1 Robert, of McHenry were Tuesday called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tu* cage. i evening visitors at the home of Mr. j ner at Hebron Sunday evening. A farewell party was given in hofior ! and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended of Wilbert Schaefer last Sunday ' Master Benjamin True of Wauke- a party at the Verne Mickleson home ITony Freund and Pete Weingart Mrs. Charles Brennan of Richmond. §frs. W. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake ¥ spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Alice Gaulke of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. iBob Kralowetz. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained ftiembers of their card club Saturday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. James Bell. Math Blake, Mrs. evening at Bill's Place. Those pres-: gan spent the past week here at the in Woodstock Sunday. ent were Mr. and Mrs. E. Fontana, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fontana and Mr. and ; home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Clinton and Eugene Raven of Slo- Mrs. Van De Huten, all of Cicero; j cum Lake spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Krettler, Mr. and Mrs. ; their grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Dow- Loatz, Mrs.' Bohr, Ernie, George , and j ell. Miss Poynton, Mr. and Mrs. Schlitt, I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. McKim, Mr. and Mrs. j family of Chicago were Sunday vis- Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barbian, j itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. H. Miller and Pearl, Glenn Wat-j Harry Chambers. ties, Irv Laures, Mrs. Phil Guinto, i Mr. and Mrs., George Scheid, Jr., Mrs. Lawson, Miss Myers and brother, • of Walidonda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saunstanc and daughter | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday of DesPlaines, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lar- , evening. son and Mr. and Mrs. Pyritz. Otto! Sergeant Ray Newman of Brooklyn, furnished the music . . . and what ! N. Y., called at the home of Mr. and music it was! i Mrs. Frank King Sunday. Miss Pat Boyle, granddaughter of1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. McKim, will cele- ( family were Crystal Lake ' callers brate her first birthday Friday, Oc- Wednesday. tober 16. I Special church services will be held It is good to,see Peggy and Earljat the Volo Community Bible church Whiting around here. We have not TSunday evening, October 18r at eight The following officers were elected seen much of them since they went to Ringwood. Steve Huska, Jr., was missing a tooth in the front of his mouth Monday evening. This stone throwing is a serious matter. , Mrs. H. Murphy and Mrs. Pyritv spent last Thursday in Chicago. o'clock. There will be no morning ser- JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener of Volo called on Mrs. William Althoff Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Math Karl of Chicago spent a few days in the home of Mike Schaefer recently. Mrs. Fred Smith entertained the five ; hundred club Thursday afternoon T The , 0 i prizes were awarded to Mrs. Delia Visitors at the Snuth home on Sun-: Miller> Mrs cha^ Michels and Mrs. day were Mr. and Mrs. Shannon of ; pre<j Smith. Jannett Halley entertained the members of the Pinochle rlub Tuesday afternoon. Members present were Ethel Smith, Phylis Nimtz, Irene Sales, Carrie Kurth, Florence Larson, Margaret Reid, Mrs. Goranson ana Mrs. Ball of Villa Park. Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Freemon and Mr. and Mrs. Madsen of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of California are the proud parents of a daughter born Tuesday morning, Oct. 13. The Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent Sunday with Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer, Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund j Saturday Mrs^ R. S. Harrison and Edith spent, at the Girl Scout meeting Monday: Saturday in the I. E. Walker home in j Patrol leadfer, Dolores Betts; assistant Waukegan. « < leader, Muriel Butler; secretary, Car^ Florence Zapfe of Chicago spent " the weekend in the S. W. Smith hom^. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Tuesday evening-at Twin Lakes. Mrs. John Hogan and children spent j leader. Sunday in the Charles Ackerman home in Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Olsen and Peter of West McHenry were callers in the Ray Merchant home Sunday evening. Mrs. John Leedle and two daughters of West Chicago called on Rev. and Mrs. Collins one day last week. Mrs. Roy Sutton and daughter, Linda Rae, returned home on Monday J ^ay evening, from the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and fam ily of Greenwood were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mrs. Edith Faulkner and Mrs. Besole Harrison; assistant, Suzanne Muzzy; reporter, LuAnn Bauer; recreation leaders, Norma Carlson,-Dolores Feltes. Bemice Hawley is the troop Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., called on Mrs. Roy Sutton at the Woodstock hospital Sunday evening. George Young was a business caller in Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Kruse of Aurora and Marguerite Covell of Richmond called on their sister, Mrs. Roy Sutton, Monnriother is the former Janeashbume, son> Billy, of Ingleside and Laura daughter of Mrs. Irma Washburne of Meyers of McHenry were supper Beauty Parlor How the beauty parlor goes to war: The iron that used tojgo into a* single hair dryer is enough for sie Burroughs of Wilmot were Sunday.] s*x hand grenades. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison. ** Helen and Janet Johnson, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy and Mary Wied-" rich spent Thursday evening in the P. C. Leonard home at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Rose Jepson left on Sunday for Evanston where she will spend the winter with her daughter and husband , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lingren of Chicago and Herbert Zapfe of Des- Moines, Iowa, were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Virginia and Irene, of Elgin and Mrs. Charles Coles of McCullom Lake were guests in the Ray Merchant home Sunday. . Bernard Yanke of Geaoa City spent with his cousin, Leland McCullom Lake. SIX)CUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Parks, Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sowers of Wauconda were callers last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs.' William Matthews attended the 68th annual session of the Grand chapter, O. E. S., in Chicago last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfannenstill and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lloy Pfannenstill and daughter of Mundelein spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. W. E. Brooks spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Annie Adams at Diamond Lake. guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs i William J. Meyers Wednesday evening. t ! Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chicago | spent Sunday with relatives and ! friends here. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund and ! daughter, Lavern, and Mr. and Mrs. j Everett Hvomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder in Chicago. Eddie and Paul Huff visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff at Richmond Sunday. Joe Pitzen of Waulqegan was a caller here Monday afternoon. Miss Catherine Althoff, Elgin, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. William Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls of Spring Grove were callers here Monday. Mrs. Sam Skifano and Mrs. Susan Faus and son of Chicago attended the funeral of William Adams here Monday morning. Mrs. Peter F. Freund entertained the five hundred club Monday even Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and Betty Lou of Maple Park were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the j'nS- were merited by Mrs. Steve home of Mr. and Mrs. John BlomgTen. j May' Mrs. Peter Smith and Mrs. Joe Miss Estella Dowell spent Monday ^ * Freund. and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and lirs. Jotui Passfield at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Park were callers at Grayslake and Woodstock last Tuesday. Goats Plague In National Park Goats have become a plague in the national park of Mount Egmont, one of New Zealand's volcanoes. Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Eight hundred were shot in the last Park spent Tuesday and Wednesday 7«ar. The plague was started when *•': • - ft:" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luder mann in Chicago. Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, and Mrs. Catherine Wagner of Grayslake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Hansen last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago were guests Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart, at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhart of Williams Park were callers last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Burghgraef at Burton's Bridge. At a three o'clock nuptial ceremony performed by Rev. R. C. Hallock in the Federated church, Waoconda, Miss Ethel Dowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowell, of this community, became the bride of Mr. Willis Dorwmldt of Barrington. The lovely bride attired in a soldier blue street and hat and wore a corsage of white carnations. Her maid of honor, a sister of the bride, wore a street dreM and hat of purple color and Elmer $6huraacher of Bkrrington served the groom as best man. Following the wedding, the bridal couple and members of the immediate families enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. On Monday the groom Was inducted f"** the Amnmm ~asd Miff settlers liberated the animals several years ago, according to Auckland reports. Weight Illusion Under red light the average person will tend to judge weights as heavier. Under green and blue lights there is a tendency to Judge them as being lighter, One manufacturer had certain ooxes repainted green rather than black as he found that his employees were less conscious of the heavy burden of lifting and carrying the green boxes. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., ana Bobby Brennan returned home Friday from a ten day vacation in Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Joe King and son, Michael of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiting. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw, Fanny Udall, Lizzie and Laura Munshaw of Elgin called on Jennie Bacon and Mrs. William McCannon Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. W. Brown was a caller in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent the weekend at Algonqnin. Mrs. Ardin Frisby of Greenwood was a Sunday caller in the Clayton Harrison home. Mrs. P. E. Sauhders, Helen and Janet Johnson, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Peggy and Mary Wiedrich were callers in the Math Freund home at Solon Mills Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and family visited in the Jane Stanford and F. N. Muzzy homes at Marengo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday in McHenry. Andrew Hawley spent Thursday and Friday in Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family of Elgin spent Sunday after- [noon and evening in the R. C. Harrison home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mae and Mrs. Lester Carr were callers in Woodstock and Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday afternoon in McHenry. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns and son of McHenry and Mrs. Elkerton and daughter of Kenosha were callers in the Walter Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were guests in the Math Nimsgern home at Spring Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kryder and children and Frank Kryder of Cedarville, 111., Rev. and Mrs. Dickson of Greenwood and Edmund Dickson of Milwaukee were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ewell of Highland Pack were callers in the George Young home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Joseph Kattner home at, Spring Grove. Billy Brennan of Harvard spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. W. R. Hoffman of Crystal Lake spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg spent Sunday with tfce former's brother at Walworth. jbsswti Harrison aadFrank Wiedrich llfhatyou BtUf, With WAH BONDS • • * A pelorns, used by the Navy, is a device which fits over the surface of a compass to enable the operator to take bearings on distant objects. It has split hair sights, has been in use for many years . . , and costs approximately $125. VICTORY DAIRYMEN OF ILLINOIS rROVING to their audience that unsanitary milk production is '""sabotage" the team of McLean /county boys shown above won the championship In the 4-H 'dairy production demonstration "fleam contest held nt the University of Illinois Callege of Agriculture. They are Lowell Swigart, .15, left, and Bob TraverS, 17, right. They demonstrated the essentials and benefits of cov." i i sani tion. Coach of the team was HoW» ard Morse, center, local 4-H clutt leader. As the State champion; team they will represent Illinois In the national finals to be held in connection with the national 4-H Club Congress, Chicago, Nov* ember 29 to December 2. There they will have an opportunity t»' > try for a share of the $2,800 pro*:- vided by the Kraft Cheese Com*.; pany in scholarships for national * • '-»»ers. SPRING GROVE i joyed a wiener roast on the lawn at | Tommy's home Sunday afternoon. " : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattnefv^Mr. ---- ' and Mrs. Nerbert Klaus, Paul/ ---- ~ l and Miss Alyce Nodland att^ A lar^-e crowd gathered at the Town ! party at Schuenemann's^ hall on Wednesday night for a party honoring John Sanders and Harold Stanek, who were inducted into the Grass Lake given by the Grass Lake Social club Saturday night. Jake Miller, William Shotliff, Arn- U. S. army. The evening was spent at! old Kattner and Charles Freund. spent These instruments are essential equipment to every American ship which comes out of the shipyards. With the scores of ships now being completed each month, we need i dancing and refreshments were served. Gifts "were presented the honored guests. They left for Camp Grant on Friday, October 9. A san weighing eleven and one-half pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergsma at their home on Wednesday, October 7. Mrs. G. H. Jortes, Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer are attending First Aid classes at Richmond on Thursday nights. Martin May, who is in the U. S. Navy, spent the weekend here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, Mr. many of these instruments. Your land Mrs. Charles Freund and Mr. and purchase of War Bonds and Stamps Mrs. Edwin Freund of Crystal Lake will help pay for them. Invest at j spent an evening at cards in the Walleast ten percent of your income ev- ter Brown home on Thursday. Re- Wednesday at the court house in Woodstock taking instructions on fir© protection. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders visited their son, Private John Sanders, at Camp Grant, Rockford, on Sunday. Mrs. William Adsit, daughter, Beverly, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrens, on Sunday. v Miss Lorraine May, who is employed in Zion, spent Sunday at her home here. ery payday in these interest bearing Government securities. U. S. Treasury Deportment freshments were served, Tommy and Charlotte Freund, Eugene May and 'Herbert Wagner en- Necessary &na Gregory Rasputin, the mad monk of Russia, was bludgeoned to death in December. 1916. It's common sense to It thrifty. If yon save yon are thrifty. War Bonds help yw • to save and help to save America. Buy your ten percent every pay day. \o \>e Jast tam rat lights...doa't p«ll turn switch Pulling main switches needlessly reduces the efficient operation of a home. There are many electric appliances that serve a vital household function without casting a light. Ranges, oil burners, water heaters, refrigerators, clocks, radios -- any break in their operation lessens the efficiency of the hpOK. Hake yrav hose livable during Uackrai SlNCE the United States Army can order blackouts whenever advisable, wise house* holders already hire definite plans for blacking out their homes with the greatest efficiency.;; * Read your newspapers carefully for black* <Htt regulations issued by Civilian Defense authorities. Here are some suggestions and reminders that will help you carry out the official regulations in your home. SSSaSBBWSP BA blackout, especially a long one, may have a harmful, depressing effect on your family--unless some part of your home is specially prepared for living under blackout conditions^ You may want to select one room as a "refuge room," and black out its windows so that the family can gather in cheerful surroundings. Also, you may want to black out the bathroom window. It's a good idea to make the same preparations for your kitchen, too, in case of a prolonged blackout Write rat yrav "hltchrat fchrialt" Don't leave die blacking out of your home to chance. Make a list of all the things that have to be done. Appoint cm member of the family to be responsible, with a substitute to serve in his absence. If you plan to be away from home during the evening, and wish to leave a light burning, be sure to make some arrangement with a neighbor. Remember, even "practice" blackouts may come without warning! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPACT Or NORTHERN ILLINOIS Service Order --101 WiUUnu St, Ory ital Uk>~Tttophwn SaterpriM 4100. ••V ^ •• • " • . >'