^ ^"'f* '* fW " .-™ ^ ^i/'^r-^* • «•-' im 'in" v. /.-V - % wVC ^.-^ : #' zzr* dm: fr ^f^-f\"V; £". i; v'-Cv r '•*->v .,-} :;vc-/'- .? .;&> m^V' ., ™ • *--* . % -*r V-Y¥ V--.^' v;'f'- -:v* ** ' ' - w , -r '•>. fe: :". - ;^r •' ,- S-r: *V' '%, ' te Kflnntt plaikdialm >v,y; ••;«;, ****,•»**«*» "r. ,'*vv- ,'i«< RINGWOOD (By Helen Johnson) JOHNSBUItG T (By Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers) * . Sr, and Mrs. Henry StepKenaonJ -Ttrs. Ben H. Stilling and daughter, "%W* wallers in Crystal Lake Monday Rita, and Mrs. Frank Klappench mo- *f|«nioon. tored to Waukegan Wednesday.. Ifas. J. Hickey 6f McHenry spent; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of ^•Hfcidbgr with Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Woodstock spent Sunday in the home Mrs. Jce Weber of McHcnry and of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Matt Nimsgern of Spring Grove : Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and son, Le- *4ipent Thursday with Mrs. Nickjroy, spent Friday afternon with Mrs. Young. Walt Freund at Ingleside. Mrs. Jack Leonard and Helen John-*1 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chispent* Tuesday in Rockford And cago spent Sunday with relatives here. Visited the Crotty Hobby museum. , 1 Mrs. George Freund entertained the Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Five Hundred club Monday evening, Saturday evening in Woodstock. prizes being awarded to Mrs. Wm. J. Mrs. Roy Wiedricli, Dickie and" Meyers, Mrs. Joe King and Mrs. Kath- « Marjie spent Thursday with Mrs.!? erine Pierce. William Aubert at Waukegan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zollner and * Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Johnson and son of Chicago spent Sunday with Art family and Mrs. Nellie Vollman of Peters and Bill Marz. >-* v Elgin were Sunday guests in the R, <C. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. J. Meyers and flan ison home. •>' - son, Leroy, attended the birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Har- party for Mrs. Phil Guinto Sunday yard were callers in the. B. T. Butler evening. Jlome Sautrday evening. Mrs. Wm. J Meyers entertained the Mr, and Mi's. George Young and Five Hundred club Wednesday after? If red spent Saturday evening in the noon,) prizes being awarded to Mr#. r F. Freund home at McHenry. Peter Smith, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers anel Mrs. Emma Beatty, Mrs. Viola L^, flirs. Joe King. Alice Mae. Robert and Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski arid child I here, spent Monday visiting his aunt,! ! and friends. He has been in the army j for the past two years, and is now enjoying a furlough. It has been over a year since he saw his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burg, and the rest of the family. Army life certainly agrees with him. Kilfethers spent Tuesday here. Mc- Cullom Lake stili looks good to them. They now reside in Oak Park. Violet ScheUbert and Zelma Grotthuss will also have a birthday, Friday, Nov. 13. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ryan were Sunday visitors at Scheubert's home. Mrs. W. Halley spent Monday in Chicago. , . The Crick family are out for the rest of the hunting season. This week the Pinochle club which meets every second week, were entertained by Mrs. Nimitz. Some of the Chicago folks who were out over the weekend wer Elartons, Rose Hagadorn, Strawlshoffs, Colins, Arterys, Stuhlfeier, Muzenskis, Burgs and the Ray Murphys. . ' JOHNSBURG (By Mrs. Arthur Klein) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and 'Pons Thomas spent Sunday in the ren and Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstj daughters spent one night last week ?.-£harles Prey home at Blue Island. of Woodstock, Mrs. George King and j celebrating Mrs. Peter Brown's birth- Mrs. Hem y Marlowe, son, Byron, family spent Sunday with Mr. and j»day anniversary at Volo. and daughter, Ann, of Huntley spent Mrs. Joe P. Miller. I Messrs. and Mesdames Frank SLOCUM LAKE (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion an# Ira Cook and daughter. Ilene, of Roselle were visitors Sunday at thf home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday afternoon. Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer were supper guests last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. "SwA, Mrs. Earl Converse. Fred Lueck and son, Edward, and Mrs. Alma Schaefer of Berwyn were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrj Matthews. Dr. H. J. Carr of Arlington Heights Was also a caller. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago spent Tuesday at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were among the guests who enjoyed SunS; day dinner at the home of G. Laser** lund and supper at the home of Mr; and Mrs. S. Lagerlund at Elmwood Park. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of WiW liams Park spent from la^t Thursday evening until Monday afternoon vis- . A-v .j.-.i-i: - i'l- r»L! .•everal days last week with her par- Out of, town guests that attended fcnts Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Althoff were: Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Tieon and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krift, Mr. and Mrs. Freund, Anton Freund, Martin and •» «* relative, in ChU Henry Weber, Charles and Walter Smith were among those present who and Mrr.j Henry Hienze of Crystal Ben Kirkman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j enjoyed the party in honor of Mr. and Lake were quests in the Harrison- Scheurmann, Mr. and Mrs. Bill j Mrs. Paul Weber at Spring Grove Peet home Sunday. Scheurmann, Mr. and Mrs. Ben See- Wednesday evening. . Quite a large number attended; the farewell party for Gerald Schumacher John Smith spent the weekend with j hoff, all of Burlington^ Wis.; Mrs. Ed friends in Chicago. ! Piel of Racine, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Edyth and j Kirkmann, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirk- who enlisted in the navy, Sunday Loren and Frank Wiedrich wei-e i man, Anthony and Mayme Kirkmann,1 night at the home of his parents, Mr. guests in the William Glawe home at all of New Munster, Wis.; Mr. and j an(} Mrs. Paul Schumacher. Woodstock Thursday evening. Mrs. Henry Kirkmann of New Munst-! The children, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Pt.C. Leonard of Lake ; er, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wegner of Oeffling celebrated their fifty-second Geneva called on Mrs. Jack Leonard Ingleside; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oben- ! wedding anniversary Saturday night. 1, and Peggy Friday afternoon. , auf of Grayslake; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent liam When of Burlington; Mr. and ?JBunday ih the Ernest Taylor home at Mrs. William O'Donnell of Elkhorn; Solon Mills. | Mrs. Burt Crisman of Lake. Geneva. Mrs. Joe Miller and family of Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Schaefer Henry spent Wednesday with Mrs. j Waukegan were callers here Sunday 'sSoy Wiedrich. j evening. Mrs. Everett Hunter of McHertry . . About fifty relatives and neighbors gathered to celebrate the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen Sunday. They received of many pretty and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Art Klein iand daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and sons returned home Thursday evening after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrfe. Joe Britz of Rock Island. . ' ' 1 as | Sunday guests in tljie home of Leo (By Marie McKim) ;Freund were Messrs. and Mesdames Three cheers for Otto Pyritz. He £eter Freund, Jr., Ed Vogel, Harold cago Mrs. Harry Raeburg and three children of Rockford are spending^ this week at the home of her moth* er, Mrs. Celia Dowell. „ Miss Marion Dowell of North Chicago spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mrs. James Thomson of WiHiams Park .spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason of Mylith Park were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Franz at DesPlaines. . _ Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Jacob, new owners of a cottage at Mylith Park, were dinner guestsoSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruthenberg. and Mrs. James Bell called on relatives in Richmond Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walkerk Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker, Jr. and son, Robert, of Waukegan were McCULLOM LAKE guests in the Ray Merchant home •^ r^mW oTThe'McHenr^ ! children Joe E Freund Sunday. Choral club. A certain young lady 1 an<* Catherine, Art Stilling and Larry, S&rJSSS'JS! Jrl/ST.1 in the office of The Plain, j LeRoy Miller and Wgette, Cd^ard Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chares Brennan at Richmond. 1 111 Mrs. Ed Bauer and Marvin spent Friday in the Joseph Kattner home in ^ Spring Grove. iLcren Harrison spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Mrs. Ehorn and Clara Mae Ellison of Richmond attended the Mc- G M8^1 Robert "stuon^of^Richmond 'tablea' M^- WiUiams and Mrs. Pyritz dealer, initials "A. F„" would not take ! Frett and Mrs. Delia Miller and no for an answer. George, , lf Mr. and Mrs. Walton spent several Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mr. days here in the past two weeks. Dur- !?"d M/8- Fred Smith, Mrs. Steve May, ing their stay here Mrs. Walton en-! Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Peter F Freund tertained the Bunco club at her home, I Mrs. Peter Smith of Johnsburg and Wednesday, Nov. 4. Mrs. G. Cable 1 Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mrs. Paul Gerasch and Mrs. Charles Michels of McHenry, spent Tuesday in Chicago at the home of Mrs. Earl Walsh, the formenjMarie Baer. mm Power for the Wings of the United Nations I ,. A, ' ' - y t jL< . - ' •f A , " " •£» v *•' 'v * , 4 S< « • f, 0m UJ.WAIK BONDS "Volume Production for Victory," Chevrolet's new wartime by-word, is illustrated in this view of the giant aviation engine plant where tKe nation's greatest volume producer of cars and trucks is applying automotive ma production to the manufacture of airplane engines. One of the great sources of supply for the Pratt flt Whitney engine, Chevrolet is building toward peak volume output at this highly versatile motor, a great "standard" aircraft engine. Shown here are engineers and production men checking each engine prior to shipment to the various aviation companies Chevrolet supplies. Individually cradled on wheeled mounts (upper picture), these engines are nearing completion oo one of the assembly lines at Chevrolet's aircraft engine plant. Here skilled workmen who once produced car and truck motors fpecd the flow of armament for the United Nations. won first prize; Mrs. Orr of McHenry, second prize, and Mrs. L. Sales won H«. n . • .. . third prize. I understand that they ? Q>unty AuMlmry meeting at need ^ ^ore lady t0 m>ke three fuJ •pent Monday with Mrs. Ray Sutton. . . . \ ; Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and Bob joined last week and report having a of Waukegan were callers in the Fred Wicdrich home Sunday afternoon. Edward Murphy of McHenry arid McCullom Lake enlisted in the Signal , A basket social will be held at the; C<X ^pects to leave about the Harrison school on Saturday evening, < ™ddle of . N°ve^r , f°r ®fflcerS NNonvv . 921, Everyone is welcome. La- lraimne xho°l- Good luck- Eddies, please bring baskets Members of the W. S. C. S. and Mrs. Leo Freund, Mrs. LeRoy Miller and Miss Lorraine Freund motored to Chicago, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett. Jos. H. Adams and friends returned from a hunting trip to South Dakota, where they enjoyed good pheasant shooting. The Stephen H. Smith family spent -:V' Word has been received from Mrs., „ , . - , . ,lV „ , Sawdo that she would remain in Min-! Sunday in Chicago w,th Mr. and Mrs. U p. . . . ,, nesota awhile longer. She is visiting {^i ex Freund, where they celebrated igome Circle were guests of the , t there Her brother who i Nancy's birthday anniversary. Greenwood W. S. C. S. at a luncheon her Parents the.re- brother, who w, ' 4 ..--J _ is in the army, is also home on a furlough. Poor Lee! No wonder Art Stuhlfeier looked so S. at a luncheon Thursday. Mr- and Mrs, Nick Young spent Friday in Woodstock. • t Marion Hawley and frienji ^ worried the past two weeks. But when 3atui day afternoon in Chicago. > w»8 P®8alnS ou} thf, 1^t Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and ?at,,rday ^ wf a" N + ow„he family of Elgin and Jlr. and Mrs. 18 J A %n ^a8 ^"V Clarence Harrison and son of Rich~ and Mrs" Gates <hls daughter), Nov. -• ibond were Sunday supper guests in j the R. C. Harrison home. 2, at the Oak Park hospital. The ] young man weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. It u , j was necessary to perform a Caesarian a V?rSi ,h and j operation for his delivery. However Jamily and Fred Wiedrich called on;th<ey are ^ doing fine now. Con. Relatives at Sharon Sunday afternoon.! gratulations all. , Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Becker and ; Everet Boyle of Elmwood Park, eld- -lita, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Acker- ^ son of Mrs. Boyle of McCullom Miss Anne Adams enjoyed a ride to Glenview Sunday. The ushers' .meeting was held at the home of Stanley Freund. Cards and refreshments were enjoyed alter the meeting. YOLO (By Mrs. Lloyd Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grabbe at Ivanhoe* Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan spent the weekend with, her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher. Miss Miriam King of Waukegan spent a few days the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Thursaian and family and Joe Ackerman! Lake> enlisted in the ar ny. He re- •m Belvidere were guests of Mr. and cejvej his commision as second lieul* rs. John Hogan on Sunday. tenant, and left to take ap his duties •: The monthly dinner given by the j on Armistice Day and will be sta- W. S. C. S. will be held on the third j tioned in the^ignal Corps somewhere Wednesday during November and ; in the South. Another son, John, who . v pecember, due to the holidays. • has been in the service for some time * Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and son, J past, will graduate from the bom-. „v. Qeorge, of Greenwood were Sunday (bardier school, also in the South, on j day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. $nner guests in-the, George Shepard Nov. 21. Another son, Dave, would ! Richard Dusil at Berwyn. i:)tome. ilike to enlist but was advised to finish | Mrs Walter Vasev and familv were 'Lieut, and Mrs. R. H. Smith of . high school first. He is a senior at j Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Charlotte, N. C., spent Wednesday ( McHenry high school. He will be nine- and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Crystal .night and Thursday with Mr. and 1 teen in June. ' ;*Lake :J^rs- S. W. Smith. i while some of our permanent folks) Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal nad son,, moving away, otners are moving Wauconda called at the Dowell home John, attended the wedding of a niece out. The Rudin family are among j Sunday. ~ i D ° , S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n - t h o s e w h o d i d . s o m e t i m e a g o . M r . M r . a n d M r s . E d . B a c o n o f R o u n d Mrs. Andrew Hawley was a guest Rudin has retired, therefore transporin the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago tatian will not bother them. over the^weekend. . _ I M^ and Mrs. Lortie and family of Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond Chicsigo and a number of friends of . called on her grandmother, Jennie Lyons, 111., were guests at the Sales I Bacon, Sunday. ! home on Sunday. Sorry I was mis- . Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Jack informed about the article in last ^Leonard and Helen Johnson, Mrs. C. weeks' issue pertaining to Leo Sales. P. Mortensen of Harvard, Mrs. P. E.' He has returned to East St. Louis, Saunders of Fontana, Mrs. Charles ! where he is employed. Brennan of Richmond were guests of Leo Sawdo will remember Armis- Mrs. Don Smart in Waukegan Thurs- tice Day, 1940, when he went hunting day. „ at Pearl City, for a long time to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard spent come. Nice weather, Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Coles are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital, Nov. 9. The contribution Ed Doran made to this column last week gave every one who read it quite a laugh. We have fJ: - Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon Sunday. Walter Carlson of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers. Mrs. Frank King spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert True at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher visited her mother, Mrs. Albert Hafer, in Fremont township Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder and family of Mundelein spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. Clarence Grabbe of' Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. en io Walter Vasey Tuesday. 20. There will be a book shower for ! Fridav evening Kate Schaefer' Marv»n Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett College. Please bring books had ^ luck of having 800 kings :William Wirtz, was one of the four suitable for high school or college Hoolf w nlnvil1ir ninfV.lllp winners in the state 4-H Victory Gar- Sunday afternoon in the P. E. Leonard - home in Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neat and Johnny ^ $ were callers in the John Neal home at *•' Oak Lawn Sunday. w ,« , The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. . . . . • Fred Wiedrich, Jr., on Friday, Nov. known him for a number of years and . -on ,.W11 K. 1. Kyvnlr otlnlr for a!wSyS en3°y >?» Wlt' girls. Friends from Mundelein and Algoniquin helped Mrs. Weldon Andreas cel- ' ebratc her birthday Sunday evening. Mrs. Emma Beatty is visiting in the Charles Frey home at Blue Island. > Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Monday ; night In Crystal Lake with Mrs. Deljjbert Bacon. _> •, All car owners r in the Ringwood "school district must apply for their gas books at the McHenry grade | school on Nov. 12 and 13. jday on the 13th of November. This The Ringwood Girl Scout troop met | year it happens to be Friday the 13th. ; at the school on Monday. Plans -were i Better be careful, Florence. by Mike Schmitt. jden contest. He received a $25 war Guests at the Schlftt home on Sun-1 J, . , .. ' T _ . day were the following: Mr. and Mrs. 1 and Mrs. Leslie Davis and fam- A. Klawitter and three sons, Mr. and 1 ',y' Mr- and Mrs. Clinton Ravfcp and Mrs. F. Klawitter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom °/ ®loc,um ^e' ^dna Carroll, Mr. and'Mrs. Petersen and . I 1 I 1 sher.°{ W«uk^a"; Mrs. Pearl Dow- Mr. and Mrs. C. -Schmitt and son; all ^ and family Sunday evening » . . at the home of Mrs. Sarah Fisher o icago. honor of her 82d birthday anniver- Mrs. Frank Bremer of Minneapolis ' sary# , i& a guest at the Syd Smith home for j Mr and Mrs. James Valenta of a short visit. She and Mrs. Smith j Chicago spent Sunday at the home of have been friends since childhood. J Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Florence Larsen will have a birth- j Harry Case, Richafd Fisher and War Production and Electric Power in Northern Illinois r Blr behind the bsnlefields are the humming/wit plants which supply our armed forces with ttnks, planes, ships and guns. In this great war-production program ... the cutting, welding, riveting and fitting of war machines...electricity is providing vital power needed for record breaking speed. Maintaining this constant flow of electrical energy to the war plants of Northern Illinois is an assignment t6 which our facilities are devoted until final victory oa the land, on the sea and in the air The modern General Lee tanks are electrically welded for strength. The result is a streamlined unit of fighting power .for America's armed forces. Electrically operated production lines keep a steady flow of steel fighting power constantly on the move toward completion. Each a 28-ton mass of steel, power and speed, these tanks are mounted on 'flafe. cars, ready to leave for the fighting front^. made for a &&£ Thursday evening iafter school. Mrs. Huska'a nephew, Gerald Burg, whose parents have a home out Marvin Wirtz received word Saturday, from the state 4-H committee at the^ University of Illinois, that they were selected state outstanding 4-H members. i PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Sming Vitsl plectric, Pewir fit Wsr Production im Nortbem lllin§is Service Order--101 Williams SU, Cry st&l l*** --- Telepuoiie lim^rpriae ilOO,