Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1942, p. 8

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REGENT BRIDAL COUPLE .... Parents' Meeting meeting will be held on Dee. 13, Legion hall for parents of Cub 4$ '• Choral Club ^ iS^Ihe Choral club will 'm«et again Bext Monday evening in the high lehool auditorium after an absence of f . . . . •, Sanday Nighters *' meeting of*tHe Sunday Nighters iirill be held at the Methodist church •n the evening of Dec. 6, at eight #'clock. AH young married couples are "Welcome as members. » * . * v Thirtieth Anniversary ^ lit. and Mrs. Albert Purvey entertained a fe* ruests at their home Sunday evening iri honor of their thirtieth wedding anniversary' which was «n Saturday, Nov. 28. Present from out of town as dinner guests Sunday •were Mr. and Mps. George Jones of Wooodstoek and Mrs. Jack Purvey And children of Crystal Lake. , ". . . ..." i -'.r' ^ Attends' Concert-' Mr^ €. Goodell, in company With' about twenty from the Elgin vicinity, attended a concert at Orchestra Hall, Chicago, one recent evening ^vhich „ presented the St. Louis Symphony orchestra under the auspices of Friends of the Chicago Junior school. Vladimir Galschmann conducted and Rudolph "Ganz, Chicago pianist, was soloist. |\ ' Annual Bazaar K.,; The annual dinner atod bazaar, |£' •• • .'ipdhsored by the WSCS of the Com- *iunitv Methodist church, will be held T/„ en Thursday evening. Dec. 10, in the <hurch hall. Tickets will be 65 and 4 • «5 cents and service will begin at | . 5:30 and continue until all are served, j f" The menu will consist of chicken fe'v. ;>ie, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, M i'fnckles. rolls, carrots and peas, pie L §nd coffee. __ i In addition to the dinner, there will ii %e a bakery booth and several gift f fcooths where you may purchase many j\ ^"lovely Christmas gifts. L\ - * * * " i Holiday Gathering * "4"; A family gathering' was held last • Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. >|)avid Powers, several miles south of "Mhis city. A delicious duck dinner was flnjoyed and the remainder of the day T Ippent in visiting. V Present were Mr. and Mrs. William .' fVwers and children of Elgin, Mr. and ^ ^Iklrs. David Powers, Jr., and children //.yJIpf Woo3§tock, Mr. and Mrs. Shire Whiting and children of Ringwood, "'pfr. and Mrs. George Powers and '*/ Children and Wililam Doherty, Sr., of |f * f Korth Crystal Lake and Miss' Etta k Powers of McHenry. h r » » * • ' • • j 4 " ' Announce Engagement ^ Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Keenan of Oak l*ark and Beverly Shores, Ind., an- »|w>unce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Audrey, to Robert $L Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. ?- ^urns of 217 Iowa street, Oak Park \-jfnd Hickory Grange. The wedding will ce place New Year's day. Hie Bums family has been coming . flo McHenry to spend their summers ' lit Hickory Grange for many years land the announcement is sure to be of Interest to**ffoeir many friends here v ;• Among those who attended the announcement party at Beverly Shores cently were Mr. and Mrs. George (ohnson, daughter. Marguerite, and JKMJ* Frank, of McHenry. , • * * • Betrothal Party Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer gave S dinner party Thanksgiving day in onor of Miss Marie Vales and their Frank Kempfer, whose engage- * ;f|aent they made known at that time. The dinner was attended by Mr. and * il€rs. Albert Vales and daughters, jtarie and Dolores, of McHenry, Mr. i|lnd Mrs. Donald Thatcher, Elmhurst, *r. and Mrs. Fred J. Simon and Jos- *ph LawTitz, Chicago, and Mr. and yJHrs. A. G. Carlson of Blue Island. Kiss Vales received many lovely gifts {from those present. No date has been • ^|et for the wedding. I* Mr. Kempfer is now stationed at ;• ifJreat Lakes. 111., where, he holds the of third Has* petty officer. * * * Ringwood Home Bureau •;Vu The Ringwood unit of the Home > ;|3ureau held an all-day meeting with Mrs. Ed Peet pn Tuesday, Bes. 1, 1 with the Solon aha Richmbnd units as guests. The forenoon was devoted to i handicraft with members displaying various articles and patterns 6f them. Mrs. Morris of Woodstock, whose hobby is handicraft, was present with an interesting display. | A pot luck dinner was served at inoon and in the afternoon a regular j meeting was held with Mrs. Sweeney ' giving the lesson on "Easily Prepared Meals," and Mrs. Hazelett* a member of the Woodstock club, talking on "Why Zone McHenry County ?" "" - - - \ PLififDKALBR MISS XVBLTK BKOWN BRntzor stattsot. . BBQUrilJ) J. FOWUSB A Jovely wedding took place at 9:30 Saturday moaning, Ncv. 21, at the Transfiguration cliurch in Wauconda^ when Miss Evelyn Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brown of that, c ity and Staff Sergeant Reginald Jack Fogies, s7» of Mr and Mrs. John Fowles of Lbiertyville, exchanged vows at a nuptial high mass. Rev. John Muliigan officiated at the double ring ceremony performed in n WEN WAR WORKERS RED CROSS NOTES On Nov. 5 Miss Marie Kinsala became the lonely bride of Pfc. Charles Corso, now stationed at Camp Edwards, Mass. The ceremony was performed in St. Angela's church in Chicago. Complete detail's appeared Book' Club - At tiNe re^ular monthly meeting-of _ St. Ann's Book club held Wednesday f0n0wjng 'the wedding. afternoon, Mrs. Paul Brefeld reviewed " / /• also present to liear review. t > SETS UP RECRUITING The next meeting of "the club will j INFORMATION BUREAU ! b e h e l d J a n . 6 . . . w h e n M r s . G . K l e i n - ' _ _ _ _ _ i hans will give several readings. Also .jIn orjj6r that young meh 18 arid 19 | to be ^eyiewed is ^r | years eld, who reside in McHenry ; Lady, by Sargent. ' jtownship may secure complete facts! j ^regarding voluntary enlistment in the ( t ^ rarewell PartT • nation's armed forces, McHenry Le- j A farewell party was held Ttfes^y ; gion liost> No. 491, has established a Wening in the James Orr home on recruiting information center at Wor- Waukegan s t r e e t in honor of their Studio, Riverside drive, An-j son-in-law, Glenn BWWIm, ^rho left jjrew Worwick, as chairman of the Wednesday morning for service with recruitin? service ^ the younger1 the army. After an enjoyable evening men, will have complete information ! the guest of honor was presented with that win enablfr him to answer the many useful gifts a^vd money. 'questions of both the prospective Present at the party were Mr. and; enlistees and their parents. Mrs. Ben Benson daughter Ruth, | It is pointed out that oniy by eh- ^d son, Bernie, of Richmond; Mr. and jjsting can t^e younfr man have the Mrs. Haiold Osborne. Solon Mills; 0pp0rtunity of selecting his chosen ?^andJ *• Gfrim B^i°n, J W^ner branch of the service. If the man is Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller drafte(j he does not have this choice, and daughter, Ruthann, of Elgin; Mr. 1 The following branches of the army and Mrs. James Orr and daughter, Esther Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benson, McHenry. • * * P.-T.-A.' • At the meeting of the P.'T.-A^ this Week" a most interesting review of "Sorrow ^Built a Bridge," was given^^^- Warfare- service.- by Mrs. Clarence Angelse. This book is the biography of Rose Hawthorne. Following the review at the business meeting, plans were discussed for the card party to be held Sunday evening, the proceeds of which will be used to hold a Christmas party for the children of the school. Sister Hannah's room won the prize for having the most mothers present and Mrs. Henry Weber was awarded the special prize. are still open to those who enlist and meet the physical and mental standards, * ' s.Branches - -.; " ' • A i r forces, including Aviation-Ca^ dets Armored Force. Cavalry. An appeal was made f$r if^war mother sometime ago for a baby buggy. Mrs. McGee says that no re- , , , .., ,, j , , ... . spouse was received. Perhaps the apchurch beau .fully decorated with yel- 'ea, WM overlooted due tTthe fact l0V^ chrysanthemums , t item in .nother The bride, gnven.r, marriage byher, { ca,e tht as. father, wM gowrjim. white shpper^ j . co^ct. and some one entra|nne dress tnmmed with to |en^ or awIy_ wil lthat person call Mrs. McGee? --R--C--' • .Mrs. Harold Owen reports that Woodstock chapter wishes a box placed in all workrooms for the pur- | pose of collecting Christmas gifts for j the hospital at £)amp - Grant. Last | year several hundred patines did not j receive gifts. Theer are about 600 patients there at present. Woodstock j chapter, according to Mrs. Owen, sug- ; gests the gifts should be somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.00. If two peopel wish to go together and donate 50 cents each, that could be Qone» Mrs. , Owen says* : ?~v\\ . "The Christmas patinets will be held Dec. 19th, so chair- j men will act accordingly. \ --R-*--C--• '... • Surgical dressings this week are coming along fine, according to Mrs. Reihansperger. The extra day hasn't been definitely decided upon, but will be, if possible, on Monday or Tuesday. For farther information call 73-lt, 1 - - - ' --R--C-- • Mrs. Albetr Vales received her bar for one year's service with thes Red Cros sthe first part of the week. --R--C-- The regular busines meeting of the Red Cross will be held on Dec. 10, at 4:00 o'clock in St. Mary-St. Patrick Coast artillery (Anti-aircraft on Harbor Defense.) Corps of Engineers. , Corps of Military Police. r~ . • Field Artillery. Infantry (Paratroopers, Tank Units, e t c . ) . <e ( • . ' • • Medical Department. , Ordnance Department. Quartermaster Corps. Signal Corps. ; Detailed information regarding each of these services may be had by call- Wor- WiUiam Sehtid, 70, DIm After Lingering Illness William Scheid, 76, an employee for many years of the Commonwealth. Ediscn Co., and a native of Johnsburg, died Thanksgiving day, Nov. 26, at his home in Chicago after a lingering illness. He was the son of the late -John and Matgaret Scheid. Survivors besides his widow, Ma« tilda, are two sons, August and Wil» Iiam; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret May, two brothers, John and George Scheid of McHenry, and a sister, Mrs. Lydia Bramer, of Hollywood, Calif. Funeral services were held Monday morning at St. Mathias church and burial was in All Saints cemetery. ThiffwUy, December ^3, IN MEMORIAM A tribute of love to my dear hu»- band, Dr. Francis J. • Aicher, who passed away three years ago, Die. 5. In memory you will always live. Lovinf wife, ANNABELLE.«. m Radio Tabes The brass in 1,000 radio tube* wqu14 make 105 .30 caliber car» *£|4fles. White Lkm Warnia|6if A great white lion, 175 yards long, has been carved in the chalky hillside of Whipsnade zoo at London to warn aviators not to land. Animals at Whipsnade are not caged, having a considerable freedom within CHRISTMAS CLARENCE'S SHOP Tel 625-J4 Men's Billfolds johnsbttbg Combination Billfoldg and Key Case Sets ] : . rj S2.00 np-; Boys' and Men's Leather Belts 75C np Men's Leather Suspenders £1.00 np Ladies' Belts and Purses 30c up Full line of house and barn brooms, milk house brooms and can brushes. Hand-woven shopping and market baskets. Glass and serving trays. i-f school. MRS. HUGH MURPHY. (Photo by Worwick)' MRS. REGINALD J. FOWLES CHICAGO GIRL IB NOVEMBER BRIDE OF CSGT. HARVEY FREUND Mrs. Fred Rogers was chairman in charge of yesterday's party. Her com- . . .. • mittee consijs ted o.f, mothers of the I ™V Th.ll m, „ . wick will be assisted by George Inall, I seventh grade pupils. Mrs. Rogers is p, d Coleman> Paul Yanda, Pd Conalso acting chairman for the card y \ n . . ' party to be held Sunday. 7*/ anJ. Fl?«l5 Mrs. M. S. Wegner will be chair- inform^Ion to,th f e 18 and 19 year °W l man of the next P.-T.-A. party to be Prospective enlistees. held Jan. 6. j Deadline A report appeared in the Chicago papers late last week that no enlistments would be accepted from the 18 and 19 year old men subject to the draft after Dec. 15. It, therefore, becomes important for those who wish to select their branch of the service that thev make inquiry and arrange : their enlistment prior to that date. ; Commander Owen of the local Legion post states that he has had no con-. firmation of the press report that vol- i untary enlistment of the younger men would cease on, Dec. 15. Army Caravan " On Dec. 22 there will be a ipecial. At a marriage ceremony held at. St. Priscilla's church in Chicago on Nov. 14. 1942, Miss Bernice Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Miller of Chicago, became the bride of Sgt. Harvey Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry. The bvide was attired in a street length dress of royal blue chiffon trimmed in white lace. Her accessories were rf blue and she wore a corsage: armv show held at Fort Sheridan to of pale orchids. [which all 18 and 19 year old men sub- The bridesmaid, Miss Jean Miller, to the draft wili be invited, along sister of the bride, wore a wine col- ! with their parents. This caravan, as ored velveteen dress trimmed in white • is called, will start its exhibition lace. Her accessories v ere also of! shortly after noon on Tuesday, and wine and she had a corsage of pink | continue 'on into the evening. There roses and pompoms. . will be some 40 jeeps, which the pro- Vernon Wagner, nephew of the active soldiers may manipulate and , groom, served as best man. A r n o l d drive; also there will be tanks, ar-• and Elmer Freund, brothers of the-jmored cars, anti-aircraft guns, 75 groom, acted as ushers. i m m. howitzers, etc., a Total of some The mothers of both the" bride and ' sixty-five pieces, all open to inspecgroom wore corsages of mums. jtion and manipulation under the The new Mrs. Freund will continue guidance of army officers and nonworking for the C. M. & St. P. corns. railroad and will make her home with In addition there will be a large her parents in Chicago. Sgt.' Freund | army band to play for the afternoon has returned to Drew Field, Fla.,' and evening programs. It is urged where he is stationed. that those interested in seeing this exhibiton try and find some way to get to Fort Sheridan on that day.' The Legion is endeavoring to see if a special rationing of gasoline will be granted, in which event, they would plan to take several carloads of boys and their parents. Additional news will be available in The Plaiijdealer issue of Dec. 17. Bow About You? A person who spends an average of one hour a day reading newspapers and magazines will read more than 10,000.000 words daring the course of a year. Ration Card Beauty Case " y flrwi seed pearls. Her fingertip veil was edged with shadow lace and was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of f i f t y white roses to which streamers tied with Ulies-of-the-valley and ferns were attached. Her only jewelry was a gold cross, a gift of the bridegroom. The maid of honor, the bride's sister, Miss LaVerne Brown, was attired in rose satin and net with which she wore a blusher veil to match. Her bonquet consisted of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaids. Miss Rita Stilling, cousin of the bride, and Miss Margie, friend of the bride, wore poudre blue gowns of satin and net. They also wore blusher net veils to m^ch and carr:ed pink carnations. Robert Obenhauf, close friend of the bridecroom, served as best man and Harold Stilling, cousin of the bride, and Elmer Brown, her brother, acted as ushers. The bride's-mother was attired in a poudre blue suit and wore a corsage of pink carnations. The mother of the bridegroom wore a dubonnet suit and her cors^e^Vas of white carnations Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents for about 100 relatives and friends. The home was beautifully decorated with ' baskets of yellow, white and lavender chrysanthemums and ferns. A three-tier wedding cake was the centerpiece at the^ wedding table, with a. miniature soldier and bride decorating it. A wedding dance was held at Nell's ballroom, Johnsburg, in the evening: After a short honeymoon trip Staff Sgt. Fowles will return to Fort Barry, San- .Francisco, where he is now stationed. Mrs. Fowles win join her husband there in the near future, where they will make their home. The bride is a graduate of the Wauconda township 'high school with the class cf 1938 and has been employed in Elerin for the past two years. The bridegroom graduated from the Libertyville township high school in 1938 and has been in service since March, 1941. r: Births Thanksgiving brought more than turkey to at least one Mcljenry family this year, for on that day Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Riverside drive became grandparents. A son was born to Sgt. and Mrs. Loren Miller of Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Miller was the former Miss Helen Barth of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy of Wauconda are the parents of a boy, born at the Woodstock hospital, Sunday*; Nov. 29. BLANKETS Among the Sick Charles Schmelzer of West McHenry underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital the last of the week. Mrs. Jack Walsh has been a patient at Victory Memorial hospital the past week where she is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Vernon J. Knox tDHferwent surgery at the Woodstock Hospital Mon-' day of this week. Mrs. Howard Collins is a patient at1 fhe Victory Memorial Itosgntal this : week. Harold Evans of Woodstock underwent surgery Monday at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Peter Neiss was a medical patient at St. Therese's hospital, Wakegan, last week. Ben J. Adams, who was confined to Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, for several weeks in October, is still confined to his bed at his home on Elm street, although somewhat imjroved. on you Warmth it important but so is your appearance. There are several styles a£ oar overcoats which witt appeal to you whether you want to dress for business or country. These coats are tailored \ of fine woolens, many of them imported Don't stint on your appearance, yen don't have to. Street West McHenry Read the Want Ads! COMING 2VENTS #12$ contains Revlon Nail Enamel^ Oily Remover, Whackin| big special Awe Liptticm Youll adore the reA leather case for you* war stampsf ratiow cards, compact, etc. An4« F course, you'll adore America's best-loved nail enamel, b#» cause of the aa» rivaled way it sta/l m your naUs! Won* derful value! G# , yours todayf ' Bolger's Drug Store I" 5^h*e« StNMt "#V- • December 3 C. D. of A. Meeting--K. of C. Hall. December 4 Christian Mothers and Altar Society - --Election of Officers. Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Mrs Betty Neilsen's Home. A December 5 • Installation--O. E. S.--Masonic Hall December 6 Public Card Party--St. Mary-St. Patrick's School Hall-- Sponsored by • ; P.-T.-A. . . . | Sunday Nighters--M. E. Church-M!;00 j o'clock. f ' • ' " ] December 7 i JiPive Hundred Club--Mrs. .Laii& i ^ Guercio. ! December 10 , Annual Dinner and Bazaar--M. E: Church Hall. Bed Cross Meeting -- StT Mary-St. Patrick School. December 11 j Mothers'Club. 0. E. S. Card Party, Decem&er 13 Jfleeting of Cub Scout Parents Legion Hall. December 14 Business and Professional Meeting-- Xmas Party--Daisy Moore Home, Woodstock. December 17 Musical Program--High . January I * p.-T. A. . r St. Aaa's Book Cluk "• FIRESTONE BATTERIES CHAINS FIRESTONE FRIGITONB (Same as Prestone) FIRESTONE * SUPER ANTI- „ FREEZE-- (200 Proof) ZERONE ANTIFREEZE $£RE and TUBE VULCANIZING BATTERY CHARGING Walter J. Freund Phone 294 West McHenry PPi Bring cheer to all the family this Xmas by selecting a nice Floor Model Radio We still have a stock ranging from $69.00 to $100.00 Philcos aod Crosleys • ••:J5fairiety of TOILET SETS f choose from for your sweetheart LEATHER GOODS for the most fastidious tastes - • ' v . • 4. Jewelry, Music & Radio Stiop B • • ' j ' .V'. " • 'y• '-f . \ yy'• yV. ' : VV-:-'-; " • ;V •'.'•i--'- v •'M ': •"""•• ••:' ; ;l

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