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The Plaindealer, which I appreciate •for pceparingthe si*tfc registration for Selective Service of young men who have reached their eighteenth birthday since last July 1 have been issued to all local boards in Illinois by. Colcnd Paul G. Armtsrong, ] State director. In accordance with the recent proclamation by the President, the hours will be from 9:00 a. m. until i 6:00 p. m., with the exception that no registrations will be made on Suni »ys. The director pointed out that aliens j Who have been in the United States ! j livery much. It g^ives " fellow a rather icomfortinjr feelings to be able to read something- a b b u t his home town. HOLIDAY IS NOTED HERE SHOPPERS BUY AT HOME V THIS YEAR : Khard to clothing, a Tifee ^^neatherman seems to "realiB^f with .the rest of us. that in a w^r; year such as this, added effort is need- 1 The Pre - Flight ^ t° put people in the proper holiday ; school here is, un- ' spirit. For during the last two wetks doubtedly Ofte of he has brought extremely cold weather : the finest places an^ added to it snowfalls which cangoing. b n e cerr not help but bring memories r.f Santa 1 tainly fin d s," it . Claus and other symbols of Christmas, complain about the food, One of the first of the holiday deteolcdginsr and instructors in rati\'e scenes to be shown is<; that at the navy, as everyone knows that they Peter M. Jus ten funeral home. fte- less than three months are not required to register, but if they remain for that period, they must either register or apply for an aliens determination of residence before the expiration of the three q^onths period. Also, he said, a man who has received a discharge from the armed forces or any of the other services are the best. Thanking you again for your kindness hv sending me The Plaindealer. • Sincerely. THOMAS HARRISON, Iowa Citjsrlowa. Dear Mr. Mosher: I was very much surprised and glad to receive The Plaindealer. It has been a great help to me as a medium is something netf and demands the attention of all passersby. The scene depicts the three wise men^and sheep, all in a large statuette form, looking toward a lighted star in the sky. The entire setting is illuminated with spotlights and is most effective. V Chrismas trees are conspicuous by their absence this year. Those that are available are much smaller and prices are higher than usual, due to JOS. SCHOEWER NEWS ABOUT PASSES AWAY IN OUR SERVICEMEN CHICAGO, DEC. l' DEATH ALSO TAKES ItR?. G -- HAKTHA CASSIN , I'Vjms: • Many of His family received word this w^ek that Daniel Justen had graduated oft ^ov. 25 as art army surgical tech- [ nieian from Fitz-1 s i m m o n G e n e r a l : hospital ij* Denver,j Colo., and has since i been transferred to the medical 'de* j tachment of the ' Hamniona Genera! hospital in Modesta, Calif. v KIDDIES TELL , SANTA CLAUS THEIR DREAMS WM JPANOES Vrt IN TOYS (Phot<» V>r Worwlek) GEORGE BRDA Shortly after his graduation from high school last spring George Brda, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brda.'enlisted in the navy. He was called for active service in September and for a time was stationed in New York. His the old-time residents "in McHenry will hear with regret of the unexpected death on Dec. 8, 1942, in ajphicag'o hospital of Joseph SchoeWer. He was 56 years old. Mr. Schoewer was a well known figure in Mc Henry civic life for many years before moving to Chicago about eighteen years ago. He was a partnerin the tavern known as Brown A. Schoewer, Nvhich was located on the site cf the present Wattles drug store _ „ T . , in West McHenry. > George H. Glos, Jr., has received a The deceased was born in Chicago, | Comnii8sipn as second lieutenant in the the son of Peter J. and Eva Schoewer Sl*"al Corps. He has been a member and moved with the family to Mc- . e branch service as an Herry when a year old. ; engineer .for the'past nin,e,me».ths-and Surviving, besides the widow, the the present time is stationed at former Kathryn Miller of Beloit, Wis., ??rt _™®nmouth. New Jersey. Lieut. Meyer, a recent selectee.Is stationed at Fort Warren. Wyoming. / must register for Selective Service if between myself and friends. •«- - -- - ^ -- . . . . he has not already done so. A man Sorry, I couldn't write soorfer, but the shortage of men who cut them and J^„"aticn at the present time is un" released from active duty in the ten- I have t>een sent to school and am not " - fisted reserve corps is still subject to at Jefferson Barracks any more. My call and, therefore, need not register new address is Kansas City, Mo. Membership in the Illinois Reserve I am studying engine mechanics and Militia or the reserve militia of any will complete the course in four •ther state does not exempt a man months. The army is giving us fellows Selective Service registration.' down here probably the best. train- Begins Friday j ing in the best school in the country •Those subject to registration who that money can buy. Everybody treats the soldiers swell. The barracks I'm in gets invitations faster than they can be accepted. The school gives us homework just like when I went to good old M. C. H. S., and it takes up a good deal of my time. , Well, maybe I'll get up that way ere born on or after July 1, 1924, but not after August 31, 1924, will be registered on any weekday beginning Fiday, December 11 and ending Thursday, December 17, 1942. These born on or after September 1924, but net after October 1, 1924, «iii be registered during the week of.,. .. « , • m Friday, December 18 to Thursday, De- Bu D t, u"tU } do thanks for eember 24, 1942. |8et,d"^ Th* ^'"dealer. _ „ 1'; Sincerely yours, The group born on or after Novem- WILBERT SCHAEFER. fcer 1, 1924, but not after December ^ 11, 19^4, will register during the period Saturday, December 26 to Thursday, December 31, 1942. The dirertor pointed out that in accordance withNational Headquarters Instructions, ror the duration of the war, all who were born on or after January 1, 1925, will register on the day they attain their eighteenth birth- Dear-8l*{ '-;* Uncle Sam decided* to move a few of his nephews to new stamping grounds and since I happened to be one of them I had better send you the new address. I have been getting my weekly issue of The Plaindealer every week and I sure want it to continue. Arkansas, Colorado and now Calijthe difficulty in transporting them Many children will probably be sorely disappointed at the lack of a tree, but those who are accustomed to light their own out-of-door trees ably continue and so to the general public the city will probably present as attractive and* festive appearance i as ever. * Buy at Home ! For the first time in many years, residents of McHerjrv, almost all bf them, are getting acquainted with the Christmas stock of their own merchants. In the past, they have been much like the horses who find the grass greener on the other side of the fence. No amount of talking could convince the great majority that with a few exceptions, they cculd purchase gifts for everyone on their list without leaving the city limits of McHenry. • Lucky are the families who will have a son, brother or husband home for the holidays. Sitice armies and navies do not disband just for holidays, there OF SONG TRULY IN SPIRIT OF THE HOLIDAYS NEW SCENERY DEPICTS GATHEDRAL Rockford, Fred of McHenry and Hubert of Oak Park and one sister, Mrs. Anne Garrity of El wood, Ind. Mr. Schoewer had been in good health until Saturday, when he was taken suddenly ill the hospital. H. Glos, Sr., residing kt Emerald Park, Nunda township. ' Staff Sergeant T. C. Winkel, one of th fi rst McHenry boys to entej- service, wa? home on furlough frwni Valand removed" to dosta Ga this week and stopped to pay The Plaindealer office a visit last Funeral services will heJield froi«---~"]~y'--^e"say8 ^ the funerafhome at 318 N. Central regularly every Sunday morning. avenue, Austin, to St. Patrick's _ . TT _ , , , . I church. McHenry. at 11 o'clock Fri- ' ^ t-Henry Tonyan, who has been in ; Santaday morning, Dec. 11. Interment will the ?™iy about three months is now *ama' be in St. Mary's cemetery. McHenryA serVing. at Fort McClel,an- Ala- . Mrs. Martha Cassin 6 ^ Fufteral services were held last Following are the letters received this week from McHenry youngsters! who wrote tp Santa Claus, in care of; The Plaindealer, telling him what they would like to have him leave under ; their Christmas tree this year. Dear Santa Claus: Are you coming to o6r house thfil Christmas? If you are. pleaseNbr:ng me a baby doll with a snow suit and I want a snow suit, tco. Don't forget my Uncle LeRoy and Uncle Alfred, who are in the army a«d my Uncle uis in the navy. I have two big t brothers. Thev want a pool table. • ' MARY E. MILLER. &-» • Thursday, Dec. &. for Mrs. Martha N. ' „ . ? , Cassin-of 320, Oxford road. Kenil- Fnday noon and upon turning found that it was Sgt. Bruce Granger of Please bring me a faxm aot, * get set, a silver airplane, five power A McHenry- resident heard a cheery sP^ter-scope, big set of Tinkertoys, hello in the Northwestern depot last.an e'ectr,c train, a 2-way wall phone. As V Was Cassin of 326 Oxford road, Kenilwrrth, III., who was a former resident T, ^ T of the Stenger-Owen subdivision near Leonard Wood, Md., who wm on the golf course. Survivors are two daughters, Lorhis way to Hayward, Wis., to visit his 1 family. mentioned last week, the raine C. idazurek and Nona C. Meehan Cassin. Her husband, Edward A. Cassin, preceded her in death several years ago. Many in this community will remember the fire which destroyed the beautiful Cassin home here many years ago. The house was never re built bv day, providing that if such birthday fornia_tha;-s ^lot 0f strange counfalls on a Sunday or legal holiday will -t to travel but they,re all .<Homef fagster the day following. ^ , Sweet Home" to me as long as I get It has been estimated that in Illi- rp^ plaindealer for company. So mms approximately 30,000 young men once aRain many thanks for your will be registered between December trouble in sending it to II and December 31. Few Special Stations w The sixth registration will be accomplished in the various local board sffices. No special registration stations will be set up unless absolutely necessary. Any local board which cov- •r a large territory, such as a county, •r a suburban board which has several towns in its area, may set up one or •wre special registration stations. The local board chairman will be in charge of the registration in every board area unless his unavoidable ab- . aence makes it necessary for a board member to replace him. v As in previous registrations, the services of volunteer registrars, who will serve without renumeration, will be accepted. Where it is absolutely necessary to establish special registration stations, the director has instructed local boards, if conditions warrant, to set lap these special stations in war pro r me. Sincerely, . PFC. DICK FRETT. Dear Sirs:. .'.•w ::.v ! Just a line to let "you V"ow rrv address has been changed and would appreciate very much if ycu continue sending me the paper. Thanks a million for the paper. As ever, 1 CLARENCE WOHLERT, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. students of the high school, the public and two sons, John A. and Edward T grade school. St. Mary-St. Patrick school and the Harrison and Ringwood schools are spending many hours of faithful practice in preparing a Christmas musical program which should prove one of the finest in this community in many years. The program will be presented in will probably be few in comparison the high school auditorium on the evenwith the great number who are in the ing of Dec. 17, beginning at -8:15. service who will receive this finest of Price of tickets, which are now on all gifts, a furlough. sale, are 40c, tax included. So far we have heard of only one One-half of the program, as pub- an"d \uriaf wis'in All Saints ceme who is fairly certain of spending lished last week, will be presented by tery Chrstmas in the old hometown. That forty members of the high school ' " is Sgt. Melvin Walsh, who expects to mixed cfcorus who have worked unbe home on furlough from Fort tiringly for many weeks in rehearsing Lewis, Wash. a condensed version of the well known What a wonderful Christmas if all oratorio, "The Messiah." This beautiful music has been sung during the Christmas season by leading choral societies throughout the country for a Junior air raid warden, secret bomb sight, doctor set, and a blackboard, and a airplane, you can ride in. JACKIE JUSTEN. Jerome EJuch has been transferred from Fresno,. Calif., to Hamilton Field. This weak we note another real 'victory" family in McHenry, that is, another family which has three sons in service. In this particular instance the Cassirs, and the prop- , the three sons are the only children sold to Dr. Lind, who has i,n the family- We reteAo the Glad- Dec. 8, 1942. Dear Santa: Please bring me a new sled this Xmas, some games, wool skating so* and some roller skates. A basketball game, a gas station with/lots of little c&ns and a farm set. Anything die you bring me will be fine. Thank you, Santa. RONNIE BECKER. the boys could come home on a per manent 'furlough, their job accomp erty was built a home there; Services were held from Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity church in Winpetka INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS stone hoys, Lieut. Lee, who is with the ski battallion of the medical corps, stationed in Colorado; A.C.Roy, who, after completing a college course last summer at the University of Illinois in meteflrology, is now studying at khe University of Chicago, as a member of the air corps, and A. C. Melvin. rhe last of the boys to enlist, who 8 an air cadet stationed at Santa Ana, Calif. All three are enlisted men. McHenry, 111. Dec. 8. 1942. Dear Santa: This year for Christmas I want a washing machine, a blackboard, and a pair of fuzzy-wuzxy slippers. I wane some candy and nuts, too. You will know where I live if y®ll follow our mailman's tracks. ' Your pal, * ' ' JACQUELINE JUSTEN. Dec. 8, 1942. CITY COUNCIL IN DECEMBER MEET EXPENSES IN COUNTY TAKES DECIDED DROP DURING PAST YEAR Although county receipts for the $520, was approved. year ending Dec. 1, 1942, fell off $10.- ' A corrected statement, reducing th« 746.98 over the previous year total I cost of asphalt and roal seal job on expenditures for the year dropped city streets, during the past summer, _ $45,696.77 over the previous year, was also approved. While the cost exertion plants and railroad yards and This is disclosed iij the annual report ceeded regular oiling jobs, the council buildings. Each such plan will bfe of C. Frank" Daly, Outgoing county feels assured that the more durable "years and is as symbolic of the holi day season as "Silent Night." Program The ether half of the program to be presented by the lower grade school children is as follows: PUBLIC GRADE SCHOOL Paul Yanda. Directs*. %V ., • '.-.i"Joy To The World." tl V-i <"•„ "tittle Town of Bethlehem.** r The Cuy Council met on Monday GRAdE SCHOOL. 1, 2, A 3 GRADES evening, devoting a considerable por- Qn The Houset tion of the evening in rev.ewmg fi- ^ ' 0,, g Ni ho, *; „ r.ance and bills against the city | gT MARY-ST. PATRICK SCHOOL Payment of « general funding bond Sister Andreella. DfVector * in the sum of $1,000. plus interest of „And There Wer< Shef)erds., Christmas Song with Tableaux. HARRRISON SCHOOL The tiagic automobile accident two years ago at the intersection of Route 20 and the St. Paul railroad, near Libertvville, in which three Chicago men were killed and two other persons injured. is recalled by the filing of a $50,000 daniage suit against the railroad in Superior court in Chicago by Mancel Junell, who was badly injured. Pfc. Richard Frett has been transferred from Denver, Colo* to Modesto, Calff. Pvt. Charles "Herdrich was recently transferred from Ephrata. Wash., to Spokane Army Depot, Galena, Wash. asked to furnish its own registrars. Hours of registration will be from •:00 a m. to 5:00 p. m. on all registration days. However, all men waiting in line at 5:00 p. m. must be registered before closing the station. Unlike other registrations, the. director said National Headquarters luul placed no restrictions upon the release of registration figures to newspapers in each local area. treasurer. Total receipts for the year just ended amounted to $494,850.01 as against receipts of $515,597.03 for the previous year. Total expenditures for the year just ended amounted to $490,- 795.71 as against $536,492.48 the previous year. This discloses a decided drop in expenditures. Some of the larger items of expense included, besides county orders, were $46,441 for highway purposes. . . . $11,880 for mothers pensions. . . .. $17,303 for blind relief. . . . Coroner's jurors, $401. ... Old age assistance, $289. . . . Grand and petit iurors, $1,- $37. . . . Inheritance tax, $26,120. . . . JMotor Fuel fund, $82,926. . . . Bridge ^Sonds, '$12'.77ttrr7TT Anticipation warrants, $65,000, ^ . Non-high fund, • 18.405. j Included in the items of revenue, taxes, redeemed from forfeitures. $10.- . 947. . . . Motor Fu^l tax, $90,087. j. . . . Blind relief. $20,498. . . . Genjeral fund, $88,938 . . Highway fund, i |62,814. . . . County officers'fees. $42,- 1758. . . . Liquor licenses* $24,525. the Bernard Schmitts of Johnsburg Inheritance tax, $32,190. job will save money over a period of two or three years. A letter from McHenry post, No. 49i American Legion stated that the <T a1m G<,t the Worst 0f It Ia M Post had gone on record at their last * | Wonder Lake "Military Tap Dance." RINGWOOD SCHOOL Chorus 'White Christmas." 'iFollrw The Gleam." "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing^ Reading McHenry county has been selected for the site of one of seven mills to process hemp grown in northern | Illinois fields next year, as prospects increased for a new farm crop for i local farmers. One of these will be at | Marengo, and still another will be at iWalworth. These plants will process } hamp straw in this area into rope. | The processed product will have many 1 uses, and much of it will go in the j manufacture of tow ropes for the navy, army parachute equipment *nd weapons. Pvt. Vernon Reinboldtois now serving at Camp Pickett, Va. Dear Santa:. I am a little girl three years old. Sometimes I am very good. I would like a doll, washing machine, iron, ironing board and clothes line and clothes pins. Some dishes, a stove, a tractor, an umbrella and a hammer and some nails. Please bring my Grandpa Wirfs something nice, too. BARBARA LYNN BEEKER. We have received word. that Sgt. Albert H. Pearson, whose address for some time has been in care of the postmaster, in. New York City, is in England. -i Dec. 7 Sgt. Clarence Wohlert has been transferred from Camp Swift, Texas, to Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Births regular meeting as strongly recommending that the council seriously consider the question of support and maintenance of the public library by means of general taxation. As reported previously, the council members have expressed themselves as favoring this procedure. However, the plan will have to be reviewed at the time of making up the next tax appropriation and tax levy ordir^tnees. Opinions expressed by council members indicate that the benefits derived from our public library- merit its, Support. ' y' ; \ • ' NO ISSUANCE OF RATION BOOK ONE AFTER FIFTEENTH Family."--Darleen Andreas. New Scenery Some new scenefy. made especially for the occasion, is nearing completion. It represents the inside of a cathedral, with one larire central stained glass windew flanked by two narrow pointed ones. The scenery, which is be:ng made with the combined efforts of Malcolm Mclntyre and the Trades class and Miss Marie Ropp and the grade school art classes, is said to be very lovely and most appropriate ' for the occasion. • Come and hear this program. We are sure the singing of these young people will instill the true Christmas spirit in every heart, old and young. Two cars and two trucks of the Barrington Trucking company, garbage disposal service awned and operated by John J. Vanderveld, were des- ed for this most important training troyed early Sunday morning, Nov. it is imperative that an individual This (Thursday) morning Maurice Gladstone received a letter from W. A. Robertson, commanding colonel in the army air forces, in which he in formed Mr. Gladstone* that his son, Melvin, is qualified and has been selected for training as a bombardier in the army air forces. He goes on to say that to be select- 29, when the building in which they were housed was burned to the ground- Mr. Vanderveld . estimated the loss at $6,000. Only one car was insured, he said. The blav is believed to have started from defective wirirvg in one of the vehicles. possess very definite qualifications. His character, integrity and trustworthiness must be unimpeachable as he is one of the few entrusted with the carefully guarded secrets of the RATIONING BOARD R. 1., McHenry, 111. To Dear Santa: . I I am looking forward to Christmas eve, to hear Santa coming with reindeers and sleigh bell? But also hoping you'll make a sh< t stop here and leave a pair of whitt snow shoes and a paint set for 'me, and my brother would like to have a tractor and a truck, he thinks he can help his daddy. Don't forget my other two younger sisters, also my little cousins and the poor children. As you know we all like candy and nuts if you can spare a little. I am 6 years old and I like to go to school. I try to study very hard. I also help my mamma. I hope this letter will reach you in the Best of Health. Will close with many thanks for the pretty toys you brought us last year* A Little Friend, |. BETTY ANN STILLING, f Alice Elizabeth PfeifT# ffit; Woodfamous U. S. gunsight The letter also indicated that Melvin will soon be assigned to a West Coast army air forces training center CHANGES OFFICE t HOURS THIS WEEK stock was among students selected bombardier school for a very intensive j NOTICE Persons who do not own war ration book No. 1. which must be used for Bridge coffee purchases, must apply for books are the parents of a son. born at the bonds, $12,447. Woodstock hospital Thursday. $10,443. ? The Earl Mecklinburgs of Ringwood The balance on hahd'in all funds as became the parents of a boy born at of Nov. 30, 1942, was .$156,640.60 as the Woodstock hospital Tuesday. ;againts a balance the year previous Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regner be- of $152,586.30. came the proud parents of a daughter, The report discloses the county well born Saturday, Dec. 5, and weighing managed throughout the year in the 7 lbs. 14 oz."" . i various branches of government. The Mr. and Mrs. James Wolf are the financial condition ol- the county is parents of a son born at the Wood- very good with the br jige bonds being stock hospital on Dec. 8. the onlv outstandingr bonds against Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Mc- the county. The counter anticipates on Non-high fund, at local ration boards by Dec. 15, the office of Price Administration announced recently. The book, heretofore used only for We believe ir co-operating with the war effort. Therefore, we will not have our stores open after 6:00 o'clock in the evening until December 14, at which time we will start keeping open .evenings until Christmas. We will also be open Sunday morning this year for membership in the women's glee club of Northwestern university. Students from all schools of the university are selected for membership in the glee club on the basis of voice tests given by the directors. course of instruction. Upon completion he will be awarded his wings and rated as a qualified bombardier. A fire, brought on by unusual cir cumstances caused damage estimated at $200 to the A. L. Darling home on West Burbank street, Harvard, occu BURGLAR CONFESSES ROBBERY OF LOCAL ICE CREAM PARLOR L Due to the great number of applications for supplemental mileage rationing, we find that it is necesasry to make a change in office hours in Order to get the B. and C. books ready to issue. The great number of people coming : into the office each day makes it impossible for us to get the work done. Bv closing early each day and worfc- . ing a few hours without interruptions, of we will be able po get the fuel coupons - :;m' Investigation into the robbery ... . _ « , _ m , ^ th« McHenry Ice Cream parlor, op- "supplomenUl"gasoline books"out will pied by the James Townsend family, erated by Gus Unti, led investigators, mucf, sooner. from about 11a. m., Friday, Nov. 27. It who included Sgt. Phillip Guinto and new Qgi sugar, also will be needed to obtain H:30. In case of emergency, j was reported^ that a small dog was Chief of Police Howard Cairns, to war ration book No. 2, which will be issued shortly after Jan. 1. The notice to get the books is for those who have never applied for a book, those who were denied a book because they had an excess of sugar, and those who have surrendered their books. All applications will be examined call Althoff (284) or Nickels (107-R). WM. ALTHOFF HOWE NICKELS HDWEi. 29rfp-2. match and a scrap of cloth and the match flared up, lighting the cloth. CITY COUNCIL NOTICE .With appreciation for the co-opera- Henry became the proud grandparents taxes each year but these warrants closely by ration boards, the OPA said, tion shown last year by both property of twin girls last Saturday morning when Ardis and Arlette, weighing ® lbs. 13 oz. and 6 lbs. 11 oz., respectively, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank May at the Woodstock hospital. are paid lected. as tax .money is coir NEW JUI^Y * of the nelr grand to be sure that no person obtains more than one copy of the ration books. , The OPA urged that all motorists Members ne«r iury indorse their gasoline rationing cou- Mrs, May was the former Miss Con- named Monday include frath N.Blake pons immediately instead of indorsing stance Jackson. Gifts fcr Men, at McGee's. and Vera Purvey of suoolemental panel Miller ftom here. MtHenry. The each coupon as it is used, m order to includes John protect ration books from misuse in j case of loss or theft. 1 owners and renters, your City Council again asks that you remove snow and ice from your sidewalks. Your consideration may'prevent a serious accident. CITY COUNCIL, McHenry, Illinois. Gifts for Men, at McGee's. playing in the Townsend kitchen with farm near Terra Cotta, where Axel DELIVERY NOTICE Due to the gas. rationing, w# Aw it *necessary to limit our deliveries to Peterson, 30 year old laborer, was arrested last Thursday. In the custody of officers he led police to the recovery of $60 after signing a written confession. , Peterson, 'being a roomer above the ice cream parlor, was familiar with the place and had little trouble enter- | The new office hours of the Rationing Board at oodstock will be froaS 8:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. RATIONING BOAROb Woodstock Illiniai®* NOTICE one in West McHenry at 10:45 a. m. Orders should be in one-half hour before time of delivery. BARBIAN BROS. GROCERY & MARKET. If» McGee's for His GiR^' , • • *--4 • door. Part of the loot was found in the rooms and more money was found in his shoes. * He was turned oW to county authorities^ Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. Befrinnin* Wednesday evening. Da* 14, this store will be open evsfjf evening until Christmas. GLADSTONE DEPT STORK. Residence Ch&ngtt Mr. and Mrs. George Koester and baby have moved from the lower ftat in the B. J. Brefeld place On Tm> kegan street, to DesPUinesu | -3 A