Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1942, p. 2

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i f- 'AV""'--'? r- Ik. r> ;•. ="" " Two - '••' v.ivv ~rr.^,!'.^' . fffyfw*. ,3jr WC'-JM:;, Ta,Kl«o^ vTM£?X <-**• • K^, x McHXXXYFEAIirSKAlAt * ' r f r f r 1 •t '-:v :j®yT Dene Paster New! I ®*n Only Rifling • gun barrel, a delicate Plants can not obtain- mineral* ap» hining- job, is being done SO cept from the soil. times.faster than a few months aft), it- -'Inii, • if-•(!'• 4, M M Tooth Paste Tubes * ft mlM survey ccndftefttlP'lhfr' The tin in 60 tooth paste tubes i» I American Institute of Public Opini Just about the amount of tin needed ion revealed that 50 per cent of to solder electrical connections on American farm families have been army training plane. -purchasing war bonds or stamps. VOLO r! i' WUwife' Gifts for all the family can be found in our store. We have an especially large variety of toys. We will hold your selections until you are ready for them. Ornaments, mMM. ??• ; "Gift Wrappings You'can get all these things here at moderate prices. Beautiful 6 foot L1ND SKIS only pair For Small Children Sturdy dashing DOBLUN , JN«T 98C 18-inch HORSHAM Mama Papa Doll REALLY A BEAUTY (By Mrs. Lloyd Fisher) Mrs. Peter Anderson of Chicago is j visiting her daughter,' Mrs. Harry Chambers, for a few weeks. Adolph Waldmann is very ill here ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William j Waldmann. | Mrs. Frank King spent Wednesday | afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Robert True in Waukegan. Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Raven at Slocum Lake. * Clifford Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, is stationed at Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Bruno Grimillie of Sullivan Lake spent Tuesday evening at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Mrs. William Waldmann has returned to her home here, after spending a few weeks with relatives at Detroit, Mich. Her many friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. Waldmann is confined to her bed. The Volo public school is sponsoring an operetta, "The Lost Doll," Sunday evening, Dec. 20, under the supervision of Miss Longworthy and Mrs. Winalow. - , V Mrs. Frank Wilabn.Mra. William Fulton, Mrs. William Wirtz, Mrs. Walter Crook, and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson attended the Volo unit meeting of the Lake County Home Bureau Wednesday at the horiie of Mrs. Marks at Wauconda. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher. Ths mftny friends of Mrs. Fred Caspers are sorry to learn tihat she is confined' to her home. Mrs. Mnrtin Schaeffer, Sr., and family of Wauconda, Mrs. Martin Schaeffer, Jr., of Aurora, spent Sunday at the home of M^. and Mrs. Alvin Carr. M. and Ms. John Passfield spent Tuesday evening with the Matter's father, Joseph Dowell, at Slocum Lake. The officers of the Wauconda Pure Milk Ass'n met at the home of Alvin Case Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fisher visited Ell wood Dowell at the Elizabeth Condell hospital in Libertyville Saturday. Mrs. A. L. Ritta, Mrs. William Wirtz and son, Arnold, spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritta at Fremont Center. Mrs. Frank King enjoyed luncheon with her daugter, Miss Miriam King, in North Chicago, Wednesday. Misses Yvonne Kiel and Betty Bowser of Fish Lake spent Thursday evening with Miss Marian Wirtz. caller* Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Fred Huels of Spring Grove and formerly of Williams Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matthews last Monday*. Mrs. James Thomsen returned to her home at Williams Park last Wednesday after being confined in the Edgewater hospital Chicago with a fractured toe. Mrs. Wm. Matthews spent last Friday and Saturday "Hn Chicago. Wayne Bacon of Crytsal Lake itf&s a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell last Wednesday. Byron Abbott of Lake Ziirich was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowell Sunday. Miss Charlotte Bouland was fi supper guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Matthews Tuesday evening. Robert Matthews and Miss Bouland attended the basketball game at W. T. H. S. in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ruthenberg of Mylith Park were visiters last Thursday at the home of the former's mother at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kummerow of Oak Park stopped for a brief visit at the Chas. Rodene home at Mylith Park the past weekend. Mrs. W. Pries of Forest Park entertained a few ladies from Mylith Park last Thursday. Those present were Mrs. Wm. Wulhutter, Mrs. A. Berger, Mrs. M. Knudson, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. A. V. Mason and Mrs. Wm. Swinke. A regular dinner was served by the hostess, after which a few games of pinochle were played, honors going to Mrs. Knudson, Mrs. Berger and Mrs. Swinke. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mason were last Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mason. Private Pete Dowel stopped for a brief visit with his father, Joe Dowell, and other members of the family Tuesday evening while enroute with a fleet of army trucks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the card party sponsored by the Lion's club of Wauconda at the "Gym" at the W. T. H. S. last Wednesday evening. Harry Matthews won a door prize. Mr. and MEpft/C. H. Hansen were business callers in Chicago Monday and called at the home of Mrs. Charles Shelter/. --=- ' World War Losses v Aceofding to official army records, 1,656 officers and 35,912 enlisted men lost their lives during the World war. GIRL SCOUTS Pill 500 Freight Cars An ordnance plant which turns out 1,000,000 pounds of war goods a day must luUft in and out. 18,000,000 pounds or materials or enough to fill 500 freight cars. Monday night we had dor annual Scout Christmas party in the Grade school gym. We met in Miss Larkin's room first, and held a short business meeting. It was announced ^hat the next lesson of the Junior First Aid Course TVould be held on January 4th. There will be no Scout meeting next Monday. Susan Olsen's patrol gave the party. We played one game in Miss Larkin's room, "and then we all went to the gym for more games and relays. After the games we had a buffet lunch, and as we were eating, the hostesses passed out our Christmas gifts. We had fun looking at each other's gifts and talking over "our Christmas plans. - Our party ended as we thanked Susan Olsen's patrol for our good time. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! THE GIRL SCOUTS. ^ / NEW PETIT JURY \ • A new petit jury was "dra*m' "*nt last of the week. It was the first to be selected since the terms of new county officials started. The roster included the name of Dorothy Matthews of McHenry. City Council Proceeding* The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Ferwerda, Freurid, Nye, Regner. Absent: Buss. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, that the minutes of -the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Regner, that the treasurers report be approved as read. Motion earned* Motion by Freund, seconded by Ferwerda, that the Collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the clerk's report be Approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance jWixnmitteee. Motion carried. Frank Masquelet, Labor and use of car $ *?.w John A. Engeln 86.00 Amer. Natl Bank and Trust Co., Bond and Interest. 1,525.00 Levore Company, Honor roll, ^ name plates and certificates R. J. Miller, Theater tickets (Halloween) ! Howard Cairns, Police serv- Feter Wirfs, Police,service.... W. C. Felt*, Supt. streets and alleys M. M. Niesen, Waterworks Superintendent Earl R. Walsh, Office expense George G.' Lennartz, Road seal coat ^krawdMif December 17, 1M2 ^ " #>• 110.00^Robert J. Thurlwell, vi.' j sharpened 106.00 j William H. Althoff, Hdwe> i Supplies v--w 60.00 Charles Rietesel, Sign ~... 25.00 j Carey Electric Shop, Repair street light «*»- , . 1-56 if* \ 00 7 68145 Alex J. Jus ten, Kerosene^. DC*1 v"i*v __Gi McHenry Artificial Stone Ok, George G. Lennartz,^Asphalt 779.22 | Sidewalks - Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co., Street lamps.....,, Buss Motor Sales, Repairs, ^police car - IVtcHenry Lumber Co., Coal.... Ruddy Bros., Sewer cleaning service Mayme Buss, Clerical salary* ^ commissions Fitzgeralds' Men's ;S|hop, Police uniform McHenry Artificial Stone Co., Labor and material.......--.. John Stilling, Gas, oil, police ^" car ir-j.^<11.76 Freund Oil Company, Distillate John J. Vycital, Hardware^ Supplies •?-. Levore Company, Name plate and certificate 1.58 88.99 18.26 487*65 81.79 70.33 34364 Sii H . <;1 • •• 246.12 W. S. Darley & Compaq Supplies Illinois Bell Telephone Ce., , Telephone service «... P u b l i c S e r v i c e Company, Powe* and light Special Sewer Ftand Fred C. Feltz, Salary., 810&.00 P u b l i c S e r v i c e Company, Power and light 54.411 Mayme Buss, Clerical salary.. 30.00 Robert J. Thurlwell, Sharpen- I ^ in? mower * 1.501, * Paul E. Gerasch, Labor 18.54 '• Walter J. Freund, Supplies 1.15 Motion by Freund, seconded Nye, to adjourn. Motion carred. ^ R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EAKL R- WALSH, City Clerk. j ,'V . ^ - • Read the Want Ada! ' 243.27 33.82 125.00 The Store of Useful and Beautiful Gifts. GLASSWARE PICTURES POTTERY J-- LINENS LACES -- LINGERIE B ABYGIFTS -- DOLLS Costume ^ Jewelry BILLFOLDS LETTER CASES COMPACTS QUILTED SATILR BOXES HOME-MADE CANDY Handkerchiefs OHEISTMAS CAEDS AND WRAPPINGS 5c and upi : '-.i' Tv SLOCUM LAKE This 40-inch easy steering smooth sliding sled is truly a bargain at $2.50 TREE STANDS LIFETIME TREE STAND wa Uit John J. Vycital Hdwe. Phone 98-M Green St. McHenry (By Mrs. Harry Matthews^ t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Intended the funeral services for A. C: Stoxen at the Strang funeral home In Antioch last Friday afternoon. Misses Martha and Leona Batz of Lake's Corner and Miss Mary Martha Horning of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews in Oak Park. On Saturday Mrs. Esping did shopping in Oak Park. Mrs. R. S. Bouland and daughter, Charlotte, and son, Robert, were callers Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago were Sunday dinner and evening guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Btrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilaon of Volo : spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mrs. Willis Douwalt of -Libertyville . spent from Sunday evening until ^ Monday evening at the home of her ! mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were , dinner and evening guests Monday at ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saudeen at • Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of i Williams Park spent last Tuesday with relatives in Chicago. Bob Miller of Island Lake was a \..v' 'S y to Change "•OWXMW... ZZ** /*" b«s bUum, dhcmMet ,, , mmm Save yourself trouble -- help consent* Ml main service swffM «« P«il the auin ^tcfc ^ o n . d ^ S ««Wce , w i t ch (n, •* locued In th» ...r in • « mt attic or top Boot. > ^ for Victory by learning these sm| facts about electric fuses... & Schaefer's Pen and Pencil Set for easier writing--Priced right Bring cheer to your friends and sweetheart by selecting a handsome gift from Nye's Jewelry Stock Handsome MILITARY SET complete with brush* ^ e«, comb, nail-file, scissors and picture space. Leather case in tan or black-- $3.75 and up POPULAR RECORDS LATEST SHEET BULOVA WATCHES Ladies' and Gents' 17-jewel $24.75 to $49.75 _ ELGIN WATCHES $33.50 to $42.50 ALBUMS OF PAMOI# CLASSICS --"4^ PHONE 123-J MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS--GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC. , Music & Main Street WEST M'HENRT UP >5;'1 Mi When you change a Mown iuse yourself instead of calling for a service man, there are three benefits: your electric service is restored sooner, with less inconvenience to you--you do not incur the 75 cent minimum service charge-and extra service calls f!* eliminated, saving tires, gasoline and cars. Read how simple it is-you may want to tear this out of your paper, to jog your memory if a fuse blows. What is a fuse? A ftifce is the "safety valve" of your electric cucuit. It is shaped like a screw plug or a cartridge, and contains a metal strip that melts, breaking the circuity if it is overloaded. When the strip melts, wc say the fuse has "blown out". * (In some new homes, an automatic switch called a "circuit breaker" is used in place of fuses. Service Is restored by snapping a switch after the cause of die trouble has been removed.) What makes a fuse "blow"? /TwF«C]»»ffan causes of blown fuses are defective cords or wires and overloaded circuits. Keep your cords in good condition--avoid broken, frayed or loose cords. Don't connect too many lights or appliances to the same oudet. IMPORTANT: If new fuses blow repeatedly after you have disconnected the appliance, lamp or cord which you believe has caused the trouble, perhaps your wiring is defective. In such cases call your Electrical Contractor. 2. Remove the blown fuse I-oolc for a fi--;.L . , . afiuvm fuse Win^ow °"gap in the box is fastened shut your l!HLe !Sf ,a0dkter ^ ^ 3. Insert a new fuse fuseindicates its size in inTpe^ ^ "»***^e See fiTPef Sf>arCS where they're e^tolfiC/°R U hlve e fuses stamped "15A" anA r ®«nch circuit* arcuits, if you have them 'are spedaJ «ppliance require «<30A" fuses eE , ^ 20A"•**«'> drcuta lT:„Imp0rtant Never try "^uuc 30A " pi, ^ s,*es. Important: Never tn, 5jrcuits 1 a fuse. to ^MybfttMite PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Koiibeni IIUnois>^ Service Order -- 101 Williams St., Graftal Lal» -- Telephone Enterprise 4100. v \

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