$. * " ' *• " \ \ * "* Hi 3* 4' • •*" % • X ' - » * % > ' • : . . 1 ' - . . t - * , «: *., h HEART AILMENT PROVES FATAL I TO RENA IKESEl JOHNSBURG LADY ALSO DIES wmi . 'j,Y * *V/ . • \\ " • *•.-,:> . •••• -.f^s r , ?*••;• ' " V.'i 1 ^ •* -i ••; *, •••.; rv-t v:- , r • --M- • *-i.v.*: •., l-~ f> 3*,. - * * _w-*~ . „.. . -. - • •. ^ , - f \ . . " - I . - •-<• < ; • : *,- •;• * *<*%••}•* :' M- v?- ".. : • <* "•'•>*:•• •' •r%m, volume 68 McH£NRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24,1942 AGED /V-4 *•«*#* **.. «... •" • WsM~:;~v TTse passing o£ a 58-year resident of the Johnsburg community, Mrs. Matkew Jvtnfen, has saddened her host of friends this yule tide season. Mrs. J\rag«ft^ IB* passed away at her borne Saturday, Dec. 19, after a long illness •wtxwh feflowed the breaking of her feip several years ago. The deceased was born in Rhine- URlSTOlfll < 0*6 $00*6 LAST LETTERS SANTA TE MATH IAS JUNGEN m land, Germany, in 1860 and came to tfa& country in 1884, making the trip in twelve days. She made her home in Chicago and en July 26, 1884, was. united in marriage with Mathew Jungen in Holy Trinity church, Chicago, as there was no priest in Johnsburg at tljpt t'me. After the cerormny the couple drove to thei" present home, o^e nil® north of Johr. bj-g where they have continued to malte their home these many years In 1938 Jnngens versary. Mrs. Jungen acquired many friends throughout her long residence in the Johnsburg.vcommunity and has always held the respect of all who knew her. ATTEND SOME CHURCH THIS LIST TIME OF VARIOUS JPJRVIGES * friends surprised the on their fifty-fourth anni- In wliat seems to many oT^ us only * short period cf time, twelve months hive in reality passed and we find the world approaching its second war ttine Christmas. Last year the birthday of Our Lord was celebrated a few days after a world shocking experience. This holiday season brings with it a matured and solemn viewpoint for twelve full months have given all of us new sets of living va'ues. We need Christmas this year; yes, we need it probably more than at *ny other time within the memory of most of us. The lights of democracy have flickered out over s most of Europe. Our job is to keep that flame which ?'.r.l exists here alive so that in the not too distant £uture we may reigr. ite the toich cf freedom throughout the world. To many the spirit of the holiday is hard to maintain for the men in their families are celebrating Christmas away from .home for the first t:me and iff a far different manner The fact that the whereabouts of many of these are unknown makes-the real celebration of the holiday the Survivors include her husband and ; more difficult for those at home. ; several neiccs and nephews. Services were held Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at St. John's church, Johnsburg, and burial was in the church cemetery. 4 Miss Rena Niesen . encouraging word to the dis- Iged, sincere sympathy to those In trouble will be missed by those who were fortunate enough to be among However, even more so for th~se | whose families are incomplete this I year is the observance of Christmas ; necessary, fcr its celebration is one of | the best examples of one of the chei - j ished blessings which these absent [ ones are fighting for. Let us this year, one and all, take advantage of the opportunity which becomes rarer with each hour of war; the friends otfMiss Rena Niesen. For is' worshipping in the church of 'P, \ death took Her from this life early last Friday morning at her home on Riverside drive after an illness of about six weeks with a heart ailment. Miss Niesen was born on July 3, 1889, in McHenry, where she spent her entire lifetime. She was a bright, healthy youngster of seven when choice. Let the family still intact kneel in prayer in thanksgiving to God for ; keeping their family together in a I war-torn world. Let the less fortunate ones give thanks to God that their loved ones, though separated from them, are fighting for the ideals KIDDIES' HOPES Dear Santa: I am about 8H yew like a sled, doll clothes and tab'e and chairs. Some candy and nuts Thank vou. PATRICIA ANN Dear Santa: I would like a General McArthwr doll, some df II clothes for a 21-in. dsQ. That's all Santa and thank nm ?*• much.' , v^:- '•"•.T- -Yours truly, MART HBUSERy^ . -Dear-Santa? Lindy a tab'e and cha'rs and far - &• ?atty a sink. : " . tour friend, •*, "~,-h . KALPH BENNETT! . * -.y..'-'••••'• •*• ' '»• . : jjfi- Dear Santa Claus: * .* I wish y-u would hrinr me a aAm ra!n and ae-op'ane for CtoristTfta?, iff * - -ou hnve a tractor with a snow shov«l I'd like it. I saw a nice sui* ani - sweater in ElgJn that I wou" 1 like 3- too. Don't forget Jimrry J. MaVorwy this year, because he move ! into a new house and he is 'ookir>g 'far^-jpajib- Thank y:u. W:+h l«ve, I :- MAR-HN FOLCT^ Oea» 8af»tor : " ' I would lijce a doll hirhchair and ja Crayola's ana doll buggy and at 'Bthes line witK\ a lot cf clothes p»*«, ; and some nuts and candy and a defef mattress and pillow ca«e. % My awthar^writing this for meiv^-/ LUCILLE NIELSEN,: ^ Rt. 2, Uly Laha. P. S.--I am 9 years old. T SERVES IN TOPEKAiS pass, gifts in their hands for the Holy | before the sun gets up the faithful non-Catholic. The doors are open f r -Child. The shepherds with their will be filing into the seats of the all to come a* d be filled v ith the flocks complete the lifelike reproduc- church in anticipaiidff tf the 4 o'clock warmth of Christ Jesus, Our Saviour. than 1900 years a^o. The high altar will be 'decorated with poinsettias and other ChVistmaS flowers and dozens of candles will in- "to^d, Tt"had^left aTandteap ^ and with it we need niOip^,®*86 the beauty of the *"«re set- .Id never be remedied. For at th.t lted ^ «"d unceasing prayer.? ; ]fln^ Fate stepped in and took away for a fo^which came upon Earth, time her good health and when it wasX.X68' we n«ed.i t?le. Christmas spirit tion in 1942 of the real scene of more ' high mass. Just previous to the mass, ' Silent Night, Holy Night" will be sung, to be followed by the "Mass in honor rf St. Agnes," by Rev. L. A. Dobbelstein 0. Praem. At the offertory will be Novtllo s 'Ad s'.e Fideles." FIRE TAKES TWO LIVES, SOUND LAKE age she became afflicted with that St. Mary's dread disease poliomyelitis. After , At St. Mary's church the side altar treatment for many weeks here she will appear to be a miniature Bethle J At 5:66 a, m. Christmas morning,.; Immeliately following the hi^h 'while the church Is still in darkness ;-mass will be the first liw mass. At & was taken to Chicago, where she and t;;'. her mother remained for a year, so that she mhht have the care of a child specialist. Under his care she became improved and within a few years her general health returned t« normal ' but she was never able to walk again. During about fifteen years, when *•• ^ the Neisen family operated the Fox ^ pavilion, she complete records for that* orgaMtation. She was fond " of reading ami spent much of her spare time with that and sewing. hem. The hills of Judea as in years past will shelter the patient shepherds and the willo vy trees and snow-laden ground will serve to enhance the beauty of the scene. • Blue lights resembling the light which shone hundreds of years ago on that first Christmas will recall the scene of long ago. . The high altar will be beautifully decorated with Christmas flowers and poinsettias and innumerable candles. Five high masses will be sung, at 5. except for the star above the crib, the choir, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Weber on the organ, will sing "Silent Night, Holy Night." As the hour for" the mass approaches" and Rev. Father William O'Rourke ascends to the altar in gleaming vestments, the choir will begin the Kyrie of Rosewig's mass in F. At the offertory their offering will be "Adeste Fideles." Directly following the mass there will be benediction and at this time the choir's offerings During her long illness, and f<£ j 9 m" ^ Browne a^d^ntum firgo" b^NU her *"1°^ !£ir a d 9 m ' ^ the *,rls cholas Montani. mother tutored her at home and the !•«*<«• i A« th«» faaolt, with her naturally keen mind, j At 4:46, just preceding the first' -- - P* was an alertness and knowledge which mass, the beautiful strains of MAnkept her we'l informed on current From the Realms of Glory," by events and gave her an interest in a ^r. Koenen, will emanate from the huge organ, so ably played by Sister Andreella. Other offerings preceding the mass will be "0 Holy Night," by Adams and "To Victory," a Christmas song, by W. H. Neidlinger. th's time *h« choir's selection* will be "Jesu Dulcis Memoria" a"d "Tantum Ergo." both by J. Singenberger. At i 8:30 there will be another mass. i Confessions vill be heard on Dec. 24 between 2 and 5 in the afternoon and between 7 and 9 in the evening. St. Peter's, Velo ! The Feast of Christmas, war or no ' "•Tar. will again draw the faithful In I great numbers to the center rf Christianity on Christmas day; that is/their rarish church, St. Peter's church in Volo with its new crib, one of the finest in the county, and the decorations of a beautiful and worthy house of God with its many lights and FATE There will be three masses, the first at m di>" ht an J the second at one a. m. The last wi.l be at nine o'clock ZEvanff -l cal Lutheran At the Zion Evargelical Lutheran church th: re w'll be the usual Sunday school c'ass at 10 a. m. on Sunday and the regular adult service at 9 a. m. On Christmas Eve the service will be held at 6 p. m., the service being by the children of the Sunday school. Their'.program is entit'ed* "King of | ~ ^ory' | A tragic accident, similar to one On Christmas dav there will be i which occurred in McHenry about a 3? vices <»t 9 a m.. the sermon by the month ago, took the life of Mrs. Elasto »*. Rev. R. T. Eisfe'dt. being vira Wildner, 37 years old, and her Dehold I Brinj Y:u Tidings, of Great 13-months-old son, Gustave, Jr., in a •oy." * fire that burned out the interior of On New Year's <ia^ there will also j their cr.c-story frame cottage at i a morning service. B^gin tbe New Meadowbrook drive and Channel road RECALLS SIMILAR IN McHENRY Year wit-h Chr st. A most Blessed is the wish of the pastor vho invites all to attend the Christmas service. Methodist Chordi The Community Methodist church 20. variety of things. Naturally, after such close coOipaniorsh'p for over forty years, the death of Miss Niesen's mother on March 26, 1939, caused an emptiness in her life whi-h could never quite be " filled even v ith time. However, her indomitable spirit and willpo-ve- soon causcd her to assume a cheerful attitude once more, with the same familiar way of looking to the interests of her family.- Never in the long period in which she was handicapped did a word of confplaint pass her lips. An* unpleasant Fate seemed to step in once again when it took her life just before Christmas for it was the House of God the joyful strains of c*n^'e8 blazing in the midnight hour services were held last Sunday, Dec. "Angels We Have Heard On High" o{ the birtl? of our Saviour, Jesus, will will resound throughout the church. set *he h®a*ts of many afire with love Low masses will be at 8, 8:30, 9, aKa'ri for their God. 9:30 and 10. St. Peter's church tower will sing On December 24, Rev. Walter K. forth its beautiful Christmas carols Conway, C.S.C., will assist In hearing of music and song to greet the faitheonfessions. Hours for confessions are ful as they come to mass at the midin Round Lake Beach Monday of this week. Three other occupants of the house escaped. Mrs. Wildner had prepared break, fast for her husband before he left for work at 5:15 a. m. and had returned to bed. About an hour later James Bell, 70pMrs. Wildner's father, who with his wife, Emtaa, 64, of Hiles, Wis., was spending the holidays with his daughter, was awakened by the smoke. While the church is still in almost Je'ween J and 5 in the afternoon apd night hour. At 11:30, Christmas Eve, complete darkness the choir will render ' Silent Night" by Gruber. The "Kyrie"' and ' Agnus Dei" chosen this year are frcm the mass 4 Salve Regina" by Rev. Carlo Rossini and the "Gloria," "Credo," and "Benedictus" will be from the "Missa Liturgica" by Rev. H. Gruender, S. J. 'Hodie Christus Nat us Est" by Korman will be the ^election at the offertory. At 6 o'clock high mass the adult st enjoyable season of the year for choir will sing the "St. Louis" mass -..t: . Many months ahead of time she „ began planning for the holidays, always with one thought uppermost in -iher mind, that of bringing happiness fto others. Survivors include her father, Mathias, two sisters. Mrs. Peter Justen and Mrs. Roy Kent, one broth- ; / «r. Clarence Niesen, all of McHenry, <H"d three nephews. Dan Justen of Modesto. Calif., and David Kent and ^ Michael Niesen of McHenry. Funeral services were held at 19 ^o'clock on Monday morning from St. "i. ; c; jMary's Catholic church with Msgr JC. S. Nix officiating. Rev. George Nell Patrick :f>f Effingham, Ill.,ia cousin of the deceased, said the interment prayers. w by Zange and at the offertoi y "Adeste Fideles" and "Glory Be to God" by Bcex. The 10:30 mass will be a repetition of the music heard at 5 o'clock. St. Mary's Girls' choir has chosen to sing at their two *high masses at 8 and 9, ' Silent Night," "Mass in Honor of St. Anthony," by I. Wilkins, 0. F. M., ' Adeste Fideles" and "O Sing a Joyful Carol," by Haan. Pastors at St. Mary's are Msgr. C. S. Nix and Father Paul Tuchlinsky. St. Patrick's In a dimly" lighted corner of St. i church the crib scene will ' again attract the eyes of early morning worshippers. There, below the Star-of Bethlehem, the Infant Jesus will lay, surrounded by the Holy between 7 and 9 in the evening. St. John's | lite first high mass on Christmas morning at beautiful St. John's church, Johnsburg, will be at 5 o'clock. Before the beginning of the mass by Rev. A. J. Neidert, the choir and organist will offer "Silent Night." Following this they will begin the "Kyrie" of ' St. Loucs Mass," by Zangel. The proper of the mass will be by Tozer. At the "gradual" the selections will be "Tecum Principium" by Alban Lipp and at the offertory they wii sing "Adeste Fideles" and "Glory To God In the Highest," by J. G. Stehle. At 8:30 there will be a low mass at which the children will sing hymns, including "Silent Night," "O, Come Little Children," "O, Come All Ye Faithful," "Dear Sweet Jesus" and ' What Lovely Infant Can This Be?" The proper of the mass at 9:30 will be by Tozer and the choir will sing Holy Night" from the Tower Chimes will inspire those present with holy thoughts to prepare them for the com- children, who entertained friends and ing of the Saviour into their hearts. At 12 o'clock sharp, Christmas, the At that time a musical program •as presented, with members and friends taking part in community singing. Special performances were given by the church orchestra and choir, 01 i familiar carols were sung and a reading was given by Mrs. H. J. j and then carried his grandson, Dennis, Miller. . jS years old, outdoors where the ther- The ten o'clock morning service; mometer was only 7 degrees above was' devoted to a program by the zero. (IW»» ky W«n(A PFC. JAMES DOHER-nr^ James Doherty, son of Mr. "xl Mrs. William Doherty, who reside south of this city, was home on a three-day furlough recently. Since his return to the army air base at Topeka, Kans., he has been promoted relatives witk jngs and recitations. A special service was held at 11 well trained choir of St. Peter's, under o'clock for adult members of the con- Bell woke his wife and Mrs. Wildfter to Private first Births *i i -- i map the direction of Matthew J. Brown,- director for many years, and Ven. Sister Amabilis, the able organist at the beautiful organ with its powerful and delicate tones alike, will play upon the heartstrings of the worshippers, to raise their hearts to a solemn prayer of praise to God in the highest Sum pSSCC OK £S>th tv iTiru of gOOu will. gregation. Especially beautiful music The mother of the children hurried to a neighbor's house and summoned! firemen. Bell, unaware that his othef' grandson was still in the burning house, was unlocking the front doof was furnished by the orchestra, under from the outside when Mrs. Wildnef the direction of Mrs. C. W.. Goodell, and the choir. Rev. Miller gave£ an inspiring message to his people called 'The Annual Pilgrimage." The senior department of the young peoples organization are holding their Christmas party tonight, Dec. 23. A candlelight devotional service will be held Christmas eve between 8 and 9 o'clock. ^ An appropriate Christmas message by the paster, Rev." George L. Schark, will lead the people to offer their hearts to the Holy Child in the. McHENRY POSTOFltCE • manger. When the church doors will HOURS CHRISTMAS DAY open again to dismiss the happy |j The following hours will be observ- Christmas worshipers the joyful at the McHenry po^toffice Christstrains of the great organ will be mas day, Dec. 26: taken up by the Tower singing again "St. Peter's Mass," by Gruber. At the jnto'^e midnight sky, so that all may: "gradual" they will offer ' Viderunt," "ear good tidings, "To you is born by J. B. Molitor, and "Adeste Fideles" a ?aVjour; C?me let *d°re Him." •• ill b'1 sune at the offertory. Benedic- Am* so, with a last loving look at tion will follow, at which' time they the beautiful sanctuary and altar and will H>in in 'O Salutaris" ana "Tan- - ' march,nfr joyfully to their cars Lobby open 7 a. m, to 9 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. t. No window service. returned and attempted to keep he* from re-entering the blazing house. Re-enters House Unnoticed in the darkness a fevff moments later, Mrs. Wildner rushed to a side window, smashed it ani climbed into the bedroom where the baby lay in a crib, according to the story told by Chief William Harrison joi the Round Lake fire department. : ' 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Altman of CM- ^ cago are the parents of a b*f»y bojr.- $ bom last Saturday at the. Iilirioii§ E , ; NOTICE - Re*Js«Cross surgical (tressFfij? Mother and Joseph. W orkroom will be closed next week. Also around the crib will be the gawes wil be resumed the following j wise men who stand in wonderment at i again be the parishioners of St. Peter's , ' j gki>rioas event which has come taj Catholic turn Ergo," both by Zeller, and "Lau> date Dominum" by Singenberger. St. Peter's, Spring Grove The earliest risers this year will ANNOUNCEMENT The Buss Motor Sales, West McHenry, announce that they have been utes, but even at that time the house appointed one of the official tire in- was ablaze. It is thought the fire heater in the _ estimated at dona on passenger cars by Jan. 31, about $3,000. the people will again realize that Christmas comes from the church spectors in connection with the com- started from a coal which is Christ, Christmas is Christ, pulsory tire inspection, which must be kitchen. Damage Christmas can only be Christ for ns j en hjr Jan. 31, 1 and with us in his church. j ' As always, everyone is welcome to! , Greva. Long j the church on this day, CjthoHe aai|* Subscribe for The Ptaindealerl jFiremen found the two bodies near Centraf hospitaj. Beside® his .pareut.V- , the end of the Wildner's bed over he ^ a fwo-j-ear-oid sister, Sandr* which the frantic mother had appar- Ann> to w^k-onie htm. Mra. Altmarl ".i4"/ ently stumbled while trying to reach was '^e former Arleen Hay of Me« * the window with the baby in her daujghter of the Frank Hays. * 4 arms. The charred remains of a new- AecordinsJ to wonJ receiveii the pasw ly trimmed Christmas tree were found friends hen? a son was recently to Mr. and Mrs. Ku Yunker of Warten, III., former Jle-^ Henrj- residents. They have one other child. Their second daughter was Wednesday morning. Dee. SS. t© Mr and Mrs. Harry Anderson of Chicago,. at the Ravens wood hospital. Mrs. \nderson was the former "Miss Ruth: : Phalin. The little girl is the twenty- . fifth grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. John^a TUHm. ^ " ' n the living room Immediately upon hearing of the e the volunteer firemen started from Round Lake and reached - the house, two miles distant, in four min- Order your Rubber Stamps at The H i In •Jr'V. ' . Vrft ,