Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1942, p. 8

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%mw "•j M"py-' «> '!..' :§#!• afi&aii * ^K.' •$C" Society Note a !.i(i $' Five Hundred Club B r Mm. Joseph Schacfer was hostess to her Five Hundred club when they met at her }*ome at Johnsburg Monday ^ Afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. , Jos. Schaefer and Mrs. Frank May. • * » Enfa)mn«(it Announced Mrs. Mabel V. Denning announces the betrothal of her daughter, Margret Lorraine, to Francis A. Cox, tlje son - of Mrs. Lillian Oox. Plans for the wedding have not as yet been made. ^ Chest Soloist WaiTen Jones toa* guest soloist at the Officers' club at Great Lakes last 8unday afternoon. His vocal selections. much appreciated by the largo audience, were "Nina," "Where My Caravan Has Rested," "Sweet Miss Mary," by Neidlingei, and "The Lord's U vftmy^r"iy Malotte. '4 - » * ; • ' • • Neighborhood Oab Mrs. William Spencer entertained the Neighborhood club at her home last Thursday. Prize* were melted by Miss Lena Stoffel and Mrs. COM Bassett. The next meeting of the club will be at the Stoffel hona. Five Hundred Club V Mrs. Nick Justen entertained members of her Five Hundred club last Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. Pete Miller, Mrs. Alma Justen and Mrs. Ben Freund. The next meeting of the club will be at the home oi Mrs. Sen Tony<ff <n April 28. , * ' ant worthy matron at Nunda chaper on April 16. The committee in charge of Monday's meeting served an appetizing lunch on beautifully decorated tables following the transaction of business. • • • Evening Bridge The Evening Bridge club met last 1 Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Wattles on Waukegan street. Prize winners for the evening were Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Ed Nickels. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Thomas Phalin on April 28. Christian Mothers East RirCT Road Pinochle [ * °J ,bout two hundn*am present Sunday evening to enjoy the Mrs. Clarence Redwanz was hostess ; gupper at St Mary . St. patrick hall to members of the East River Road sponsored by the Christian Mothers. Pinochle club when they met at her Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Carl Freund were chairmen of the successful event. Following the supper a social hour -was enjoyed. FOR SILAGE StelfordTs Improved Tellow Dent White Cap towers above its fellows like a tall peak in a Mountain Range. Be- " cause more digestible nutrients, more sugar, More tender, sweet and Juicy, $3.75 per bushel. Buttend Kernels, $2.90 per bushel. For sale in „ ICcHenry exclusively hp McHENRY OOUNTT <•' FARMERS CO-OP. ':&y;'-s ASSOCIATION home last Monday afternoon. Prizes for cards were awarded Mrs. George Glos and Mrs. Albet Vales. A tasty lunch was served at the close of the afternoon. On April 30, tfea enjoy an outing. :-f* ' ^ • • » ,/ /• '• _H . ' Forte CJah f Miss Bonnie Page was1 hostess to members of the Forte club at the home of Mrs. C. W. Goodell laot Saturday evening. Warren Jones, vicepresident, conducted the meeting in the absence of Albert Rodig, president, and Gordon Scholle read a paper on Elgar. After the business meeting Gordon SchoHe. Warren Jones and Bonnie Page played the numbers they will play in the solo contest Saturday. The hostess served a delicious lunch at the close of the evening. * * • Lady Foresters .Ilia Lady Foresters of St. Clara's court will enjoy a six o'clock dinner at Ma's Place on Thursday, April 23. All members wishing to attend are asked to make reservations by calling either Mary Freund, phone 111-W, or Kate Wortz, phone 50-M. Following the dinner there will be installation of officers with a deputy from Joliet officiating at the installing ceremonies. , » * » ' lily Lske Red Craaa * ~ Mfs. Nielson, Mrs. WftftimsTTtiw! ' Mrs. Veneer were awarded their Red Cross pins for their good work done jfor the A.R.C. These women were the first to start a Red Cross circle VAKDSNBOOM - BOLTON NUPTIALS PERFOKXXD SATURDAY, APRIL U , April 1*1*8 MM fLAIIIDSAU ; ; A beautiful wedding ceremony was performed last Saturday evening, April 11, at eight o'clock, uniting In Lily Lake P.-T. A. Members and friends of the Lily Lake School P.-T. A. spent an enjoyable afternoon Thursday, April 9, at the home of Mary Schiavone. Cards and bunco provided entertainment and the meeting was concluded with a lovely luncheon served to the sixteen guests. Winners for the afternoon were Mary Klabough, Jennie Vallone, Le- Orra Seyfferth, Lorraine Swanson and Mary Schiavone. A special prize was' awarded LeOrra Seyfferth. * • • Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rix and son, Alfred, of Johnsburg spent Sunday in Foresl Park with Mrs. Rix's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Critchfield, who celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Besides the nine children, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren present, they had open house from two to five for outside guests, marriage Miss Helen Vandenboom, at which time wedding cake and coffee ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William were served. The children presented j Vandenboom of Round Lake, and Pritheir parents with sixty roses and vate John M. Bolton, son of Mr and they also received beautiful gifts, Mrs. John Bolton of Fox Lake. Rev cards, flowers and telegrams from Schmitz officiated at the wedding friends. ... _______ which was solemnized in St. Joseph's ~ - church in Round Lake. Mothers' Ctab hones and a two-seated wagon. Having no other means of departing, they found it necessary to be driven through town in the wagon, with police escort. A dinner was served at noon at Eva's restaurant to the immediate family and a few friends. The young couple then left oa a short wedding trip. Mr. Michels is a graduate of the local high school and attended Marquette University in Milwaukee. He has been employed by Austin & Western of Aurora(for some time and it is in that city that they will make their home. The bride attended the Omaha \ schools and has .been doing secretarial work there. -- ^ E. Martin Hoelscher (Phot# by Warwiak) MRS. JOHN BOLTON , On Thursday morning, April 9, at 9:30 o'clock in the morning, Miss . Helen Louise Smith, daughter of Mrs. I Ellen Smith of Geneva, became the ' bride of Mr. E. Martin Hoelscher, son j of Mrs. Ada Hoelscher of Elgin. The j ceremony was performed at St, Peter's Catholic church in Geneva, with Rev. [ F. S. Forcella officiating. j The bride, who was lovely in a nary I blue suit with white accessories, was J attended by Mrs. Frank Kaman of I Aurora, her sister. She was attired , in an aqua marine suit with which she wore orchid colored accessories. Jack Jaeger of Geneva acted as best man. j After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Smith residence and a reception for friends followed. The bride is a graduate of Mundelein college and has been employed by the Knapp & Tubbs Furniture Co. in Chicago. Mr. Hoelscher was graduated from Marmion Military academy and is employed by the Borden Co. in Chicago. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. R. I. Overton of McHenry and has many friends here who will be interested te hear of his marriage. CARD OF THANKS I wish to ««pw my thanks to the voters who supported and worked for me at the election on Tuesday, April 48 1 * ROBERT J. CONWAY. 'h. - Barbara Krause of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I Mut to express my sincere^ ., thanks to all the voters who gave mePp> ' t h e i r v o t e a n d s u p p o r t a t t h e p r i - " maries last Tuesday. 48 THOS. A. BOLGBL Anna Cleary of Sioux Falls, & D-, has been visiting relatives here. MEN IN LAST* REGISTRATION CALLED SOON The lovely bride wore eggshell satin (Continued from Page One) FOR THAT WILi-BRfl AMERICAN LOOK . SIA^PAST ffo M«&ers' club had thefrregtlfar and a fingertip veil with military meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter > braid. She carried a spray of orchids in Lily Lake and have bought wool Ju?ten ,ast Friday afternoon. A very |and a prayer book. The matron of and knitted an afgtoan for this great enj°yable program was planned for j honor, Mrs. Jane Weideman of Chiorganization. This afghan consisted jabout f°rty members who were pres- iCgao, a sister of the groom, was attirof eighty-one six-inch squares and ient and included selections by the ed in a pale yellow gown with lace was a piece bf' jfrtisfic beauty whsn'boy8' octet and the girls' chorus and (insertions. Her bouquet was of orchid and, as always, her splendid review' dress of put together. Three Years Old Joann May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, celebrated her third birthday at her home on John street Tuesday afternoon. Six friends were Iw*8 appreciated by those prespresent to obfcirve the. occasion with 'ent- A delicious lunch concluded the her and the afterrtodA was spent in meeting. The club will meet next at playing games. A lunch was served the home °* Mrs- c- J* Reihansperger at the close of the party, with a birth- ! •» May 8. day cake as the center of attraction. Those attending the party were Ruth Ann Phannenstill, Bobby Nickmake possible the first accurate and practicable budgeting of the nation's man power. McNutt said that graft authorities would retain responpiwNty for determining whether a registrant* should be deferred on occupational grounds or enrolled in the army. Local draft boards bare also received instructions concerning the regissolos by Warren Jones, Robert Ander- 'stocks. James Vandenboom, brother son and Betty McKean. Following this lof the bride, was best man. »WinW „y „>ry Ellen &£*?£?£=J LX aqua blue. She carried a * - - Delect ee Arthur Martin, who left for service colonial bouquet of sweet peas. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride for the immediate families. The groom reported back to Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111., Sunday evening. He will soon be graduated from a course in aircraft welding and will then be of this registration bat the government is anxious to determine what skills they have that would be vatsable in the war production effort. To assist in their work, local beat da will be authorized to enrol] voluntary unpaid registrars. The «pwstieeis to be asked include name, address, telephone number, age, date and place of ds, Vernon Block, Joan and Dick Col- this week, was honored at three gath- transferred ta another base, at which hirth name mi » nor™* wfc«. will .L lins and Lois and Joann May. erings prior to his leaving. itime Mrs. Bolton will join him. ' On Wednesday night, Vincent Mar-] The bride attended St. Mary's Tenth Birthday Gerry Carey celebrated H# tenth tT'tme-MvingSaal* fa*f --naw, sa»* poi* 16 top coat by lUrvion, far your Jkuiy Amarican fiancb. Speeds up <tfrytaf time of •tail eaamal -- make* it lait loayarl Only 60c. Bolgcr's Drug Store tiroes Start McHeary tin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and school in McHenry and later Grant Mr. and Mrs. William Martin enter- high school and Lake College of Combirthday as guest of honor at a birth- ' tained at a gathering at the Charles merce. The groom is a graduate of day party held* in her honor at her Martin home at Spring Grove. Thirty- Grant high school and enlisted in the home on Broati street last Saturday relatives and friends from Mc-1 army last November. afternoon Games were played through- Henry, Spring Grove, Wookegan and j -- <>ut the afternoon, with prises being Johnsburg enjoyed a social evening METHODIST GHTJRCK presented the 'winner*. A lovely lunch i ***& lunch. featuring a birthday cake was served Satarday evening a group of friends at the dose of the party. ' were entertained in his honor at tha Invited guests wiire Cykttua Woll of home of his aunt, Mrs. Eleawer Nye, Winnetka, Patsy Watson, Mary and on street where a gathering waa Eva Unti, Rita Conway, Janice Justen, |11180 held on Sunday. At the Latter Dorothy Schmitt, Carolyn Freund, time about sixty-five * relatives and friends from Chicago, Elmhurst* Waokegan, Aurora, Grayslake, Woodstock, Spring Grove and McHenry enjoyed a pot-luck dinner and supper. Mary Kay Freund, Mary Buss, Char lene Guercio, Terry Miller and Marianne Rogers, all of McHentf. ways know the registrant's whereabouts, his employer's nam* and address and the place of business or em ployment. Clifford GuiM of Bloomingon spent a week in the home of his daughtet and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baum, recently. l a I;*' » l u l l suing at th<>sf VALUES This is no time to bunt! You've got Do swing-bard true at every opportunity to save money. Etery day of every week, we're "pitching" savings right over your home plate--featuring dependable quality pbanfiacy supplies at the lowest prices. Take a full swing at our values and bat out extra savings throughout your liae-up of daily needs. Alka Seltzer" 49c TAMPAXkST 98c Dr. West's . > 47c DOUBLE-HEADER THIS SUNDAE!* It's a hit--this taste-thrilling sundae made with two Mg scoops of our rich and creamy ice cream. Step up to a plate' of this satisfying refreshment today and enjoy the thrilling goodness of one of our true-to-nature flavors. MENNEN'S SHAVING DEAL.... IODFNT--tarpe oaste or powder 49* 374 THOMAS P.BOLGER !> ! HE MCHENRY LRUGG1ST PHONE 4-0. MFMESPY.ILL SCENE OF SPRINa WEDDING SATURDAY tat let a tight waistband ndn your tap! 'Surprise Party' At our R. C. Sewing circle which was held at Betty's Place Monday, April 13, we had a surprise party for two of the members, Mrs. Bransford and Mrs. Weber. There were two birthday cakes which were donated by Mrs. Skelly and Mrs. Bransford. The sandwiches were donated by Mrs. Weber. The lovely table decorations were orchid and yellow. Those attending this gala event were Lottie Bransford, Louise Weber, May Budil, Molly Budil, Vivian Veneer, Jenny Valone, Louise Nielson, Louise Skelly and Gertrude Williams. K * • • « " . r v - P-T.A. Etetfe#* #. At the regular monthly meeting of the Lily Lake school P.-T. A. held April 10 at the school house, election of officers for the coming year was held. Mrs. Weiler as president was the unanimous choice of the nominating committee composed of Mr. Freund, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Swanson, and Mr. Fast. The following arete chosen by ballot: Mrs. Einspar, vice-president; Mr*. Nielson, secretary, aad Mrs. Freund, treasurer. Faultless NoMt Pajamas '42 The exclusive Faultless waistband coaxes relaxation. It stretches--do pinching, no binding. Grand new fv 12-26 SYLVIA SYNDER AND GEORGE MITCHELL TO BE MARRIED SUNDAY • wedding of more than ordinary interest to local folks will occur Sunday, April 19, at 12:80 p.m. at the Community Methodist church when, one of McHenry's most popular young couples will be united in marriage. At that time Miss Sylvia Snyder of McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs* Clyde Snyder of Janesville, Wis., will become the bride of Mr. George Mitchell, son of Mrs. Robert Orton of Elkhorn. Rex. A. L. Tucker of Palmyra, Wis., retired minister of Footville, in whose congregation Miss Snyder formerly was a member, will officiate. The attractive bride-to-be will wear a pink Herringbone twead suit with accessories of beige and turf brown and her corsage will be of gardenias. Miss Virginia Snyder of Oconomowoc, a sister, will be maid of honor, attired in a blue suit with matching accessories. Harry Kuntz of Milwaukee, a friend °f Mr. Mitchell, will be best man and After the election, plans were dis-1 ^e«^,re€ u8^er* he Carl Weber cussed for a picnic to be held celebrating the close of the term. No date has yet been decided upon, however. Installation of the new officers will take place Friday, May 1, at the school house, with a party for all. There will be no admission. After the business meeting was adjourned, pinochle and bunco were enjoyed by the many guests. The serving of cakes and coffee concluded a pleasant evening. * • • Past Offeers' Night The O. E. S. observed Past Officers' night last Monday at the Masonic hall. Those who held office for the evening were Ethel Holle, worthy matron; C. W. Goodell, worthy patron; Minnie Martin, associate matron; George Johnson, associate worthy patron; Mrs. Joel Wheeler, secretary; Katie Harrison, treasurer; Frances Vycital, conductress; Elsie Vycital, assistant conductress; Alice Lindsay, chaplain; Cora Bassett, marshall; Gretta Goodell, organist; Florabel Vogel, Adah; A'kne Pearson, Ruth; McGee's Stare for Ilea -- -- -- Mcggenry of McHenry, Larry Manegold of Mil waukee and Jerry Housholder of Woodstock. Mrs. Carl Weber will play Lohengrin's wedding march as the couple enter the church and Miss Jean Snyder of Janesville, a cousin of the bride-tobe, will sing "Liebestraum," "On Wings of Song" and "O Promise Me" during the ceremony. Following the wedding, a reception will be held for invited"'guests in the church dining room of the Methodist church in Footville. Later Sunday evening the young couple will leave on a week's honeymoon trip. Miss Snyder is a graduate of Janesville High school and Whitewater State Teachers college. She taught in Clinton, Wis., for two years before coming to McHenry where she has been the successful commercial teacher for the past five ye^jrs. Mr. Mitchell, a former resident of Milwaukee, is employed at the Alemite Die Casting Co. in Woodstock where he lived until'moving to McHenry a month ago. He will be in- A lovely early spring wedding; wai solemnized at the Community Method^ ist church last Saturday afternoon at five o'clock. Rev. J. H. Miller officiated at the ceremony which united, in marriage Miss Muriel Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan, who reside on Pine Tree Dairy Farm Noi 3, aad Mr. Melvin Burris, son of Mr. --»4 Mrs. Charles Burris of Waukegan. The attractive bride was attiredi in a beige and tan suit and wore turf sand accessories. Her sister, Mrs. Russell Tayler of Fond du Lac, Wis., acted aa matron of honor and wore an aqua suit with black accessories. Their corsages were of sweet peas and gladioli. Kussell. Tayler served the groom aa> best man. The bride was given in marriage by her father in the church beautifully decorated with ferns and bouquets of roses and snapdragons. Mrs. C. W. Goodell provided the musical background throughout the ceremony and also the aocompaniment for solos by Warren Jones. t Following the ceremony a dinner was serveo at Nell's for twenty-five relatives and friends. The young, couple then left on a short wedding trip into Southern Illinois. The groom is employed at the Oaks in Waukegan and Mrs. Burris is bookkeeper at the Abbott Laboratories in North Chicago. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burris and children, Harry Watterman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burris, Mr. and and Mrs. Earl Burton, all of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. George West of Kenosha, Win. t Miss Ethel Gyss of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tayler of Fond du Lac. » Mabel Johnson, Esther; Ethel Jones, j d«ted into the army April 28. He Martha; Fafinie Charoberlin, Electa;! and Miss Snyder have been active in Mabel Collins, warder; Henry Steph enson, sentii^ 3lr», |lay Spencer, guest of hono«|M,£fflSah Cox, soloist. During iKr.' «r#aiag plana were completed f<^ jxiends' Night to be held May 11. It was also announced that the worthy he assist- ! local musical circles, both being valuable members of the McHenry Choral club. Mr. Mitchell is also known locally for his talent as a drummer and since the first of the year has been a member of Barbara Horick's orchestra. WEDDING BELLS RING FOR CATHERINE SMITH AND EDWIN MICHELS A beautiful spring wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's church at ten o'clock Tuesday morning uniting in marriage Miss Catherine Smith of Omaha, Neb., and Mr. Edwin Michel^, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Michels of McHenry. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the wedding. The bride was attractive in an olive green suit with a gold blouse and brown accessories. Her corsage was of yellow tea roses and she carried a rosary and prayer book. ^Lorraine Smith, a cousin of the groom, was maid of honor, attired in an eggshell colored dress and British tan accessories. Her corsage was identical to that of the bride. Richard Fruend, a cousin of the groom, served as best man. The newlyweds had a surprise awaiting them as they left the church following the weddnig. They found their car and driver gone and in its place stood a team of beaatiful white Come in for service by Authorized Factory-trained Mechanic! who know how to make can last longer THERB'S t big difference be-' tween servicing a car and conserving it. 51^ The first simply takes care of needed matters -- the second attends to them in a way that pro-r fangs cerr'Ufe. . For example--now'i the time to change to spring and summer oil and lubricants. But if you want longest car-life, it's also the time to check up on motor efficiency* gas mileage, wheel alignment, clutch and brake condition, battery condition and general tightness. ; Buick Spring Servicing includes many of those thing# -- then goes farther. Bnmy cmr brought fm Buick dm&r fa regular seasonal service also gets m complete ckeck-up by a factory' trained mechanic ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT COST. , This check-up helps Conacih'i Your Car by showing its exact condition, and uncovering any special attention it may need in the near future. , , Why not get Spring Servicing that includes this EXTRA safeguard of long life at no extra ohargeT Better Buy Buick SERVICE R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES V Fre«t Street, Weat McHenry 216 N. Main Street Cryatal Laha

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