Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1942, p. 10

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•Am two *? m - it" " H i ^ " \ " - • - • • • - " * ^ » ' - . v - ' • * - . ' \ ; ' * ' - v „ < . • ' * ' i " 'H> ,i?'r ^j*rwf.;. v»;- .>,'<'•' -y!*Vr .' ..v.,.. i.mj , i-^.Ki,'., frHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, aLlNO® "Ml vWaio*u Klda Omn ove at * tAh *isk& ti/"mtl &e I - -t - h-- at th_i s !I ter 11 c. o nstru.c tion . t.h >e ----C ou.n tyA nl a toM d.A i»_s -_ II waMsl • dec,-ml»a re.d unanimo.u s.l. •v carried_ _ * b^ referred to the Claims, Coun- ] continue State Aid Route 52 and the ~ Twn would assume the maintenance. We attempted to estimate the coat to the County of blacktoppoing the Kosedai « road t/ut came to no decision. We again met on the 3rd day of May, 1941, and went to McHenry to consider furtiier the blacktopping of the Rosedale Rond. The Suburban Oil Co. of Oak Park Illinois, offered to huild the Rosed&lp road known as State Aid Route 24 and the portionof State Aid Route S, from the old Fox River Bridge at McHenry south to State Pond Issu^ Route 20 by spreading 400 cu. yds. of crushtd gravel for the base, ins-'ailiufc 3 catchbasins and 700 feet of 6 inch and 8 inch diameter tile and constructing ti X inch thickness oil plartt mix 18 ft. wide according to State of Illinois Specifications B2, furnishing all materials, equipment and labor, approximate length 1.4 miles, for a contract pr|ce of $6200. Construction to oe built to the satisfaction of the highway commissioner of the Town of McHenry. The highway commissioner, Joseph J. Freund, acting for the Town of McHenry, McHenry County, ^Illinois, with the consent of the Supervfior and the Town Clerk for said town agreed to »num« #n Tuesday, the 13ah day of May. A~ O i ful1 naaintenance of the Rosedale road Committee. Said motion was .seconded by Supr. Beck and dell unanimously carried. ktOVOral communications from the *|t« of Illinois. Department of Public irks and buildings were presented bordered placed on file. "" Chairman stated that If t»,i»re no further business to come before meeting, he would entertain a mo- |D adjourn. It was thereupon regur roovfd by Supr. Harrison and ly seconded by Supr. Stewart to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. GILBERT J. CARROLL, WOODS, Cto*. Special May Meeting, 1941 4 , • • * The Honorable Board of Supervisors •f jfcHenry County met tn special session pursuant to a call signed by more tfhsn one-third of Its members at the ^ourt House in the City of Woodstock &. 1941, at ten-thirty o'clock. A. M. (D. S. T->. The meeting was called to order by tHe Chairman and the roll, being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. 'jBtockwell, C. Perry Wright, Carl K. WittmusF. k Beck, N. B. Clawson, O J[. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. jkckman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Btewirt, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. Q Stevens, Frank May, Matt N. Schmitt. Henry C. Meier, John J Filip and Asst. rpervisor Paul Rosenthal, constituting quorum. • <- The minutes of the Special April •rganlsatin meeting, .held April t2, A. !>.l 941, were piji^e'ftted and read and t^>on motion made pi)#, carried, were approved and ordered or record. 'The follo^insKreport pf the County freasurer for the iqohth of April. 1641, wa.« nresented and read to the Boar4. l#-wtt: •*$<,' • 9*witr Treasurer's Report JSflOr the *ontb of April, 1N1 • Receipts Jlalance brought forward April 1st., 1941 9124.8IS.44 fersonal Property Taxes f 48.61 111. Emergency Relief fund 1,090.00 Highway Fund _ 775.60 Snpervlsors. Co. Home 165.51 YMatlon of Hwy. Fines 1*1.00 County Officers' Fees 18.21 Wen. Fund. Sale of tax war. 6,000.AO Chm., Liquor License Com. ..20,976.00 f'auper Refund Hins Minors 40.00 Supt. of Co. Home f).|| Old Age Asst. Admr. ..... ... 90.20 Wot or Fuel Tax Fund, State of 111 .. inheritance Taxes Jayment of Ins. claims auper Refund on Wilson Minors •6,764.00 1,088.01 10.00 Blind Relief, State of III Penaltie* and Foes , , ., Total Receipts 15.00 3.S3S.62 .14 Oraad Total 67,600.47 |l9t,4li.» L. County Orders 99.818.80 Htgfcway Orders 7,168.87 ' an<1 p,tit -- 86.00 3?1"* Relief - 4,1066.25 Wthd Relief 4,106.26 Old Age Assistance 20.00 C0«nty Treas. 9aiary'"..1S.".. Institute Orders Mothers Pensions _.... Coroner's Jurors Motor Fuel Tax Orders Hi, Emergency Relief Stamtyi XMaqputsd Taxes 'Wpn-High School Orders ill Otoosit by Qrdor of Court»s WWW r* * PaynionT of Waf. J,0.lio oo - •• t>00 Total Orders 42886 44 Balance on hand April 80th ^ I all funds 189,496 47 184.60 200.06 •5.00 •27.50 80.00 U6.12 1,080.00 661.88 7,088.42 40,00 40.00 !J« 1 i . i» j m< !**• ' in * td iv if }} 0r*nd Tota» -•182,482.91 "The above and foregoing report Is frue and correct according to my best Jtoowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, _ . .. . County Treasurer. „ suoscrlbed and sworn to before me tfcte 13tk day of May, 1941 . R. D. WOODS,, I®***) County Clerk. LJ^ WM thopoupon regularly moved by •tipr. KliecKer and duly seconded by •upr. Filip that the report of the County Treasurer be approved and the Chair- ®J^n^d®clared the motion unanimously j. The Committee on Roads and Bridges frasentad the following report, to-wit: Chairman and Gentlemen of the .. Board of Supervisors, McHenry Counof the Kti <i nt v Illinois ,tn v"?- The undersigned V. * *»- 111' a.. ---- members Road and Bridg« committee for said County beg leave to submit the folllow- ™1&/e,)0rt on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, «n the 28th day of April, 1941, and yent to McHenry, Illinois, on the matf »r of graveling the shoulders of the Bsw asphalt road known as section 12- Fr. Pfifer Bros, of Crvstal Lake were Operating a crusher about 5 miles awav Mi connection with the Twn of McHenr'v rBond issue road*;, and agreed to furnish trashed gravel at the pit in a bin »0_ 40 per cu. yd. or would furnish «nd haul the gravel for 80 cents a cu. *d., about 800 cu. yds. being Involved. We decided to accept the latter proposition and the gravel is now in place on the shoulders of the road. We then thterviewed Geo De Roche of the Sub- • rban Oil Company in regard to the 2?8i surfacing an intersectin of Joads at Sayer'tnCorner tof connect with ii ,TrTn,elroa<L He_ stated that thev »ould do the work ar»i furnish the materials at the same price per square as provided in their contract with IJj® J°w.n. of McHenrV. So v« decided gv&the WOrk done' Bbout ,10« beln8 CQ?P?®, H!H Asphalt road built Py the State and turned over to the County for maintenance Is in bad condition and contains many holes, and ye inquired as to the possibility of se- S? mixed tax-gravel from llhe Suburban Oil Co. plant, which is Zf-.Up« ?®?r The coet of mixed jfiaterial loaded into our trucks would •e fo.00 per ton and we decided to buy (4nough of said material to patch said •5u, a!L^oon M the we&ther is favor- 5? .u l!,he commissioner of highways ?£ ! e of McHenry sent word that ne would like to talk ver the matter of black topping certain State Aid an<l we decided to meet him at Jfohnsburg May 1„ 1941 *iLrl- >«^play, 1941 at 1J?oeht nsobnu rtgh ew ift,rh* »J oseph oJf. r«und, highway commissioner or the own of McHenry, and Math Schmitt fSupervisor of said town. The road from ie west end of the River Bridge at ohnsburg extending north abut a quaorter qt a mile and then west about Jl quarter of a mile to the concrete » "etterrnan 8 corner is a StAe Aid Route known as Rute 22 and is ttnder County jurisdiction, as Is also fpe RojKedale road known as section or route 24 which leads north-easterly £r?m ihe Fox R'ver Bridge at McHenry. . Tewn of McHenry has a road PplidiOft program on to build blacktop rWMlS fi» the various subdivisions, and tb* Town officers wanted the County IP Mscktop the County's remaining roads while the huge asphalt plant is ftftl) nearby. In the matter of the east 4U)d west nortion of State Aid Route 22. tfrout 1500 ft. of road axtending easterly from Hetterman's Corner, we de- Oldad to recommend that the County pay for blacktopping the road with the ttme kind of materials as the Town ir> to uw on its bond issue roads. The (,, j Suburban Oil C«, which has th« Town Contract agreed to do the work and furnish all the materials at the same raj^kMte 4 >>paAe4r •s••q( .4 U vd«.1 ..a sm provid. *e d 1*i n. T « their 1 u < £T<' n known as State Aid Route 24 and extending frofti the old R'iver Bridge at AicH«nry to State Aid Route 28 at Transformer Corner, and the County t»f McHenry to discontinue said road as a State Aid Route, and further tho Town of McHenry Would for the sum or' $1.00 maintain the portion of State Aid Route 3 from the above mentioned Stale Aid Koute 24 near the old Bridge over Fox River at McHenry south to State Bond IsBue Routs 20, if the County Qt McHenry would pay the original cost of 4aid impiovement above described We discussed the above proposition and the advantages to the County would be the doing away with a full time patrolman at McHenry; that the cost of the work now would be less than later because the asphalt plant is already on the job; that considerable right of way expense would be saved as two houses would need to be moved" at sharp turns :f built under State rules and regulations as to alignment, out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. We finally decided to recommand to this Board of Supervisors that said proposition above outlined be accepted on behalf of McHenry County, Il.inols, and that this committee be empowered to carry out the details of said agreement, and that said costs bo paid out of County Highway funds other than motor fuel tax funds, and we now do so recommend. We then went to Spring Orovo, Illinois, and arranged for the county crusher plant to move to the Keefe Brothers gravel pit east of Spring Grove to make the stone for Section 13-IT asphalt road We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the loth day of May, 1941 find audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Highway System as a whole for supplies and repairs for county owned machinery and lahor at the county tool house »n a total of 81,871.50 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the county patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follow $ 845.68 818.97 ....i™ 190.99 -- 20.28 1,119.29 161.60 Sections 8, 14 Sections 4, 16, 18 Sections 4, 17 .-. "...! Sections 5, 6 'Z Sections 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12 Sections 18, 1# .... , Total 84,538.28 Bills were audited and ocdsred paid out of motor fuel tax funds •• follows S. A. Route-- 2, Sec. 7-IT maint. labor machine rent f 8.57 Sec. 9T maint. labor ,! ljioo 298.62 >6.87 >.•5 •2.20 7.16 45.60 >.10 23. 11, Sec. 11-IT maintenance labor machine rent 20.48 25, Sec. 12, maint. labor, mach rent " 12.78 26, Sec. 12-IT maint. labor, mat! 67L99 IA, 4A and 5B ext., Sec. 18 maint. labor, material, mach. rent 4A, 4A and 5B ext., 8«c. 18-IT, engineering rent _ |8 80 4A, 4A and SB ext.. Sec. 13-1T, construction Treas. fee 21A, Sec. 14-IT maintenance labor, machine rent 28, S^c. 17-IT maintenance labor" machine rent 17 and 19, Sec. 18, erigi. labor ... 14 and 15, Sec. 19, const.1 abcr .... 1, Sec. 20, maintenance labor, machine rent 1, Sec. 20-IT engl. labor 1, Sec. 20-IT construt, Treas. fee 2ie!88 9, Sec. 21, Right of Way tabor, Herts fence 11 05 9, Sec. 21 Right of Way nh cording and treas. fee 66 80 9, Sec. 21 construction labor 16.90 ^22* ^ l2- en*1- labor, material 222.88 BOB. Sec. 24 engi. labor 18.SO 2oB, Sec. 24 const, labor, mat 10.96 13, Sec. 26, engi. labor #8.13 3, 8ec. 16-It right of way, SBI Rt.2 0 recording so 10 Pursuant to a request from th* County highway employees we decided to recommend that thev be given a In day vacation with pay each year. We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on county owned machinery and turned same over to the county treasure - for the road fund as follows: Sec. 7-IT ?2.42: Sec ll-TT $10.98; Sec. 12 $7.28; Sec. 18 $86 20" M.62; 17-IT $4.45; Sec 2(5 *33.60; Sec. 24 $8.12 and from A. E. Water for old 1»24 model Northern conveyor no longer of use to county $50.00, a total of $156.62, which sum is hereby r«-apPr°PrIsted for road purposes. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for care of the McHenry ounty, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the McHenry County highway fund of $7 one until ll»® ,?e*t meeting of this board. . mltted, whlch ia respectfully «fc|>- L. A. STOCKWKLL ROY J. STEWART J G. STEVENS H. C. MEIER . F. E. BECK *u»r- Harrison stated that there was Question in his mind as to whether or not the County could turn hack a road to the township for malnge^ ral di8CU8»>on was then !i^i ?Kard to ®8ld matter and it was decided to defer action on the re- ?e«r ..nfiwt and Brld*e Commit- I? o 1 .1 a"frnoon session of thip Sunt \ C L" Tryon' the Cou"ty fh? o an(! Secretary of nnno»t 1if*i4e^d1 •to aapnp ear at saidC otmimmei ttteoe fubrether enlighten the Board concerning this recommendation. a^ressed the Board and Mated that Senate Bill 116 had now become a law giving the Board of Supervisors the power top urchase two for the of^e o< tim Thj? »h L ^ould move at this time that the Purchasing Committee, who are making an investigation concerning the purchase of this equipment, make a report at the next meeting. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr Wlltmus. Supr. Clawson. Chapman . < the Committee on Purchasing, stated that he knew very little about sai'i mat. ter having only been on the committor iiwl ^ a S'Onth and that he would like to have Supr. Beck, who has been ?. member of the Committee ever sine* bbeepenn hbJeff/o re the 5Baodariod oE,fi uSlpumpeernvti sohras* inform tbe Board as to what work has been done on said matter thus far Supr. Beck addressed the Board »r.a stated that during the past three years mn^n°re«L I>uj"hca*sitlB Committee hats made a thorough investigation concern- Ing the need and cost of this service K> the County and that it was his opinio^ due to publicity and the effectiveness Of apprehending criminals in other counties with the help of radio equipment, thut tllfc people of McHenry County generally feel that the service is necessary, Supr. Beck then outlined in detail the cost to the County for said equipment as compared to adjoining "ountles that have this installation. A general discussion was then had by the contract with the Town of McHenry. members of the Board concerning said approximately $1.00 per ft. of road. Af-I matter after which Supr. Ferris' mQtlon The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of upr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and declared carried, the claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board ad Jour nod to 1:30 p. M. (D. S. T.) for committor work. 1)80 O'OLOOI P. M. (9. M. *.» Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the same members espnded to their names aa appeared of •ecord in the morning session, coiWtluting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees md Supplies presented the following •epoit which, on motion of Supr. Stowirt and duly seconded by Supr. Filip nd the k>1I being called, was declartd unanimously adopted, to-wit: May 18, A. D. 1641. Mr. Chairman and Oentlemsn of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to rereport that they have exsmined all •lainiH presented to them and recommend the payment of the following md that th# Clerk be directed to issue >rders on the County Treasurer to the "Claimants for the several amounts, allowed, as follows, to-wit: 'rank Thornber St Co., co elk prtg *68.91; co elk eloc supl, $23.55; co treAS off sup $27.M co elk oft sup $144.5S cir oik sup $1.89 co elk tax bk$48.»7 .. 810.24 t'. F. Pettibone p Co., co treas off sup $19:i.l5; cir elk sup 83.80; oirc Ik rsc bk $66.60 .... S|7.6S Woodstock Daily Sentinel, supr, prtg $1.70; co treas off sup $47.55 « 49.26 jtate Bank of Wodstock; co traas off sup 1.g| Richmond Oasette, co oik elso - 64.71 Crystal Lake Hsrald, co elk off sup •he expenditure of funds undsr the '^ognrdus Act. All Of which is respectfully submtt- ROY ij. STBWART. Chairman n>-<3. MR18R i, ,. L. A. 8TOCKWELL • C. PERRY WRTflHT CHAM, H. ACKMA* . (roerlitz-Becknell Co., cir elk sup Marengo Republican-News, slip so hs off exn^ Byers Prlntlur' Co., gup schs U5.78 10.8* 1.00 1.6^ 8.66 •6.60 45.00 s.op 7.50 I02S 3.36 18.26 •9. IP Mi •2.78 M.88 11.71 14.98 2.00 5.84 8.00 8.00 12.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 8.00 WOO 40.00 S.00 to.oo 19.00 tl.8f» 40 00 20 .60 10 .95 •7.25 ft •8 W.e •P.i 66.£ 90 18.40 •2.90 6.8(1 9.10 1.30 6.80 B6.10 T8.00 off exp _ V .L. and E. W. Kruysman, sST scha off exp .Cthel C. Coe, Co. Siipt., sup schs off exp 'Irant Nolan, Judcy jus fees ...." Amer. Law Book Co., Judcy librr lawyers Co-op Publ. Co., judcy libry Henry Ohlrlch, ct hie Jail rep Sanitary Plumbing & Heatinf Co., ct hse Jail repairs Botts Welding Service, ct hM Jail repairs Mishler Electric, ct. hse Jail rep $39.07; ct h-se sup 250.12 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, cP-hse sup Ml. State Employment Service, ct hse sup *•.<» Hohn Hardware Co., ct hse eup.. S2.28 .udwig Wilson Co., ct hs« sup... 26.24 7;-, Kennel]y, er TB off sup .... n.o« '11. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel.,... 10J.3} dnd/ew Co- ct t»e ^al' ooal 16.88 \rlie E. Shearer, 00 elk registr B, & D. j "harles F. Hayes, judcy jua f'ee«i lo!o0 Harold W. bchmidt, co treas off sup $7.88; co elk tax bk $14.75: cir elk sup $6.76 Lester Edinger, shf per dleHI fees, service „ Shf. Feeding Prle.-- ronway Dairy Ma rinda Bates Hoesley's Bakery; •Ockert & Wells "*" '0. G. Shlnner & Co. Western United Gas & Bloc."Co! Vance Ocoek, shf dpty Harold Hobbs, shf dp{y '-oren Edinger, shf dpty ' Otto Ruchert, shf dpty Mlrdie Schroeder, shf bailiff „ Albln Kuppe, shf bailiff ">wen H. Corr, shf bailiff Howard Freeman; shf dpty $16.00: shf bailiff $20.00 "lyde C. Miner, shf dpty M.ftO; shf bailiff $82.00 L. Tryon, co sup hwy tr»V . exp $71.66 ; CO so« hwy - f , «a1 $129.46 toi.oi Dr. W. J. Copelnnd, co elk in« depn, Gilbert »r. G«orge H. Pflueger, co (4k Ins depdn Gilbert Goben .a.... >r A. V. f.lndt-erg, co elk |IM depdn, Gilbert, Goben „ Supr. Sal. Mileage-- A. Stockwell .••ir ". Perry Wright^..., 'arl E. Wlttmus •\ E. Beck V. B. Clawson 1. J. Carroll !• P. Kuecker hns. H. Ackman. ^nk C. Ferris ,w.^._„»7.20 itoy J. Stewart t7. E. Harrison G. Stevens Frank Msv Matt N. Schmitt (I'^nry C. Meier 'ohn J. Filip P. K: Nolan, Jr r>aul Rosent hal to.mi Philip Iff. Blerdeman, ehf dpty!.!! 126 00 >aisy V. Moore, sup schs asst and elk hire fg 00 Vda M. Manning,, sup schs asat and elk hire 88.86 V. A. Crlssey, cir ct pro off sal!!.! 7«.nn estie Muldoon. ct hse Jail sal.... 116.00 \rmour Birk, ct hse Jail sal 116.00 Marian Edinger, shf feed prls .... 100 00 Helen Schoepke, er TB off sal.... 76.00 Lester Edinger, ahf per diem fees, serv 100.00 ity of Woodstock, ot hse Jail light and water 14S.76 All of which is respectfully MMalted. . ' CARL E. WITTMUS FRANK C. FERRIS N. B. CLAWSON MATT k. SCHMITT tt C. MEIER The Committee on Claims, County presented' the following report, vhich on motion of Supr Clawson and lV.y ,hv Supr. Ferris and the oil being called, was declared vaaninously adopted, to-wtt: ., -• May IS, A. D 1041 Mr Chairman and Oentlemen of the Board of Supervisore; Your Committee on Count* Poor .'aims would beg leave to report that hey have examined all claims presentto them, and recommend the pay- .,he following, and that th« ^lerk be diructed to tssue orders on the ounty Treasurer to the Claimants for he several amounts allowed, as follows. 0-wit: * Dependent Children-- ft. Vincent's Indus. School, Denning, Glossen 1 um Lutheran Child Welfare *--r " Norton, Daymond |tM Mrs. May Miner. Deline 85.00 mis. Martin Mortensen, Bradlsy 14ns Mrs. F. T. Ferris, Meyer 16 0^ Chicago Indus. Home for Child. 4$4'26 ^m2,n Ki'-ksteadt, Hints 40.00 T. P. Patient I'auper-- )id Peopled? Rest Home. Hlbbard 80 00 ^ake Co. Tuberculosis San 88*00 almora Sanatorium, McLaughlin 76'5<i ong Sanatorium. Kuppe 7« 2«i Marrnret Landre, Karls : U 00 "ir r n°hI' 5 l>- C^ambare .... 85.00 Jr-,_?• D- Johnson, Ley jj 60 X.. Thomas Brand. Liokar, f'attin- <#ont Vdty « ^ c>;',lisb',rv' <"l«»J<ie. 'Terkcr l*o!oo Henry W. Sandeen, Helton,." 1 • I-^nson . : ba AA Vhi Ten c'o.. Holto^ ... .i .T ( fn'<w> ol. C. C. Miner. Soma ' ' ia en Rational Tea Co., Fisher !!!! «t 00 .V stock Public Hospital, Hal. 11> McHenry County Rslief. Com."'!" ' M SG Mrs. Louise M. Brooks,.TB I^tient v 1 Panr>"r *12.67, pro off trsiv • ' • exp $30.65 j, 29 • T. B. Patient Paup£r-~ ' -. W. V. Gooder, MePft^rson 126 50 J arvard • Hospital, WlUard Frits 66 00 Dr«. Brand and Johnson, Willard 142 On vour committee would further recom rr»»nd that an additional amount of "PProi»rlated and allowed the I nion Tost of the American Legion, or ^o 'nnrh 'hereof as is necessary to defray their expenses for the current year, said sum to be dispersed to said post under the same rules aaa govern Supr. Stewart, Chairman of the Comnittee on County Poor Claims, notified the member* of the Board tha$, accordng to a recent decision Of the Illinois Supreme Court and an opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Illinois issued August 27. 1940, that "The ""ounty Is responsible tqr reasonable medical services rendered'to persons In nood fhltlr and'upon the request of'the tverseed of the poor, or when given in 'ts entirety under such an "emerge'ricy as leflned by section 24 and sfdtlon 15 if the P^Uper Act of lyinols/' Tl»e lerk then read an opinion of the •orney Oeneral of the stati of Illinois,, 1ate*J February 11, 1941, coiicernini? hi* and ©thfff matters pertaining to re- 'lef. 3ppr. Stewart then presented ^ach member of the Board with a copy 'f said letter after which a treperal dis- •tissjon was hhd with reirvd to $ald matter and it was decides} that £U mat- ^.jers pertaining to claims coming under provisions of this act be referred to •He Committee on County Poor Claims "^r their coosJderatlon and recommend* 'tlon. Attorney f|sh representing the Vil» age of LJly Lake aopeared before th* ~o»rd and made a formal request for "unds collected by McHenry County for ' inuor T,icenf«es. it being the conten. Ion of the Village that said funds •houjd have been paid info the vi]iase reasurv instead of the County Treasury. Mr. ""ish stated that be was Jnormed thgjl the funds were, now being eld In pscrow by the County Treasurer ^tipr. Kuecker stated that he was halrmnn of the Liquor License Com. "ittee at the time the funds were coiand deposited the funds with c?:,ntv Treasurer, but <lid not bq. ieve they were deposited ln ecrow but were deposited directlv In the eeneral •tnds of the County. Mr, Fislj then Inr, rm".'} the Board that he was probably "igtaKen about the funds bpiner held in crow. Supr. Filip stated that he was •Iso a member of the Committea at the Mme said funds or license fees were •ollected and that at that tiny the Ll- 'uor Control Commission was informed V the State Liquor Cohtrol Commission hst they would only recognise the ounty concerning licenses for taverns operate in what Is known as the ilia re of T.ily Lake. After some furner dlsct'jBion, It W" reaularly moved v nupr. Kuecker and duly a^vnnded by Wr. Wlip that said mafter be refer- T/nuor Control Commission • McHenrv Q,Unty nnd the State's Atorn ®y of McTfenry Countv to work out solution. The ChairnuJ,n •4cd T motion unanimously car- Committee on McHonrv County tome *nd nrasea^4 the folUw- 1* report,' fo^rlt: ^ ! ' May T IMl >fr Cbf»lnja« ' and membsrs of the Pf»»rd of Supervisors of McHenry Countv: ,.T°"J C'l'inlj' Home Committee met on , nv ">41 at theM cHenry County >"»• and audited the Mils for the °f April. 1941. and respectfully Mbmjts the following report recom- "lonrtfn* same be paid. Mueller St Co., hoep sup 1 4A.1II "ub. Service-Co. .light and power- 86.RJf •irten P, Collen. rrinding n.o« "'horne ^ Son. clothing h!m loodrow's Gargge. gas and oil !!!! lfi!sf 7>rv ^00,1, h°«»» SUP 16 76 1 Telephone, telephone .„. 82.26 Vn^AH*r>flr Wholes*** Co., t«k. 44.81) ^akkorn Bros., repairs 2 26 Rrr., Rl,rt oH .-- . I 61 otl Co.. fll»| °idffi»fl»>d Fsrjrers Bun. Co_ fuei :>X T "~ber Co.. suopllee Pb»rm»*v. med . .. ""•he rtofcn H'*w. Co.. paint . vh" T eld r Hdw.. Co.. toolg Snnptv Store, chlckefa and «»npMeS f»ev»on ^ Qp _ erpcerlOB 168.61 Rlx^ntt Co., bakery... 11.24 ' T TVi v. lshor , xn oe " p A Incidentals 41.18 loneor Mill f«ed 16 Pnkery. bekerv s* o« wiison c«„ laundry gup 108.32 illness of Asst. Supr. T. F. Nolan, Jr. of Dorr Township who had charge of the arrangements of the meeting. Supr Beck stated further that everyone receive a notice of, the postponement ia tomorrow morning's mall. Asst. ,Supr. Rosenthal moved that the Clerk be instructed to write a letter of sympathy to Asst. Supr. Nolan and wishing him a speedy recovery. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Stock well and unanimously carried. . The Chairman stated that it there WAS nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly veconded by Supr. Turner to adjourn. Mottaff carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. OHUpERT J. CARROLL, Attest: Chalstnan. R D. WOODS, Clerk. Regular June Meeting, 1941 The Honorable Board of Supervisors it McHenry County,met in regular ggeslon at the Court House in the' City of Woodgtock, on Monday, the 9th day of June, A. D. 1841, at ten-thirty o'clock A. M. (D. S.T.) The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, (j. J. Carroll, and the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry Wright, Carl E. Wittmus. F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll. E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferri*, Roy J, .Stewart J. K. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Matt N. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, John J. FilH> and Assistant Supervisors T. F Nolan, Jr., and Paul Rosenthal, oonstitutlng a quorum. The records of the last preceding meeting were read and on motion approved and ordered of record. The following report of the county Treasurer for the mnth of May, 1941, was presented and read to the Board, tP-wit: 76.76 44.06 • '* •7.78 47.16 176 62.86 ^errls Bros., renslr* _ Thompson Sunplv Co.. fuel ^Award Se* "Y>od S^rvl^e. flan .... 1rr"»t>v Motor Sales, tub«s "5". W. Wonlworth Co.. rlothlpy ... *"*. O. Andrew Co.. f«*d \tnn,*nm»rv Wnrd Pn.. clothing \ «?•»« inund'nr. laundry MT~\ P«rns. labor •>fHrhe»i r>r"*r Store, medicine .... "oyal t"ne Store, grnceriea .., ,,r. Allen **<« Rs«her All««. «al 166 00 -"hntxtw ani) Montgomery SSlfli-V '^-ank \Vhite. salary !.J!!Xi V«b'e. snlary T oni«te Johnson, sslaiii' ""ovd M^son. ssiarv >Tr«. f ^ ^chrleher. salary T 'nn^a Wolt. snlary 4J.RP 80.00 16 60 • 66 7.04 67.8^ * « 11 96 8 70 2.s« Tt.lH T,lw»s»> Melandsr. eslgrv "'*ra Hayes, kalary 100 00 »i e- 31.67 45.00 14.40 Ao 20.61 »0.0o flfl 56 00 •1,840.6.2 , . _ May 1«. 104] ° th« Bosrd of 8up*rvlsorlk.. v-w»tiry County, Illinois: irnitlninem . V/>"r V-Heiry ColMJtv Fsim. '»»4 Committee met at Hart- •»nd *"ln'.|». May 7. A. D 1941 end ..«#* rerw>rt that t»te current bills mid I ted Ip the following ampunts: ^->-n»nt Imnrovementg fill 64 o-rnenses .,866.04 ^flofhlnor and-vhei Tobacco --Hal '"'ne® and oil r..............> 44,89 -I...,**.**,...., 9a.26 305.7K 814.62 193.98 Twf*T .41 640.62 Tho Vs^i'iar Insneettew of th* bounty and Hospital was made and eame v«r» fh»<nd to be in good order . V" o' wh'cll 4s respectfully submit- » C. r¥KT«it ' v- • ' a o. Strvwnh • CARL K. W7TTMU1 HtewArt that the report be adopted by this Board, sad thi roll being called, •he Chairman declared the motion unan- 'woimiy carried. County Superintendent of Highways, L. Tryon. address<ed the Board end rtXpi»lno<t In »f the Road and Bridge Commlttie conernlng road improvements In McHenrj' Township. Ss'd recommendation* b<» iljff a nart of th«> report of the Roe-' nd Bridge Committee presented in the morning session of this meeting. After which it was regularly moved by Supr. Hchmltt and duly seconded hy Supr Mav that thr> »pnirt nf ^ rr * ""ridf^e Comn Htee be approved and the erommendati"ns adopted, and the roll »*lng called, the Chairman declared the ~'>tion unanimously carried. The Chain-ian addressed the Board nd stotwi thst he was Informed that it was necessary to ha> e both politics' Dfcrties represented on fhe Fl.vHon "ini«"ittM of the Board of Supervisors •ind th"* he would appoint at this time Supr. Matt ff gchmitt of M'-H»nrv Township as a member of said Oon- 'nittee to ait with the cmmlttee on all ">f th«lr deliberations dui ing the vear *t was hereupon regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the appointment b« confirmed. Motion declared unsniinous- 1y carried. Supr. Beck, president of the McHenry ""ounty Township Officials organization, -•t.ited that the meeting scheduled to be held tomorrow evening was postponed until further notice due to the illne»e f the principal speaker, the Honorable Thomas E. Gill, one of the Judges of the 17th Judicial Circuit, residing at das :>• ' *" O^ntr tmnrtci Bepovt fat mm Hnth of Kay, 1041 „ . Becelpts Balance brought forward nMay 1M1 ~...|1»».4»«.4» Personal Prop. Back Taxen ....• 67.66 111. Emergency Relief v 2220 00 Highway Fund ,^..11 134 7# > Supervisors, Co. Home 4j 840.62 ' lolation of Hwy. Fines 12.00 County Officers' Pees 51109 Gen. Fund, part '40 tanea ....*•,78s!»6 Chm., Liquor License Cow. .. 8,100.00 Old Age Asistancs jo Motor Fuel Tax .y...,, • U9 72 Pauper Refund on HIM Minors M 40.00 Inheritance Taxes •,254.61 Pauper Ref. on Wilson minora 16.00 Penalties and Fees Pauper Refund on aiosson minors 111. Bell Telephone Com. ' nknown Minor Heirs fund. Wm. E. Oaulke, fair grounds rent M State's Attorney's iini'Ct DogT ax Fund 81.08 1S.OO 1.S2 2f.l9 Blind Relief Fund, part '40 taves Mothers' Pensions, part taxes Bridge Bond Fund, part '40 taxes • „ ,, Disputed Taves >, Total Reooipts •5.00 805.00 6.00 *,666.86 ... 2.666.95 •,284.97 441.72 ,.i....62,»76.00 Grand Total 1192,471.47 Hmi2g2hwtJra y Orders ^.--••••,.878167. 4894 Mothers' P«n«1ons " ' 904 00 Uounty Orders ^ 809!26 SVriaoilna<tJio.ann do fr -HtUig •hTwuroa»y,» vines v 742.00 to Stfltft • 1«A fi County Treas. Salary ....J»!!"!..v 100!00 6W $5 * TTobatin Officar ...o ft2fl!oO Motor Fuel Tax Orders 1,245.00 ' oroners Jurors 48 00 r" Emergency Relief ....; !!-. 810 00 Old Age Asst. Admr ^ ...*. io.28 General Fund. Payment of Tnstitute Orders Inheritance Taxes s Bridge Bond Fundi ......... 301.60 10.00 6.00 1,61 <.00 Total Orders .40,446.22 Balance on hand May 81st!, In all funds 162,088.26 Grand Total •102,471.47 The above and foregoing report is true fnd correct according to my bem knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, _... f County Treasurer. hf.U^Trl5*d *worri to before me hie Wth day •( June, 1841. R. D. WOODS, taeai; County Clerk. It mn thereupon regularly moved by £upr. Harrison and duly seconded by upr. Meier that the report of the ^tiunty Treasurer be adopted hv this Hoard. And the roll being called, the halrman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman called upon the two oolitlcal parties as represented by the !nember*hip of thebo ard for iu(gM< ions of electors to act as Judges and Merks of Elections and also for the designation of polling places for the parlous precincts and districts in Mo- Henry County for the ensuing year After selections were made, it was reguarly moved hyS upr. Harrison and dulv econded hy Supr. Ferris that the said <f>le^tlons be referred to the Commute* ^n Elections for report. Motion declared unanimously carried. It appearing to the Board that It I* •le^esKary at this time to make new selectione as to Jurors for the Courts *1 McH"""y County, the members from •he various Townships presented new lists of not less than one-tenth of tho 'egal voters of each sex of each Town ->r precinct for prospective Jury service n the Courts of McHenry Cunty which Mst» were read by the Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr. ^tewart and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that the following reaolatln b« adopted, to-wit: Be It Resolved, that the names as ^•ad to this Board, which names have r>66|i seUct/td by th* Supervisors of th« espectiv* townships of net less then '-lOth of the legal voters of each sex of «ach town or precinct In the County artd which names appear ln Jurv List Vo. 9 now on file in the County Clerk's ^Jrice in McHenry County, Illinois, be • nd hereby are declared the legal Petit lury List for the Courts of McHenry •Unty. Said List heinc and hereby is i part of this record. And the roll being called, the Chalr- •nan declared the motion carried and Resolution unanimously adopted It was thereupon regularly moved by Vt»r. Harrison and duly seconded by UPr. S'-hmltt that the following Reso- " adopted by this Board to-wit: Pe it npsojved, by the Board of Su- ,,y nt McHenry County, Illinois, «at «h" Chairman appoint a commit- >e of thref Supervisors and that said j»r»r~ittee hea nd hereti' Is authorised Rflwtt at such times as are required •or» the Petit Jury List No. 9 of M<?- Toniv Co-nty on file in the office of • »t" oi^r|t a nuenber of perwons qua' to tee for each Trial Term of thie irctilt Cni'rl of said County to serve". Petit J'u-ors as nrovideid bv Chapter 'W -of the Revised Statute of Illinois lis lUbseauently amended. And the roll being called, the Chalrraan declared the motioO oarried and *J"°n unanimoH»sly adopted. The Chairman tfnp'Ointed S'ipr, Beck, assistant Supr. Rosenthal and Supr' Nt£Irarl to act a" suoh Committee The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, which n nation of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr Ferris, and the roll •'eire onllei, waas declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: , Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the Bost-d of Supervisors," McHenry Count| r» UltaoOw The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on them atters before them. That we met on May 14, 16, 19 and tlst, 1941 and Inspected the State Aid ystem of Roads for said County. We found that the roads in general did not come through the winter {n as good shape as usual, especially in the west part of the County andc onslderable new gravel needs to be hauled on to the roAds. We have Just finished crushing and hauling about 4550 cu. yds of road gravel in the vicinity of Alaen, Illinois, buto ur crushing plant wjll be tied up «n motor fuel tax roads, and it will be necessary to let some of the work by contract. We contemplate letting about ?60<y cu. yds. of gravel on the Riley State aid road and about 4000 cu. yds. oo the State Aid road north from Lawrence. On the latter Job we have received a veyy attractive figure and will attempt to secure proposals from oth^r Mrttes that might be interested in dojUg the work and will let tbe Job to tlto lowest and best bidder. We found several narrow culverts and bridges that ought to be widened especially the Silver Springs Sridge on th« Woodstock Alden road about one mile west from Poals Corner on State Route 4 7. The bridge Is out of 1l©e with the rest of the road and very narrow and otjght to be widened 9 feet on the north side. We interviewed E. M. Melahn a bridge contractor of Algonquin, Illinois and he agreed to do the work by day labor UBing the renta) rates on equipment approved by the 8tate of Illinois for Motor Fuel Tag roods* and charging union wage rates and actual costs of materials at an agreed price not to exceed |1415 using State of Illinois bridge speciflcatins and *--12 inch I beams on hand at County Tool House, and for 6600 additional to DUt in a concrete curtain wall around the front sid* of the old bridge abut* ments and wing wallsa t a time of low water If ad ordered by this committee. We hereby recommend that this Improvement be made at onoe. We have patched the Johnsburg' Chappel Hill asphalt road built by it)# State and turned over to the County f»r maintenance. The cost was |182.34 out of the M. K. T. funds, but about one mile Should have a seal coat and not sufficient funds are on hand to da the work and we recommend that a supplemental mamintenance resolution be parsed by this Board for 8300 additional money for this road out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. It is recommended practice to put on a seal coat of asphalt apd pea else grave! on asphalt roads on the second or third year after it is built and continue to put on further light seal coats at about 8 year intervals during the life of the road. There is another type ^f seal coat that is reputed to last \nout 10 years and this County tried jut on the Ridgefleld road 2 years ago. We have examined same and find no dete.ioration and it appears to us that although the first cost Is greater a much smoother job is possible, and that it is ehaaper in the long run. This seal coat s called asphaltlc limestone. We deeded that the Huntley road known as Section 11-IT ought to be sealed With said asphaltic limestone the fame as was placed or. the Rldgefield road. We find that a' large number of heavy trucks are cutting across from Route 47 to Dundee on this road and that Its maintenance ought not to be neglected. Ws therefore recommend that a supplemental resolution be passed by this Board for the sum of $4600 to seal and smooth the Huntley road with asphaltic limestone out of the M. F. T. maintenance fund. We found that hundreds of small pit holes were started In the soil cement road from Hartland to State Routs 14 and decided to patch them with asphaltic limestone which was left over from the Ridgefleld road. The patches appear to hold O. K. We also decided to seal the north end of said Hartland road with a double seal coat of asphalt and pea slse gravel. Onlv the soutH iwH* had been seatleA -test yoar, Sufficient money isa vail able in the M. F. T. maintenance fund for *his r©»d without any further appropriation and the Job will be advertised In the near future. We expect toa dvertise the M. F- T. Bridge just south of Lawrence in the near future. We have ordered two 45 miles per hour speed limit signs for the River Road and a dead end road sign for the Spring Grove road at State Route 178 as requested t-y interested taxpayers. We again met at Woodstock. Illinois on the 7th day of June. 1941, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole for supplies and repairs for County -owned machinery ano labor at the County tool house to a total of 61,189.44. Bills chargeable to the various seo tions of the County Patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordersd paid as follows: Sections S, 14 11,797.68 Sections 4, lj, It 928.24 Sections 4, 17 I.J19.13 Sections 8, • l|i 4( Sections 7, •, 9. If, 11, !•..„ .... 1477.07 Seetlons 1«, it in.86 1 25. 1929, designated as follows: f 1 State Aid Route ' M. F T. Sec, Approj ! 28 9-T 8300.0(1 I 11 11-IT M.BOO.O^ and be It* further RESOLV®p, ( l ) t h a t t h # a b o v e d e s i g n a t e d . tions be maintained under the *r<W sions of said Motor Fuel Tax Law dm ing the year ending December 31, 194] i (2) that there is hereby appropriate* an additional sum of Four Thousand ; Eight Hundred Dollars (|4,S00.09) frq the county's allotment of Motor Ffl Tax Funds for tbo nualnienapo* of tl at ove designated sections; and he !| j further £ j RESOLVED; that th# County C]#rk M i hereby directed to transmit two ctrtl, • fied copies of this resolution to tne Of* r partment of Public Works and Build-*, intra, Division of Highways, Sprtnmnd,' (Illinois, through its District JSnginOwr* . I office at Elgin, Illinois, thereupon regularly BOTti Mr -ris and duly seconded bv 9u#rthat the Reaol.utioa be HdoatM; It Hupr Ferris Schmitt that and the roll being sailed, the ClMtfrMfc* , declared the motion unanimously «•?•* rleO. ' h The Committee on McHenry County Home arid Farm presented th« following repfert, whiclr ®n motion of SuQr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Ackmain and the roll being called, was dfe-» clared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Juns 4, 194 L Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of gupervisOrs of McHenry Count*: Tour County Home Committee mat m June 4, 1641. at the McHenry Cavn«|T Home and audited the bills for tfen month of May 1940 and respectfully submits the following repart reoommendlns same be paid! Willis Dlsbrow, supplies ,...,^.....8 19.IS F. W. Wpolworth, supplies ........ 7,|g Boyce Bros, gas 0.(1 Montgomery Ward 4 Co., elothtnf and shoes W.fT Public Serv, Co., power and light 78.45 Superior Oil Co., oil 44.67 Woodstock Wholesale Osi. {obfcoco 62.861 H. Eppel, potatoes SI.25 George Moncur, plant* 6.0# Leader Hardware, hardware Thorne & Son, clothing Goodrow's Garage, ell, gas and repairs ; Poyal Hlue Store, groceries Farm Supply Store, chicken feed Pfeiffer Pharmacy, medicine and supplies Ooddard Trucking, UmOStOne American Hospital Supplies, mod. Mitchell Drug Store, medlelne R O. Andrew C«? feed i Jen-A -See Laundry, laundr j John Senton |c Oo„ grocerl I W. P. Allen, Incidentals I Marengo Bakery, bakery ! Walter E. Ooff, repairs ' ttdwi" Wilson Co, supplies .... The Rohn Co., hardware .... Til. Bell Telephone Co.. telephone ] Seward Seafood Service, fish .... I lff j Pioneer Feed Mills, saeds »6.10f , Pnrton P. Collen. grinding 10,1/lt ^ F. AJltn and Ksther Alton, sat. ISO.08 I Thomas and Elite Montgomery. Wlary 100.00 | ^rank White, salary iCdna Voble, salary 4r».0« Louise Jchnson, salary 18.00 Flovd Mason, salary 60.0o> Mrs. F. R. Schreiber, salary 27.62! Mnnea Wolt, salary 90.00 H11 man Melander, snlary .............. 66 00 Clara Hayes, salary 66.00 29.94) 14.|1 •7.«9 92.04 • »8f •T.IS 'U! Mlfetne .... i.fto ndry'Z!!,.!! Ifj* >cerlM 201.49 _ Total 16 084.86 Bllle were andlted and ordered 'out of motor fuel tax funds as fMlpwa: S. A. Route-- 18-13A Sec 4-IT roalnterwnoe labor and machine rental • S6.16 28 Bee. 9T maintenance labor and material 1S3.84 11 Sec. 11-IT maintenance labor 2.8f 25 Sec. 12 maintenance lator and mach. rental 9 38 25 Sec. 12-IT maintenance labor material, mach. rentalf 701.60 4A, 4A and 6B extension 3ea . IB maintenance labor and • machine rental 4A, 4 A and r.B extension SedL 18-IT engineering labor ... 14 and 15 See. IS en*r1. labor 14 and 15 Sec. 19 const, labor **-. 1 Sec. 20 maintenance labor • and machine rental ,......'^9 96 », Sec. 21 Right of Way. Herts fence 4.55 9, See 21 Const, labor and mat.,).. 660.81 20B, Sec. 22 engineering lab<&.., 14 U 20B. Sec 22, Right of Way, * V Treas. fees ' 10.91 20B, Sec. 24 construction labdr machine rental "'Jig 13 Sec 26 engl. labor and ma|..... ]f9.38 26, Sec. 27 maintenance labor ....' |4.S7 2, Sec. 81, engineering labor * material, Treas. fees 117.71 We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery as follows: Sec. 4-IT 827 76- Sec. 12, 13.48; Sec. 12-IT, f 16 30; Sec! 13, $27.71; Sec 80, 828.99; Sev 24, $*.68 and from State Treasurer refund on gasolina used in tractorfe, 6164.97 a total of 8272.98 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum ia hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the renalr storage and purchass of road machinery. Your committee estimates there will he nvcessary for the care of the McHenry County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County Highway Fund of 88000 until this next meeting of this Board. ^All of which is respectfully iratmlti* A. STOCK WELL ROT J. STKWART C. MK1KR 8TI0VE BKCK 11,786.96 ... 878.10 Reeelved from I t cows sold •I.507.86 _ •• To .the Honrahle Board of Supervisrs. McHenry County, nilnols; Gentlemen: Tour McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital CommlttgO met at Hartland. Illinois, Jqne 4,. A- t>. 1941 and wish to report that the current Mils were audited in the following amounts: Balace -- clothlngT..,.....^ Tobacco Sediclna ospltal Diet . Fuel HM..j1 9 4.81 ••.•< >J.f2 847.25 \ 999.96 V 44 J 7 i. i Till' following maintenance Resolu- •<"n Stnte Aid Route 28 and State Aid Route ] 1 was nresented and road to the Board, to-wlt: Maintenance Beaolntiog ot County Board of McHenry County requesting approval of the use of money allotted to the county under the provlalons of the Motor Fuel Tax Lsw. RRBOLVRO. by the Board of Supervtaors of MeHenry County, tha* public 'nterest deiasnds the maintenance Of sections of the public highway all located on State aid roads and originally • constructed under the provisions of the _ Total 81J07J6 The regular inspection of the County Home ana Hospital was made and sM>a wars found to be in good ordor. of which is respectfully SUbmlt- _ B. F. KIJKCKBR -w MATT N finHMIT*' ^ J. G. STRVENS H. C, MEIBR ^ ' CARL B. WITTM^B The semi-annual reports of the County Clerk. Cirouit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer were presented, and upOn motion duly made and carried, were referred to tne proper committees for report. The Clerk presented lists of claims ngainst the County, and on motion ©f °»pr. Filip and duly seended by Supr Turner and declared carried, the same wore r«f*rred to the proper committees, Woord qdiourned to 1:80 o'clock "• w ,T* T > for committee work, its* e'o&cxnr 9. v. s. v>) Th» ^oerd met wursusnt to adjournand npon roll call the same me*P- """ recnonded to the'r names as apof record In the morning ees- *'*" S o«ir>nim pi»e«ent. rn«om4ttee on Claim®, Fees Sntin'in* nresen^d the following on of Supr '"•* "*4 ta^nnd^d >»y Supr. Schmitt r„«i »,,«nr eaii»d wr%s declared adopted, to-wlt: r J«»le 9th. A, 1)41941. ^""•'emen. OT the mf #>«nerVfsorf>; • •Vh^r- CnmmlfV. T nrl() w»»nM »*»» leave to ne- »hey Vi->vo all cl«|m« t*"'* •« the«*. and recommend the * 'oiinw'ng. end •)»•» tne fn orders mi tbe ?£'•rT*,,r-r to 'h" <>'n»ntii for ».veral sme«st* allowed, ns follows ««»-»*%ir Tw~r«*her Oo., co elk eifP *?«9*7: co trass qtf gup tea*, f»nd cl-- elk ree hk 864.99; co 0)k .«n *18.4« ...... n W tVf'Kone #• Hr <»'1t rac. KVt* c|r BWJ| ^^ C. .Tes« CV.. Hr elk sup ...» w«^,»n«v A^n^inet Co . c« t»»Vs *8 Tit: Hk stip f49.76: »1k wimr nrtg 81 TO f»»a .T«nmsi. co treas prtg win s^hs oW sec: co treas T>ft- 889 co treas off sup .... IP*'."" J*r"rwirk "h' o«T sup . Th» M, B. Cook Co.. sup schs oV V, Mittl •>.40 % V TJ« 1M4 *t? ft, " Ooe. Co. Snjit.r sup s'che nw •*!> ™»*t»WrfV«.. rt b«e jnli f-ensY-n* rt Wn Msye*. |«iley 1n<| f>es • ro tr»Ss'oflr imp •S ,R-W; *»0 Hse. Sup.^- V Wros - - ^ohn Wnrdware Co. • »»,._» <3r<v-erv .... ; -•"" Stat, nsnpfoy. XVfl Oo n. 1 er TB off snn""" frill, ct Jurors T"* "dinner, shf per dlerp '***• t i V" """'"wr, shf per diem * fees. ser» Thorn. » Rone. «hf jail sua -inthlne fund Msrinda Pates, Vt hse jali rOMlrs 4 -hf feed nria i£aa W^ «hf. Feeding Prls-*- "irw«Y I>eirv ; Bakery ~* ' " w*1" "tr«»t Grocery -1 ' •'•hmidt's Market 1"""."^,..""" I'nit^d Oas 4 Bleo Clt. Sheriff Deputy-- Loren Edinger -- -.T m Howard Freeaia _ -- 1 "u - 1MB 88.71 8*90 6 00 •0.00 UT 11.60 8.12 J4.J8 94.60 12.W 6.67 96.16 1.79 t.#9 9.0< 6.90 19.98 16.00 61.11 9l:fl 5.26 18.00

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