Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1942, p. 13

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Wi 40, *?&$"7 Jm HK?^%*fp-fPJ'^?;¥~FF1 ^ "^w:^m.*» -.4" *' .J Vy •n»w» um SSSL^ No • W« ?.,c«!er.ry . our.fy, Illinois, would beg leave to reyort hat ihej have accepted ; applications, llo+nae fees and bonds from MM follow I IK imm«<l peruorfb, tav. i t& i'i'n ksspera of McHenry County oper- -ss,u'n" pttlldf »•,; th* corporate limits of any pity o* rikige, and your Com mis. i , slon.Hr>*> having made the inspection#, 1 rflUlfsd under th« provisions of th# lUtnw Liquor Control Act have is- ^ ftUOd to the following for the f_j -pdljig April 30. 1842, to-wit: Oonnty 194J XJgaor Ueiww Tame Location Add rem 1. Jerry U. Kubovy; east side of Wonder Lakes: Ringwood RF1> No 1. 2. Fired Lane; Route 31-40 rds N of Intersection 31 and 14; Crystal Lake. S.'Otto Dedlow; Oris wold Laka, If of Burtons Bridge; McHenry, IU. RDF Ko. 8, Box 46. « 4. Woodstock Country Club; gee JO T w ^ ,R JB-. Cownty of MeHapry; Wocdstock, ill. f>.'H»rold Ct Samuelpon, See 14, T 41 R 9 McHenry Co.. 111.; RFI> No. Li Marengo,_ 111. ; 6. Harold C. Samuelson, Sec g, T 41 J R |. McHenry Co., JH.; Mtreego RFD X* J, IU. ' 7. Biurene Is^araon; Rout* No. 4? north of Woodstock, 111.; Woodstock. III. RFP No. I. S- T3*rl W. Giant*; H mile NW of Hebron on Rt Ko. 47: Hebron. III. - 9. Margaret Harris; I miles W of Mara? on U. 8. 20; Marepgo, III., RFD No. !. Pox 98. - 10. Rene* E. Lamoursg, ConU. III.; Marengo, 111., RFD No, I, U. Jqeie F, Watroua. 1% miles 8 of Richmond on US »; Richmond, 111., RFD. II- fiJmil J. Hellman; Wonder Center; Wonder Lake .Ringwood, III., RFD. ' IS. Cleorge F. Mollenkamp; % mile NW £f Woodstock on Rt. Uf |4; RFD Woodstock, HI, 14. Mrs. George Lay, Johnsburg. Ill- Main St.: McHenry. III. RFD No. 1, Johnsburg. 18. John Ritt, Jr., 1 mile west of Marengo on US 20; Marengo, IU., RFD No, 1. 19, Harry Tvereon Lily-Moor Subdiv,, Lily Lake Route 20; Lily Lake. IU. 17. Roy W. Smith, Chemung, 111., on Rt. No. 173; Chemung 111. If. George Herman, Fox River Valley Gardens, Ljit No. 210; Waucnda, III, 18. Bauman & Weet, 4^ miles SE of Marengo on lTS 20; Marengo, 111. 20. Anna B. Schneider, 4V4 miles NW of Woodstock on Rt. No- 14; RFD Woodstock, 111. : 21. 111. Dist, of Armericaa Turners; I miles east of Algonquin; RFD Algonquin, IU. 21 Chares West]ake, Solon Mills, IU., Route US 18; Solon Milla. - 2|. John Krause, Rt US 20, S miles W ^ fft Marengo; Marengo. 111., RFD No. 1, Box It, ,24. Wen filigree, 2 miles K of Crystal Lake on i'S Rt. 14; Crystal Lake RFD Mo, 2. - 2S, Frank K, Anderson. Burton's Bridge on Route Now 171; RFP No. I, W. McHenry, 111. II. Florence »tyd Albert BchultS. 1% ml. 15 of Marengo; on US No. 20; Marengo, III., RFD No. 1, Box 16. 17. Hilda M. Johnson, Bald Knob on Platakee Lake, McHenry, III., McHenry, III., RPD No. 1. 21, Lucille Selenls. Riverside Park Vi mile north of Burton'e Bridge; McHenry RFD No. 8. 29. Leon F. Knott, Crystal Lake, III., 1% miles E on US 14; Crystal Lake RFD 19. Ruth Dietrich, % mile E of McHen* ry on Rt. No. 180; RFD McHenry, IlL 11. C. Ross Gibson, 1 mile NE of Marang: Marengo, 111., RPD No. 1. 31. Fred Dittman, North Shore, Crystal Lake; Crystal l4tke IlL 32. Frank Nell. Johnsburg. IlL, at bridge; Johnsburg, 111. 34. Willtom Mertes, Oak Parle Tavern, Piatskee Ray; McHenry, 111., RFD I. 35. George Klakev. 3 miles S of McHenrv, iu., on Rt. II; McHenry, 111., RFD No. 2. \ SC. OaaSttieuS MoCallssn Lake. '184 M<*Cullom Lake, McHenry, Illinois. 17. Charles Hoimbetg, H mile N «f Richmond on US 11 and Route SI; Richmond. 111. 18, ^ n.P cterscn, 1 ml. S Richmond on U. S. 12 and R 31, Richmond, III. II. Walter Irion, 2 miles S of Richmond on US Me. 12; Richmond, 111. 40, Pora Rchlmmel, I miles N of Meiferirv on Rt. No. 81 j McHenry, III. RFD No 1. 41. William Sehaefer, 1 S-4 miles NW of McHenry on MoCullom Lake, W. Mci^enryi iu. 41. Claus Ander, Riverside, McHenry on Fox Rtver, MoHenry, Til. 41, Joseph J Hauml, Burton's Bridge on Rt. 17#; McHenry. III., RPD N<v 2. 44. John V Wileon, Burton's Bridge Cbdlvision. Burton's Bridge; Crystal ke. Ill, RFD No. 1. 4». William J. Mars, Johnsbum. IU., Main St.; McHenry, 111- RFD No. 1. 4|. Bam galversen, Burton's Bridge on Route 176: M< Henry. III., RFD No. 2. 4f. Albert Leable E of Harvard on lit. No. 171; Harvard, 111. 4«. George B. Frigs«L %»HjUe ® of Crystal Lake on US No. T4; Crystal Lake, 4«. Oeorge B. Frlteel, % mile 8 of Woodstock on US 14; RFD Wood- Stock. 111. (mailing address--Crystal Lake, 111.) 50. Leroy J. Welter, Rlngwod, Illinois. 51. Harry Minola. 4 miles SB of Wood- ' st*ck on Rt US No. 14; Woodstock RFD No. 2. SI. Joe E. Miller, I miles B of Richmond. IlL, on RL 171; Richmond RFD No. 1. 51. HenryNelL 1 mils B of McHenry on RL No. 20; McHenry. 111., RFD No. I. 54. Frank E. Harrison, w side of Pi« T TV Alma Pvensori, It-land Lake Rt. 176;' McHenrj, 111., KFU .it. It. Lewis J. Pitxen, Pistakee Lake; Mo- « Menrv, 111.. RFD No. I. 81. Jacob Zellweger, West Side Lily Laker RFD No, 8, McHenry,- Ilk- • 82. Leslie and Irwtn Johnson, 3-4 miles NE of Crystal Lake on US 74} Crystal Lake ,RPir> No. 1. 83. Frank Woznlak, 1 % miles W of Burton's Bridge, McHenry, III., RFD No. I. ' 84. Albert Miller, Log Cabin 5 miles B of Richmond on Rt. 173; Spring Grove, IU. 81. B. A. Connor. * Miles N of McHenry on Rt. No. 11; RFD Na. 1, Mt-Henry, III. 86, Cary Country Club, 1 mile sOuth of Cary; Cary, 111., Root Spring Sub. i *7. Mary C. Cooney, Hartland, 111. 88. William TV Hiryes, 8 blocks 8 of McHenry Bridge on Fox River; RFD No. 2, McHenry. * S|. George Miller, Algonquin Rtver R4. 1 mile S of Fox River Orove; Fox River Grove. 10. Arthur Green, Dining Car, 1 mile B of Woodstock; Rt. 14, Woodstock, III. #1. George J. Wehrenberg. Corner UP 12 and 81; Richmond, til, RFD No. J. 92. Walter J Summer* 1 mite S of Rt. ITS on River Road: RFD No. 2 McHenry. 111. 03. Kophie and 'Edward W. Anderson, Lake Geneva Hwy., Burton Tep.; Spring Ofove, III. 94. Charles Kandlik, 4% miles N of Cary, U> mile N of Rawson Brdg.; Cary, 111 , RFD. HI, Obed Wvue and Juliette Wyse, 4 milee K of Harvard on Rt. No. 178; Harvard, 111., RFD No. Y Florence Walker, H »«• W of *»ebron on Route No. 178; Hebron, m. 17. C. Ben Jaeoby, Jaoftbys Subdivision; Nunda Twp., Crystal Lake, III., RFD. 11. James A. Welnand, Rt. No. It, 1 milea S of Spring Orove, IU., Spring Grove. OO.Peter Porten. Hickory Knoll, S of Wurton's Bridge; McHenry, III.. RFD Mo. I. IM. James IS. Mellverry, W sif* Rt. No. 18, 1 mile N of Richmond; RFD Vo. 1, Richmond, 111. (•1. John Tntek, 1H miles N of Algonquin: Box tt, Algonquin. III. 102. F. Welt*len, weet end of Crvstal I<ake; Crj-stal Lake, 111., RFD No. 1.'. 108. John Adamv, Raweon's Bridget Box »5, Cary. III. 104. Stanley Wrobel. Club Villa. PistaVee Bay; Pistakee Bay, McHenry, m. Transfer No. 41. B. W. Brand, Oakcreet Inn, H mile S of Woodstock, Rt. No. 14; RFD Rt. No. 14, Woodstock. Transfer No. K0. Hilda Larson, Ringwood; Ringwood, 111. Tour Committee would further report that ther* has been collected the amount if *25.360.00 on 1841 license fees te this date end same has been turned ov«r to th» County Treasurer of McHenry Oomrty. O. J- CARROLU Liquor Control Commissioner JOHN" J FILIP T. F. NOLAN. Sn. FAl'L ROSENTHAL Asst. Liquor Control Comm. It was thereupon regularly moved by Bupr. Ark man and duly seconded by Bupr. Ferri« that the report be adopted and the Chairman declared the motin unanimously carried The following request of the Board of Review of McHenry County for an extension of time to complete their work to net later than OcMber 1, 1041 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit; I ftngnirt 1*. 1»4l. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: Inasmuch as there remains two town whip assessors books which have not been turned over to the Board of Re view and the Statute provides a period of ten days after the atmeRRor's books '<ave been turned over to th« Board of Review for the purpose of filing of complaints, and considerable time will 1>* required to check the two books when received bv the Board, We feel that an extension of time in which to complete our work be granted by the Board of Supervisors of Mcflenrv County and would suggest that such time ho Sgtonded to October 1st, 1041. G. J. CARROLL, Chairman J. J ST,r,V* * "TT SH. FRBUWD embers of Board of Review K McHenry County. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by ftupr. Meier that the request of the Board of Review be granted, and the "•oil being called, the Chairman declared • he motion unanimously carried. Supr. Harrison addressed the Board "nd stated that there wax nearly )500.- 000.00 in back taxes due McHenry Coun- *v that werf uncollected and that it was his opinion that Komethin* should *-« done about it and if necessary suit should be brought to collectand levies ~"iade and that he woutd move at this time that the Chair be Instructed to epnoint a committee of three Supervisors *»nd they together with the County Collector and State's Attorney proceed according to law to collect said back taxes immediately. Said motion was dulv •seconded by Supr. Clawson and declared unanimously carried. It appearing to the two political parties as represented on the Roard of Supervisors that Willis Wyman, Clerk of Election in the Second District of the Algonquin Precinct, and F. B. Washburn. Clerk of Election of the Fifth District of the Algonquin Precinct, are 'inable to act. and that in the First District of the Nunda Precinct there were * wo Democratic Clerks selected and that . i _ -- Tpr/ m" i%lft"<here should havs tre«n two £flh*o*ve* Club GGrroouunnddss*, MMccHHeeanirryv. 1M?LL , r,®rk,s "elected, it was regularly hy Supr Ku<M.w„r an<1 duiv se<- 'ay Klupper. Algonquin Twp. Hilda Stanek. Algonquin Twp. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan that the selection of °*rand jurorp and mtpplemenuil panel for the September lf-»i» term of the Circuit -Court be approved, and the Clerk be directed to certify the said lists to the Clerk pf the Circuit Court. nd the roll being called, Suprs. Stbckwell. NVrKgtit. WiftmUR Beck, Clawson. Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris. Slewtirt, Harrison, Turner. Stevens, May, Schmltt, Meier and Filip and Assist.: Suprs. Noan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared 'he motion ananlmously oarried. The followinr request from the Mc- "tonry County Tavern League Inc. was presented and read to the Board, td--wit{ August lki 1141. McHenry County $o%rd oc Supervisors, Woodstock, Illinois. Gentlemen: The undersigned duly elected officers of the McHenry County Tavern League. Inc., a voluntarily organised association of tavern operators doing business in the County of McHenry, whose ultimate purpose is to promote better relations and understanding among themselves, public authorities and the public in genera), and having as their primary objective the promoiion of enterprises and movements conducive to the best Interest and protection of the general welfare of the residents and citisens of McHenry County, upon behalf of the members thereof do hereby deelre that vou devote your fullest and most comprehensive consideration of the current movement towards the acquisition and maintenance of Radio Equipped Squad Cars to be operated and controlled by the Sheriff's Office of MeHenry County. Illinois. In the light of the modern criminal facilities possessed by and at the disposal of today's perpetrator of crime, it has become absolutely imperative that the public protectors of life and property be equally adequately facilitated In order to effectively frustrate or apprehend the preeent superlatively equipped modern rlminal. Town very truly, JOHN MKYERS R. J. BIRMINGHAM" J B HKTTKRMAIVSf JRRRY R. Kl'BOVY OEORGE SCHNEIDER EARL GLANTZ LEWIS J. riTZEN" F,. K. LAIN J. W. COULIMAN -- Coionns Jurot'S -- 42.00 Probation Officer - . Bounty Orders , 8 90 Salaries - §83.42 County Treas. Salafy 2oo.oo Blind Relief• *..14U.M Stam|ts --iwj ~w--..... 160.30- Institute Orders --*• 10.00 (Jen. Fund, Payment of War. 10,135.42 Motor Fuel Tax Warrant^ .?5,020.9J Total Orders ----.,10,141.51. Ra). An -hand - August fist, 1941, . in, *U funds 147,860.61 •Grand Total M07.400.19 Th* above 'and foregoing report is true and eoi rect aocording to mv best knowledge and belief. - • • C. FRANK DALY, • County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me 'woods. (SMl) County ClMk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the report be approved and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried.- A quarterly reooil of the County Treasurer showing payments due the County from Townships on County Home was presented and read and upon motion duly made and carried was ordered placed on file. The Committee on Relief of Blind presented the following report, to-wit: the nnnuai appiopriaiion orninsiic and ten thousand dollars (Jl0.0u« "o) •» included in'the annual lax levy lor the year 1941 for the relief of the blind :n McHenry COUM /. All of Which is respectfully nubtpUm#.' •' i .-••• • -| ^-iwoiijr . FRANK MAY. ^bftlrmtR > K. HAHRISON i J. G. 8TEVEN8 _ .. , S;OY J- STfJWAUt OHM J. FILIP ? . i wj- * ^ter the reading of" the request, 1t was regularly moved by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that McHenry County purchase a two way radio hook-up to be operated out of the office of the sheriff. The Chairmen stated that he would like to hear <om* discuoslon concerning said mat- 'er. .^Several Supervisors were of the opinion that some investigation should be made as to how the money was going to be raised to pay for the coet Involved and that this WHS not th*? proper Mme to make said purchase In view tf conditions generally throughout the land. Other Supervisors were of the opinion that the added protection thnt * two-way radio system would provide was much needed in McHenry County and that every County Fiirrounding McHenry County had radio hook-ups for the apprehension of criminals and • hat if something was not done, this County would become a haven for law violators. Several members of the Board were also of the opinion that a detailed written report should be filed by the Purchasing Committee slating tl^e cost if installation and operation of k twoway radio hook-up before any action is taken by the fu'l Board. Supr. Ferris •tated that he would be glad to withdraw his motion if he could be assured that thie would be done at the next meeting. Supr. Ferris then withdrew bis motion and Supr. Stevens withdrew •he secor.d nfter which it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by gupr Filip that the Purchasing: Committee file a detailed Written report as requested at the Annual September meeting to be held September 9, 1941. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The matter of appropriations and tax levies wg« brought to the attention of the Board by the Chairman. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that all matters ofi appropriation end tax levy be referred to the Finance Committee for report and that any other committees that have any recommendations to make concerning appropriation or tax levy contact the said Finance Committee concerning same. The "hairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A report of inspection of the boilers <n the Court House together with sev ral communications from the State of Illinois Department of Public Works md Buildings and5'notices of hearings • •efore the Board of Review and report <>f condition of the Harvard State Bank were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that If there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a mo 'Ion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Clawson and duly -I'i'imded by Supr. Ferris to adjourn. Motion carried Thereupon the Board ndjouraed. ^ a J. CARROLL, Attest: Chairman. R. IX WOODS. September Srd.. 1941. Mr. Chairman and Oeittlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Relief of Blind would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them; Your Copimittee instructed the Coun- •y Clerk to notify each new applicant for a Blind pension by registered mail that the Committee would meet on theft 17th day of August, A. D. 1841, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock for the purpose of passing upon their applications. Your Committee met on ><aid day and after having dulv considered applications received by the County Clerk within the last year and after having interviewed each applicant to ascertain whether or not they qualified under the Blind Pension Act, would respectfully recommend that the following applications be approved, to-wlt: 122. FUa Colby, Harvard. III. 123, J. Dellenback, 704 Brown St., Woodstock, 111. 123. Edwin G. Haldeman, Hifvnrd. IU. 125, Granville W. Johnson, 208 Railroad St.. Woodstock, IU. 126, Ins King, Harvard Hospital, Harvard. HI 127, Frank Muff ley, SOt 8. Madison St. Woodstock, 111. 128, Flora Adell Woodk 807 Seoond St., Harvard, IU- 188, Mary Zalaback, ,Fox River Grove. IU. Your Committee would further report that they have also considered the application of Alvlna Krnemer of 306 Page St., Harvard, Illinois, and after interviewing said applicant and after due deliberation your Committee would recommend thHt the application !>e d<>- nided for the reason that the applicant does not qualify under the 'Blind Pension Act'. Your Committee caused Rfgulur September Meeting 1941 dround.^. - 57. Whitney Woods, 4 miles N ©f Harvard, III., on US No. 14; Harvard. III., RFD No. 4. 58. Amtn-ose and Herman Sehaefer. Pox Street, McHenry, III.. McHenry RFD 5»'. JJ,. BB.. IH ettermann, intersection of no. Frank B 'VBtrlct of the Algonquin Precinct and •hat Kleanor Bchald be Appointed Clerk f Election of the First District in the Nenda Precinct to replace Reit« Ohrw »Vh-*Motlon declared unanimously carried. The Chairman announced the s#lec- Tohnsburg; Johnsburg RFD j tlon of the grand Jurors and supplecHenry. ! mental panel for the September, 1941, Bryan and Frances B. Balch, ; term of the Circuit Court and the fol- D W W of Marengo on US 80; j lowing named persons were selected to Marsngo, IU RFD No. 1, Box 10S. serve as grand Jurors for the Septern- «1. FYank J. Bosinski, Lawrenee, 111., K«r. l»41 term of the Circuit Court. W$D No. 2, Harvard, PL ta-wlt: i 62;rTitlie Meyers. 2 miles S of Harvard Arthur Kraft, Riley Township. il US Route No. 14; Harvard. IlL, Fred Dunker. Sr., Marengo Twp. RFD No. 5, ' Mildred Hyde, Marengo Twp, •3. Dorothy Meyers.US 14, 4 miles 2C ! '.eo Donovan.Dunham Twp nt Woodstock; RFD Woodstcek, III., j Msry n. Brassier, Chemung TWPR*> ut* 14. 84.J var FredrickMD. Wonder Wond. r Center cnlt One; Ringwood, IB.:RFD No. 1. 66. ^Robert J. McComb, Meadow Lake, intersection US 14 and IU 11, Crystal, Lake, Box 36. M, John E Freund, McHenry, IU.. R aid* Of Bridge Lots 7. 8. 8. 10, 11 and if FPD E side of Fox River on Route lit) at Fox Street; McHenry, IU. «7. J a Valllancourt. Lot 14. Ring- Wood, IlL; _ . 88.. Frifip'i'g M. Davis and Glenn A. Brd li Post. Chemung Twp. F. C. Bottlemy. Alden Twp. Dsn Sweeney. Hartland TwB, William F. Mueller, Seneca TVPIrs Frohling, Coral Twp. Gertrude Weltxien, Grafton TVR. T. C. Pierce, Dorr Twp. Sam Merchant, Dorr Twp. Geo. M. Bohl, Greenwood Tlfft Ralph Nichols, Hebron Twp, Edith Ruchert, Richmond Twp. "harl es Freund, Burton Twp, Henry J. Miller, McHenry Twp. Vera Purvey, McHenry Twp, gier, M? mile W of Marengn an US Allen Hay ford, Nunda Twp. % I; Marengo. 111. RFD Mo. 1. 68. John r. Aylwwd. Smiles W of Wne*«!(>ek on US 1*'; Woodstock, 111. RFD No. 1. ft Helen BJrk. 1% miles S of MoHeary Til.; on Re. 31; RFD No. 2, McHenry, HI *1. Ooorge Hines and Dorothy Pitcher, Chemung on US No. 1TI: Chemung, 111. ft. Max Hahn 1 mlje SB of Woodstock OP US Rt No 14; Woodstock, 111. 7i. Alexander Horn ft Son, t mite VW 3' 'MeHrnr* on Greenwood Road, Mcenry. Ill , RFD No. 1. Box 58. Ji. Anna Henning, Pistakee Bay; McHenry. Til RFD No 1. 75. Richard J. Birmingham, intersection of US 14 and 111. 31-E of Crystal Lake RFD No. 2. ,, 7d. Ella Hintx, Lake Side Inn, IMy Lake Rt 120. McHenry. 111. RFD No. S. 77. Connie Straus. Rt. 176 Island Lake, RFD No. 2. McHenry. 111. II vlctor Freund. Rt. 31 and McCullom -^- . . J4ari« rViir M. Oldack, Nunda Twp. i"' in. wight «"!oodwln. Algon<iuin Two. Wsttle Brockrogge, Algonquin Twp, The following named persons were selected to serve as grand jurors o» the supplemental panel, for the September, 1941, term of the Circuit Court, to-wtt: "tmel Mndeen, Riley Twp. "<»orge Eichler, Marengo Twp. "Mwln O'Brien, Dunham Twp, "^dith O Peddicord,, Chemung Twj^.-- H. DuVaL Chemung Twp. Ljjcy Var.Hooren, Alden Twp, . ,j, Lawrence Crone, Hartland Ywp..-vvjm'S •MCV Redpath. Seneca Twp, Jess Rugh. Coral Twp. Harry Kwert, Grafton Tw(, • I.awrie, Dorr Twp. •^rank Schuett, Dorr Twp. . Tesse Barber, Greenwood TSflfc ... Charles Ehle, Hebron Tunf" "rank Foley, Richmond Twp, , L. Stevens, Burton Twp.! r*eter Smith, McHenry Tw|k ' ^ Thomas Glorny. Nunda Twjt "; ft was thereupon regularly moved l»y Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Nolan that tfcS report of the Committee on the Relief of Blind be approved and the recommendations accepted and the roll being called, Suprs Stock well, Wright, Witthius. Beck. Clawson, Kuecker. Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harriaon Turner, Stevens, Hay, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Sujjrs. Nolan and Rosenthal veted aye, nay none. The chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Finance presented the following report and Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to-wlt: To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisees; Your Committee on Finance beg leave to reuort that they have established a budget fer the general funds and for the funds raised by taxation for general County Purposes for the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the First Monday in December. liM2, and recommend to this Honorable Board the approval and adoption of the budget or "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" attached and made a part of this report, in the manner, and upon the conditions specified in said annual appropriation ordinance, to-wit: Annual Approppriation Ordinance For the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday In December, 1941, Pursuant to "An Act In Relation to • he Budgets of Counties Not Required by Law' to Pass an Annual Appropriation Bill" approved July 10, 1»J$, It Is Hereby Ordained by the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, as follows, to-wlt; Initios 1 Receipts of the preceding ' ^ fiscal year IT56.IH-II Payments made in the preqpding ft seal year 511.508,17 Balance in the Co .Treasury at the end of the proosdlng ftscal year ....178,411.75 Estimated income from all sources during the year covered by this budget >tre as follows, to-wlt: Income from Taxes ..* $18(5.335.09 Total Receipts, Co. Off. f84,589.fl Total Net Receipts, Co. Oft. 53,854.11 Income from Twp. Co, Home 5,127.11 Income Rentals - 100-00 Income County Home 197-8# Income State's Attorney ........ 110.00 Income from Co. Licenses,... 16,000.00 Income from State of Illinois: Refund Mother's Pensions.. 1,000.00 Refund Blind Pensions 10,776.0e M. V T. Refunds 100,000.00 Maintenance State and 8<ato Air Roads .. - 6-1,000.00 Removing snow ----... 51,0( 0 00 Office supplies 800.0# Grand Total of tUl • i Appropriations-. ... 8384,i»10.00 Sgctioit irn < • .i; > » ]'ThiF- ordiimnne tihaU -be M) fpH; fores and effect fr<>si mid after its ptts»ags and •luproval according to law. AIL^IF whleh |s respectfully, sukfnitte4. FRANK MAY-. Chalrmaiv PAl'L ROSENTHAL I!"*. M. TVIUN'HR j. eT H.^nit«IJNr * Total Kst^mated income 1314,670,00 •sstlsn S That It Is deemed neoossary In order to defray all necessary expenses and It- was thereupon regularly moved bjr' Supr. Ferris and dulv seconded by Supr. ClawjHMi that ,the report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance or Budget for the fiscal period ending With the^ Btirtd«i;^pfM-Pdiri J 'flrit M6i«h^ in December, 194? be adopted and the roll being called, Suprs. StockwelL Wright. W'ittmus, Beck. Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman. Ferris, Stewart, Har. rison. Turner. Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Assist. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home presented tbe following report, which on motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Wright, and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted to-wl:t September I, 1941. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County 'Home Committee met on September 3, 1941, at the McHenry County Homo and audited the bills for the month of August, 1941, and respectfully submits the following report recommending same be paid. Public Service C., power and It. 8 62.53 Goodrow's Garage, gas and oil.... 41.45 Rakkom Bros., repairs -- 8 . 4 6 Woodstock Wholesale Co,, tob 55.98 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. cookies and (trackers Seward 8eafood Service, flsli Marengo Bakery, bakery .. Royal Hlue Store., groceries -- John Sexton A Co., groceries R. O. Andrew Co., grinding and • chicken feed 81.67 Boyce Bros., gas and oil . 8.64 C. F. Gumprecht, repairs 11.86 Montgomery Ward 4k Co., elothlng and paint T.8I Superior Oil Co., fuel oil# d7.84 The Bohn Hardware, Co., hardware nnd paint .«*».. F. W. Woolworth Co., good Thorne A Son. clothing Walter E. Goft, repairs on larjgg ice box Pfelffer Pharmacy, medietas .. Botts Welding Service, oxygen am* 10.80 Ludwlg Wilson Co., soap ail disinfectant ...» III. Bell Tel. Co., telephone W. P. All^n incidentals Wm. B. l-ehman, threshing ^., M. I^hman. baling W. P Allen and Esther Allen, salsry Thomas and Effie Montgomery, registered notice to be sent to Harry E. liabilities of said County for the cur- •Isos. Rt. No. 2, rent fiscal year that there be and there Th* Honorable Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County,. illlfMtS,' 18*1 n «j(i|uai session at the Court.'House in "Wil dly of-Woodsto. k on "Tuesday, fltae 9th day SMtstnlter, D. 1941, rtt ten thirty o'ctow' A. M. tD. S- T-) The meeting was celled to order by the Chairman. G. J. Carroll, and the roll being called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names, towlt: Supervisors L, A. Stockwell, C Perry Wright, Carl E. Wittmus. F. E Beck, N B. Clawson, €L J Carroll. E. V. Kuecker, Chas. H. Aekman. Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. B. Harrison, Henry M. Turner, J. G. Stevens Prank May, Matt X. Schmltt, Henry C Meier. John J. F»U> and Assistant Supervisors T. F. Noian, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal, eonstltuing a full Board present. The minutes of the Special August. 1941 meeting were read and on motion ipproved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Trusiirii for tke moaih of August 1841 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Ooaaty Treasurer's |n*rt ror the -oatk^J^^ Utt Balance brought forward .... ... „ August 1st. 1941 1153.1I3.7S Pers. Prop. Back Taxes Col. I 35.57 Highway Fund 11,118.39 Fines. State Hwy. Violations 1.00 Suprs for the Co, Howe.,.--, -<$83.95 Hinz Minors -- •' 40.00 Wilson Minors -i-w--v 15.00 DogpTax -- V.J57.00 Inheritance Taxes --!.».•*..*^70.47 County OfTlcers* Fees - 1,458.56 Unknown Heirs Fund. 248.08 Gen Fund, part '40 taxes ....11,783 96 Mothers' Pensions, part '4f taxes, and state to I.0JI.M Bridge Bond Fund, part 'W taxes 1,294.87 Blind Pension Fund, Mt *40 taxes ILW5.I5 Fair Grounds Rent "• 10.00 III Bell Tel. Com. • 4-97 L44UOC Licenses. •:A6 0.0o Disputed T#x«s --,--,--, 1,9*0.68 Motor Fuel Tax Fund - 1,100.00 Symonds c-o Fred Carlsos Woodstock. Illinois, another applicant and the letter was returned unclaimed and for that reason no service eould be had on said applicant nnd it wis imnossible for your Committee to act upon his application and for the further reason that no examination h»>d been made by the Rxamlner of the Blind. Inquiry was made as to Mr. Symonds Whereabouts with no results. Your Committee Instructed the County Clerk to notify John Cervenka, FOX River Grove, Illinois, and Alec Anderson, Ringwood, Illinois to appear before said Committee and your Committee, after interviewing said pensioners find that neither of them now qunllfy under the 'Blind Pension Act' and we, therefore, recommend that their pensions, be discontinued effective September 1st, A. D. 1941. Your Coa»mitt«*e would further recommend that the pension of James Kaln of Harvard, Illinois, be re- Instated, and that the payments lie made to the Conservator of said James Kaln, Supr. F. R. Beck, of Chemung Township. Your Committee made an Investigation concerning all other persons receiving pensions under the 'Blind Pension Act' • and would recommend that the sum of three hundred and sixty-five dollars (8865.00) payable monthly be paid to the following named persons under the Statutets, to-yit: Basset, Jennie, West McHenry. IU. Bowman, William F., Richmond, III. Braunsdorf, Hulda, RFD 2. McHenry. Ill Brooks, Frank, 520 South State Bt., Marengo, IU. Collins, Charles. Woodstoek, IB. Conway, James F-, Lincoln Ave., Woodstock, 111. Corr, James, 109 N. Hampton, Woodstoek, m. .. Dacy, John, 111 West Matasn, Harvard. Dana, W. W„ 111 S. Jefferson St., Woodstock, 111. Dunham, Alfred. Woodstock. IlL Esmond, Charles, Chemung, III. Freund, Walter J., McHfnry. IJL Frost, Gillard C., Crystal Lake, IlL, 101 Mam St. Gorenflo, Christina. 141 Seminary Ave., Woodstock, III, « Hamilton, Mary, 833 Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. Harmsen. Elsie, W. McHenry, III. Herdklotz, Charlotte, 718 Wheeler St., Woodstock, 111. Hlnes, Anna, RFD No. 3, Woodstock. IU. Johnson. Ben, Crystal Lake, III. Johnson. J*y 8., Lake Aye.. Woodstock, U1 . -- ^ Maher, Annie* 154 Lincoln Avo., Wood- M SS&Wf*. , Msfetlqpi Hi. ' fe>- m N If son* 'Carl, 820 K fltatejflt.. MBrengo! 150.00 hereby is appropriated to be provided for by the general tax levy and other revenues for the current fiscal year the aggregate sum of three hundred eighty four thousand six hundred seventy dollars and no cents and the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and amounts hereby appropriated for the same are a.s follows, to-wit: County Surveyor--ll.Mt.N. Services I 1,000.00 Circuit Clerk--|l,000.00. Record Books - 1,000.0# Par dockets - 100.00 Supplies 000.00 County Clerk--17,IS0.M Commissioners' fees Insane and feeble minded oases. Printing Office Supplies 1,0#0.00 Tax extensions and taxation.- #,080.00 Registrars, birth and deaths- §00.00 Criminal «*BBes 50.00 Dt>g tag licenses lfO.OO Tax blanks and books 1,090.00 Per Diem and Mileage Election Officials 11,100.00 Election Supplies - 6,700-00 Elections--Rent of Polling Places 60#.00 County Treas. and OoL--17.850.00. Printing I 1.004.00 Printing Assessments 1,600.00 office Supplies 100.00 Record books 110.00 Collection, Delinquent Personal Property Tax Bills Int. Tax Anticipation War Sheriff---114.660.P0. Bailiffs, per diem, all oourts .. Court per diem and foes for services Office supplies --- Feeding Prisoners lail supplies and clointnf Deputy sheriffs per diem Coroner-- 8885.00. County Coroner's fees u~.. Coroner's Reporter fund Supt. of Schools--91,415.00. Clerk Hire ... Office supupltes Court House and Jail--111,810 00. ualaries, Jsiler and Janitor.-- 1,880.00 Coal Light snd water Repairs -- Supplies - Telephone .....-- Juudiiiary--9150.00. Library lustlce fees Miscellaneous expenss County Horns--116.609.00. Salaries fer employees Supplies for care of inmetee Medical for care of inmates F^>l CO.81 18 21 r.i.«« til .30 109.89 6 01 8.30 9.00 64.04 92.81 ^ 80.99 1780 .„ >43.00 f85.00 _ 34.17 160.00 salarv 100.00 Frank White, salary 60.00 Edna Noble, salary --- 46.00 Louise Johnson, salary 16.00 Floyd Mason, salarv 50 00 Mrs. F. E S ch re I her ^aalarf 32 64 l.innea Wolt, salary ......_ 00.00 Hitman Melander, salary fifi.oo Clara Mayes, salary 65.00 aj -• 91,108 18 The monthy expense Items being'summarixed aa follows; BnmmMF Running --ff88 61 Permanent 64.04 Clothing --12.81 Tobacco --- 5K.96 Hospital -' - t39.15 Medicine - - 92.81 1,000.00 i |>| ^t , 948v00 and Hupplit-s pic*ent^ii o.e ol^«»»k rport, whici. o> n.o Ki of i»upr. and duly seconded b\ Supr. Schmitt and the roll being called, was aeclr.ied unanimously adopted, to-wii: Kaptvmbci' 9, A- D. 1041 Mr, Ciianman and tle.itieiutu, tha Roard of SuperviifoMi ' Your Committee on "Labor, Fees sad Supply claims would beg leave to r#« port that they have examined all claims presented' to them, and recommend tha payment of the following, and that the Clerk directed to issue orders on tha « County' Treasurer to the' Claimants t-S*^ - the seoeral amounts allowed, as fol«. lows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., d» Mk Off •' sup •- t mi Wood stock PaHy Sentinel, etr ^lk -r • sup $42.75: supr prtg $1.70; oo elk ptg $Zi.25; co treas ass nit $207.19: co treas off i sup 53|.2£; sue gclui olf axn • . $3306 .: State Bank of Woodstock, co hwy sup --19,99 Harold W. Schmidt, ct hwy sup »14.95; co elk off sup $1».T| S7.70 P. F. Pettlbone * Co., cir elk rec bk $46.91; cir elk sup $8.57 -- 55.49 R. C. Jess Co., cir elk sup 0.515 Huntley Review, co treas assmt 126.90 B. p. Ker.nellv, er TB odt nw 11.00 Board of Review-- Wm. A. Mueller - ... 165.75 G. P. Chittenden ... 4J0.00 G. H. Stewart 420.00 G. J. Carroll 418.00 Stephen H. Freund 420.00 111 Bell Tel. Co., ct hss jail isl.~119.T9 Charles F. Hayes, judcy jus feea 15.00 Tearl Schulti, shf off sup 5.09 Andrew Worwick. shf off sup .... 2.50 111. S'ate Empl. Serv., ct hse sup 25.00 C. L. Tryon. co sup hwy tray . exp $181.66; oo sup hwy 0*1 $172.62 Callaghan St Co., cip elk sup .. Frank Thornber Co.. cir elk ron hk $106.80; co elk off pup $81.62; co^lk^fcfc jM*!-**: cir elk sup |24.74rai.. .......... R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse isil coal Lawyers Co-fOperatfcy® -Pub-, Judcy libry Harvard Herald, co treas assmt $118.20; hd of rev sup $3.75 Dr. O. E. Nelson, co cfk Ins depdn. Pataky -- Dr Henry W. Sandeen, ca dk Inn depdn, P<£aky Sheriff FeMiiif Prisossrs-- Marinda Batesf Al. Readel GBBcary Conway Dairy Asmus A Son Pingel & Koch Hoesley'a Bakery Western I'nited Gas A Etao. ™ Owen H. Corr, shf bailiff Mbin J. Kuppe. shf bailiff Howhrd Freeman, shf bails Henrv A. Nulle, shf dpty Harold R. Hobbs, shf dpty Richard Farrell, shf dpty Loren Edinger, shf bailiff |4.99; shf dpty $16.00 ^ Walter Sahs. shf bailiff $19.99; shf dptv $12.00 „ Clyde C Miner, shf bailifT $4.09; shf dpty $4.00 Sheriff Per Diem Feas Sanr^» Lester Edinger Richar'. L. Edinger „ Marian Edinger ... Birdi« Schroeder .... Supr. Salf Mileage L. A. Stock well C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck V. iii 804.17 1.99 Ml 1S1.9S 5.99 19.99 19.00 MS 199.99 1,190 00 900.00 9,700.00 500.00 4,000.00 950.00 1,990.00 706 00 115.00 1,198.00 1,100.00 1,700.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,190.00 1,390.00 910.00 100.00 and pow#rr«? 'sutM- ! Oh'lrtch, MlnWir Woodstock, III,' Peddicord, Martha F^ l^.Ayef vard, III. i- Petty, Wijliam. Cary. IlUnois, Reed, Fred, Woodstock IlL Ritter, Robert, 111 S. rage St., Marengo, Senger, E. A.. W H. Madison St.., Woodstock, IU. Seni, Vandalyn C., Woodstock, 111. Sheahan, Irene E.., 115 S. Jefferson Sa.. Woodstock, IU. Smith. Clarence J., RL 1. McHenry, 111. Spitser, Adda, 2i« Dean Woodstock. 111. Terpstra, Jacob, RFD No, t, Hsbron. Toles, Edward. Woodstock, III., (Greenwood > R F. DVickers, William J. Marengo, III. Voorhees, Winifred, 417 Highland Avo., Woodstock, III. Waterman. Emma, 101 B, Jackson St., Woodstock. 111. Westpball, Mina, RFD Ifo. I, Woodstock, IU. Willoughby, Adelbert H-, Woodstook, IU. Wilson, Eina, 15 Virginia St, Crystal Lake. Ml. Wright, JUlla B., 921 Marvel Aye- Woodstock, IU. We further report that the new applicstions approved by your Committee above set forth were regularly ex- 9.900.00 II 1,000.00 1,600 00 1 ."lOOOO t.009.90 Fuel 67.84 11,701.12 Tour Committee met on September 3, 1941 and made the regular inspection of the County Home nnd Hospital and found evervthlng to be in good order. E. F. KPECKER H. C. MEIER J. G. STEVENS _ CARL K. WlTTMrg MATT N. SCHMIT* ha»m N. B. Clawsoa 48.S0 E. F. Kuecker Chsa. H. Ack; F. C. Ferris Foy J. Stewart John B. Harrison .. H. M. Turner J. G. Stevens Frank May Matt N. Schisltt .... Henry C. Meier .... John J. Filip T. F. Nolan. Jr Paul Rosenthal ... .-- City of Woodstock, et hss Jail light nnd water Lester Edinger, ehf per diem fees, serv Marian Edinger, ehf feed pris . Armour Birk. ct hse Jail sal Philip E. Hierdeman, shf dpty . Palsy V. Moore, sup schs asst and clerk hire Ada Manning, BUD schs asst and clerk hire -- 38.75 Vestie Mnldoon. ct hse Jail sal.... 125.00 Helen Schoepke. er TB off sal .-- 75.00 Loulsg M. Rrooks, pro off tray exp SO.OS 49.60 S6.80 42 40 „ 118.80 101.90 » 31.00 64 80 87.201- 2S.80 7S.T0» *S.00i- 87.4* 49.99. „ #5t* *2 100.00 - ( 100 00 • « 116.00f Slior. Kuecker, Chairman of the frmrt- - » v.- tv Home Committee, stated that the | A- Crisser, «r « buildings at the County Home should be painted and thai he thought it best to bring the matter to the attention of Ihe full Board. After some discussion It was regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris thet raid matter be referred to the County Home Committee, giving eaid Committee full power to set. And the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A Committee representing the Bast River Road Improvement Assn. in McHenry Township appeared before the Board and made a request for traffic signs to be placed on the road In that vlcinltv to slow down traffic. After some discussion. It was regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the request be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee and the Supr. of Highways for their consideration. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. .•Tie m(U ••%>et ,oQ •jal $ 8.009.90 i?V>mjii*Sjl 'by McHenry «onnt» wberebj * fonder hdlri contract Krtd IKc *2,T65.q6 i ffenry County offices have free scrvVn The Committee on Purchasing presented the following report, to-wlt: August 29, 1941. To the 'Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Purchasing would beg leave to report that they met with a r epresentative of the Woodstock Typewriter Company concerning a contract previously .Mitet.'d mt" wl'it said • "" " *"• - ' --' reby (i# ,..v "* 9 •'I of whleh Is re»p«ct(MI]r S«b*pltted. CART. E WITTMUS CMlUMHI MATT N. SCHMITT N. B. CLAWSON" H. C MEIER FRANK C. FRRRIS The Committee on. Claims, Count#^ Pear presented the V following report,' which on motion of Sppr. Harrises, and ,.j duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and the roll being called, was declared unani-",, ?^ mously adopted, to-a-lt: •"* di e of .tn» • Ml .*3 )./1941. th* • Co. Supt. _ ,_ «jL la ry i.inB.OO I gravelling expense ,1,990,00 1 Probation Officers--99,799.09 ^S'sry, circuit court 25...... 900.00 Salary, county court I.SOO.OO Trev exp., county court 900.00 Board of Review--91.976.90. Salaries Supplies 75.00 County Judge--$4,999.99 . Salnry -- -- J'ass'sn' Reporter salary Foreign Witnesses 100.00 Bounties. Crows, Crows Rggs ...... and Foxes 1,990.00 Jurors, all courts per diem _ and mileage e.SOO.OO Supervisors--111,100.09 ...... P«r Diem and Mllsage 9.100.09 Printing 1,900.90 For Cere of County Dependent Children 9,100.00 Care T B. Patients In Sanatorium and paupere •>.-- 9,000.00 State's Attoraey---$6,670.80. Rent i , f®«.00 Salary ; f*®?"1* Assistant - Office supplies Tjivestigatlons JOO.Ofl Stenographer - I®0-0® Co. Aid In Bldg. Bridges--$10,600.0^ Const, and Repair of Bridges 10.900.00 September 9, A. p., Mr. Chairman nnd Gentleman of tha Resrd of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that • they have examined all claims present- . ed to them and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk ba directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the sev« eral amounts allowed, as ttt» wit; Dependest Children- Chicago Indus. Home for ChU. 9S5S.4S St. Vincent's Indus. School, Glosson Dr. O. E Neleon, DeLine Mrs. Martin Mortensen. Eva Kapptng, Ystebo Vav B.> irv Count* o/Tlces nave Tree N'ort T 51*1 aH Uocwrlter»;snd trade In ^l)i»-*n«a- I n»T^ 44|S nes A,at are three years o|fl or oyflr p ^ for new machines " *1 1. r>- ni »«ui»r 18.69 22.09 t&2,oa chines amined by the Examiner of the Blind j Boeardus Fund--Relief K*"Solsnd he reported that they were blind diers. Sailors and Marines ... 9.000.00 and also it Is the opinion of your Com- | Eradication of TB in y*ttll«^ eat chines Hen old entered into should be traded in for new machines at this time and also ws would recommend the purchase of a re-conditioned typewriter for the office of the County Superintendent of Highways snd a new adding machine for the office of the County Treasurer. A detailed statement of the trade-In allowance on the old machines and the net cost of the new machines, together with he adding machine, is submitted herewith and made a part of this report. Your Committee recommends the purchase of tha typewriters and the adding machine as outlined In the detailed statement referred to abovS. All of which is respectfully tad. N. R. CLAWSON I.. A. STOCKWELL F. K. BECK F. Harris Krumpen Dr. Geo. H. Pflueger, Pearnap A. S. Romberger, Miller George S. Jones. Jones ...... Louise M Brooks, pro off tray exp T. B. Patient Pauper-- H. W Kohl., M. D„ Chambers .... The Boston Store, Vemiett and DeLine - Dr. John A. Conley. Collins ....... Lake Co. T. B. San. 1.404 All of which is respaetfuUy submit *•6, ROY J. STEWART. CtnlffM* L A. STOCKWELL e. PERRY WRIGHT H. C. MEIER CHAS. H. ACKMAK .* DM snas thereupon regularly tninred fcfer Supr. Kuecker Rnd duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the report of the nrn. 1 K nmc»itr>n Oi .Committee on Purchasing be adopted mittee that said applicants are entitled <?a!ary of County VeterinariaiiI l.W 00 I by to the benefls under the 'Blind Pension 1 Trav. Exn. of Co. VeterirtaWnrt 3«0 00 ed. b«i»rs gtockwell. Wright, TVittmus. Act' and your Committee "would recom- ! Salary of office secretary mend that their applications be granted ' Office supplies '• «r* Tot#J Receipts Grand Total .94,196.49 .$19 7.440.18 County Orders $11,127.64 Highway Orders 9,591.47 Mothers' Pensions 850.00 Grand and Petit Jurors.--_ 151.50 and that there be paid to them thres hundred and sixty-five dollars ($365.00) per year, said payment to be made monthly. Your Committee would further report thet the 'Blind Pension Act' was recently amended requiring the county to pay the pension on a monthly basis instead of quarterly and that the new applicants receive their first payment on October 1st for the month of September. Previous to the amendment of this Act it was the practice of the Countv to pav the new pensioners on the first of October for the months of July, August snd September buU it is the opinion of your Committee tTlat this cannot now be dons. Your Committee wuld therefore roeommend that the sum of Nineteen thousand Dollars ($19,000.00) be included in rt Contingent Fund For Ins. on Co. Properties For Insurance Premiums, Bonds County Officers j . . . . . . 1,900.00 McHenry Co. TB Ass*n Furtd -S.IOO.OO ! McHenry Co. Farm and Home Bureau--8726.00. ^ . Office expense Home Bureau.:'" 900.09' 4-H Club Projects Farm Ruronu'"t's-°P Total of General Fund -- u Approrplations $177,455.00 For Relief of-County Blind, Blind Pensions $19,000.00 Aid to Mothers and Children, Mothers' Pensions 9,800.00 County Aid in Building Bridges, to Retire Bonds and Interest 12,615.00 For Payment of Right of Way 900.00 ' Heck. Clawson. Kuecker. Ackman. Fer- S20.00 t ris. Stewart.' Harrison Turner. Steven", 9,©00.00 : May, Schmltt, Meier. Filip and Asst. 1,500.00 Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, I nay none. The Chairman' declared the mrttion unanimouslv carrted. The Clfrk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of and Building Roads County Highway Tax- .100.009.00 -$67,300.00 Ylks Commlttee: on RoaAn presented the -following report, on motion of Supr Kuesksr and duly seconded by Supr. Turner nnd the rail being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit! Mr. Chrffrmsa and Geatlemen nf Board of Supervisors, McHeH*T tv. Illinois: The undersigned members of rosd and bridge committee fpr sai« County beg leave to submit the follow* ing report on the matters before theml . .#,- J On the nth day of August, 1941 W» ^ ^ inspected the application of the a» phaltic line rock seel coat on the HUB*' l e v , I l l i n o i s b l a c k t o p r u t f d k " * J ' ••r af«llilf>4 ins r wunt j niiti ujn»n iiivimmi ir.*, niim-ic ' v *- ' *-- .. Sttpr. Filip and duly'seconded by Supr. s«ic,tion 11-1T MFT. A very ltg"t .. Turner and deiiared carried,,the s^iid I eoat of liquid asphalt (about two "".'JJ claims were referred to the propel of a gallon per lineal « »f 3' ^commM itteDes aAnd" tMhe BMoardI an<d1j LoAIuIrPnN<eWdT^ ttoo i bien apDpH!liI eSdMI-. TThhte* LLSPPH FTLTII IIV**? - 1:30 o'clock P. M. <D. S. T.) for com- was transferred from mittee work. Huntley into trucks snd hauler 10 liM O'OMOK F. 19. (». 9. *•) Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the same members responded to their names as appear*a of record in the morning session, constituting a full Board present. The Committee on Claim* LnbQS JEWS road and dumped along the center material was then «<>read over rhe bv means of s moforgrader ami ro? * 14 fci-r bflC. with a rubber lired roller wh'. h waa J made up from nine truck wne*'ana ^ was loaded with sand bags. Thea a . T plank draw was nulled behind the mO« ; >r ; toi-grader which Irroko up the lumpn, »V'£afe'?i / - 1 • v

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