Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1942, p. 14

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-.-TP; THE BQARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS 18th day of August we inthe repair of the Chappel Hill .ftartheast of McHenry. The holes, " places and cracked prtions on the I tire marked o: and covered with '•ayn&lt P. A. 3 which is a very and pliable asphalt, then pea _ avel was applied. We hope the "will, now hold for another year it a gTeat deal of expense. August 20th we inspected the Grove- asphalt road known as It, IT M. F. T. and watched -the OijMmtion of the seal coat -which rMllllliil of three tenths of a gallon of P. A. 3 hot asphalt per square yard •§ road surface covered with pea slse gravel. The job appeared to be good •Sid was receiving praise from the Villi** of 3prlng Grove officials and residents. On August 21st. we inspected the Huntley seal coat job and nested a few Spaces where the material was not Mnoothly applied. The lumps did not break up and iron out due possibly to the rain which fell during the work and also to the cool spell of weather. We did not deeip same to be serious and the contractor agreed to put on some additional material at these places, and we decided to hold back $200 to guarantee the correction. We then went to inspect the application of an asphaltie lime stone seal coat on a solloem? nt road Arlington Heights. About S% times as much of the asphaltic material as was used on the Huntley Job was being applied. Tht> surface appeared excellent but the soil-cement base was soft and powdery and may not hold to the asphalt top. . We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, . OS the 6th day of September, 1941, and audited and ordered paid oills of a genanal nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a Whole insurance, supplies and repairs tor County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house a total of $1*096.86. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audit* ed and ordered paid as follows: Sections 3, 14 $1,803.95 Sections 4, 16, IS 135.61 Sections 4, 17 ... 92.23 Sections 6, 6 6.56 Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1* 1714.44 Sections 18, 15 1277.10 400.00 800.00 500.00 .4161.44 „ 10.08 1*0.75 145.90 11.74 10.68 3.00 15.89 16.00 44.35 • - Total i 16,126.74 - (Bills weh audited and ordered paid 'lit of mtor fuel tax ffinds as follows: 41. A. Route Section SB, 8 maintenance labor f 7.66 St, 9T, maintenance labor, mat. machine rental (92.00 SI, 11-1T maintenance labor : 'material, machine rental „ M, 12, maintenance labor ^material machine rental • 4A, 4A and 5B Ext., 13, maintenance labor U, 4A and IB Ext., 13-IT •engineering labor J tt, 4A and 5B Ext., 13-IT, ^contract const, est. No. 2 ...1354.95 hA, 14-IT maintenance labor and machine rental It, 17-IT, maint. labor . , 14 and 15, 19, engi. labor 14 and 15, 19, construction labor , • <and material '•tL 20, maintenance labor £ 30-IT, engineering labor t, 02-IT, contract construction Est. No. 2 1194.75 • 21, construction labor and mat. 95.25 MB, 22, engineering labor 28.65 MB, 22, construction labor, mat. •and machine rental >412.95 H >6, engineering labor 24.95 ^p. 27, maintenance labor, -^material and machine rental 1874.08 20-IT. maintenance labor, •material 61.26 St. 30B, engineering labor 168!38 1% 30B, contract construction, Est. No. 1 4629.10 .We have decided to strengthen the npor of the old portion of the Silver Springs Bridge on the Woodstock-Alden rqad by using the 12 inch I beams, out 6f the Mitchell Bridge being built north West of Harvard, in place of the 8 inch 1,beams which are very light for modif » traffic. The 12 Inch beams are 30 fl>I0«S and will be cut to 23 ft. lengths. The coat of the improvement will be about |376 and E. M. Melahn Con- Btruction Co. of Algonquin, Illinois, will remove the old concrete floor and beams and replace same as above described on "" "" labor basis. rather complicated resolutions Sing changes in the County State Ala system of roads recently passed by this Board were approved by the State Division of Highways and we instructed the County Supt. of Highways to notify the highway commissioners that tbe roads are turned bapt to the Towns for maintenance as provided bv law. The most Important of which roads in tbe Towns of McHenry and Richmond cover the oil mix roads coonstructed by tfee County under agreements approved •9 this Board within the past year We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned\tna- f nery as follows: Sec. 11-IT, $*10- . 12, $6.08; Sec. 14-IT, 12.87; Seo» 22', 50.89; Sec. 27, *14.12 and from the Standard Oil Co. $4.68 refund on g&sojine purchase and from Suburban Oil $184.00 payment for 368 cu. yds. Utone from County stock pile at Thonaeson Farm south of McHenry, 111., a total of $1,364.24 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including tbe repair, storage and purchase of road machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system Of roads an apprprlation from the County highway fund of $3000 until the next Meeting of this Board. ^All of which is respectfully submit- *i- 'HA A. STOCKWELL G. STEVENS . .ROY J. STEWART i C. MEIER If. E. BECK ana rej m •t :* The Committee on' Finance" presented following report and Annual Tax vy, to-wit: r. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of. Supervisors.? Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the County Tax Levy #(>r the year 1941, would beg leave to Mibmit the following report on the matters before them: ' That we have ascertained the several Items of necessary expenditures for the County as nearly as possible and rec- Otnmend that the sum of ninety thouttnd nine hundred sixty dollars and no cfents for general County purposes aad the sum of ten thousand dollars and no cents for Relief of County Blind, Blind Pensions and the sum of fortyftour thousand dollars and no cents for County Highway Tax, Maintenance State and State Aid Roads, m*«king a total of one hundred forty-four thousand nine hundred sixty dollars and no cents be appropriated and levied as County Tax on all taxable property of •aid County and State aforesaid for the A. D. 1941, and that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to extend •aid amount on all taxable property In the county in accordance with the report the the following purposes, to-wit: -For County Surveyor services $ 500.00 For Circuit Clerk rec. books.... 800.00 Por Circuit Clerk supplies HOO.HO iFor County Clerk off. supplies 900.00 Jlor County Clerk printing ... 900.00 For Coiinty Clerk tax, blanks " r - and books • ;&or Per Diem and Mileage •-V election officials 16,000.00 Jtor election supplies ..... 4,500.00 or elections--rent of polliifc i places 500.00 «*>r County Treasurer and Oollector printing assessments -- 1,500.00 •jp&r County Treasurer and f--.'(Collector office supplies 300.00 KJfcr County Treasurer and Col- : lector record books ... 200.00 Tt Sheriff's Bailiffs per diem, all courts ?.. £00.00 Fr Sheriff Court per diem and 14,fees for services 2,000.00 fltibr Sheriff feeding prisoners .... 8,000.00 For deputy Sheriffs per diem 1,600.00 v'. For County Coroner's fees For Supt. of Schools, clerk hire For Supt. of Schools, off. sup..... For Court House and Jail Bftl. Jailer and Janitor 2,180.90 For Court House and Jail coal 1,500.00 For Court House and Jail light and water 1,400.00 For Court House and Jail rep. 2,000.00 For Court House and Jail sup. 2,000.00 For County Home salaries for employees 5,000.00 For County Home Fuel 1,400.00 For County Home, supplies for care of inmates 11,000.00 For County Home, medical for for care of inmates * 800.00 For County Home, It. aid power 1,400.00 For County Home repairs For Probation Officer--salary circuit court . .w..». 900,00 For Probation Officer--aalary county court 1,200.00 For Board of Review salaries 1,000.00 For Bounties, crows, crows eggs and foxes 1,400,00 For jurors--all court's per diem and mileage - . 5,000.00 For Supervisors per diem Mid mileage 2,500.00 For Supervisors printing 1,200.00 For care of County Dependent Children 6,000.00 For County Aid in building bridges--construction and repair o? bridges 7,009.00 For Eradication of TB in Cattle, salary of Co. Veterinarian .... 1,680.00 For Insurance on Co. Prop. -- 1,500.00 For Ins. Premiums, Bonds county officers 1,000.00 Total of General Fund Levy 990,960.00 For Co. Hwy. Tax Maintenance State and State Aid Roads ....44,000.00 For Relief of County Blind, blind pensions 10,000.00 Grand Total Artit. to be raised 144,960.00 All of which is respectfully submitted this 9th day of Septemberr iu fi. 1941, ~ FRANK MAY. ChalrmaH PAUL ROSENTHAL H. M. TURNER F. E. BECK J. E. HARRISON It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Annual Tax Levy be approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmltt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the report approved and the Annual Tax Levy adopted. . The Committee on Lands and Lots presented the following report, to-wit: September 9, 1941. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, sa. To the Chairman and Gentlamen Of tike Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Lands and Lots to whom was referred the matter of the sale of the 40 acre tract of land on Lake Elizabeth in McHenry County to Justin Genis would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them: 1. ^hey met on September 8, A. D. 1341 and conssidered the report of the former Lands and Lots Committee together with the records of the Board pertaining to the sale of the 40 acres to Justin Genls. 2. They also consulted with Wm. M. Carroll, State's Attorney, relative to the legal status of the matter. Your Committee finds that the former Lands and Lots1 Committee reported to the Board that they had sold the 40 acres of land on Twin Lakes to Justin Genis for the sum of $500.00 which report in writing, signed by all of the Committee members, is on file with the Clerk of this Board. They also find that Justin Genls delivered to said Committee a Cashier's check in the sum of $500.00 which check is on (lie with the Clerlf of this Board. After due consideration of all of the facts, your Committee Is of the opln* Ion that the question as to whether the Board should convey the 40 acre tract of land to Justin Genis should be left to the decision of the whole Board of Supervisors. of which is respectfully H. M. TURNER FRANK C. FERRIS MATT N. SCHMITT E. F. KUECKER stem assist the apstate- wide this Board, and. tbe roll being called, the Chairman declared the (notion unanimously carried. ' (For Auditor's Ranort and Analysis see Sup. Rec. K in County Clerk's Office. ) The Committee on Purchasing presented the following report, to-wit: ... , September 9. 1941. To r* - be M Gen At the meeti: August 11, 1936 peared,-*1flqprei , nois, and 000.00 , staUlnif A ' stations in the pri prehension State desir counties In hook-up. After ajti&e discussion, it was moved by A. B. MeCOBnell and seconded by S. H. FreUsd that the matter be referred to the purchasing Contmittee for investigation Md report at the September meeting. The Committee at that time consisted of F. B. Beck, Chas. H. Ackman and A'.va Hal#. This committee *tUf|ied the (natter including visits to Waakfegan and Elkhorn where demonstrations ware made for them. At the September meeting the committee repotted that is was not yet ready to make a recommendation owing to the wide variation of prices and the wide difference of opinion as to the- kind of equipment likely to be most satisfaetroj'. Oohtinued investigation was ordered and the committee visited Rockforfl. Biffin. Belvidere. Geneva Sycamore and Torkville. As a result of tl^eqa Visits, a convention was held at CHmfVa at which were present delegations ftOU) Boone, Winnebago, Kane, DetCalb, Kendall and Mo- Henry counties. Sihce this convention all of the counties there represented except McHenry have installed radio equipment. Since this time, eleven members of the Board, including the present chairman have served on various purchasing committees all of wh|ch have made more or less Investigation of this subject. Your present committee feels that, as a result, every member of the Board has definite information and a more or less definite opinion as to the desirability of the iervicjT Now as to cost; after exhaustive inquiry your oommlttee makes the following estimates:- The minimum possible equipment would be a central broadcasting station and equipment for the cars of the Sheriff and the Chief Deputy. CsjUmated cost for installation: •- ' *• •*" Central station 12,000. Two cars at $564-' 1,100. Turner, Chairman fit tbe tnlttee on Lands and Lots addressed the Board and stated that it was his opinion that the 40 acre tract of land referred to in the report of the Committee was sold and that there was very little the Board could do about it. The Clerk then read the report of the previous Lands and Lots Committee concerning said matter made November 12, 1940. After a general discuaslon on said matter, it was regularly moyed by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that McHenry County, through its proper officers, convey any interest the County might have in the 40 acre tract of land on Lake Elizabeth in Richmond Township (being more or less) by quit claim deed to Justin Genis for the price of $500.00, It being expressly understood and agreed that the County of McHenry is to stand no costs or expenses pertaining to said transfer or that might occur hereafter and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck. Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Meier, Filip and Asst. Supr. Nolan voted aye. Suprs. StevenB, May, Schmitt and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted nay. The Chairman declared the motion carried. The Clerk presented the certificates together with consents of the various Hightvay Commissioners of the County of the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for the construction, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges in the various townships. After reading of the certificates of levy and consents by the Clerk, it was regularly mov«J by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the certificates of levy and consents be approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris. Stewart, Harrison Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier, ^ 'lip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared tlie motion unanimously cartied. .00 Total „.......L,™...„.„r |4,100.00 For Maintenaitwy- Three operators a( fll6 par nio, $346.00 Chief engineer ffjo. f license). per month ....: 7J.OO Repairs and repl^cenTOpt per i^o. (0.0ft Total per mpnth .„.^........;..„$47o.OO Per year $5,640.00 This would allow for: tio patrolling whatever. * ' If patrolling is provided for the minimum would seem to be one patrol car operating sixteen hours per day with th>ee deputies, one man alone patrolling eight hours by day and two men together patrolling eight hours at night. This car with equipment would cost about $1500.00. If this car travels sixteen hours at twenty-five Miles per hour the mileage would be 400 miles per day. The Cost-- 8 deputies at $125 Mr month ....$875.00 400 miles at 5c per mile' $30 per day, pey month .,...600.00 Total per month ...,. $976.00 Per year ...__$11,700.00 To summarise-- ' Cost of operating radio station per year $6,640.00 Cost of operating squad oar P®R Y<*R -11,706.60 Total per year „|17,340.00 Tour Committee tfould respectfully point out that much of the greater part of the above costs would be for extra policing given the county by the Sheriff's office and that the radio would be used more as an atd in making such policing more effective. No attempt has been made to estimate the savings to tjie county which would be effected by the radio system. These would ewlthout any question be substan- < . w"i be noticed that the cost of all three switch-board operators is charged to the radio. If it should be established that these men are needed as Jailers, and the cost charged to the Jail account, then the yearly cost of operating the central station is reduced to $1,500.00. The great cost of the patrol system is In the squad cars. of which is respectfully t^tbfnit- K. R CLAWSON • U A. 8TOCKWMSLL " 9. E. BBCK ... lMirchasing -Committee. ATier some discussion concerning said report, it was regularly moved by *!£!!' «»"«»" •»«*. duly seconded by ,AckJP*n ^at the same be placed Th® Chairman declared the motion carried. 500.00 The Committee on Finance presented the following report, to-w|t: / ! , September I, lMl State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: At the November, 1940 meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County and State aforesaid, the firm of J. W. North & Co., Certified Public Accountants of 10J5 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, was employed by the said Board to make comparative statements for the eight year period ending November 30, 1940 of the operation of the various county offices, re-classification of the Mothers' Pension and Blind Pension ! accounts of the county and to set up a i form of permanent Inventory. Your Committee submits herewith the report of the auditing company cover-, ing the period from November 30, 1932, to November 80, 1940 and r«£ommend>: its adoption. : Your Committee would further recommend that the County Clerk be instruct-' ed to draw an order on the County Treasurer in the amout of $300 or. pay-1 able to J. W. North A Co., tbe prloe agreed upon for said audit sod enalysl*. FRANK MAY F. E. B10CK ! re<,i,e8t ,from Peter Umathum Post ?fi. ? A,meri<»n Legion of Woodstock, Illinois for Bogardus Funds was presented and upon motion duly made and C^ormLmWittaeVe feofre rrrePpdor tto. the Poor Claims The Chairman stated that at the Aumeeting of the Board, hi was authorised to appoint a Committee of Supervisors and they together with the County Collector and State's Attorney were authorised to use every legal means to collect back taxes and h™ilad not aPP°'nted said Comwt8' u ^ Chairman then appointed r^J?; Kuecker and Wittmus to ict as said Committee. The Chairman again addressed the Board and stated that under a recent amendment to an act to provide for the creation of County Welfare Departments, it is necessary for the Board of Supervisors to appoint two persons and they together with the County Judge shall act in an advisory capacity to the ri- r.nnd. cou,nt J y welfare departments: Chhnatirrmm*an yo f# sai£d,e adI?v6i's"o*r y nabmoaerdd . thIet was thereupon regularly moved by Rnnr Kuecker and duly seconded by Sunr Turner that the Chair appoint two persons to act on said advisorv board. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Chairman appointed Suprs. Roy Stewart board y Meier as members of said .A communication from the State Association of Supervisors and County of i«?i» to«ether w«h several copies oZft PrlueUblni c \WJroor,kms atnhde Bsutialtdein gDs,e pwaarstm peren-t an(1 o^ered placed on file The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly secy H,upr' Kuecker to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. t J- CARROLL, eet f * Chairman . ; it. .p. WOODS, cier*. ; "*WNMU1 , . U. M. TURNER. t©i. J. E. HARRISON' PAUL ROSENTHAL, ,. It-was thereupon regularty moved fcjr Supr. Harrison and duly seconded bjr Supr. Clawson that the report of the Committee on Finance be adopted bf • a • • . - . • : /' • • - a . . - ' MMT1M CMCT Spccial October Meeting, mi 1 Secitons 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, II ' Sections 13, 16 ...1 Total $4,179.29 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of motor fuel <ax funds as follows: S. A. Rt. Section 23, 9T maint., labor and mat, $187.87 11, 11-IT maint., labor and mat. 1S9.78 25, 12 maint. labor and mat., and machine rent . i.04 25, 12-IT maint., labol" _. .. A . . ,25, 12 maint, labor T0 I)1<2.*R <A, 4A and 5B Ext., 13-IT engi- » ' the Chairman, i3. J. Carroll, and the roll neering labor . '17.W' ' ~ ** 14 and 15, 19, construction labor fSbo Honorable Board of Supervisor* of McHenry County met in Special session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of Its members at the Court House 'in the City of Woodstook, on Tuesday. -the 14 th day of October, A. D. 1941 at ten o'clock A. M. be a two coat job using for .the first 940.14 ( coat a No. 450 paint and for tb« second coat a No. 471 paint, said contract for materials to Include two gallons of' aluminum paint for cupolas. Your Committee made the regular In^ spection of the County Horn*, aad Hospital and found everything to be in good order. E. F. KUECKER ' MATT N. BCHMIVIU'- •«"» * G. •STEVENS «. C. MBtalt •p.-. #«» t | being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: SupervlHors L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry Wright, Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kueeker, Chas. H. Aclrman'ii'rank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, Matt N. Schmitt, Henry G. Meier, John J. Filip and Asst. Supervisors T. F. Nolan Jr. and I'aul Rosenthal, constituting a full Board presept. The minutes of the Annual September, 1941 meeting were read and on motion approved and ordered of record. A committee representing the East River Road Improvement Assn. in McHenry Tcwnshln appeared before the Board and thanked the members for erecting the traffic apgod limit signs on S.00 1, 20-IT engineering labor' .. 26.60 9, 21, construction labor i 20B, 22, engineering labor 20B, 22, Right of Wav John Vrny 103.SO James R. Cleary Est 68.10 20B, 24, engineering labor 26,90 20BA 22, construction labor material and machine rent ....8875:20 15, 25, engineering labor 14*00 13, 26, engineering labor and mat. 146.09 13, 26 construction labor and material and machine rental 4869.71 26, 27, maintenance materia! .... 68.97 19, 30B engineering labor 66.80 19, 30B, construction estimate No. 3, final 689.10 2, 31, engineering labor 28.10 Word was received from the State Division of Highways that 70 foot CARL E. WITTMU® ' A report of the Grand Jury, September Term, IWI WM presented and read j Treasurer to the Claimants The Committee on Clalnub County/ Poor presented the following report which, on motion of Supr. Harrison am. duly seconded by Asst. 8upr. Nolan an<! the roll being called, was declared unan-| Imously adopted, to-wit: , October 14, A. D. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of t! Board of Supervisors: - Your Committee on , Count] Claims would beg leave t liey have examined all cla Jo them, and recommend , of the following, and tbat the Chuik directed to issue orders on the Q certain roads and also made a request I right of way width on section G. Woodfor the improvement of the East River Road for a distance of about two miles by straightening out certain curves. Supr. Meier stated that in his opinion, the improvement was much needed, after which it was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said matter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of September, 1941, was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Oouaty Treasurer's Beport Vol the ifonth of September, 1141 Receipts Balance brought forward Sept. 1st. $147,260.61 Old Age Asst. Administration $S6.6S Motor Kuel Tax Fund 1P.384.95 Inheritance Taies : 881.34 Institute Fund 183.00 Supervisors for Co. Homa 474.70 Refund on Steadman Minors 12.00 General Fund 16.00 Refund on Wilson Minors 15.00 Refund on Hini Minors - 40.00 111. Emergency Relief 167.00 1'ers. Prop. Back Taxes 88.69 Highway Fund 1,864.24 Violation Fines on State Hwys. 107.00 Dance Hall Licenses 60.00 Liquor Licenses 10.00 Sale of Land Twin Lakes 600.00 Penalties and Fees 70.48 State's Attorney's Fifnd - 671.00 Ober TB Patient Refund ,.... 886.00 Mothers' Pensions 1.81 County Officers' Fees ~^~~,--16,000.00 Total Receipts: 89,687.68 OMnd Totlrf .. . ..;...:..„!:...$176,988.19 IqwiAMam County Orders $12,297.65 ... 1,426.00 .... 860.00 Blind Relief' Mothers' Pensions Bounty ' »rder» 1.10 Probation Officer 100.00 Old Age Asst. .Administration 86.52 Institute Orders 120.25 Grand and Petit Jurors ... 247.00 Coroner's Jurors 24.00 Illinois Emergency Relief.... 167.00 Highway Orders 6,122.10 General Fund 160.00 Salaries 637.63 Co. Treasurer's Salary 800.00 Forfeitures, refund 26.49 Motor Fuel Ttyt Fund 18,293.47 Anticipation Warrants .........15,242.09 Total Orders 66,980.80 Balance on hand Sept. 80th in all funds ..120,057.99 Grand Total $176,938.19 The above and foregoing report 1b true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. „ C. FRANK DALY, . County Treasure!;. Subscribed aad sworn tb before me this 14tfe-dajF of October, 1#41. V <.• R. D. WOODS, (B*al) i\. ' County Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report of t>e County Treasurer be approved. Motion declared carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr, Filip and tbe roll being called, was . declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said county would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 12th day of September 1941 with a committee representing Lake County, Illinois. They stated that they desired to add to the State Aid System of Roads, a road leading from Tower Lake In Lake County which Is north of Barrlngton, to Island Lake which is on the McHenry-Lake County line on StateB ond Iqsue Route 176 about two miles south-east of Burton's Bridge. The road is nearly all In Lake County except about a mile at the north end which is mostsly along the County line. It would require Joint action of the two county boards to make said road a State Aid Road, and although Lake County 1?\ not ready to take over the road at present and does not contemplate Its improvement for for several years they wanted to know whether McHenry County would cooperate with Joint action In the matter of making the road a State Aid Route, before they make any arrangements for securing the right of way. The matter of maintenance of the road was discussed and since most of the road is in Lake County they thought Lake County could arrange to do the maintenance work. We decided to recommend that McHenry County, co-operate with Lake County, Illinois, in the matter of said road by adding the portion In McHenry County to the State AidT System of Roads at a future date. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 24th day- fo September, 1941, to receive bids for the materials for the Ridgefield road Improvement known as Section 26 M. F. T. We decided to award the contracts to the lowest bidders on the unit prices as follows: Right of way markers to Elgin Cast Stone Co., '$1.10 each; precast concrete blocks and bottoms of catchbasins to Material Service Corp. at $^6.00 per catchbasln; concrete sewer pipe 15 Inch diameter at $0.59 per ft. and cast iron grates at $11.00 each to Builders Material and Fuel Co. of Chicago, Illtnois: one reflectorized sign to Howard Meadows of Elgin, Illinois. We again met on the 1st day of October 1941 and inspected the work beinir I'y wthe. Co"nt>' on the Anderson Koa<l in he town of Marengo known as 22„ V' K T' «nd the Ridgeneici Hoad known as nectton 26 MFT. The graveling of the Anderson Road is nearing completion and the grading of the Ridgefield Road is well under way but somewhat delayed by rain weath- «r. We also inspected the gravel pits In reference to the Ridgefield Road and Jjrtected the pit on the Dick Reed Farm The price of the gravel to be Ave cents at ,hfe> plt Rnd <25.00 addi- tjtmal damage to "alfalfa field (hi October ITth. 1941. wit m*t • + iWoodKtogk, Illinois, and audited and Ordered P«id bills of a general nature dhargeable to the McHenry Countv patrol system of roads as a whole for i <tBd rePa,rs for County owned (/ I^hKnPry .and 8t the Countv V house to a total of $1 516 90 ' tr> the v*riou'n Bec- "tfons of the County system of roafls for labor and materials at rates heretofore ^'?rov^ board were audited and ordered paid as follows: $ 950.10 £27.68 90.78 Sections 3, 14 Sections 4, 16, l(L 9e#ions 4, 17 stock-Franklinvllle road between the two sections of concrete road would be satisfactory and v.hat a superceding resolution should be passed for tbe proposed new base. We instructed the County Supt. of Highways to prepare a proper resolution for that purpose and we recommend that it be passed by this Board. We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery as follows: Sec. 12, $3 04- Sec. 22, $839.79; Sec. 26, $486.06; Sec. 11-IT for 375 ft. 6 In. tile $23.18 and from the Suburban Oil Co. of Oak Park, Illinois, for gravel $15.50 and from Sinclair Refining Co. of Chicago, Illinois, refund on gasoline purchase $9.28 a total of $1376.85 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is hereby reappropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of th« McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from he County highway fund of $3500 until the next meeting of this Board. of which is respectfully submlt- L. A. STOCKWELL ROY J. STEWART H. C. MEIER J. G. STEVENS F. C. BECK 41.80 1 and upon motion duly made and carried, 4.20 I was approved and ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of Claims againstt he County and on motion -of Asst. S/pr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Stockwell and declared carried, said , claims were referred to the proper Committees and the Board adjourned tQ. 1:80 o'clock-P. M. for Committee work. ' 1:30 O'OZiOOX* V. X. (9. B. *.) Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning se^lon, constituting a full Board present. A delegation of residents and properl ty owners of Coral and Grafton Townships headed bv Josephine N. Whittemore. appeared before the Board and presented a petition signed by 200 resident^ and property owners for the improvement or completion of the black top road running from Carpentersville west and connecting with Route 20 about six miles west of Huntley. After the reading of the petition by the Clerk, Mrs. Whittemore outlined in detail the great need for this road improvement. Several other members of the delegation also spoke in this regard. Supr. 1.1 'M.*6lr 16.0*' 67.4#, . 19.8ff 17.04* 14.081 several amounts allowed, as follows, Dependent Children--- Chicago Indus. Home for ChlL $208.Sf 8t. Vincent's Indus. 8eh., Glo«S«n>19.4 Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., Norton and Daymond Eva Kapping, Ystebo May B. Miner, DeL|ne, Meyer and Steadman Mrs. Martin Mortensen, Bradley and Spencer Mrs. Wm. Hooper, Lurch . . , ,, Boston Store, Lurch v 11-w Herman Eicksteadt, Hlns 3 4000 T. B. Patient Pauper-- 1 * Old People's Rest Home, HibbaTd 20.0ft Edward Sanatorium, Kublaqk .... 23.75! Lake Co. T. B. Sanatorium 1,230.001' George 8. Jone3, Jones 15.00j'- ' Dr. H. J. Schmid, blind exafn. 22,00 A. S. Romberger, Miller 18.80i" Dr. H. W. Kohl, Chambers 60 0® Harvard Com. Hosp., Allan Louise M. Brooks, pro off tnv exp $46.75; dependt chll $2.10 T. If. Patient Pauper-- f Dr. F. L. Alford, Anderson, Burffa- t" graef, Hess, Ketchum, > ^ Befdfdey 182.80TDr. H. J. Schmid £ ' ' 88.60), -- 30.0(1 lt.fl u«n aiso spoxe mis supr. | o„nr„ «•«». «. Ferris of Grafton Township deficribed ; o^f- K Hnwtll -fv.W 30.00 the road In detail to. the Board and in-I -- -- .»»••• formed the members that something The following Resolution, MFT Construction, St. Aid Rt. 15 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: (Note: This resolution supersedes tbe origlnalr esolution for Section 25 MFT passed by Board of Supervisors, April 19, 1938. State of 111., Henry Horner, Governor Resolution For Improvement by Comity Under tbe Motor Fuel Tax L*T (MFT Construction) Be It Resoslved, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the following described State Aid Route be improved under the Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929: State Aid Route 15 beginning at a point near the south quarter section corner of Sec. 11, Twp. 44 North, Range 6 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian at the easterly end of . the concrete road and extending along' said route in an easterly and nrtheasterly direction for a distance of approxlmatelyl0,062 feet to tl>e southwesterly end of an existing concrete road and, Be It Further Resolved, that the Improvement shall consist oif gravel or crushed stone surface course Type B construction 2o ft. wide and shall be designated as Section 25 MFT; and Be tt Further Resolved, that the improvement shall be constructed by Dav Labor; and. Be It Further Resolved, that there Is hereby appropriated the sum of Nta«- teen Thousand and no-100 dollars (J19.» 000.00) from the County's allottfcefit Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of thia improvement; and. Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways EiXsnmr„i,."'r'" Er""",T'* <«"» *• It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kueckre and duly seconded by supr. Harrison that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home presented the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Clawton and duly seconded by Supr. Filip and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: . , October 8. 1941. Mr. Chairman and members of the County0' SuPervlaorB of McHenry Your County Home Committee met on October 8, 1941, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of September 1940 and respectfully submits the following report recommending same be paid. Willis Disbrow, gas, paper and ins $60.00 DVjPerl»or. j C,°'> Kas and o11 --• 44.16 Rldgefldd Farmers Supply, fuel 48.65 K. O Andrew Co., salt and feed.... Royal Blue Store, groceries ... Mitchell Drug Store, medicine Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co coal, etc " J14 Co-, hosp. sup! 9^76 Bakkom Bros., repairs PioifTer Pharmacy, hosp. sui»." Montgomery Ward & Co.. clothes etc Sawyer Biscuit Co. ,cookies and" crackers Sexton A Co., groceries .... W. P. Allen, incidentals Marengo Bakery, bakery Seward Seafood Service, Ash 111. Bell Telephone, telephone Boyce Bros., gas and oil Bohn Hardware, hardware Public Service Co., electricity ..1 V. Mueller ft Co., hosp. sup. Ludwig Wilson Co., insecticide" and supplies 11874 B. A. Berndt, fire extinguisher repairs Woodstock Wholesale Co., toi»! .." Jen A See Laundry, servlos ........ F. W. Woolworth, supplies Elgin Service Co., service Thorne & Son, clothing """* Goodrow's Garage, gas and oif"! W. P. and Esther Allen, salary 160.< Thomas and Effie Montgomery, salary Frank White, salary ...„„!!!!!!! Edna Noble, salary Louise Johnson, salary ...;™!."^!. Floyd Mason, salary ...... Mrs. F. E. Schreiber, salary Linnea Wolt, salary Hilman Melander, salary ^... Clara Hayes, salary !!!!!!!7" Clifton Staab, labor painting !!!! 80.85 68.88 1J0 3.86 67.67 *7.67 9.64 49.88 49.85 61.78 11.60 18.JU 16.84 68.99 68.10 14.49 19.17 49.49 40.86 8.68 84.00 19.89 19.87 100.00 60.00 45.00 18.00 50.00 30.88 90.00 60.00 56.00 100.00 The monthly summarised as follows 8Uuntrr Running Clothing . "i"" Hospital ........i!1!!!"!'!! $2,136.24 October 8, 1941. expense items being fl.fH.W X5.66 286.39 ^ i c * o 4 7 . 6 7 Fuel ...... 425:69 Total "-rv; 1 mel on September 24, . County Home at Hai tland, K..«°^iOP*n bids on Parting the Farm buildings en said County Home IrnllVin«oXirs , was Kthleii Ulo'nw SWladadbe r "onf tHhaer Wvaorrdk, nnd your Committee, on motion duly made and carried, awarded the contract' ror the labor to him. The contract for the painting materials to be used was awarded to the Rosenthal Lumber & r«u?L Co- of Crystal Lake, Illinois at 12..o per gallon. Said paintinj ^ jg should be done immediately and moved that the petition and request be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and declared unanimously carried. A petition for the Improvement by black topping same of a road running frotp Boal's corners in Greenwood Township at Route 47 And extending West apd North to connect with black top read one mile South of the Village of Alden and extending Northwest from end of black top one and one-half miles to the State Line, signed by approximately 160 residents and property owners, was presented and read to the Board. The Chairman stated that the road in quebtion was m bad shape and that he would like to get it on the County program and have same improved. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Flllp and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the petition be referred to theR oad and Bridge Comrhlttee. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies, presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner ahd the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: October 14, A. D. 1941. Mr. - Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of-Supervisors: J Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to hem, and recommend the payment of he following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimant* for the several Amounts allowed, as foUowi to-wit: Frank Thornber ft Co., shf off sup $41.67; co elk off sup $218.07 .; ....$169.74 P. F. Pettlbone & Co.. cir oik sup 6.S1 Co. Treas. Prtg-- Hebron Times 11.40 Richmond Gazette 142.80 Marengo Republican News 100.50 Harvard Herald 89.10 McHenry 1'lalndealer 403.20 Huntley Review 126.60 Crystal Lae Herald, co treas prtg $415.80; co elk off sup $160.7t; supr prtg $1.60 - Wfcttafctock Dally Sentinel, supr - prtg fS.3o; co treas prtgt$118.l0; co treas ofT sup $37.60; clr • elk sup $42.75 201.46 Goerliti-Becknell Co., co elk off sup $2.15; clr elk sup $9.22 .._ 11.87 111. office Supply Co., co treaa off sup ;..... 48.46 Harold W. Schmidt, co treas off ' sup $1.78; do elk off sup $18.25 15.08 McHenry Co. Title Co., cont. fund 15.00 Amer. Law Book Co., judcy libry 10.00 Board of Review" • G, P. Chittenden .... 110.00 Wm. A. Mueller 108.50 G. J. Carroll 170.00 George H. Stewart ISO.00 S. H. Freund 160.00 B, F. Kennelly, er TB off sup .... 6.76 Ethel C. Coe, Co. Supt., sup schs oft exp Charles F. Hayes, judcy Jus fees R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Bohn Hardware Co, Andrew Worwlck A.. American Munitions Go, Sanitary Plumbing ft Htg. .......... Pfeiffer Pharmacy 85.90 85.00 16.84 17.80 1.20 182.60 9.30 1.68 John C. McGee, ct hse Jail repairs 6.60 Lester Edlnger, Sheriff, shf pe£ diem, fees, serv T#7.15 Shf. Feeding Pris.-- Klrkman Ice Co .. . *#.00 Western United Gas ft Blec. ,, 5.08 E. G. Shinner ft Co. 80.99 N. K. Trackett, Prop., Hoesley bakery 13.0* Matt Hoesley ^ __ 4.4s Royal Blue Food Store 17.n* Conway Dairy §3.95 Marlnda Bates 2.00 Harold Hobbs, shf dpty :,, 4.00 Loren Edlnger, shf dpty 8.00 William C. Bailey, shf dpty .. , 4.00 Howard Freeman, shf dpty , , ,, $6.00 ti D- Holmes, shf bailiff ^8.00 Irdie Schroeder, shf per diem and fees for serv $4.00: shf bailiff $12.00 .'f 40.00 Walter Sahs, shf dpty $40,001 shf bailiff $20.00 60.00 Owen H. Corr, shf bailiff l«!oo 111. Bell Tel. Co.. cf^se Jail tel 112.70 Kilts Off. Serv., ct hse sup 176.73 Woodstock Type. Co., ct hse sup 848.46 C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwy., co sup hwy sal $216.77; co sup hwy trav $96.15 811.98 Dr. Egbert W. Fell, contingent Wesolik 100.00 111. Off. Sup. Co., co treas off sup 9." B. C. Jess Co.,. cir elk sup . r |.|) Frank Thornber Co., 00 elk off Sup 10.&9 P. F. Pettlbone ft Co., clr elk rec bk 49.80 Supr. Sal. Mileage and Com. Work- 47.15 Y9.15 82.RO (9.60 81.00 89.60 89.80 18.60 Ofi.90 89.90 18.60 69.00 680 87.80 79.50 89 10 86.70 93.10 75.00 L. A. Stockwell C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck .V, B. Clawson E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman ' Frank C. Ferris Roy J. Stewart " John Harrison * H. M. Turner J. G. Stevens ' Frank May Matt N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier ... John J. Flllp T. F. Nolan, Jr Paul Rosenthal ;... A. A. Crissey, clr ct prob off Sal ' Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 60.00 City of Woodstock, ct -hse JaH - It and water 181.10 Marian Sdlnger, shf feed pris i... 100.00 Lester 13dinger, shf per diem; fees, serv. 100.00 Armour Blrk, ct hs« Jail sal '•... *15.00 Vestie Muldoon, et hse Jail sal..1.. 186.00 Philip K. Blerdeman #hf dptv ,^ Helen Schoenke. er TB off sal' ' TS.OO Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire < 88.75 Daisy V. Moore, sup schs ass and cIR hire -UZ-U.- 76.00 All of Which Is ftkpWtlAlly submitted. CARL E. wrrTMUS, Chairman H. C. MEIER MATT N Fit A NX C. FERRIS •jA r - - ^^All of which is respectfully submit" ROT J. STEWART. Chairman. C_ HAS. H. ACKMAN 15K»*Y C. PERRY WRIGHT " L. A. STOCKWELL H. C. MEIER The Chairman announced that the November meeting of the Board if held on the second Tuesday would come on Armistice Day, which is a Legal Holiday and it was his opinion that the Special November Meeting should be held on some other day. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that the Special November, 1941 meeting of the Board be held on Wednesday, the 12th day of November. 1841. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Statements of condition at the close or business on the 30th day of Jfcne. I?.41* 0,„the State Bank of Woodstock, First National Bank of Woodstock, West McHenry State Bank, 8tate of Huntley, Algonquin State Sank ata- 'e"f.° s^te Bank and the "First State of harvard and statements of condition at he close of bustMOOs on the 24th day of Septembert, 194nof all df the above named banks and including the Harvard State Bank were presentodand ordered >laced on file, together with several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Ptnilk* Worksl and Buildings, Division of Highways. • State Representative Harold Kelsey being present at the meeting,w as called upon by the Chairman. Mr. Kelsey addressed the Board and outlined in detail the new relief legislation recently enacted into law and answered questions consetning relief and other maters for the members of the Board Atr the conclusion of his remarks, the6' Chairman thanked him for his help in assisting the various overseers of the poor many of their problems. The Chairman announced that If tKere was no further business to come before •this meeting, he would entertain" a mo* tion to adjourn. It was thereupon' regularly moved by Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Filip to adjourn Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. # ' O: *• CARROLL. Chairman. Special November Meeting, v ; u 1 9 4 1 • ' ^ ^ Board of 8Up6fvT&ors of . McHenry County met in special session pursuant to a ckll signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Wednesday, the 12th day of Novembe, A. D. 1941, at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and the roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wlt: Supervisors: L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry Wright, Carl E Wittmus, F. E. Meek, N. B. ClRwson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, Henry M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Matt N .Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, John J. Flllp and Assistant Supervisors T. F. Nolan, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The minutes of the Special October 1941, meeting were read and upon motion approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of Oetfbtr, 1941, was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: %outt Treasurer's Beport . v Vor tbe slontht of October, lM ' Receipts ' Balance brought forward October 1st, 1941 $180,067.99 Forfeited taxes $ 305.36 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 11,878.68 Penalties and Fees 16.82 Personal Prop. Back Taxes ..80,896.78 Hlni Minors 20.00 111. Emergency Relief 523.00 Violations on Highway Fines 18.00 License Transfers 40.00 Inheritance Taxes Closson Minors -_.... Suprs. for County Home Old Age Assistance Admr. Highway Fund Deposit by Order of Court . Unknown Residents and Minor Heirs Fund Partial payment 1940 taxes....10,000.00 Supt. of County Home 94.98 Dog Tax 1.00 Institute Fund -- 98.00 Refund, Inheritance Tazea.... 8,698.17 Total Receipts 893.14 18.00 898.60 89.27 1,876.8s 488.40 181.87 Orand Total 48,994.88 $169,962.81 County Orders $14,138.48 Highway Orders --- 4,187.07 Blind Relief 1,698.00 Non-High School Orders 16.00 Mothers' Pensions 1,560.00 Grand and Petit Jurors 89.80 Institute Fund 189.60 Probation Officer 100.00 Illinois Emergency Relief 688.00 Stamps 100.21 County Treasurer's Salary .... 800.00 Salaries 648.00 Old Age Asst. Admr 89.37 Disputed Taxes 889.54 Inheritance Taxes 6,761.45 Refund on Inheritance "foxes .64 Bounty Orders 16.S5 County.Court Jurors 87-.70 Coroner's Jurors 80.00 Freight on tax bills -1<|0 Motor Fuel Tax Order* ...13,125g$0, Tax Anticipation Warrant and Interest «*7ft.#S Total- Orders -.ULU-JH 49,134.99 Balance on hand October 81st. in all funds 180,017.83 Grand Total .$169,96^.81 The above and foregoing report is ie true and correct according • t©- t»y best knowledge and belief. ,. .. , • q, FRANK DAjUTl V i • i - County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1941 „ R- D. WOOD®, (Seal) County Clerk. (Cobtinuod In part two)

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