Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1942, p. 1

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, * -> W*W-.-«T^wp..-» »lp« fig'/ ^;; '• ••&.• *.*>•»•<•» »*• V ; ' " • ! " 7 ' * * " •*. . •'•'r7.M^' ' , V "-;'- ' y • •••„ V \'Xs~ Volume 67 McHKNKY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1942 No. 48 Nolle contest from start to finish. Nulle served four years as sheriff, besides his numerous years as chief of police in Marengo. Reese has served ten years as chief deputy sheriff and it was on this record and exp^-ience that he based bit. campaign issues. BieQaansK Pwrw Vate Getter A house to house canvass proved successful to Roland MoCannon, making his first appearance in county politics Tuesday, as he swept to victory over three rival candidates for Henry A. Nulle and Harold E. Reese! 9ufrlntendent °\ McCannon almoet duplicated their battle of eight p.ut°n » wh «* h»* FOR SHERIFF BY ONLY 73 BOLGER REELECTED TO LEGISLATURE ^ Tears ago for the Republican nomina- of the old timers in politics blinking tkSh for sheriff Tuesday, when the {e'M" McCannon ran away with the racej Boone once he got started. He polled 3.405 rival, Mrs. 2,584. His margin of vitcory was 821 votes. Frank Love, who was the only one of the four candidates in the. field with former political experience, hav-| ing once before run for the same of-' flee, was third with 1,829 votes. Frank MfcHelU/ D. Hendricks of Woodstock "was Lake ..... fourth. He polled 1.(02 votes. j McCannon carried eighteen precincts in the county. A coincident is | that he tied Hendricks in Dorr Four : two candidates again staged one of those nip and tuck contests. Nulle came out on top by the small margin j TOte8 while his nearest •f 73 votes, which is three less than I Munson, collected he defeated Reese by eight years ago. It was the township of Marengo wnich played an Important part, again easting almost its entire vote Iter its home candidate. Likewise in "Woodstock, the home of Reese, a heavy vote was again cast for Nulla h»*tbis race, Ernest Swanson was third. He polled only 1,604 votes. Swanson carried Hartrand and Grafton One (Huntley) precincts, although Mag a poor third in the race. Reese Carried Woodstock In the five Dorr precincts Reese polled 1,332 votes, while Nulle picked up 496. Swanson polled 441 votes in the name precincts. In the three Chemung precincts Reese came out with a ten vote mar- Kin, 356 to 346 for Nulle. Nulle picked up a lot of votes In the se»th end of the county, when he carried Nunda Two by a 127 to 64 vote and Algonquin One, (Algonquin Tillage) by a 229 to 115 and Algonquin Three fCary) by a 183 to 120 vote. Kalle also carried Algonquin Two by • 185 to 151 vote. In Coral (Union) Nulle also added to bis total by winning 185 to 14. Riley gave Nulle a 73 to 8 vote over Reese. Rmm Carried 18 Preelaet* Reeee did well In McHenry by carrying all tour precincts. Nulle •haded Reese in Richmond by seven votes. Seneca again came through for Nulle with a 105 to 18 vote over Reese. Reeee carried Alden, Hartland, Greenwood. and Hebron. Reeee carried eighteen of the 34 precincts, while Nulle took 14 and Swanson two. It was a typical Reesein the west part of the county amd likewise in the south par v. Howell in making his Initial bid for a county political office made a good showing. Lacking the acquaintance of his opponent, gained through his many years of service on the county board, he polled better than 3700 votes. Howell's opponent gained a much larger vote in Woodstock than Howell expected. Howell had based his chances on a large vote in Woodstock. Keller, Kebey, Bolger Winers 8t»t* !<ffMatll) ' " (Republican) Keller Ketmy ftfltot McHenry 3,033 6,570 14,948 .„x... 2,027 1,989 1,645 10J02 17,878 3.830 25,221 Note--Six precincts Lake county, Stpto Leffielatare (Democratic) Bolger Hayee 3,13% *1 • .....3.13? 26,417 20,453 missing it Boone 221 (84 1,398 78 2,111 Keslel 110 j 3,6861 5.490 3,822 | Note--Only 84 out of 101 precincts with 170 votes each and also la Dorr 'n Lake reported. Five with 38 votes each. | McHenry county will continue with- Algonquin One. the home of Mc- out Republican representation in the Cannon, where he ha* been head of General Assembly the next two years, the Algonquin schools for several according to the figures compiled in years, gave him a big vote of 888 to the district today, showing Nick Kel- 34 for Mrs. Munson, his nearest op- 'er and Harold D. Keisey, both Lake ponent , county, returned to their seats. It was surprising the way McCan-1 Unofficial returns show Keisey non ran in Woodstock. He carried high man with Keller second: Allen Dorr Qne and tied in Do^r Four and trailed in third place by approximate- Fire. * ly 5,000 votes. Allen polled 14,918 Mrs. Munson made a fine showing votds in McHenry county, 1,645 in for her first venture in politics. ; The Boone and 3,830 in Lake. There are only woman candidate in the field ahe atill six precincts In Lake to report. polled a very fine vote of 2,584. Stevens New County Treasurer T«o newcomers in McHenry county the Republican nomination for treasurer. with Supervisor J. G. (Curly) Stevens of Richmond taking the battle over Ogle K. Howell of Woodstock by a vote of 4,396 to 3,723. In making his Initial bow in coanty poMtics the popular Richmond -anpervisor carried 24 out of the 84 precincts In the county. He polled a huge vote in bis home precinct of Richmond, 398 to 105 and swept the politics staged a spirited contest for east side of the county. Burton and the McHenry precincts. He ran good Keisey ran well in McHenry county. where he had an organisation working hard for his election. This o r g a n i s a t i o n c o n s i s t e d m o s t l y of township officials who have been strong for him. Keisey carried one precinct In Harvard and also a Fox River Grove precinct. Allen made a great ru» against tremendous odd* of - the b4g Wti 1a Lake county which was kept pretty much in the home column for Lake county candidates. Thomas A. Bolger is an apparent winner for the Democratic seat. He polled 5,490 votes, as against 3,822 for Kosiol. his neaerst opponent. There was a very light vote throughout the strict tor Democratic candidates; Precinct Committemen Several changes were made in the county Republican central committee Tuesday. In Woodstock the veteran, C. Frank Daly, chairman of the committee, had little trouble in winning over Cyrus Sanford, termer sheriff. Daly polled 859 votes while Sanford collected only ISf. Daly has been a member of the committee for eighteen years. I Schneider Winner George Schneider defeated Robert T. Wilson in Hartland for the G. O. P. committee post by a vote of 118 to 58. Schneider will replace Ray Brown on the committee. Brown moved out of the precinct the past year and was not a candidate for re-election. Other Contests In Algonquin Two precinct Harry Smuda unseated the veteran. Martin Bohl, by a vote of 295 to 171. Bbhl has been a committeeman for a number of years. In Nunda Two precinct George Ehlert, chief of police, defeated Frank Mason, present committeeman, by a vote of 194 to US. Harold Miller defended successfully his committeeman post In McHenry Three by defeating Robert Conway. McHenry ^own clerk, by a vote of 232 to 143. I n ' M a r e n g o One p r e c i n c t Mayor William L. Miller defeated Fred Nelson by a vote of 258 to 147. In Marengo Two Vernon W. Hays won out over Carl Simpson by a vote of 222 to 155. Victor fciegfer of Burton la a new ipember of the committee. He replaces J. G. Wagner. Walter Reed won over T. Benson in Dorr 5. William R. Dusher Ntw Circuit Judge Attorney William R. Dusher is the new circuit judge in the Seventeenth Judicial District. He swamped hl« Democratic opponent. Lester F. Collins of Waukeean Tuesday. Dusher polled 8.604 votes In the county as against 1.425 for Collins. His vote throughout the district was heavy. NOTICE! No Trespassing on Property owned by Me without permission. •48-fp-2 THEO. R. BREYER. POLLS ATTRACT OVER THOUSAND SVOTERSLOCALLY REPUBLICANS HAVE BIO MAJORITY Although the election of Tuesday, as expected, was not one of the biggest in the county's history, several hundred men and women in the local precincts alone went to the polls and declared themselves to favor either of the two major parties. In precinct one, which includes Ringwood, 137 Republican and 22 Democratic votes were cast making a total of 159. For precinct committeeman, Earl Whiting received 15 votes on the G. O. P. ticket and Sibre Whiting, 11 Democratic votes. In the second precinct, which includes West McHenry, 215 Republican votes were cast and 38 Democratic, making a total of 253. Edgar Landgren received 175 on the former ticket for precinct committeeman and Lester Bacon 7 on the latter ticket. Harold Miller Wins The third precinct, which takes fal McHenry proper and Lily Lake, piled up the most votes as was expected. Five hundred sixteen adults marked ballots, with 433 preferring the Re. publican ballot and only 83 the Democratic. In this precinct, Republican Harold Miller won over Robert Conway 283 to 143 for precinct committeeman. Mr. Miller also received three votes on the opposing ticket. In the fourth precinct, which takes in Johnsburg, 239 votes were cast, 288 G. O. P., and 17 Democratic. Joe Frett, unopposed, received 185 votes for precinct committeeman and Billy May won on the Democratic ticket. Congressman Heed Is Easy Winner Congressman Chauncey W. Reed swept through the district Tuesday to win the Republican nomination. He polled 6,860 votes as against 1,173 for hU opponent. Thomas M. Jennings. • r£*V TOTAL VOll OF 11JS* CUT • * IHCOUNTT An unofficial total vote of 11,309 made up of 10.131 Republicans and 1.- 178 Democratic votes, were cast, in the county Tuesday, "nils was 3,- 613 under the total vote ot the 1940 primary. Democrats took a tallspln with a drop of 3,042 from the total of 4,220 in the 1940 primary. A total of 2,387 votes were cast in i Woodstock. Of this anmher 2.387 f were Republican and 197 were Demoi cratic. This was a big drop in Dem- ! ocratle votes over 1940. The same i ratio prevailed over til of McHenry ' county. Na LOTTERY OF ; AGED Perrine Wins Over Applequist George Perrine carried McHenry county over Leonard J. Applequist for Republican Btate central committeeman by a vote of 4,002 to 2,209. Perrine carried the district for reelection. * ' For expert tree spraying, «aH McHenry 12S-R. Anderson Tree Service. Brooks Sweeps Through County '• Like a Tornado ' SlUilUl g?" Wayland Brooks ran through McHenry county Tuesday like a grass fire. He palled 7,401 rotes as against 1,557 to his nearest opponent. Warren WVlght. It was a typical Brooks vote in thi^ county. Senator Brooks ^as alwum carried this county In htte OhmOatghs Senator Brooks carried every precinct in the county by wide margins. He polled a huge vote In Woodstock. His vote Is a real expression of confidence for the way he has handled his duties In Washington. Although complete reports are not In from throughout the state. It Is expected he will carry the state by a half million votes over his opponent. Brooks was the victim of a vicious attack by two Chicago newspapers, the Daily News and the Chicago Sun. The Tribune supported the Brooks candidacy. His tougb battle to retain his seat will come in November. MEN IN LAST REGISTRATION CALLED SOOK DLS m -'4 t i «1 According to word received froiO national selective service headquarterf who registered February 16 and whose numbers were drawn for draft classification on March 17 will begin to be inducted into the amy in May or June This includes men between the ages of 20 and 21 and 36 and 45. Although the army calls at present , are issued only to men from the firtl two registrations, after June 1 it wa» said that the army will call for quotas from the former registrations and the y one last February. The exact procedure for such calls is yet to be deter* ^ mnied but it is expected that a define ' # ite proportion will be fixed on tht ^ basis of the number of asen la each registration. Age Groapa Men who registered October 16^ 1940, and men who registered July li, 1941, will constitute the first age group. The October 16 registration included men between the ages o| twenty-one and thirty-five inclusive^ The July 1, 1941, registration took ii all those who had reached theit ' twenty-first birthday between thaidate and the former registiation. The February 16 registration, ' constitutes the second agv group, inb eludes men between the ages of twenty and twenty-one and between thirty-five and forty-five. ^ There had been some difference of opinion between the war department and the selective service administrm* tion, the former advocating from the new registration without^ waiting until the first age group wa| exhausted. The latter, however, wall' J J in favor of exhausting the previc age group before inducting the last registration. 7 * i* Se*Mt QmtinsMlm - - Security Administrator Paul V. Met™ Nutt revealed recently that a quesft . tionnaire was being sent to all me# » . who registered February 16. In rea£> ity, an "occupational census," it will (Continued oa kat paea) I; vw m a. rot t/ VOTE BY PRECINCTS IN TUESDAY'S fflWARY ElECHQN Fer U. 8. CMinsiau For Sbertf For Trwpwr Brooks Wright fl Knker Keller Keisey Allea Blley 78 9 3 Riley 49 17 124 Marengo 1 .. .181 72 7 Marengo 1 „..._ ._ 101« I4S 688 Marengo 2 .. 8SI 70 3 Marengo S ....... ... 131 100 694 Dunham 11% IS 1 Dunham ... 43 SSI 171 Cbemang 1 .. J94 . . H 11 Chemung 1 ... 99 sss 649 Chemung 2 .. 241 * 54 4 Chemung S ... 75 4|S 333 Chemung 8 .. 80 11 1 Chemung S ^ _. 40 its 118 Alden 14S 11 3 Alden ... ... 40 m 305 Hartland 181 SS 5 Hartland ... 55 *. i*t 249 8enectt ..... .....108 si 1 Seneca ... 00 114 272 Coral ._... 17S 84 7 Coral ... 81 70 363 Grafton 1 ... 104 34 - 1 Grafton 1 .4--r ... 30 144 377 Grafton S .... SS 10 0 Grafton 2 ..i~~ ... 10 4S 102 Dorr 1 J00 74 12 Dorr 1 ... 141 m 736 Dorr 1 .--..405 88 8 Dorr 2 .... ^ ... 118 SS4 859 Dorr S 4SS 1S4 11 Dorr S .. ... ISO 106 954 Dorr « 41S 100 11 Dorr 4 ... 170 866 845 Dorr & SO 10 8 Dorr 5 ...... ... 11 ut 133 Greenwood .. 110 SI 3 Greenwood ... 10 & 142 Hebron ..._J0S SS 8 Hebron 110 V 674 Richmaad ..... 441 48 2 Rlchmon d. .. ii4 v 1*» 877 Hartop . 1 V - .1 Burton ...ii™.™,. ••• »£ - ?? 164 IfcHepry 1 ? Ill v : , if -" 0 McHenry 1 ~.J. ' 16S . McHenry 2 .. 101 li 3 McHenry 1 ... 81 m 267 McHenry 3 .. 840 48 9 McHenry S - ... 206 : -117 584 •McHenry 4 .. Ml 11 0 McHenry \ . 271 « 173 Nunda 1 Ill ~ SI 4 Nunda 1 '^4^.-. ... 41 S01 160 Nunda 1 m SO 7 Nunda 2 ... 88 so 399 , Nunda S 110 41 3 Nunda 3 ... 40 lis 482 Algonquin 1 41ft ' 40 6 Algonquin 1 ... 104 488 529 Algonquin 1 H 9 Algonquin S ... 88 184 779 Algonquin 3 74 5 Algonquin S ...... .. SO 100 961 Algonquin 4 <.....188 41 5 Algonquirf 4 - .; is 580 132 Algonquin 5 108 S4 7 Algonquin 5 ... 41 uc 483 T a t a ! ' , 1 , , 774S 10SS ISO Totals --».... 3.032 0.670 14,048 Reed Jennings Riley iRarengo 1 .-- Marengo 2 Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung 2 Chemung 8 Alden -- HarHand ............... Seneca -- Coral Grafton 1,.. GraftonJ,,. Dorr 1, Dorr 2 • Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 -- ......i.. Greenwood Hebron *...^w#...... Richmond Burton -- McHenry 1 H i tii ' i ** " McHenry >2 McHenry 8 McHenry 4 Nunda I Nunda 2 Nunda 8 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 8 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 73 315 nt 141 8H 227 Tt ISO 114 159 14* 158 . 48 886 882 898 888 71 in 279 888 75 M lit 171 ltt 10» 271 194 23S si* 118 170 1»1 € 83 SO IS ST 50 0 51 SS Hartland 11 Seneca Riley ... Marengo 1 Marengo 2 Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung 2~^^l43 Chemung 3 £9 Alden 03 46 1 106 Grafton 1 Dorr T1 Dorr S4 Dorr 1 Dorr | SO Greenwood S» Hebron IS Richmond ? Burton IT McHenry 1 SO McHenry 2 48 McHenry 3 McHenry 4 Nunda 1 --• Nunda 2 .... Nunda 8 .... Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin 21S Algonquin Riley Marengo* 1 Marengo 1 Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung S Chemung 8 Alden Hartland Seneca Coral Grafton Grafton Dorr 1 Dorr 1 Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron Richmond! Burton McHenry I. i---- McHenry t McHenry S McHenry 4 Nunda 1 Nunda 2 Nunda 3 .....144 (ton 2 1* r7|l ISO 115 Algonquin 1 Algonquin SA...-..: Algonquin Algonquin 4 101 Algonquin » rw CM Vet Riley Marengo 1 . Marengo S . Dunham Ghemuuf 1 • Chemung 2 . Chemung 3 . Alden Hartland -- Seneca ......... Coral Grafton 1 » Grafton 1 „. Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 3 ......... Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood . Hebron Richmond ... Burton tyteHenry 1 . MqHeorf, McHenry Sl. McHenry 4 . Nunda Nunda 3 ....... Nunda 3 ...-- Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 Dasher .... 85 .... lit .... Sit ' I 34* . f 170 I 43* ' 41 St 4«f 3 41* 410 84T 210 Bias Love rfeC. lf£ 44 Riley 13 41 so 03 Marengo 1 ...06 151 180 SS Marengo 1 m ISO 1SS 10 ihinham ...» 7 so SS 04 Chemung 1 40 100 lit 71 Chemung 1 U 70 1S7 0 Chemung 3 10 SO SS 84 Alden 10 so St 46 Hartland 10 37 so 14 Seneca ..... 14 SO SS 18 Coral S7 78 70 09 Grafton 1 70 00 SS IS Graftctt 1 10 10 10 69 Dorr l 08 170 S7 88 Dorr S, -- 03 14S 110 08 Dorr S 05 101 107 07 Dorr 4 ; SS 170 11S 34 Dorr | IS SS 88 18 Greenwood 47 1S1 SS 83 Hebroa 70 140 tt 80 Richmond 000 1S7 40 IS Burtoo 14 14 40 ft McHoiury 1 SS 90 It S3 McHearjr t -•5!- -"-li M 100 McHenry S M 14S IS McHenry 4 11 19 TO 45 Nunda 1 SI *'00 40 45 'Nunda S SI SO 100 19 Nunda S TS 01 78 41 Algonquin 1 14 SOS 84 14 Algonquin 2 .... 78 1S1 ICS 77 Algonquin 3 40 173 SS 54 Algonquin 4 .... 84 08 . so 23 Algonquin 5 SO SS 06 8081 1004 3*00 Total 8713 48M Total 87St 1500 Totals -1810 3400 1584 1C0S •fM SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES IN TUESDAY'S PRIMARIES AND JUDICIAL ELECTION LESTER EDIXGER ' ' ' CMI Ckafirr l^YKOKV « WOOI»S Goortr Ctok/' . irXLUAM R. PUSWUt OnaM Jadge HE5KY A. HULL! ^ tft wi nig IRT L. COWLUV ROLJLXD rcimx ! Vi '• j

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