. . i V.v* •? 1 - April-ft, ?'"%• a$fe sr,fc <<£• r'lfi » t •' / • /* "• jrr-jRTiTO - V1'T * A?V. ^ X T ^ '* «% "« V ^ h ^ 4V •< * **» - s,. ., > .-••*• e^y^W;^ 'IliL'" fl" t"- '^•v- V*"1» "SO I HEAR" '#H§sf by n. EARL WAL9tf Wouldn't know where this came f*ora:- "A patriotic girl, sincerely doing tor bit for oar soldier boys, enclosed her name with a pair of socks she had knitted and live recipient of the girl's handiwork replied with the following: •Sox received, some fit, Used one for a helmit, and one for a mitt. \ mYou'll hear from am «Imr fw done my bit. 1 But, where in h did too learn to knit?'" > «•»£••» ^ <f | If this war didn't do anything else, It popularixed the word "duration." •i-:' -k Well, we were sick of that word Infinitely" anyhow. Fanny how some Sards spread through the land faster an measles. -* Now, here's a little ft*rn we'd like to have you give a second thought. The Grade School teachers are sponsoring a card party Friday afternoon, 2:15 o'clock, May 1, in the school gym. Proceeds will be turned over to the Bed Cross. Better plan to attend-- and dont worry about trumping somebody's ace. -I Remember way back when we worried about offending the Japs? m Jack Phalin says he bowled a 215 game. Never could have done it if we'd been calling fouls. He's the guy that gets us on the foul line. J^You will find a schedule of the Mc- ' llenry County Baseball League on the sport page this week. --I-- The league has taken in the snappy Shamrock team this year, making a 9- team league. That gives each team o£en dates and a chance to schedule other feature attractions. We haven't had much definite information on the McHenry team, but understand that a lot of strength will be added from the Johnsburg Indians «-- a group of younger fellows who are developing fast. --I-- Joe Britz reports that if the army takes too many of the young players, he'll be willing to come back and play center field. Boy--bring Out the rubber shirt! --«- - You will also find a schedule that has been made up for the high school baseball team. --I-- • Coach Reed presents a better thaq average team an the field -- a team tnat should show up well against strong opposition. -I-- Joe Jackson will twirl. Not too fast, but plenty of dipsy-doodle. Eddie Lay is catching. Shows plenty of pep and can throw. Has everything but site and never figured that a handicap. Bob Stilling is on first. Makes a nice target for infielders. Can reach a country mile. Art Jackson is on second. Looks like a ball player. Good hitter. Roy Stackhouse covers short. Good build. Should be strong in this position. Needs loosening up at the » plate. Dick Conway, handles the hot corner. No worry here. Bill Bolger, Bob Frett and "Babe" Crouch are in the outfield. You've heard of Cobb, Speaker and Ruth ? They were good outfielders, too! Crouch has a fine pair of shoulders and should be able to powder that apple. Bolger is fast, throws to right bases and shows im- • pYoyemvnt ip„j,ooki ng 'em over. Frett. comes from a baseball "family and promises to uphold the family name. Now, that's merely a review of tbe ing lineup as we saw them romp a lop-sided victory over Richmond Monday afternoon. and Dick Conway of the basketball squad will respond with short talks. --I-- Everybody will Join in and mm the Star Spangled Banner. --» That's all! You can go home mom. You've had a peach of a time. '?/•> MESSAGES FROM LOCAL MEN IK .... , TEEU.S.SERVICE Camp Crowder, Mo. McHenry Pfamdealer: I have been receiving The McHenry Plaindealer for the last three or four weeks but didn't know who it came from. Someone wrote and told me you folks were sending it to the soldier boys. Well I sure enjoy receiving the paper every Saturday. Uncle Sam is taking more and more I bovs so that is why the mail is so slow dow^ here at camp. As they are short I on men and a soldier is not allowed to handle the mail. I like all the latest I news items in the paper. We had ope* house for all the folks j April 1? calibre revolver and the 3(1-calibre j Springfield rifles. I We are close to the Texas border • and not so far ffoft New Orleans, ' although I havent-Jbten to either yet. [ The Gulf of Mexico "Is not very far j away. j The weather POLLS ARE QUIET AT SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS ELECTION j around here; also the parents of sol- j April 22 -- Grant -- here. -- Palace -- :OW Timers... [ Lee Adams rolled 211 (576) as his I teanf rolled 2610. Bob Thompson's 535 led Roger's five . . . Nick Freund's! I tcam held only a 3£-pi^ edge in beating the Bacons. Jetty . -. ' j C. Brda continued to set a fast pace with 221 in 563. Last week his 634 faiUd to win more than one game for his team. This week 568 led the Dairy in three straight over Tonyan's. Neil Carlson's 551 showed the way as Smith's won three from Thorsell's. diers. Among these, there were some | April 24 -- Blgin Academy -- there, from Woodstock. Eddie Waspi, Har-1 April 27 -- Richmond -- there, vey Freund Alfred Hergott and my- j Apri, ^ _ Hebron -- there. self are still in the same barracks; May l _ Grant -- there. Charles Sutton being m another bar- May 11 -- Hebron here. ; S rack. We could have been all in one May 18 -- Waukegan -- h** - - ; barracks, but we rather broke apart j •/'- due to the fact of the train accident in OFFICIAL SCHEDULE which we were separated. It. was dark by the time we had some of the fellows off to the hospital. And this time we were put in trucks and hauled to the camp. Being that we were the first ones to be in our barracks, there was no system. We also ate pretty late as it was about 10:30. The group of boys have been assigned to different schools: Radio, air-raid warning, clerks, linemen, motor truck operators, etc. I suppose quite a few boys are leaving for the army by now. "After all. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH • Worship service at the Ringwood Methodist church, 9:30 a. m. Rev. Ralph E. Baney will show pictures of a . . , . ~ . , .Ihis missionary work in Palestine and Saturdays election of members of ,tell what he saw behind the lines in i. «,v !' • r,0U8 2?^ ^a,Lds ven: Nazi Germany. This should be a very <inwn h«ro an/4 mailt p"6* OTpv. school board interesting and instructive message, down here and most of us had colds ,C. J. Reihansperger and Kenneth ! This world traveler lectorer and mlsm the beginning tjut are getting at jCristy, both running for re-election.! sionary bril^ as information customed to it nowxv . were unopposed. They each received I that we oueht to know Thanking you again for your paper, thirty-four votes and thus were elect-! e . * . . A . +""1w ied to serve for a two-year term. j-. School at 10:80 a.m. Paul ! Dnr.. oR . Gp. Couha mb. erlin was elect^e d ,t o Walkington, superintendent. The W. grad^-Mhool twenty-four votes. George Johnson with twenty-four votes and H. E. Buch with twenty-one votes each retained their position on the board. They will CARD OF THANKS serve for three years. jn manner we wjsh ^ thank our _ By receiving twenty-two votes,! friends and neighbors for flowers, spir- IJoyd Benwell became township trus-1 itual bouquets, donations of cars and truly, PRIVATE G. T. KNOA, j ^/J^dA^R. I the presidency of the Camp Polk, La. board for another year by receiving 1942 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SCHEDULE Waukegan -- there. M The McHeny Viking girls team took do ^ P*rt in thi« the measure of the Town Club girls. ^ P c . « , , 2345 - 2219. Gert Barbian's 549 spark- Z ? «ye hundred famed the winners while Fanny Freund i'^.f~mNeasha invited fivehundred turned in a sweet 558 fertile losers. ™mP to sP*nd /aater ______ nit : in their homes. A convoy of army j trucks took the fellows in and came C.O.F. ... after them in the evening. The con- Ed Thennes was top man with 211 (563). "Uncle Ed" rolls on like 01' Man River--559. "Red" Winkel sandwiched a 224 in 553. H. G. Weber finished strong with 222 for 43&S Ladles . voy was quite long as it contained thirty-nine trucks. Pretty near time for lights-out at 9:00 and the time sure goes fast. You dont get time to get homesick. I wish to thank you folks for de- Dorohy Page showed class in a 478 P»Pl'r *s 1 ><*>k series. Rovena Marshall's 506 and f g th " J? Gert Barbiaa's 608 look pretty Mat. j f^88 ,l on 10 the other McHenry fel- K. o# C.. .. Kindest wishes from the McHenry Leo Stilling rolled a 236 game in a 552 series last w^ek. Willy Schreiner started off with a ^00 game in a 539 series Tuesday night. Art Tonyan hit 500 smack on the head. -- Schaefera' -- Sweepstakes boys. As ever, PRIVATE BILL,HAY, Co. D - 82 BN. - S. C. R. T. C^ Barracks 622 - Camp Crowder, Ma Ft. McDowell, Calif. April 6, 1942. Dear Friends of McHenry: Well folks, I am out in sunny Cali- """" ^ Ladies ... Mabel Lemeron boosted her series to 457 with 183 in the second. Frances Koob hit 207 in the middle game. 1941, and am still receiving The Plaindealer every week which 1 appreciate very much. It sure seems good to read the McHenry news, and to see that everything is going alright there. Marilyn Schaefer bogged down in the i I sure have been enjoying the Cali- f ' t, u rT • second, but had a sweet series-200 - i . 134 -182 _ 516. Marion Krause upped J®"1'8' ne^er. a day P*8"8 wlthout u A AOA r I the sun shining. , , eac game ^ , This island is small but is a lovely I ^ »-i ' spot. A person doesn't have to move ! Vic Johnson's 224 (526), Boh Con- j **?, * lot I way's 509 and Kreuteer's 697 loek 5?" 1. like the class here. K. ofC city but it sure has plenty of hills. This camp is the best camp I've been at so far. We usually get two Frisco OF McHENRY COUNTY : BASEBALL LEAGUE - May 8 Johnsburg at Shamroc^".- .fC\<V M c H e n r y a t H a r v a r d . ; • ? : • Richmond at Woodatodu Hebron at Crystal Lahe. Algonquin open. May 1« Crystal Lake at Shamrocks. Hebron at Woodstock. Harvard at Richmond. McHenry at Algonquin. Johnsburg open. May 17 Shamrocks at Algonquin. Woodstock at Johnsburg. Harvard at Hebron. Crystal Lake at McHenry. Richmond open. May 24 « Shamrocks at McHenry. Johnaburg at Harvard. Hebron at Richmond. Algonquin at Crystal Lake. Woodstock open. May |1 Harvard at Shamrocks. McHenry at Johnsburg. Richmond at Crystal Lake. Woodstock at Algonquin. Hebron open. June 7 Shamrocks at Hebron. Algonquin at Johnsburg. Woodstock at Harvard. Richmond at McHenry. . Crystal Lake open. June 14 Crystal Lake at Woodstock. Algonquin at Harvard. Johnsburg at Richmond. - Hebron at McHenry. Shamrocks open. June 21 Woodstock at Shamrocks. Johnsburg at Hebron. . -Richmond at Algonquin. Harvard at Crystal L«ke. McHenry open. June 28 Shamrocks at Richmond. Crystal Lake at Johnsburg. Algonquin at Hebron. McHenry at Woodstock. Harvard open. LOCAL SOPRANO TO - • SING ON PROGRAl! " AT MEDINAH CLUB S. C. S. is sponsoring the renovation of the primary room. I am sure this will add much to the interest on tbe part of the younger children. R. J. L. McKELVEY, Minister. tee for a three-year period, succeeding | other kindnesses at the time of the the late Fred Eppel whose term expired this year. sickness and death of Mrs. Margaret (McCarthy. We are also appreciative •f the services of Rev. Father W. A. ! OTtourke and the choir. ] *48 Brother, Nieces and Nephews. On Sunday evening, April 26, at eight o'clock, Miss Marguerite Freund, young McHenry soprano, will sing in the Grand Lounge of the M«dinah club in Chicago, 505 North Michigan Ave. At that time Umberto Sorrentino will present The Musical Salon, featuring an array of fourteen young singers including Miss Freund. Eva Marschall will be the accompanist. The program will include operatic, i concert and religious music--melodies, I 1 arias, duets , ensembles, etc.--of the j j Masters: Verdi, Wagneir, Puccini,! j Rossini, Cavallo, Brahms, Mascagni.! j Miss Freund has been studying' {voice in Chicago for the past two i years and her many friends in McHenry are happy to hear of her pro-; gress. She will graduate from the local high school this spring and intends to continue her musical studies. Herbert Tolson of Hollywood, Calif., spent one day this week visiting in the T. Tolson and Morris Crouch homes. Pirates Still Pirates still infest th« Wand iMU ded waters off the coast of Kwaogtung province. South China, and occasionally attack junks in the vicinity of Hongkong island. Gift of the Week! NobeH Fajamag Ur'* good night's sleep $22-25 up McGEE'S The Store for Men * j Lakes in Five Counties I Stocked with Brook Trout ! One-half million brook trout finger- 1 lings from the state's Spring Grove fish hatchery are now being placed in streams in the extreme northern tier of Illinois counties. Livingston E. Osborne, director of conservation, said this week that stocking of trout is confined to the northern Illinois counties because that is the only area in the state where the water is cold enough to support trout life. Counties in which the fish are I being released are: Carroll, JoDaviess, McHenry, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago. Trout fishing in | those counties has been good, and is improving steadily, since the state be- | gan stocking the streams several years ago. Osborne said. George'Barbian's 581 led'hi. team! ^n^-h?ur P"88e» ™8C?» we«* to a 2580 total. Paul Brefeld reached^^"^ h«vemuch drilling and 629 and Dan O'Shea 515 . Herman ^.ry * j * a good „ oon |thm* we don t have many trucks to repair, or they would have us working. day and night. RURAL SCHOOLS IN COMMUNITY GIVE PROGRAM Schaefer rdfed . 220 „ ^ JfcHmry ^ ^ ^ VAPlNfin WTT T nf !°'iu will present a rural school program at ______ _ . _ I * was at Frisco the other night and the high school auditorium Friday SCENE OJT AWWUAJi isaw something interesting happen, evening, April 17, at 8:15 p.m It is MERIT BADGE SHOW I Two soldiers jumped out of a Jeep and hoped that a large crowd will be in took after a Jap, who was out after attendance as the programs are aleight o'clock. They don't allow any ways enjoyable. on the street after eight The teachers in the various schools, o clock at night and we don't take any as well as the students, have worked chances with.t|)£m around here. - for many weeks in preparation for Yours truly, PVT. ARNOLD BLAKE, INITIATE McHENRY GIRL INTO GATHEA, AN HONOR SOCIETY Richmond didn't show much class, t you won't find too much finish on school baseball team as a rule. hut yo •Hhigh Coach Reed used a whole army of reserves in the game. A couple,, of boys looked like they might crowd the regulars hard before the season ends. -* In case you might like to look the toys over, they practice on the school athletic field* and play their games on Jjhe diamond tear John Anderson's, .. ^"There is a yhung baseball tearri ow e west side known as the "West Side x" whose publicity man tells us won from the "East Side Cubs." In fact, he says they have won three games. Shortage of material causes the boys to use a 6-man team. Somebody said Nick Freund bowled ft 654 series the other night. Most of you sport fans will want to attend the M. C. H. S. Athletic Banquet next Monday evening, April 20. It is sure to be a,high spot in the •vents of the year. *-- . The banquet will be held In the spacious dining hall in St. Mary - St. Patlick school -- and be there at 6:80! --|-- „ Of rswrnn there will be eats. Then ilpt Duker will introduce Toastmaster Ray McGee. The toastmaster will respond and be off with the program. -«- The Plaindealer sports will have ft few words to say at tlHs point in «te program. a - A,. , Relax now for a vocal solo by Betty |lcKean, afccflfaipanied by Miss Locia Bausch. -i- . Hugh Gallarneau, star half-back of the Chicago Bears football greats will ve many interesting slants for you athletics and athletes. ^ A vocal trio, featuring Betty kc- Kean, Pat Cristy and Esther Smith, Vrill entertain you. Coach Reed will present the football and basketball awards. Co-captains Eddie Lay and Bob Stilling of The Merit Badge show, an annual > . Boone - McHenry district event, is p scheduled to take . place Saturday, April 25, in the new Marengo Com* munity center. The announcement came last week from Leo Randolph, district Scout commissioner, following a meeting of the commissioners. The show is an annual presentation; by the Boy Scouts and the Cub Scouts idS Boone and McHenry counties at which various demonstrations and exhibits are given. This year there will be 120 exhibits of Cub Scouts handicraft and over forty subjects will be presented including poultry keeping, i photography, camping, signaling, first aid, mechanical drawing, agriculture, radio, conservation, gardening and many other things. >' The committee for the exposition, which is headed by Clair Carney, com- -- _. missioner in Marengo, includes Leon, y1 , Lundahl, Crystal Lake; Merle Brim-! . a **» »»«* hall, Woodstock; Ben Phelps. Fox | r1* . m m*oln*8 ^ .River Grove; Harvey Clark, Poplar Mo8J of bu . 'Grove; Roland Lemker, Harvard; Ray ;s^PPed to Louisiana. I Helsdon, Belvidere; William Althoff, ! !«'•• The weather is swell. McHenrv. Coloord. Ma- S,nce 1here I have seen Max > the program, which promises to be especially fine this year. The two super- Fort McDowell, visors are Mrs. Robert Skinner, physi- Angel Island, Calif, cai training director, and Mrs. Mane Kingsley, music director. Following is the program to be presented: Program Qongs -- "The little Shoemaker," "'Ihe Giants," "The Clapping Song, The Flag Song" -- Lower Grades. Ft. Bliss, Texas. Dear Sirs: 1 read Gimm Witt's article mm* he is au the way right. But there's one thing else. No matter how bad or good the army is, they should remember this, "We've got a job to do and Singing Games -- **The Swing Song" we're going to do it." J -- 1st and 2nd Grades. "The Cir- PVT. RAY L. NEWMAN, | CUB" -- 3rd and 4th Grades. 002 C. A. A. Ay - Batty F, Songs -- "A Pledge," "The Wolf and the Sheep," Your Sand and Mine" Upper Grades. April 8, 1942. Miss Bobette Cristy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cristy of ltingwood, was one of twenty-two girls recently initiated into Gathea, freshmen honor society for scholarship at Illinois Wesleyan university. Bloomington. During her high school career at McHenry, Miss Cristy was a member of the band, chorus, orchestra and girls' athletic association. At Wesleyan Miss Cristy is a student in the School of Music where she is a member of Delta Omicron, national music sorority. Interested in teaching music, she is majoring in piano and minoring in voice. Speaker to Appear at Chemical Plant Saturday morning, April 18, at 10:30 in the morning, Chief Redmond! of the Chicago Fire Department will j appear at the Ringwood Chemical; Corporation. He will show a film de- j picting tiie bombing of London, wiU; give information on putting out flames ' of incendiary bombs and discuss tbe j hazards of air raids. | The purpose of the film and the I talk is to give further information to members of the chemical plant, members of air raid protection committees | in McHenry and also those in this j community who deal with fire protec-' Singing Games - «Oh, A-Hunting Uon- A"y °f the aforementioned are W e Will Go" - 6th and 6th Grade! ,nvlted 10 ** preWnt #t ** meetln* know Cali* been like it out McHenry, and David Colcord, Marengo. More than two hundred parents are usually attracted to this annual affair. Tickets are eleven cents and may he obtained from any Scout or Cub. GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scout cookie sale and out | ceived. Investiture Ceremony are the two outstanding events of our Scouting year. This year we are having both of these events the same week. On Saturday, April 18, we have our ^annual cookie sale. The Girl Scout^ will call at your homes some tim# during* the day. We would greatly appreciate your purchase of cookies. On Monday at four o'clock we aHl inviting our mothers and teachers t4 the Investiture Ceremony. At that time we will be presented the awards we have earned this year. The afghan, which we have made for the Red Cross, will be on display. Every Girl Scout and our leaders have "Gustafs Sl'ool" -- 7th and 8th Grades. Songs -- "We're All Americans," "Winds," 'Ode to Homeland" -- Upper Grades. Reading, "Paul Revere's Ride" -- Baer, Young Stribling, Joe Savoldi, Carol Harrison. Jackie Coogan, Tommy Dorsey and Reading, "1 Always Get the Worst of his orchestra. I it in My Family"--Darlene Andreas. Jackie Coogan, as you probably Physical Training -- Recre a t i o n a 1 Games, Mass Game of Dodge Ball, Tumbling and Pyramid Building -- Ringwood School. Physical Training -- Mass Game, • Street and Alleys," Callisthenics -- Harrison School. Physical Training -- Relays, Mass Game -- Griswold Lake School. know, is in the army. He's in camp here. Coogan is a First Class Private. I wish to thank Thomas P. Bolger for the box of chocolates which I re- 1 moved into a different barracks so my address has changed. I would appreciate it very much if you would Physical Training -- Stunt, "Merrycontinue to send The Plaindealer to Go-Round," Stunt, "Opening o f my new address which is: Rose/' Dance, "Pop Goes the Weas- Monday's Fire Causes Only Slight Damage A fire of unknown origin broke out shortly before one o'clock Monday afternoon on the steps back of the John Vycital hardware store. Some papers on the steps were discovered on fire and it could net be determineu whether the sun shining on some I metal object had started the flames or {whether a cigarette had accidentally been thrown there. Since the fire was so close to the oil room, the fire department was called and the flames extinguished. Only damage reported was the bum ing of the tiog house. War Department Overhsfttf, <4. M. Motor Base, HlockUm, California. Thaak you, PVT. RALPH J. IAEFER. C* A.R., el" -- Lincoln School. "America, Here We Come" -- Johnsburg School. Pledge at Allegiance to Flag -- Led by Joanne Strever and Betty Jean IHedrich. Songs -- "Wave That Flag, America,' contributed knitted squares to make it. j wjnh to thank you for it. It is just The ladies at the Red Cross room like a letter from home. All the fel- : helped us put it together. ^ lows in ray barracks from around Mc- | We Scouts cordially invite our Henry county appreciate the paper as mothers and teachers to he with us , much ag More editors should folin the^ Grade School gym Monday at' Jow your policy of sending their locai four o'clock. J paper to the sodliers away from home. Camp Polk, La.- 'Xxod Bless America" -- All Schools. Witor, ' McHenry Plaindealer, Dear 8tr: . 1 am receiving The PtVtittfetttr ana Ctafea Kay Hag * Enlisted in Navy JEAN NICKELS, Great Lakes, HL --- The • name of Charles Howard Kay, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kay, of McHenry, was added last week to the large roster of men who have enlisted in the U. S. Navy and wKo are now undergoing re- Ford Garage Now Known 4s Buss Motor S&les 6 The partnership of Edward J. Buss and Lester J. Page, which existed for so many years, was dissolved last week and Mr. Buss is now sole owner. With this dissolvement of the business interests of these two popular McHenry men, another is added tp the ever changing businesses in the cfyy. It will be many years, however, before the success of these two MFord" men is forgotten. N O T I C E On Friday afternoon, May 1, a$ 2:15 p. m., the teachers and students of th^/public grade school ate sponsoring a public card party for the benefit of the Red Cross. The party o _ _ i will be held in the school gymnasium to be in tanks in a week or so. At seamanship, and will be given an apti-' and bridge, pinochle and five hundred I present we're having instructions on tude test to detenune whether he will : will be played. The students will sell j The Corbett family of Chicago has ;the 2»4-ton trucks, half-tracks, and receive further specialized training in jthe tickets, which will be thirty cents, 1 am in a medium tank regiment. If «uit training here at Great Lakes. Scrlbir you call 28 ton jobs medium! We are During this recruit training, he will Residence Changes still in our recruit training but hoj~ learn the elementary fundamentals of moved to the H. J. 8chaffer house on Green Street. Mr. Corbett is associated with the New Way Laundry Co. the smaller outfits such as "jeeps" ®n® the Navy s many service .tax included. and "peeps." We have had our machine irbflflSSflB sub-machine gun. gun, schools, or be sent immediately to sea. Bead the Want Ada! Mrs. Harry Durland was a Chicago caller Tuesday. ^ -- BAKERY SPECIAL FOR i Saturday, April 18 DOUGHNUTS, per doz. 15c Specialise in Decorated Cakes 'McHENRY BAKERY Green Street * Card of Thanks I V e t y ; grateful for the support McHenry County me at the Primaries April 14th. It vras my desire to attain a seat in the General Assembly for the people of'my County. I regret that it was impossible, for me to overcome the tremendous vote cast Lake,C^utttyw_ C. Russell Allen in tULt I KXPRXS8 MY SINCKRK THANKS Vl .1' - ' 01 to the votertyg^y^cHeifty County for the splendid support 4on Tuesday, AprU14^ v ^ * ; * i*. ' > ^ , • ,<t.„ - ' l! ETHEL MUNSON .. Jfcp^UcaU Candidate for County Superintendent U- •" *>« ' Schools, McHenry Conntf Smelts! •• \o .^RIQTtf^rRESH FROM MENOMINEE, MICmOAH i BATS AND LIKES EM ^ DEEP TRIED! Work Clothes FOR SPRING FARM WORK OVERALLS OF ALL DESCRIPTION Overall Pants - $1.1^ Bib Overalls, ganfarixed . . • Work Shirts .ll'. C ' Ij lO . $l.-00 - 89e Work Shoes', that will wear : I|.98 composition soles and leather soles S2.95 (iorti ioles ... T . • S^.55 ' ^Torsehide, leather soles ' '• • ' *4 50 ^"bots' WORK OLOTHKS Bib 6verafis, not sanforised, sizes 12 to IS Bib Overalls, sanforised, sizes 4 to 16 Sj.OO Overall Pants, sanforised, sixes 6 to 16 >1-00 Boys' Chambray Work Shirts, sixes 6 to 14*4 Men's Genuine Nelson Rockford Socks ... 15^ White Canton Flannel Gloves GLADSTONE'S Open Wednesday and Saturday and Sunday until Noon! Phone 182 Green Street McHenry