Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1943, p. 8

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*/'•• ***** WziM \yj$ ' % " Si'^ ^ few** - *•§ *\**r 5 «a * H -V «• ** v ^»4'ilWgliii|iWW!it'l|jM»% ^ x * * \ & ^ "*^1 ^'-*g?Sa3§£i.5^i*£ ** <A^. W ^ i. jfer£ l£*V •<&!»&•.*** ^ fcfcL- 3ent .£ j, i^W * >«u4<i f Jf «. i* <w * *, >jf * »*.*«, MoHXNXT PLUTOKALX* "-'H * • P ' «.*»'-T V '" S • "* w.: itanctay, Juamrj % mj «*y a*v , m® w..**'r: r-l; Society Notes witK Mh. Wm, Schlitt, Mr#. John Bolder or Sister Adelindis. ^Donations may be given at once if anyone has articles they would like to give. • 1 • » • " ' ' Family Reunion , „ , „ Christmas was a gay tim* afc the **[• **« Mrs James Powers attend home of the Colcords, when members j Sonja Heme Ice Revue in Chiof that family gathered for a family ;ca?? OI^ nl&ht *ast week. BKVItfW or 1W2'S KEWS ST0RII8 IN 1 r PLADTDEALERS (Continued from first pace) Mothers Club 3fhr Mothers club will me«sfc*4n~the Legion' hall for their January meeting Friday of this week. O. E. S. Initiation Star initiation will be held 4m Jan. II at the Masonic halj. The enjoyed, regular monthly meeting will also be held thatVeveniqg. ' :: Mrs. Ed penman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young of McHenry. ^--- Pinochle furnished entertainment (hiring: the evening with prizes being awarded Fred Schoewer, Mrs. Schoewer and Mrs. Young. A buffet supper was served and the evening was much reunion at the Clay Colcord home, south of McHenry* Seven families I were present. A beautiful Christmas tree was the center of attraction and underneath it were a variety cf gifts for the children. Mrs. Etta Reed of Berkeley, Calif., and 4ier son, Kenneth Reed, of Waukegan, spent last week visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Gedr?e Lindsay. I the largest in history. Mathematical Sgt. afid Mrs. John Jones and son,j subjects so urgently needed for work John, Jr., of Missoula, Mont., are ! called for by the government, proved son for McHenry until 1943. The Sept. 6-7 weekend was one of the busiest of the summer. War showed a marked influence on our high school. The enrollment was : neath the wreck. A verdict of death caused by suffo- Jaquary 8 The Red Cross Meeting f'Red Cross will hold their Pinochle Clubv'liM" Peter Gies was hosteM to members of her Pinochle club when they met at her home last Tuesday evening. Prizes were merited by Mr. Anion? those Dresent /were Clav ' ^Pending a 15-day furlough visit with ! the most popular and French was Colcord'f sister,, her husband and two in Woodstock i dropped from ^curriculum eni children of Arizona, who spent Christ- Mrs Jones parents, Mr. and Mrs. t,rely . - . _ imas with them for the first time in Earl G,lkers: n. in McHenry. They McHenry lost her first physician to ! thil tv years. They also visited in Chi- ^ere accompanied home by Mrs. Gil- i Uncle Sam on Sept. 22, when Dr. Wm. ago for one week at the home of the ker?on' ;vho h*d been spending sev- A Nye left for service. William O'Briens, Mrs. Lelia Smalzer ®ral J^eks visiting .n Missoula Sgt. Four more McHenry men left with and Mrs William Maher i Jones is returning today (Thursday), the second draft call from board one Guests included Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; accompanied by his wife. The. baby is on September 23. They^ were Jerome remaining here with his grandparents, j Buch, Henry Nickels, William Pearson tion of Bishop Edward F. Hoban of the Rockford diocese to co-adjutor of tlie Cleveland archdiocese. His successor here was named on Nov. 24 as Rt: Rev. Msgr. John J. Boylan. On his return from work in Chicago with the Illinois Central railroad, John Trigg, 58, lost his life when he fell asleep while driving, januarv near Lily Lake His car >ft the road j ^ Fore8ter Meeting and hit a culvert, pmiung Tngg be-jSt. Clara's Court--Pot Luck Su 6:30--St. Mary-St. Patrick [ Moll cation and fire of unknown origin was given in the death of Peter and Paul Kohout. December P--T.-A.--Lily Lake School. Mothers Club--Legion Hall. j January 11^" , 0.E,S. Initiation. J-.f'/.' 4 January 14, \ j The sixth registration of the manpower of the country was begun on Dec. 11. This included all boys who had reached their eighteenth birthday since July 1, 1942 On Dec. about l:30 ,in the morn ing, the Unti Ice Cream parlor was robbed. The burglar gained entrance have returned to Gamp Claiborne, local Legionnaires decided to buy War i s^ns^je' Axel Peterson.« . , morithry meeting on Jan, 14 at four and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz, The next Alford, daughter, Lora Lee, and son, o'clock, in the production room with meeting of the club will be with Mrs. A-t- "" "~J Mrs, Ray McGee jM«siding at ,the t Arnold Andersen on Jan. 19. . Meeting. . * * • • ' » • * Five Hundred Club , (Muserve Anniversary; I Mrs. Arthur Stilling entertained at X)n Jan. 14 St. Clara's Court,' Lady! a Christmas party held last Sunday 'fVtt-esters, wil observe :their thirty- afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. 'seventh anniversery at a" pot luck sup- Alvin Freund, Mrs. Leo Smith ^nd Billy, Miss Elsie Caul kins of Chicago.- "u'7o,'mer^ i overturned'"cau^iTe-The "death^of The ^ casualty in this war when Dr. ner to be served in St. Marv-St.; Pat-; Mrs. M, "L.- Schoenholtz, The latter Mr. and Mrs. Alford also spent the to'?ner s a.u"t an<1 unci?, Mr. andoverturned, causing the death d M R G. chamblrlin received ! per w m. scivcu iir « 3 •'v.»«w a* tf>t» rniom-rf hnme Mrs. George Lindsav, a few days last man and serious injury to the other. - .. V- ^ "r" . n ^ 1 sctaK>l hall at fi:30 P.Mv<^.;^;, ,-..a^|#klso -received th? traveler s puze. r*ew Year^ holiday at the Colcoid home ^ t 6 ^ , ri*v,o^ p««5.i«r a notification that their son, Rollo, • > * * • • -'}v After * delicious lunch served by^•; before returning on Jan. 5^ to Avon- ***«- . „ 4. /e _ I TJe dead mah was Gerhard^amsaier - Lily Lake P.-T.-A..',' : . .;.the hostess, ah exchange-cf--gifts-took-;'.dale, ^re-they ••^^perate^a.•lar.g^>pV•>^p/P•" a# w' a • i,'- • th* navv, was missing. The Lily Lake P.-T.-A. w fll hol3 a place. cotton farm__ ^t^ fM S^ar^e^tSTaS ' Entertain on Birthday « * THYWNTA HinT T.W ITPHtm . 'Clarence hon.e. Wednesd^i Lieut. Robert Sweeney -was killed in : «ir of Dec. 2. taking the hves of Mrs. Billie, of Avondale, Ariz., Mr. and ,M/S' Jh f onif ^ n™ a Chicago and Robert Sutton , front door A few d Mrs. Wm. O'Brien and Nancy of Chi- VIf^°r S^l day 0{T ,ast T,week 1-, T1 . ' With $2 400 of the money gained; » r^_ cago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colcord,' Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Russell Lloyd from the Legicn carnival in July, the | Eugene and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Colcord and 'Patricia, Mrs. Ed ; Colcord and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Colcord, Mary, Margaret and Billy, Miss Elsie Caulkins of Chicago. La., after spending the holidays with bonds friends and relatives here. Miss Evelyn Kraft and friend, Miss Mi'dren Krohn, of Richmond,'.visited Another draft call took William In a accident which occurred about!&*utzeVS*ei"sdoerfer ^ 7:30 the evening of Sept. 18, near | Wj!ha™ Rihgwbod; a truck hit a culvert and 0n Dec" 10 McHenry heard of its Hall. Red Cross Meeting, 4:00 o'clock-- ductio'n Room. Altar and Rosary Meeting---Electio of Officers--George Adams Horned 8 o'clock. Circle 4, W.S.C.S.~Pot Luck Dinnef 1:15--Mrs. Lester Bacon Home. January 19 iPinochle Club--Mrs. Arnold Anderson. R. N. A. Meeting--Fox River Vafle* ' Camp..... V ; ; January 23. •' -1. ; R. N. A.--Riverview lation--K. of C. Hall, ^ February 3' ;; « St.' Ann's Boole Club, r: ^ P.-T.-A. •• -.jir:.-,-' ^ ' Read the Want Ads! -'•*f j stationed out of S«n Frftriciseo with A fire which occurred on the mornschool on Jan. 81 Members-are asked Miss Lorraine Schaefer entertained to attend and anyone else interested several friends at her home rn Miain is invited. .. Street Tuesday evening of this week in . * * * [honor of her twentieth birthday. An ijf. Si C.'^ '.v4M&ht o'clock supper was served-and DONNA BELLE KROHN |S LOVELY BRIDE OF Martin they left for a few dys'visit "with rel ; action, thus adding another to the cas- Elvira Wildner, 37 years old, and her atives in Chadwick and will return | ualties in McHenry county as a result ! j"y,ear"old ,®°"'5us^av®'Jr:Vof ^°"t nd r* ^ ' I o I/O rano la/i r n n c<imilav tota at riirA > MR. ELMER GLOSSON the latter part of the week. Corp. j of the war. : Martin will leave Sunday to report j On Sept. 30 the first tragic news At a beautiful wedding ceremony ! back at Seattle. | concerning one of our servicemen ^as ^ n riU- . •„ i aniAmni»/) nf c* p.triclr'a °Pnthnli#«! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Alford and chil- j received. "An ominous telegram Circle 4 of the W. C. S.C. will jneet ^ st q{ h : chureh last Wednesday morning, Dec. | of Avondale, Ariz., were visitors broughtthe sad news to Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Lester Bacon on w^re Lorraine Kurth, Esther Althcff, 30,.Miss Donna Belle Krohn. daughter 'ln McHenry last week. | Ben J. Miller that their son, Ernest C Jan. 14, at which time a 1:15 pot luck dinner will be served. Each member is asked to brin? a gift for the church kitchen. Lucille Weingart, Richard Robert Adams, Erwin Harrv Ferwerda. Williams, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Krohn, be Laures^ and came the bride of Mr, Elmer Glosson, attended the Krohn-Glosson wedding Altar and Rosary Sodality TV* Altar and Rosary sodality Among those frcm out of town who* I Miller, was "missing. only local serviceman -on of Mr. and Mrs. Math Glosson.' last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs The nuptial vows were exchanged at George Rauen, Mn and Mrs. Harold 9 o'clcck, with Rev. Wm..A. O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Al Amo of St. Ann's Book Club Kenosha, Wis. of St. Ann s Book club held a ^Th^brfde was charmine in a white Miss- Genevieve Knox spent the St. Patrick's church will meet at the terestmg meetin? in St. Mary-St. Pat- • with which she wore »! weekend visiting friends in Rockford. •: the October call. • Those from »it- , . .. , ... , . n . 1Q.„ borne of Mrs. George Adams on Main rick school hbrary WedMrfay wore^a j Mr_ and m * Q] Martin and^nry named in these first caiK j creased ju^t halfdunng October, 1942, street, on Jan. 14 at eight o'clock for noon. At that the rurp se of electing officers for Kleinhans gave He was the on submarine duty and had enlisted in June, 1941. October Before the tenth of the Aionth~148 names were released by the two county draft boards of men to go in Mc Lake, recalled the similar fate of two i youngsters in McHenry, just a month previous. From Hoopeston, 111., came news of the retirement from a drugstore business of twenty-five years in that city of E. V. McAllister, who operated a drugstore h^re for six years, previous to 1917. A long lits cf processed foods were added to the list of ra&oned articles. This new rationing begins in February, 1943. Highway accidents in the state dethe following year. time Mrs. George"' fingertip veil. She carried a bouque\ a very fine reading, white mums "The American >Vay." The club is . happy to have such a talented bride, served as matron of honor, daughter, Rita, Corp. William Martin • were Garfield Benson, Harry Conway, MMiissss CLhhaarrlleennpe *Krroohhnn , ssiinstteerr oofl tthhee Seattle, Wash., and Mi s. Martin Clarence J. Etten, Elmer Freund. Paul ! ., a,Il ea er_1 .' f. °1f .. T„ .n I the New Year off right for all its very RiverviewXamp *^;-H*erscn as Mrs' Kleinhans »s a , • we.a ring a rose colored taffeta dress 0 w miimo At the last meeting of River-! ber. She was at one time a dramatic an£, a ^alo of yellow mums, view camp, R. N. A., plans were made for installation which will be held on Jan. 23 at eight o'clock in the K. of C. hall. This installation will replace the business meeting which usually occurs cn Jan. 19. -v-~- • * • » ; Hard Times Dance ; On Saturday evening, Jan. 16, the teacher and gave this same reading ^e bridesmaid was Miss Fiances at the Art Institute ' j Glosson, sister of the groom, who The Book club is also responsible wore blue taffeta and a halo of yellow for donating a beautiful table and mums^. _ bench to the public library, the pro- George Rauen, Jr., nephew of the ceeds bein? obtained by a donation of groom, acted as best man and Harold Mrs -Frank Beatty. Bemice Smith | Justen, brother of the groom, served i was winner of the war bond. as usher. The next meeting of the club will Following the ceremony, a wedding ! breakfast was served at the home of j the bride's parents for the bridal party. In the evening a five o'clock of Chadwick, III., visited relatives in ' Huff, Frederick Kent, Bernard Match- Ojrder of the Eastern Star is sponsor- be Feb. 3. ing a Hard Times Danec at the Ma-1 * * * v sonic hall. Prizes will be given for the | P.-T.-A. most appropriate costumes and re-"! Mrs. Wm. Schlitt, president of the freshments will be served. Admission lr fifty cents; tax included. v " ' : ' Fox River Valley Catnip P.-T.-A. , presided at the meeting of the P.-T.-A. on Wednesday afternoon. Musical entertainment was furnished by Joan Weber and Kathryn Nye, who The Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. | played several piano selections, and A., held their last meeting on Tuesday ! Margaret Bolger, Grace Thompson evening, at which time plans were and Nancy Carey, who played a violin made for installation, which will be trio. Margaret Bolger also played a dinner was served for about fifty guests at the home of the groom. SWEISGOOD-HEANEY VOWS EXCHANGED IN JACKSONVILLE held on Jan. 30. The next regular meeting will be on Jan. 19, and at that meeting there will be practice for in- •tsllatiffn • : * * • New, Year's Party' New Year's Eve guests at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murtauerh «jf Golf View avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Blomgren of Pistakee Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer, Mr. and V1The "honor of having the most! *eane?. Jack«onvill.e. Fla ® Irnnurr in rhia pnm mn nitu an mothers present was divided between three rooms, who tied, 6th, 7th and $th grades, each having the same number of mothers in attendance. Mrs. George P. Freund won the special prize. r Plans weer made for a rummage sale to be held this spring. Anyone having donations should get in touch McHenry friends will be happy to read of the marriage of William E.. wellknown in this community, and Mrs. Catherine Eunice Sweisgood, widow of the late Peter Sweisgood of Jacksonville. The ceremony was performed Monday evening, Dec. 8, at 8:00 p. m., Woodstock Saturday. Carol Ann Courier of Woodstock spent the past week with her grandmrther, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams spent New Year's afternoon visiting Mrs. A. J. Goldberg in St. Francis hospital, Evanston. en, Willialn Meyers, Victor Miller, .r eade,r s when » it printed several days T i i *• Theodore Pitzen, Robert Richard m, advanCe, ,°f J?Iluary, l reS0lu^0_':S Thurlwell, Norbert Smith, Bernard Thurlwell, Glenn Wattles, Merle Barth, Gerald Freund, Leonard Nelson, Robert Patzke, James Rothermel and Ben Smith. The very first day of the month the Pvt. Bill Zerby of Camp Polk, La., speed law for Illinois drivers was set recently spent a fourteen-flday fur- j at 35 miles per hour. To the speed lough in McHenry and Ohio. j either decided to like it or give up Miss Shirley Walsh of Fox ^Lake driving. which would tend to reform residents of the city. COUNTY CHAMPS Blost of you know by this time that Hebron High won the county basketball tournament, beating Woodstock Mansfield, j sters it seemed like crawling, but they to 29 in the finals. That's six in a row for Hebron.-- And that's some record! spent the New' Year's weekend in the Alfons Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr attended the Ice Revue in Chicago one evening J*st week. Mr. and Mrs. John Panknin and Mr. and Mrs. George Williams spent New Year's Eve in the August Panknin home. Mrs. John Bolger and children, Mary Ann and John J., spent the weekend visiting Rockford relatives. Mrs. Stanley Charles (Yvonne Benwell) and little daughter, Carol Ann, returned to their home from the Woodstock hospital on New Year's day. with Msgr. Lyons- officiating and. , Among t„ho se. w,h o «re centl.y atte.n ded Father Philbin giving the personal^ SonjaHenie IceRevuein Chicago blessing. OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATION We have been appointed by the Office of Price Administration as oiu of the official tire checking stations for both passenger cars and trucks for the periodical inspections, which you must have done by Jan. 31, 1943, and the technical inspection, which is the inspection you must have done to be able tp buy a recap or a new tire for your car or truck. SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALESPhone 277 McHenry, IU. Attendants were Thomas Doyle and Mrs. Arthur Bertke. Mrs. Jesse Elliott, played for the ceremony. A reception followed in St. Paul's rectcry. The attractive bride, who were Warren Jones, Lon Smith, Wayne Smith, Si Meyers, Jerry Hettermann, Betty Blake, Elaine Heimer, Rose Marie Kunz, Mary Simon and Bonnie Page. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly attended a blue traveling suit and 'a red j ^be funeral of Russell (Holly at Lake hat, taught in St. Paul's Parochial school and has lately been engaged in U.S.O. work. She is the mother of five children. Mr. Heaney has one daughter, Katherine. MRS. MARGARET MILLER The passing-ef the oldest resident of Spring Grove, Mrs. John W. Miller, Vfred 90 years, 2 months and 7 days, Geneva last Thursday. Miss Anamae Vogt returned to her home Sunday after spending a week with relatives in Chicago and Waukegan. Orlando Roberto and John Pritchard of Atlanta, Ga., were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holly. Another train accident in the city of Woodstock caused the death of John Leleik, 55 year old farm hand, who was employed on the I. S. Ettinger farm near Ringwood. Five hundred and ninety-five people registered under the permanent registration act in the four local precincts during the last day, Oct. 12. Tragic news accompanied a letter from relatives in Burlingame, Calif., telling of the death in a mid-air plane crash of Ensign Alfred W. (Al) Colby, Jr., 23, on October 23. The victim was an instrument Hying instructor and the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Colby and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Colby, well known here. In the list of twenty-two boys to depart from Board 1 on Oct. 19 were three from McHenry, Harold Miller, Lester Witt and Louis Schmitt. Stanley Brown left the same day from Board 2. It was revealed the latter part of the month that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thonneson had leased the garage on Riverside Drive, formerly operated by Dick Rossman, and were planning to make tents and other canvas articles needed by the government. On October 21 Miss Ellen Dohertv Joseph : celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday, still giving the appearance of a much Paints SEE US! We have a complete stbek. NICKELS' Hardware Phone 2 ; West McHenry Buy War Stamps and Bonds , : # Mr. and Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer younger person both mentally and spent New Year's eve and the holiday in Chicago visiting in the home of has saddened her family and host of their d hte Mrs. LeRoy Tansey. Ti'iOMrtC Vhn noeeAH aurntr nt. hn« Mr. and Mrs. John Hay and Mr. and Ration Card Beauty Case (rta friends. She passed away at her home Monday morning, Dec. 28, 1942, after a short illness. The deceased was bom in Germany in the year 1852, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lenzen. Coming to America in the year 1854 she lived her compete life in Burton township, ^^^ Qn New Year,a d In 1877 she was united in marriage to John W. Miller and she lived in her late home for fifty-nine years. To this union seven children were born. One daughter, Mary Seymour, preceded her in death in the year 1907. Her husband, John W» Miller, died in 1935. Surviving children are Anna and Katherine of Chicago, John William and Michael at home and Bernard of physically. November. Hie election was the big news of the first week of November. McHen- Mrs. Frank Hay visited in the Jack ^ county went Republican 4 to 1. Altman home in Chicago last Thurs- eiecting Brooks as senatqn Cowl in. day, where the Frank Hays made the ccunty judge; Woods, clerk; Edinger, acquaintance of their new grandchild, circuit clerk; Nulle, sheriff; Stevens, Mrs. Lester Witt of^Chicago en- ^treasurer, and McCannon, superintt n joyed a duck dinner at the George ; dent 0f schools. ,, ,, .. . , Eugene Nielsen arrived , home on Miss Mary McNamfee. of^ ! furlou h) being. the second McHenry LaS Miss Barbara Carey ^ to wjn his gilver win(rs in this war and a rank of second lieutenant. Work DRILL PRESS OPERATORS PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS LATHE OPERATORS MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS _FILE TRIMMERS Apply 9:00 A. M to 12 Noon 1:00 P. M. to 3:00 P. M. & Mfg. Div. Of Electric Auto-Lite--Woodstock the past week. Mrs. Reginald Rix, Sr., of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix, Jr., of Chicago returned home Monday after spending the weekend with Alfred Rix at Butler university, Indianapolis, Ind. Gerry Carey visited her cousin, Phone 40 Green Street contains Revlon Nail Ena Oily Remover, Whacki big special size Lipstick You*11 adore the real leather case .for your war stamps, ration cards, compact, etc. And, of course, you'll adore America's best-loved nail enamel, because of the unrivaled way it staya your nails! Won* derful value! Get yours today! McHenry; also srx grandchildren and i Cynthia Woll, in Winnetka the pas Si* great grandchildren. j week. • --» i ; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Adams of El-j CARD OF THANKS ' gin were Sunday visitors in the j We desire to express our tha"ks to George,Adams h^me. J re'atives and friends for spiritual Mrs. Peter Schaefer visited her j Vale Adams was the first. Residents of McHenry were warned during the fore part of the month to do their Christmas shopping early this year in view of the anticipated heavy rush becaase of so many servicemen being away from home. December 5 was set as the last safe date to mail gifts. On Nov. 11 the most elaborate Ar- Tiist'ce night program ever held her.- 'vns presented in the high school audi- , , , , . ,, , torium. Guest speaker was Shelbey bouquets, floral offerings and other : daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. j 0f u. S. Navy. Another kindnesses extended at the time of Ray Albright, in Chicago last week, j highlight cf the evening was the d» dthe death of Mrs. John W. Miller. Due to the critical illness of her j jcation of the honor roll pilaster We also are grateful for the services mother in Mankato, Minn., Miss Mary j .,-hich was donated by the city counof Rev. Jrhn L. Daleiden, the Christian Kinney did not return to her teaching J c | i , ' This honor roll contains the Mothers sodality, and to donors and duties after the holidays. Mrs. Floyd | names of all the servicemen frdm M - Co' ley has been acting as a substitute Henry township in this war. As more until Miss Kinney's return- depart from here their names are Mr. and Mrs. John Quinlan of El- added. - gin were visitors in the William j The first November quota took one Doherty home New Year's eve. . McHenry man, Fred J. Meyer, and one Mrs. Rose Miller has received word Ringwood man, Andrew Hawley. •Of the death of her sister, Mrs. Mar-. fcaret Hicks, in Newport, Neb. Mrs. Robert Rusboldt and Mrs. Ben Freund were Elgin visitors Wednesday. drivers of cars. 1-HE CHILDREN, GRAND- -- CHILDREN AND GREAT GRANDCHILDRUf, *34 Marriage Licenses Wesley R. Johnson, Huntley, 111., to Mildred Rugh, Huntley, 111. Lawrence Lundy, Marengo, 111,, to Betty Wagner. Marengo, 111. Fritz L. Mortenson, Crystal Lake, 111., to Hildur C. Pearson, (jrystal Lake, 111. • • Francis D. Clarke, Harvard, 111*# to Rozetta M. Fraase, Harvard, 111. John F. Hayes, Woodstock, 111., to Betty Irene Dietz, Woodstock, 111, -J Daniel C. O'Holleran, Hebron, HI.,! to Phyllis J. Yanke, Genoa City, Wis. Our Friends V "The more we love our friends, '{he less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love •hows Itself."--Jean Baptists Moliere. All papers received notice not to print the addresses or time of departure of selectees in the future. One pf the most terrible tragedies ever to occur in McHenry was the tire which started at 5 d^clock on the mprning of Nov. 19, at the home Mrs. Dorothy Kohout on Rversi le I wish to thank the people of Mc-j Drive. Her two sons, Paul, 4, and Pe Henry for their fine response giveti J ter, 2, perished in the blaze. When the Christmas seal sale. Also for'the no cause cf the fire could be^deteip'easant little messages enclosed with ! mined the jury continued the inquest MEN WANTED CHRISTMAS SEALS the remittances. Whiel the seals will not -be used much longer, the money received for them works .the year around. It is never too late -to send in Christmas seal contributions. If any have misuntil" the mother, who suffered shock, wastein condition to testify. Gas registration took place at the local grade school. In McHenry l,"8t» signed up for gasoline books and in the county there were 14,077. Ninety r .i-J'-A-jt laid them, we will be glad to hear | per cent asked for additional gas. from them. Bruce Nickels was named navy re- MRS- C. W. GOODELL, cruiting chairman in this community. .Local Christmas Sale Chairman. Local residents heard of the eleva- .'S&Ni ' For Defense Work Operators and Setup Men on Lathes, Profilers, Mills and Drill Presses Die Cast Machine Operators Men with Defense School Training in Blueprint and Precision Instrument Reading. Apply 9:00 A. M. to 12 Noon 1:00 P. M. to 3:00 P. M. ^ Alemite Die Casting & Mfg. Div. ^ . . . y ' • • Of Electric Auto-Lite--Woodstock ./ 9 * a 0

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