M'-m „;T. «j^V p* k$£#****&*% ***** " v3^r *•* ?s *1 ^ t j#;* f 1$^ \v| -££**> ^ tv / *'; .* - --/> \ .* ' "' ' :_ r* , *%, ^ v & < . . _ . , . ,„ . * $ / " * > , Civ ' "* > 'jp»'»*s- • ar-t^vvs*^'af.^1^4-;:yr «*;?«tikr/ • ||f S r f^' Volume 68 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1943 Mo. 34 Review of 1942's News . .••>•. ;3 - V •iU , ' •*> VIEW AFTER FREAK ACCIDENT Stories Printed in Plaindealer . i » '., • • * , '•J. 1 - ' . , v • . . . •••• • , With 1943 off to a flying start we at sixty-three for the county. iiHCe again look back in reminiscence J scholarship,;aWards _ Several young men left March 2 for ; school/. ^ j ;V ' ^..u ^ ;'.;.^;i:v oh the events of the past ycaif? Some induction in the army. Those froitt f 5 June 0f the memories we recall with a McHenry included Joseph Walsh, Wil- The second sugar registration, this patBe, While others bring a tear, es-jliam day, Harvey. Freund, Charles time for the purpose of obtaining pecially to the*familes who remember SuttOfi and William Boekman, Jr, sugar for canning, was held in well the departure of loved ones into! Out of ten entries front the local Henry June 8, 9 and 10. MB| tIL . high school in the district instru- Twenty-two graduates of St. Mftfy-' Unfortunately, the smiles are in the mental and vocdl solo and ensemble St. Patrick's school received diplomas niooritv for much of the news of '42 contest^ seven were awaited first di- during the eight thirty high mass at: was on "the depressing side. Those of visions. St. Marj s church oil June 7. John : . tpa-who passed through these 365 days ' Mirth'.12--First military ritesheld Fleming and Berriice Smith with merely the customary luck ming- for a McHenry county service man in given the Legion awards. ^ ; i led with even a reasonable amount of World War- 2 werp conducted at St. , The first fatality of a service man m j. happiness, should be thankful that the Mary's church for Pvt. William Pear- McHenry county in its history oc- • end of the year has brought war news son, who difed in a head-on crash of curred June 4 wh£n a navy plane • which can justify at least hoping that a special troop train and a fast crashed and struck a power cable not ; by the end of 1943 our news summary Frisco passenger train. ' high abpve the Fox river about six > may tell of the return of those whose Seventy-five women entered in the miles east of Crystal Lake, causing Biiniliiir irf Tin-- recall. <1 First Aid classes given at the high death of an ensign, and injury to school and a men's class was being a student passenger. started. " dedication of the new Green-^ A. ne"a r traged,y occurred, on ,M» arc.h wood church .o ccurred cn. Sunday, June - a t e l a b c r a t e c e r e m o n i e s . The names of another ninety-four ; January .X ----Jan. 1 -- A New Year's fire of un- 4etermined origin destroyed part of , 13 when little Mary Lynn Murphy fell tlie main busHess district in Fox j|nto the Fox river across the road Lake, resulting in damage estimated from her home on Riverside drive. at 585,000. men to leave in the June draft call .. j u u - w*s released bv the county boards. ,She was discovered by her mother, • i- * j *JL u j r T t> tit 1... _»j : 1 Fifty-seven were listed from board one. including ten from McHenry. Elaborate plans were made and Pvt. Alfred MiiTer, home on a fur- Mrs. L. B. Murphy, and revived. laugh from Fort Sam Houston^Texas, ^'0fd was received by relatives here wis shot in the hand when {emoymg rf thc election 0f Miss verena Justeu committees~ appointed for the Legion his gun from the car fol,owing a hunt- fig ng^ president of the Soropti- \ carnjval on Julv 2, 3, 4 and 5. ing trip, and it was necessary to am- | migt clllb of Pittsburgh, a national or- J Sunday evening, June 20| five- ,ll^te xVe fin£er; U U, » 1 ganization- . year-old Bever'v Gensch of Wood The New Yesfr brought about a 4 - - ' BRIDGE GREATLY DAMAGED BY TRUCK DEC. 30 UT TAVERN MOUED POUR INCHES lAange in ownership of one of the oldest business houses when As namesj^^lled outLofLautcM- Stock was kidnapped from in front^- A.^^s ® picture the_ interiorj)f ^he Bridge Ballrooin^after the tmck ownad and driven by Stanley Brown, fish bowl on St. Patrick's day in her home by Axel Arvid Green, 27. Plun^ through the front of the building. Damage was estimated at $1,000. An accident Which caused severe.... ^ | damage," occurred Wednesday e retting, ^ ^ ,«• 1 Dec. 30, about 11 o'clock, when an un- • v "Cl^l^.xpwted^ custoiner paid a visit to th>j * ^ . ^ B r i d g o b a l l r o o m , m a k i n g h i s e n t r a n c e - i ' # ".fn a milk trttfik.'. .Shortly before, another accident oc-" Curred when Stanley Brown. Route' 2. McHenry, driving his lrhilk1 truck, C llided witfe a passenger car driven , •- j by J ohn J.- Barnings of Burton's**' • Bridge. ' • *•__«. The first accident occurred at the ( j very dangerous corner at the east side ^ . of Ihe new bridge. The truck was ^ driving east across th<? bridge and the passenger car was being driven south--i--Lu t"dn Fox streetT and was in the pr':eess of turning cr.to the bridge to the west. The two machines collidded at this point and thwthe truck kept on j for about 150 feet before it erashei. | into the front of the tavetn. 1; ii The truck evidently was sti'l maini taininar considerable speed, for it ;'i jb unded over a step before breaking , Jlirough the wall and stopping after Itys oioest Dusin ss n Washington it was found that several She was found in his car a shcrt time oseph W. Freund, who has conducted McHenry mPn who had registered in later near Shady Rest tavern, a clothing and men s wear s Board One in Februarywere among Before the group of ninety-five Mc- W. McHenrj for over y yea , ^ those whose numbers were first drawn. Henry men called in the first June ttie business to his son-in-law, o j ^monar the ten were Ambrose draft call had gone, the names of Fitzgeai Id. - ! H. Schaefer, Eugene J. Justen, Julius thirty more from board one were ren. 15--Although the time of their j Koos and Joseph H. Adams, all of ! leased to leave the last part of -the departure was withheld, the nantes of ^vp^y ; month. several McHerry men weve released Selcctees who left for service March j Registration of 18 and 19 year olds as among mr.iy to be inducted socn. 9^ Vrere Paul Harvev, Harold Bell Le- began at the registration boards on Those named from here were Louis Conway and Alfred Weingart. j June 26 and continued until the Frank Diedrich, Fred J. Mueller, ^ forty-mile speed limit went into < evening of June 30. George Edward Frisby, Vernon Jos- effeot in Imnois on March 23. j July V •ph Reinboldt, Gordon Thomas Knox The draft quota of March 27 took | nie July fourth Legion carnrral. •lid Raymond Curtis Benoy. from this community James Walsh, which was held in the Legion parking Four Chicago hunters were fined Arthur Colcord, Gordon M. Engeln, iot for four days, was a huge success. |B07 by Justice of the Peace Albert Charlea Herdrich, Jr., and Leo Scha-, por the first time in its history, a LIFE OF MRS. PETER BLAKEENDS JAM FATHER OF MRS. GEORGE BARBIAN DIES Krause for shooting four hen pheas- j efer queen was selected to reign for one ; The first day of the New Year, Mnts out of season. I 'ii • • A?"' • y«ar- Miss Dorothy Heilman won the i when everyone was attempting to for- Answering the call of Mayor- Uver- As the result of a survey tt was re- coveted honor with Lenore Frisby a Vet the tragedies of 1942 and build ton. interested citixens from various , vealed that 635 men from McHenry ciose second. hope for the coming year, sadness points in McHenry township-fathered j county were in service by the first of | ^ large rubber drive was conducted - crept jnto the lives of many, when it in the ciy hall during the middle of • the month. along the Fox river with the collec- became known that Mrs! Peter Blako, January and proceeded with the or- The county's new car quota for the tion of about 2,000 <pounds of old 64 had passed away at her home •animation of a local defense council, month was twenty-one, the passenger tires and tubes. Proceeds were given n0rth of McHenrv She been ifl Ben Dietz was chosen as general tire quota forty-one and the truck to the U. S. O. Vernon Peterson Fatally Jnjured In Crash Driven By Dick Miller Skids and Hits Telephone Pole About 3 a. m.--Elmer ^ Smith Also Occupant of Vehicle Chairman. ' , Vale Adams was one of 169 Illinois feuths who completed their pre-flight . training at Air Corps replacement gaining center at Kelly Field, Texas. | Panu Yanda as leader of the McHenry ~ ~ tlWfollowing year tire quota 155. i Vale Adams was the first McHenry A the meeting of the city council i man to win his wings. He graduated ' less than a week. Before the first week of 1943 had .ate themselves from beneath the pole hitting the bar on the other side of the room. The bar was moved four inches and several pieces of furriture were damaged besides the outer wall. Strikes Bar At the time of the accident several friends of the owner, John 'Bevo'* Freund, were sitting at the bar talking to him. The truck struck a space just in between two of the chairs and knocked one of the ladies to the floor. It was only a mirae'e which saved these involved from injuries mora serious than scratches. Sergeant Phillip Guinto of the state Ipolice, said the next day that following the crash, another car driven by 'Charles Coles of Richmond, crashed into the damaged Barnings car. Colea was taken into custody and charged with driving while intoxicated. H$ was released the next morning bjjr " Justice Charles F. Hayes on $500 bond and his ease continued. Brown had not been drinking, according to witnesses. ; The worst of the debris was cleared The deceased was born at Pistakee dipped away an accident,was chalked ^^'^ .through the^car and YmT's hcekbllltion^uldTe held Ri»v on Sent 28 1878 and had lived up frr McHenry which will long be re- past the two boys, it pinned Peterson,; ^®w ie»rs cewDrai . u j • on April 6, the entire group went on from Moore Field, Texas, on July 3rd hgr entire lifetime in this community, membered as among the major trag- ho was on the far side, to the back there» but original p ans a o be word as favoring the appointment of wjth a ranking of second lieutenant. in 1900 shV was united in marriage edies of this community. The accident >t the seat, crushing his chest. Re- ^n< , t t, , .. Q, i)f impressive flag raising cere- ... , . ai,_,,:vo- wui, *.v>a v«mnn Patunmn ir i inUino- in^mal ininrioa Hpath damage to the ballrom at about- A county rural school survey was j City Band for tlie following year. mony was held at St. Marys church on ™ Children, Leo and feernaH and cancelled. Sergeant Guinto An impressive flag raising cere- with"peteTVake, who"survives w"ith took the life of Vernon Peterson, 18,; siting internal injuries caused death ^edam^to ^e toll -- . . --any was - children Bernard of Mr. and Mrs. Alnn Peterson,. j When the local ambulance arrived *1 , otV almost ready to begin this month as , Among the winners m the April jujy 5t when a Papal and two Ameri- „ Anna June of McHenrv and McHenry. i n the scene, Peterson was stil' able were damaged. Hbe completion of detailed data nee- 14th primary were Lester Edinger, can flags were blessed and one of the M ' M f p;rhmonH There About three o'clock this (Thursday) to talk, but died before he cculd be essary for such a survey was rapidly circuit clerk; Raymond D. Woods, latter raised to the top of the massive * . fcur sisters Mrs. Anna morning, three local boys, Richard moved. •earing completion. county clerk; William R. Dusher, cir- new flag pole. Church dignitaries and „ d of Johnsbure Mrs. Christine Miller, Elmer Smith and Vernon Barn DePew and Sgt. Ph Uip Jan. 16--Several local people ex- : pUit iudge; Henry A. Nulle, sheriff; army men from Camp Grant were „ , ,, . Indiana and Mrs. Emma Peterson yere returning from Lily Guinto of the state police, investigated «erienced their first blackout when all J. G. Stevens, treasurer; Henry present. • - ; FronnH «nH Mr* Rn<»e Freund of Mc- Lake in a c Id drink truck owned by^the accident this morning and placed Hehts in the northeastern half of Lalje Cowlin, county iudge; Roland McCan- After gerving for almost a quarter Miller's fat placed and the ear SLASHED BICYCLE ^ TIRES ARE CAUS^ FOR INVESTIGATIOJI quarter d three brothers, William of Miller's father. The car, driven by Miller under arrest for "reckless drivCounty were turned out for a half non, superintendent of schools, and 0f a century on the high schookll bhAoaarrdn •" RlrnarrTo^Rin' irwood_ and iMfiili' er, sk1 i• dJ dJe _ dJ a_ tA. the intersection of ing. M Vollor K.Uov onH Rnlwr were w n. y,nnnr»A Harrington, Bernard 01 nmgwooa ana . , a Itoar. Jan. 22 --At Keller. Kelsey and Boleer were win meeting of the tiers in the state legislature race. Jos. W. Freund at a banquet on It seems impossible, but it evidently Ar inouest wil be held at 2 o'clock ! is true, that there-are still some perthree sisters, Mrs. ing to Pistakee Bay, just this side of Friday afternoon, Jan. 8, at th^ Jacob j sons in McHenry who either do not of education, fellow members honored }'("sep'h*>M^HenVy. Preceding her Route 120 and the b ack top road lead ^ in death were County Legion, Ray Page, past county Nine soloists and ensembles won evening of July 14. The las#/ bond of r M. Patherine Het- Nell's Whitehouae, and struck a tele- (U*ten Sons -inquest room •T?_ T.»<rinn. w» en- fi»f ;n tho opotinnol 'cnntMt mmm --iA •».« Carolyn lonyan, Mrs. ^aintrint nei » . *... Mary's church, McHenry. Funeral services were held from the :lock Monday morning in St. Mary's cemetery. ! Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were Mrs. Miller and Smith wore able to extri- brothers and sisters. eommander of the Legion, was en-.first division in the sectional contest $9,000 was paid on the school at the dorsed for district commander, which fr> clas« C h'gh schro's at Ottawa on previous meeting. Includes Kane, DuPage, Will and Mc- April 18. Six were recommended to ju]y 17--As a result of a traffic Henry counties. the state. McHenry rated more first accident which occurred in Pitzen's Jan. 28--Robert Richardson, 14, who divisions than any school in the con- subdivision, a bckt propeller badly had been missing since Dec. 16, fol- test. wounded Miss Georgene Helen Bach, lowing an auto accident, was located On Ap:il 27 the fourth registration 15 who dit d a short time later. in Michigan City. of the nation's manpower was held Nineteen more from McHenry -hurPh at ten o'clock Monday morning PAVMHKn MTTfWFT T February throughout the country. At the local county left for selective service on . , . , . - -- • KAiMOWD MlICrlrjljLi The date for the registration all high school 685 men between the ages juiy 21. Those from here to go were WI in erme ~=|iale citizens between the ages of of forty-five and sixty-five registered. Qeorsre Bohr, Richard Carlson and twenty and forty-five, was set for j May Carl L. Peterson. February 16. Teachers and other vol- | Nq. McHenry men were included in a nation - ide campaign began in in teers acted as registrars. | the first May draft quota. earnest on J realize or do not care that the rubber termann and Mrs Mary" Bauer; also phone po'e. The pole brcke off ancl Peterson graduated from the Mc- , shortage is really serious, two brothers John and Henry Tonyan. was shoved through the car, break- Henry Community high school last 0n several occasions the pin spot- Mrs. Blake was a member of the ing the glass above the door to gain spring and had since been employed ters have come out of the bowling. Christian Mothers and the Lady For- entrance. at the local A. & P. store. Besides his aiieys late at night only to find that esters and a faithful member of St. * Pinned Beneath Pole parents, he is survived by several the air has been let out of their bi IS COMPANY HONOR MAN. GREAT LAKES Among the Sick cycle tires. Lately four of them found that the tires had been slashed. Even in normal times this practice is far from funny and with the present difficulty in getting tires, steps will be taken by the City Coun» cil to catch the guilty if they do not' Sgt. LeRoy Conway, home on fur- stop the practice at once, lough from Fort Bragg, No. Car., has 1--.-- un .My 20 " b y " t h e t e t o C h r i « i ne B r e f e l d a n d M r . ^ V e r e n a R a y m o n d . W i l l i a m M i t c h . l l , M, .f H^Ta't !h°e Sron hh.1f ! the" ^ ^C<",Kti0" ^ Ph°"' «f°N*eX^ Wi.!, slZ M. .raduatei from Wruij bee" e„nfin«, to hi. bed this week TW0 SBMOS ^ fjonlres acting a, hosts. Amon* school. Those who had less than six *A Lf-^icted bullet ended the life Aro»di. CanjPcl ^Na"^ Training 3' Knox.T2^-year-old dauchter of. LAST QUOTA FOR, •ther awards, Glenn Peterson was pre- pounds of sugar on hand were given 0f Edwin Bovle at his farm west of Slstei M- 'e e _ ' * ' at r_pat [ akes Dec 29 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, was con-i t MONTH AND YEAR aented with the Gold Palm. a ration book which was to be pre- McHenry on Monday morning JulyGustav Schwandt ^ A newly organized book club, known sented with each purchase of sugar. August Sympathy is extended to Mrs., is "St. Ann's Book Club," held its Defense bond pledge week was set 0n August 4, Dr. L. B. Murprhy, George Baibjan, at the tiine of the n""'jn Mitchell left "his job to where she underwent surgery. ber and also for the year 1942, was reirst meeting the first part of Feb- for May 11, 12 and 13. Sub-chairmen ,-?al dentist, received word to leave death of her father, Gusta^'S^h^dt- No; ['Q as a seaman, first class. Donald, 13-year-old son of Mr. and vealed the last of the week when *?L"&r Thro,«l, . «ri«i ^ .pat*!, tt*..*™. o-or. «l» Groat Lakes, Dec. 29. Employed two years in the bottling fined to Victory Memorial hospital, atAltheUTime"of"the department of the McHenry Brewery, Waukegan, a few days last week, lit IIIC time vi T.i mi . i ii urKorA t Tha last service quotfr for Decemfuary. Although the organization were appointed for each district. Wil- on August 18 for Fort Lewi _rjnsered by the P.-T.-A.. any- Ham M. Carroll was anpointed county 8fter be5n<r commiss one interested was invited to attend, chairman ahd Mayor R. I. Overton sis tenant in the army. Grant Community high general chairman experienc . . a time saving campaign on Lincoln's The first casualty bf the year at out on Wednesday evening, August 12, been spent in his late home. _ . . uc",°, --..-""r' . h Thmnoh n apripx of antitude tests J»rs. jacK ueary, wno reside near Roard Two called &d thirteen more was sponsered by the P.-T.-A..^ any- liam M. Carroll was anpointed^ounty 8fter be^o, commissioned first lieu- Jan. 3, at his home m „ivpn the 130 men cf his company,: Island Lake, is a patient at the Wood- men for service. This is the third caUF . . snant He would have been 81 years oldI l K selected to attend one of stock hospital, where he underwent from thjs board in the month. The Grant Community high school began general chairman of McHenry district. McHenry experienced its first black- March. The past seventeen years had the Navy's S-e rvice S~ chools. tonnonAiv - .. . i j. The honor man was graduated from last week an operation for a ruptured appendix following names were released: birthday by holding school on that day Pistakee Bay occurred April 30 when between the hours of 10:00 and 10:30 Survivors include twelve children, , * School in Chicago and and by addiing aann exttrra eiightty mmiinn-- :: hiigh wwaavveess ccaauusseedd aa rroow t>oat to over- p. m. It was reported as most sue- Arthur, Edwin, August and Henry of ... Northwestern Universitv iites to each school day. By doing this turn resulting in the drowning of a ^fisfui. the school would end the first of May, youne Chicago couple, Arthur and A gigantic salvage program pro thus freeing the students for work on Helen Brady. Libertyville and William of Wisconsin; Mrs. Alma Stewart of High- ®/1 Miss Ruth Reihansperger has been attended Northwestern University absent from her work in Chicago for the Chicago, McKinlock campus, several days the past week because of He was an honor man in high school illness. farms, stores and factories where labor shortage was anticipated. McHenry topped the 1st of cities in entire month, the county by registering for sugar • Provident," grossed in McHenry throughout the land Park, Mrs. Lillie Dunn of L^.- member of the basketball team. Mrs. Jacob Thies, who suffered a ^ w__ Mitche„ left the training Station heart attack two weeks ago, although last week to spend a nine-day leave much improved, is still confined to Jolla, Calif., Mrs. Elsie Burandt, Mrs farm near Union, Edith Ryder, Mrs. Emily Maiden and As the deadline passed for candi- more than 400 more than Woodstock, was named as grand champion in the Mrs. Helen Fink of Libertyville and ^is ^ife Evelyn, 5823 Winthrop her bed at her home on Center street. dates to file, it was found that spir- which was second. Chicago pilk shed area in the 1942 Mrs. George Barbian of McHenry. He A- ve., and his' parents', Mr. and -M- rs. Mrs. "Ro ^ber't TFTrVi-s-1b--y e--nt4e red1 itLh"e William F. Mitchell, of the Elm St., Woodstock hospital :p»tient on Sunday. medical Miss Marie Smith of Johnsburg underwent surgery at the Woodstock ited contests' would occur in the race Stark tragedy invaded a peaceful annual Pure Milk association contest is also survived by twenty grandfor at least three offices. Ogle Howell city the evening of May 18 when Mrs. to choose the cleanest and neatest children. His wife preceded him in and J- G. Stevens filed for county Leonard Franzen-was instantly killed dairy farm. death two years ago. ;i • -• treasurer; Henry Nulle, Ernest Swan- after being struck by a car driven by ' Ninety more men from the county Services were held Wednesday* af-l NOTICE son and Harold" Reese for sheriff and Howard Voeltz. He and Gregory jeft in the first August call. Those ternoon at 1:30 from the home and at' ^ cf McHenry vehicle licenses hospital Monday. Roland McCannrn, Frank Hendricks, Cairns were returning from a tire from here who were included were 2:00 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran- . y d and can be secured at Mrs. Arthur Smith has been ill at Mrs. Ethel Munson and Frank Love West of town and failed to see Mrs. jos Brouilette, John Cooney, Irvin L. church, Libertyville. Burial was in ... 0^jce her home cn Elgin road for a few for county superintendent of schools. Franzen crossing the street ^ Freund, LeRoy M. Freund , Frank^orth Shore Garden of Memories cem- * EARL R. WALSH City Clerk.' I days this week. t Feb 19 Local Scoutmaster M. J. Only five car permits werir,jaaaed Shepard. Alvin N. Steinsdoerfer and etery> Green Bay road, near Wau-i .t . ... s John E. (Bevo) Freund left Wed- Jschoenholtz received one cf the high- in McHenry county for May. Arthur DeVogelaere. Vincent TToonnyyaann kegan> i nesday for Waukesha, Wis., where he est honors bestowed by the Boy Sceut Due to various causes, mainly the was taken from Ringwood. Q^orf[e w Hutaon home. Burial will be in Oakland cem- will take treatment for rheumatism, organization, the "SilVer Beaver| at fact that many young men left college Many 1-B men were reclassified Friends j,ere heard with regret of etery. 6 the annual Scouter-Cubber Re.a|ni- to' join some ^branch of the service, this month and called for limited pian- thg death late Tuesday, Jan. 5, in Philip Aylward niiinpr in Oregon, 111. W "* 1 * "" DON C. DVORAK ROBERT J. TWELL JOSEPH E. KEEGAN THOMAS H. BAIXBRIDGE HAROLD F. WINKLEMAN JOSEPH V. BERNE. JR. STUART K. D1GGIX3.. ELDEN M. BURGETT CLARENCE W. KRAIJSB LARS T. FREDI.UND \ LORAX W. PATE - ? BILLY J. R. THOMAS RICHARD L. McDOXALD. I » #.••*.»* it» .. Births. »»»>»««< Mr. and Mrs. Charles Xicholls, wh> reside near Burton's Bridge, are parfrom v.'hich he has been suffering for ents of a 74 pound daughter^ Joy«^ the past three weeks. Mrs. Freund, Linda, bom at t eir cm native of who has been confined, to her home for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reed U"n* Woodstock of George W. Hutson, 73, Philip SJALyward, 60 James Grove , „ . . for many years. He was a resident the previous Monday. me on ice ui mc iai ««««...* * hov born at tha ^ American Legion held in Peoria Aug- Woodstock for thirty years. | Following the death of Mrs. Ayl- has moved from the court housse and !L*m* ^ Jan 5^ uat 21/38 n. °f s^^""deS hfs Billfc! ward two year, ago, Mb. M.ym. i. „„w located a. 126- Benton street, ' Mc- fommander of district eleven. j lj. u *i. Hfanf *a TTa^riaKiircr tn Wmvi ^ I l l i n o i s . i A. daughter t>om ... - » I pital, Elgin, is cause for rejoicing tt| • fthe Joseph Kennel htome, McHenry^ ^ ' f*M i*ii» _;_1 k vim T>Yoai^nv •> ^-r'- March V nine-month course in drafting. March 5---The McHenry Chol^l dub Judging by the number who regis-*^ ust 21, '22 and 28, Ray Page was "-'originated a new idea* in McHenry tered % sugar, the population in Mc- elected commander of district eleven. ^ three daughterS( Mrs. Frank Alyward went to Harrisburg to Reep when they decided to give a sabstan- Henry county has increased 2,588. A broadening of sugar regulations g, Vera an(i Zelma; two brothers, house for the family. tial per cent of the proceeds of their Twenty graduated from the public made it possible for civic, church and Marfc and Bgn and a si3ter> Mrs. Other survivors besides his sister annual spring concert to start a fund grade school. Kathryn Schwerman other organizations to get sugar for , . „ ' 4 are three children, Mrs. Julia Ollerich . • i a a I T ^ nil T AfflAn ••• SaV nA«\An^A/l ^nST * ^NOTICE f , , . _ . The last immunizations, which will The little girl was born Tuesday. . W. Gra- ^of^Hacrisburg*and Miss Margaret and be vaccinations against smallpox will Mr. and Mrs- par^ts of * the prewnt ^ Philip, jr, .« hon«; another sister, for the erection of a bronze plaque to and Larry Phalin received the Legion serving dinners which benefitted that A former "pastor Rev. contain the names of men from Mc- awards at that school, with Virginia organization. ham of Oakhurst and rilenry township who serve in? World Williams snd Edmund Layreceiving September , Dr Mer^ English, will offici- Miss' Margaret Aylward of Jackson- at 9:30 in the gradeschoalgym^ IVar 2 . the Legion awards and William Shoe- Labor Day ended the summer sea- j ^ ^ thg funer^] serviCe this (Thurs- i ville, Fla., and a brother, Richard, of is open to aU^pw-school children The new car quota for th^ three ,maker Edyund Lay. lister ^ ut M*.} [dayl aflenMll it fro» tte fata]Onalw, ^ vonth period Marc^ 2-May SI was set 1 and Madeline) Freund^ being | ^^PMKroaa am mm 1 Vc . - - . • • • • • • " . . . . 4 ; ' . i • • . . ' " 5 • : i ' " *• . . . . . • V • • • -r . ' • • . - . . a S " ' . ' over Mrs. Haller is the former Clarice s.