Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1943, p. 4

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ya^6sj«t^ r*t,;\!;r •> .-^s.v. *,' ^_ :-;;':<«>#S•4.^'^^* ft|pliS««iiW( w, I//* - 'v^v^ V; t*T'r*<>. *" , '" ^TW* Thursday, Juuurj 7, IMS ., pribtiabed wwy Thuraday at Mefr «nry, by Charles F. B<akb. H. MOSBHt/BiitT Mmiw Entered as second-claw matter at e postoffice at McHenry, HI-, tinder e act of May 8, 1879. One Vear ... ix Months ,.$2.00 ...$1.00 FOR SALE -- 3-piece Bedroom Suite. Mrs. Jack Smith, comer John and Center streets, West McHenry, 111. 34 NATIONAL EDITORIAL-- " SSOCIATION m (xAFOR SALE--One two-wheel trailer; el rubber tired wagon with rack, and 4 good work horses. F. B. Ritzert, 416 Main St., W. McHenry, 111. *34 INCOME TAX INFORMATION •< Prepared by the ftireau of Internal Revenae FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and lecor^my with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home insulation "Blownin" your walls atad ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--6-room flat on John St.; West McHenry. Tel. McHenry 624- R-2. *34 • - ' •*> WHAT IS INCOME TAX? FOR RENT--Wheeler house on Green street. Six rooms and two bathrooms. Modern. Peter Blake, Tel. 611-J-2, The federal income tax is,, as the 34-tf .fiame implies, a tax levied upon inand is payable in relation to | RENT--Fite-ro%ih' modern' 'low- "the amount of income. Income, for er apajtment and garage. Steam heat. WW BOWLING NOTES SCHAEFER'S iMg: Nmh-- Meister; Brau Girls, 2462--MCGM'* Boys, 2388. Vi Schaefer, 209-640; Fanny Freund, 521; Jim Larking 204-558; D. Weing- art, 517; Bob Newirirk, 64t, Match-- , * < "J Palace, 2692--Schaefer's, 2476. Bill Schlitt, 227-577. Ed Smith, Hup Smith, Gus Freund and Grimelli completed winner's team--all with high scores. "Bud" Kraus and Bob Conway each had 522 for Schaefer^.., Victory Ladies-- -\. , Farmers' Mill, 2-Maf^ ties, 2. • D. Schaefer, 469; B. Rrause, 455; E. Miller, 426; M. Schaefer, 460; M. Beatty, 442. Stilling's "66", 2--Schaefer's Market, 1. N. Schaefer, 488; E. Freund, 411; V. S^aefer, 445; E. Peterson^ ,419,, PALACE 27-tf V i.vv HELP W ANTED Income, for federal income tax purposes, means r ^Henry." Calf l7. $n general any compensation for one s Services, whether the compensation be • |n money or in goods or other services; it includes also the net value re- WANTED--Married man, preferably ceived for the product of one's labor, with son, to help, to operate small as farm produce in the case of a farm; 30 registered Holsteins, near farmer; income from investments; Dundee, Illinois. Must be expert with profit from business operations; and 1 milking machine; understand disease other gains from sales and exchanges | prevention; feeding cows for produc- . of goods and property. Certain lim- tion and calves for sale and show, ited categories of income are, how- Permanent position on or before ever, tax exempt, and to the extent of | March 1. Give full information. Ralph such exemption are excluded-in com- j A. Hayne, 180 North Michigan Ave- "puting the tax. j nue, Chicago. *34 HELP WANTED-You,g My for tain stated amounts of income, as well general work m sweet shop, pleasing Old Timers-- *>•' Rogers', 2316--$mithV, 2126./." , Rogers, 555; J. Schaefer, 201-618; Ed. Smith, 200-531. , Adams', 2376--Freund's, 2306. Jim Sayler, 526; N. Freund, 220-Si'if. C. O. F.-- Winkel's, 2305--Smith's, 2172. Bill Tonyan, 534; "Uncle Ed", 221- 556. Stilling's, 2463--Thennes', 2263. Gus Freund, 544; "Speed" Stilling, 201-531; Thennes, 521. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming and rent my farm, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm three miles east of McHenry, two miles west of Volo, and one mile soutn of. the Lily Lake school house and Route 120 on THURSDAY, JAN. 21 beginning at 11:30 o'clock sharp, the following., described property to-wit: 28 HEAD OF LIVESTQCK consisting of "if GUERNSEY MILK COWS 6 dose springers, 4 fresh cows, balance good milkers. (Average butter test, for 1942, was 4.5 for herd.) All good young cattle, all home raised; two ?2-yr. old heifers, to freshen in March; two 2-yr.-old bred heifers; one pure bred Guernsey bull, 14 mos. old. 4 GOOD WORK HORSES POULTRY --100 White Leghorn Pullets; 100 White Leghorn Hens. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY Nine tons of com in crib; 700 bu. Columbia oats, 6 tons baled second cutting alfalfa hay, 12 tons baled timothy hay, 16 tons mixed alfalfa and timothy hay in mow, 4, tons* alfalfa hay in mow. International side delivery rake, nearly new; International hay loader, International manure spreader, International 12-in. gang, plow, Internatioal 1-row cultivator, McCormick corn binder, P-0 corn planter, Deering grain binder, Dunham cultipacker, 8-section drag, grain drill, sulky plow, 2 sets breeching harness, McCormick- Deering steel wagon, nearly new; low wheeled steel wagon, with grain box; hay rack, hay, rake, McCormick mower, 5 ft; corn shelter, 50-gal. gasoline drum, 30-gal. kerosene drum, bobsled, stock tank, 90-ft. hay rope, hay fork, self feeders, 7 milk cans, electric heater, 2 sterlizing tanks, strainer and pails, 30-gal. crock, two 15-gal. crocks, forks, shovels and small tools. Also some household goods. ; LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount, cash. Over that amount, a credit of six months at 7% will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly maek arrangements before pur- Match-- ••••.. Bruno's Ducks 2455--Herm's Wildcats 2334. Bill Schist, 575; Bill Tonyan, 512; Herman. JSteffes, 208-517. ^ as because of various deductions and i personality, honest, reference requiralowable. only . smaH p^por- ; ed.J-0 gpjrt™. ^ 208.521 and Mi„ 406 Mixed-- The Greens walked off with honors, tion of the number of persons receiv ing income have until recently been reimburse transportation. Apply m subject to the tax. Thus, of the esti- person at Mary s Sweet Shop 1505 mated 55 million persons in this coun- .Ellinwood Street, DesPlaines, Illinois, try who received income in one form j Uad-o • or another during the calendar year j WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter 1941, only some 26 million persons ^ 18-tf swere required to file Federal income ... tax returns for that year, while of j WANTED these san\e 26 million, more than nine I million were not taxable due to credits WANTED TO BUY -- Small house, and deductions allowable. location, in McHenry. Address As a result of the lowering of ex- «K," care McHenry Plaindealer. emptions, many more persons are now I 34_tf subject to the Federal income tax j -- -----rv than before, and for the calendar year 1*942, it is estimated that more than 35 million persons will file Federal income tax returns. To the large number of persons now subject to the Fed 7 O'clock Ladies-- Palace took two from MI Place. XjU Smith and Bette Bus® each had 411 LOST •' • . v 9 O'clock Gals- Harvesters took two from Marlon's? . M. Krause, 433. M. Green's 449 led Riverside Dairy to two wins over Barbian's Grocers. City League-- Pragers, 2--Walsh's Tigers, 1. "Hup" Smith--572. , Alexanders, 2--Dairymen, 1. Lester Bacon had one of the top series of the season or any other sea- Bob Kral- LOST -- Male Springer Spartial, answers to name of "Prince"; white with „ brown spots and brown ears; tail j son, rolling up a mity-645 eral income tax, who^have never re- docked shorter than usual; "TAH" cut owitz hit 204--569. ported income before for Federal tax with knife jm collar. Disappeared l Lumbermen, 2--Meister Brau, L purposes, an understanding of the law |from Pink Harrison's, Pistakee Bay, j Bill Tonyan, 203-511, Art Krause, and applicable regulations is of prime : Wednesday, Dec. 30. We will give a j 517. importance. reward to learn of his whereabouts or I An income tax return is a declara- his return. This dog was raised and ' tion on the part of the taxpayer of is a pal of Tom Harrison, who is now his total taxable income for the year, flying for the United States Navy. together with the various deductions, j Please phone Pistakee 323 or write exemptions, and credits to which he is I Pink Harrison, R-l,* McHenry 111 Tfce Beautiful I'llOVAl! •MI CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre Iqpdly make arrangements, before purremoved until settled £or. FRANK M. BLAKE West McHenry State Bank, Clerking Residence Change* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns and son moved Tuesday from the upper flat of the Ted Miller house On Richmond road %to the east apartment of the Kelly house on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholls are moving from the McCarthy place on Elm street to the Art Smith house on > Green street, recently vacated by Mrs. i Catherine Young. The place vacated j by the Nicholls' will be occupied by J the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Blake of Lily Lake, after several im- | provements have been made. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garland, who j have been making their home with the j George Witt family at Griswold Lake ! since their return, from Corpus | chased the Riley home at Island This home, known as "The Life «f Riley," is situated on Forrest Drive on Island Lake Estates. The Riley family is pow ih Weaver, MiaiL, W&** ing their home. CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to express our thanks for the many kindnesses extended to us ih our recent bereavement. We are especially gratefal to donors of cars, to those who gave spiritual bouquets and floral offerings. PETER BLAKE & FAMILIY. --WAMif) to But We pay 98 tb $115 for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt'g Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE Christi, Texas, on Oct. 1, have pur- _ We pay phone charges. FRI. & SAT., JAN. 8-t Those East Side Kids In 'NEATH BROOKLYN BRIDGE" Also Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre in BOOGIE MAN WILL GET Y6U" Son., Mon., Tues., Jan. 10-11-12 -Sun. continuous from 2:45 p. m. Fred MacMurray-Paalette Goddard in "THE FOREST RANGERS" -- with -- Susan Hay ward, Lynne Overman Romance, Comedy, Musk in Color! ---- ! r---- WED.-THU RS., Jan. 13-14 • • Porothy Lamour in 'B1EYOND THE BLUE HORIZON' with Richard Denning, Walter Abel A New Jungle Thriller, in Color! That Wed.-Hiurs. Event McHenry, Illinois •FRIDAY-SATURDAY Greer Garson-Walter PMgeon "MRS. MINIVER" Also News and Novelty • SUN.-MON. DEC. 10-11 Rosalind RusseTI-Brian Aherne "MY SISTER EILEEN" Also Cartoon and News -TUESDAY -- NOTICE! In order to save war supplies and rubber, this theatre will be closed on Tuesday of each week! . < WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Lk»yd Nolan-Marjorie Weaver JUST OFF BROADWAY' Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 13 1:00 p. m. Shar|| .« At Ganlke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Sixty-five head of Dairy Cows, consisting of good close springers and fresh cows; also good run of dairy heifers, bulls, beef cows, horses, veal calves and hogs. Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. GAULKE, Owner Gall Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock ;• • toxonsigp.. : All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale;? , McGee's, 2--Pabst, 1. Jim Larkin, 211--542 entitled. It is in reliance upon voluntary disclosure, and the integrity of taxpayers generally, that the cost of administration of the income tax can be kept at a minimum. Though the return is a voluntary statement, any 34 ANIMALS WANTED SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) Mrs. Ed Hoffman and sons of WilDEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE mette sp ent the past week with her WAR -- Five dollars is the least we I sister, Mrs, Arthur Kattner and fam oerson who willfully mkkes a return pay for dead horses and cows in good | ily. . ' WHU-VI HP HOPS not believe to be true condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Charles May, Jr:, Engene Meyer, correct In ™ER^terial matter Phone Wheels No. 3. Reverse the i Frank May. Jr., Ted ShotHB, all is subje tcto the penalties provided by charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf j students at the University j)f Illinois, x - . WE PAY HIGHEST Prices for dead The first requirements of the law is horses cows hogS> sheep and caives. the filing of an appropriate re urn. prornpt (jay or night service, including For individuals generally, this mus Farmers Rendering Service. be done by March 15 following the c tal Lake 8003Y-1. We pay phon end of the calendar year. The return char_es * K O must be filed with th^ appropriate Col- '-- lector of Internal Revenue for the dis- MISCELLANEOUS trict in which is located the legal resi- | . dence or principal place of business j JLAV» of the person making the return. Iredu&d Auto Liability and Property Under the present law every single ; Damage rates? They will surprise person, and every married person not; y0U- ^.sk us for insurance rates, living with husband or wife, having a | The Kent* Co., McHenry. £hone 8. total income (earnings, together with j 27-tf other income) of $500 or more, and j have returned to resume their studies, having enjoyed Christmas vacation at their homes here. Guests in the Albert Britz home on New Year's day were Mrs. Bertha Esh, the Norbert Klaus family, Mr, arid Mrs. G. H. Jones and Mrs. Kenneth Crain and son of McHenry. A party of friends gathered at the YOU HEARD about the new j ToWn hall on Thursday to welcome Cv ' " ' 5-26 married persons living with husband j GARBAGfi COLLECTING -- I^t us or wife throughout the taxable year, | dispose ef your garbage each week, who have an aggregate income (total j or oftener if desired. Reasonable earnings of both husband and wife, i rates. Regular year round route, together with other income) of $1,200 formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. or more, regardless of the amount of i Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l". 11-tf net income, must file a return. AROUND THE - COURT HOUSE CITY COUNCIL IN JANUARY MEETING if ' r : §r Vy%' sStiteflpl.. ?-.v v t >>; V 4 t 'if t - Green on Probation Axel Arvid' Green, 28 years old of Crystal Lake, was placed on probation for one year by Judge William L. Pierce last week in the circuit court. Terms of his probation call for his not leaving the state, reporting to .the circuit court probation officer, A. A. Crissey of Marengo, once each month and no use of intoxicating liquors. - , Green pleaded guilty to an indictment charging taking indecent liberties with a 5-year-old local girl last June. At first the court sentenced him to a term in the state prison but later vacated the sentence and Green's councel, Judge Henry L. Cowlin and Attorney V. S. Lumley. filed a petition for probation. / .. Violation of the terms of his probation would bring Green back into •\^ court ,again to face a sentence from the court on the conviction States Attorney William M. Carroll was in attendance at a state convention of county prosecutors in Chicago that day. Don A Wicks, assistant behalf of the state, had no comment . to make. Green was confined in^he county , j»il here since his arrest last June ^ ipptil some ten days ago when he was released on bond pending decision on '%•: '.|j|g petition for probatiWi. > Concealed Weapon Charge . Walter Robinson, Jr., Crystal LaRe, lias fined $30C and costs by Justice > George Oldack of Crystal Lake on Dec. 26 on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. The complaint was made by yictoc-xLong, constable. Un- ISe to W^Se f ine he is being held . in the ccfxnfejr 'jail." At .the City Council meeting on Monday night of this week, serious consideration and discussion followed complaints, registered by parents, that minors have been served alcoholic beverages in local taverns. The mayor and council members expressed themselves as being of the opinion that most tavern owners were co-operating to the fullest extent with the city, particularly with regard toj minors. However, it would appear"! that a closer check will be made in the future. In fairness to those tavern owners who operate in such a manner that no complaints are ever registered against them, the council will undoubtedly use the utmost caution in handling reported infractions of the law. It is hoped that full co-operating will be evidenced in the future in order to avoid further discussion or action. Reports of various officers and city employees were received and approved., A noticeable decline in tfie sale of vehicle licenses during the month of December was discussed briefly. In past years, many vehicle owners purchased their licenses early in order to secure certain numbers. the new year. The evening was spent at dancing and/fefreshments were served. / Mrs. Roy Nelson and Miss Bernice Nimsgern of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. A pleasant evening at cards was enjoyed in the G. H. Jones home on Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and children joined in a family gathering at the Charles Michels home near Mc« Henry on New Year's day. A chicken dinner was served at noon with all the trimmings. Cards and visiting were the afteroon and evening's diversion. As it was also Barbara Ann Gerasch's fifth birthday, a large cake was served in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus aild Mirfs Marie Lay of Chicago were weekend visitors in the John Lay home. Mrs. Frank Sanders was hostess to the members of her club at her home on Tuesday night of last week. Five hundred was played and several prixes were awarded those achieving high scores. Refreshments were served following cards. %Mrs. George W. May and children spent Sunday afternoon in the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund. Pupils of St. Peter's school returned to classes Monday morning after enjoying holiday vacation the paft two weeks. -V: cases -1 'r&fc- J- -.I.W ATTENTION pOWtERi Mike Budler wants all men btrwlets to know that he will hold a meeting next Wednesday night, Jan. 13, at 9:30 for all local bowlers who want to go out for the city championship. The West McHenry State Bank cup which goes to the champ will be at stake as well as prize money. If you can't attend the meeting, be sure to turn in your name. The Palace has also asked us * to announce that the team events foft&e county ladies league will take place the coming Saturday and Sunday. NOTICE , ; ' Notice is Hereby Given that the McHenry County School Survey Committee filed its tentative report December 30, ld42, in the office of the county superintendent of schools, Woodstock, where it may be examined. A public hearing will be held at 8:00 p. m., January 28, at the circuit court room, Woodstock, at which county residents may appear before the committee to be heard with reference to such tentative report. ETHEL C. COE, County Superintendent of Schools, McHenry County, Illinois. PASKETBALL GAME Last week we indicated that. Hebron would be here for the Friday night game of this week. That was wrong. " Hope you can get to see the boys often. The season is rolling along. IFOR A TOUGH JOB Shell qisiitgs ... that hoid the charge for Amarra't guns . must withstand the tremendous heat an<|| pressure of rapid fire. They must be mechanically --perfect--extra tough--to do this job, and one reasott they are able to take such punishment is that these |hell casings are annealed with GAS. And large quantities of gas are being used every day in Northern Illinois just to anneal shell cases, as only one of many important war products needing gas in their manufacture.,, We realize that serving the war production plants in this area with gas is an important responsibility. We know that it plays a vital part in producing materials America needs for war. GAS *»» ELECTRIC COMPANY. Supplying Essmtial Strvkt to 'War Production m Northern lltimis

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