Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1943, p. 7

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y<. ; r. • ,< sr.* VWP* 'v v<" Thursday, January 7, 1943 ,-*•• • v -^zr-TWrr V,.' mwrnniMpiiii IEATHS IN 1942 Jan. 1--The manyfriends of Miss Mary Schmitt, a resident of Johnsburg most of her life, at her Beloit home. March 28---William T. Blum, a summer resident of Emerald Park, paased away in Chicago at the age of 82. April 6--A resident of McHenry throughout her eighty-four years, argaret McDonald were surprised | Mrs. Margaret McCarthy died, follow - was killed when he stepped in front of a car when plighting from his automobile which had collided With another. Sept. 1--Death came to one of Mc- Henry's pioneers, Phillip Mayes, 78, at his home in St. Paul. Sept. 3--One of McCullom Lake's old residents, Mrs. Bertha Kurth, 64, COUPLES WED iand shocked to hear of her death,! B several weeks' illness. Edwar W, died in a .Chicago hospital. ma ittMNB YEAR which occurred New Year's night at -yjjthe Highland Park hospital. Joseph ijLosee, Hebron farm manufacturer and , ; ^Inventor of automobile accessories, • died in Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, . where he had undergone abdominal dope ration a week previous. | Jan. 9--Death came to Arthur Coss- *:v*~'«jman, 24, of Waukegan, after a three . imonths illness. As a child he made Ihis home in McHenry. • Jan. 11--John Michael Peterson, 80, |a retired Chicago sausage company ^manager, died suddenly of a heart attack at his Pistakee Bay home, where he had lived for six years. > i. ( Jan. 12--One of the city's oldest • i Residents,, George Hank, 83, died sud- Mills, 57, of Carpentersville, husband of the late Hetty Wentworth Fuller of McHenry, idied in Sherman hospital. Mrs. Bernard Geary, formerly of the Volo community, died in Maywood. April 18--The long illness of Mark I. Oster of Shalimar, famed baritpne of opera and the concert stage, ended in death. April 20--Friends were saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Theresa Parker Culver. 91, of Jefferson, Iowa. April 23--Life ended on this earth for Simon Stoff el, former mayor " for several terms and insurance salesman for over fifty years. After a comparatively short life, Elmer Kinsala, 39. J||deny! at. the homg of his niece and {died of acute blood poisoning. Mrs. > ifamily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay. * %i:SjHe was a retired btitcher. * " Jan. 18--Mrs, Ralph Taylor, mother ':%f Miss Maurie Taylor of this city, away in Carbondale, 111. Jan. 21---After a two-month illness, Catherine Simpson passed away Oak Park. in Sept. 5 -- Carl Halverson, infant son of the Clarence Halversons of Rt. 2, McHenry, passed away after a long illness. Sept. "13--Rowland S. Bond, 82, father of Mrs. EL E. Denman of this city, died in Waukegan. Sept. 16--After a several weeks illness, Catherine Sonnenwerth, housekeeper for Rev. A. J. Neidert of Johnsburg, died in Aurora. Sept 18--Unexpected death came to Mrs. Cora Bassett, 68, while she was visiting a sister in Woodstock. Sept. 19--Cookson M. Wright, son of pioneers, died at the age of 88. " Sept. 23--Mrs. Peter Diedrich died after several months of ill health. Also causing sadness in the community was news of the passing of John Fay, for many years one of the well Jan. S^-rFriends in McHenry were interested to learn of the marriage in Kahoka, Mo., of Richard Mooney, Crystal Lake, son of Wm. Mooney, Sr., JOHNSBURG (By Mrs. Arthur; Klein) Bernice Diedrich, of Johnsburg and Mr. Clarence Etten of Volo. August 7 -- In an evening ceremony performed at the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church in Woodstock, Mrs. Bernice Huemailn became the wife of Charles Jensen of Woodstock. , August 8 -- Two weddings of inter- , , est here were solemnized in Chicago. yere'awarded to Mrs. Peter Freund, In St. Edward's church Miss Marie v*? Z8' v1.?" Schaefer, Mrs. Jos. __ Mollnar, teacher in the Barreville ^a. r a" ™rs- J°s. M. Schaefer. both former McHmiy "residents',' and ' sc^1001 here, was married to Arthur j T S' Michels who is Miss Helen White, daughter of MrBellert and in St. Timothys church.1at.F°rt- hfmB: Wash.. ,s en daughters, Virginia ami Gladys, «f Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Karris Hoven and Phyllis and Kenneth^ tft. Genoa City, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Frank Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pqppingv Sr. Mrs. Jacob P, Miller entertained her Sp?"t the past week in wit* 500 chrt> Wednesday afternoon. Prizes relatlvesand Mrs. Wm. F. White of Crystal Lake. Jan. 10--- Three weddings of interest locally were solemnized thismornin St. Mary's Catholic church, Elgin, McCULLOM LAKE m- (By Marie McKim) ^ Ever since Horns have been in bus!* Miss Marcella Edna Meyers and How- ?byi"g *"s firs* furlough since he enard Butcher, a navy man, became man I ^ 4 service in April. ,nH wife I Eugene King attended the "Spjija ness here' 11 has been sort of a m«*> August 15 In an evenine weddinir Henie Ice Revue" with h«s aunt, Mrs. Iing<;e for Mends' and neiphbora, ing. The first was a 10:30 ceremony j Cj^^j^Lake' lU'eT McdS ! ^ ^ ^ 1 Sunday guests in the Jos. Michels ! wa^ >not as many Chicago folks -- unite* Mr. Ed.«d Gmdy^tf HarJ ^Woo^tocl^ormerls-.TIMenrjr, ^ ^Mr. an! Mri. Ali,ert"S5 hand to exchange wishes as the New vard, well known here, and Miss June took as his bride Miss Angelina Ditt- j and family Mr ^ ^ Frank M-ch Year was ushered in. There were Shales of Elgin. Tte second wedding. ' cm;th ie,s and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank about fort>T People present at midunited in marriage Miss Peggy Schae- ! ^u^,st ~T ™1SS Ma® |mith-I Young and Mary Kay Mr and Mrs ni^ht- At that tim* a lunch was served, K»uf ?rHerrki,nd Mr- PF ' Ufe My. Prt 1 "o?d >»P« hats, w*. and ncise makell Kraus, Jn, of Chicago and Mineral Lake' became "\a" ^ Jn a cerf Michels of Fort Lewis. Wash and Iwere Passed around. Everyone was Springs. The wedding took place in ;m<>ny performed in St. Johns church. ; Mj C1 Bugner of Alvado Ohio- enjoying themselves. I am told it wa» Queen of Angels rectory in Chicago. August 29- Two weddings of m; s D Evelvn and Clafe Je Mi^hels' Ithe wee hours of the morning when Word was received of the marriage terest occurred this day. One united M. _ >" an« t A\ and Jim closed ™. Nnhndv April 27--Mrs. Bertha A. Murray, a | known figures in civic life here, summer resident of Island Park for Sept. 24 --Two met sudden death many years, died in Chicago. , jwhen H. S. Garland of Griswold Lake April 28--Mrs. Anna Karls, 74, jdied as the result of injuries suffered Misses Theima and Anna Schaefer iA1 and Jim dosed up. Nobody sa*. owrnger 10 xnr. nooeiT "• r'„T**"* snent the nast weekend in rhira<rn < anything of the Dorans. '&j~J , O'Callaghan in Indianapolis, I,,d. ; and Rev. Ralph Pace of Council Bluff s, vSth Mw Itese Carson Th^ ali en 1 Mr. and Mrs. V. Radke (form«tf C , Jan. 14-Elmer Schnackenberg, 'n the former c^y. In the other (j 'at Af7gon bSl" i%li#-' Waslilmm), celebWted thS ceremonv. nerformed in San Diearo.! J J • /vragon ohji- . > . _ ,, r. E. C. Sullivan, 68, a Chicago den- passed from this world after eighteen m a truck accident and Walter Gielow | room. Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Smith family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michels and ?i^'|tist, who had resided in McHenry for r ,, several years, died in a Chicago hoep^| pital. James Conway, former en- „ <• • Wineer at the Ringwocd Bowman Dairy IX died in Maywood. Jan. 17--Word was received here of the death of Eileen Flynn, 22, who toith her family, resided at Orchard years of poor health. f of Route 1, West McHenry, wks April 29--Death came to Mrs. Mary ! stricken with a heart attack while Stephenson, 67, a resident of Spring walking in Chicago and died. Grove. j Sept. 30--Edward A. Stevens, father May 5-- Mrs. Mabel Goodhand Beck. I °f Miss Helen Stevens, local teacher, 72, a former resident of the Ring- j died in West Dandy, New York. - wood community, passed away. \ Sept. 30--Mrs. Mary Hodge, widow May 12--Jerome (Jerry) Kolar, a ! °f Edson Hodge, both former residents first ^redding anniversary New Year's!;: and evf;.V _ : •-.£;" •' • " Mickey and Toots Schmitt attended the ice carnival on New Year's eve at Jr., son of Rep. and Mrs. Elmer ceremony | Schiiackenberg, who^have a summer Miss Patricia Phalin became the wife ' home at Meyers Bay/wag marrried to k°ren McCannon. Miss Marie Rielx of Chicago in Bryn ! -Sept. 16-- In an impresisive cere- . . anA f.n. Mawr Community church. Governor ">°ny St' ^y'8 Clara Bugner, enjoyed a'chicken din- the Chicago Stadium. On Sunday Bill Green attended the ceremony. ! «y w ^ame the Imde <rf jner at the Henty Miller home Satur- an^ Kate Schaefer, along with : Jan. 18--In one of the winter's M1*. Merle Blowers of Fox Lake. . . j evening - !and Mrs. Fontana of Berwyn,. also a& Sept. 19 -- One of »* lo,l.est e«l,;|° ^ Mrt. ^ tended the ioe carnival. •V. ' . , loveliest weddings, Miss Vene Denman *2? May and Mrs: J«ob Huejnann have i F. Madsen of Chic.» Jr., of Antioch. Jan. 24 -- Harry Dahms of Wau )Beach during the summer. Many "old ! summer resident of Pistakee Bay for! of Ringwood, was brought from her many years, died at the age of 59. \ Minnesota home for burial in Ring- - May 13--The community was shock- j wo°d- She was 84 years old. ed at the news . that Mrs. Leonard I 0ct- 3~°ne of the three surviving Franzen had been killed by a car while ori£lnal settlers of Pistakee Bay^ John crossing a street near her home in Mc-' McKay, di£d at the age of .timers" in the community were sad dened to hear of the death of James Jtevor, 87, a former policeman here. Jan. 22--Mrs. Marie Bauer, a sumtner resident of McCullom Lake, died in Chicago. Jan. 27--Death claimed as its victim, Edwin Courtney, 86, a lifelong Resident of the Wauconda community. Jan. 28--Wm. N. Bradley of Chicago, who had many relatives in this Community, died in St. Petersburg, Fla. ! month-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Jan. 30--After an illness of man3 ' Smith of Beloit. tnonths, Mrs. Clara Bingham Howden, May 17--Albert J. Pouliot, a boat died at her home in Richmond. builder in this vicinity for twenty- i Miriam Sayler of this city andI Mr. ^ ---^7as; ; spent New Year's day at the S§* Fiank Altman, Jr., of Pontiac, Mich. weej{ | Smith home. That evening Mrs. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen, Delma,! eleven for dinner. Julette and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Al- I ?uests at the Ha!ley home on Sat- Mr. and u™ay eve were Mr. and Mrs. Nhntaii j Henry. Nicholas Stoff el, 84, a resident here sixty years ago, died in Humphrey, Neb. 'Walter Martin, 48. for many years a resident of the Wau- | conda vicinity, died in Anaconda, Mont. May 15--Death claimed the ten- Oct. 6--Friends were sorry to hear of the untimely death of William A. Frett, who passed away pf a heart attack in Chicago. Oct. 9--A Pistakee Bay resident for many years, William Adams' died at the age of 68. Oct. 10--The lives of two, both welt known in this vicinity, John Niesen and Irenus J. Feffer, were taken. Oct. 11--A long suffering was reconda, formerly of McHenry, was The same day Mr. LeRoy Welter of married to Alice Jane Roper in an Ringwood took as his bride Miss evening ceremony in Waukegan. Florence Sulven of Chicago. . , , ummv Jan. 31 -- A lovely mid-winter wed- ; Sept. 31 -- Just a few hours before L Chenoweth Mr and Mrs Mr- and Mrs- Bal1 and Mr. and Mrs. ding was solemnized in St.! Mary's September, 1942, slipped away tor- : Chenowetti Mr. and Mrs.. rectory when Miss Marie Miller of ever. two McHenry couples exchanged Carlson of Chicairo enioved a He- Mr- and Mrs- Charles Coles had * this city became the bride of Wm. marriage vows. They were June Nel- turkev dinner in the home of New Year's eve party at their home. Morgan of Arlington Heights: -- son and Eugene Oxtoby who were Marv Thelen and Anna Thelen Sorry we could not attend. Ho we vet, Feb. 7 -- Three local girls chose married in the rectory of St. Peter s j^ew Year's dav we do appreciate the invitation. this particular day to become brides, church, Spring Grove, and later in | Misses Dorothv Michels La Verne 1 am so g'lad that Mrs- H- Wo,f aa^ Miss Louise Stilling became Mrs. the evening, Miss Bertha Schiessle be-! p ^ "and rov Meveri ^rit Sun- M,s" L- ^uck like our column, too^ Fred Wahl, Jr.; Miss Mildred Freund Cftme the bride of Mr. Elmer Jensen.; Chicago • y°u ladies move up here, you will changed her name to Mrs. Albert Gar- ®ct- 3 -- Miss Dorothy Heppner of j ^ rett, and Miss ried Donald Piske of Huntley Ili MonttromenT mar^-Evanston and Robert Frisby, Jr., be' . * i, ' • J J nSSS" a ,- wife in a ceremony per- ! . Mr. and Mre. Jos. Michels, Pvt. y°ur names iri th« PfPer pfteiL The Otto in question is Otto Pyritau Jan. 31--Death toQk from our mffst nine years, died at his home east of Hem! as MrSi Laurabelle Conklin two well respected citizens, one, Mrs. McHenry. j passed to eternal reward. Anna Knox, 78, who died unexpected-; May 19--A resident of Ringwood j **--Death came to Mrs. Anna ly at her home on Center street, and j for twenty-two years, Chauncey Jep- ' May, 68, the mother of twelve living the other, James Walsh, 77, a former j son passed away. j children. Mrs. Emma Fay, born and May 20--John Havens, son of Mrs. | "^ed here, died in Germantown, Pa. Emma Havens of McHenry, died in 1 ^ 30--The city was stunned by Elgin. the death of one of its most successful May 21--Death came to Russell sons> John Bo^er. alderman from the resident, who died in Whiting, Ind. Feb. 1--John P. Lcos, a summer resident of Sunnyside Beach for thirty-five years, died in Chicago. Feb. 3--Clark Huson, 86 years old, who had spent almost his entire lifetime in the Volo vicinity, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. E. L. Peck, in Elgin. Feb. 4--Albert Ferwerda, brother -Feb. 11 -- Miss Lorraine - Lay, «*»? '»«" T ** Ed.*""" " ^ daughter of Joseph Lay of Spring ^ same day Staff Sergeant Grove became the bride of Donald Gordon T" KnOX took 88 h,s bnde Pf£ llti., girls chose •» » ' <*•» duster, Mieh, in the «• romr, Pnik Tj. f ' corps and loves it. „Cuu„.B. . yi• M r'o Wow ***• A. J. Neidert, Mrs. Jos. M. , After pending a week's^Vacati^ became the bride of Mr. Alfred Wein- "",ted nifT na^e vS" Schaefer and the Sisters of St. Fran- l™m Chnstn^as to New Year's fc», sart and Miss Olga Brefeld was mar- i «• Aurora Monday when ; ihe Gnranson famdy returt- Miss Elizabeth Strucktrup returned edJ?om T e Sa T turd«y- Miss Marie Smith, daughter of Mr. employed fcr quite awhile. ixuiuu.. *. .U.VA vw- »o ...o , M Fred T Smith i« « n»ti«»nt Mr. and -Mrs. Dave,.Reid received* Miss Florence Perraonjf Woodstock Woodstock hospital, following f^0m 4 thei^f°w n' BUlie He is in a ceremony performed a* tho «"»*>» » . » ® -- *v.„ ---» : chapel at Camp Polk, La. Oct. 7 -- A beautiful fall wedding Carnenter in-?00™1' former,y of McHenry. Oct. 10 -- In a lovely candblight • Thompson, 40, of Chicago, who had been in pcor health for some time. May 22--Mrs. Ettie Cooney, a former resident, passed away at her home in Cleveland, aged 84. * May 31--Funeral services were held ©f Fred Ferwerda of ths city, died at, in Chicago for William H. Langefeld. ™ ., , •. . , ! June 3--A former resident, Frances Feb 9-One of the city's oldest and chapman Atteridge, passed away in jnost highly respected citizens, yjUa Forest. »' iCharles Hall, 85, died atvhis home of jpneumonia. , Feb. 16--Two local residents were taken by death, William W. Beckei, rho spent his summers in Woodlawn ark for many yearfc, and Edwi :. ...j.«velter, a resident for many years. - 1 ; Feb. 19 -- Bonnie Bierman, infant second ward. He died at the age of 48 from a heart ailment. Nov. 1--Funeral rites were con^ ducted in Medford, Oregon, for Alonzo Bishop, an old-time resident. Nov. 2--One of Johnsburg's oldest residents, Mrs. Adelaide Althoff, 86, passed away after a long illnesss. Nov. 3--The death of Mrs. Walter Warner (Irene Frisby),\54, in Elgin brought sadness to the ni^ny friends who kiTew her during her lonjj resiried to Mr. Harry E Chicago. | gervjce at Community Methodist March 13 -- Miss Anita Smith ana church, Miss Betty Mae Orr of Mcr Raymond L. Newman of Island Lake Henry and Glenn Benson of Richmond were married in Kahoka, Mo. ! exchanged nuptial vows. March 28 -- Miss Margaret Simp- . Oct. 16--George Bohr, McHenry, son of Waukegan became the bride and Elizabeth Boynton became man | of Ragnar Barnas, a former Mc-, and wife. > Henry resident. Oct. 17--'Miss Dorothy Klemm of Lake Forest. June 6--Friends here were shocked t6 hear of the death of Gladys lore dence here. Gaulke, 27, in an &uto accident. j Nov. 5--The city lost a pioneer resi- „u ...» 0u.uure,8 . Ju"L9 ~ o e r t H a Nei«' J"0 t h" ' de?fc in th€ d<>ath Mrs. Albertina ark for many yearfc, and Edward " of Mr®- N*}8 Pearson of McHenry, Feltz, 90, one of our oldest citizens. died at her home in Crystal Lake, J Nov. 9---Not only one of Pistakee |R. ft aged 80. ; Bay's, btat also one of the nation's lerman, in an , june ^ -- Two former residents ; most prominent physicians, Dr. David S. Hills, fcr thirty-five years a resident of this community, died in Chicago after a year's illness. Nov. 17--A summer resident of Lily Lake, Mrs. Mathilde Fleiachfresser, died at her home in Glen Ellyn. Nov. 19 -- Peter and Paul Kohout, small sons of Mrs. Dorothy Kohout of Riverside Drive and Paul Kohout of Chicago, died of suffocation in a raging fire which destroyed beyond repair the home in which they resided. Nov. 21--William H. Vastine, a resident of McCullom Lake for several years, died at his home in Westmont. He was the father of Mrs. James Boyle. Nov. 26 --- A native of Johnsburg, William Scheid, 76, passed away. Nov. 29 -- Seventy-seven year old S granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. were taken by death, Mrs. Katherine Charles Honert, former residents, and Bolffer Kannagh in Elfd and Mra. ames Beatty, brother of Mrs. Jennie , Mathias Leicken in Kenosha. >acon of Ringwood, were taken by j june 13--Peter J. Bauer, brother of eath. Word was receive! of the Michael Bauer of McHenry> died in •eath of the mother of Rev. J. J. 1 Waukegan aged 74 Hackett, former pastor of St. Pat- June 14-ljohn McDonald, 71, passed rick s church. away suddenly at his home in Rich- • Feb. 20--Death came to eight-five j mond year old John Adams of Adams, Minn., | Jun« 19--Three from this common- %ho had many relatives m this com- | ity> Mrs M Thelen 90> of s jn fumty. Many were also saddened by Grove; Mrg Fred Smith> 61> and Mrs. r^ihe passing of Nicholas^ Steilen, for-1 Antoingtte Lackner, who spent much pier owner of a grocery store on River- j tjme jn thjs vicinity during the sum- ,ld? , 7^' « " r • v \ mers, were buried the same day. Feb. 12--Mrs. Mary Ljunherg, 76,1 Of Chicago, a frequent visitor here, died. Feb. 22--The passing of Mrs. Elirena Smith, sister of Wm. Teaeh of McHenry, was mourned by her friends. Feb. 23--Mrs. Elizabeth Barnickol, a resident of McHenry for twenty years, died of pneumonia in a Chicago hospital. Feb. 26--Epley P. Fisher, a former Resident of the Stenger-Owen subdivision for about ten years, died at the *(?e of 66. dent in which he had severed a num- Feb. 27--Death summoned four well; jjgj. 0f tendons while cutting grass known in thi_s community, John Slavin, with a 5)kkle_ Mrs. A c. Revnolds • resident for fifteen years, Alfred -pattern, a brother-in-law of George Jones of Woodstock, C. Fred Yegge of Chicago, an uncle of Norbert Yegge this city, and John Smith of Chi- Henry. March 2--Friends were surprised and shocked to learn of the death of • '-^~l|»ayler Smith, 60, of Portland, Oregon, fie had many relatives here, where ke resided for many years. March 3--Mrs. Alice Phalin, a former McHenry resident, died ih Ke- Bosha. March 7--The first serviceman from George Hoy, 89, of Woodstock, leading county financier, also was taken by death. June 21--Morris Carlson of Ringwood, 54, died in the Woodstock hospital. June 23--Wm. Matz, 80, a resident Mrs- Mary Ahrens passed away at her of Orchard Beach for thirty-seven home on Front street the same day .years, died following an operation. ;that death claimed a former resident, June 28-rJohn Pitzen, 88, a local| JosePh Bu89' 70> of Rochelle. resident for more than sixty years, 1 Dec. 3--Funeral services were held was claimed by death. i in Winnetka for Mrs.^ Martha N. Cas- July 13--Fred Thurlwell, 57, of Half ! sin, a former resident of the Stenger- Day, died suddenly following an acci- ; Owen subdivision. Dec. 8--Old-time residents heard with regret of the death of Joseph Schoewer, 56, for many years a tavern keeper here. Dec. 11--A sixty-five year resident of this community, Miss Frances Fleming, passed away after a long illness. Dec. 14--The city was saddened by stock, formerly of McHenry, took as were married in Chicago. his bride Miss Marguerite Osborn of Nov. 11 Miss Ruby Carlson of Richmond. Tha same day Miss Vivian , Woodstock, formerly of McHenry, be- Yarbrough of Chicago became Mr. j came the bride of Elmer A. Stanger. Vernon Kramer. 1 Nov. 14-This was a popular day iPeter's church, Volo. We are glad to report at this timt A large number of friends and rela- that Mrs.'5"(Margaret) Delahanty, wh§ tives attended the funeral of Mrs. | was seriously ill just a short time Peter Blake, Monday. j js well on the road to recovery. Ift Mr. and Mrs1. Jos. Klein, Mr. and ^ this case we all know you cant keegl j|ay 26 Miss Joyce Sayler of for the brides as four McHenry young Mrs. Arthur Klein, Jane and Patty a good woman down. Her brother, Woodstock became the wife of Tage people left the ranks of the single Mae, enjoyed Sunday in the Nick Math Gleason. was also ill, but is now Nielsen of the same city. f°r wedded bliss. In an afternoon Nett home, McHenry. Miss Lorraine back at work again. i J,.ne 6--Marinierit« Freund-Rob- cerem°ny 81 nahoka, Mo., Miss Eloisej Nett of ChicBgo is recuperating from | visitors at the Burzinski horn* Lrt Winkel nuDtials were solemnized Gulgren of Woodstock and Pvt. Geo., an appendectomy. Saturday eve were Mr. and Mrs. an* f^M^v's church Erber, Jr., of McHenry were mar-j Miss Rita Stilling left for Florida Jean Schmitt, also LeVern Sund June 13 - In a beautiful June wed- ried- In an evening ceremony in the , Tuesday to spend a few weeks with Ridgefield. and on Sunday Louise Kidpassed away in Muscatine, Iowa. She • was a former McHenry resident. - j July 16--John R. Smith, a retired j farmer, died at the age of 74. j « „ , July 17--Georgene Helen Bach, 15,: fago, father of Jack Smith of Mc- j djed ^ a resun Gf injuries sustained 1 / Vrw II M m Rita of St dmg at St. Man^ s church, Miss R^a > - Pbeaccamke's cthhue rcwh ifeM iosfs friends. Mr n Wemgart and Roger Mason Lieut Rich*rd E,stman „nd at . man and wife. from a motor blade propeller while" the word of two deaths^ The first was she was swimming. ;John J. Schmitt, who was born and July 19 -- A lifelong resident of raised near Chapel Hill. He died Johnsburg, Jos. J. Michels, died at his there at the age of 75. The other was home there, aged 74. ®ay L. Thomas, who died at his home July 20--A coroner's inquiry led to in Skokie after a four year lingering Good luck, boys! INTERESTING NEARBY NEW* the decision that Mathias Schaefer »s death at the home of a daughter at Fistakee Bay was due to heart failure. July 24--Mrs. Floyd Reed. 59, pass- -i.- JlcHenry to die in World Wai 2 was; ed avray jn Volo after a year's illness • ^t- Wm. A. Pearson, Route 1, son July 27--A verdict of suicide was #f Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Pearson, who. returned by a coroner's jury in the .Jeside four miles northeast of town. tragic death of Edwin Boyle at his Jjle was killed in a head-on crash of home west of town. special troop train and a fast Frjsco passenger train neajr Grinby, Mo. Mrs. Emma Alexander of Hebron, motherin- law of Mrs. Harry Alexander, the former Miss Florence Granger of Mc- , Henry, died. < March 8 •--The Grim Reaper took .from our midst Mrs. Catherine Nimsifern, aged 65. March 9--Mrs. Edith Skidmore of Ringwood passed away. March 12--Fred Eppel, 69, was . : found dead early in tha morning, /•' '; leath resulting from a gunshot wound ; for twenty years. Which had been inflicted by his own ! - August 14--A lon^g suffering was jfcand. • \ ended in the death cf Henry Block, March 20--Death came to Mrs. Leah , 61, of Volo. jjirown, a resident of Mclleiirt- , August 17--Charles Kuhnert, 91, thr ughout her seventy-seven years. ; M'Henry's oldest resident, died after March 21--Mrs. Ida Starkweather, 1 a short illness. a sister of Mrs. Lugene Fontenelle of August 19--Neva McMillan Lynott, McHenry, died at her Chicago home. 38, died in a Waukegan sanatorium. March 22--Relatives here received She was a former resident of Terra . .Word of the death of Mrs. Jay Cotta. > • "Schneider, 37, In Jackson, Mich. ^ August 28 -- Edward J. Kenneaiy* March 24--Death took Mrs. Mary (Sorn in McHenry 68 years ago, died at her Spring Crove home. ,in El^r. ; March 26--Two we'l-i:noT! "itizens ' /ugust 29--friends were shocked ,®f this vicinity died: Willard hear of the tragic death of Fred * " Wmswdi and Mrs.'Barnac, 56, former local " * illness. Dec. 18--An encouraging word to j those in trouble was missed by the friends of Miss Rena Niesen. who passed away at her home on Riverside drive after a short illniess with a heart ailment. She was 53 years old. Dec. 19--A fifty-eight year resident of the Johnsburg community, Mrs. > August 2-Former Circuit Judge R. Mat||ias Ju"*en- 82, Pfsed away at; K. Welsh, 80 years old, civic leader in ! he^cm®afte^ aJon* lllness- . his county for over half a century, ' Dec" 28^rmer popular 1 Henry girl, later Mrs. Christine Sen- Mcdied in Rockford ^ """ * ",,UUIjr', Henry girl, later Mrs. Christine August 8--Cassius Downs, 67, died ^ of Chicago 43,^ passed away at her in the Woodstock hospital after a home there after a l'"^»ng illness, several .months' illness. August 9 -- A short period of ill health was ended by the death of Mrs. Emma Justen, 79. August 13--The community was shocked at the unexpected death of John Kails, 51. restaurant owner heTC dleson and Jean Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frett and family j The Zauntauc home has been sold t» rne. , ,, ... spent New Year's day with Mr. and j the Meilies, reiatives Qf Burzinski. June 20 -- Miss Lillie BartUMk and Irene i" 11 jch^d* FretT of' Wo^tock spent ^ Kill"rd "<««« -- /t Edward^ Valek e.chwged vows at Ojr ^ of McHenry and Robert Krier i ,he V^end™" h MdX. J« ^l^tlSS'lt Km Lady of Holy Mount church in Chi- of Woodstock exchanged vows and Prett and family ; J,an" 6" S , 1 cago. Miss Beatrice Gaylord of Woodstock 1 Mr and Bert Cossey of Chi- George Reid. ^ho is also June 23-Miss Delma Fre«ndRb«- Mr.. Gene c.^r' sp" Wedn^i., "n tte Jm. t. * came the bnde of Staff Sergeant Rob- Dowd] ! Frett home. ert Rusbo dt o angor, . ^ Nrv. 14--At a ceremony held at St. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacker and June 27 -- Five young ladies, known prigciHa's church in Chicago Miss family of Cary, Mrs. Ray Gaylord of here, became brides on this day, Vic- Bernice Miller of that city became Woodstock, Miss Lorraine Kennebeck or Miller of McHenry and Florence t,rjde cf ggt. Harvey Freund ofiof Chicago and Mrs. Jacob Schu- j Two* children were victims of un- Behm of Fremont Center exchanged Drew Field,, Fla., formerly of Mc- j macker spent Sunday with Mr. and , usual accidents which marred the holivows at Fremont Center.; Jeanette jjenry. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. 'day week. one being faced with pos? Kennebeck became the bride of "ay" Nov. 15 The Pr'esido in San Fran- j The regular monthly meeting of sible loss of sight in one eye and the mond Julian of Woodstock in that ejJ|CO Calif., was the scene of the the Community club was held Mon- other suffering from bufhs cn both city, Lucille Nimsgern was married marr'ja„e 0f Miss Dorothy Lay of!day evening. Absent members missed hands. Tommy-Croak, 4, of Wood-? to Roy Nelson of Chicago in Spring g rjn„ Grove and Sgt. Joseph Himple- i the interesting talks given by Father stock, was struck in the eye by a Grove; Lucille Michels and Marvin mann Neidert and Jos. Frett for the welfare sharp dart at his home Sunday as his Botsford became man and wife at a i„Vp1v weddintr united of Johnsburg. This was one of the brother. Dickie, accidentally shot it ceremony performed at St. Thomas . . M- gvelvn Brown of finest meetings in many months, toward ,him. Betsy McCauley, little church in Crystal Lake and Miss Dor- J#^XInd Strf St. Eald , K^P up the good work, men! 'daughter of Mh and Mrs. JV'm. Mc-; Hamil and Raymond Schiller were Wauconda and Staff Sgt. Reginald ( Mrg/ Mftr£n H Freund> Miss Cauley. Hazard, is recovering from. married in St. Mary's rectory, Mc Kathryn Freund, John .M. Freund. severe burns on both hands, suffered Henry Fowles of Libertyville. Dec. 19--Two marriages of interest j Mre"'Anton "Freund,* Bobby when "she" fell on a hot radiator at her The Spring Grove community the same day mourned the death of their oldest resident, Mrs. Mary Miller, 90. mi: bone Vernon -J. Knox, Atty. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of John J. Schmitt, also known as John J. Smith, Deceased. Notice is hereby siven to all persons that Monday, February 1, 1943, is the claim date in the estate of John J. Schmitt, also known as John J. Smith, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on cr before said date without issuance of summons. , ANTON M. SCHMITT* ' Executor. (Pub. Dec. 31. Jan. 7-14) Jufle 28 --June weddinsr bells rang here were recorded when Miss Marion and Elai Mrs. Martha Freund and home, last week, for Alice Huffman of Terra Cotta Lodtz, daughter of the John Lodtzs of * and Irving Johnson of Chicago. "Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry. July 8--Nuptial vows of Miss became the bride of John S. Engelson Irene Smith and William Tomasy, the of Garden Prairie and Edwin Spitzlatter of Chicago, were exchanged at bart of Ringwood took as his wife St. John's church. . Miss Rosemary Butler of Woodstock. July 11 -- At a qujet ceremony per- Dec. 26--Cupid arrived shortly after formed in the rectory of St. Mary's Santa Claus to join in the bonds of church. Francis Cox took as his bride matrimony Miss Lorraine Freund of Miss Marjory Denning. At a wedding McHenry and Burton Stephens of in Little Rock, Ark., that same even- Woodstock at a lovely ceremony pering, Miss Eleanor Wood of Woodstock formed in Chicago, and Miss Frieda and Atty. C. Robert Twomley were K. Weitl of St. Chailes, a former locar married. ! resident, and Corp. Warren O. Nystedt July 13 -- Two popular young peo- ; 0f Dundee.- pie from this vicinity, Miss Mildred Need Rubber Stamps! Order at The P l a i n d e a l f . -- -- ' • BJtfck of Volo and Harold Lindsay of McHenry, exchanged vows in St. Peter's Catholic church 4n Volo. Natur j Kelps Lacking a length of rubber hose or tubing, Casco Bay, Maine, fishermen July 22 --Soon after wedding bells frequentiy find a satisfactory substisounded at St. Mary's church, Miss tute ^ the iarge variety of kelp Lorraine stilling was the bride of Mr. known as the devil's apron. The Theodore Pitzen of Pistakee Bay. iong stems are hollow and are suc- A ugust 5 -- A beautiful mid-sum- i cess fully utilized to siphon gasoline near wedding united tea marriage Misa from boat tanks to ew, " K E E P ' E M R O L L I N G " If you are having brake trouble, bring your car df track to our trained mechanics for expert Brake Service. Remember, good brakes give your tifes the chapce to give you the maximum service at minimum cost. Com*? in today for a ebtckup 011 our State Approved Safety Lane. These services will lengthen the life of your car. <• Motor Tuning Lubrication Tire Repairing Willard Fast Battery Charging CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J FR£Z) J. SMITH, Projk Towing Johnstarg to her home in the St. Charles hos- j, The. Lee Larson family spent threa . ; days m Chicago at Christmas time. Pvt. Vernon Reinboldt, who is sta- a,nd Mrs. Pyritx were visitors at tioned at Camp Pickett, Va.. enjoyed, s on Saturday eve and Mr. a four-dav leave over New Year's. ) and Mrs. E. Landgren Sunday eve. Pvt. Vernon Reinboldt. Miss Jean- v 's,,tor® at the P>'1 home ®n ^ ette Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hue- ^ear ® we t rf, ' an *** mann. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and ?°esch and son, Allan. ftr t ** v 11 TT q XT Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Huemann and 9n. t»U j e^e vT. a" T5** April 9 --£, Martjn Hoelscher ofWolo and James McNally, U. S. N.»; familv spent New Year's day in the , Sm,th' Mr- and Mrs- Nimtz and Mr. Elgin, well known in McHenry, took exchanged vows at St. Paul's Evan- : j0fjn Reinboldt home. and ^rs. Ball were dinner guests at as his bride Miss Helen Louise Smith gelical Lutheran church, Round Lake. Mrs Mamie King and Mrs. Cather- the home- : ' « j of Geneva. i Oct. 24-Two o^'this vi- 1^ inp Smith snent Wednesdfty in Wood J S^v Jim. what^i ^ng *ith Cef- 1 April 11--Two spring brides'were 1 cinitV . ^ th! rankf ^ stock with Mrs. Ray Horick. | mack's chimney? Miss Muriel Rvan who became the °f n't Mrs. Sarah Roycroft of Woodstock j Jean and Hugh McDonald and Mr. wife of Melvin Burris of Waukegan, his bride, Miss Alyce Nodland 01 uaK hftg teken oyer the household duties McDonald, Sr., spent Saturday art! and Miss Helen Vanderboom, Round Park a"d ,Elm®[ V.0^ and f11?8 toin the Rectory. Sunday at the home of her sister ail* Lake, who exchanged marriage vows trude Bhisius, the! a r o e - j Mr ^ Mrg John £ Rnd family, the Kennenbergs of Richmond; with Pvt. John Bolton of Fox Lake, ich, exchanged vows. ^ i Mrs. Leo Michels, Pvt. Arnold Mich-: Violet Scheubert spent New Year*a j April 14 --Wedding bells sounded 0ct- 31--0n Hallowe'en evening a eJg Migs clara 3^,,^ Mr. and Mrs. eve in Chicago. Guests at the Sche»- for Miss Catherine Smith of Omaha Quiet ceremony performed m the rec- John M Pitzfen( Mr and Mrs Nick bert home on New Year's day were and Edwin Michels of Aurora, son of tory of St. Marys church made Pitzen, Bernice and Lawrence Pitzen, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fuhrmark and Miss Mrs. Elizabeth Michels of McHenry. Bernice Justen the wife of Kennet Fred j SOIlj Harry, Clarence j Ellen, ,of Chicago. They were married in St. Mary's: Krueger, of Delavan, Wis. Michels, Art Klein, Fred and Huppy j Where did little Billie Schlitt get church. Nov. 5--At an evening wedding in ' Smith and Ted Christensen celebrated , that nice shiner? He said. "Betsy bit May 2 -- At a quiet ceremony pei I St. Angela's church in Chicago Miss the birthday of Louis Pitsen Monday him." Now, who is Betsy? Ndl - formed at the bride's home, Miss Ethel Marie Kinsala became the bride of evening. his girl friend, only his dog. Dimon became the bride of Gordon C. | Pfc. Charles Corso, who is stationed 1 j^r and Mrs. Albert Smith and I Lee Sawdo rented a neighbor's gai* . Larsen. j at Camp Edwards, Mass. • fam|jy have moved from the Hiller j age. After paying the rent in advan<m May 7--Eleanor Rankin became the | .Nov. 7--Three of McHenry's pop- home to a farm near Lily Lake. and the owner returned to Chicago bride of Edward Reid at ft ceremony, ular young people, one of which was ; Messrs. and Mesdames Peter H Lee found the garage too narro*w ! in St. Mary's church. j Alice Nickels, and Staff Sgt. Fred. gmithf George Michels, Jos. G. Hue-1 He solved the problem by using II May 16 -- An exchange of ^nuptial Krohn of Camp Pickett, Va., ex- mann and Anton Freund spent Satur- j hammer and saw. Now they fit thjjr ;vows was made in St. Alphonsus changed vows. The same day Miss day eve„ing with Mr. and Mrs. John oar. (Your welcome, Lee.) Jv • church in Chicago making Miss Esther Bettie Engeln and Corp. Roy Rode be-. Weingart. Mrs. Klowitter is spending • irtl May of Johnsburg the bride of Corp. came man and wife at a ceremony Mrg Peter H gmith sponsored at; weeks in Chicago. Mrs. Schlitt, Si6§ Richard* Schneider. performed in Jopnn, Mo., and Con-; the Gf her nephew, son of is visiting her daughter and family, May 23 -- Chester Colby of Wood-' 8tancc Boy o a^. ^ | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown at St. j the Pattersons, in Qlenview.

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