Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1943, p. 8

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v* i » *• * * n ' , *f*V«* >*<- V . *<• « ' ' .. w*.0.- 1 h^.T"rt--:.K^ ;^Vi-v ;*- --vi •>v '•••-" * ••* >«'»• '•• I**'**T i * « f * ^ - < * * ' 3 ?iS- «S..1' - # •; " - \ ' * .y. DECEMBER BRIDE Society Notes Five Hundred Club and Mrs. Peter H. Freund en- Vales of Fort Sheridan aijd • Miss Marie Vales of McHenry. Others tertained their Five Hundred club Sat- from here who attended the christen- "Urday evening. Prizes in. cards were ; ing were Mr." arid Mrs. Albert Vales awarded Mrs. Math Blake, Mrs. Ford j and daughter, Dolores.' Jackson, Anton H, Freund and Math I Following th^ ceremony a dinner iBlake. . was served to a group of friends and ^ > * * * - j-elatives, consisting of Mr. find Mrs. Entertain Friends " . 'John Micklautz, the maternal grand- ; - l llr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson etltter- parents, Mr. and Mrs. fed Hegner and tained a groyp of friends last Sunday daughter, Louise, in addition to those --evening at their home on Main street. already mentioned.^ - • • . : Those present were from Crystal Lake, jbl, * "t . ' Spring Qrove, Richmond and Mc- ; EasMtiver Road Pinochle Henry. An enjoyable evening of cards i Mrs. Ed Sutton entertained the ipras spent and a lovely lunch served East River Road Pinochle club at her At the conclusion of the party. home last Thursday afternoon. Prizes l * * * ' ' were merited by Mrs. Albert Vales •'Lily Lake P.-T. A. ' and Mrs. Ed Sutton. Mrs. Vales will - „ 1 >. The Lily Lake P.-T. A.' held its )be hostess to the club at their next . * monthly bunco party at the Lily Lakef! meeting. . . . J £•*5$ school Friday evening.. Cards ^shd . * * . bunco were plaved, with prizes being, - Meeting awarded to the winners. ; last regular business meeting ;."i«Mrs. Thomas Klabough will ei)ter> • A. was held on Jan. 7, tain the members and fri&tds of the Most °* the evening was spent in for the Red Cross. The V-Miz Lake schoot. JHJMBER OF BRIBES . DECREASES DURING YEAR JUST PAST Surprising news comes that in spite of the fact that people expect marriages to soar in war times, there wasa decline in McHenry county for 1942. ( Only 288 licenses to wed wert issued »s compared to 340 in 1941. In June, the month of brides, there anuary 14, 1943 AROUND THE T-. : 1 vlCOlUT HOUSE Continue Hearing Hearing on an information charging FIRST ANNIVERSARY # OF ST. ANN'S BOOK CLUB IS OBSERVED Just one year ago, under the sponsorship of the Parent-Teachers organization of St. Mary-St. Patrick school, whrse oresident then was Mrs. pils of the sixth, seventh and eighth gTades were present for the review. The Jamftry meeting was enhanced by a beautiful reading by Mrs. Klein* hans entitled "The American Way." v The club recently turned over to 'tfetf public library Mrs. McGee's book "Song Of Bernadette," and is also responsible for the purchase of a beau. Richard Miller of McHenry with reck- Harry Durland, St. Ann's Book club ; JodTDos^^hv"^whlC*J less driving was continued in the w»s organized with the following of- < • -- - -- ery Ifeneroaa were thirty-seven, which was nineteen ! founty ccurt Monday and Miller re- fleers: Mrs. Hugh Murphy, chairman; under June of the previous year May le^set» °n his own bond of $500. At- Mi's. Clarence Angelse, co-chairman; ran a close second with thirty-five. Itorneys D. R. Joslyn and Charles ; ^iss Carolyn Bauer, secretary. A survey has disclosed that there i P^ker acted as counsel for Miller^ The first meeting was called in the were sixty-five deaths, thirty-four in-1 MMCT S driver s license was presented i library of St. Mary-St. Patrick school quests, twenty-nine inquiries, two j jn together^ with his bond to , on Feb. 4. A paper was read by Mrs. drownings von cne occasion and two suffocations and burnings on one occasion. £ Twenty-eight died, of cardio ailments, such as acute heart attacks, ma'ignant heart trouble, cerebral hemmorhage and embclism in the vascular system, causing failure of the heart or brain. There were 11 automobile accidents, 3 drownings, 4 suicides, 1 accidental shooting, 2 ditchcave- ins, 1 tetanus infection, 1 smoke suffocation, 3 accidental fallings, 1 be kept until the hearing is reopened again. $1,500 Bond jury returned oM'indictment charging Axel Peterson of McHenry with burglary and larceny. In the true bill returned against Peterson the state charges that he broke into the Gus Unti place of business at McHenry on Dec. 3 and took $60 in money and seven cartons of Murphy on the bock "In Winter We Flourish," by Anna McAllister. In March two books were reviewed, "The Man W;ho Got Even With God," by Mrs. Angelse and Mrs. John Bolger, and "Keys to the' Kingdom," by Mrs. Durland and Miss Bauer. In April Mrs. Richard Fleming artd Mrs. A. J. Wfrtz reviewed the book "Gall and Honey." In May, Attorney George Gannon of Chicago gave an interesting lecture. Twenty-five were present at the June meting. Mrs. Paul donation from Mrs. Frank Beatty. The same officers were appointed to act for the coming year, Mrs. Murphy; Mrs. Angelse and Mrs. Wirtz. Seven States Share One The meadow lark is the official bird of seven Western states: Kansas, Montana, Nevada, North Dft» kotar Oregon, South Dakota and W|e oming. . _ _ cigarettes worth $10. Peterson was mctorboat death, ^ .-gastro-enteritis, 6'] apprehended a t$w days later and, has ! Brefeld, with Mrs. George* Freund coltrain accidents, 2 suffocated and J>een c°n«ned in the county jail. His laborating, reviewed "And Now Tobond was set at $1,500 by Judge Wil- ° Haiw L.; Pierce. ' i *, ' + (Photo by Worwick) MRS. ELMER GLOSSON next meeting will be the second in the • • - ' .".VH 1 present card party series and . will be FareweTl"Party .!held OQ Ja4 v A farewell party will be held on as chairman. # ^ ^ Ttiesday evening," Jan. 1§, at'S. o'clock !' •' • ' '•"1.- for Rev. Paul Tuchlinskv, spiritual di- , t S.' Luncheori i ueetor of the McHenry Catholic Order The regulat- W. S. C. S. luncheon of Foresters. All members are re-meet-ing will be held at the church hall \ quested to be'present. Father Paul, asoclock on-next Thursday afhe is known to his many friends here, ternoon. Mrs. Zion Baker will be; wiH leave McHenry on Jan. 22 for j ™t 1speaker, giving a book review. Jn weddin«r eeremonv Rockford and Davis Junction It is hoped that there Will be a good . a recent wedding ceremony solnociaora ana uavrs junction. attendance . emnized at St. Patrick's Catholic ' church, Miss Donna Belle Krohn, < u ,•' daughter ofe Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. v,,,. . j . , .. ,. l A.U- • > ii rt. 1 * ° ef-S *1 ii. , Krohn, became the charming bride of Attained at a family dinner at their. At,the last meeting of the Mothers' Mr Elmer Glosson, son of Mr. and home on Main street last Saturday club "held last Friday afternoon m the ' Mrs Math Glosson- Complete details evening m honor of their son, Corp. Leg,rn hall, election of officers for of the weddin7 appeared in last William Martin, who was spending a the ensuing year took place. The fol- ! week's issue of The Plaindealer ten-day furlough from his army duties lowing were elected to serve: Mrs. at Seattle, Wash. He returned to camp Harold Owen, president; Mrs. Kath- Sundav evening. Present from out of ryn Conway, first vice-president; Mrs? town at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wattles, second vice-presi- Glen Robison and Miss Helen Welch dent; Mrs. George Stilling; third vice- Entertain For Sfeldier Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MArtin enburned. McHenry topped the county in the number of inquests and inquiries held. Sixteen were accounted for here,.with Crystal Lake ruiming second w^ith f i f t e e n . . . . ' * : In the nation in the first year of the war , 47,20O American workers were killed in accidents. This id' six times as many fatalities as were suffered by Unted States armed forces cn All American battlefronts. Time lost through industrial accidents in that one year ending December 1 could have been used to build 100 Schoembeck aircraft carriers Oir 23,000. bombing ^ planes. ' . Granted ^ "V •, A divorce was granted to Esther M. Rudin, McHenfy, against Robert Rudin by Judge Pierce. They were married cn Dec. 3, 1936, Cruejty was charged in the complaint. • Hear Damage Suit ' Shortly after noon Monday testimony was being introduced in the $1,500 damage suit of Lorraine of Lake Geneva vs. of Woodstock. Announce Marriage Announcement has beemade of JAMES WALSH TAKES MISS SUE STONE AS morrow,' by Rachel Field. "Seventeenth Summer," by Maureen Daly Was discussed by Mrs. Angelse, Mrs. Bolger and Miss Bauer. The above books were all Donated to the Book Circle by the following: Mrs/ McKim and Mrs. Frank Beatty of Mc- Cullom Lake, Mrs. Bransford of Lily Lake and Mrs. Hugh Murphy. They were turned over to the public library in July, 1942. The fall meeting opened in October with a review by Mrs. Angelse of i "Song of Bernadette." The book was Marion Pretzman of RichmorfS. The donated to the circle by Mrs. Ray Mcplaintiff in this suit charges that her ! ^ee- Mrs. A. J. Wirtz was appointed • ear was severely burned while being secretary to fill the vacancy caused by j given a hair curl in the beauty parlor resignation of Miss/Bauer. Miss operated by the defendant on Aug. 12, ®auer resumed teaching after an ab- 1939. V. S. Lumley represents thejsence and was no linger j/ossible plaintiff in the case, and J. J. Mc-' 'or ^er attend meetings. Cauley is. counsel for the defendant.! For the November meeting, four pa- Coffee levers may be divided into ! A jury Was selected shortly after the pers were discussed by Mrs. Murphy, "STRETCHERS" USED IN COFFEE SHOWN 3Y NEW WATER TEST McHenry friends were happy to hear of the marriage last Saturday morning, at a 9o'clock low mass, of ning, Ga^. .The Thompsons are well known here, where they have relatives. • * * Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins enterpresident; Mrs. George H. Johnson, secretary, and Mrs. Robert Thompson, treasurer. r C. H. Duker, superintendent of the the marriage of Miss June Adele l^al hiRh school, was guest speaker Stone," daiJhter of "the°late - Thompson, second daughter of Mrs. of the afternoon. H,s interesting and ; Mr and Mrs L gtone of Wood. FlcvW Tbonn^oP of Congress Park timely subject was High School Edu- stock and James M Walsh> son of and Gerald Latshaw, son of Rev. and cation During Wartime. The musical Mrs M j Walsh of McHenry. Rev. Mrs.Latshaw of LaGrange. The wed- portion of the program( was furnished i Jos M E officiated at the cereding took place on New Year's day by Gordon Scholle, violin solo, Elaine „„„„ A • while the bride was spending the hoi-- Landgren, cornet solo, and Bonnie ' days with Mr. Latshaw at Fort Ben- Page, piano solo. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs. Peter J. Schaejfer, Mrs. F. C. Feltz and Mrs. Peter i G-ies. * | Hostesses for the next meeting, which will be held on Feb. 2 in the tained at a birthday party in honor Legion hall, will be the newly elected of the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. \ officers. / Ernest Lumber, of Ingleside on Wed- i • * • nesday evening. Cards were enjoyed! ; Entertain at U.S.0. and a tasty lunch served by the j The servicemen at the tT.S.O. fn hostess. IWaukegan were again entertained .by In attendance besides those men- | the McHenry Girls' Service Organifeationed were Mr. and Mrs. Frank tion last Wednesday evening. Forty- Lumber, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stick-Jone girls, including eleven from Woodels, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lumber, Jr., ; stock, made the trip and took eight ( close' friends of the couple. all of Ingleside; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ! beautiful cakes. j The bride and groom then left on a Hall of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. i Those who enjoyed making the j short honeymoon trip and upon their Ixuy Dalzeil of^Pistakee Bay. boys have a pleasant etwring to re-; return the bride will continue to make member were Catherine Simon, La- , her home in Woodstock while her huseille Simon, Alice Lowe, Marion j band wiTl resume his army duties at Krause, Evelyn Weingart, Virginia Baer Field, Fort Wayne, Ind. •isit the hospital wards and act as Sullivan, Velma Morgan, Beatrice I The bride who lived her entire life visitors to boys far from home was Williams, Angela Freund, Shirley jn Wwxfstoek, graduated from St. found to exist at Camp Grant. Sun- Heide, Evelyn Hay, Dolores Thelen, Mary's Mgfi school and for several day afternoon five girls under Ameri- Dorothy Heuser, Lucille Steffes, years has conducted the bookkeeping can Red Cross sponsorship, traveled ^anda Jepson, Virginia Miller, Ros- at the Hurley Motor Sales. Prior to to Rockford with Mrs. William Green salyn Miller, Lucille Blake, Helena and Mrs. Harold Owen. Misses Mar- Bernhardt, Laverne Freund, Lor- 3pn Krause, Lucille Steffes, Dorothy raine Freund, Lucilje Weingart, Mer- "Heuser, Julette Thelen and Beatrice cedes Stilling, Mitzi Durlantf, Rose- Williams made" the first start on this mary Kramer, Pearl Trapp, Nellie -most important work. Bernadoni, Dorothy Skoney, Florence A different group will be taken next Skoney, Shirley Salzman, Jean Salztime and it is hoped that at least one, man, Mary Bennett, Maryln Witmus, possibly two trips, can be made each Irene DeWolf, Alice Murphy and the montfi. Those who wish to volunteer three sponsors, Irene Bonrncksen, for Friday night, Jan. 22, may do so Minnie Green and Mary Owen. tftyw. Four more girls may go and the those who take their coffee "black and those who like all the "trimmings," but it is certain that no one BRIDE ON SATURDAY ;rsh!u 1° ®xchf n^e VfTuJ™ C>1" 1 fee that has been stretched with other mixtures, suggests Mrs. Clara Greaves Sweeney, McHenry County home adviser. A water test has been suggested as a means of determining whether coffee has been adulterated with chicory or other vegetable matter. The method is to place a teaspoonful of coffee in a glass a quarter full of water. Most of the true coffee wiTT remain on the top for a time, noon hour and this was the first of a Mrs.^H^ger, Mrs. Thall and Mrs. number of cases to be heard by the Wirtz on^Boston Makes War Qn petit jury. f Rumors." -- ---- : ^ j In December, Mrs. Paul Brefeld re- Read the Want Ads! " ' viewed "Invincible Louisa.",, The pu- FOR «'* . > t s" *7 Hardware and SEE US! We have ai complete stodk. NICKELS' Hardware Pho$* J :--: West McHenry Buy War Stamps and Bonds mony, which was performed Mary's church in Woodstock. ^ & s , ^ j ' r ' n b u t g r a i n s o f c h i c o r y o r o t h e r f i b r o u s vegetable material quickly becomes; waterlogged and sinks to the bottom, ; often coloring the water brownish. ! AfteiTfhe material has soaked for Iff i minutes, the water is drained off and'j the grains spread out in a dish1 or on j a piece of white paper. If, when-, j prodded with a match stick or twee*- zers, a granule appears hard and' re- i sistant and "jump away," it most j likely is coffee. But if it is plbstic,! almost like gelatin in consistency; it I is a foreign substance, probably chicory. Labels on the coffee package should' indicate that "stretchers," if any, and how much have been used. a two-piece bittersweet-colored dress of wool with which she wore black accessories. Her shoulder corsage was if white- sweet" peas. Mi^. T. F. Forrest, sister of the bride, serveH as matron ^pf honor, wearing a white wool dress with Kelly green accessories and a corsage of white sweet peas. Quentin Walsh, brother of the groom, served as best man. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at «the Crystal Lodge, Crystal Lake, to the wedding party and a group of relatives and Viait Convalescent Soldiers A definite need for small groups to his entering the service, the groom was employed as a salesman for the same company, WEDDING BELLS RING lOR ROBERT K. BURNS AND LILLIAN KEENAN «ar will leave McHenry at four o'clock. This work is carried on by the Red Cross Hospital Recreation staff and transportation is furnished by the Corps i - v •Vr Baptisai . At three o'clock on the afternoon of Jan. 10, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of Cicero Marie. CARD OF THANKS Word has' come to friends here of the marriage on New Year's day of Miss Lillian Audrey Keenan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Keenan was christened Louise Rev. Father J. T. Halpin officiated at the ceremony in Queen Mary, Queen of Ifeaven church in Cicero. Sponsors for the little girl were Sgt. Albert We wish in this manner to express 0f Oak Park, to Mr. Robert K. Bums, our appreciation to friends anrf neigh- son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of bors for spiritual bouquets, floral of- Oak Park and Hickory Grange. The springs, donations of cars, cards of ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock sympathy and other kindnesses ex- in the afternoon at the Oak Park tended to us during our recent be- Congregational church. reavement. We also wish to thank The lovely bride, attired in white Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke for his kind- satin, was attended by her two sisness. ^ - t ters, Marjorie and Eileen, who, wore MR. AND MRS. ALVIN i light blue silk jersey dresses. PETERSON AND FAMILY. " * ^^ICIAL PUBUCATIO^^ V ' Report of the Condition of ^ v .West McHenry State Bank • . McHenry, 111. (P.O. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and showing condition at theiclose of business on the 31st day of December, 1942. RESOURCES Cash and due from banks MANY AWARDS FOR FARM AND HOME WEEK ANNOUNCED) 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed • 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts j. . i ' - - • ' / 6. Overdrafts 7. Banking house, $3,999.00; Furniture and fixtures, $1.00 . .. .. • . .$ 551,491.40 615,301.00 194,430.82 576,320.98 32.61 4,000.00 Grand Total Resource# LIABILITIES Need Rubber Stamps! -Order at The Plaindealer. ' j Ray Kodsen served the groom »as /best man and William Brennan and Sixteen awards of $12.50 each, to ! cover the greater portion of the ex- I pense of attending Farm and Horned Week s e s s i o n s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f ' Illinois, are offered again this year to Illinois boys and girls from Pure Milk j Association families. Farm and'Home Week, streamlined to fit wartime transportation restrictions, will. be ; held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, February 2, 3, and 4, Applications for the P.M«A. awards must reach Dean R. R. Hudeison, University-of Hlinois, College of Agriculture, Urbrtna, Illinois, not later? than Wednesday, January 2TF. Any young man or woman 17 years or older frdm a P.M-A. family in Illinois is eligible. Tike requirements are simple: (1) TW letters of recommendation from residents of the community. (2) A iT>0-word essay on the subject ','OportuTHties and Difficulties of Dairy Farming in Illinois'" or on te subject, "Woman's Part ow Illinois! Dairy Farms." Selection of award winners is made by the University pf Illinois. Application blanks can be sweured from 12. Capital stock 1(4. Surplus 15. Undivided profits (Net) 16. ReServe adcounts ...... 17. Demand deposits 18. Time deposits ' •••^tal of deposits: 7 • (1) Secured by pledge of loans and'or investments ! 1™.....$ 84,891.96 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments • ' • 1,658,343.27 50,000.00 50,000.00 26,812.88 52,500.00 1,181,518.73 561,716.50 (3) Total deposits Other liabilities .$1,743,235.23 Ration f^rd Beauty Cme contains Revlon nail Enamel, Oily Remover, Whacking big special tUe Lipttick Phone 40 Thomas Keenan, Jr., were groomsmen. Following the ceremony a reception ! any farm adviser, or RjMUA. was held at the Oak Park Arms hotel or field service man. for 100 guests. A buffet supper was enjoyed later at the Bums home. The young couple will make their home in Oak Park. Those from here who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs Grand Total Liabilities Memorandum: Loans and Investments Hedged to Secure Liabilities: / . ' ^ : 3. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and^or fully guaranteed ...... 19,028.70 !_.^..._..,„$1^41,576.81 VERNON PETERSON mc vvcuuniK were mi. aiiu inrs. i Vernon ,P ,e,t erson was born, ,N, ov. 5, George H. Johnson, son, Frank, and 11? ' 'I*, ^nr^' 800 °f * • ^Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) .' 27. Pledged: (a) Against IT. S. Government and postial savings « deposits ; , $ (b) Against funds of State of Illinois : i; 97^)00.00 70,000.00 27,000.00 daughter, Marguerite. You'll adore the real leather case for your war stamps, ration cards, compact, etc. And, course, you'll adore America's best-loved^ nail enamel, because of the unrivaled way it stays Ml your nails! Wondcxiul value! Get todayt ger's Drug Store " Green Stresl MEAT RATIONING MEANS ONE LES5T~"-- PORK CHOP WEEKLY! Reduction of the share-the-meat allowance from 2% pounds is going to mean only one less pork chop or hamburger a week for everyone, a small price to insure an adequate meat supply for the armed forces and allies, according to Sleeter Bull, professor of meats, University cf Illinois College of Agriculture. While the 355 ounces of meat is 22 per cent less than each individual enjoyed in 1941, it is only 14 per cent, or one-seventh, less than the 10-year averfijg'^" Furthermore, the 35 ounce qiiota may be amplified with poultry, fish, eggs, liver, heart, tongue, sweetbreads, brains, kidneys and game, since none of these will be included in the rationing. t. Mrs. Alvin C. Peterson, who reside just east of McHerery, on Route 12©. He attended the public grade school ^here he graduated in 1938. He then* entered the local high school from which he was graduated with the class of 1942. Since that time, until he was fatally injured in an auto crash on Thursday morning, Jan. 7, he was employed with the local A. & P. store. Survivors, besides his parents, are four brothers, Charles, of Chicago, Sgt. Melvin of Fort Dix, N. J., and Richard and Donald, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Schaefer and Vivian Peterson, both of McHenry. Total pledged ..$ 97,000.00 I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly Swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and .•that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown 01 the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ( GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. Correct. Attest: ^ M^CARROLL^Dtoetors ^ATEWMtnois, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and before me this 5th day of January, 1948. "fSEAL) • . . ; - • C. J. Reihansperger Wtt. M GIRL SCOUTS ROBERT h. WEBER, Notary Pofckfe. DIRECTORS Carroll Joseph; W. Freund W*. A, Nye; M.K Gerald J. Carey * SIGNUP MEETING The AAA township signup meetings in McHenry county are being held Jan. 14, 16 and 16 from 8:30 a. m. to being as far advanced as we are now. 4 p. m. In McHenry the committeemen ] . So, Girl Scouts, let's really try to We have had two more lessens in Junior First Aid since we have come back from Christmas vacations. Last Monday, because of many absences, Mrs. Mclntyre didn't teach us anything new, but reviewed instead- This Monday we went on with the text and learned some new bandages. Mrs. Mclntyre urged all the girls to try to be at every lesson, because it is difficult to make up lessons-after MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBElt FEDERAL DEPOSIT TNSrRANCfS OORPORATTON BUY WAR BONDS and STAMPS f Ti "T -Y «Y*• Y T •Y t -Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y 7 •Y> will call at the farms. Subscribe for The Plaindealer! •be on hand 100 per cent for every les- : 4son until our course is finished. * ELEANOR SCHAEFER, Scribe.

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