Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1943, p. 1

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*4*'•'* 1 *. 'jr.4! * *• . ' f .'••*•• J' \-'iituffnf-k' • :" »'£ '#& ^ , » \^, ^ . 4 y* "V^y ^ .;• 4#-*' •£!• <-• <• •'i'tyyis"'1';" .» 'i!;,s 'F vf * ^ ^ ^ *- 4 - • ^ js'- "" -*'.. (, */ •*/ * „ ',»" 1 » _ * A s' .1 „ " , v 'V, ' y » ». *. r * * ; '\ .* n "s • - g , * ' , * - "*^, « 1 •frT.--*?1:f'i'!g^'";','. * * jr ' > **? .' • ' ^ ' k Ci"? „» /* , jT r- " j - . tt '1 4? ' Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1943 42 .1 •- -. .KdR^B 4,516 TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS GET WAR ROOK TWO SPLENDID JOB 18 DONE u' BY EE3IBTRARS \_ Much to the joy of everyone, registration for ration book two is over Sad the results show that 37,504 books were issued in McHenry county during the four-day period ending last. •'Friday night. , In McHenry 4,516 were registered, the number being the fourth highest MESSAGES FROM AGED RESIDENT MEN IN SERVICE *• y'&M3b*m "* * *•" » ' Dear Friends: -> -v';v. " I'm taking a few minutes to lilt you know that I have a new address and would appreciate ) your sending the : paper to the en- " closed address. It is almost needless OF JOHNSRURG ? DIES SUNDAY RED CROSS, WAR DRIVE IS GREAT SUCCESS OF EIGHT ALSO PASSES ; An the wir Ts7 yeJy ' I *round ?n.» •«**>*& do, :iated, a s you ve heard peter J. Williams were his many mJT™p£££d ' ***75. "da!"#d;,'W«r their bit and doing it iii £lso eir^}.r neW8of the death of; efficient manner. . Vy,:; 7 "* GRISWOLD LAKE SCHOOL RVRNS WEDNESDAY EVE oRiaor or FLAMBB IS UNKNOWN We are glad, proud and inspired "•*> report that the Annual Red Cross roll call and War Fund drive was considerably oversubscribed on the first day, and in behalf of your local Red Cross unit we wish to thank all the people of McHenry, Ringwood, Johnsburg, Lily Lake. Wonder Lake and the surrounding territory for their very generous response. And We ,, .. „ . .. • * , . want to paticularly thank and praise . , . , pla tuner of the Johns burg those patriotic solicitors, who trudged . •re unknown origin -- J--^ pletely destroyed the Gris wold Lake school late Wednesday afternoon, only an hour after the thirty-two pupils , , . , , . - --~ •••» ...--J a'\mrmw j- j school had gone home. The hundreds of men m fdends and relatives in McHenry. He 1 (/XTnln »wTf "i A two ^acher^. Mrs. Mary Andres and the service tell you died at his johnsburg home Sunday 'LThn,;l3fr mad® ,n Mrs. Malcolm Mclntyre, left the build, before I did. The eyeni Fe}) 28 ftt th<? of g2 He the thousands of home communities. the'wmtyr'HiSV^i*'«* Ilast tiv™ 1 Waf in McHenry I was in, had^^b^n'in^failingVe'aith7orthe^^p^t and defen3e "nters throu^h . . . . . ! v n n r rjfir-a o n / 4 a ' Hl nK. ! Af l n o " . . . . m . . . JT OUt the COUntr\' the workers for their long and tiresome job. .Rationing for ration book two was 4tte to an order of the government to conserve food. It was no easy task to register 37,504 in four days, but •nee again it proves that the home front can do a good job when called •Von. Registration by communities show the following resultti C r y s t a l L a k e . . . . 5 , 7 7 1 Cary Fox River Grove Algonquin your office and got s ' Global Atlas." yea^bit^"it"Was^ni^itoe De- OU^the countr>--P1&tes just lik* our®- Since I've been in Officers Candidate t cember that he was confined to his F°r m.any j «f"erations we Amerischool, in which I enrolled on Feb-1 ajj 0f time. i ns enJ°ye" t"e ®«cunty and the uary 14, I've seen any number of the j , , . . .. , i gifts of Democracy without being same. 1 rJhfn d?Q e®Se? ^ m V°l° on! called upon for any great sacrifice. I only had a few hours to scan the ^ 10, * Jut w hved hls e"tlre hfe; We had come to accept our democcontents before I had to take a geog-*£")e .°^"s rg vlclnity, except raoy as something that gave opporraphy and currefit events examina-1 * |lg e" years wh,ch he, tunity, benefits and privileges. And tion. A lot of the boys were called- ^ near prmg Orove- , we had virtually forgotten that it was before the board after those two tests. Mr. Williams was a buttermaker I community spirit and sense of tning at 4:20 and detected-<no signs af fire at that time. Yesterday was tlfe first day that school had been held until 4 o'clock, the purpose being so that the school year might end by May. „ Mrs. Ray Clarke, on passing the scene was the NEWS ABOUT ELEANOR ALTHOFF OUR SERVICEMEN SOON TO BECOME We ha#«ainterestmg talk this; II. An MY l||J||Ar week with Alfred Weingart, who is1 Wl Ml riI1,fl 1 •WHwl. home on leave, with his wife, from! •. * Our local soldier EXPECTS ACTIVE DUTY c o n s i d e r s h i m s e l f CALL MARCH 8 lucky to get two I " ' I furloughs in hi®| ... .. „ ... year of service. | Another McHenry girl has joined ths , : Alfred has been bringing the total to three, ofte = In one of the WAA^ £nd two army nuraes. The i; ija o s t interesting ncvre8t ln-ember of Uncle Sam's arm|y bttmches of the " Miss Eleanor Althoff, R. N„ daughservice, the Air-1 •r Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, ff; borne division for!who ^*s j°ined the Army Nurse | ' *; •; S' ^ • if, VT ->i\.' f ' glider training. He j reports quite a] thrill on his first ride. These gliders * carry jeeps, ammunition, four men i and two pilots and are towed by a transport plane to a height of about j , , , k , . c ,A i They are then released to ! of destruction at about 5:10,; reach the ground by thei power. ! te first to discover the flames. > Thfs Airborne division is one of the ! Huntley Union Marengo ... Harvard Algonquin Hebron ........... Richmond ...... McHenry ,<r. Woodstock .. 1,452 1,020 1,466 1,426 1,048 3,555 5,260 520 1,265 1,619 4,516 . 8,586 L b.': . j . - . 1 7 ^ 6 0 4 • ' • • • " • "There's been no official announce- •9tnt as yet, but war ration book three "Will be in your hands shortly, at least am rumor has it., Hie third book probably -will be vied in the equal distribution of those increasingly scarce items: fats, The Raven family had just previously j most difficult in the ^ ^ ^ Wh fi"1 £ °SJ\h . sf : <^ires a grtat deal of exercise, jl wasn't and never knew too much by trade and retired from that busi- dividual and mutual responsibility. ent'Lp 1 ^as one night ride on I about the "lay of the land." So may- "ess fifteen years ago. Since that that made the founders of this great hut thp fir,t e flnAP 'jK| ~ be that was a profitable purchase I time he has acted as caretaker at the democracy possible. inta«*t TWv unahio tn Ha. made that day. C'<,W' Peters estate at Plstakee Ba>T- The American Red Cross is one of termine whether the fire was caused It's a pretty rugged workout we Survivors include his widow, the our responsibilities, it is a very im- by defective wiring or whether there get at school here. A lot of the men former Emma May, to whom he had portant part of our war effort. You had been mice among the wires. dropping by the wayside. I will say, been married for over fifty years, two have done splendidly by it. No doubt _ t R , however, that I would prescribe the : daughters, Gertrude, at home and the boys in camps, on ships, or where- j l . u8'!* ** 4 regular training to be a little more of Mrs. Kathryn Smith, McHenry; one ever they might be around the world, „„°? #f ^aa0! e^*nn ^ i j8 i ---vv -- this type than what is given. We brother, Henry, of Ringwood, four when reading the Plaindealer will be •_ j. ' • t°n- ' #aS -i 8u "ne * jas J118 ST^der training is finished. don't only have World War II to fight sisters, Sister Jerojne, Milwaukee, proud and heartened by the attitude i- Lf e ms in® ° 0.' . ea ' n.^w ' . According to Alfred, the Plaindealer here, we also have the Civil War to Mrs. Kate Stoffel, McHenry, Mrs. of the folks back home. new noora-. inS"lat,OIl 0f the !18 ^e only paper that he has seen art » i , « %r , upstairs, new cupboards and a new i nving regularly at Fort Brag*. He settlements WE SALUTE "vou" ^ m™!! latte/' in.cidenta'1y< arr'7ed i *l8<> wants us to know that in spite v" jTj . • SALLTE YOu-- only Monday, after having been order-1 of all the favorable publicity concern. Yon did a swell job. ^ V i ed early last fall . , j ing the Carolina moon, the one in He CHART p|r RFmANqWltr^ 1 M" Andres lo6t much valuable Henry, is equally as bright. .CHARLES REIHANSPERGbR, material in the fire and many of the t 1 McHenry Unit Chairman, children lest their defense stamp I Pvt. Fred J. Meyer has been tranaj the glider and finds it quite a sensabasement I ti0n to drift earthward without know- j ing just when you will arrive. I The climate he reported as very i warm and Alfred missed our zero j weather. Alfred will report back to i Fort Bragg, N. Car., about March 9,! but expects to be transferred soon, j contend with. If you don't think it Eva Weber, Johnsburg, and Mrs. Jos. isn't fought all over again, you should Stilling, McHenry; two granddaughbe around herqr most any day of the ters, Wanda and Shirley Smith. week. Hoping the good old town is still as ever (best in the world), Best Wishes, C^NPIDATE LEO MEYERS, Fort Knox, Ky. Funeral services were held at 9:80 Wednesday morning from St. John's church, Johnsburg, with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Catherine Coaman - Mrs. Catharine Cossman, 47, a RAY McGEE, Roll Call ChainMu. ky Warwick)! ELEANOR ALTHOFF £TL TIL* FOR TOWN OFFICES The fstfowtng Interesting letter was 1 lived in Waukegan for the past twenreceived recently by Mr. and Mrs. i ty years, died last week in St. Therese «ils and dairy products. There may Henry Kinsala from their son, George, hospiul, where she had been a pawho is serving in Africa. Since tient for six weeks. The last day for filing petitions for George has so many frinds here, we She leaves her husband, John, four the township election, to be held on think these humerous sidelights on sons, John, Raymond, William and Tuesday, April 6, was Tuesday of this his new life will be enjoyed by alL Elmer, the latter in army service at week. Town Clerk Robert Conway * Robin's Field, Ga.; four daughters, reports the following filings: books. The pupils had bought $200 j ferred to Fort Pierce, Fla., from Fort worth of stamps since last September Warren, Wyoming. and some of them had kept them in' the school. pyt. Richard Win. Boherty is now ; Ha^H for many month^ Corps. Her cousin, Angela T>jnyan,. is also a member and has served in %e other foods slated for this book, bat rationing of dairy products certainly is in the cards. !Like book two, the third ration book Hi" be of the point-system variety. Plans for completing the school: stationed at Sheppard*Field, texas year are, being discussed today' (Thursday) at a board of directors' meeting. .... Eleanor has long felt the urge to rv_iu w r, . -- I «id her country and on Jam.' 28, 1943, Delbert W. Geary. 26, son of MrJobeyed the infpulse and enlisted at RESIDENCE CHANGES and Mrs Harry Geary of Grayslake the Recruitinp office in Chicago. Just received h.s as a second one month Uterf on Feb. 24> she re. lieutenant and his wings at graduaj tion ceremonies at Ellington Field, Texas. He is a fighter and bomber pilot. He was a member of the larg- Itfa going to seem like old times Dear Mother: - - ; Mrs. Helen Kutxler, Caroline, Evelyn FOR SUPERVISOR-- Hie Glosson brothers have rented in' this nearly rubberless country' Another beautiful d»y ended and I and Rosemary, all of Waukegan. ! Math N. Schmitt (Citizens Ticket), the Mrs. Margaret May place west of . . when mother takes to the kitchen for *ni one day eloaer to getting home. Services were held last Saturday _A, J ^e hous' occupied Forces Gulf Coast trainin/center wher< sh« undergo preliminary morning at 10 ocock from St. Anaa-.FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER-- by the Harold Justen family, who are _ .. opce? v*un coast training center. w ceived notice that she was accepted and should expect to Be called for active duty on or about March 8. Eleanor will be sent to Camp Grant, Ext summer's canning. Fo» shell be j I really haven't any complaints lately. . _ -- --- n-ik^rt h«. ^i.m" " "j training. From there her destination sap«plied with an ample supply of I'm feeling fine the best I've felt in a tasia church. Interment waa in Aa-. Joa. J. Freund (People s Ticket) moving from the Peter house friendg thi(. ^ . is unknown, although she has exjar rubbers as in the days of yore. long time and I believe I'm gaining censon cemetery Thees candjdates have until Sat- on the Pistakee Bay road, which heaVof his idvrnce^^ PPy pres ed a pi«eferenoe for overseas Allocation of reclaimed rubber has ! weight. A lot of fresh air, plenty of ] Patrick Carr lurday, March 6, to withdraw if they be tenanted by the new owners, Mr.. 8 » ^ |duty. She will be made a 2nd lieotenbeen made to manufacturers of rub- good food and at least nine hour* j Patrick Carr, 80, an old-timer in should so desire. *nd Mrs William Rothermel. - j. cu Andaman who m. Wr r i n g s , and the department of ag- sle«P has done wonders for me. | this vicinity, died at his home in Caa-1 Applications for absentee balloU The Edward Whiting family has j "j^ V»rence Anoerson, wno ^relienlture expects 30,000,000 gross will Remind me to try it some time when par, Wyoming, Feb. 21, according to cannot be made until after March 6. moved from the Guy Knapp farm near , be made The department feels that I'm home. Its a grand feeling to be word received here this week. He was Math N. Schmitt is the present su- Ringwood to the place formerly known L J . it's a good investment of rubber, since home canning will do a lot to iwitume food shortages. Sugar Ration completely rested. We are not al- a brother of Thgmas Carr of Wau- pervisor, and Jos. J. (Butch) Freund, as the Hutell farm, north of Johns.; .'a™M Thompson, who has been in conda and the late Frank Carr, pub- has been highway commissioner for burg. Hie Ott Shadle family, former the , i lowed out of camp after 6 o'clock in pub the P**1 the evening. There isn't any place lisher of the Wauconda Leader. Other to go anyhow, so we don't feel very survivors include his widow, Mrs. The office of price administration bad about it. I guess our gaurdians Ryan Cari\ one son, Patsy, Jr., of JKjrt week announced a slight reduc- are afraid some Arab women might Texas. tipn in the sugar ration. | get a hold of us. I've been told from Edward Loos Stamp No. 12 in book No. 1 will; time to time if I couldnt say some-! Edward Loos, a resident of Oeffbe valid on March 16 for five pounds,. thing nice about a person I shouldn't ling's subdivision, north of Johnsbat OPA said that amount of sugar say anything; so-o-o-o, I won't menwill have to last for eleven weeks, tion them anymore. •r until the end of May. We have a gouu vuileyball court and This represents a slight drop from I've been playing almost every night. --•He basic sugar ration of one-half I broke both my thumb nails and I ptund per person per week, or five, have a heck of a time trying to butpounds in ten weeks. j ton buttons and its also hard typing. " Officials of the OPA said they were! We have a dart game and a ping pong Burial was in Woodland cemetery; teuing the next sugar ration in five- 1 table and now all we need is a good pound packages to save manpower hop-scotch game and we will be all in packaging and handling and also set. About 7 o'clock each evening we can get a news report from the U. S. A. but I'm usually in the middle of ft j good volleyball game and can't^ hft -Ihe^Johns-Mansviile corporation rebothered. Its hard to imagine why, ports that Richard C. Stenger, 921 when there are so many inconven- Massena Ave., Waukenan. a former iences and so little pleasure around JicHenry resident, now Lake county several years. PFC. JOHN GLOSSON LEARNS CULINARY tenants of the Hutell place, moved to yj*r< h»8 been transferred to an un Ringwood. j dl8Cl<»ed P®8*- Atty. and Mrs. John Looze and _ . . family moved last Saturday from I _ Enjoying recent furloughs ant upon entering into service. 1938 Graduate Our newest service woman graduated from the McHenry Community high school in 1938 and from St. Therese hospital School of Nursing in 1941. Since that time she has been employed at that hospital, at 9t. were I Joseph's Jn Elgin, and for the past ART IN V. S. AKKYiUke U.«r W .t PuUise B.y «. ftwul! ™ TTFZZ prevent waste in repacking to amall afaees. burg passed away last Saturday, Feb. 27, after having resided at his present home for many years. He was 66 years old. The body was at the Peter M. Justen funeral home, where funeral services were held on Monday, with Rev. H. J. Miller officiating. RICHARD STENGER RECEIVES AWARD fOR SALESMANSHIP NOTICE A teachers' examination will be held fat the cotirt house at Woodstock, lliursday and Friday, March 11 and 12. Applicants must have one year here, one can't find more to complain representative of the Walfill company, •f professional trainihg. Examination ; about. I really don't mind it though; has received the J-M "Hi-blower" maybe its because I know it wouldn't award for his sales record in 1942. do me any good anyhowi I've been This award goes to all salesmen of fortunate in keeping occupied with- J-M blow-in insulation whose orders out much trouble and it helps in mak- ; for the year totaled $20,000 or more, ing the time pass by pretty fast. A total of 231 J-M representatives The mail is coming through pretty throughout the United States received good now. I have received a large, the award. Stenger was sixteenth number of Christmas cards the (past from the top of the list. 'Of the fifweek and also some presents. The teen who exceeded Stenger's volume, mail still takes about a month to get twelve were in the eastern areas, here but as soon as -the Christmas where drastic fuel rationing brought rush is over I think we will be get- an unprecedented demand for inaula- ! ting pretty good service. I received tion. . jyour box of cookies today. My hud- Congratulations are in order for our lies really enjoyed them. did it take for it to arrive surprised they took the trip so well. gpencer. Those cookies did a lot'of traveling. I went to Communion last Sunday and I also got a nice rosary from haplaln. Its a souvenir from Lourdes. I was cleaning house tonight and th*ew out everything I didn't consider essential. I found I have received over sixty cards and letters since my arrival in Africa. It was nice of them to keep writing even «ipens at 8:30 a. m. ETHEL C.COE, 41 Co. Supt. of Schools, v ANNOUNCEMENT I will close Ma's Lunch Room beginning April 1. I will serve sandwiches only in. bar room next door. I wish to thank everyone for past patronage. 4S KATE SHELDON. WITH FERRYING GROUP AMERICAN LEQI0N j and Alfred Weingart of Fort Bragg, N. Carolina. A recent selectee, Bob Ad^ms, spent the weekend at iu? home her*-:-.- • v." , MRay Page of McHenry Post, American Legion, past Pest Commander, Past County Commander and now State District Commander, has just received an Illinois D?partment warrant conferring upon him the title of colonel in recognition and apprecia- ; tion of his exceptionally meritorious j effort in district activity and memj bership promotion. Ray thereby outranks all Kentucky colonels. Robert Poherty, who has been stationed at Portland, Oregon, was in the I off hospital for ten days recently with the measles. ^ Firmin Deslage hospital in St. Louis. During her preliminary training the army nurses are paid a salary of $150 a month and are given a f200 Allotment for clothes. They work an eight hour day, with one day a week When traveling they are given In order to provide servicemen with a quick and hospitable local ' in" for civilian contacts at their stations while sti'l in the United States, the |4.00 for meals and tips in addition to the regular salary. The only civilian clothes that may bo worn are evening clothes. Miss Althoff has a sister, Betty, in her second year of training at St. Therese hospital. An interesting co- The Simeks, Rudolph and James, are, incidence is that her father began his both with the army, the former sta- army training at Camp Grant in tioned at Fort Lewis, Wash., and the World War 1 and later served for A new soldier on, oar growing list is Eugene F. Geary, BOW serving at Chanute Field. latter ait Fort Jackson, 8. Carolina. eighteen months in Franco. Received an amusing "correspond-1 FOURTEEN FROM w „ _ . , ence card for busy soldier^ this week McHenry Legion post recently mailed , from BiU Kinsala. On these cards the a ™t 0 er/I!d f ^'T, card ! soldier has merely to cross out what! to 223 of the boys. Already the post , he doe8n,t wgnt to frQm a | has received messages of thanks from of aIlswers. onl answer not more than t°n per cent of the reap- ; completely satisfactory was the last COUNTY BECAME CITIZENS MONDAY ients, who have made very good use of the cards. The letters sent to the servicemen al?o carried cordial vitations to become fi|£gionaires as soon as they become veterans by receipt of honorable service discharges. On March 1, fourteen McHenry county applicants for citizenship question were gjVen final hearing and became Congratulations are in order for our How long former fellow townsman. Mr. Stenger e. I was jg niarrjed to the former Berteele '•I I recently for an adult in First Aid. This class can be arranged if there are at least twenty persons interested. The proposed class, if it materializes, Births • ••••••»« • •••04 MO< Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce of son, LEANDER J. MILLER • Although he has not lived in this community for several years, many will remember Leander J. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Miller, of Route 1, McHenry, who is now serving in the army at Great Falls, wrote to you again and thanked you Ringwood are the parents of bom Friday, Feb. 26, at the Wood stock hospital. A daughter was born Sunday at St. though I haven't been able to answer Therese hospital, Waukegan, to Mr. them. I have been anxiously await- and Mrs. Ford McDonald of 512 N. ing a letter with my new address; avenue, Waukegan. so I will know that you know-that I'm well and happy. Let me know if and when you received notice of my safe .arrival. A card should have been mailed to you stating thit I arrived j^cHenry resident. safely and also giving you my new1 address. I see that I'm at the end of the j>age, so goodbye now. All my love, ^ GEORGE Dwnr Friends: I guess it is about time that I (Photo ky Warwick) JOHN GLOSSON This recent picture is of John Glosson of this city, who is now learning the art of fine cooking and baking at Kelly Field, Texas. John wrote to us this week, telling us how much he enjoys reading the hometown news each week. Dear Friends: I know I should hat* dropped yon a line a lot sooner to let you know I' will meet in two-hour, sessions once a am still receiving the Plaindealer and week, for ten weeks. It is thought appreciate it very much. j that the classes will be held on Fri- I changed to a different camp again, day nights at the local high school, being pent down here to Kelly Field Malcolm Mclntyre, teacher in the to a co<Jc and baking school. Quite a high school, will be the instructor, bit of difference from the tank des- If the course takes place, it will be troyer. Sure are plenty of airplanes started next week. For furthur indown here and at night its quite hard . formation, call Mr. Mclntyre or Mrs. to get to sleep. . jjoann Rulien, McHenry First Aid I have a good place to stay, just j chairman, either at the grade or high like living in a hotel. The building 1 school or at her home. one,, where Bill left five * marks after the statement, "I expect ^raYiz^ 'cjTizenT* of' the United to be home. He could have 8»ld , States. Hearing was given in the cir- "soon or 'We day,' but evidently u court of WoodatocK with Mrs; our local soldier isn t c. Co€ as ^est spt?aker. The guess about the future. I program was under the direction of v I Alice Joslyn, Americanism chairman Exp act Adult First Aid Pvt. Kenneth C. Krueger is with the 0f county, with the county Legion Class to Begin Next Week s army at Sheppard Field, Wichita AuxiTiary in'charge • | Falls, Texas. He left his Wpnder Lake Several requests have been made ! home last week and is in pre-flight training. Cadet LeRoy Hettermann has been recently transferred from Wisconsin to Iowa City, Iowwia . £ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Granger of holds l'?°° of 1 us a™* ™ haT,e tweiXe ° ; nAAl ^akIao anH stv KAWltttM O IaVq ITin Woodstock are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital Feb. 27. Mr. Granger is arformer pool tables and six bowling alleys. The eats are just about as good as any- i one could have. I am only eight miles from San j Antonio, Texas. I went to look it Remember to Attend thai Orchestra Concert Tonight Remember, tonight (Thursday), is Tbeir many friends la McHenry will IeSm with interest of the whereabouts of Ed and Walt Herrick of! Crystal Lake. The former has been; undergoing his aviation cadet training at Miami Beach, Fla., for on^t month, and the latter left last week for Sheppard Field, Texas, to bsgin his pilot training. These new citizens include the following: Christian S. Hanson, Union*" Tilda S. Nelson, Hebron. Emma Prusha, Fox River GroOft* Tago O. Nielsen, Woodstock. 1 Henry Hendrickson, Crystal LaJws. Klaas Faber. Alden. ° * Margaret Hamman, Crystal Lidce. Elizabeth Immens, Fox River Grove. Olga M. Harwood, Crystal Lake. Herbert Duckworth, Crystal Lake. Julia Zelinski, McHenry. Frederick C. Rossiter, Woodstock. ... Sarah Segel, Crystal Lake. Florence G. Svoboda, Fox River Grove. Jay Christy Jr., was recently *n* CHICAGO A NORTH WESTERN RY. ducted into the army air corps and Chanjfe in train schedules, effective is now stationed at Shepp"rd Field, gunday, March 7. For foil particulars, Texas. i see Ticket Agent. 42-fp The addresses of tlie following over Saturday night. Quite a few dif- the night of the annual orchestra con- ! soldiers, new on our list, were received last week for Fort DesMoines, lovm. It us a ; ferent things to see. One thing I cert at the Community high school.! last week: Pvt. LeRoy Meyers, Fort where she has been inducted into the noticed that would be a lot different The program will begin, as usual, at Bragg, N. Carolina; Pvt. Donald L. WAACs. She is the fourth membw of Anyone having a ticket Michels, Camp Hood, Texas; Pvt. the family of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mont. Leander ^entered service in for sending me the good old Plain- run around with see this letter, drop his shoes shined. August, 1942, <ind has been stationed dealer. It really helps me to keep me a line because, as you probably. I will close for this time and I want in .California, Salt Lake City, Utah,! track of all my old buddies. Most of know, a letter is pretty welcome to ; to thank you very much for the good Denver, Colo. ^Order your Rubber Stampe at Tho ffaindeatar. ' us are pretty well scattered out over i a soldier, no matter where he is. the states. Sincerely yours, I am working as bookkeeper sndj PFC. JAMES J. DOHHRTY. night diapatchor for ear tmasporta-1 •• .-.Anny Air Baa*, Tapaka, Kaas. tion whenever necessary. pretty interesting job. The weather has been swell out here . from out there, I don't suppose there 8:15 p. m all winter. In fact, we haye not had 1 are many little Mexican boys running which was purchased for the band much winter at alL ! around barefoot with a shoe-polishing j concert last month, may also use the If any of you guys that I used to ; outfit, looking for someone who wants ; ticket for this program. Tickets for just this one concert may be purchased for twenty-five cents. Proceeds from the sale of tickets for these two programs are being given to' the local Red Cross. Help oU Mefienry Plaindealer. Best Regards, - ' PFC. JOHN GLOSSON, ...-.Sin Aetoeisv liwis. Elmer G. Carolina. Meyers, Fort #5 Bragg N. Pflug to enter the military forces of the country. jf ^ _ Miss Ruth Pflug of Wauconda.' a worthy cause and enjoy ait evening J former McHenry ^ resident and era- «£ food oai "* ** James Doherty, located at Topoka, One of the county's first WAJj/Cs. Kans., is now serving !• the office Miss Frances Garland of WoodsTock, there, as bookkeeper. j well-known here, is now in Algiers. Africa, and has recently been proa motod to PFC. • of tibf~jp(rs1 A. store, left j .. Bead the W«t , !'l".

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