Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1943, p. 3

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5<1St • • ' t , *f« l •>. . * % 'raSgPR1 !PfP" RPP ; v- y j- ;;;.>? *r\* Thursday, April 8, 1943 THE lfcHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Tlirvq RINGWOOD 80H00L NEWS YOLO McCULLOM LAKE Told Tales **> SIXTY TEARS AGO '. !? _ y;f^ „„ " Iter. L. J. Dinsmore started'out on Thursday last, for the purpose of " raising funds to build a parsonage > on the grounds of the Universalist ; : society and has been so successful "that we can now say that the building » v ® • fixed fact. Up to this time about V fSOO has been subscribed. Frank Schnorr starts for Athol Dak. this week where he is going *, into the hardware business with his -^ "brother Fred, under the firm name of . •; 8ehnorr Bros. )%;: ^ F, A. Hebard has commenced dig- ;!(?* for the foundation of a new building on Brick and Wood streets. £V.ii! About si* hundred ducks were ship- '* V; ed from this station on Saturday ^morning. And still hunters are not PIPIT TEARS AGO Ed. C. Howard, sold his pacing colt, •Henry O" by "George O," to Chicago parties one day last week, for the handsome sum of $2,000. T. Bacon, who lives between this place and Wauconda, had a span of hones stolen one night last week and «p to last accounts no trace of them had been discovered. Frank Going has moved his family to this village and will occupy the Joseph Buch house on the West side. Duck shooting is now first class and some big bags are being brought ftwra the lakes, daily. . (By Frank Mnaxy and i f ; A Tommy Martin)' Frank Muzzy went to Woodstock and Richmond Saturday and Sunday. Sunday afternoon Shirley Neal took nine of the school children to the show at McHenry. Joe Carr stayed overnight with his grandmother Wiedrich. ; Donald and Richard Rinkenberger went fishing Sunday afternoon. Muriel Butler went to Woodstock Sunday evening. Jean and Carolyn Hay went to the show Sunday. LuAnne Batter, Susanne Muzzy and Dolores Betts went to the showSunday afternoon. A new family has moved to town. They have two children: one in the third grade and one in the sixth. Billy DeWolfs father is working in a factory in Woodstock. ° Leo Wynor is a new scholar in third grade. Mrs. MeAde directed an art lesson during the P.-T. A. meeting Friday afternoon. Wesley Hunt's uncle is doming home on a furlough. The downstairs drew Easter rabbits Friday. The third grade is finished with their arithmetic. The third grade made a volcano in the sand box. Our Washington : 4 -By-- Editorial As^Ago. (By Mrs. Lloyd Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wiser of boy were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta In Reunion Islands Snow Rare, Rainfall Torrential Reunion island is a. land in which earthquakes, volcanic turmoil, gera. (By Marie McKim) niums, cloves, and vanilla are prof OttP pal, Jim Pupik, tells me thai duced"with'"qua™ acUity* ilast ISJerry Cermack and wife spent ten land of France's empire 'to remain »»u wrs. „ames vaienta of Chi dfdn't k^Ji t^°' Je"y U?de[ JJchy control, Reunion is caeo snpnt Sunday w Jlm was WOTklnP. so he about 430 miles east of Madagascar SFJSuJFi^k si tort™ 1-r°URht 0Ut 3 i0ad °f gravel fiX hiS 111 Indian °cean. Althnfifh Being StaiM Methods of conferring the dimensions of depth on motion pictures ara still being~Sotrght. . . • ' V K^cp Corn From Mixing * Cbm breeders usually separate^ varieties by 80 to 100 rods to prevent cross pollination; • mail and telegrams from the folks back home will have more to do with the attitiide of Congress toward taxation and farm legislation than all other pressures. The military and naval battles raging on all fronts in which our forces are engaged take on a semblance of routine .compared with these domestic matters having grave political and economic implications which give the solons cause for concern. Actual voting on a proposal to override the Presidential veto of the so-called Bankhead farm price parity bill and reconsideration of the Ruml and other tax adjustment plans will be stalled by parliamentary devices until tests of sentiment among constituents can be correctly gauged. T%e return of the tax measure to the House Ways and Means Committee for further study did not, as -expected, effectively submerge this red-hot economic issue with such heavy political trimmings. The wardriveway. Poor Jerry had to do all the : from the beaten "path ReuniW'fun^ work himself. He went back he * L.m. - u _ , - - _ -- ; like a dead duck. This is a good pi ^me of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cham- j to spend a vacation working hard. Washington, April 7-Volume of j Chtaig,?1thl'like'* h°me ctions t as a ^tle dice of France.' A ail inH toii»»o«. *---- . - - - - tne Uke place mountainous, egg-shaped mass 39 ( miles long and 28 miles wide, the Mr and M« • * J John Scharfs received word from ! island varies its climate according to Sundav^t w- spent. jtheir son in! Australia assuring his j altitude. Peaks rising from the cen° Mr. and Mrs. Bernard^lnkT ofthat-h- W*3 enough to . tral. region tower 10,000 feet. From Friday night a 4-H meeting was • ring House factions are endeavoring held at the schddl house. Twenty ; to reach a compromise while marking nAtra ami wtwla mhaoa*.! <- . _ _ J i_i« . • ® Evans ton spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Florence Grabbe of Crystal I>ke spent Friday at the home home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. be discharged from a hospital there,! the hot coastal area to the cool highafter suffering from malaria fever. j lands, plant life reflects the changes Mr. and Mrs. Mision and daughter | * temperature. Upward from the were visitors at the Scotnic home on j shore with its belt of towns, the Sunday. sugar cane and him country stretches Mrs. Adams received a letter from ! t°..the forest zone. Beyond is the T,,«r,i«and* Wiser spent her son, Everett Ingersol, who was mUe hi«h plain where European I^Mday at Sublette 111. . J I inducted a short time ago, informing vegetables are grown. Reeds and ^ t, ,i' «-T-e f6Ct : her that he passed his examination coarse grasses ring the moss-capped gating the death ; for the air force. What his duties are Snow i, ifare>- Rainfalj is of her father, Richard Dus.l. ! he did not say. Good luck, Ev. Mrs. Herman Danker and daughter] Mr. and Mrs. Petches and Mr. and of Capron were Sunday visrtors at j Mrs. Rochelle are back to stay, I hope, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd for good. Mr. McDonald, father of Hugh, eelboys and girls were present. Several games were played. Mr. Brock, county farm advisor, talked to the boys and girls about 4-H work this year. SLOCUM LAKE FORTY TEARS AGO Robert Schiessle is building a neat (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Mrs. James Thomson of Williams Park visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fannie Wilson, in Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kunz of Williams Park were .callers at Libertyville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson of Williams Park were business callers at Crystal Lake and Lake Zurich Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of picket fence about the vacant lot east | ?hica^ ^day at the «f his brick block. It's a cinch that Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Burkhart the hoys will not roost on that fence at^Wdliams Park. in the good old summer time, or any „ Ghesney Brooks was a caller at Mc- '«lhrddtiM HvryS2E' W ^ ^ A. B. Severs closed his barber shop *r a"Jr Mrs^®nry an? fia this village last week and. went to ^r a an„d M". WjHiam Burghgraef and Woodstock to work in the Oliver Mrs" Frank Hulska of Chica,ro were time and public reaction to the present tax stalemate. Predictions are that the Senate may decide to ignore the President's unusually forceful language in his veto message on the farm price measure. Not so in the House where the members boast that they are closer to the people than their colleagues in the Senate. The White House disapproval has confronted Congress with a test of organized tytrs. Fisher. Mrs. Frank King enjoyed luncheon at the home of Mia. Earl Heronimua in Wauconda Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George attended the funeral services for the latter's father, Mr. Dusil at Berwyn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fre ebrated his eightieth birthday Sunday. The Emery Sawdo family of Berwyn spent Sunday with Lee Sawdo and family. Kate Schaefer had a birthday on April 2. Mrs. Boyle and son, John, spfent th* last, few days of his furlough in Elmpeaks. torrential between November and April. Rivers overflow their hanira only to dwindle to rivulets in the dry season. . Bfoskrata' Medications ' A ^txwiisiana biologist says' muskrata keep any wound clean by constant licking, and if the flesh becomes infected they dp not hesitate to gnaw it away. Busier Than Ever The Tourist Information offioa at Ghicoutimi, Quebec, reports it is busier than ever--helping new wat workers arrived in the provinca. factory. Joha Ragncr has given np his job •s atone cotter with John H. Miller •ad will seek work elsewhere. Ed Thurwell left for Elgin Monday fcMmring where he has secured a position with the gas company of that e*r. THIRTY TEARS AGO Butter was declared-firm at 35 cents fm the Elgin board of trade Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barker are now Soaking their home at north 'Crystal I*ke, where the farmer is employed fn a harness shop. Lewis Weisemann, a retired milk dealer of Chicago, has moved to this village and taken up quarters in the Jf. P. Steilen house on water street. Will McHenry have saloon No. 13 Mr will the village board have sand Chicago were dinner guests last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Libertyville were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. S. Tallitsch of Chicago was a caller Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darrell at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren of Wauconda spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mrs. Wililam Matthews spent Tuesday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. Swansen of Highland Park were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. mont township were Friday evening wood Park. He left Friday eve to revisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. turn to his post and take up his Lloyd Fisher. , duties in the army air corps. Mrs. Herman Dunker of Capron [ Arleen Madsen's husband is ndw called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j with the armed forces in the west for Walter Vasey Tuesday. almost a month. Mrs. Frank King visited her daugh- | Louie Diedrich, who is in the army ter, Miss Miriam King, in Waukegan j in the east, was a visitor at the Kurth ^Paging Bliss Past Wednesday. ! home on Sunday. Pl4»ate Charles J. Brown of thi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener of j Some of our Chicago folks but over ®^th Bn,, Camp Barkeley, Texas, blocs' strength Th*' > ChicaS° 8!>ent Tuesday evening at the ; the weekend were: Mrs. Sutos and 1 has at last the problem of SSt hii^SSn*w2^"imS L t^ih°me °f Ut Mn Anthony Weg- ] friends, Mr. and Mrs. &ser, Art O.! ***** at USO and camp dances, deep convTcSn SS mZi i. L, Iener- "" I Andersons, Bennetts, Colins, Theresa | 8 of etiquette pretionary in character"^Tnd "™n inSlJH• M.F* Wegener are land Bill Schultz, Dr. Piasina, Lock ' weU-mannered solrantable bonus at the expense of the consumer" was calculated to place the i responsibility for marked increases in foodstuffs squarely on the lawmakers. The other powerful lobby, the trade unions, has also added to the woes of the farm bloc by suddenly switching their position regarding wage increases. They have stated that the labor groups were anxious to keep living costs down to the September 1942 level and might forego their demands for wage increases if inflation could be held down. This strategy Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY - SATURDAY Robt. Taylor, Brian Donlevy Charles Laughton, Walter Breonaa 'STAND BY FOE ACTION' Also News--Cartoon '.W SUN. - MON., APRIL 11-12 Janes Cajney Joan Leslie Walter Huston "YANKEE DOODLE Hf;, DANDY" ' Pine--Cartoon and Nea#-^i% TUESDAY NOTICE! Ia order to save war supplies and robber, this theatre will b* closed on Tuesday of each week ! v WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY » Fredric March, Veronica Lake "I MARRIED A WITCH" an unwar- I le^ng Chicago April 15 for the ' family, Mr. and Mrs. Forty, Mr. and <fjer wil1 not cut in on a dance until state of Oregon. Mrs. Diskis, Harkers, Edmonds, the coiiple has danced 2S steps. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Burg and Schmaus family, Zowda family, Law-1 .. . may- a he *° desires, stalk family and Mrs. Frank King were rence family, Mr. and Mrs. Felz and .?.1S ^^t1^,,counting ki his ear: "10, Waukegan callers Saturday. children. A. Bur«r familv th«. A.mM 13- provided he "(By Mrs. Charles Freund) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Wagner and soni, Herbert and Richard, visited Vernon Wagner at 'Great added to the predicament of the farm ' Lakes Training Station last week Sunprice advocates and who would bear day. SPRING GROVE children, A. Burg family, the Ames family and the M. Berg family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heft were visitors in the Otto Pyritz home Monday evening. •, ; counts cadence" aloud in rhythm with the dance. r /• the burden of blame for inflation. Another bitter pill was the official A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Mark Pierce on Thursreport of the Department of Agricul-' day afternoon in honor of her birthture: 'Price rises in recent months!day. Cards furnished the entertainhave been greater for agricultural ment and the lovely prizes for high William M. Carroll, Attorney-at-Law Woodstock, Illinois. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Peter J. Williams, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all perthan for nonagncultural commodi- scores went to Mrs. Frank Sanders, | claim date in the est£te of peter j tie^. . , , iMr«- Nick Freund Mrs Leon VanjWilIiam deCeased. pending in the Officials of states, cities, counties, Every and Mrs Ella Siegler wh.le (Coun Court q£ M^Henry County, towns and villages will probably re-1 consolation went to Mrs^ Frank May. j IUinoi and that claims m> ^ filed sent the findings of the Federal Com- At the conclusion of cards a delicious mninst iht> sniH oatn,p nn h.fnr» mittee on Intergovernmental Fiscal lunch was served. Mrs. Donald McCafferty and son, Tommy, spent the past week with Mr. Relations after a two-year study. They reported, "Local governments, particularly city governments, are in i and Mrs. Tom McCafferty. They rea ' bad way" from the fiscal stand- j turned to their home in Indiana on point, and to extricate them calls for Monday. reorganization of the sources of local Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen of revenue." Desperately in need of-4 Johnsbufg were visitors in the Frank revenues, these governmental subdi- Wagner home on Tuesday. visions may find themselves obliged to Mr and Mrs. George Kattner and accept the recommendations which children of Chicago spent the weekthis committee sent to the Secretary erd with his parents Mr. and Mrs. of the Treasury, especially of they John Kattner. want to find a market for their secur- i Miss Lucille Freund of Chicago against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERTRUDE WILLIAMS and KATHERINE SCHMITT, Executors. (Pub. March 2$--April 1-8) Tkt Beautiful .IIOVAI! CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry Co's. liadisf Tfccatrc wndch to say no? We should think U1I. ai,u ^ ^ . u u twdve in a town with a population of Elmer Esping and Mrs. C. H. Hansen 'ties. One outstanding recommenda- j spent Sunday at her home here would be more than enougjbuv TWENTY YEARS AGO Ground was • broken on Wednesday ff this week for a modern new bungalarw to be erected by Jacob Schaefer ifn the lot he recently purchasd on the corner of Court and Washington Streets. Frank Thurlwell expert mason is How a member of the McHenry Artifeial Stone A Construction company, |mving joined that concern the first of the month. Installation of two of the very latest improved Powers projectors toiler with an automatic change over attended "the" spwiaf meeting "of "the j tion called for reorganization of local; Mr. and Mrs. John Jung, Mrs. Ford inois, and that claims may be O. E. S. at Mayflower chapter last i r e v e n u e sources should be effected S Hanford and Eddie Schmitt visited again8t the 8aid estate on or before Friday evening, when Mrs. Hansen " in such manner as to preserve and Robert Hanford and Eugene Jung at said date without issuance Qf sumwas initiated into the order. restore local autonomy, and to enable! Sacred Heart Seminary in Geneva,- The Ladies Auxiliary of the Fed- I ^oca^ governments to tax their own re-' Illinois on Sunday. In tne evening erated church of Wauconda met at the ! sources, according to their own dis- they enjoyed the Senior class plaj^ home of Mrs. John Blomgren last | "etion, without the development of A1 Schmeltrer. who was confin'd to Thursday, with Mrs. George Lundgren , "lore overlapping m taxation." These his home by illness the past weekha* of Wauconda as co-hostess. Twenty-1 findings will figure prominently in recovered and is again able to be up eight ladies were present, with sewing Political campaigns for public office j and around where taxation is an issue. j Mrs. Nick Freund visited friends War is changing the complexion of! j" ^i r i 1 ii5^on He,^ht<' and PesPla,ne8 ine puiiwac U1 UCICI IIllI11Il(5 Uncle Sam's prison population. New Millor Mrs Josenh . to be taken in correcting defective optypes of offenders are listed as jail: w'amwai Mra «™tion of a sewer on John street, inhabitants. Selective Service viola- Kattner, Mrs. Frank Wagner and Mrs. tions are reported currently to Fed- William Engels attended funeral sereral attorneys at the rate of 12,000 of the former Barbara Thelen per month and usually net about two 1 in Chicago on Wednesday. VERNON J. KNOX, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Mary F. Knox, deceased. • Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 7th, 1943, is ; the claim date in the estate of Mary ! F. Knox, deceased, pending in the County Ccurt of McHenry County, 111-, filed jfetht and visiting the past time of the after noon. A delicious lunch was served. Watch It! Boys . . . American troops landing <m the shores of Morocco and Northern Africa have been warned against flirting with Moslem women who hide moos. PAUL F. DOHERTY, Executor. (Pub. April 8-15-22) , City Council Proceedings A special meeting of the city council was called by Mayor Overton for the purpose of determining action FRI. ft SAT^APRIL t-1# Lin Chaney, Dfck Foran ia • THE MUMMY*S%TOMB* Itaaaiy Rogers, Mary Brian in "CALABOOSE" Sun., Mon. & Tues„ April 11-13 Sunday continuous from 2:45 p . a. TVrone Power, Maareen OUara in "THE BLACK SWAN** H'gh Adventure . . Fiery Romance in Flaming Technicolor ! ! Pius Latest March of Tinie WED. & THURS., APRIL 14-15 The R. A. F. Thrill Spectacle • "MINE OF OUR AIRCRAFT IS MISSING" Loaded with Death for Nazis! Also Popeye, News, Pete Smith That WED.-THURS. Event 'PuAPi'/jcick if.eaid MILLER t... k SATURDAY ONLY--APRIL It Roy Rogers in "SHERIFF OF TOMBSTONE" Plas--u. 'POWER OF THE PRESS' with Guy Kibhoe SUN. A MON, APRIL 11-12 •OBERT TAYLOR - Brian Dosdevy Charlea Laaghto* "STANDBY FOR ACCTTI^jl 0H" TUESDAY-BARGAIN NITE Prices 11c-20c, Tax Incl. 'MOUNTAIN RHYTHM" W#d., Thars. ft Fri, April 14-15-16 Maria Montez in "ARABIAN NIOHT^fr in Technicolor 1. to three per cent of this total as in- Chicago Pvt. Victor Blink of Jefferson Barjust been completed at the Em-j feminlne charms behind veils. mates of Uncle Sam's prisons. A! racks- Mo. is enjoying a furlough vis P**® theater. j The veil, to a strict Moslem worn- large number of these violations arej'tinST friends here. S. H. Freund was on Tuesday of, an, is a curtain of respectability adjusted in the field without prosecu-! T%ie Charles May family were Sun- - . n . . fitti ^ Dur. this week ^re-elected supervisor for .creenJng her from the eyes of the ;tion, in court and committal to jail. dey dinner guests in the home of Mrs. ™ All members were present and participated in the meeting. Alderman Buss moved, and was seconded by Alderman Regner, that due to an emergency arising, the4 city council proceed to make necessary repairs on the John street sewer main; the town of McHenry. AUCTION world. She is never seen unveiled by any man other than her husband and th* man of her immediate family. - . (chased from James B. Clow and Sons, About one-half of the violators of the ,*• »• freuno. 'as per foundry quotation as read, and Draft Act are those who refuse to, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wirts and children constructjon work to be done by fight because of so-called religious or of McHenry spent Sunday with her. Xonyan Construction Company. » j philosophical reasons. Some of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown Order your Rubber Stamps at The other draft dodgers are considered : Mrs. Albert Britz and Mrs. George Plaindealer. SUNDAY APRIL 11 2M P.M. SHARP Electric stove, with cable-- less than two years old. : Heatrola--Burns either coal Piano and bench. Two-piece living room set-1- In good condition. Day-bed and mattress. * Dining room table and odd ebaira, - Tent (size 8 ft. x 8 ft.) good condition. Camp stove. ; White sink. Iron bed, spring and mattress. Two dressers. One 9 ft. x 12 ft. rug. Other small articles. - Carl Larson Owner I Ringwood, IIL ~ BRKNNAN, Auctioneer •IT TOUR MINIMSwDBMiaiM nhMK Mast families buy one home in a lifetime--that is their biggest and mast Important investment. That being the case, you should give,it the best of care. Good paint is a good investment. MARTIN-SENOUR MONARCH HOUSE PAINT FIRST COATi Monarch Primer ^ SECOND COATi Monarch House Paint ke Famous Monerffc . J wo-Product Syit«§ SiHCB 1878 Martin - Scnour Company have carefully guarded tha quality of MONARCH House Paint. JohnJ. VydtalHdwe. Gree« Street FIMM 98-M mental cases or "queer". Others are w. May and daughter, Georgia, spent 1 just "ducking the draft" through false Monday in Waukegan. information to local boards, but the : Mrs. Glen Waspi and Mrs. Ed Karls percentage which are in prison of Chicago were callers in the Math through this device is relatively small. Nimsgern home Sunday afternoon. Some inmates are the result of mil-! Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer were itary court-martials. Another source guests in the Charl& Freund home of prison registrants are young girls ; on Sunday evening. < committed for prostitution in the vicinity of Army camps. Most of these girls have never been previously sentenced, although some have minor arrest records. The Federal government's present population is increasing at the rate of 3,000 to 5,000 a year. There is a small army of volunteers who make an important contribution to the home and war fronts without j any expectation of publicity. About j five thousand individuals serve as ob- | servers of rainfall, and things like j that, throughout the country. They • are the co-operative observers of the I ! United States Weather Bureau clim- j 1 atological service who usually sefve! during the growing season without : pay. Congress was informed recently : that these people take much pride in \ i their service and even resent any at- j tempt to place a valuation on their; ' work by compensation from the *or-' ' ernment. , Symbolic Colors In Rugs Tha Chinese have symbolic colors: Red signifies fire and the south; black, water and the north; blue or green, wood and the east; white, metal or mist and the west; yellow, earth and the center. And Good, Too A rich meat and vegetable soup is almost a meal in itself. Start the pot boiling with a beef or ham bone, or bones trimmed out of the roast, and later add vegetables. Votig Yes: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner. Voting No: None. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, saeondsd by Nye, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EAUL R. WALSH, City Clerk. aiwhw af 'H. B.' en Letter "N. B." at the bottom of a letter •tands for the Latin phrase nota bene, which means "note well," and ia Used at the end of a letter or note to call attention to some matter that la specially important. ir . OTTO ADAMS, Prop. and Night Towing Service Auto and Farm Implement Repairing \ Blacksmithing and Lawn Mower Sharpening Sinclair Oas and Oils Day Phoner€40-J-2 Night Phote; 640-^2 m Platinum Is MaUeable Platinum is described as being malleable, which means capable of being rolled. It is listed as follows, with regard to its malleability in comparison with other metals: Gold, silver, copper, aluminum, tin, platinum, lead, iron, nickel and zinc. Pure platinum in the compact state ia very malleable. Sobacribe for The Plaindealeat VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES BONDS AND STAMPS a Civc YOUR CHICKS gtwozow DRINKING WATCH CROr AND INTCSTINCS 1ST, ACTS IM DRINK tfUBH im tail bactwift vail a eomei in eontMt Utut. ISO, ACTS IN CROP! Onttuur fMtaaU Mr purify drlak. W I am* in alw ptdNd op MR W' Mr-dtoppiasL Ommtmm AO«S to WW. tM. 3RD, ACTS IM l«fT*STINES. Omni l§ not eair n Htrinaant hi tautlm. aelwe* walnat h*mT«lUot«to Uiar*. TiluU* for imin, bo««l antei. 4 m. 40c; If w. TSe; II m.. II-MBolger s 108 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 42 iMffCAH nKmflHvi Have yonr cleaning done now before the Easter rush. Have your fan and coats stored in onr cold , storage vanltft. Bring your clean ififr to our Cash and Carry Store • and save. 'Wf. n • - >

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