toils, Jt ( , • -,>v. V •,/ '-. " «\V if,: • " • v*' >*vrv-i- to- m *• ' -sv . • ' V : % ' • 1 „ •- '-*» ; • ' v,r. THE GOVERNMENT of the United State* b asking in to lend ft IS get tbtot in doiiy yonr billion dollars in the next few weeks. We can do ft. / do it. Every American must realize the truth : one of the favors of your life! For United States War Bonds are the greatest investment in the world ? *_Hnr none. Thev'ra investments tailored to fit your particular situation, ; a lot of , V\. • ' Wt've Got to Build Morel rrt. 4 Dated 1st i 2-9% • year if held : $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000. Redemptions 2HH , $500, $1000, Series *€? Tax Notes; %% Certificates of Indebted, uess; 2% Treasury Bonds of 1950-1952; United States Savings THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES.. w<s •--**«> r%l AGATHA SHOP A2AKANDER LUMBER OOl BARBIAN BROS.--GROCERY and MARKET BETTY NIELSEN'S SHOE BOLGE^'S DRUG STORE BUSS MOTOR SALES * CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE r v•/•W' I W WALTER J. FREUND TIRE SHOP FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP GLADSTONE'S DEPARTMENT STORE GREYHOUND BUS LINES--Gas Unti, Agent HESTER OILS JACOB JUSTEN & SON--FURNITURE KENT & CO.--REAL ESTATE si: KARLSCAFE HcGEE'S CLOTHING STORE CO. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSN. McHENRY ICE CREAM CO. McHENRY LUMBER CO. MI PLACE TAVERN OVERTON MOTOR SALES RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP, • • • • : •• . . . . ' ^ JOBS sTOFranjlarL MKRCHAKBISI SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES VYCITAL'S HARDWARE feri WEST McHENRY 8TATE BANK A. WOEWICK--PHOTOGRAPHER R. WALSH--INSURANCE ' WATTLES DRUG STORE -v4 , •: . t- i / -w