Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1943, p. 9

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' ' • < fi-*- J ""-V - .«• .«., • .**« - *»• , -\ \ *--, \tr ^ f ;*e-* ~.v ' 'g * <~ >'•>" h A* '-J*' ' « r -- • / ' - ; » > ' * ! - ' • ? ' * v v * * , - V * ' : / " Y ^ '*>. -u ' * j : t..CJ$ik(*pJ&£ A* »>?** •+<*&. v&lM&iM Tr»,jfc. a - J, i-- ^ --.w.^.. ir^.... . • J» H* "„„ • TP- 'T * V*T*~ »'* :\a >J :' ^ E|:| i, ?; V 'b ;i :;1 * /*•>, - _ 4 *: . ..'.*•' \ r McReary County, Illinois . { -.;... Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year Ending April 1,1943* ]•$!$&* SUPPLEMENT TO-- McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHenry, 11L Thursday, AprU 22, 1943. p» Special April Meeting, • i it 12 " ' Tax AnticipaUon Warrants ....20,wn).Oo total 1 Receipt* - • • - J 1,7 5 4.9* "Grand Total ...i.v,.............>14i,7ul.h© j » ii, i»43 and audit-j All ©f. which is respectfully submitted, ;ss luin-d by Alfred Goethel and Hat t ie V. .' E." 'iwi»". ' . jm* uk » ooiiijU j; ;* '•'• i>. A. - ci 1 vk Ivv* ; \<-'_vjoci nel. me owners oi s>aid suodi vision, . i». Ciawson - M • ^ t(Mt saw ue \\naica . wue V. ^ Carroii '• » \>* AVo«»<is> «*»> .!Koi '.», o i AtV ART ' jUi esented ; and read to me i>oara, ihe ti. •* . KuevK$r -. ..... ?y%*. m m *• « *>r ^ ^tummrii The Honorable isoara of Supervisor* County Orders ..$16,223.60 ^. ,Aicx»«uiy vwunty, ihinoia, i&ti » n>«fiwiky uratia ipet#i sc,«iun p^isuiiii w ue iuuuw- t,nna l tnsions •.' lh« cait bijjiicU uy n»ore tnan otie-ij'iJUd Mcuiers i ensions m .i» ut mfr Cuai;i liyUM m- Mutor • Fuel. Ta*. Fviiui' the citj oi vyoousi.ocK on 'iuesuay, the ,untt.eritance Taxes 14 tw«i>w'-ui»t uay oi Apt 11,/A. 'U la*iS sheep Claim irom Uog Tai t'd 1344.00 at tne hour or ten o ctoC^ A. M. war ' i'l oliation ofticer 4-- A*»U-VW' time, 'lue Cicia n ceriincaie oi uiaitiuj; Grana and l etit Jurors . .. ..... 116.4U notices puoiisner s ceruncate ut ; County i rea^uiei t> jjaiary .... *1. C. Mt-iKii jf' U. S i 1" N , on the 11th uay oi <tpt ; <u Ciuu ol'Uei eU IWIU i ituiaic cuai6uiute IV f wyutu| i a.tioi o>«t<iUt uOiC Xul aappiicto auu 1 AM*' ^uitMvy uwn«u uuiuuiiti> una muor w, l Ui(i COUII».>. tuOA 1 IUU>« tutu uu auu aeWi ioial vi uiie cuui'tixiuic Lu luc tti iuu Ale Henry County anil leiommeiuied fpr uuiin .ot uvmuus ior . ... . nereiutoie upp<o\ea by inis tJoui a w«r« lioard, to-wit: autiited anu oraered paid as toilows wi iiiun toiiBtni ana approval ;Caa©.- «»' • ot C . Tiyon, couiuy Supernuciiuent »rantc. c. rems 'oi hi«nwtijs of Mt'ttfiiiy \uumy, inr i>«j J.. StvMart cr anu waver connection to";• 1 T'he'f^UoWlng ixeswiutions the .Vacation 01 sala plat was present Joi.n K. rial i i»on"Tr..."^ »i.»U cneirtuiig i L,.?,.'. 8l.t# -'...... pel liusBioji to i iupio»e v.euain loauds iii eu uiu («au to the Uoara. to-wit: hemy M. Tui "net;;. ' lit." tup County ;i»uoi 'systeiu ot appxo\«i by uu- ivoatl and .h •.,<!*« Com- To the Honorable u„ar.i nfsn^iW l- rank Ma.v y'.- Hartlahd^..^^;^.^:^;_«-,^^K:-::; 7S.70 r aaiAir aim: uiatw. utia «,t <«%*» nut tee w#r« p.estm^ and iw w tM Ai^fitmy cuuiuy; 'iuinoia'-' - • Matt N. Sv-nmitt ;.--«.v.v. »1.6« Seneca .r-", ~i.$Q -u- •• - - ' • '• - v c .cwial f J. Kil'ip ; J4.&0 Graiton t "4,20 AS.40 various precinets an4; dtstrjcts iiij Mc- 7>.-i0 newry cviuiuj', io-wii,:' • , f;;• tiitay v., t». i« Marengo 1 I TJ.00 »Jl.4o Alat tUoO^ *t --^ * * •* i».»v L<u,i.iuiii • ,.... •; i 'J.^U Chemung 1 i . w, ' i. . 8i.30 it - .. 8i.t 40 Cuemuag 3 . '•l u# 46.00 -viUen ;-*A--" ,t « j.«<J' ii.<u ' Hai'tlahdv"..4.v.^i^v-^fe'->^-^.i-'te*»vv'*i 7k.70 r "' * w ' * >*• , i" . '1 puoiicatUm being attached> ther<Uto towit: " ' btate of Illinois, . >' County ot McHenry, ss. 1, K. n. Woous, Clerk of the County Court ana Ux-oiticio Cierk oi tue lioaid Of bupci visurs oi »aid county, in tne Clerk s Salai ies ; 4W5.O0 Old age ^s»t. Admr. Jfcinei fcciicy Keliei rUnd Coronei s Jurors ........ Institute r und Bounty Order* Nnn-High l^'und ............. 21.35 Vu.WO 18.110 46.V0 10.40 2.71 State aioresaid, ao neroi.-y ceitily that j Total Expenditures ......„i...8#,071.4Z on Hie i in uay oi April, u, ucu.^ not ; Bal. on hand Marcii Slat, leas than ten days prior to tne date set I 1942-in all funds ..,....:^........114,630.39 tor the Special April, li»t2 meeting oi j •'* the Hoara or Supervisors, 1 deposited ; Total $143,701.86 in the united states man at tne post ! The above and foregoing report is office in the City of Woodstocki Illinois, true and correct according to my best postage tuny paiu, notice oi said meet- 'knowledge and belief. ing, the attached being a true and cor- | C. FRANK DALY, rect copy endorsed with the time •end County Treasurer, place of said meeting, addressed to | Subscribed and iwuru to beiore in« each of the following Supervisors and this itist uay oi Apiil, 1342. Aoaistant bupe. ^ isota oi said tuiiuij at their respective post 'Office adddreas set opposite each name, to-wit: Name Address L. A. Stockweii, Marengo, ill.. C. Perry Wright, Mnrengo, III. m Carl E. Wittmus, Harvard, 111. F. E. Beck Harvard, 111. N. Ju>. ClilWiiult, ^viUCtl, Ail. G. J. Csrrroll, Woodstock, 111. . ' . ii. Kuecker, Marengo, 111. Chas. H. AcKman, Union, 111. , Frank C. Ferris, Huntley, 111. : Roy J. Stewart, Woodstock, til*- . , J. E. llai 1'iboii, WouubtocK, lM*, • Henry M. Turner, Hebron, ljl» " . J. G. Stevens, Richmond, 111. iiaiik Aiay, Spring Grove, ill. Matt N. schmitt, McHenry, Jll. Henry C. Meier, Crystal Lake, 111. John J. Filip, Algonquin, ill. T. F. Nolan, tfr., Woodstock, 111. Paul Rosenthal,, Crystal Lake, 111. in Witness Whereof, I hereunto subscribed my nahie and affixed the seal of the Court at my office in Woodstock this 7th day of April, A. D. 1942. (Seal K. D. WOODS, County Clark K. v. WOODS, (Seal) County cierk. It WM thereupon regularly moved by Supr. terns ; iu uuly beconued by fsupi. oitvens tnat tne icport be approved and the Cmurman declared the motion unanimously carried. Tne column.cee on McHenry County Home pl'eoonteu Ule lonomug lepui I, Which on moiion oi Supr. i- uip anu uuly aec-oiided oy eupr. ciawson and Uie ron ueing caneu, " was declared unanimously auopieu, to-wit: April 7, 1942 To: K. D. Woodi, County Ciera, ' McHenry County, Woodstock, 111. Call of Meeting We, the uiiuersinned, members of the|,lno'ne " °°'i> ciotnmg April 8, 1942 Mr. Chairman and Memocis oi tne - Hoara ot Supervisors of McHenry county: iuui cuuiily noine coiiiiuuiee met on Ap. u A, «.i Luc lucneuy Cuulii> ouuie uliu uuuiieu tlie on,a ior tile inoiuii ox Ma,en iv*m, anu lespBctiUity submiia m« luuuwiuf r«pu(t, lecouilueiiuiug bailie ut> palu. . : nuiiter tu ul'eu Corn Co. ot xmuum, becu ..$ 48.0U Jen a oco tuuiiuiy, ,auuuiy i«.i« iUoiU*biuciy liibu ot Co., ciOtUlllg iviuici' jiuUillo, coiiipouuu ViOodtOW d Oa,a^e, falU* alia oil.... lu.i><r v»ouinorui, cioihuig Board of Supervisors of McHenry Colia ty,\ Illinois, hereby request you to call a Special Meeting or' the Hoard of bupeiAlSolS Oi SsalU ^UUlllJ', lo Uv iicu on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, A. jj. iS»<2 at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House in the City of Wooubtock in the room usually occupied by them lor the purpose of Organisation, the Election oi u Chairman lor the ensuing year, the apppointment of Committees, the Selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental i'auel, the approving of Aineu i^iieuucai ouppnes, nieuleal SupPneS Gouoaru xiucKing, milestone .... ooun oextori ut wo., groceries .... noa'euiuai number Ac r uei co., luel ........... Winis uisi/row, paper and gas .... Vvoiie aaniiaiiuin, service7 W. i'. Alien, inciuentais Kardon ins. Agency, insurance Jkiartiicio uakeiy, oakery i. Koyal iilue btore, groceiles ........ bupeiioion Co., on Claims filed against the County, the ap- i'lenier i-narxnacy, medicine proving of Reports of County Officers an«J *oi' tlie transaction of any and all further business that may regularly bocore said meeting. ROY J. STEWART ^ , T. F. NOLAN, JR. JOHN J. FILIP PAUL ROSENTHAL " • /f FRANK C. FKRRIS • C. PERRY WRIGHT Li. A. STOCK WELL H. C. MEIER ^ Tile retiring cnairiuan, Gilbert J. Carroll, ordered all oi uic iiiemoera lo litd, togetner with the speciatois pie&eni a>. tne meeting, anu give tile pieuge oi allegiance to tne i- iat oi uit. united Slates of America. Alter tne pieuge Oi aiiegiance to tne Flag was given oy tne retirintj Chainuan, ti.e iiieeniib wao biought to oider and tne roll being c^uieu, ihe following meniLers respondeu iu ti,eir iiauieo, io-wii: isupis. i-.. A. Stockweii, C. I'erry \\ right, Carl Ji.. Vittmus, F. E. Beck, N. b. Ciawson, G. J. C'al'ioil, E. t. JvUeckei, Chas. ii. ACkl<~ ia,iikC, John E. Harrison, Henry M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, nank May, ittatt N. Schmitt, 45.(1 io.u* la2.«k 24.30 12.87 tfb.00 40.20 18.14 01.20 80.14 uacy Liumoer Co., supplies ........ 1^.17 The Hohn Hardware co., hdw 22.0b ill. i>ei lei. co., telepoone .......7.._ ltti.36 City of Woodstock, sand 30.80 '{iidgefield farmer Sup. Co., fuel 49.S2 Sawyer Biscuit Co., cookies 17.84 JtJoyce BroB., gas and oil 8.48 •H. O. Andrew Co., grinding 39.80 Woodstock Heating Co., repairs 2.70 Botts Welding Serv., service 20.40 American Hospital Supplies, hospital supplies 5.51 Woodstock Wnolesale Co., tob. 64.48 V. Mueller Co., supplies 90.29 Public Service Co., service 70.81 W. I*. Allen and Esther Allen, sal. 165.00 Thomas and Effie Montgomery, sala. y 100.00 Frank White, salary 65.00 Floyd Mason, salary 65.00 Edna Noble, salary ; 60.00 Louise Johnson, salary 15.60 Linnea Wolt, salary 90.00 Hilma Melander, salary 60.00 Clara Hayes, salary 42.17 Marietta Hugh, salary ...C. 32.00 Esther Allen, dresser .......10.00 2>ei_woii£> o, i< i.,.. ibectiotts •», x i ...... Secnoriis 'i* • sections i, »,••>,' iWj' vv-U-i., sections IS, la •i*i.l7 VHERI i4v.lo lengtn of .. anu Law ..n l'rt.^,4 j nois is io\y 7a.v>« Total *2,887.8" Bills were audited auu paid out'oi motor lUei tax luuus as loilows: >3. A. Ml. section j.i, 9-iT maintenance labor to, i2-ii' maintenance laoor ... ii-A, li-ll, maintenance laoor .. i4 and la, 19, maintenance laoor anu macniue iciuai 14 and lo, 19-iT, engineering labor and advertising coot ^ 9, il, maintenance labor and niachine lentu, a, 2i-lT, engineering labor, material ana advertising cost 37130 20b, 22, construction labor ........ lo.4o iu, 2o, engineering l&our and mat. 14V.78 .* 18.00 . 27.00 o.ou » C1.49 - 41.20 .. 100.89 2.00 43.77 8.00 167.00 Credit Chris Schuld .$1,944.47 53.00 Henry C; Meier, anu John Filip .uiu Asst. Suprs. T. F. Nolan, Jr. and Paul . $1,891.47 Kosentnai, • constituting a full Board! April 8, 1942 p.esent. The monthly expense items being The Chairman called to the attention | summarised as_follows: Of the memoeis present the beautiful American Flag that was recently installed in the teupervisors Chambers and complimented tne Purchasing Committee on their choice. The retiring Chairman addressed the Boaid luriher and stated that the time had come for him to retiie as Chair- •nian and that he wanted to thank the members of the Board and the County Officers for he splendid cooperation given him during the year and also, the members of the press for the splendid Running \ Clothing ' Tobacco Hospit Medicine 7-- Diet Fuel ..... 1.: $824745 55.00 54.48 437.29 109.18 312.07 152.00 13, 20, engineering labor Li, 2o, construction labor and . machine ,<.,a..i 2, 29-iT, maintenance labor . 2, 31, engineering labor Tne i-uonc lAaoiiity, Woikmens com- P611v)dtlOil ckitU Vi UCIV llioUiulit.V V/Ai kllc woumy employees tor tne coming year «•*-» - n im UCv* kU VUdd. O. 1* Hl&L if Ul ci'ystai x-aite, nuiiu.s, a^ent iui tile American Surety Company of New ivik tuiu Mo lovomuieiiu tnat Ine County Clei K be (tUki*oii»wU to t„tr vance premium in the sum ot $1,999.21 on oeuau oi Mcnenry County, Illinois out Ot 1.1C 0 ^. v. A itaUU. mnd to be re-imt-ursed for the portion oua, geaoie to me county Highway fund y.b«.wi vuu«« ,• uvulitte^y known. Your committee recommends the follottiui biisiuou oi control of tne County expcnuiiuico ,v* touwi uii^qa v*. County State Aid System of roads for wnicn tne county is responsible tor the eiiSuiiio At meetings of this Board of Supervisors tne road and bridge combuUtt Iumuw txll Cdllmillt Oi llio amount of funds within tne tax le»\> and receipts for that purpose, needed tw uu tliti UUilUlli^ tenance of the roads for which the County is responsible from time to time. ii t>v*iu t»uiu4m ia appiotou oy mia Board it shall i/e cons.uc-.ea as a limit on the authorized expenditures of the County loau anu ullage committee over which said limit said committee shall not step, under said funds appropriated lue roau and bridge < committee may audit and ordei pa.u the geuerai io«.u bills incurred in the care and improvement oi tne istaie Aid (System ot Roads in the County including salaries lor Henry in wet weatner causing expense and ^anoii delays to those compelled to use the ioaa. roaa", and the grade ^n^ieds to be raised "oau thereof a'involvea.PM""U -.ri 11.944.47 Cr. Crist Schuidt .. 53.00 Total -- $1,891.47 , Your Committee met April 8, 1942 and manner in whicn they reported the pro- | 'nade the regular inspection of the ceedings of the Board. jCounty Home and Hospital and found feupr. carrroii men announced that the ever> thing to be in good order. E. F. KUECKER MATT N. SCHMITT J. G. STEVENS H. C. MEIER CARL E WITTMCS fust oiuer oi business to come oetore tnis lneciing was tne election of - a Chairman ior the ensuing year and asked ior nominations ior said otfiee. Supr. 1? Uip addressed. the Chair and stated thai in keeping with an old custom of i _ . the Board, lie would place in notnina- preBented the following3 reiwrt whfch turn the Supr. irom tne Townsn.p of | ?Tn ^?,tTon of Sui'r lkrrimm sW'onded Nunda, Henry C. Meier, for Chairman Supervisor Wittmus' anU the for the ensuing year, said noinination | ro]] j^jng called, was declared unanl- Was uuly seconded by supi. Ackman. t mously adopted , to-wit: The retuing Chairman tnen called ior | 1 • further nominations and there being *o ( Mr. chairman and Members of the luriher nominations, it was regularly i Board of Supervisors, McHenry Counmoved by Asst. Supr. Nolan and duly . tyf Illinois: seconded by Supr. Sehmitt that the nom- I The undersigned members of the road inations be »'iosed and the motion was and bridge committee for said County declared unanimously' carried and the beg leave to submit the following re- Supr. from the Township of Nunda, port on the matterrs before them. Henry C. Meier, was declared to be the xh;it we met on the 14th dav of unanimous choice of the members of March, 1942, at Woodstock. Illinois to th Board for Chairman toi me ensuing consider the matter of advertising for year and the Clerk cast the unanaimous , blds for blacktopping the Frank'inville < vote of the full Board for said Super- | roa3 an<1 the Cary-Algonquin Road. Af- ^or s®'d office. *er considering the probable effect of The result of the election being; an- tire rationing on KHsoline tax funds nounced, the newly elected Chairman We decided that there would be suffiwas escorted to the Chair by the re- Ck»nt funds to become available and tiring Chairman and was presented with » set the rtate of receiving bids to be the gavel and was instructed to wield March 30. 1942. It wUh di*nit3:' an? "-redit to the P«°Ple , We again met on the 17th day of of McHenry County The , Meier feoard the patrolmen and road workers, gravel, ] gravel nauuiiBr, laoor, lumber, posts, road signs, snow removal, repairs uuU supplies for County owned machinery, machinery rental, small tools, cement, steel, culverts and bridges, insurance on County road workers, machinery and building, printing, tuel, grease, oil, gasline and incidentals. That the road and bridge committee be authorized to meet monthly to audit and pay bills and transact business of office That a trip of inspection of the County State Aid Roads to be taken by ine committee, and that so far as possible the nearest member of the committee handle emergency matters. Ine tne County superintendent ol Highways act as getieial oveieeer ui tne"\vork and as Clerk of the road and Oi ldge committee, and tnat he oe re neved of keeping a book showing each and every expenditure of the road and bridge committee as unuer a new system the County Clerk draws all orders and keeps a record of same. We further recommend that the right way committee secure tne rignt ot way ior loaus ouili on the State Aid system of roads out ot motor fuel tax lunus and that emergency matter* that may ucvelop be handled by the roau ana wnuge committee. V»e rurther recommend tnat the policy auopted by this Board at the Special octooer Ulii meeting, nanieiy oi the road and bridge committee, ordering orders drawn semi-monthly for roa*i work and materials unuer contract entered into by imp. board, to tne extent of 9u percent of amounts due, be continued, and tnat said policy be further extended to include the work being doni in the County from motor' fuel tax lunds, by day labor construction. We further recommend the continuance of existing agreements and methods in road matters for the ensuing year or until sucn lime as the new roau and bridge committee shall make different recommendations for approval ot this Board. We also recommend that the County Treasurer keep the road and bridge funds in a separate account and credit said account with its proportionate share of tax funds and back taxes when same are received and distributed, also road fines and receipts for machinery rental and road materials. vV'e again met at Woodstock,, Illinois on the iftiii uay ot Apru, liM* to consider the recent ban on starting construction work unless a permit is secured from the proper authorities. We prepared a resolution concerning the aspnalt contracts recently signed for the Franknnville road and the Cary-Algonquin road and also for the portion oi the Woodstock-Marengo Road known as section G anu ior tne nai »*iui^ awrence Road, which said resolutions are heieto attached and we reccoinmend that they be passed by tnis Board at mis time. We then inspected the road leading west from Bubbling Over Tavern past the former L»estnond farms, in the Towns of Hartland and uunnam. A movement is on loot to have said road made a County State Aid Route. The road is in bad shape and might be a and heavily gravelled: and w ,iiieie ate i»o sharp 'turns thai ougnt to cc iiuivoncu ao iu alignment iieietMuutliiig Heavier grading tiuui tHdiiiary maintenance worn, anu Vvin.nt,^o, me eJt|Stule u..ubc-s ailu cui.crta cau be USwl or oUppieuielileu Mini pipe litiiu stocM on' lnuiu, auu local gravel anu niiiuj material can be aecoieu Horn a iicaiuf pa, anu k uiiiui-ii), it IS lliViivc^u 4.0 do tile «VOife t«LOOi Vutl tut? o «iA«*i.iiiiiei*y, tutct iui'Cc v> iucn cuiioAota ui iitaiiieu UitU Uul yet c«tacu iur military uutles; iuid V\ tii^iitiaa, tue nup. oveiiient caiV be oai . lc«l OH Uuj UMIJ4 ill auCll a **j i Hat tile Vvuttt cm 11 atop ilulueulaleij Alien me lueii or iiiaCiiiueiy ate iiceutu »r calieu lOi* limitary selvice oi tue' i.ianuiactuiiiig pi aiiiD in una vicili.iy aic saliicitili.j letoOlea to luruisil tuc iiltll w I UI. tu Willi ViuauCliUu WOIK; ana 1 Vv ii.u,iv£,AS, the inkptoveuient of tnia alloi t pictc Ui ImU ltMiUt to tiie atu.iiual*ua Ol Clifc llilllUiO Ul win ue 111 tue interest oi public baiety allu liiaKe avaliaoie a satiaAactoi^. iai it, co mar act anu lunK route, rl rii^iti^t Uitiii I'i ivi^SOLVED BI THu. UCJAIvxJ Ut> Oufthli.* ioui\s oi A1Cneiiiy Couiuy, Illinois, liutt ua loau anu oridge committee is hereuy auiuoiised to apply tor a permit ior said improvement to proceed; and toni ii i'tmiii^rt luiodLViii) tnai the County clerk transmit 3 certifleu copies oi this resolution lo tne i>uieau oi ^oiibtrucUuii ui Highways, centennial Anex, sprinKneid, Illinois, tor their action utereon. Vk ilt,rv£.AS, section 2a Jifi, a 2- mile length gravei gap in the \v oousioca-Mareiigo itoau lyiiij,. between two i'ortlanu ceiuent concrete sections of road 14 and luaiii- ^orn out anu in suco a deploiab'ie con- ' aition tnis spring as to necessitate leounaing of tne road; and V\ Hi^RtiAS, there a«e two sharp turns that ougnt to be improved as to alignment necessitating Heavier grading tuau oruinaiy maintenance work; and WHEREAS, tne existing culverts and bridges can be used or supplemented with pipe from stock on haiia, and local gravel can be secured •irom a nearoy pit, and WHEREAS, It is proposed to do the woik by uay iaL\>r*:wicn tiie Cwuiity Hi.Su Grafton Si •"'*4.00 i-^rr' ,,i /'I ijorr.' 2 : . -- 100.00 • uotp 3 oers anu find that th«>r« i» MI rManal# Euinger, shf feedg pris. lOO.OO ^'orr i • -th*re 18 no Philip E. Bierdeman. shsf dpty 125.00 ^ r Armour Birk, ct hse Jail sttl .... 116.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail saL... Christ Pfeiffer, Jr., ct iise Jail coal Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp Citv of Woodstock, ct hsse jail It and water Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire Daisy V. Moore, aup schs asst ' place or tnereiore suo <ct'tion» » to li unuer secnon of the ruies and pioceuure covering piata, deuicaiious and vacations in McHenry county, Illinois, do not appiy. in my ouinioii tne plat vacation snouid be apnroveu for recording as a matter of 101111. omy, aa no public interests are involxed. uaieu at Woodstock, Illinois, April Jl. 1942. i'RJfON, County Supt. 04 High- > upon of the - Officers and members of the press in am, arranKements made to have the I11*8! ( c .Ii.j 1019 ,na^ graded as needed by the Town of The records of the k p*cial March s ^j^onQuin j, motorprader.---at 12.50 per v meeting were read and on motion «J»- hour elu.h County to be billed for the •:••'!**£ oidered of record. 'cost on alternating months, and the ;.;Thc following repoit of the: 10,}5^ cost to be equalized bet ween the two Treasurer for the month of March, 1942 , fount ies about December 1st each year **s presented and read to the Board, Uiitii the r«ad is taken over by the State to-wit: County Treasurer's Ktport Tor tli« Month of March, IMS Receipts Balance brought forward ji or other arrangements are made, We again met at Woodstock, Illinois 'on the 30th day of March. 1942 to re- Icelve bids for asphalt road surfacing [on the Jobs above mentioned. Three -'bids were received on each job and we a State Aid Route to make a fair ex change. However it should be reconsidered at the time any other roads are being added to the State aid system. We have received from the motor fuel tax fund rental on County owned machinery as follows: Sec. lw, $44.74; Sec. 21, $71.39: Sec. 26. $22.37 and for bidding blanks and plans for asphalt roads from Suburban Oil Co. $10.00; from Itlack Top Roads Co. $10.00; from Walsh Oil Co. $10.00 and from Seneca Petroleum Co. *10.00 and for pulling truck out of ditch near Wonder Lake with Couhtv tractor $21.00 from Tanner Fireproof March 1st, 1942 ...._ $111,946.82 decided to award the contracts to the , warehouses of Detroit .a total of $199.50 Taxes redeemed front F_ orf. $ 13.55 lowest bidder as follows: The Frank- , anr t t,,rne(j same over t Pers. Prpo. Back Taxes 217.43 Suprs. for Co. Home 421.34 Wm. I*. Allen. Supt. Co; Home 11.96 Old Age Asst. Admr. 21.35 Inheritance Taxes - 3.790.80 Hinz Minors 40.00 Motor Fuel Taxes ......1,233.39 Blind Pensions 744.00 General Fund 1.61 111. Emergency; Relief Fund.... 70.QP Dog Tax Fund .....i. 1-5® Highwav Fund 1.085.62 C* '.'teers- F«M • „ to the McHenry linville Road known as section 19-IT. Co,,ptv Treasurer for the road fund. MKT to the Suburban Oil Co. of Oak ! which said sum is hereby re-anpropri- I'ark.^ Illinois on their bid aggregatin? | atpf1 for rr,.,n 'nrlu<^fc^ the ovements for inery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the Mc- Henrv County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the-County Hi ah way funds of $3600 until the rfcr.: cf this Xoard. at the unit prices bid artd we authorleed th« r"hairm»n of- this Board and the County Clerk to sign rhe 1 contract and approve the bond on bejhalf of McHenry County. Illinois. V.v ;z..iz it :r.lnc!«j machinei y, and maintenance force which consists oi mairteu men not yet called ior military duties; itnu WHEHEaS, the Improvement can be cartiett ^ t»y day lk\n>r in such a way that the work can stop immediately %when the men or machinery are called for military service or the manufacturing plants in this \ iclnity are sufficiently retooled to furnish the men involved with war production work; and WHEREAS, the improvement of said 2 mile gap of road to the standards of the Illinois Division ol lliKliways win be in the interest of public safety and make available a satisiactoiy alternate route toward Rockford, Illinois, and improve an important farm to market anu milk route, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois that its road and bridge committee is hereby authorized to apply for permit-•• for said contract lo proceed; anu BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk transmit 3 certified cooies of this resolution to the Bureau of Construction, 1/1 If nois .Division ot Highways, Centennial Anex, Spring- Held. Illinois, for their action thereon. WHEREAS, Sections 19-IT MKT and 21-1T MFT., approximately 6 miles of 3 ini-h depth asphalt road surfacing was let by contract on the 30th day of March 1942; and WHEREAS, the gravel road bases will badly deteriorate unless the coiltract proceeds; andf WHEREAS, the contractor, the Suburban Oil Company of Oak Park, Illinois, has a hot mix plant now set up in this County and other asphalt work under way and the gravel aggregate is available locally by truck haul; and WHEREAS, the completion of said contracts will make available dustless all weather routes leaving the main concrete routes available for more intensive military and commercial use and thus conserve public health and safety; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that its road and bridge committee is hereby authorised to apply for permit for said contract to proceed: and BE IT FURTHER RESQLrVKD that the County Clerk transmit 3 copies of this resolution to the Bureau of Construction. Illinois, Division of Highways. Centennial .Annex, Springfield Illinois' for their action thereon. It was thereupon regularly moved by Sunr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the Resolutions be adopted by this Board and the roll being called, the Chairman declared, the motion unanimouslv carried. The Right of 'Way Committee presented the following Resolution, which on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called was declared unanimously adonted. to-wit: Blffht of Way Resolution BE IT KESOL\ l.r> by the; Board of Supervisors of Mllenry County at its meeting this 21si day ol .\pril. 19-t* that there is hereby appropriated the -urn of One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollaars', or so much thereoi atmav be necessary, from the said county's motor fuel tax allotment, for the Durchase of Right of Way, togethei with all court costs and jury awards in necessary condemnation proceedings, reauired for Section 26 MFT, State Aid Route 15. When detailed cost for each tract, or condemnation are kn"wn, the County Suuerin-tendent of Highways is herebyauthorized to send statement of sucn cost to r. II. Apple. District Engineer, Elfin. Illinois, with request for payment from aforesaid motor fuel tax .illotinft.t. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be submitted to the De- Darment of Public Works and" Builde- nuB.mnS oi •sjouiiii f< -nuis '>•»<! uav.ncnt of all cost for right of way needed on said Section 25 MKT.. State Aid Route 15, the' detailed location being described as follows: Beginning at Sta. ?0-00 a point near the SVi Corner of Sec. 11 T. 44 X R. 6 E. of the 3rd P. M. at the,Aasterly erfd of the existtrg concrete road and extends in an easterly and northeasterly direction to Sta. 150-62. A nlat of the Highway Estates Subdivision being a,Subdivision of part of Section 16. T. 43 N. R. 6 E. uf the 3rd P. M. McHenry County, Illinois, together with a certain iii-t.ur.'.cnf ia-.^nrltln" ways ior atnviiiy county, ulinoia. It was thereupon leguiariy moved vy sum. Acamau and duiy seconded by auor. rtuecKer tnai ine request ui *vt- Uoetiici anu iiailie uoetnel lo Vacate Oi iii^u *r«y Estates Suodlvijuj. i ue Mianieu and that tne plat be »acateu auu mat tne cnairman of the county l_>oaru be autho. lieu to si^u aaiu vacation order and ihe roil being caned, suprs. stockweii, Wrignl, Yvittniis. tieca. ciawson, Carion, KuecKer, ACKiuan. i erris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner. Stevens, May, Schniitt and Finp and Asst. supra. Nolan and Kosentnai voted aye. Nay none. Tne chairman deciareu the motion unanimously carried. i ii e Clerk presented lists oi claims against tiie county, together witu tsietuuii exutune unis tor Uie pri- '11*1 y eifcvUoll lleiu April A4, A. XJ. ill44 •iiiu it v%aa nieieupoii leguiariy liioveo mV Supr. Ackman anu auiy scconuea by oubi. iinner mat an btanauig committees ot mis buara taKe cnargo oi '"I uueiness Ooiore this meeting; that me Cliaii oe insuucicu lo ap^o.iit tut aaiue standing couiuiitiees anu tne same .luiuoer on each coniinitlee uiuess otner- «vise changed oy tne Board us constituted tne working force of the Board ior the uasi y ear, anu mat an bins iu claims together with Primary Election eAUense bills oe referred lo the pioper committees and that the Board adjourn to 1;30 o clock P. M. war time for committee WOIK. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned for commit- ^te Work. KM O'OX.OCX r. M. WAB TZMB Board met pursuant to adjournment and on roll caii. the same members responded to "tneir names as appeared oi iccord Jn the moiniiig session, constiluting a full Board piesent. supr. Stevens oi Ricniuoud Township addressed the Board and stated tnat he nished at this time to thank the individual mcinoers of this Board for their help in hiB successful candidacy ior the Republican nomination for County Treasuier of McHenry County and that ne wanted to assure the members present that if he is elected to that very important office, he will do everything in his power to run the office in a business like manner to the credit of this Board and the people of McHenry Coup- ; v. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following reoort. which on motion of Supr. Stevens and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted; to-wit; Greenwood . Hebron Richmond ... Burton McHenry i McHcii. / 2 McHenry 3 143.37 ! McHein y 4 ! Nunda 1 ' SIS.76 ! Nunda $ j .... I Nunda 3 .... •r- i and elk hire T6.00 ! Algonquin Alice Helm, er TB off sal 75.00 Algonquin Ridgetield Farmers Sup., ct Kses I Algonquin tail coal 272.39 1 Algonquin A; A. Crissey, cir ct pro off sal ... 75.00 All of which is respectfully submitted CARL E. WITTMUS, Chairmafi FRANK C. FERRIS N. 4( CLAWSON . H. C. MEIER - MATT N. SCHMITT The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, tvnich on Motion of Supr.N=;iawson and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and the roll being called, was declared unanimouslv adopted, to-wit: •5.00 17.20 Aril 14, A. D. 1942. Mr. Chairmun and Gentlemen of tne Board oi Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg ieuve to report that they have examined all claims present* «d 10 them, and i ecomniend tne payment of the lollowlng, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to tne Claimants ior tne several amounts allowed, aa follows, to-wit: Chicago Indus. Hpme for Chll. dependt. child ..............$165.75 Dependt. Children-- Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., Norton and Dayniond St. \ incents Indus. School, Tooiney and Glossen .4i Park Kidge School for Girls, DeLine -- Earl A. Mclntyre, Hass and Thompson .46.00 Mrs. Marshall McFarlin, Steadman 37.40 Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp $17.95, dependt. chil. $4.12 32.07 Dependt. Children-- Mrs. Martin Mortensen, Spencer- 15.00 Eva Rapping. Ystebo 15.00 May B. Miner, DeLine and Meyer 63.00 Herman Eicksteadt, Hin« 40.00 T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hibbard 30.00 Edward Sanatorium, Kublank .... 60.00 Lake Co. Tuberculosis San 1,419.00 George S. Jones. Jones , -- 15.00 Ogle K. Howell, Soma *4.03 Wm. MaGill Schultt, Guiliemotte 15.00 Henry Koltz & Sons, Vermett .... 16.00 l>r. J. F. Harris, Zainsdorff 14.60 All of which is respectfully submitted. ROY J. STEWART, Chairman. H. MEIER HENRY WRIGHT C. PERRY WRIGHT . L A. STOCKWELL CHAS. H. ACKMAN Algonquin Total 30 81 69 81.60 6t)^>0 6.60 2.10 6.70 71.20 79.60 74.80 74.d0 73.00 79.20 78. U0 77.30 79.00 77.40 7 4. jO 72.50 73.00 73.10 72.50 \! 'fit $2,b72.60 All of which is respectfully submitted. C. PERRY WRIGHT T. F. NOLAN, JR. MATT N. SCHMITT CHAS. H. „civMAN FRANK MAY JOHN J. i 1LIP It was thereupon leguiariy moved by Supr. H.iir.suu and duly seconded by , Supr. Wittmus that the report of the Committee on Elections oe appioveu aiid the roll belli* culled, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman announced the selec-* tlon of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for me aiay, id m oi tue Circuit Couit and the following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors ior the May. 1942 Terui oi the Circuit Court, to-wit: Logan Harrison, Riley Township. Mai garet Keiley, Marengo i ownship. UiaiiK Rita, Marengo Township. Grace Stevenson, Dunham Township. J. Arthur i'anner, Clie..iung luvvilstlip. Ralph D. Davidson, Chemung Township. E. S. Andrews, Alden Township. Otto fox. Hartland Township. i-estcr l'cikiius, -Scncca Township. , , Mae Ettner, Coral Township. • j • , Muigaret uwyer. Giaitou TownsU^w tied Ferris, Dorr Township. ' :i'"" §0.00 i Gilmore Eddy, Dorr* Township. Ray uonovau. Greenwood Township. Theresa Kjellstrom, Hebron Township. Charles C. Stewart, Richmond Township Paul Weber, Burton Township. Peter F. Freund, McHenry Townihl®." Rose Freund, McHenry Township. Albeit irwin, Nunda Township. Giace Hfnze. Nunda Township. Anton Marek, Algoquin Township. May me Sdiuldt, Algonquin Tow nghip. • The following"'named pJvrsi>ns were selected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supplemental Panel for the -May, 1-942 Term of the Circuit Court to-wit: Esther Ruth. Riley Township. Dan Kanalley, Maxengo Township, Bessie McConnell, Dunham Township Daisy M^rie Rector, Chemung Township Alice Dunn, Chemung Township. Marie Kingsley, Alden Township. Mary King, Hartland Township. Leo Beebe, Seneca Township. Eugene Shaw, Coral Township. fr red Engle, Grafton Township. Alice Sherburne.- i'orr Town^.iip. Herbert Klltz, Dorr Township. Alice Smith, Greenwood Townshtfe Sam DeYoung, Hebion Township, ' Jessie Motley, Richmond Townshfp.' Albert Schmeiser, Burton Township. John Dreymiller. McHenry Township. Robert Kollenkark. Nunda Township. The Chairman presented til* following lists of committees a.s appointed by him to constitute the standing commit- , tees of this Board for the ensuing year. ~~ | It was thereupon regularly moved by j Fred Reinier, Algonquin Township. April 14, A. D. 1942 l Supr Wittmus and duly seconded by ; Helena Bonkoski, Algonquin Township. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the I Supr. Ferris that the Chair be-instruct- I It was thereupon regularly moved by Board of Supervisors: ' pd to appoint three Supervisors as mem-j Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Your Committee on Labor, Ffces and f br>rs pf a Committee on Collection of i Supr. Kerris that the selection of Supply Claims would beg leave to re- j Delinquent taxes in addition to the ! Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel port that they have examined all claims I regularly -constituted committees. The ' for the May, 1942 Term of the Circuit presented to them, and recomend the | Chairman declared the motion unani- i J-'ourt be approved and thar the Clerk payment of the following, and that the ! mously carried. It was thereupon regu- ; be directed to certify^ said lists o the 1 *9.75 M0.00 23.74 13.36 Clerk be directed to issue orders on the county Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: nank 'i'hornber Co., cir elk rec , OK cir cm sup $11.05,"° CO Clk eiec sup *oll.i0, CO C1K oif sup tn.ui, sin oil sup »J.l7 $$l.t6 Woodsiu.n i^aiiy Sentinel, cir cijj|." sup co treas oif sup .' . supr prtg }^.3u, co ciK aupl tii.40, sup schs Oil • eAp ^i.^iu -J if-... i..':J*7>46 Woodstock Daily Sentinel (Pri- . ciai itai.oi'si co cik eiec supl $1479.75 .......l,47*.75 vVooustocK L»aiiy Sentinel, (Judicial Ballots) co elk eec supl 18.40 '44S.20 Woodstock uaily Sentinel, supr prtg -- MS.00 Harvard Herald, co elk -elec supi $6.00, sup schs off exp $33.75 Crystal Lake Herald, co elk elec supl $4.20, contingent fund »I35.»u ... Harold W. Schmidt, co treas off sup $4.39, contingent $19.35... Goenits-Beclfnell Co., cir elk sup Lawyeyrs Co-op. Pu. Co., judcy lib'ry .....Tw. 'allaghan & Co., Judcy libry .... R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal 26.26 Koblentz Dept. Store, shf Jail sup clothing Ludwig Wilson Co., ct hse sup.... Hohn Hardware Co., ct hse sup.... Johnst>n Sheet Metal Shop, ct hse sup Mishler Electric, ct hse sup $16.07 ct hse repairs $6.75 ... Pfeiffer Pharmacy, shf off sup ... Andrew Worwick, shf off sup.-. 111.* BeH--TeL_COj, ct hse Jail tel.. 107.02 C. L. Tryon, co sup hwy sal . $272.6^, co sup hwy trav tJxp~~--- $66.59 Mt.22 Sanitary Plumbing & Htg., ct hse jail repairs ...: ..... B. K. Kenneliy, er TB off sup .... McHenry County Title Co., cont. >J. i'. Chittenden, contingent ....... J. 1). HQlines. contingent John T. kitchen, co elk elec supl Charles F. Hayes, co clerk elec, sup $5.00, tyudcy Just fees $10... " 46.00 ,t. s. Sanitary Specialties, ct house sup .... Botts' Welding Service, ct hse Jail repairs -- Lester Edinger, shf per diem fees s»rv Shf. Feeding I'ris.-r- . Hoesley Bakery , 5. G. Shinner & Co." Marinda Bates .. vVestein I'nited Oss A Elec. .... \lbert Readel f'ingel & Koch ............................ . 'onwav Dairy Birdie Schroeder. shf bailiff Walter Sahs. shf bailiff ....' i. B. Holmes, shf dpty «oren, Edinger. shf dpty .... ^tto Buchert. shf dpty : Harold Hobbp. shf dpty Howard Freeman, shf dpty Vllliam roghlan. shf dpty 'Cmerv Hansman. shf-^Sty Fred Morgan, shf dpty "Ivde f. Miner, shf bailiff $32.00, shf dpty $4 4.00 Charles F. Hayes, co elk elec sup larlv moved by Supr. Ackman and duly | Clerk of the Circuit Court and he roll seconded by Supr. Ferris that the Commlttee be approved %hd ordered placed on file, to-wlt: being called. Supr. Stockweii, Wittmus, Beck, Ciawson, Carroll, Kuecker. Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt and Kilio and Asst. Supr. Nolan and Rosenthal Voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Statements of conditions at the close of business on the 4th day of April. 1942 of the Marengo State Bank, First State . Bank of Harvard, State Bank of Bowed of •nperrlsom ;V^-'Standing Committees, 1942-1943 . HENRY' C. MEIER, Chairman R. D. WOODS, Clerk Personal Property--Roy J. Stewart, chm.. E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, J. G. Stevens, Frank M^y. Roads and Bridges -- J. G. Stevens, | Huntley, State Bank of Woodstock, Atchm., Paul Rosenthal, G. J. Carroll, L. i gonquin State .Bank. The West McHen- A, Stockweii, C Perry Wright. | ty State Bank and the Harvard State Education--N. B. Ciawson. chm., Carl iBank were presented and ordered placed E. Wittmus, F. E, Beck, Chas. H. Ack- j on ttle. man. Henry M. Turner. I Several communications w«sre pre- Fees and Salaries--Frank May. chm., s^-nted and read and ordered placed on Math N. Schmitt, C. Perry Wright, Carl i nle. ... . . , if u* wittmnH r p pAMif u ciawson i The Chairman announced tnat if i: r SfTvlns ! there was nothing further to come beil. 5 S iL ots--Huaennrr>v mM . TTuurrnneerr, ji gfo rme ottjhoins tmoe eHtdinJ*g,u rnh e wl to ulwd ase ntethrtearien. Milth V°Rphmi!^ r P«rry Wright I ut,on regularly moved bv Supr. Askman i i i oX!i i and duly seconded by ^upr. Stevens to Clf^'±ab„°^Fe?f ! IdJourn Mot.on carried, thereupon the adjourned. MEIKR Chairman. - w' aojourn. Motion car E. Harrison, chm., G. J. Carroll. John ; Roard adiourned J.J-'ilip, Paul Rosenthal, N. B._Clawson. j JjeNRY C Finance--Paul Rosenthal, chm., Frank ' AttMi: R. D. WOODS, Clei*. C. Ferris, F. E. Beck, Henry M. Turner. E. F. Kuecker. Public Buildings--Chas. H. Ackman, chm., Rov J. Stewart, G. J. Carroll, Paul Rosenthal, J. E. Harrison. Railroads -- Math N. Schmitt, chm., Rov J. Stewart, Frank C. Ferris, U A. Stockweii, E. F. Kuecker. Claims County Poor--G. J. Carroll, chm., T. F. Nolan, Jr., Frank May, Chas. H. Ackman, Henry M Turner. To Settle With Treasurer -- Carl E Wittmus. chm., T. F. Nolan, Jr.. Paul Rosenthal, E. F. Kuecker. Math V Schmitt. McHenry County Home -- C. Perry - Wright chm., Paul Rosenthal, G. J. ! the Chairman and the roll being called. C a r r o l l ' T" F Nolan. Jr.. N. B. Ciawson. i the following members responded to» rn vnlnn Jr crm Carl R. ; their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. s.7!wH^la^,r" irm"Ctr'B!MnM C; Per, y Wright. Carl E. r?i I Elections -- Math X. Schmitt, chm., Frank C. Ferris. L A. Stockweii, C. 1.60 3.06 41.50 33.06 42.06 3.50 13,82 .77 1.20 fecial May Meeting, 1942 The Honorable Roj»rd of Supervisors of McHenry County met in special »e»^ sion pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in he City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 12th day of May. A. D. 1942. at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by. 6.82 6.00 Wittnms. F. E. Beck. N" B. Ciawson, G. J Carroll. K. K. Kuecker. Chas. H #.00 t i, t) Ackman, Frank lC.. Kteerrnnss,, KHoy J. >Stteeww-- l*-#«!T rr,ry ^r,,pht• £ V i^n Tr ' rhm ! art. John K Harrison. H M. Turner. I „ r"rcS**ln«r7-- ^ /ehm • : J. G. Stevens. Frank May. Matt N 6.00 i F R~eEl,i,eBf/ r!otf; Hlinn - Krraannk« Cc . F„erris, : ScKm>tt. Henry C. Meier and Joh^,^ rr.», and A-#|t; gup<>rvjsors T F. X(>ian, chm., J. E. Harrison. Henry M. Turner. ; Jr and P;iul Rosenthal,, constituting a J O. Stevens Frank Mas•- P full Board present. License--John J Fi!(p, chm.. Can b. Th# mjnutes of the Special April or- Wtriiis. Frank M*r. . _ ... sranizat ion meeting, he!d April 21. A. Eradication of Tot ..rcu^st^ <n C^'te p 1?42 presented and r^aa and -- A . S t n e K w e l l , c h m . , F r a n k C . " e r - U p 0 n mottion made and carried, were rls. J. E. Harrison. . _ approved and ordered of record. ftin-ht of Way--John . rlltp. enm^. The following i eport of the t'ounty Frank C. Ferris. E. F. Kuecker, «Ktn Treasurer for the montht of April, N. Hchiri't. Chas. H. Ackman '942. was "resented and read to the Resolutions --_ E. F._ Kn»chm.. Board, to-wit: 11.00 ».00 j »7.»4 8t29 41.64 S.00 6.28 35.58 13139 , 32.56 Vnlnn' J*" 4obi John J. Filip. • 24.00 ^ 4.00 The Committee on Flection* present -•M Rov .! Stewart, L. A. Stockweii. r"o'"»nty nel'ef-F E. Beck.„ chm.. T. r. Volar. .Jr.. John Fil'p. Collection of Delinquent Taxes--T. F. Vninn J" -4oJ|n E. Harrison, and Coar ty Trv?sarer's Report ror the Month of AprU. lMt Receipts Balance brouyh!. f'>r*ani April 1st. 194! $114 «IV3» 'I'ers. Prop. Back Taxes $ 75.43 Suprs. for County Home 417.13 4.00 the fallowing reprfrt, to-wif ... . . l Wm. P. Allen. Sunt. Co. Home 4*2.91 4.00 , April 17. 1M1. • 00 j State of Illinois. 41.00 r>nunty of McHenry. ss. '4.00 To the Chnlrmp»? and Gentlemen 4.'0« the Board of Supervisors: 4.00 Your Committee on Flections. whom was referred the Election Kx- rhm Liquor License Com. 76.00 nense bills for the Prlmarv Election Highway Fund held April I4»h. V D 1912 in M-'Henw Til. Pell Tel. Commissions Mitchell Drug Store, contingent lt.OO Countv. would beg leave* to reoort that Canteen commission Siipr Sal MWeage-- they have -examined said statements L \ Stockweii -....«. 44.10 r>nd would recommend that th^ follow- Total Receipts C. Perry Wright 11.00 ing amounts be psld to Supervisors snd Car? E. ^ ^XSSO" cs -cZi':*o. .cf "lection for JA* Old Age Asst. Admr. ! Tnheritance Taxes , Motor Fue' Tax Fund OI Fines for Hwy. Violations Pnsurance Refunds to im Emergency Relief Gr*Ad Total T5S.4S 1.906.74 10 00 I«. S3 it 00 ISfSM V130.01CM

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