"•'.v.** • *••'•*. W-ipfcA? siyni\: Wi^pt K" • -.: (; * <„ ^ . > |» •*• < - " •" \? v.„*' -*. f - * « / . ' * - --* } - ' if' •• * • . + ' .£ " _iV-" - _ *' * ' ^ *".J *#T.V" : $•' ^ ;f * '~" "" .JfM ~ v *' " k <w K Tg8 BQATO tf gri^TISOifl, wmm* couyFy, flLLiwis 4ii • ** >" 4*0.6 i & Son ...... 44:26 Food Mart ...j,:,.,.,..., 196.83 itp<t Gas Jfc RttC. Co. 0.S5 npl $5.00; Judey Jus fees $25. J0.0J - v # ' J. x.' Kitchen, co elk elec supl .... 5.(H ' ;^I1L Bell Tel. Co., ct hue iatl tel. 125 -•-•^ ~.;jMfe\!Pfeiffer Pharmacy, ct hse HUD.... | ' liWMriK Wilson Co., ct h8e gui -• ¥ - •" Frank Thornber Co., (Permanent , . ajt , Htg. Precinct Cards) co elk .. (Ik supl MtM • **. Illinois Office SOD. Co.. OO treas off sup 4.2Q -MdHSnry Plalndealer, (Judicial it. Ballots) co elk elec supl IZ150 - '*°Vft. Hi." Andrew Co., ct hse Jail colt! lu* k- . C. L Tryon, co sup hwjr ul ;V' f -' $104.95; co rub h*Y tray exp 1127.99 |}tl4 • 'Hornld W. Schmidt. continent • $84.00; co treas oft sup $2.(11 tt.91 ... . Wil-son Mfg. Corp.. ct hse sup ' 2M ?1 ":••.'>••'>> ' "• •: Callaghan & Co., judey llbry ..„ 8.06 - *v' Lester Edinger, Sheriff, shf pef -ix'S-r. diem fees serv .4.013.4$ •' Lester Edinger, shf per dl4R . ;• fees Krv/i , -- 71.<0. 'Marinda Bates, ct hse repairs . « - . jr„ i ' 14.50;. shf teed prta $.00 ............ f.60 y ; ;} Rhff. Feedlrtjf PHs. Cowway Datrv 1 'I, John Asmus P" ; * -Royal Blue J ;>•• Wostern United _ _.. Trnckett'n Bakery ^ U,« V :'.' Shft Deputy-- ; >'r,. Howard Freeman if i^>0 " f \ Fred H. Wilke 4.00 William C» Coghlall 4.00 Howard W. Cairns , 4.00 Otto Buchert -- --4,00 Fred C> Bau W Own H. Oorr, shf bailiff ....--.... |.0<J Walter Sahs. shf dpty. $12.00; shf bailiff $8.00 10.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty $».00; Bf bailiff $24.00 U.«0 Carlton S. Robb, Judey Just te«B W.OO McHetiry County Title Co., contingent --•• .5-50 ' Harvard1 Herald, sup schs off exp 14-50 Supr. Sal. Mileagje • ' * L. A. Stock well ......-- 1$.90 G. Perry Wright |i.«( Carl S. Wittmus 71.56 . F. R. Beck 45.2? N. B. Clawson --...w--.-.- fJ.JJO a. J. Carroll : ~^...--|{.?o R . T. K u e c k e r -- i -- 2 1 2 o Chaw. H. Ark man -- --|3#5 Frank C. Ferris -- 20,80 Rov j. Stewart -- Jf.on S. R. mrrHfon , if.J® Henry M. Turner ......-- 8.20 J. a. stevenri ---- -- 1$. Frank May -- - 71- Matt N. Schmltt i.._...........: Henry C. Meier -- John J. Fllip T. F. Nolan, Jr. Paul Rosenthal - »;.». Lester Kdinger, shf per diem fees serv Marian Edinicer, ahf feed pris PhiUp R. Bierdeman. s^if dtfty .... Jsi- Vestie Muldoon, ct tjse Jail sal.... tM.O Armour Birk. ct hse Ja'l sal US.0' City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail It and w^ter .... .... A. A. Crlssey, cir ct pro oflf sftl.... Alice Helm, er TB oft sal Patsy v. Moore, sup sens asst; and clerk fti^e The Honorable Board of clientT' County" rilVt in upervlsors of a?i ii« the iaH* tn« MclTenry . at the CoUtt The' mettin* the Chalrihariv, Piedt^ of Allei Untt?d St»t«(8 ftf ATtt the Clerk With tot !tlM Board arwl -rtsltoS nrntortt1 participate ing; after wltt<?H fhf iWl beuor' Mftied by the Clerk ttad th« followt«» Mm fcers fesp#0«4 tb " Super-Wstfrt Jt FU'.D n*«d 1 arid" JVul **»-- Illlnota, rwpwtfiHy arefeat iwlafr Tilideecflb We t&* i»i nr tfle* and Uxo -ef Itirix&Wjgs by iKV «|rJ3 half jre«r, the total tMi^Onta «r r*> fruk White, salary Ploy# Mason, ealarv >WiN Johnson, salary HlMl CMbmrm salary ..... Lluif Wolt. salary .....I. HUipt ltetander, saWyV. ^Uoletta Hughes, salary Mfe, and *T- Hi O. J.. QMCol. t cows II7S.O0 SchaU Ltvevtook. hogs 460.70 De•'<1 8^2 Kuegker, -^ys.vt^ ^i FeWh,' Hoy Sfeyirt/' H. M Tyrtt^r *,.a.-Ste< Schrtiitt, m#r" CS> Meter _ . ~ fmHrrn -?tt P. 4Nolan i"f»c •l , cO»»»i's t.i"l•^i ltv t• ht-t ' "a4 quorum tire; The' Clefl call t>f tNe 't_ - certificate vOf ni«llHlt notfcee, and th# ptibTfslterti Certificate of- pUMfcjitiotf which •wet'e. -oh «it<ywt>n duly it>M0 and earned, 'Ord'ereff placed oh fl»e. • -• The reordte of the reftitar June meeting held oh MMMhy,'Hhe' #th ' day >«( Jtrtie, "A. t>. 1S42 Were ^r*i«Bitea ahd read and ypon motton dfil/'tn4Hi iM carried were -approved and ordered n<6t Tile following report of the County Treasurer for rhe 1M>nth o{ June, 1MI preeented and re«rf and upon fciot| on of 9upr.vAi4tn>ali and duly seconded ' by Asst. Suplr. SMtn and ' d«el(M carried wss sppreVed" And oMefed placed op fl^. tpature of Service Coffimissions: ' >•" : ooL as Oe. Col. . .$14,ttt.«6 1 ^ m- m.ii $fiB@sasite «»• Tnall --:.±2£: i«$.ts O). Tfttf ^ r.'« qJTT. T»aj eynMn.;. '. .. , ^...w^|r«S2.3fl June Ada Manning. "UP. 99hs assts and clerk h|r«p Louise Wf. BrooHs, pfo off. trav exp 69.88 its 76.00 ^8.75 60.00 of which is respectfully submit- * J. E. HARRISOftT, ch»l»nj%n G. J. CARROLL N. B. CLAWSON. JOHN J. F1L1P _ , PAUL ROSRNTKA^i . The Committee on Clatfris, Poor presented the following Which on m< duly seconded by County report. otlon of Supr. Wittmus and led by Supr. Clawson add Htt' roll Belntt called, was declared irmqupttouaiy '\doptefl, to-Wit: June 8, A. ft 1*42 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen pf tne Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on County Poor Ciaistfli would beg leave 155* they have; examined all claims presem* ed "to them, and recommend the payment of the fbllowliie. and that the Clerk be directed to l*sue orders on the County Treasurer to Claimants for the several athourttB allowed, as fol» ldws, to-wlt: . Chl^ngo Indus. Home for Chil. yoomfey aftd Glosfiftn •• Park Ridge" School fj>t Qlrls, 27.20 60.00 tt.OO 2.02 i|no 1.08 40.00 .... 164.50 llil Miner, "DeLlne and Montgomery Ward & Co., Meyer Bfra* K*^plnti_Tstebb :. :.•••-••yr - Montgomery V»«"a 4 Co., DeYlne Herthan Blck#teadt, Hint Louise Jt- Brooks, dependt. child. fin5.02: pro off trav exp $9.48 '..: vt.'V" LaMa Buckley, del>endt. child. ^T. B. Patient Pauper-- ^ . Old People's1 Rest Home. Hi bard |W-0® Me K. Howell. 2 tnos. Soma .... lft|-?4 KdWtird R^natorium, Knllank --- *6.oo £«& Co. Tiiberculosls San. l,2|2.50 tilt Fair, Vermett 5' •« C.- R. Ambler, Vermett 2J0O D. T- Smiley. Vermett -•••48.00 ~ Vdur Committee recommends that an additional smount of $60.00 be allowed tlie McHenrv Post of the American Le- Hon ^>ut of Bntranliiff Funds, rn&KJPK S total of $360.00 allowed for *.he period ending Deqeipber 1. 1942. All of 'which Is respectfully submittad O. J. OAHROLL,. Chfinnan *» T. F- NOLAN, JR. titANg MAT • The following Resolution on Right of Way Purchase, Federal A>4 Secondary, mV 1 lT State AW Route IS, was pr*- Oepted and read to the Board, to-wit: Bifltt of Way *eeolm$lo» BB IT RRSOLVKO by" the Board of Bppervlsora of McHenry County Sleeting this 8th day of June, 1942, that tnar* if hereby appropriated the sum or &er,Thou4and Hundred dollars, or >0 much thereof as may be from the said county s motor fuel ta* allotment, for the purchase of Right of Way. topth.r »«« rv'awaras in necessary condemnation •oceedings, required for Btate Aid ftoute 8 (also known as Kane-McHenry fee County Line Road). . When detailed cost for each tmet, or condemnation are known, the County Superintendent of Highways is berehy authorised'to send statement of 'uca cost to C. H. Apple, District Engineer at Elgin, Illinois, with request for payment from aforesaid moto^Jgfuel tax ^1*EI1ITt'FURTHER RESOlJ^n. that this resolution be submitted to the Mrtment of Public ^orks and Build- Mgs. State of Illinois, to guarantee payment of all cost for right of way needdeatie »i ed on said State Aid Route 8, <Also known Ss Kane-McHenry County L'ne Road), the detailed loca^m being •eribed as follows: McHenrj-K County Line Road. It was thereupon regulariymovedby Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly "*«*onded by Supr. Filip that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the tttotiln unanimously carried. A communication from the Superintendent bf the Dept. of Agriculture at Springfield, Illinois, concerning the control of noxious weeds was presented ana read and ordered placed on nle. A written complaint against the operation of the roller-rink in Do/r 'Town- $Mp on Rt. 120. just outside of the Citj limits of the City of 'Woodstock, wss piwaented and read to the Board and motion of Asst. JSupr «wd< muiiuii - Rosenthal l^uVvl seconded "by Sup/ Ferris and declared carried, the said complaint Wfcs referred to the State 1 Attorney of JlcHenry County. rv-_ ~l»e Semi-Annual reports1 for the pwefidlng June I, 1942 of the County (trW, County Clerk, Circuit Clerk Sheriff were presented and liily made and cArried were referred to e proper committees for report. 8e*eraT communications w«^e presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that If there was nothing fWTther to come before this nfeelng. he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It Was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens to adjourn; Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. HENRY C. MEIER. Chairman. Balance brough 1st, 1942 ...A Pers. Property Back Taxes Suprs. for County Home .... Wm. Allen. Stfpt. Cff ^mc rnstitute "Fund T...... r...Z.J±. Inheritance Taxes ..v.. Hinz Minors ... Motor Fbet ta* Fun*! '-........ Blind Relief General Fund, frem t*xea . Fines for violations oh slate' hltfhwwyg Hlgftwfcy Fund' Bridge Bond Fund^ from tMes Dog Tax Fund ' ...1.. Canteen -- Disputed Taxes Liquor 'Chft-fritian ... UU Bell Tel. Coto. . $92,328.01 $'Wt.ol 8ttf4 ....455.7O flW 122.04 0.00 S,111:1 68,462.40 Total Receipts -- 161,22.6.04 Grand Total ---- $164,164-0$ StaMadttuMi County Order* ""•™'!!ir." ..f$ 1 Highway Order* Blind Relief. Mothers' Pensions Motor Fuel Tax Fund Coroner's Jurors .t_ Stamps -- Probation Officers .......u,..-- County Treas. Salary -- Clerks'b Salaries Bounty Ordeiw : --; Anticipntion Warrant® interest on Warrants Deposit by order of Court ... Repairing Rerta Bridge Bond Int. Payment .. «0.0 1.SW0 1 Total Expenditures -- Bat. on hand in #11 fttnfls June 20th Grand Total The above and foregoing true and correct «npprdlri* to |py best knowledge and belied . C. FRA1S«E\DALY, Co.. Treas. Subscribed and awom to betftCt W this 14th day of July. 194$. _ • . (Seal) R. D. WOQPa. Ca Cl|»r> The Committee to Settle *rtfh, t|»e Treasurer presented he follow^ port wMch on motion of 8u6t, " and duly seconded by Supr. fltevei the roll being <*Hed, waa, uhanimously adopted, to-wlt: the Chairman GeoUem^v'qf^i oard of SuperYiapcsf , ,.1 1 Toth. T#oa Totlr4 Gomtnflttei Treasurer would ttfat St theli; regi .. held July l*. l|42 ch the j at^?hwl that_Mk®e H »»ptpy»a' r > CARL E. WTTTMX'g •*' MATT N. SCIJMITT T. F. NOL/^ T" T E. ^ County •eport County official collect: made during 31, .1042: _ - Beoelpte Taxes redeemtd from Forfeitures -- Pers. Prop. Back Ta*e< Suprs. for Co. Home OM Age Asit. A4n?r. Institute Fund 4^..- InHeritknce Taf$s Hin* Minors Mot6r Fuel Tax, Funa ....v.. Blind Relief Ober TB Patient- Pauper Fppd Machinery Rental ..--.1--....-- Insurance Refund* -- Olosson Minora -----:- General Fund 1, J 44-Jf l.«4$-W $1.467.9^ Woodstock, 111., July 10, 1942 To The Son(MWl( Board of Supervisors , row; Melleury 'County Farm. Honie aa« 5o0ptt^<^mTMt t^e met at Hartlf 4$, kit members pres- *4udHe<i and ordered "hjf amounts: vetfMims 11.50 .-«V. ..>1,024.0* 102.77 auV 46.25 -4.*.. 28 77.01 6.W 6«|7» oPr'Mii jr >A)ed ,fe ^|^^d, oth^r !th m IJSj 00. Cleri^ The Committed «>«troo viy Hte^oll unowslc Mr. Chairman Board of Tour Com to whom wi report of June 10. 1941 »fl t)t th« 'ees and Salaries the eelftl-annual Ctr«>it Clerk ^ of tl|e County Rarned Received fW Total eamt^gs of • rhf * :! j :!1 ""i "'i *• 1.496.20 ^6.00 1»M t*;ow4i fMt» 12 : $ i , m $ 6 the Ctjcutt HP m. h <2S. /MSUt1t" •ear fbr • fHH ll^noi 2$L$0 , 1, >11 \t > ITio ^ l W . ' f o r » " • ' « * . ' ear. i4so.Qa. Received t Sf 8 KTj« mm ttof Fair Ground Highway Dog Tax State Hwy^ ^ Rer^nd--Freli State's Att< Penalties- County Supt. of Anticipation Mothers'P. enalOQ Hi. Bell Tel.^oft Illinois Emergency Relief Liquor License^ * ............ Canteen -- ; Unknown Reai4fftta j^d - Minor Heir% s iiij arranOf _,...:JWM too. Fun4 --; ->.•%f4.J ... 'l52,5f«.2f ...M4,8T$J7i ...lr ^ Total Income Bal. brought forward Mc 1041 ...i...:..........I.....T3.... Grand Total Kzpea**ON County Orders ....' Highway Orders ; Mothers* Pensions Blind Pensions County Court Jurors ........... Probation Officer, Co. .C$..'T. Wilson itinera County Coroner's Jurors ... Old Age. Asst. Admr. - Grand and Petit JUrors ---. \* Inheritance Taxes pa. is 0fftO 2i>; ^ Bounty Orders' - ^ ^ Co. Treas. Salary ...-- I.igf.w* Clerks' Salaries -- |#J5t.R0 Institute Fond Iff-*® Freight on Ta* Bills -- , il l? Stamps -- Unknown Residents and Ki4pr . Heirs 4.4c>»3io Motor Fuel Tax Fund ^ Real Estate Forfeitures -- 760.SS 8h<«pp Claim paid from Dog . _ Tax Fund ®® Anticipation Warrants p^ld Interest on warrants --.. Tjf-Jj Non-High School Fund - - MJ0.00 111. Emergency Relief ...-- jj|®-®0 Deposit by Order of Court •• Total Disbursements $$05,217.49 Bal. on nand in all funds May 21st »$.$M-01 Grand Total -- *-- mif,'L u,."fsh a^ .njK'uLr knowledge an<V beli^. _ _ C. FRATCK DALT, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before tne this tth day 6t June. 1042- _ . (Seat) R D. WOODS. C^. Clerk oedai county' j^f^oT^rn^u! To: The Chairman of the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer. I. C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer in »ad for tit* County of McHewy ax^ TWid Expend DeautK Mild * fihf " Be l&aft^ d' . H yr. - life Tuesi m V* $2,095.6; 626.30 '£ TMM'ee#' -i 'fedleal, Diet 238.94 24»S. 9« $2,0i)S.6i Less Proceeds: , Safe of * opws h^4..-,„.|176.00 • ' It hoys1 .£1:.'.. ^4;.....^460.70 . 6*5.7< - • $1,467.97 Inspection .revealed livestock, grounds buildings and equipment all in good llttop. ' BBpectfully submitted. ' r"'C. PERRY WRfnHT. Chairman v w CLAWSON • '• CARROLL L ROSI^CTHAL f NOLAN, JR. ^ pon regularly moved t apd duly seconded by ~ t the report be adoptand the roll beinjf an declared the tnocitrled ofi Roads Bridg« lowing t«p<>rt. wftifh cj; ^viiy ijec- Clawsoti.^id t%e declared unanimously the road fun4, wfUch salad sum of $410.81 Is hereby re-approprlated for road purposes ipcludlpg the repair, storage and purchase of ro^id machinery for Improvement to buildings for housing road machinery. Yopr Committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the Mc- Henry County,I Illinois patrol system ot roads an appropriation from the County highway funds of $400(1 until the next meeting of this Board, t £ - O? wMch is respectful^ S||t>iplt* G. J. CARROLL ' 1 ys. STEVENS ' .STOCKWELL ' •. *L" ROSENTH A fi." •". •:>; J- >, "t^vlJP. fERRV WRIGHT °followtnf MainteoaneV •^itesitititioh w« frresept^d ahd re^d to the Bo#rd. to-wit: :.'r Xalateaanoe liuotaitoa of County Board of MvHfnry County requesting approval of Uus use of money allotted to the count> under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax I^aw. RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Mcilenry County, th-tt public interest demands the maintenance of sections of the public .highway all located on State aid roads and originally constructed under the provisions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved Mar. SR. 1929. designated as follows: State Aid Routes 14 and 15. Motor Fuel Tax Sec. 18 $1,196.00 State Aid Route 9, Motor Fuel Tax Section 21 1.200.00 and be it further RESOLVED, (1) that the above designated sections be maintained under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax Law during the year ending December 81, 1942. (2) that there is hereby appropriated the sum of an additional Two Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety-five Dollars ($2,S9r. 00) from the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance of the above sections: and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk Is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield. TIMnols, through its Dis let Engineer. Harvard Herald, eo elk elec Jdg elk pig pi Crystal Lake H< jds erald, co elk elec Ik plK pi1 ' Coeritz-Becknell Co., clr elk sup Mitchell Drug Store, c6 elk off sup Harold \V. Schmidt, shf off sup $16.07; cont ingent $87.26 Betty Ann Kiabunde. contingent J. D. Holmes, contingent sup. Sehs. Off. Exp -- Bvers Printing Co. Illinois Office Supply Co............. Etlie 1 C. Coe. Co. Supt. ...... ... Win. A. Mueller, Bd -of liev 8al ArlieE. Shearer, co elk ,reil»t^", H & I) Judcy. Justice Fees Charles F. Hayes AH>ert Krause R. E. Lush CO. Clk. Ins. Dei>dh.-- " Dr. A. S. Romberger, Searlea, Spencer, Nichoiaus t Dr. O. E. Nelson, Spencer, Range, Steinke Dr. Henry W. Sandecn, Nichoiaus 40.00 24.70 7:48 62.22 wm 9.20 4.20 IJS 54.00 2.76 •Bfi »#;oe • \> ;h PAGE THBE9 im m*-m. . • \ m ^^AU of ^rhlch Is respectfully N. B. CLAWSON' H. M. TURNER L E. WITTMU8 t BECK ' VS. H. ACKMAN To the McHenor <^^nty^ Board of Supervisors: The following is a correct report at the amount received from Arthur Lueder. State Auditor and tfte payment* made to the treasurers of ttie yariotn districts of claims for .^tate reimburse meat for part of the cost of trai tiOn of co him on and high school fot the yev ending I>me 1942 •> • r W.hjfjfB ' 15M Hel<n 15 00 6.00 Dr. Saxil Burten, Range ft f«etrtk« lfl.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of ftupervtfeors, McHenry Coun- 5&e" tuadfiallgmd member* of the rond ' ana - bnaiM committee for said Qcftjftt? freg lepv* to submit the t<?llowtatr report the matters before them. 'Chat wia mat on the 2$rd day of J line 1041* apd inspected the asphalt constraotlon WoHt peing done on th«> Frank- Hnvllle Road- We then went to Algoinquln, Illinois, and Inspected tne fravel oruStpKr pta^t pet up in the James Lowe pit and ordered gravel --grvt ». *«rv pUlt {eel Of the 'pli that qepth the Pits, we hfcvtf yspd In tral parta of the -C^ur 1 A MQ«e«t was mac $ to . . . , . t below . H»v«t ^tluAtvh of e«cfUtnt quality mm pet contain much oversUe stone sd^the yialO of screened stone for as- " ' la not as high as in tne in the north and cennty. made to the committed t* secure <a light panel tm<nt or sicksp. modal for use on the road, grading Jobs to gpsve small tools and men. Wi have allowed mileage on one of the wartupsra. «utos for this pufli>ose In til* past hut due to the freesing of ttres for nctyaU autos. »he tnen did not want to um their c#r, any more. W4 decided to look for a suitable conveyas re; We again met on the 20th day of Jamie 19*2-and inspected the Franklin* wHe Mack top road. It was completed •IDMpt tM «Wal setil coat which ts not r until t|ie base course has cured ,ly.."it appears to be a good sb* road 1 Job.' t*(Ml U|M trucks were inspected - eV decided to purchase a used 1940 nrolet panel body truck for $676.00 _ „l . IMiijWUiit and Melms of Elgtn. 7!l(m»if ul ItnHrueted the County Cleric W%fMr>wl order on the County Highway-" Funds m said amount in full therefor. •'.*. re*iu4i»t' Was received regarding "• '* """ *" broken concrete pavement Rt: t0 south-east of Mam .QIHwIii, On July 6tb. 1042. we laid 'deelded to widen a high narrqad piMft < Just east of Harmony 'tke 0*0kea concrete. We also W the Mra. , Louisa Beck gravel st' W<Mt of tke-Ave Corners south mrflllnois find arranged to place „ 1 |»8f cu. yd*, of. the brokeo concrete In "the old jMtj with the intention W crashing 6*P* at a later d«te and "•"s, toco'S:,,; r*«r n t'tk T^3r,,Tir.4?.v Who!« for repairs »nd supplier for County 6wned madhlftefy and labor at the CoupCy tool and (including payment for Culvert* .Pgrchsaed tor 4tf«k last fall, ahout $2000) sn to n total of $8,602.76 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the Resolution be adopted |iy this Board,, and the roll being • called, the chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman stated that it was the (JUty of the two political parflerf. as represented on (he Foard of Supervisors of McHenry County, to select the i>re- "Inct registration officials for McHenry County and also to appoint tfte place of registry in each precinct for the precinct registration undet- the nrovlslon* of the Illinois Permanent RegistYatton Act now In full force and effect. The said Board of Registry to be appointed for each precinct is to have charge of the tWo day precinct reglstmtltrti. The ONiupty Clerk then presented the following list of precincts in $feHenry County numbered t»y him for the purpose of the selection of the Judge of Registration for each precinct and two deputy registrars for each (jretlnct, to-wlt: mfey 1 ..... Marengo 1--2 Marengo 2--2 Dunham--4 Lists of Ytsolaota la McHenry Ooaaty 'f*4 Vn&VsrM *or the Purpose of sifiitMtua Even No. Prc^lnt Odd No. Precinct Precinct NO. Republican "Democratic : Riley Marengo 1 . Marengo 2 ; Dunham ..... .... Chemung 1 ......Chemung 2 .........3, Chemung 8 Alden Hart land :... Seneca ' I..; Coral Grafton 1--12 v.....i.Grsfton I Grafton 2 ...port 1 ...........Dorr 2 Dr. John M. : Warren, Searlea Ct. Hse. Sup.-- ' - . •: ; Bo|vn Hardware Co. ,.:.j TttiHy Oo»-»iei- Grocery ....... Ludwig Wilson Co. R. O. Andrew-Co., Ct hse Jail coal Ct Hse. Jail Repairs--• " Dale L. Dassow Diehold Safe & Lock Co. ... B. F. Kennelly. er TB off sup .... LeRoy Hetterman, Co. Coroner's Reporter Til. Bell Tel. Co.. ct hse Jail tel.... Thorne &S on, shf Jail ssp clo.... lister Edinger, shf per diem fees serv Shf Dpty-- • . . , MHn J. Kuppe Birdie Schroeder Walter Sahs Richard Farrell ...... Lo ...ren Edinger --....1...^..^..^-.. c. V. Seaman ........... ""red C. Bau .......... Richard L. Edinger Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff William C. Cophlan, shf dpty .... Owen H. Corr, shf bailiff Shf. Feeding Pris.-- **oy«l Blue Food Mart ......: 62.57 Trackett's Bakery • 0,08 vsmnS & Son 20.88 Western United Gas A Saec. Co. "8.7* Conway Dairy -. 16.67 Marinda Bates '2.00 Wayne Mentaer, contingent 20.00 Kirkmnn Ice Co., shf feea^rls.... f.50 C. L. Tryon, co SUP hWy «ra" exp 1109.19; co "sup hwy sal $246.60 Hel>ron Times, co treas assint "ichniond GaXette, co treaw assmt Kilts Off. Serv.. clr elk su^d $T0.7T; co treas off sup I1R.81 \ 26.62 Lawyers Co-op Pub. Co., judey librv ^60 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, clr 500 27.52 2iH.P« 62.06 16.04 IMS 7.04 6.00 111.7 7 *6.44 7.16 ll.OO x«s m Oo 00 .00 4.00 16.00 il v. l Hellojj E. "Serrls, Dist. 15# . iJM F. p, Mcpopfiel^ Dfat. fa SUport sf XnrtiVaU l^uad 8$|--Ma.vme Frank 10.00 BfcAed Jua IMS To the Board of Supervisors^ McHenry County. Illinois: The following is a correct all moneys in Tlje' Institute dej>o.sited with the: county t all orders drajvp this ' year ending Bal. on hand Jul Recetye4 In fun 1242. '#9 elk suo $16.50: supr prtg $220. 22t,50 urroughs Adding Mach. Co., Co treas off sup Seneca--10 "oral--II Oraftort 2--1$ K ' " 11 -;.,.i„'.,t4,400.lt >Xl ' ^ $1,^00.00 that Werw aaslYy wievimend that Lr*- . " ^•tfetfull^ autattt- MeHfctiry County |e*ted OoUwW-- ; -7" July 8. 1I4|. af ew ustad. Horn* ttee met On tV^Catint* _.!»• far the d -respectfully ' t-ep>ort - reoojnw Ho|ne 12.20 ate... Uqf ftlb 40.25 Andre "(Be upffly, coal lm^#r «M nails r-C&, etc. l*0.t« Am#; Irailnir Machine Co., rep. W. P. Allen, incidentals W. P. and Esthwr C. Allen, Sal.. Thomas and Effie Montgomery. . salary. ---- -- -- BiH« chargeable to the various sectlon* of the MeHertry County Patrol System of roads Tor labor artd materials at i*tf« heretofore approved bv Bpird7 were |lul|lte4 and Ordered »«. 1 |g.« |....(..... V : Js;str~ 2OStoH 638 $64.01 Hectlop9 (lections fleet iods Sections , .. .w.„_ s&sa t$.|80.?8 •Ills were a audited and ordered pi Id r>ut of motor fuel-tax funds M follows: S. A. Rt Bectjon M, %-i maintenance lal»or ...._ $ 4 00 I,' 7-lT maint. labor and mAt,..;. 13.00 ».T. malAt. labftf ahd matf 7S.«£ , 11-IT maintenance, labor™..... 21 60 " maintenance labor /..... 12 00 ._ IT maintenance labor -- eO.OP It and 10. engineering >abor .... 6 >6 14-lT maintenance labor .... lo.no maintenance 1%|k>«* 9.00 nvi labof it Wat. 140.4. , P contract conrurtion. estimate No. 1 ....16,224.09 f. Ij: V*i Si: tf ... ?1A. malnt< 14 and lfi, 19 nin '« A 1S i»-TT «n 14- and 16, 19-TT .. IT. maihtebance labor ... 0,- 21 maintenance material *• 0. 21-TT engl labor and mat. IML) 79 construction lapof '•»nfl/mach'P" rental I, 20O, i,24 mamtenance labor ... ITT. J^encineertng l»Wr If, tt rirht bf way. Fi 16.12* construct ion labor, material 'machine rental IS, 26 engineering lspor' It, 2f construction labor, materia!. -machloe rental 26. 27 maintenance labor 2, 20-IT maintenance labor 2. 21 engineering labor $6. 22 enitt»»ertng labor rank pxwh r no i *.i a ?6.28 |9.7B 2.40 80.44 69.26 «t*7.46 6.00 *..T IS. lfo.of 147.7S 202.9? Z 50 R.60 00 ..... .3 The Cnnada thi^tfes on the County S«ate Aid roads ar» el> cut and they were unuFUally bad this year and we were j>ut to <v>p*lderable trouble and expense to get the work done. W* instructed the Countv Sunt, of Highways to allow an estimate to the Suburban Oil Co. Of Q»k far*. Illinois covering h» completed wort on the PVhnklinville Road. We decided that the new Fr^pklinvllle road and the Cary Algonquin road which Is shout to be blactktopned ought tb be Shouldered with gravel as soon an possible and we recommend that a nroper resolution appropriMJng the * |CHfl&ri£i funds from th# WFT fundB > passed bv this Board at thl« time Soma of our older experienced road work"* are receiving the occupational inWsttnnsires and we decided ths» several of the men ought to be deferred • from being required to leave the County so as to retain st lesst a skeleton organisation for road maintenance and 4nhw removal. MeHenrr County's snow lipment Is of the best obtainable snd ctic^lly unstopx»ble when given e*- ienced operators and maintenance. iVe authorised the County Supt. of Highways to act In emergency matter* £0 reouest deferment of key men In i the highway organisation. 01.20 J We have received from the motor $.00 (fuel tax fund rental on County owned e«*»d machinery as follows: Hec. 22, #48.27: Sec. 26. $2*0.91: Sec 26. $56.72. >m1 from Treasurer of TTftlted 8ttttf, refund of cost of suto use stamps on • Countv trucks anad turned same over 104,001 to the" McHenry County Treasurer, for Dorr 3--16 Dorr 4--if Dorr S---18 Oreenwooo- Hebroif--20 Richmond--21 fjfforr--II ... McHenry 1--2$ McHenry 8--24 McHenry 2--2R McHenry 4--2*8 V.inda 1--27'.,.. Nunflft I---20 Viinfls 8--29 ,.u Dorr I ..; ,.....t>orr 4 Dorr S Greenwotod Hebron ^.. Richmond 1...... Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2 - McHenry 2 McHenry 4 v..Nunda 1 Nunda 2 .Nunda 8 Afironquhi 1--$0 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2-^1 Algonquin 2 *lironquin 3--32 Algonquin $ Afirohqtlih 4--S3 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 3--24Algonquin 6 The Chairman then called upon the two'T»oI!tieal parties. Iss represented by the membership of the Board, for 'suggestions Of persons having the qualifications, as are required of Judges of Election, to act as Judges of Registration and Deputy Registrars for the precincts and districts in McHenry Countv and also for suggestions as to the rOace of registry in each precinct for the precinct registration provided for under the State of Illinois Permanent Registration Act and the following named persons were elected by he two nolltleal parties as represented on Board of Supervisors of McHenry bounty as Judges of Registration and Deputy Regtstrnrs for the various precincts and districts as numbered by the Countv Clerk under the Permanent Registration Act, together with the "luce of reeistry for each precinct and district. to-"wlt: (Copy of this list on file in County Clerk's office ) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr Turner that the selections madrt by- the two political parties, as represented ¥y the membership of the Board to act as registration officials for the "arlous precincts iind districts In McHenry County be appointed as said recfstfnrtion officials and that the County Clerk be Instructed to file a report of the selections so made with the Countv Court of McHenry County for confirmation of appointment and that the appointment Of the place of registry for each precinct and district in Mo- HfnW County be approved, together w'fth the list of precincts as made and numbered by the County Clerk for the nwnnxe of the selection of the registration officials, and the roll beltiR- called Sirpr«. 'StockweM, Wrie-ht. Wittmus, Beck. Clawson. Carroll. Kuecker, Ackman. Ferris, Stewart. Harrison. Turner. Stevens. Schmltt and Filip and Asst. Supr£. Nolan find Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chsirman declared the motion unanlmotisly carried. The C'erk presented lists of Claims agaf-nst the Countv and unon motion of Supr. Ackman and seconded bv Supr Stevens and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock' P. ' M. for Committee work. itsfi o'ox.ooir t. *. Board met pursuant to adjournment and Upon roll call the same members Responded to the|r names as appeared of record In the morning session, constituting a quorum present. The Comipittee on Claims. Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of fupr. Kuecker and duly seconded by upr. Ackman and the roll being called. was dsetared unanimously adopted, to-wit: • r Marengo Renublicaq-NeWS, CO tfeas assmt ..... Sup. Sal. Mileag*-<-- L. A. Stockwell' c. Perry Wright ... . Carl E. Wittmus Frank E. Heck V. B. Clawson ... 0. J. Carroll E. F- Kuecker .....i.;.,..... ^has H. Ackman ^rank C. Ferris Roy J. Stewart ...........-- ...... 1. K. Harrison -- H. M. Turner -- I. G Stevens --^i... ^rank May Matt N. Schmltt ................ Henry C. Meier -- John J. Filip ...» Paul Rosenthal T. F Nolan, Jr Lester Edinger, shf per 4l<|(n fees serv Marian Edinger, shf feed pris ... Vestie Muldoon, ct hse Jail sal ... Armour Birk, ct hse Jail sal Philip E. Bierdeman. Shf dpty A Hide Helm, er TB off sal City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail l'ieht and water Daisy V. Moore, sup schs asst and elk hire Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire ^ Jf.75 A. A. Crlssev, cir ct pro off sal *5.w> AH p( wHleh Is respectfully su^mflted. J. E. HARRISON, Chairman. PACL ROSENTHAL ' G. J. CARROLL' ' JOHN .1. F1LTP _ ' ff. B. pLAWSOf^ » The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: ' Total -w. Ortjr SllqrS'y.S'tt ::::::: 'iJ--Frances Ifftfsi --: -.4. S?4--Beatrice luoper --Bltapor fi. 1--... 327--Esther Kitchen 325--ft step E. Slavln 329--Nellie MauWsk '... i..™-.. 388--Ada MUavStlMir * 384-- Mab^^QonReU -- l« 335.--Ruas'elt D. ReMdleman ^6.00 336--Ada M. Mann log tf.Of ii=ft fUlon^oh S^!,rco8! ,$4$1.80 -,r« thg1 n» A correct report sit the {mounts re6eived frotn 'Arthur Lueder, State Auditor, ljrto the trltunve fund gnd'the amounts m the'samii'to the 'twoni ttekslirets of Mcfmnr^y Cowfrtr for y^ir ettatng J\jhi' J0, 1042? Amount receive<r^??^? Total L . v ~ BlakiiiiMMli Twp. Trea^S" PA'tSK^SI:. .$<2,022.41 |41• «» V H' • .4, t $1.290 60 ....'Ml«.l» .... 1,86126 h ^f lf42. the July 14. A D. 1942 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report thai they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk he directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for, the several amounts allowed, as follows., to-wlt: Frank Thornber Co.. cir elk sup 15.65: co treas °ff sUn $5.10: clr elk ree bk $198.18: co ilk off sun $7.25; co elk - ' • ptg $1$8.81 MO.OO Woodstock Dallv Sentinel, co treas off sup *11.50: co elk Jdg elk pig pi $49 19: supr prtg $3.*Q: sup schs off exn IS.00: shf off sup $9.25: contingent $6.80; co treas assmt $*f..<0: co treas col per prop $17.50 ... 138.14 P. F. Pettibone A Co., cir elk rec bk - July 14. A Mr. Chairman and Gentlemeh Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the ^1erk be directed! to Issue orders on •he County Tr*n8Ur*r to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, aa •ollows, to-wlt: Depent. Children-- Chicago Tndns Home for Chll. Luth. Child "Welfare Assn., Norton and Daymond <~?ladvs- McFarltn. Steadman Anna Keller. Beldlne ^arl A. Mctntvre, Thompson .. Dr. O. E. Nelson, Bradley and Mevre Mrs. Fred Miner, DeLine A Mey^r 08.00 Harvard Community Hospital'. Haas and Steadmn Dr.'J M Warren, Steadman and Thompson Montgomery Ward ft Co., De^«lpe and Meyer T. F. Rnn-lev Co., DeLlne ., Louise M. Brooks, dependt. ^hl|, V?0.80: co ct pro trav -exj>' 29.40 ... Dependt. Children--- ^va Kapninir. Tstebo St. Vincents Indus. Schl.. Olossep snd T"->mer Herman Kicksteadt. Hint T^>"rs P'ickley. T ynott T. B. Patient Pauper $147.75 .. 180.00 . >0.00 . 10.00 . 26.50 0.50 47.$0 1100 }:S1 •0J0 15.00 40.00 40.00 25.94 A.'Sttoe. 4« RTB . jfoy L. Minjch, 42 {COR a. J. a: iriidJP. 4f Rffl glance on ba«<| Total - - Respectfully submitted;' 261.81 402. H L26S.00 1,912 24 2,241.18 SYsf jfce.-4«4^T1B ay H. Mri^anaiel *J* R*B 6 199.J0 I•M*$ $42.02t.«l Et^sl a. CQE. co. qupt of Sd^oig It was .thereupon fegulariy movsd by Supr. Filip and ftuly seconded toy But*. Turner that the report of the Commit, tee on Education be adopted by this ^ the roll being called, ths 16.00 58.48 Ir OM peo\)l Tjike Co. Tubercxilosi T E Ambler Vermett Ogle K. Howell. Soma nr. H. J. Schmld, Vermel r. . Dr. F. L; Alford. LaBlin# .......... . 60.00 All of which is respectfully submit- G. J. CARROT L, Chairman. H M. TCBNRR .CHAS. H. ACKMAN T. F. NOLAX JR. ThVCpSim Itte« on Enadlcatlon of TUhercvlosls In Cattle mad* * recommen- McWitT pouhty 0o admlsister tho trt- Herrtntn- test f«#r the Veaf .W«tmUoV July 1, 1942 and eaUIng jot Ut«t June JQ, 1043 and presented the following' contrAct' find agreement, to-wlt: This Memoranda of Agreement, and entered Into on the fsf d«y of j A. D. 1911, by and between L. A. 8t well, frank c. Ferris and J. fi. H»F; rison for and on behalf « the Bowed of Supervisors of tke County of J«CHenry and Statr of IllltMllO., the party of the first part and Dr. B. T. Kennelly, partv of th«^ aecond pO^L witnesseth: That whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the County «w 2fc» Henry and State of UMffoia. 'hag kttj" tofore appropriated a sum of m^aoy (0 be used in til* suppression of tUB»rc»- losis among dairy cattle of the CouSty of McHenry under the direction qf said Board of Sup*msors. and Whereas, the said Dr. B. F. KenneRy has been appointed County ^ fterintHil to administer the tubdrcolln' testa by ^f'Henry County, and 0*[d appolntsaont has been confirmed by^thj of Agriculture-of the State «jf Illinois. Th*s meme-nmT'» thetetoje wttnt*y»ta that It Is mutuallj; agfjj«wtar >M P» twe*n the parties hetytO thaf tMt partv «f the first part agi^jW to ^mpior the party of-the second i>art f<Vr a tMtn of one yeir beginning July l. 10*2 and ending not later than June 30. 1042. mder the following express terms and co" 'itionu. that is to say: _ The party of the second pa ft agrees oe'rf.ir'm his services t<> Rtate's Attorney. William M. Cgrrpil. appeared before the Board and Introduced Mr. George Gleason, Chief Investigator on Law Enforcement for the ^ (ate Coordinator of Ix>cal Defense Mr Gleason outlined in detail the great need in McHenry County f<>r n two way radio svstem to be oper-'te-l out of the office of the Sheriff of McHenry Countv not onlv to apprehend criminals but a'so as a protection aeainst subversive elements opertine throuebout the Cnit- »d State In svmpathv with our enemie*-^ After some discussion concern'*!* -> the manner jn watr* 1 are to bf Iftade. he will to keefe an |^s> with a card srefew of the said McHenry Jaunty for salary of Sixteen Hundr«fd Klghty Dollars ($1.680.'.'01 P"r nhnutp. he ^rnfd by the 4lf^^ioV6( tn* tubereulin tests keep or cause curate account w.... r _ all cattle tested by himself a)|d tar ktf Assistants snd to see that a proper is* dual renort be furnished to the party >f the first part Th» party of the first part will Issue to the party qf tto second part an order for a one-twelfta •if jriiary a*v>ve mcittons^ in slderation for such serTfCff at the ep^; or esch month The 60?tF of the M£- ond part shall keep an ij^urjt* record of all reactors. The party of the second nnrt is to have chsVge of the buying of necessary ear tags for brAndtfig «»t!# and ->lsO SM other neressary supplies to carrj' on the said tests, parts 't the first to pav for same. iter, it W'is regularly moved by Supf. j The party of the ffiirrsstt part reserves Harrison and duly seconded by Supr , the right to supervise and direct n»0 tVi»»Tnn« that the chair b.-> lnstr'"*te«i 1 service* of the party of the »eC°na part to anpoint a special committee of three | s^- jonj as this contract Is in force and supervisors to lnvestie«te said m*tter ; «ff«ct and In case the services of tne as to cost and installation and make a ,,f >fce jKnn.| r,art sre not «at»- -eriort at the next meeting of this j factory to the parties of the first part. Board. The Chairman declared the:vl)lj upon a report of such dissatlstacmotion unanimously carried. The Chair- : tion to the Board ot Supervisors in »e»- man appointed to act as such Commit- 9ton either at a regular or special m«ettPf a est. S"or Rosenthal s«= Chairman tng of said Board and if said ,]J£,>'t or anrt Suprs. Beck and Clawson. dissatisfaction is approved, taw cpa- The Committee on Education present- 1 tract shall be terminated and 'he_ "err- 1 the fbllowlng report, to-wit: |tces.pa|d for proportionately up to p«e . germination of said contract. »| July 2. 1042 j understood that in c»s« s»ch I? To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the , made, party of the second pan jmmu "«srd "f Sonervisors: m • hs^> the right and opportunity to ap- Yotir Committee on Education would 1 j*ar bef(?re the Board of Supgytt^s c ien\-e to renort 'hat th«y r^et on Innd make anv erplanatton tMf'W may July 3. 1942 in the office of the Countv 1 deem necessary, in case the contingency <Si,r.»rin'enrtent of Schools for the pop- ; herein mentioned shall °^cttr-, . . , nnie of 4^ss(nsr »inon the renorts heVe 1 ft is further understood ana agye nttsched and made a part of this re- | »^at the "arty ^f the second partslfMl port Vour committee would recom- f,>^ the sum of Twenty-#** «o*mr» 'd that the reports be nr>«rove«l. I ($25.00) per month tO_Oe Pa*0 ed Your committor would frther recom- |b v the nar< of the 11 r?t part 64.80 present year. from hie employment.