It is fui ther understood and that the u-rty of the second Mnlkll TfeMnrOfc^ give the j.any of the first part Wilr wM prerfiM day* netkc of termination of employ- tlwi of mentsnd that th« party at the firit ed .by 8u part thai. grive the party of the ee<- fted. the ond pfcrt sixty days notice of dtamiisat .Ordered In Wit.nesb Whereof, thi partlei hereto hu\» hereunto signed tbatt inamea and the day and year first writ* ten above. Board of supervisor* of McHenfj' Cmlttty, Illinois. m THE BOAED'Ofr 8UPTOTIS<^'MantKi^JC00Wtir; K, -J? ?. # '•• '7,.7.7*7 7/7: y'ji.'if- 7 7-0- v. ' .-7-7": •- v^V-'ftV •<• *i<:*".*?< ; TTvf •'? 'jO^TC ^ :77 S'arty of the flrat part. 7 - ^Hy A. STOCK WALL - V '"s:i FRANK C. FERRIS ^777 ,,7'. ".7."' "7 j E. HARRISON :77v:- . Member* of CoOmtfttdlj?*: V V V ,, the second part. ; *^7" B. F. KB.VNBLLT, ' It was thereupon regulaffy mov6d £ Joy Supr. i-iiiy and dui> seiohdod by , . V!*Suj»r. Turner that Dr. B. F. Keimeuy be 7' -7 appointed county Veterinarian and that r:,7i»i«- contract Ok approved and tiid roil '.'-.-•r>eing cali«.u, the Chairman declaied Hm Inotmn u., . iiiiiuujy cui rieu and ur. B. S/Kenne .» appolnteu Counij Yeteil- &<r.l7s'f»arian oi A/cHenry County, subject to y^;i..4h« termt ahd conditions of the cchtract a»U ,ifcro«nient. ' The following communication from ; State's Ai.orney, William M. CairviL .. .-Wat presc.ued and read to the' Board 7"';?V.and upon otion duly made Ahd carried .7' _ Was oraei. a .placed on tile, to-WIt: 7;7"'4 July 14, 19«2 ' ,vj«r. -R. D. Woods, f:7. , • V?r-.™ • =• Courtly c.cYfc, *•' Vvooustoc*., Illinois. L»ear Mr. \Vootis: under u<ue ui June *th. you referred to me thu setter of Waiter iichviett ad> dressed to tne iiuard or 9upervi»yrs relative the operation of a Koll«r . liink adducent to his property near 1\'oodstociw. . l it-ase advise the County Board as lollows: i'he County of McHfnry 4o«3 tut have power to licence a Hoilef Jiink ar.i consequenily is wililsUt authority .o regulate or police the sa)9i«. Accorditu y tnei« is no avtisn wttlch the ttoari. coulu take on the compi«ihf Oi Mr. aiiuett, which would aftoru at»y • leintay i«. ni.ti. A County does have the |><rwer to 4n> act a zoi.-iig ordinance u.nct uiiuer (HUfch ' an ordinaiiv;e the operation o( a purayttt. Such as iliat operating a Koll'ef f Could be it striCted to certaiA arelts. • ' 7#d\isabiii.^ ol McHenry C^uiitj ,.'«islng its right to enact a W>16S .;:^v;•;':•.ilance is u matter to l>^ detifc^mliii '•Ihe ttoaru oX Supervisors. ;; •« , ' • ' . The CI-rk made a reijuest for »iviw>» ditional . ppropriation t» bs 4M *~ flarrying ojt the provisions qJ tfe fnanent i e^istratron law and §regularly moved Djr Sfpr. Jui uiy secc iJod by bupc V»rri ounty Clerk b« alt^wad. adall ' to retfiBtt; me yotsrs of llcHi tjy and said ^Uputiea a; by him I j Ulswed a pet diem Iday foi their MTyIm* fn«l tp lenry d.nty lof each 4ays s«r mployed, and the • froll belnj1 9»liv^.., hairiu.u ueeiared the motion untal' t»ouaiy t.^ried. ' ••<7' The CI k Main addressed the . ,, a Request-tor at) ippropi 00.00 to purchase stall is to be used in 4«&dipf toe ncsriiWo«ia rerfifctvatlJn m the County On account of the rush to construct the cost to C. H. ApAle. *l>Isuh}t 'lOoria--r. 1 Jeha- > yuu. . -• ltil Alfocx}ulii-Cary road it was necerftittry JJ«iKin. lt«inois, witit request Tor pey- • x. P. Ntlwirupon m»> tp haul in about 600 cu. yds. of utone iiieiiv from aiores* 10 uioior luai uut ai- Faul PtWntha'l "- l? I* second- iron a County stock pile near Kiuk,i- iouuenu ru, of v5«S>ZituAt ct^aI»~Ti car* tield, illinum. at some additional cost. ) At Further Hesoived th*t Approved a»4 fh< 9jy^^-Ctm-SSx this [ it and waw m ftalisce brducht t •Jfily ist. 4I4' V\e had aiuo intormaily let a job to the .resolution b« aubnuuMl to the **pait- ! X^ester IMihJMur. 5hf5*?<fce*! , 8ubUfoan oil compiiity of Oak I'ark, «uwit ot l uullc Woiks and Buiiuuias, ' (mi »+t£z*~ ' Tf?..7 Illinois to out on an asphalt prim* i State oi Illinois, to fwrtntit Hyntttt MMUn J"" coat on the newly constructed fridge- : ot ail cost tor right of way taceoed ott ' Ph1116 C. Held road ati a maintenance propueiuon | a*'a Section 18, atate Aid KOUtea 17 Armour-" but the contractor had been unat/le tOj**»d tne deUiileti iocaiion i/cin* Ue- •ecure the asphalt as It is said to be scribed as lollows: Jtle*. on a Public «**s. iltilWrTiioi Wm. |>. JnStitO Hinr Blih g«M. ...... Fines for Violation on hwjfsh... i.g« C.%n£e«ti j.oi wit* pmjtrt' r«« 7,&)2.<U I sprlnif tooth cultivators for a soli cej Meat road at Ureat Lakes Training PhMinoh Mlhor* »l|a jaaitirri l>og Tiii Fund Liquor Licenses •n" Anticipation WorrMit :».(«..,....3,otw>0 Total Receipts <Sr<hi Total - - ^Birtlttnrsf (#(y Orders $J, 7 l&.j* Orders --.....i;.U4*........s,b4e.i>5 'r •'•^«..1,1U.0« ®}5*rlL ^•fesiohi 1.395.4Q 'otttt Fuel Tax orders >7. n,i3i.3l J0.0® 1(0.81 lOw.O* 200.00 800.1)6 25.95 10.00 ----- ... It was thereupon regularly moved by .Camp. We were not using same and »upr. Kuecker And duly seconded by et lhe machines go and have a Supr. Wright that the Resolutions be letter from the Na\y regarding sarno aaoptod by this iioara and the roll b«- ! Sled with Wayne Mentser. Ing calleu, the Chairman declared ths I » > *^ain met on tne 24th day of ' motion unanimously oarrlsd. iJuly l&4l! at. Woodstock, Illinois, and 'Ahe t'oiiowin* amexiameiu to the Ll- !ir.i ^.ea Rn estl,lmle to the Suburban ' yuor Control Ordinance previously .Oil Co. of Oak Park, Illinois covering Auopted oy this Board Was presented j approximately 90 per cent of the work read and fecoinmehded by tile La* and materiuls for the Aigonquin-Cary 4uor Control CommisiiOtt for aosroval asphalt roaii. We then went to Mc- to-wit: .20,433.8? «®nry, Illinois, to meet a committee "w» from the Johnsburg Community Club. *** Xt Xtesolved by t,us Bosrd of Myw 10I.OO - 770.05 V7.C6 ...2,OO8.81 75,08 1»9.»« 275.00 Loufs* M, 9rooks, e"c( dHlbBal Ums to (kp of Review ' Wuodstock. in. ^aipUf tlwlr Wpijt.. u« statsa that Johnson, Jay b.; l^tke Ave. WoodiUia * lilt t«R«3J»ip# tuat a<d in. J ' ' Wpoaat^> in ii S.1i UuWr WW «u that to«> Jaitiea: Har»ard. IIL • , L : "iKSuSaf jf- ,h ' r*,|US#t _Pe C*AUd and the ( Moan, Kate B., Karengo, 111 '* WH callfedftke Owairuisji declared Muffley. Frank; Ji»a a Madison tt. ? «on /iMatniaualy .carried. w oodntock, liL ^ n "V r M 'CI>4 Mchenry Coun- ! Nelson, Cari; fcio N. State fit, MarenC*. tliiMau appeared betore the i 111. of their actlv- JoinVich, Minnie. Woodstock. Ill ' .u» »ht ^.1, jr*° j?* »MJ **+r fad made * Keed. i red; wiodstSck? la IiJi ?*}"*!}" atl appropriation of fuOu.Ott Kilter, itobert; a 12 b. rat* 8t' n»o«Uliiy as'in ; rengo, 111. ' *** re, SUP aC9s ai)d _. )P»»t It .WM*. (hereupon reguiaiUy Sengvr, K. a. 608 N Madiann o» :L"";r"r^.-/rrl"rr:r'- 522? ^ "V°d duiy B#c* ' vvooastoek, 111. / 8t*«#jj .0 1* ^WMfVttUy- •MbttH" MlM % Nolan that the Sheaaan. irene W,; (i) fi. Calhoun IHl. swuest <yf tM Mchenry County Home! Woodstodk. ill. cainoua It; ( *rax»ted an4 that tbe matter iSmitn, ciaience J,; Rt 1. McHeerv 111 ^ "7-.:. I nr-Adda; 2Av ***» , • 7 Ada and clwk Kii Uaisy V. Moore, ,; clerk hire ... lei" 01 W^tcb lg *ubWH' vioaK^WEfl1- jr. mmhV" ... <-p . . N. .9. ^LawSON ; .$208,881.28 •ihej lefiue^tcii that the oiiuge over tne v*»o*s ui MeMeiuv ceaatar. '«•* iDiet to the soutn end 01 i-'istakee Hay a^eetiAg ^^iiTtmu XiUs ilta curve. We i>ay oi august, A. 2). as JfOllOwsi Thf Commlltee on Poor presented this which on mptlo* ot Hupr. ,liariTis<»» ciuiy ee^onded toy buer, dtcveasaiMi reu being railed, was j^itrM wn mously adopted, 10-wit: Mic . w--- U*at wne be ihtluded in the Toies, Edward; Woodstock. Ill nm Afnual ApptoprSuoi* Ordinance to be tireenwooa ^ iu" KFD« 1 on Claims, CeiMJly WW^trUi., ttepteibber, 1948 meet- Vickeis, William J.; Marenco. Ill iS* AlW tUs ivU being caU- Voon.eeu; Wnuuliea; HiKhlati •or #u»i* the Ch^rnaan declared the motion ; Ave., Woodstock IlL *»i*hia«o 7; „oroj>ef s Juror# - Bt&ittps . rrbWdoa Otticer cioUhty TreSs. Salary , Cl«rks SAlaries BoUht* Ofjders Institute »hd •nd i|uiu lion 01 tostal <4 ices tin •ct. It by Uiip ^ UjereitpcR retuiarTy^a^T|d . . _ trfts aWu dur> seeou. _ 8upr. l1 asr that" the re<iUtst m the County 1. jrk be granted, and tbe rdll beingicai cd, the Chairnu|A declared ,U»« motion tnanimously carried. clQke n the day. ,Of June, •lrst state B&tt 6f l?af titatenii its ol condition' at tke close •f busings on the- loth <" - - 19 4 2 of the First State ~ tard, the Harvard State B^pk, the 'Al? fonttuin State Bt^nk, the 0tAte Baut « luntley, Axaren^o Stfia wn. the •ank of VVoodstock, the Wilt fltate Bank shd tne MareBfo Savings and Loan AsSociatleA •tented and ordered blaced ,oa_ B1 " Several communications wsler a|lbanitted auu ordered OA wi*. The Chairman stated that tf tllsfe Was not) ing further tib come Mrore this meeting, he would entertain a ntbtMB to adjou i. it was thereupon regularly ®ove4 bj Supr. Ackman and duly Aq- «nded b> £upr. Stevens to adjoitm. Mo- Hon can;«4. Thereupon tbe Board a4> jburned. RfCNRY C. MEIER, Chairftiia. Attest: K. D. Woods, Clerk. Special August Meeting* 1942 . The Hororablo Board of SupervlSbfi Sifcf McH;ru-y County, lllinoiB, met In 'Special _£et>slon pursuant to the fotwing call signed by more than oneird ol its members, together with Troof of service at the Court House In the City f Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 11th day of August, A. D. 1912 at teu o'clock A. M., to-wit; July 88, lNt. OtQ of HMUlf to R. t). WoodR, County Clerk, McHenry County, Woodstock. Illinois. We, tli i unnderslgneo member* itt the Boar., of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby request that {ou call ; meeting of said Board to be eld Tuetday, the llth day of August, A- U- 194J, for the purpose of the selection of grand jurors and supplementa. 1 panel for the September, 1U4Z term Of the Ci f-uit Court, the approving of Claims HI d against the County and all • further ' islness that may regularly come bftf < re said meeting. . 7 Dated v.tis 28th day of July, A. D. 1942. ^ J-. K BECK ' r . C PERRY WRIGH® .... I- . M. TURNER .*7=:".-" ' ; , J. E. HARRISON •. KENRY C. MEiEH J. G. STEVENS 7 • *. .. ( HAS H. ACKMAIC • 7 State of Illinois, - County oi McHenry, ss. I, R. IJ Woods, Clerk of the County Court ant Ex-OfTicio Clerk of the Board of Supt-V isors of said County, In the State afc esaid, do hereby certify that On the 23 li day of July, 1942, being not less thar ten days prior to the day set for S ecial August, 1842 meeting of •the Boar of Supervisors, I deposited In the United States mall at the post office in 1 ,ie City of Woodstock, Illinois, postage 1 ill paid, notice of said meeting, the ; ttached being a true and cor- ; rect copj endorsed with tht time and place of said meeting, addressed to each of : ie following Supervisor* and Assistant Supervisors of said County ot their espective post office addrosS set oppoK te each name, to-wlt: Name Address L. A. S' )Ckwel} Marengo, IH. p. Perry Wright ......Marengo, III. Carl C. ittmus, Harvard, 111. £• £• 2?k ...V..™., Harvard, IH N. B. Cli Arson Alden, 111. G. J. Ca-roll .. .,;...tVoodstock, 111. K. F. K ?cker .........:...Martngo, III. 'Chas. H. Ackman .....7, Union, 111. Frank C. Perris Huntley, 111. Ro^ J. F «wart ..Woodstock, ijt: OHSAt«l Taaee - ?.534.4T Ahti^naiion Wafranti 10.600.00 on Warrants 10J.S6 irtisa?7^" 4lst 127,481.7« Chantea due 10 danger ^ 9„„ «». „ Mvuvwmf , ... - , - . toiu them- we Were iicd that the 1.. i'arugrUph One oi Action Klght hiau^ wo^iU *•!»« 'kS',Uf!St ^le3 ut .Ar^iv'e l"° ©< tb® Ordinance ii*v» I 1 teet long and that it would be lm- erning tiie licencing and control of the I practical to change the bridge at the' dale of liviuor, in McHerny County luipiesent tinie but we would investigate ois, outside of the corporate limits of i rlrht of w lv fn^ir nf irU I right of way to improve itnn e acdudrivteio. nal • »ans y,a dcoiptyte dv ilblya geth eo r iMnccoHrpenorrya tedC otouwntny. T^u-011 ,the fth day of Au- I i»oaru of supervisors on March 10, 1»4| f.^h i 1 Woodstock, Illinois and j be and the stifle is herewy atuenued to audited and ordered paid bills of a read as follows; *""c,u"u 10 (1) « n. j"saaww5 •|K^ •*. 'i.. te?s5?5K.o"ffi, a-.w?.>, « by Supr- Adelbert H.; Woodstock. IlL ;,V.: 4 ttf" * > Stev- Wood, t Wra Adeii; "«0 < ^ appropriation vard. 111. #eneral nature charged to the McHenry County patrol system of roads us a whole tor repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at Jhe County tool house a total of $1,079.47. Bills chrgeable to the various sections of the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies and labor at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as foln^=== ij$g Co. Treas. Qpunty Cl*rk. Mwary County the .follAw* A person who is not and who has not been a resident of McHenry County lor at least two years con* tinuously and immediately prior to date 01 application lor license; provid??* however, that this requirement shall not apply to the purcnaser of business from a licensee While the license of such licensee is in fml lorce and effect, and provided further that said purchaser applicant shall otherwise be Qualified to receive a IIcense under the provisions, of tbUr ordinance or Resolution. QiiIlvt e waA sA »tahMe<r.~e upo^ nj rejgTu. larly mo> ve«.d .b 'y A.UKU1K iL A. ») ill] relruiarly mated by Mr. Chairman im4«f 8*e duly ^^AcoMded. ty Supr. iioarp of >t>uittiry(«*r*i s !SS it f w .jppropi--^ »... kour cuintiiutee on jaiunij Bmt ?f2 ,t_ b e r ^ x e r r e u t o u i e F » - v o n ^ n c , j u i i a 9 i a M a r v e l S t W o o d iU WU£n'Xm 2S5®* .CWBmttUs# -«>r • fbport and that Mock, ill. »arvei wood xaiuiueU all cliuws ItredSMt- ; ^"imititvu tiiat have any ^aiabaca, Alary; Fox River Grove. IH 7ah4 «» concernin* We 1 urthei report ttaLHh?^w & &/• ...e tujlowmg, •.*£* ' Ihktftii jtgyopflatidi or .Tax l^evy contact the plications approveu by your CommlttM ' ' ;ierk i#e directed to lien* orueu/ Vn in ? concerning as aoov« set form were regularly ex? 1 he C'uunty Tieailvlr^ t» the Clalrttaats a # mo" Anun«u "y the Examiner of the Blind or sever*! alnouhts ailuwed. aaioi- . , and he reported that uiey were blind ui l^ if »• ^H^hitrtitcations from the and also it 13 the opinion of your Onm* 8U»te <rf llliiloif, bepartment of PublUs mlttee tliat said apii"was a/, auilu^i ^nd erdJ^da £?* Present to the benefits Jnd^r t^e "biiJS Fens® and prdered Placed ott file. ^ Act' and your Committee would rei. °i "empathy ouimend (that their applicaUohs fee wiui ® lb* Board granted, and that there t»e paid to hem . sisters and three hundred and slxty-ttve dollar! nfSi?2S nfjn^ MtJP*' deceased, and C)»65.00) per year, said payment to fce j ^ maae monthly. The new apolicanUi ta .J^b#._Chftlt'ipau..stated that If there receive their first payment on October before this Isu. for the month of September ^tertaln a motion; Your Committee had on file th« *•»- eu to tlvem; inent of the Cierk the tor the several e^u^ihts siiuwed, as. ioy --lljiT.H iuws, to-Wit: dependent ChlltfrtB-^ Chicago indBs. Howie Jor Lutheran Child NVelrsr# 4 Sectlous 4, 17 11 an<i 13 --- 265.43 | Supr. Ackman and dufy 'ueconded~ by Sectiona 13, 16 T_ 625.69 | Supr. Ferris that the amendment be adopted by this Board and the roll be. Total .....88,736.76 t Bills were audited and ordered paid (>uf of Motor jpuel Tax funds as fol- Ip^a: i0» 0/ Supr. ffj.-*" -- Section Ufit 8, 1»«, t« Of .tne McHenry tjomihittee wet . tile Mclienry "* Che bills -for and respeptreport rec- $ a nations I goods , fuel 80 fit 18A. 4-IT malnt. labor A mat. 826.15 " ' " 20.00 21.00 23.00 10.00 i ' h v s * i f « ' * a u i t t i i i i . i » D o r s i n A t « dkllod ^waa : !?* ?T in*iht- la-bor and >Sit. .... i>f«l . tto6-.'wwii*t.' i8f6", • 1H2 -JmTa i"mt-a lnlt^.b ola' baonr da nmda tm. a..t„. JlA, 14-IT maint. labor and mat. 28,. .,17»IT maint. labor and mat. Iji gnd 16, IK-IT engineering .... 1. ^-IT maintenance labor 4.80 55.60 2.50 111 , njuil 11.00 W.00 •i.oo M [ofiwirtKV*niti< betrlc Co., r w, Oe., f d oil P. rep. Ahd sup 12.50 182.00 54.00 txtb* C*7~ixocirl juSCWfm,, >•** /wdware .Otf^ supplies fanngo RaK^ry", Supplies * M. L*hmsn, bating hajr W. P. AUsn, Incidentals _,... W. I*, and Esther C. Allefl. sal. 186.00 Thomas and Eflii Blontfamiry, r^iTVi lie, salary . Floyd Mason, salary ...... Louise JohnMh, Salary Joeephlne^ Legler. salary Linnea Wolt, salary ; Hllma Melander, salry Marietta Hoghas, Salary ,.„.....J.... CarMe Stephenson, salary ...... Schult*, L. S. Comm. Cp. 10 hogs E. P. Voss Dairy Sehvrttx, L, S, ~ x» itect I1.8M.C0 ...8«0.«2 360.09 , -• ^ , II.064.lJ0 Woodstock, Illinois, ^ t August llth, 1942. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. . Cadrt House, w*'.'1;._ Woodstock, Illlnoife! McHenry County Farm Home 2£!d. Committee beg to report that this Committee met at Hartlard on of August, 1942, and audited bills in the following amountts: Running expense Clothing Tobacpo HoBpltal >£eriicin09 Fuel f. *1 maintenance labor, mat. ! machine rest 779.58 • en^lneerlng labor A mat. 156.21 , 21-IT, cont. oonst. Est. No. I 14,007.04 OB, 22 const, labor & mach. rent 42.19 0iLV' labor dt mach. rent <2.75 15, 28 engineering labor ......... 2.60 16, 2» right of way Jas. 8co|t j-."120.70 19.00 15t *5, right of way •4-7J 1 vfct#r. Frauenfelder 68.20 • °« ?« right of way labor 1 Tr 1 . ;ilcliw&.l» tvu-inri 21>.4(/ 15, to cont.ruction iabor, ma- , and machine rent ....2,248.71 1®. j*. engineering UboV S.uO 13 ft canst, labor & mat. 1 137.69 2. 31 engineering labor 80.88 The grading work on the road toward FraaklfnvUle known as section G southwest of Woodstoeik is hearing completion and the gravelling will soon start. We plan to begin the Harvard-Lawrence jtosd grading Before the month is out. *s the right of way is all secured, the pl&rls approved and the culverts, on hand, bought last fall. ' The approved'applications No. 128, 127 and 113 covering for the Franklin- »lHe Road, CAry-Algonquin Roud and mAtarlAl for the Harmony-Hainpshire road, respectively came Monday, Aug. 10, 1942 from the Federal Works Agfency, Public Road Agency, and the contractors will be notified that the bituminous materials are available for thefle particular Job completions. We nave received from the motor fuel tax fund rental on county owned road machinery as follows: Sec. 21. 1230.83• Sec. 22, 823.01; Sec. 24, $30.26; Sec. 25, 8934.76 and turned same over to the McHenry County, Illinois Treasurer, for the road fund, which said sum of 81218.84 Is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery and for improvements to buildings for housing road machinery. Tour committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County Highway Funds of 13000 until the next meeting of this Board. ^^All of which is respectfully submit- 7 J. G. STEVENS . G. J. CARROLL g. PERRY WRIGHT 117.00 <0.00 $0.00 16.00 43.51 90.00 85.00 i 10.00 44.00 <24.50 $1,092.49 25.54 32.52 284.27 51.28 310. j 6 91.84 ' Rece.ip t. s-- $1,888.60 Schult 1 Livestock Commission Co. .proceeds sale ot hqga $810.63 Voss fairr .... 13.87 Inspection was mtide of ison ..... Turner ens Henry i , J. G. St .• Frank M y . Matt N. chmite jHenry C. John J. -T. F. N * 3'aill Ro Meier .. "llip an. Jr. nthal Woodstock, ill. Hebron, ill. Richmond, ill. Spring Grove, 111. McHenry. 111. -Crystal Lake, 111. Algonquin, III. Woodstock, 111. Crystal Lake, 111. In Wit -sssb Whereof, I hereunto nub- ' {scribed 1 y name and affix the seal of . paid Co- t at my office in Woodstock 7 this 28* .- lay of July A. D. 194t. (Seal) R. D. WOODS. County Clerk. 7- The rr etlng was called to ordey lby Vithe Chal nan, Henry C. Meier, and the t'Mdge, <>< Allegiance to the Flag of lhe 7nit«d < ates of America was giwn . »by the C erk with all members of the ^ BOHrd a? 1 visitors present participate ;.*|ng<i*'tei which the roll was Called b^v t: ithl < Clerl and the following members :Is-^reJrt»iMl«i to their names, towit: Su- JpervWorr L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry rWright, 'arl B. Wlttmus, F. E. Beck. C awson, G. J. Carroll, E. F - ^Kveeker Chas. H. Ackman, Frank C. vJFerrls, T >y J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, - %>|f; Tv ner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, iv Matt *N. 3chmitt, fnmry C. Meier and J<dni<'J. flllp and' Asst. 8upr«t T. F. J . constituting' a Quorum. ^ Tiie r-'ords of the 8peclaie July &jindatlng, 1842, were read and on Motion f^Mrovid gad ordered of record. - 824.50 buiid&VVreq^ment TnT your Committee found everything to be in good condition. Respectfully submitted, . j C. PERRY WRIGHT, Chairman V* 7J Oi1 J. CARROLL, 777 S; B. CLAWBOJl - T. F. NOLAN, JR. •' 'V.-';. .Mabel Hobbs, CoUnty Nurse, appeared before the meeting and read a repert of the activities of the McHenry County NUrse for the period beginning an(1 e«ding August 1, 1912. Miss Hobbs also made a request for the continuation of the appropriation made In the paast by the Board for hep office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly secdhded by Supr. Filip that the report be approved -and that the request be referred to the Fln&nce Committee for re- ?%£}• -**he Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges preseented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Stewart and dulv seconded by Supr. Wittmus and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit; Chairman and Gentlemen of the °f Supervisors, McHenry Coun- Tfe undersigned members of lh«> J)ad and bridge committee for said « Vunty would beg leave to submit the in * rep0,rt on th* matters before at Al»ron«i'uln. Illinois, day^of July 5942, fclMj tn. ;P',«U.a Uir asphalt road work on the Algomiufn-cary road. AU^it half the Jrb w|.s rompleted and Mi*, contractor wru. wot-kin* Ion* liours t : finish the road as far ai possible before the ban on tfc* use of arohalt went into effect. 2h.'5tl.1.w'l,, t',che®ulp<1 'or 22nd. Both the above road and the Franklinvllle road are left without thte final flwl coats in accordance with the con- 'racts the base needs to cure sev- ^r.l. weeks before the Seal oat Is applied. We have sent In the required forms to Washington, D. 4T. for re.easc or jnoUgh ssrhnlt to seal these two rr.ftds anri th« cli.iopel H|ll road northeast of McHfrv fj'd also in co-opcr.'• w'lh Ki'„- Countv. Illinois, for enough .bituminous marterlal to com- ®l'f* Hanr.oi»y-Hamp«hlr» Road jWttlrh has received the first cos.t only. A. STOCKWELL Supr. Stevens, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, addressed the Board and stated that they had received a request from the United States Naval Reserve at Glenvlew Airport for the use of the County's tractor, scoop and an operator for one month, beginning immediately. Mr. Stgvens then introduced C. B. Cochran Lt. U. S. N. R., and C. O. Ballfans, Navy Auditor, both stationed at Glenvlew Airport. Lt. Cochran addressed the Board and outlined in detail the great need for this equipment at this time In thi> Interest;: jf national defense. He stated further that the Naval Departni^it was not forcing the County to lend the >jquip ment without any reward and that the rental price to be paid to McHenry County for the use of said equipment for one month would be approximately $1000.00 and that they would pay the operator. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded by Supr. Beck that said matter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee, giving said Committee full power to act. And the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Resolutions, ROW Purchsse, section 31 Aid Route 2 and Sections 18, St. Aid Routes 17 and 19 were presented and read to the Board, towit: Bight of Way Ke solution Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County at Its meeting this llth day of August, 1942, that there is hereby appropriated the Sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred dollars, or so much thereoof as may be necessary, from the said county's mb* oor fuel tax allotment, for tt,. of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and jury awards in necessary condemnatalon proceedings, required for Section 31, State Aid Route When detailed cost for each tract, or condemnation are known, the County Superintendent of Highways Is hereby authorised to send statement of such cost to C. H. Apple, District Engineer, Elgin, Illinois with request for payment from aforesaid motor fuel tax allotment. Be It Further Resolved, thst this resolution bp submitted to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, to guarantee payment of all cost for right of way needed on «aid Section 31, State A'td Route 2, the detailed location being described as follows: Beg. at a pt. near the RE Cor. of the SE14 of Sec. 35, Twp. 46 N., R. 7 E. of the 3rd I'M (Hebron Twp.) and extending along said S. A. Rt. in a VKly and N'ly direction for a distance of approximately 21 120 ft. (4 ml.) Blgkt of Way Besolutlon Be It Renolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County at Its meeting this llth day of August, 1942 that there is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the said county's motor fuel tax allotment, for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court cosss, and Jury awards In necessary condemnation proceedings, required for Section 18, State Aid Routes 17 and 19. When detailed cost for each tract, or condemnation are known, the County Superintendent of Highways Is hereby authorized to tend statement of such ing called, the Chair mart declared^ th* riiotlon unanimously carried. TJ1® Clerk presented lists of plaints against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and di*fy seconded by Supr. btevens and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committtees and the Board adjourned to ISO ocio<* R W comr&ttSe worjCe •. xiao &<ii*oqic Board met pursuant to adjournment and t{ie roll being called by the Clerk, the same members responded • to thefr names as appeared of record in the morning sossiuri, constituting a quorum. John Jbrock, McHenry County Farm Auvidoi and ae> <$f 4-K work in this County, appeared be tore .ihe Hoard and uuwiiica »n QeLull the prafciua» mUde in i..; jear. lie then a request . . . v.«» -^.'(/pi-wuwi.ot' isOiftOU for the j. 0. .Uia ii w*>.a regular*} n.mtd by ijapf. ci/is and auii' Wtoonuoq i,y ijupr. Acltiiitt- u thut tno roquet ol iau' AicHvruy ooaiisy tarm Advisgi be griinted, and that tne County Ci$i* bi ln|d.rucled to draw an Qruer tyi uje County "ireaauror xor $<!U0.'00 to jJurthaoe n fives and award« ror the 4-li Club, and^\j»at the said _4-H Clubs flle a report With this Board showing the expenditure* of said fund, and the roll Ueing called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. R. o. Andrew of -Woodstock, Illinois, County Coordinator of Civilian Defense appealed before the board and aaked each Supervisor to contact immediately the members of the various defense organisations lA their ^community to make sure, that the trial blackout to be had Wedneuday evening will be ma<s* cessfui. He statvd furi aer mat he was sure that ail oi. tiiu uiues and villages weie well organized but that some of tne smaller, unincorporated communities might not be and that thin Was just a precaution o make sure that McHenry County will go x>ver 100%. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wlttmus ahd duly seconded by Asst. Subr. Nolan and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlti „ , August 11, A. t>. 194*2. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors «• Tour Committee on Libor, Fees ind Supply Claims would beg leave to re-1 port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, anu that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for he several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Frank Thornber Co., Co elk ptg $293.38; co elk off sup $82.66: .' co treas off sup $4,61; clr elk ' rec. bk $392.36; co elk elec ' - ' «upl $14.10 ............ ;. $726,90 P. K Pettibone & Co., ct> treas off sup 85,87 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, cq treas off sup $8.50; contingent $82.50; sup schs off exp $4.00; co elk elec supl $95.00; supr prtg $2.80 142.80 Mitchell Drug Store, co elk off «up H'>:.:7§|7 Crystal Lake Herald, co treas ; ; assmt 8330.50; co elk elec 0 supi $^s.3u; ssupt schs oft I a 90c ..., 860.70 Charles s'. Hayes, Judcy Just fees 20.00 Wm. A. MueUer, Bd of Rev sal.... 110.25 McHenry Plalndealer, co treas " assmt 184.30 C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwy., i co sup hwy trav exp $76.46;, Co sup hwy sal $191.00 ; 26T.2* 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse Jall tel 116.10 Callaghan & Co., Judcy libry .... 3.06 Thorne A Son, shf jail sup clo.... ?.77 Co. Coroner's Reporter-- Verna Buesing ^ 6.00 Helen Knox 6.00 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- 7 American Munitions Ca. 154.-02 Bohn Hardware Co 19.24 Ludwlg Wilson Co. ; 13.62 185.14 17.26 15.35 6.00 Kiltz Off. Service, ct hse SUP $183.60; contingent $1.(4 ... R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail Coal Ethel C. Coe, sup schs off exp .... iOleanor Young, co coroner's rep Byers Prtg. Co., sup schs off exp $1.40; contingent $12.4? 12.87 Ct. Hse. Jail Repair*--^ ' A. L. Bennett 21.78 Templeton & Merchant ........k...._... 12.65 Thom&8 B. Merwin 22.$ 1 Sanitary 7'lbg. A Htg. Co. 9.31 Johnson Sheet Metal Shop 1.0 Ilakkom Bros - 1.16 Andrew Worwick, shf off wp .... 2.95 Lester Edlnger, shf per diem fees serv lM* Co. 8hf. Feedg. Prls.--; Western United Gas ft Elec 4.01 Marlnda Bates .....;..v.k,.............--- 800 Conwa Dairy „.7."..-h.....--~ 17.14 Asmus & Son 48.00 Trackett's Bakery 14.27 Royal Blue Food Store 77.21 Shff. Dpty.-- Richard L. Edlnger 20.00 Fred H. Wllke 10.00 C. V. Seaman 4.00 Fred C. Bau 4.00 Marcus W. pamish, Shf. Kahe County, contingent w-.r, 5.40 John C, McOee. ct hse Jail repairs I.Ofl Howard Freeman, shf dpty 4.00 Owen H. Corr. shf bailiff 28.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff 820.00; ; shf dpty $4.On 24.00 Walter Sahs, shf bailiff $8.00; shf dpty $64.00 Frank Thornber Co., co elk elec supl , : Supr. Sal. Mileage-*- L. A. Stockwell C. Perry Wright ».... Carl E. Wlttmus F. E. Beck N. B. Clawson .... G. J. Carroll E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman . Frank C. Ferris Roy J. Stewart J. E. Harrison ........ H. M. Turner .... J. G. Stevens -v.--- Frank May -- Matt Schmltt WWMWW*l«mw»HM*« 7|.od 108.23 21.80 49.60 82.60 $4.80 24.20 67.00 52.50 88.90 66.60 22.80 17.10 8.20 52.80 24.00 tl.00 Norton and „Oayni St.. Vfinoohts ifMMiOt UMssea and T0i»u, lfiva, Kappln*, Ystebo ... Mrs.Ma r»hail Mfc>^rlsnui, 2 ^sties. Meyer ,.-..v,.< Mrs. Jack. 11erce.7Knf7.....'....vt.ri'. Ur. Vernon X. UeuMitilUBgii. fHiu* j>owman ^ros. . 86v». 815* 7^ Bradley Montg«ru«ry- Wafd Louise, vi&bki, .dOPtni 41.46', piro « " Mrs, L^u Herman T. B. Oldl^eopii Lake Co. W.00 41.00 li;: -** Mtertain motion i rour file the an. V?'a.£ regularly | plication ot Emma Smith of Crystal iiid ^uiy sec- ' Lakt, Illinois, who since making bOt* ogle. KT • to'adjourn. Mo- .application nis departed^ thfilSfff- ^ jji .Thereupon the Board ad- j your committee would tneretor'e rao 14* ^r**d- n wmm ! ^.e.®u„m..?* Eighteen Uu>t<* m* i Chairman ; sand Dollars ($18,000.00) be" inclad^^rn A^^est' . k1 p. WOODS, County Clerk, the annual appropriation ordinance add *----1-- 'fnilvllreli ktrfh ousand u™o _ iiarsI (-$ .5 ,0t>< o.00. >' - b*e *i7n* - the fpUewlnge^ from, the AssoclaUen of tfC^nQ'-. Qoimrtle*ioher* aad Supervlsois read to the. Bdaid('^w>t:'. To the Chairmen^ ef. tbi^UrS1 oapei vigors; 1 * , : . . To the 6ta-te*s Altorhf^s. • ' • county 'I'reaeMrers: aiv4 County ••1 '••• •"*•" ' *.7"'• ;7' -^nvAotuen; (j signetf £asb*ftb0ii, ^/^||d^uAdy J 1 uty/8tn' by "»« T«^rirt»ejrit Of .^ Weifuro, U^it.« irenleviMocttiyn. 6 luiuoi# Ta*'jCortji»H«l«ifc- will eali upoii uie county T'fgeurerJof cotiAty *o ascertain Mklaqce remsanirt* in Ue l)f?: RejfirtirSeptoab^r Meeting ' .*r :!942r7- ' .. I* \ '• ' .Board .of Supervisors 0 qrf^SfcRea^ Oouftty; IliipoU, met in callad to order by gxe iChairman,- Henry C. Meier, and the 'tsdm et Alleglaace to the Flag of 3 Sp w!!1was given r tM plerk wUh au members of the [oartl* and Vlsltots present participate •fter whlCh the, rplf wao called by «^v Clou and .tho following members rmq^ed to tbeir aaMies, to-wit: Su- CSjTcJr t IVI K. » Cfawson, Q. ^.Carroll. E. F. IC^efcgerj. ChaS. H. Ambnan, frank C. ttrrjs, .Roy J. Stewart. Jf. JS. Harrison, H. ti. Turner, O. Stevens, Frank May. Math N'. SuhmlU, Henry C. Meier ; itui;.VQhn:Jv +"ii& an4. A»st. fauuro. -f. -r. Jr. and raul ftosonthaT. constl- WiW1# f full fceild We^nL _fhf; mjnutes «f the Special August, 1912 meeting Were read and on motion kppHvW. and ordered of record. .•4 The Iplhtwlng^ rapeK of the County Treasurer for the n»f»nth of August. m°""" 8a5ps!KPa8lif2Si W ehdSd "by gu9r> Wright and declared ^aii^ed, was approvfcd and ordered of ftrcord, ' a s o f J u l y l f 4 f c , ' 7 . . . . . Section I'O^ jU> 1ui>Tl^ a<4»te unexpended' afpropnOt^ or oharactt^ Auule by This fMtipn .is. -a5»' ^ ^ • tion'al and ed tM* MothgM* ^inu to the gewal ^iMil. _ not be paid t>ver "t© , thi It II. auggesfed tr ' money #olng .laid/ luhd might it* *ppt ni l stake maae by "th of 'i tien In the, . _ which dlsldoat' down state «•< V#ry B'ft... Prealdtnt of WbSnmMa^s-m' It was' Utereupon regviart: Supr. Kutcker and d ' Supr. Ackmatt jhai-ai rerred to the FinancO ^heir consld«rs$i«n% uiis'nlfHoutDr tnitMOk The ChairnKh. ani. Hon of Grand JHrof* 10^? ^.,.1. .$l27,48fef4 -165* Taxes '....' 48.68 ^ ,.„ JOty Hoim .;.... 878.00 P^TAJIert. Sunt: Co. Home 28.66 UncO T**fci .:.... .1,248.86 ' TatjWl 7,398.00 etief ...u .. ...1,403.00 be* for violations Cn state highways 14.00 SMalliM and Fees 2.29 •veiSr Ta* vv-.-"...'- 07.00 • Highway Fund^:...:r^..-.-..M...«.;.i4i« «4 ®n^^<l- 276.00 CiSlioted Tax«s Institute Fund , i--,.-...... Total ftjBceJpts --........... doint * ...1,846.80 80.00 ...14,048.74 $141,626.48 _ Mleeem^ rtal Panel for the a*p(embe*, t9-- term .o.f. the Circuit, Court ar}d tho . follewlkg named persone -.Jjrei* ftleqfed t6 »Vevi ecu Gr^nd JureHi foi* . the , 8eH*<n6er. Onee fiWetioonk |Mnh^,1ltM|. .?• E. s. Andrew*, TAlden Twp. • Otto Fox. HartlanA Twp. » . Lester I'erki(iSi SeheCa Twp. • , Mae Bttner, Coral Tei,. Knute Olson, Sr., Orar^on Twp. Fred Ferris, porr T.wn.. • GUmore iiddy, W)lT >Twb. ,.^s . ay Donov^ OseeciWOM Tim. Theresa KJeHstTom. Hebron Twp. Charles C.. yteVi',art, Bictimbnd TW|I,-; Paul WebeT, liunbrt TSrpi. .' . Peter F. FrfUntt.^ MeR(en^ ,*C|rij. .7 Ro«e Frfeunrf. • MeHency TW<- . ^ • A l b e r t I r w r t n . . K i j i n d f c j T " i " . ; Grace Hln*ef- Niwrfli.,tw$>.>.v: v\ , v> Anton Mareg, Algoniauia .TiWK:. MiO rtie S0hukU,'> Algofwiuin Twp. The nunM MKoiia were sefectod to nerve Ss Grand Jurors en the Supplemental -t^hel, for the September, 194* term of the Clrenit' CdW1^ • • : , . . •• \ . . - •. Hazel Madeeri, Riley Two. pan Kanalley, Matenge TWO. Beshte M«ponn«(l,' iputUtai|» Dau-y Marie Rfetor, iC^knvung 4Sa^is#1 ^ *• '*• ***%' Mart IQng, Hartl^ttd Leo Be«be. SOneca KugeneT Shaw, Coral Thomae GraM"!. <J AlicO Sherburne U^j, Herbert Kilt*,' Dorr »T Alice Snrltni Ore^nW Sam DeTount. Heni Jessie MMley, f__ . _ _ Albert 8choiel|er, Burtdo T John t>«eymilieu, Moiuiir Robert KeMOmarkMHuhd: Grand Total „..$141,526.48 • h The. above and foregoing report is .(rite and correct aeedrdlng to my best knowledge and beliefs C. FRANK 1DALY, Co. Treas. ,. l^ubkcrtbod and Owern to before me -this 8th day <of September, 1942. :<8eal) R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. " The Cortrtnlt,te« on- Relief of Blind Resented the following report; to-wit: v *' 7 -' September 8th, 1042 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the - Beard of. Supervisors: Tour Committee tm Relief of Blind Wo uld beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: . -Tour Committee Instructed the County Clerk to notify eafch new applicant ^r a Blind pension by registered mall tl)4t tlVe Committee would meet on the iftn dav of Angust. A; D. 1942, at the •C«H»rt House in (he City of Woodstock for th% purpose K>f passing upon their apnlloatlons. Your .Committee met on 0*{d day and after having duly considered a ppllcations received by the County Clerlt within the last year and after tf Helena Bottt It was tlwreUj. Supr. Tumim, ani Stfpr. Ferris .(hat. the tfel .t urors anidh W. -the IU .urUtr tVTiiM, HM to |M /Stock* ;7Be|imiU ir ' ' " Clerk of the. Circuit Coufl .^ro T^m. and the roll being eallrt - -- - Well. WrlghV W! Carroll, Kuecker, , rlson. Turner, JStv-, ;ind FlHp and Asst. aye, nay none/ Tbe Cu.»,«7» w the motion .ufhin^wjliiilrjKtTlUL Statements txf condition ii| tM ^close of business on the 'Jto Of 1942 of the State Ban* of. State Ban«< Hebeon St*i» state Bank of Richmond and K. of rondltlon at the elOM fit titt< . June3 oth. 1942 of tile Home Stati of crystal Ukt, First National of Woodstock,. Cary State Bank. Htbron State Bank, State Bank of Ricwnnnd und the State BAnk bf Udlon Were presented and upon nuHioa duty mads and carried were Ordered placed 00 file, The Clerk made ^ MoUiet for the purchat^ of a suitable American Flag to be placed In His nflfloe. . Aftef Some discussion it was. regularly moved by Supr. Wittmus and duljr eecOnded by Supr. Ackman that the matter of the purchase of eUtable flags for the offices In the County Building and for the Court House be referred to the Purchasing Committee. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously earrled. Tjftg frtiyimt.B pt^l • cgwuft (1HJ4* --99,889.42 8.876.69 ..1,426.00 .8,828.28 .115.00 Motor Fuel Ta* frlhfrltance Taxes Coroher * Fee* "....u Stamps Prpb^tlon Officer Cottnty Treasurer's Salary Clerks' Salaries ........A.'...'. B<Hlnty Ordeti TluKllu^e -Fund, 6.00 90.18 100.00 200.00 597.60 2.80 131.26 fcdMl > Slxpenaiturea.i......:.........20,342.01 balance on hand m alt funds ' Aufdst 21st .121.184.47 havlhg interviewed each applicant to gMer.taln whether or not they qu.ilifled Uh3®r th* jBIfnd Pension Act, would retepe^ tfully recommend that the follow- . Tng Applications be approved, to-wlt: t , » 480--mnk w. Ch«t>man. 288 E. Jack- . son St., Woodstock, 111. JfM-1--1TV»tn Farley, Huntley, Illinois. 182 -- Evangeline Lynch, RFD No. 2, : Woodstock, Illinois. |3}l4r-John E, Senn, "Huntley, Illinois. Y-ouf Committee mnde an investigation concerning all other persons receiving pensions' Under the 'Blind Pension Act' and w^ould recommend that the sura of three hundred and slxtyftv* dollars ($W6,«0) payable monthly We paid to the feflOwtngr named persons jiidet the Statutes, to-wlt: Rasgett, Jennie. West McHenry, 111. Bowman, William F.: Richmond, III. Brwunefdoffj Hulda, RFD 2. McHenry. Rrnoks, Frank. 620 8. State St., Marengo, 111. rvdhjr, Ella. Harvard. HI. CoHlns, Charles. Woodstock, 111. Oonway, James F., Lincoln Ave,, Weodstook. 111. Ortrr, James, 800 JC Hampton, Wood- Mock. II. j. T»»ev, John, 211 w.Metaea. Harvard. III. ^7 Dana, W. W., lit S. Jefferson Street, Woodstock, IlL Dellenha^V. J., ,764 Brown St., Woodstock, HI. , Dunhattv, Alfred. Woodstock. III. Esmond, Charles. Chemung, lllinple. Freund. Walter J.. McHenry, lit Frost, G i Hard C.. 80S-Main St.. Crystal I^ake, Illinois. eluded in the annual tax levy for the year 1942 for the relief of the Wind! fci McHenry County. . , . ; te^11 01 wbiu'1 i8 respectfully submit- FRANK C. FERRIS,. Ciu^ijliui , IL M. TURNKK v. *. K. HARRISON ' 7 : ". V • FRAiNK MAY 7 , v . 7.- • J. a. sT^visiNS- 7 . It was thereupon regularly movOd by Supr. Beck anu duiy seconaed by Ktm. Wittmus that the report of the Com* mlttee on the Keliel of Blind be Approved and he recommendations accent* ed and the roll being caned, tiuprM. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus. B*tk. Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, AelUMtt! *'ei ria, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, benmitt and Klllp and fpjst iaupra. Nolan and Hoaeninai voted ark, nuy none. The Chairman declared XnO ...otioii unanimously can led. . Tiie CoiniiiHleu on t malice presented >•.*. ijiiivwiun report, to-wit: -- :•* ,),v . , 1 - .. •. r". v > .;.*i>SS K. i>. Woods, "9* ^^uiity Clerk. : • 7-/. J. VVOOdbtOCK. iilinols. : . v 7 -v.*. A,r. Aoods: Thla is wiui reterene to mir' nrolftit cuii vuiiJiitiou coiicernnig the apprOptli- "uio tui' tiie estates ^itioracy* ouice uuriug ttie ensuing year. . 1 am respectiuuy asking the BaaM of Supervisors to include in the 1M8 budget an item to help defray a portion of the salary of the stenographer for the State's Attorney. Heretofore I have paid all of he salary of the atohographers In the State s Attorney « office. In view of the fact t^at the State's Attorney's stenographer alee hanutes the work of my pnvatO Bmt offlae, 1 have not felt that ttoi OMm shomd be called upon to pd]n>'iali!riW this salary. I do think however tna& one-half of the expense ef st^nbgfaphers for the State's Attorney's mswik should be paid by the County. • Accordingly 1 am asking that an propviation of $tiuo.Oo be made for the -above expense. If the Finance Committee feels that they would like further information on tne matter. I shall be gl$d to appear before them. . vary - truly yourrs •" ^' WMbm-'- WM- * CARROLU;': September t, ll9ft To the Chairman and Gentlemen of! t]he Board of Supervisors: , . «. Your Committee .on Finance w.bui^ beg leave to report that they have hfla meetings and after due deliberation have prepared for action of the full Board the Annual Appropriation Ordinance and the Annual Tax Jbevy. Your Committee received a request from the State's Attorney of McHenry County for an appropriation of $60.00 a monlh to pay part of the cost of a stenographer for his office and your Committee, after having considered said request. Would recommend that same be granted and that the (payments be made to the State's Atorney of McHenry Count? semi-annually on tiie first pf June ai£d the first of December of each fiscal yea/. ^All of which is reanectfullv yihwyitj. '• '«-:FAUL ROSENTHAL 77^ ' - H. M. TURNER : •~*T7r-hT-r*' " S. F. KUECKER 7 -H.*7:. F. E. BECK FRANK C. FERRIS ' ' 7 t '7 . • ..7 . ;'w ^ it was thereupon regularly mo^rOd. fry bupr. otc.who v...a uu»:> seconded Supr. Schmitt that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved. Tha Chairman declared he motion carried. The Committee on Finance presented the following report and Annual Apl> proprlation Ordinance, to-wit: To^the Chairjnan and Gentlemen of Board of Supervisors: . Your Committee on Finance beg leavf to report that they have established budget for the general funds and for (hi funds raised by taxation for general County Purposes for the fiscal periodending with the Sunday preceding the First Monday in December 194$, and recommend to this Honorable Board the approval and adoption of the budget or "Anua! Appropriation Ordinance" attached and made a part of this report* In the manner, and upon the condltttnd specified in said annual appropriation lows, to-wlt: Annual Appropriation Ordinance For the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday ut December, 1943. Pursuant to "An Act in Relation' id the Budgets of Counties Not Required by Law to Pass an Annual Approprla* lion Bill" approved July 10, IMS, It Is Hereby Ordained by the Coupty of Mo- Henry, In the State of Illinois, a* fol* lows, to-with: Receipts of the preceding fiscal year $516,697.02 Payments made In the preceding ~ ' • nscal year $62M0M» Balance in the County Treasury at the end of the pre- ' / ceding fiscal year Estimated income from all • sources during the year . i. " covered by this budget are - • "7 *" '• as follows, to-wit: < * n Income from Tares 189,378-04 Total Receipts, 7" Co. Officers $84,627.91 7 ; Total Net Receipts, Co. Off 60.9ta.2t income from Twp. Co. Home 5J79.48 Income Rentals 100.60 Income Count}' Home 919.10 Income State's Attorney 1,271.00 Income from Co. Licenses .... 2S,790.00 Income from State of Illinois-- Refund Blind Pensions 9,006.00 M. F. T. Refunds :'.....100,000,00 Total Estimated Income 363,00.00 Section 2-- ^ That it Is deemed neeeesary in order to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said County for the cur* unite, ._. _ rent fiscal year that there be and there Gorenflo. Christina. 254 S. Tryon St., ; hereby is appropriated to be provided Woodstock, 111. . ...» !for by the *'neral tax levy and other Haldetrian. Fdwin G., Harvard, III. [revenues for the current fiscal year the : Hamilton, Mary, 338 Seminary Ave., 1 aggregate sum of three hundred eighty Woodstock, 111. ; three thousand dollars and no cents and Harmsen, Elsie, W. MeHenry, III. the object and purpose for which said Herdklpt*. Chertotte 710 Wheeler St., j appropriation is made and-v amounts Woodstock. 111. ^ .hereby appropriated for the "Tie are 7 ? ; 5 . : S 7 7 ; V v 7 7 ; •. ' 7 • Hlnes, Anna; RFD No. 2, Woodstock, lit {as follows, to-wlt: Johnson, Ben: Cfretal Lake, 111. I County Surveyoi J»taaoa. acaavj^a W-; WJ Bailrned bl, fwvtoo* -$1,000.00. £:i ;-t.. IUHHM