- ' •- ' .-f: >f i-' -I-- '- -s-•V i -- --v ,,V. ^ 'A •••.$* w, -;CJ I . ' " " ' • • : y . ' - ; " X . • ... 5. Pftf dockets Supplies Coutity Clerk--8 11,500.00. Fees Per Diem for services .... Commissioner's ftM, IhfOMSe find feebleminded caoes Printing Office Similes Talc Extensions Registrars, births and deaths CrlminaJ en Men . Do* Ta* LKStnrifN Tax books Per rrfSiH * Mileage Election Official* Election Supplies Elections--Rent of PoHfhgO. ' ,:-.:^...._..;._^...V...>-2: Co. Trea*. and Ex-Officio eolloctor--814,658.00 PHntUig . .., ' Printing Assessments Office Supplies, .w....;.„.,. Collection, Delinquent Personal 8»000 00 ).<W .on .00 «.8onoo 1.000.00 500.00 ISO .00 1,000.00 -«50.( f.fOO.fl l.Sno.c ?.0o0.00 ,000.00 $00.0* Cioo.ort 8,Qo<i.oo 860.00 Property Tax Bills ,eV ' * "•• ,108.0(1 60.00 •0.0.0 too.oo J.700.0© IWn an 9,300.0ft 50.00 1.700.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 <,800.08 1,850.00 *>n no §50.00 100.08 8,^00.00 Repots book* Int. Tax' Anticipation War. • Sheriff-- »lf, 750.00 -tRaliiff Per Dlenv all courts ...1 Cotort per diani fees for oelrv... Office Supplies . Feeding Prisoners Jml uSppljes and ClottUna ._.' ' Defeuty Sheriffs Per Diem Coroner--$82n.0d •County Coroner's Fees Coroner's Reporter Fund Superintendent of Schbols--|2,465.00 Clerk Hire 1,885.00 Office Supplies 1,100.00 Court House ahd Jail--115,930.00 Salaries, Jailer and, Janitor. 2,88ooo Coal ....... Light ahd Water Rf^tw Supplies- ...., ...... Telephone . . J u d I c i ri ry-^-f^SO.Oo Library Justice FPM . Miscellaneous Expense County Home--$26,200,00 Salaries for Employees Supplies for Care of Inmates 12,00n.0o Mwieal for CarO of tntnates .. l.Ooo.no Fuel 1,800.00 Light and PoWer -.-.- - l.lno.oo Repairs ..., 1,000.00 <V Supt. of Hwy 8.--83,385.00, Salary v -2.885.06 Travellnrr E*r>etise ...._ 1,100.00 Probation Officers--92,700.00 Salary--Circuit Court Salary--County Court Traveling- fHp.--Count Couft Board of Revl«w-r-W,®75J90 8a (art OK :.. Supplies County Judge-r» Salary :.... Reporter Salary Foreign Witnesses BoMmies, Crows, Cfli^s Rftr* And Fo*es Jitr ors--All Courts per dlenlr and mileage Btlocrvlsors--811,100.00 Per Diem and Mlleagi Printing Fofr Cart1 of County Dependent fchtldren Cafe T. B. Patients W 8->n. ... State's Attofrtey--$7,850.0« Rent ; •..., Salafry v Assistant Office Supplies InVest((rations Stenogrnpher ....,; Co. Aid In Rldtr Bridges--*7,SOO.ofl Construction of Bridges 4,000.00 ^Repnir of Bridges 3,300.00 Bqirardus Fund--Relief Ex- Soldl^rs, Sailors and Marines Eradication of TR Ih Cattle Salary of Co. Veterinarian Tr*v, Eitn. of Co. Veterinarian Sahirv of Office Secretary Office Sunpll^s CofttlnRent Fund Fof tns. on Co. Piioi>ei,tleK .... For Insurance Premium^ Bonds Confttv Officers 2.800.®)- MeHenry Co. TB Assn. Fund l.JW.fff .WcHenry C«v FArm •& Homo 8ur«0J)-fl-470A0ft Offlca «BKuena» H»m» Bureau ,500.00 4-H l0liiftiFiTOj#cts warm Bureau 200.00 Total of Qeti. Fund AP«^<}I>T-IATL«NS I8S,S80J00 Fof Relief of County Blind, Blind Pensions 11,000.00 Coimtv Aid In Bulldln* Bridges. fo Retire Bonrts & Int. . 18,340.00 For Prtvinent of Ri(rht of WBf tod Building Roads 100.000.00 County Highway Tax--178.300.00 Maintenance State and Stateu / Aid Roads ...............^^.OOO.OO Removing Snow i.,;;.......:.--..;...... 2,000.00 Office Supplies 200.00 Orand Total of All • APPROBATION* •......... .....|38S,000.(W) Section K-- This ordinance shall He in full fofrt and effect from and after Itft passAge and Approval according to law. All'of which Is respectfully alihtnlt- ' PAITTJ HOSUVTHAL. cnairthan is F. ^ . • - . . l i " • 1 it--Sophie and Edward Anfteraon. Old Lake Oenevi Road near Rt. Xr 12. Spring Grove, III. 28--Anfta ft. SchHeMef, « % All. .WW.df Woodstock on Rt. 14, Hafthuid, RFD N*o. l, Woodstock, IH. 124--John Rift, Jr., 1 ml. JIW ot Ma- ! rengo, ITS 20, Marengo. IH. 12f>--Fred Dittman, 173 North 8h«* ' Drive, Crystal LjUke. 111. 2fi -- Henry Nell, 1 ml. E. of JXcHenry, McHfrnry, III. - 2T-- Charles Weatlak*. Solon MilK on V. S. 12. Solon Mils, 111. i 28- -Frank R. Anderson, on Rt. 178. j' Burton Bridge, MeHenry,. III. RFD 2. ; 2>--Rene E. LamourettX, Sec t T 41 N R O K Village of Coral on Rt. 80, l!n- 1 ion, 111. 30--B. A. Connor,. 1^4 mi. N. of McHen- I iry o#» Route No. 31, MeHenry, 111. " 31----Oeorge Hlnes and Dorothy Pitcher, I Rt. 173. Chemung, Harvard,. 111. 32--Joseph A. Valllartrdat-t'Ond tfatlldo , VKillancourt, It H, Ringwobd, Rlfte1- ' «ood. 111. ' • . 33--C. Bell Jacohv, Tawtay'a 8ttb: Nnnda ' Twp„ MeHenry, 111. RFTt' , 34--Leslie and Irvin Johnpons 1 (i,mi. N, of Cryatal LaJie on l"S 14, A.ryatal Lrtbt, 111 , RFD No. J. 35 -- Frank Nell; Jofcnaftur?, 111. at • Bridge. McHefiry, Ili- Rt. 1. 38'--William .f: Mdta, Main St.. Jobnsburg, MeHenry. 111. RFD Jnhnaburg. 37--Lucille Sol en is. Intersection of UB 14 and HI. 8J( Crystal Lake, 111. 38--Alexander and Annette M. Horn, 2 ml. NE of MeHenry on, Greonwood Road. McCullom Lake, W. MeHenry. Ill RFD 1. 39--William Schaefer. Oreenwood Road McCullom Lake, W. MeHenry, 111., 1 40--Lewis j. Pitmen. Pfctakee LakO, MeHenry, IH„' RFD 1, Pistakee Lajke., 41--Oeor»« J. Wehrenberg. Cor. Rts. US 12 and 31, Richmond* 111., RR 1 42--George K. Frit«el,"H ml. E. of Crva, tal Lake on lTS 14, Crj'atal Loke, lilt 43--Alma Evensen, Rt. 170, Island 1 Jlke MeHenry, 111., Rt. 2. . 44--Claua. R. I>arsoo. H ml. S. ot Hebron. III. on Rt. 174. Hebron, llj. 4 5--Ambrose s^d Herman Schaefer, Fox St., MeHenry, MeHenry, ill. Box 92. 48--Harry >tinola, on Rt. it? 14 4 jhi. SK o( Woodstock, Woodstock, ffl., RFD B. . 47--Charles Holm4jerit J n»l. N. . ot Richmond on US 12, Richmond, 111., RFD 1. _ 48--William Mertes, RFD Pistakee Bay MeHenry, MeHenry, 111.. RFD Plsta- }(€£ y 49--Margaret Porten. Hickory Knoll, S. of r'nrton's Bridge, McHenr#', 111. RFD t. 4_ 50--Hilda Larson, Ringwood, Rlnr#ood. Illinois. 51-- Joseph B. Hettirtnkn, iht#raectlon of Hwys. In Johnsbur^, MeHenry. HI. RFD i, Johnsburf. 52--G0orf£ Hermann, Fo* River V^Vlfey Gardens. It. 210, Waticonda, wtueo «da, 111. 63--Genevtev* McDonald. Oreen#ood Rd. McCollUhi Lake. W. McHeni,\v HI. 54--AlbertF. Schult. 20 R. Grartt Hwy. Marengo, Mfli'ehgo, 111. Rt. 1 . 55_Hrty w. Smith, on . Rt. . ITS, CMSmurlg, Ch^hiung', 111. BO* B$. 56^-Albert Lekhle, on Rt. 173, K. •* fffty Limits, Harvard, 905 V. Pfvlaloff St.. Harvard, 111. . 57--Mrs. George Lay, Main St.. JohnsS, burr, McHenrv, 111. Rt. 1. JrihnPbUt-s* 58--Mafgaret Haenlsch, on tT9 12 Rl«h« mond, Richmond, lit. 69--Connie Straus, on Rt, it®, Islartd Lake, MeHenry, III. RrI>,J. 60 -- Ivar Fredrickaen, Wdiid^r L*k# Unit No. 1. Wonder Lake. RlhtWood, 111. RFD Wonder Lake. 61 --Sam Salveaen, on Rt. 178, Burton's Bridge MeHenry, Burton'6 Bridge, MeHenry 111. 1 k . . 82--Hilda M. Johns6n, Bald Kirtb oh Pistakee IJike. McH>liry. XWHrtify-. ni 68--John F. Boro. I.lly fAke, Rt. 12fl, , MHenry, 111. RFD No. I. i4--George Blakey. St. Rt. of McHeni'y. M«*Herff>v, 111. RFD i. 85--Frank Bryan and Frances U. Bateh. 3'-'. mi. W. of MarenKo <>n US 20. Marengo, J1L. RFD 1, Box 1«. --Jo» Ei-Miller, ..2 ml. JLA? - 87--Albert ilille'r, R' W ftftfffrhond . on Rt. 173 in Button TWp.. Spring • Gro*i, lit. . 88--Frank J. RosinHkl, Vlliaf* Of Laurence, Harvard. 111. fcFD^ . mLfl, of Hrtrbn - \ . " - / . i THE BOARD OP SITPEftVlSORS, MeREN'ftV C0UKTY, ILLtKOlB Board of Supervisors of MeHenry the <~<>nrtr Hniisf or S< pieml*r 3. 1942 C5onty: laniT nudited claims ot' th« Deputy ("i nn- . Your Omnty H*»me Committee met ty t'lerKs «n*t K>>K>Rtr«<>oi, ()(lic«*is > onon September 2, 1942 at the MeHenry • ductingl the registratihr. of voters cer- We«terti Unite«l «~las A Elec. Co., shf fee.l* rri? Kilt* OfTlcO Service, oi, oik «.iT : SILF» 812 3;!: CK cliv sup $10 .1 H. L. (ievaart. sup sChs olf etp Snqlthrv PlumWnng Htgv Co., ommending same be paid. ' fthat the fTTlowing amount's be 'aiiowed | Ifc^O. An«n»w t^TciThlie jifcM-cottl J. F. Mitchem, elevAtor habil'lty $42.00 | the various Stijlervlsors for their town- i Co>. Clk. Ins. Deodn Jen A See I.ailndty, laundry se»V. 25.04 ; ships for distribution to the said Regis- ' O; E Nclw»n M 1> Callahan PfeilTer Pharmacy, drug su|) 50.14 , trnrs to-wit: I ITenrv W Sandeen. M. »•' k.^.. Wool worth, notions ...... 12.'?" j Thwnshlp No. of Reglstmfa Atnount ! CailAhnn Bnkkom Bros., repair* a Ml su|>..„ 6.81 Riley. I Refcistt-ar 5 days .....;„...$20.0# MoHenrv Plalndealer. c« CBt • ' • Marengo, 3 Reg. l»*b days 78.00.. | elec s'uol CbUnty Home and audited the bills for tain days in each week for the perlt>d the month of August, 1SM2, and respect- l-beginning July 1^42 and vrdir.* \*ufuHy submit^ the following report rec-lgust 31, U#2 and would recommend .'l.' ' R. (). Andrew Co., feed and suflf. 107.60 Montgomery Ward * Co* ctotfe. 47.:" Lud-#ig Wilson Co.. supplies^ Record Co., filing VA\ V. Mueller (^o., ho«^. st^t. .. III. Bell Te|. Co., aervice .. H»yhi\ iidw. Co... supplier. . Hioyal Blue Store, Krycerfen Thorne & S&fi, cloAln^.^. Bbyce Brrts., gAs ann oil NeU Thompson, baii ^phn S#Xton Co., fOO.00 1.JOO.OO too.00 ' li<«0.00 75.08 tiOAO.no 1,080.00 ' 100.00 lvSoo.eo 6,300.00 i.soo.oo 1.600:00 5i 500.00 15,900.00 loo. Oft 4,800.00 l,tt»0.00 850.00 inn on 600.00 s.ooo.on 8,100.00 l,«*o an 100.00 ono.oO 280.00 8000.00 1,600.00 *<k.*'VK r WPRRIS, H. M. TtfRNBR Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Ruhr. Fltlp and duly seconded by SUpf. Turner that th4 report of the Cnmtnijttee on Finance be approved ana the An" nu*1 Appfoprlatioh Ordinnnce or Budr»t for tne fiscal period ending with, thi Sunday preceding the first Monday In December, 194 3 be adopted and the roll hetfig called. Suprs. StockWVU. Wrl*ht, WHtriluti. Beck, Clawson, Carroll. Kuecker, Ackmah, Ferfia, Stewart Harrison. Turner. Stevens. May.. Sonmltt and Fllip and Asst. Siiprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted Hye. nay none. Thf Chilrman declared the motion unanimously carried. . The' liquor Control Cotnwls&lJjn of MeHenry County presented the following report, to-wlt: September 8th, 1942. Tftjtho Chairman and Gentlemen of tht Board of Supervisors: "the Llqubr Control Commission of MeHenry County, Illinois, would beg lefive to report that they have accepted applications, license fees* and boiida from the fdlloWinr named persons, taverit keepers of McHfnry County operating outsldn the cornomte limits o# any city or village, and your Commissldn, affpr having made the inspections, required vnder the provisions of the Illinois Llouor Control Act. have Issued licenses fo the following for the period ending ADHI 80, 1943, to-wl*: KcXanrjr eonrtf 1H8 M«an MjWm No Name Location Address 1--Fred Lane, Rt No. 31. north of Rt. No. 14. Crystal Lake, 111. „ 2-^Otto Dedlow, Grlswold Lake, N. of Burton Bridge. McHfnry, III. 8--Emil J. Heilman-, Wonder Center. Wonder Tjtkft. Wondd*- Lako, RFf> No. 1, Hln^wood. Tllfhols. 4--William A. Keller, on U. 8. Rt l«i Woodstock, 111., RFD No. -L~Wo<39t-- itock. 111.. RFD No. 1. 6--Harold C. Samuel son, 3 ml. 8E of Mafenitb ort Grant H*y.. RFD No. 1, Mitengo, 111. •--Harold C. Samuelson, 9 ml. SE of Mat-efigo on Grant Hwjf,, RFD No. 1, Sarengo ill. , . 7--Hllen Hintt. Rt. 120 at Lily LakO; ftFD No. 2, MeHenry. 111. ^ . m. Nielsen, Its l and 2 SrobOdn's Sub., Algonquin Twp. McH. CO. 111., Carv. III.. Ca»y, 111., Rt. No. 1. »--Woodstock Country Club. Sect I Mi 10 • 44 N R 7 E Co. of MeHenry, Woodstock, 111. . . . . ]0_.josie F. Watrons. Rt. N6. 18. I ml. 9. at Rlehmond, Rlehrtiohd. 111. 11--J#rK R. Kubovy, WdnSer Center Sub.. Wonder Lake. 111.. Rt. No. 1, •Wonder Lake. (P. O,) Rln*Wood. fll. 12-^Marparet Harris, 8 ml. W. of Msr# npe on Grant Hwy., Rt. No. l Marengo. ill. - Ross Gibson, See. 24 Twp. 44 R 5 McH Co. ill., Marengo. 111.. RFD 1. j4_f_Anna Henning, Pistakee Bay, _Rt. No. 1. MeHenry. Pistakee Bay, Rt. % If'Henrv III. _ .. „ 15-j-Wiiiiam H. DeShon. Rt. No. U N. OT Woodstock, Woodetoek, IU. ' If--Harry Iverson. Lliymwor Sob. Ife- Hejify Two.. RFD No. 2 Lily LakO, Me- Herirr. 1T1. . 17--Bauman A West, 4 mi. E. of Mal* n*o or> US 20 on Coral Twp.. Mafinro, ill. 18--Ma* Ha*n 1 ml. PE of Woodstock, tit) Rt US'No. 14. Woodstock, IU. iP^-Erwtn W. Moews. 2H ml. NE of Csrr, Cary. 111.. RFD No. 1. W-^-Ban Plugree, 2 mi. E. of Crystal- Lake on US 14, RFD NO. 8. Cffrstal Lake. 111. . II--Frank Wosnlak. 1H ml. W. of Burton's Bridge, MeHenry, 111., RR No. 2. 89--Earl W. Giant*, % ml S on St. Rt. 47. Hebron. 111., 70- Frank E. Harrison, It id 0«k GroV® (Jlub Grounds, Piatakee BAy, McHonry. 111. RFD 1. 71--Walter Irion, 1H t«i. of Richmond on US 12 and Rt Si, Rlfcnmono, 111. RFD, ?. 72-.--John F Woodstock on US _ tS--Dora Schimiriel. Ayhfrard. % rhl. W. of 18. W 2 ml. N. Henry on Rt. 31, MeHOnry, Jll. RFD 1 oodstot^c.^ll. 74--Jos'ejsh J. Bauml, Rurtoft'S Brld*« on Rt. 176, MeHenry. m. Rt. 2 75--Johii F. Wilsoh. Button's Bridge Subdiv.. Burton'* BHdgO, Cfyetal iAke. Ul. Rt. 1. ^ . w „ _ 77--George F. MoU^ttkonlto. * .ml. NW of Woodstock on Rt. 14. Woodotoc*. fll. . , 78--Tlllle Meyers. 1V4 ml. 8. of Harvard on US 14. Harvard, 111. R.t S. . . 78--John F3. Freund. a side of Fo* River on Rt 20 at Fox Streat, Me- 80--*Ar?h«rV.reen, Rt. i* 1 mi. E. ,of vwliWcli • W6odstd^k. 111., B»x 8. , , , _ _ 81--WaltAr J_ SummOTB. % ^.8- «/ Rt. 176 on River Road, McHrtrfr. 111. 82--wiiiiam J. Npia?. 4 °r ***** vard on Rt. 17j. Harvard, III. . . _ 83--Joseph Landl. W. sjaO of Lll* Lake MeHenry. 111. RFD 2. . 84--carv Country Clab, 1 rrtl. S. of Carf . Root Springs Subdiv., Cary. »!»• m , . 85--Antoinette ,Hpra. .ftn Rt. 12, Boloa Mills, Solon Mills, 111. 8«--Mary C. Cooney, Hirtland, Hartland. ill. . 87--111. Dlst. Of the AtO. Turnora, Algonquin RtvOr Hflli AIJTO^WB. III. 88--George Miller, 1 rtvi. 8, Of FO< AlvOr w tuy it--WlIHam Bridge on Fox Rt 2 prt-Ctiarl^" Randlik. Nun da Rt. Cfr^.' IU.. tt mil. N. of Hansons Bdg.. Cafy III RF» ^ , , 91-- V. A. Weltaleh, W Ond of Crystal , Lake. Crystal Lake. IlL RFt> . . <12--'Bernard J-. P««achke, Lily Lake. MeHenry, III.; RFD t. 93--Peder Pedersen, Rlverdale, Heni'y. Ul. RFD j,.. ' , • 94--Mary 8ehiavott«, Uly, I^ak'. H*nrv. Ill RFp 5. Lllv lAkf. 95--EHaabetli attyko. Lily Lake* Lake, MeHen#, 111. . .s 90--James A W«1nand. on. NiMersw Creek and Rt. 1«. Sprln# GroV$, 111. 97--John Ada my*, Rawson's BrMfe, Cary Ill, RFD 1. . • 8--John Pate*, Cary-Algoiwjln R1-. Algonnuin, 111., Al#®h0"'n. til., Bo$ .tui 99--Stanley Wrabel. Plstak«» Bayi lie- Henrv. fll., Rt. l, Pistakee Bay. Tr«n*fer-- „ . ' 47--Carl E. Johnson. 1 frtl. N. »f Blclirrond on US 12, Richmond, III. RFD !• Tour Committee would further report that there has beeh collected the smoant of $24,325.00 on 1942 Itouor license fe*>!» to this date i»nd sam# hat been turned over to th® County Treasure* •* MeHenry County. . The following Dance Hall were issued by vonr LlcenaO Committee for the yet>r 1848: ,. Frank Nell, Johnsburg, MeHenry, 111- Ffel'^A. Weltsien, Crystal- Lak*r ttlrtPTl Na. 8. . Your committee havln* collected : fc«.«8 1^.75 •J..;. . ... 36.16 - il.93, Siwyer Blafcuit Co.. crackers ^... |a.3| Superior ORTT CQ.^ g^K and oil 1..... JfiTsi GbodroWs ge, gaa and oil L... 1*144 KfctHf -Fro*.. Vepailrs - *8.80 Bbtt^ weldliig Selrv,, ^ttfdlbg ... l2,Si-> F. Ciehocki. shoe rep. S-<1 tft ^itO f9.52 W. V. Allen, lhcldeVitah< ^"84.75 W. P Allen aud EstllOt C. • . Allen, salary ..... 185.00 Thomas .A fiffie Monttomoi-y. sal." iir..<H» FrUnk wnite, salary ' §0.00 Floyd Mason, salary ' CO.00 LfiUlse Johnsoh, sillnry> ..i,#.;.'. ". 18.00 gigne'Llfnarf, salar^ M OO Linnea WfUt, salary fto.oh Hiima Mdahdor, salarj1 05.00 Ciaffte Stephenson, silary 80.00 Dunha.th, 1 Rt>g. 8, nays Chemrtng. 3 R^r. 39 days Alden, 1 Reg. if drtys Hnrtlnnit 1 Rer. 10 days Seneca. 1 R*b 5 days A mirrtW Cf-rtil. 1 R^. 12 days ftraftort, 1 Reg. 6 duyp Ptorr, I 2 days Rid^edeld ... Greenwood, 1 Rfg. 7 days . Urecnwood^, 1 Reg. 1 .day Hebron. 1 Reg. 6 dny* 8.00 a;^f» l».#o ,154.00 48.00 o.v™.. rirv sunt 32.00 ; Har'vOfd Herald, co elk V»1f Irtip #87.31> Rich mond, J Reg. 8 day* ftfl, 1 .W«r.'j day 1 Ret 6 Ct-e^..... Ref^d 1|.0£- >t,t0?.i»2 • - . ' Hl.Wi.so Woodstock, nilnois. ' . September 8th, 1948. WnilofaMe Board of Supervisors of STomtM^ rntintv, Court Houae, Woodstock. Illinois. Your MeHenry Cotltif# Farttfr, Home and Hospital Committee beg to roport that they met at Haftland, SOptemtwv 2nd. 1944. Rills in the followin# amounts wer* audited an# ord«^ad »aid; Running AxpOftsi |9M 23 118.66 281. TS >60.14 ah ...824.IT •. 28.00 ... 48.89 |1,708.02 tO. 66 <y*i Clothtlng Hospital . Medicines Diet :u. Fuel :.X.?,..v Refund OreenwodH Scrap metal ""$1,641.86 Tour Committee inspected building*, equipment, grounds and livestock and fodrid Ikverfthln* Irt -IN*>d condition. . Respectfully submitted, McHfnry Co. Farm. Home *rtd Hosp. PbW»mlttee, _ C. PKRRY WRIGHT, Chairman fl. J. Carroll AUL ROSENTHAL B. CLAWSON . F. NOLAN JR. The Committee, on Roads and Bridges pip^^nted tne following reporti which Oh motion of Supr. Stewart and duly seconded »y 8#pr. Sfhmitt and the roM being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: _ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ni the Board of supervlaora, MeHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of thO road ftftd bridle committee for aald Codnty would beg leave to submit tho folloaMni rei»ort on the matters before thoi*. „ . • , . That we met on the 12th day of Augu!* t l0i2 and went to Harvard, Illinois to Inspect the .Harvard-Lawrence road, *i rW lO'VOQMi ? alleeted by " and I* orte .v.jb^ J..^. ^ .. -T *h0 irotwovemem. of which was soOn to 66--Joo 13,-MUler, Z HLp* Hfcll«W>*w atait< -About 1400A cu. >dh. .poeoua ' *" ' la.Squired aa tha roa4 »nd bv eapltarlty action of water often nearly impassat/lo In the Spring. We also continued the investigation on August 17th and 21it Ond interviewed several parties concerning thO purchase of flltlpa material, ohe Joe PafOnchio is excavating a smoll lake northwest or Lawrence and offered thjt material free, but OouM charge cents a cu. yd for loading same. Considerable black muck ^naatlsfKetory for the filling would need to r>e hauled away and it is underlaid ^frlth sandy gfavel whlon does not pack very well. We could probably use to ad«nnta»» cdnnlderable of tn» gravel and mlx lt on thf road with clay from sortie gOUf c#. THeie Is also a dredged ditch near l^ Ond the material thrcnitn out Ij ntiijl (rt-atel. clai- and olack dirt wo Have not fully decided 4rher« beit td secure the filling. . ^,„M The Altfonquln-Cary, FrankllnylllO, Sarmony-Hampshire and the Chappel ifl ii«ph»lt road Jobs arO all compl *ted and we wittneas#d tht and aeal e«pat Work on Au£l8t -la1, -»th "ti'USZ&S'iiVi tfml^r at WooAattHck. Illlhoia. ond o#der*d paid chArtrMbl« to th* jlcwnty 6^* rip*ITS and suopllles |Of County O'dnedmachHiery and labot'at thO Courity ftjnl TIOUPP A total of 1172.Of. Bills chargefbit to the .variousi ^aec. Hons of tho McHertry Coiinty pattol system of rtwkds.nO a Whole for repairs and suppll** and labot- At fates heretofore approved ny tHh kudlted and ordered paid &* foll0*«: • Section*" 8, 14 .,..-1 * f97;*| Sections 4, 16, 18 Kctloho 4. j'. " I5I -? Actions 7 8| h 1W. U. t*.*•*- |«.'1 gfcctlonK It. iJ» -4- - 871/63 19.218..8I ed an itrwv M -•tr* Richmof Buftnn. MeHenry, 2 Reg. 24 days Nuncfei. 2 Reg. Algontjuin, 3 P.afeV 30 days and ordereB placed on file. Bohn H«lw. Co., ct hse st»p 5.92 Supr. Wright, Chairman of tho Cotin- Supr. Sal. Mileage^-- /' ty llome Committee, addressed the 40.00 ' L. A. Stoekwell 64.10 Board and stated that some time" aflfo 21.00 ic. Peffy Wright ffi.80 Superintendent and Mrs. Allen fef tne 48.00 i Carl K. Wittmus 36.0o County Home made a request to his 4.00>F. R. Bock ;. iV.^.'..;C.,..V..Ur. . 90-80 committee for an increase id salary, 8.00 N. B. . Clawson .. 34.00 hut at that time the Committee took no 8.00 , G. J. CaVroU . S&SO .actHon on said matter and he worufrtrd 4.00 E. F. Kuecker ^0.60 if the Board as a whole wtotild e*ni»>lder i 24.1)0 ,'Chas, H. Aekman I®t.f0 tan increase in salary at this time. Asst. 32.00 Prank c. Ferrfs -.;. 92>(0 i. Supr. Rosea thai addressed the Board ; 4 00 , Roy J. Stewart • IO.|4'|aRd stated that it *%« his opanipp that 2 4.00 .1. E. HarrMfli 68. W"' fh«i ^ptroUlh^ «MuM» '-njMBP-' anil the ^6.(jo H. M. Turner. 18>80 f Matron were umderpaid far the gr«at J. Q, Steven®; 10t.40 I amount Of the Anniiai Tax Levy be npproveo and adopted t.-y this Hoard, and the roll being called Suprs. stoekwell, Wright, VVittmus, Beck. Ulawson,, Carroll, Kuecker, \ci>-rhan, Ferris, Sicwrwt,-Harrison. Tm fi.T, Steveas, May. {tclnCitt and Fllip and vs-t. sunts. N.-^af'-a^." RoseRVtsenthai voted ave, nav r •'fte.t 1 • f Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the rvpon apprt ve-1 and the Annual Tax Levy adopted. - , Koiler inspection reports on the hollers at the County Home and Farm and Court House were presented and read 33*' ' Total ....1*44.00 All of Ht rtepectfnlly smhnrtit- •^^:SMAtf -N. 8CHM ITlRt-?^?' •i?:P"Z'XiFR.ttXK ' C. FKRRIf-C >.•? C- '^'^RI'L. • A STOCRtfELL*. ' » - ' v :• B., CLAWSON - e PERRY WRIGHT It thet-tupbn rVJfiflarly mbVed hy Sopr. Stevens ana ^uly seconded by "Supr. Turner that tne report of thd Committee on Erections be approved. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk pi'eswited the certificates, together #lth -conaertts, of the various Highway CommlsKtPhfcrs of the County of thp amounta n^reiiiwry to be raMed by taxation for th® construction, maintenance :\nd rtpalr of roads and bridges in the various townships. After th* reading of the certificates of levy and eonsentf hy the Clerk, It was regularlv moved hy Suhr. Ferris and duly setonded by Supr. WvtRht thatftthe certificates Of levy and consents be approved and adopted hv this Board, and the roll 1*. irnr called, Suprs. Stoekwell, Wrlrht, Wittmus. Beck. Clawson. Carroll, kuecker, AcknSan, Ferris. Stewart, Hi\rrisoh. Turner. Stevens. May. Schmttt sndFUIp and .\sst. Supr<; NolOn snd Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. Th« Chairman declared the motion unanimously c8rH*<L Tlie Quarterly report of the County 7'reasufer on paymont# due the County rom Townships art County Home was presented and read and on motion duly made and corfrled was ordered placed on rle. A *en#ral dlscdrtslon vr.ts had con; eernlng the registration of voters snd it decided by the members of tho Board that the County Clerk should continue the registration of voters certain dnvs of each ,tTrt?k in each citv and village by deputy until Octoher 5, 1942. Supr. Stewart ndrtrrssed the Rbard and stated I hat he thought It Would Be a gbdd plan to have a sufficient number of pamphlet * printed urginsr the voters to register He th»n passed out t® each meniher or the Board a sample copy of the pamphlet referred to Ond It Was regularly moved irr Supr. S'tewart snd duly seconded by Suor. rlawson that the Clerk be instructed to hare a srttflcient number of silld psmnhlets printed for distribution to ench township supervisor and that the supervisor hnve charge of the distribution of same to the voters of bis community. And the roll being called, the chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presehtw# lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Stipr. Ackrrtan ahrt duly seconded by Sunt-. Stevens and declared carried. thO said claims were r«/erred to the proper committees and tha Roird adjournred to 1 h'cloek I*.' I*, for committee Work. ~ IM8 9. *. Board m4t pursuant to adjournment afcd tipoh roll call, the same members responded to their names «« r*t»pe»r*<l of record In the m«»rning session, eo«» stitutitig a fail Hoard present. Bert Bridges. Chairman of the MeHenry Count v Agricultural Conner vntlon Association, appeared before the Board concerning the salvage of scrap metal and Introduced a Mr. C. W. Ladd who snoke In detail concerning the importance Of the collection of all scrap tnetal and how vital it is to the wsr elfprt and urged the members of the Board to continue their good work In this regard. The Committee on Claims. Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, Wh+Eh on motion of Supr. Wright and iMy seconded bv Hupr. Wittmua and the roll being called. Was declared ynanlmoualy adopted, to-wlt: tltftt* 2i: 9T mainmh*p«^ IS. 12 maintenance IahOf 28 12-1T maintenance l*bor \ 14-IT maintensnce labor .... and 18, 1» et.gl^ labof 8nd mfct. nnd ir>. 19 m^int Ja*>or * mat. (md 15, 18.IT entrineerAng isbor and material, , ., 9. 8J maintenance material 8entember 8, A. D. 194ti Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of SuDervisora: . Tour Committee on Labor. Fees and Sujiplv Claims Would be* leave to report that they have examined all claims •presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk M> directed to issue orders on the Cotintv Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows. to-wlt: ^ Frank Thornbef Co., co elk off Otiir 8137.01: co elk elec auol 84.33, co trees o* aup 89.04; WdOdaUck "FtaUy^Sent inel. supr ntti ?2.20: co <lk elec supl M8!bO: contingent 815.00; elr elk *UT> 842,75: CO tree a assmt . . . 8212 30: co treas off aup 813.00 348.4a Th# H tint ley Review, co treaO assmt ..: The Harvard Herald, co treas 884.80: CO elk elec sunt $27.20; aup achs ott e*!> 81-80 M. B. Cook Co.. tir elk sup ....... Byer^ Printing Co., sup nctls " ' Rlt?hW»<n qt3» S4J» 80.80 97.50 S9.60 a&4« i«6.0<r itm.oo 125.00 118.80 128.00 75.00 88.73 75i00 100.27 371.80 Ursnk Mav Matt N. SchtPitt John J. mip .• T. F. Nolan, Jr: . I'aul Rosenthal .•• -,1 .V"* Lester Edlnger.- shf p^r diem • fees, serv . '. Marian Edinger\ shf feedg prl? Philip E. Bierdemnh, Ohf dpiy .. Armour llirk, ct hse jail siilT . Vt>stle ATuldoon ct hse jail ssl .. Alice Helm, er TB off sal Ada Manning, sup schs asat and clerk hire ..... Daisy V. Mot»r*, sup schO and clerk hire v City of Woodstock, ct ha* jail It and wlr George J.. Tryort. Co Surveyor's Iconise XI. Rrooks, pro off trav exp 50.00 A, A. Crissey, clr ct pro off Ml.... 7C.OO All Of which I" respevtfuOy submit- J. E. HARRISON. Chairman JOHN J. FILIP N. B. CLAWSON PAUL ROSENTHAL O. J. CARROT.L The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Stevens and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson aud 'h» roll being called, was declared uPantmouay adopted, to-wlt: September I, A. D, 1818 Mr. Chairman an«l Gentlemen of tne Board of Supervisors: Your Committee oh County Poor Claims would' beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claltnanto fnr the several amounts allowed, as follows, towlt: Dependent Children-- chgh. Indus. Home for Chll. ....8149.80 St. Vincent's Indus. School, Toomev and Glossen 87;t0 Lutheran Child Welfare Aafcn.. Norton and Dnvmond 6f».0o Mrs. Marshall McFarlin, SteOdman Willis Harris, Pearson Eva Knpplng, Ystebo, Musas Spencer, ileyer, DeLlrtO and steadman :. Mrs. Fred B. Miner. DfeLMO and Mever "Mrs". Jack pierce, FflO Mrs D. K. Warrick. SteadtnPh .... The Fair. Steadman Mrs. Laura Ruckley. LyrtOtt ........ T. B Patient Pnuper-- People's Re«>t Home. Hlbbarad 80.00 A. S. Roml^erger. M D., 5*m|th .... 10.00 Okie K. Howell. Soma '53.30 Chas. E. Ambler. Vermett IS.On All of which is respectfully 0-jbmltted. - , G. j. CARROLL, Chairman. H. M. TURNER FRANK MAY <*HAS. H. ACKMAJJ Jt. F. NOU\N. JR. rrsponalblllty that they 4S.?9 4e,»o 15.00 20.13 38.64 28.50 t.»o ll.lo 80.81 87.40 10.00 |£.00 ll3.no 52.75 rh#rlVY'"tf*y^«M Jij^^w?it^n<l Jal' B. F. Kennelly. er TP off sup . "9®?J ^ !}V ll a • i j maclt rent : . .--4,817.1? Hoard Peview Salary' John J. Hayes -- llenrv C Meier Stephen H. Freund , G. P. Chittenden ! WM. A. Mueller ne#tt of a coupft of tru«* ^grurel hauling aa the t*o model •£* ahout gone, so far a« »fve hauling if concerned be pbie to jTecure Serviceable trucks through men being called to the army We therefore Recommend an ap* propriation off fOOO or so much thereof as Is needed from the County highway fund for such purposes. We have received 'rdm the "J®*0! fuel ta* fund rental on Cox^ntv o^nea road machinery as follows: Sec 25. 842.80: Sec. 26, l»68 «i *»«><»' of. IV 005.9S which said sum Is hereby re-approprlated for road purposes ««*l»>alnf t'he repair storage and pvlrchase of road machinery and tot improvement to buildings for housing road machinery. Your committee estimates there win 1 our pomiTnnpr pvvniK . - * v- - 2 ** care tne Me ^mowhf of $60.00 for said Dance Hall | be tteceesary for tnj -- Licenses, the same being turft«» over t6 Henry County. Illinois patrol the County Countr. . . FTENRY C. MEIER Liquor control ' JOHN J. FILIP Treasurer of MeHenrj Cain MtatlMf f-RANK MAY . t.M'L E WITTMUS It Asst. Liquor Control Comm. ,. wss thereupon regularly 1»y Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded bv Supr. Ackman tha« the report n« s-lopted and the Chairman declared th^ motion unanimously carried. The Committee on MeHenry Countv H.wnn presented the following report, "•hich on rhotion of Sunr Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Ferrle. and the roll being called, was declared uaanlmausly adopted^ to-wlt: . • September 8. 1»<8- Mr. Chairman and Member* of tho roads an appropriation from flinty highway funds and Including fort of this County's a.hare In Harmony-HampahlrO Roa<- ftf ,ln* til the next meeting of this Board. *11 of which Is respectfully aubinlt- Itd, ^ li "O. STEVENS O. J. CARROLIj 'ti. - A STr>CKW*t.t, c. PERRT wnroirr PAUL ROSENTHAL The Committee on El^fctlohs^ «d thO following report: to wit: September 8, 1942 Ta the Ch%#r!2ftP fJentlemen of the JBoard of SilpirVlSoti: 3rour Committee on Election® would beg leave to report that they met at 426.00 4 2*5.00 4 26.00 105.75 79.80 t'< Helen Knox, eo cot reporter " Crrstal I^ike Herald, co elk *& huoI *8.30: contingent 170.9 JameU U Holmes, contingent .... Anna Wvrtilnger. cir elk Ofid recorder, pro tem. contingent Harold W. Schmidt, coutlngont 810.93: shf oft s\»p " l! "" Cairagh«n A Co.. judcy llbry .... x Co. Clk- Tns I>pdji -- Henry W. Sandeen. M. D.. Boon# Pr. A. 8.. Ronibergej. I%"<tson Dr. O. E. Nelson. Boohe and Mattingly -.-•-••• ---a Dr. Saul Burten, Iveraoh atWI , . 5 BEN ^LI' CO:; CT ^ 11 -M . 19.S0 8.4s 142:80 n.i"> 17.78 12.OS 8.06 5.M 5.00 10.00 111 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Ludwlg Wilsotl Co Busy Corner grocery A. Flanagan Co. Spijser's Office Furnr. HOO.^.. .-. Andrew Worwick, shf off «!»•...: Pfelffer Pharmacy, ct hse sttp 8».7S co treas off sup 61e; tup »<-hs off exp 4ic -- Harvard Herald, ro tre^s aasn\t C. L. Tryon, c0. Sup. Hwy... Hwy trav li*.?1 • j......'... hhwy trav 878.31 • y£~- Conwav Dairy, shf feedJPrl" - Shf. p«r niem. Fees, serr.-- Lester Edinger J Birdie Schroedef Shf. Feedin ..jf Prls.-- Tracket('* BakWjr Pin get * Koch f (W|t" Aemue A Son -- Marlnda Bates. - Albln J. Kuppo »lch«rd L. Edibgor Harold Hot.bs ----- Lciren Edinger Wlehard Farrell -- Fred H Wilke Fred C. Rau Owen H. Corr, shf bailiff .•• •-• Clyde C. Miner, shf bailltf 888.00; ahf doly 88 00 " Walter Sah& »hf balllflC tau.00; shf dpty $40.80 - 8.81 126.00 271.11 27ail 19.28 18.80 1.00 14.17 . no.r.4 • 55.97 , 2.58 50.85 4 00 20.00 4.00 i.oo 4.00 4 00 4.00 10.«0 88.00 60.00 The Committed on Fmanc* prejentjd the following Import and Annual TOx Levy, to-arit: Mr. Chairnian and Oentlemen of thO Board of Supervisors; Your Committee to whom #«* referred the matter of the County Tat T**y for the year 1942. would beg leave to submit the fallowing report on the matters before them: That we have ascertained the several items of necessary expenditure* for the County as nearly as possible and recommend- that the sum of ninety thousand two hundred eighty dollars and no cents for general cdiinty purposes and the sum of five thousand dollars and no cents for Relief of Counte Blind. Blind PWislonP *and the furh of forty-four thousand dollars and no cents for Countv Highway Tax, tenance State and Stale Aid Roads, making a total of on« hundred tnIrtynine thousand tVro hundred elghtv dollars and no cents be appropriated and levied as Couuty Tat on all tattblO property of said County a,J^ .0 IV? • foresaid for the yeah A. t>. '94-. and that the County Clerk Is hereby instructed to extend said amount on an taxable property in the /!},*£* cordance with the report for thi following purposes. to-Wlt: . For County Survevor ServlcM 8 300 For Circuit clerk Rec. Bo6k< ... Fir Circuit Clerk Suoplleit t^nr Co. Clerk Office SUppllM ... For countyClerk Printlhg For Co Clerk Tat Booki< ForCo clerk Tax Extenslgno.... For County clerk Fees, POr Diem for Services ... For Co. Treas. and Ex-omc10 , Collector Print<rui Aastdts, .... 8,000.00 For Co. Treas and Ex-ofMcld Collector office SunplMI..... For Co. Treas. and Rx-offreKJ Collector Record Books For Sheriff's Bailiffs PW Diem. FoVsheri*^ Cdurt P«r 6iom Fees for Service 900.0 1,000.0 1,000.80 8W.80 200.00 600.00 2.0O0.00 l.nno.oo 1.50O.00 For' C. JliitKh FoVCourt House and Jail Rep. FFoorr CCoouurrtt .H ouse and Jtll Slip. 2.000.W1 F°f/o r Emnloovjeeerss ' r',•, ooo.oo For, County Home Fuel .. . . 1.400.W For County Home, Btippilea for .. Care of Inmates ; ........... ll.ow.oo For Cotintv Home. Medlcpl for <Ve of Inmftes .^ M>« For County Hrnrte. Light an* aooOO r OW»t -- 2!OOO!OO Fo^ County Home Rejw^Jjg, For Probation Officer-- SOlafy Circuit Codrt . „ v 1 For Probation Officer--Salary County Court . For Board of RerlOw Swlaries For Bounties. Cr^s, CrdW» Rggs and Fotes •» For Jurors--All Courts--Per Diem and MlleagO _ Fo»- Supervisors Per Diem and Mileage For Supervisors Pointing ........ For Care of County Dependent Children :• For Cnre Tuberculosis Patients In Sanatorium For County Aid In IWltldlng Pridgei»--ConOt ruction Of Bridges * v. ivv For Connty Aid In " Repalf of Br Id re? 8.500.00 have and the work that thev do In the maintenance of the home and hospital and that he Would move at this time that the salary of Mr. and Mrs. Allrn b«t increased 830.00 per month. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the mil being calle'd Suprs. Stoekwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris. Stewart. Turner, Stevens, Mav, Sehmitt and Filip and Asst. 8uprs. Na- Ian and Rosenthal voted aye, Supr. Harrison not voting. The Chairman declared the motion carried. Several communications were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that If there was nothing further to come before thia meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It-.wa's thereupon regularlv moved hy Supr. Ackman and drtlv seconded by Supr. Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. HENRY C. MEIER, Chairman Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. 8peci*l October Meeting, 1942--. The Honorable Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County, Illinois, met in special session pursuant to the following call sighed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock 60 Tuesosy, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1942 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., war time. The Clerk's certificate of ' mailing notices and publisher's certificate or publication being attached thereto to-wit: State of Illinois, County of MeHenfry, 88.- I. R. D. Wood#, clerk rtf the CoOnly Couft and Rx-Offlrio Clerk of thO Board of Supervisors of said County, In the State aforesaid, dd hereby certify that on the 29th day or September, 1942. being not less than ten days prior to the day set for the Special Octoher, 1942 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, I deposited In the I'glted State# mail at the post office in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, postage fully paid, ontice of said meeting, the attached being a true and correct copy endorsed with the time and place of said meeting, addressed to each of the following Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors of said County at their respective post offfcp address set opposite each name, to-wlt: Name Addreoi L. A. stoekwell, Marengo, ill. C. Perry Wright, Marengo, lit Carl R. Wittmda Harvard, 111. F. R. Beck, Harvarrd, 111. N. B. Cla#soh. Alden. Til. O. J. Carroll, Woodstock, IU. R F. Kuecker, Klarengo, llT. chas. H. Ackmad, Union, 111. Frank C. FertTO. Himtley, 111. Roy J. SteW^rt. ^Woodsdock, J, "lC. Harrison, ^Toodatocj, Henry M. Turrtef; lra&rOlt J. O. Stevens. HlchWMWfl. HI Frank May, Spring Grov*. III.. Math N. Schmitt, MeHenry. III. Henty C. Meier, Crystal MkO, lit. Johtl J. F"lP. Algonquin, III. . T. F. Nolan, Jr., Woodstock, nt. Paul Rosenthal, Crystal I^ike. lit. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto subscribed- my narh# and affl* the seal of the said Court at my office in Woodstock thirt 29th day of September, A. D. 1842. • , . - ft. P. WOODS (Sell) County Clerk To R. D. Woods. County Clerk, MeHenry County, Wobdatoca. Illinois: We, thO undersigned members iif the Board of Supervisors Of MeHenry Coun; fy. Illinois, hereby request that you call a meeting of said Boaard to bo held Tuesday, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1942, for th# purpose of the Selection of petit jurors, the approving of claims filed against tne County hno all further business that may regularly come before said meeting. Dated this 80th day of Septet****, A. D. 1942. HENRY C. METER H. M. TURNER HATH N. SCHMITT FRANK C. FBRR18 O. J. CARROLL J. R HARRISON S. B. CLAWSON The meeting was called to order by Wie Chairman, Henry C. Meier, and the Pledge of Allegiance fo the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of tho Board and visitors present participating, after which the roll was called by the Clerk and the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. Stoekwell. C. Perry Wright, Caf-1 E. Wittmus, F. E Beck. N*. B. ClawsOn. O. J. Carroll, K. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Fronk C. Ferris. Rov J. Ste*art, J. B. Harrison. H. M. Turner. J. r*. Stevens. Frink May. Math ,N. Schmitt, Hgnry Q. Jf^ier^ and 'ntn her, 104 3, moving5: tu>n- * pnrov^d rao4Jr_. ., The following fepo^' Treasurer for the inonrh Jtft 194 2 was presented and rt^Od rtnd *>P«>a. motion of Supr. Wittmus Snd duly »<"- onded by Supr Carroll and declared carried, was approved and ordered of record, to-wll: ^ tfoaa*y *rn«wC» fit tka Month of 6«vtM«S*. 18* B«etl|tl Balance brought forward September 1st, iS^fe 900 00 (personal Property Back Taxes 8 31.*5 Supervisors, Countv Home 11R.84 - - - • " "*-- * 8' Oo to. :he-Ohajrnnn and Boara of Supervisor _ .Ynur Comihittee bt?1 Klecj ben l^ave to repnrt ttfes th^ Court Houses on Ort and audited claims hf tt,»> ty Clerks and Registrat conducting the registrataio* of vot _ certain aays in each week for the peri'"^ iod beginning Septemb*>r I, l!»42 ard ending (October ;">. 1941 and would rec- ' ommend that the following amounts hw , allowed the varidus Supervisors for their townalUps for dtstribation to th- ^ l •Said Registrars, to-wlt: , : Township No. of Registrnrs AJnoUSf? : m #1 16.00 8 00 Ritey--1 Registrar 4 davs Marengo--2 Reg. 7 davs Dunham, 1 Reg. 12 days Chemung--3 Reg. 26 days Alden---1 Reg. 7 daya .. Hnrtland--1 Reg; 9 days Seneca--I Reg. .". days and mlK-age 20 60" 104.00 't •-'*.00 -fiwd., 36,00 ' ^ Coral- I Reg. 6 24.W , v OVaffon^l Reg. 4 di#a ^ Dorr.--"i Reg. o days ' 20.00 •* * fireenwixtd--1 .Reg. 5"daya'^-S^- iO.oa Hebron--1 Reg. 4 days . 16.00 ; Rlchmnwi--l Reg. | day ( 00 Burton-- 1 Reg. 2days 8.00 Mc.He«ry--2 Reg. 17^ days "A-nifl, 70 8^ Nunda-- 2 Rear. 2t daya,;....,.:.;i^..:i'-- 84.68- AlgtonrtUln--3 Reg. 83 days •^..;;:^.t3S.0»,-^>*gsv: r..-v Total :....^,^..,...;....,:^..^i.-;.t«75.40 o( which Is respectfully auOnt!t«. : • -.MATH N. SCHMITT '^ L. A. STOCKWELL . N. B. CLAWSON •.«»a C. PRRRY WRIOHT 4i ' , FRANK C. FERRIS " n ' „A. . • . October 10, : S*^*te of Illinois, «'»*# 1 County of MeHenry, as. rk To the Chairman and GentKMken of th(8 • Board of Supervisors: - * . Your Committee on Elections to whrml was referred the Registration of Elec- , *J'? ' tdrs expense bills for the precinct y™« registrations held September 19. A. D. '• y* 1942 and tX'tober 6. A. D. 1942, would beg leave to report that they have ex- ',***. amined said statements and would • * . recommend that the following amounts be paid to the Supervisors for the Judges of Registration for the Various precincts and districts In MeHenry County, to-wit: Ritey llarengo • 1 Marengo 8 Dunham Chemung 1 Chemungf 3:..".' Chemung 8 AMen i.. Hart land ..i.l...,...; Seneca Coral . (1 raft on I Grafton .8 . ....i.:. ;; Dorr 1 Ptorr 8 W.slm Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr Oreenwotod Hebron .i Richmond Burton ....Jk.u...u.i.. MeHenry 1 MeHenry 8 MeHenry 8 MeHenry 4 Nuhdn 1 Nunda 8 Nlinda 8 Algonquin 1 .......... AlgoncjulP 8 Algoncjuin 3 ............ Algonquin 4 K... Algonquin v.. JS IM r.s oo r.o.oo >'o* r>8.«o r.s.oo 64.00 1 3iO 64.»a p . : • ' 64.00 . ~ 58.00 ?•¥*•" 68.00 50.00 - " 58.00 58.00 . 68.00 s«m 68.00 60.00 Ui3 48.00 '<-""0 4 8.0«» "• Of .18.an '• *» 64 oo 68.00 * 60.00 vsH r.jt oo K8.00 68 0© •• •Ota fig.oour 68 OO tout 68.00 it-.M 68 00 68.041 •m.-.-l 53 00 58..0«'3 to 58.00 MJU« r.8 rtff tuoO 58.00intad >tiom Ud. ToUl .}.:....".A,...........:i »»,078:M*Ml All of whibtf -tg. reopoetfnlly submit-1' lo MATH fc acHMirr L. A. BTOCKWELli C. PfeMTT WRIOHT FRANK C. FBRRI9 N. B. CLAW80N Hi .» »i>usv ..tLij-iaea tatloull wtats , It w»a thortupon ifegulOrly moved by*I"'t H Sopr ltdeckof' and duly seconded by 4 §uSr. Ackman OM tho *ports of ,^hrt"'M .CommltteO on fencttons b« adoptea b#^T this Board, and the roll bein£ fcalletl fuprs. Stockwoll. Wright. WittmttOi •»"» K-k. Clawson, Carroll. Kuecker, Ack- * tpan, Ferris. StHtaft. Harrison. Turner,;®" I Stevens, May. Swnht and Fllip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted "®** aye. nay none. The Chairman declare*!1 the motion unanimously carried. ,•_**«« It appearing, to the Board that It i* Jiecessarv to mstke new selections as to lirors for thtoilMMrts of MeHenry Coun- Q ty. the menieeri ft-om the varioutjgj .townships presented new lists of nor less than one-tenth of the legal voter* ; of each sex of each town or prtscinet fior thO prospective Jufy servicO tn **•> Courts of MeHetwv Co. - -,v'» • *»"> rr> lit ' , rill* 1. ..is t 4. » unon re- uiarl\ rrtoved oj rtsst-. Srtpr. " Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. •>*» Stewart that the following resolution be adopted, to-wlt: . Be It Resolved, that the names as Lg read to this Board, which names have been selected by the Supervisors of the respective townships or not less than One-tenth of the legal voters of oach T •ex of each town or precinct in thO County and which names appear la Jury List No. 10 now on file in the « Countv Clerk's office of McHenrv Coun- ,t ty. Illinois, be and hereby are declared the legal Petit Jury List for the Courts or MeHenry County. Said List being" and hereby is made a part of this reo- ^ And the roll being called, the Chair- .'ft' man declared the motion carHed and ^ the Resolution unanimously adopted. It #as thereupon regularly moved by u.- Supr. Ackman and duly ^seconded by ,, v Supr. Turner that the following Reso- .;* lutlon be adopted by this Board, to-wlt; . Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County. Illinois, * that the Chairmah appoint a committee • of three supervisors and that said committee be and hereby is authorised to select at such times as are required from the Petit Jury List No. 10 <>f *1*'" Henrv County on filo in the office of the Countv Clerk a number of poraoms ¥12?* ..a ) for each Trial TefttL i.ioo.oo 1.OOO.OO 1,400.06 $.008.88 2,600.00 l.JOO.Otf 8.000.00 10.000.00 4,000.00 Bridges-- nep«ir '"ZZZ Fo-- EradicatiIoonn of T. B. in Pat tie. Salary of Cn. Vet. For Ins. on Count Properties..., For Ins. Premiums, Bonds County Officers Total of General Fund Levv 190.280.00 For County HIgbW*v Tax MOtjitenance State and StatO Aid .. . . . Roads . -£ 44.ooo.oa For Relief of county BH««. . Blind Pen818ns j.000.00 Grand Total Amount * To B< Raised- , hlch 10 r«Ot»ectfullv aubtaHWm. P. Allen. Sunt. Co. HomO Inheritance Taxes Motor * Fuel Tax .f.- Dog Tax , tn Rell T^l. codWita0lO«» High#ay Fund • Countv officers' Feea ......Vt'nknoa- n Residents art# Minor Heirs Fund . ...r..r. Canteen State'* Attorney .r_......w..^ Total Receipt* Grand T.ital 42.lt' . .10,ll 9.68 ; si^ 1.003.98 .60,000.00 1»8.*9' .76 : 19R.no lj i #0,171.T9 1,688.00 1,580.0a 1,000 00 All of ted this 8th 1848. day of September A. DPAUL rtosEVTHAL. Chairman R FR1 KT'RCKBR K FC BECK FR*VK C FERRIS ' H M. TURNER It w.->s thereupon regularly moved By Sttpr. Ackman and dnlr aocondod by Supr. -Wrlsht that the report. of the Committee on Finance ** approved aald County Orders Hifh#ay Orders Blind Relief --* Motor Fuel Tax ..... Inheritance Ts*e» ;-- Coroner's Jurors. Stamps O. A. P. Jurors Co. Treasurer's Salary. Clerks' Salaries ... Bounty Orders Institute Fund . ..tl60.8R6.88 8ts 140 48 .... 3.0*5.01 .... 1,395.00 5.4t3 5i - .1.038 St J4 0O _.. §0.18 48.80 toO.oo ...... 3fr 58 8.80 124.80 Jotal jExpendittj .^-88,114.78 lane* on hand fft ill fw#l .. aept 80tb IWjm.W Grand Total ThO above *nd fruo 8nd eor •g to mf MM •wOt^1"to SeforaT^ft thi oil th day of Octahjr. 1941. (Seat) R. D. VOW8, Clo»k Tho following reports of tho Committee oa SlecuoBff voro ejoeeate# man, declared the motion- clHlt»d< a the R%sblutfon unanimously adopted. The Chairman appointed Asst. Suprv Rosenthal and Suprs. Beck and Kueck? er to act as such Committee. .... The Committee on Roads and Bridges ?'? presented the following r*PPrl;. *^0*1 on motion of Supr Fllip and duIV **e- ^ Willed bv Supr. Stewart and the roll being railed, wa* dfdareU uaammously ^ .adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Qoatlotr^l B o a r d o f S u p « r \ i s c i 4 t l v H o a r j l \ ? County, Illinois: J The undersigned men"^3?B M tM •> road and bridge committer fbr sai4 -> County beg leave to submit tho follow- ^ fne reports on the matters before thera. ^ That we met at Woodstoclu Illinois, ;» on the llth day rtf September. 1942. ta consider the purchase of tracks. Wa had made Inquiries as to tha avaflabil* ; j Ity of used trucks but found none sat* ,j.j Isfactory as to condition and price and t we decided to put In afa application fo* j» one large new track Instead of two -- Used small trucks. Bakkom Brothers, NJ of Woodstock. Illinois had one on tha ti floor that was frosen. or could not b« y sold without papers from th* Govern* n, n»e«t Priority Board. T Since last Fall #0 have been looking. <j for a large trailer on which to haul tractors over «>tt ml* roa>ls and ligh^ asphalt roads. WOrd was received that ^ one was available near Madison. Wisconsfn, aS a contractor had gone t<? > the army. So we ttecided to inspect same on the 13th of September Tba ' trip was made and we decide.1 to bu>* •} the trailer Which is a Jahn Trailee-ef I 30.000 lbs. capacity on 6 large pneunuMio I NBW tiro* at 8ltH>o d Word #5# received that the apoWe i ^r~a h8w trtKk h*d beett apj tt v^Mfcltiit^e. D C and wtt raef j of O-tober and bot**a« f ilonwtldBa! truck above mentK>a, ». a Rttkom Pr.^he-s of Weftd. t ft i8 ft n4w KS < model tryw* » |cn , ti. gravel box for tha MMt.4 for rfenverv at once . • i ajrOln mOt on the d*y t>f.^rjf{- tobor 1843 and weut to Harvarad,- I!lK;f.t~ aoM td Inspect the grading ta under war and we mterviewed FraM-'t* Pokrant as to setf'S up the .•rusher' I n h l « g r a y o l f r i g ; o t o o ' | w n H « 4 n '