r,-y -•' ;.$.<•,•>*2 • r«,;.-y / ;s lAitf* ^r^r*y. age six THE BOA*» Or SUFMVTBWW, MriTENBT COtmTT: TCUNOtS I IWWWenlativp of the R. J. Beck £st I $8,500.00 per year, or so much thereof 4* tl»e matter of securing filling ma- las he may find necessary for the pay- UM'Iftl and also a Mr. Burton in regard jment of clerk hire and the cost of colt# material on the spoil bank dfadged ditch. In order to secure the Idttser material it Is nece.ssaary to build A temporary bridge across a 30 iQot Width ditch. We are having difficulty (h deciding where best to secure the MCessary material to the greatest advantage to the County. , We again met on the 10th day of October at Woodstock, Illinois and audited and ordered paid bills of a Cltneral nature charged to the McHepry County highway system as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and a new truck and a large frailer and for labor at the County tool muse grounds to a total of $5,374.20. ' Hills chargeable to,the various sections of the McHenry County patrol tystern of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this board were audited and ordered paid as follows: . . . , .» wctlons 3,'; I'd: Sections 4j,- 16,.. I6-'..':.::,4:»•^i"*-• ISection 4, 17 Section 5, 6 .'Sections 7./.V ». .1ft.' • Motiohs 13, ': IS .$ 267.20 .. 174.72 .. 162.34 . IIS.00 222.99 . 180.35 Total,. Bills were audited and ordered' paid oUt, of motor fuel tax funds as follows: f. A. Rt. Section ' S-13A. 4-IT maintenance labor and material ._.t. 5.15' 7-1T maint. labor and mat.'..;, ', -1.5.50 "..... 878,f>6 2.50 33.00 14.40 12.50 12.60 572.18 6 ;s.»3 ft, 9-T mairit. labor and mit !§,. 12 maint. labor and mat. 15, 12-IT mint. labor and that..... 4A, 5B and 4A Ext., 13-1T maint. .labor and material ....... 28, Ii-1T maint. labor and mat. 17 and 19, 18 engineering labor it and 19. 18 const, labor, mar terial and m&chine rental Ifand lj, 19-tTVengi. labor 11 and 15, 19-1T c&rrtract construction Est. No. 2 2,024.61 1, *u-iT maintenance labor ........ 12.25 I, JMT engi. labor ....' 2t>.68 SI, ?1-1T contract construction Est. No. 2 1,629.36 20-B, 22 engineering laoor a.ia 20 -B 22 consstrurction labor1 and roach. rent ?0.18 20 B, 24 maint. labor & mach, rent Vz.49 la, 25 engineering labor ..w. 2.00 16. 25 const, labor, material and macnine itni l,t». tS, ib engineering labor _ • 3.75 6, 26 construction labor and *' " . machine rent .,...s 111.16 S, au-lT maintenance labor 17.50 K, 81 engineering labor !»a.ou - We have received from the motor 4tl«l tax fund rental on County owned machinery as tonows: Sec. Is, $bb.26; Sec. 22, *28.4 3, Sec. 24, $22.99; Section 26, $328.13; Sec. 26, $41.7b and from E. M- Melahn Const. Co. tor rent on A. C. tractor *342.62; and'from State Auditor refund of state tax on gasoline used in tractor Warrant No. C-47«7i4, *333.53, and from Standard White Midwest rental on A. C. HD 14 tractor at Ulenview, Illinois from Aug., la to Sept. 12, 1*42, tne sum ot $837.uO a total of $2,- 001.72 and turned same over to the McHenry County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is herel/y reappropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery and tor buildin# improvement tor nousing machinery. tour committee estimates there will te<«ncessary tor the care of, tne Alcilpnry County, Illinois patrol system of roMs an appropriation irom tne County' highway funds of $7000 until the next meeting of thtis Board. of which is respectfully aubmit- J. G. STEVENS ill ' C- I'ERHV W RIGHT v" >;'• a. J. CARROLL, i»AUJL .ROSENTHAL. * " m , . .I* A. STOCKWELL I The Committee on McHenry County Home presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ferris and d(i|y seconded by Supr. Wittmus and (I)* roll being called, was - declared Unanimously adopted, to-wit: . October 7, 1942. lie. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: , "four County Home Committee met on October 7, 1942, at the McHenry County Home and aaudited the bills for the month of September 1942. and respectfully submits the following report recommending same be paid. Willis Disbrow, papers, etc $ 26.98 LudWig Wilson, building .equipnient and supplies 21.75 Jtij A. See Laundry, service ... 83.35 T- ^Iueller & Co., hosp. sup......... 86.04 Public Service, electricity lib.87 Hoyfil Blue Store, groceries ....... 4>u.82 {Superior Oil Co., oil 63.95 K. O. Andrew Co., running sup. 79.1 Thorne & Son, clothes Woodstock Wholesale Co., sup. Boyce Bros., gas and oil ....... Good rows Garage, gas, oil, etc Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers etc.' 19.33 F. W. Woolworth, clothes .12.63 John Sexton, groceries "Ko.49 Marengo Bakery, supplies '67.04 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs 40.85 111. Bell Tel., Service 30.45 Montgomery Ward & Co., clothes,: 33.34 Bakkom Bros., supplies 8.76 Raue Hardware Co., supplies 7.15 Ferris Bros., repairs and" sup. 2.2b Woodstock Heating Co., rep. • T 3.2i Goddard Trucking, limestone Bohn Hardwar, supplies W. D. Allen Mfg. Co., sup. , Eatelle J. Scovel, rent 00.00 W. P. Alleni incidentals 53.00 ftf. P. Allen and Esther C. Allen, salary .....ii 165.00 ^Thomas and Effie Montgomery^ 2018 47.51 8.94 20.60 lecting taxes and that there be allowed the County Clerk the sum of $10,000.00 per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary for clerk hire, that there be allowed the Circuit Clerk the sum of $5,000.00 per year, or so much thereof as may be necessary for clerk hire, said sums to be paid out of the fees earned and received and that there be allowed the County Superintendent of Schools the amount of $1,365.00 per year, payable monthly as compensation for an assistant to be paid out of the genneral funds of the County. Your Committee would further recommend that there be fixed the amount of $2500.00 salary per per annum for the County Clerk, County Treasurer and Circuit Clerk for all of their duties as such officers and that there be fixed the amount of $1700.00 per annum as a salary for the Sheriff of McHenry County. Your Committee would further recommend that the Sheriff be allowed a special appropriation of $3oO.Oo for the expense of his office until collections arc sufficient to pay the salaries for the said SherifT and his chief deputy out of fees received, it being expressly understood and agreed . that the said appropriation would be refunded to Mc- Henrry County out of the earnings of the Sheriff's office. Due to the additional work in the office of the County Clerk on permanent registration, your Committee recommends that he be allowed the additional amount of $1000.00 for clerk hire for the period ending December 6, 1942. The matter of the bi-annual audit of the books of the McHenry County of? fleers was brought up for discussion and your Committee, after due deliberation, would recommend that the contract for the regular bi-annual audit of the books of the officers of McHenry County for the period ending December 6, 1942 be awarded to the J. W. North and Co., Certified Public Accountants, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois for the price of $400.00 An acceptance oi sum proposal, was received by your Committee from the said auditing company. Your Committee again met with all members present oh the 12th day of October, A. D. 1942 with Henry L. Cowlin, County Judge, and after due deliberation would recommend that the salary of the County Court Reporter be increased to $12o.o0 a month, payable monthly, beginning November 1st for the month of October, 1942 and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an order' on the County Treasurer for the same. All of which is respectfully submitt- QCle FRANK MAY C. PERRY WRIGHT F. E. BECK ' ' N. B. CLAWSON CARL E. W1TMU3 Math n. schmitt _ J. G. STEVENS It was regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that tne report of tne Committee on Fees and Salaries be approved and the recommendation adopted, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, WrigTTC-~*vtlinus, Beck, ciawson, Carroll, Kueckar, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt and 1'inp and Ast>t. Supr. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay non«. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Stevens of Richmond Township addressed the Board - and stated that there, was a vacancy in Clerk of Election in the Richmond precinct caused by the death of Clyde Wilson and that h« would move at this time that Frank H. McAssey be appointed to fill said vacancy; said motion was duly seconded •fry Supr. Schmitt and declared 'unanimously carried. Supr. Stewart, of Dorr Township spoKe briefly concerning the effort being made in the State of Illinois in the centralization of government and that there was a movement on foot to jjlo away with all township and county ofnceis and also school and some city and village ofticers. A general discussion was tnen had by the members of the Board on said matter. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens and declared carried, said claims were referred to tne proper Committees nd the Board adjourned to l:3o o'clock P. M. for Committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK *. M. Board met pursuant to adjourn&feht and upon roll cull, the seme members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a full Board prresnt. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, towit: shf bailiff $32.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailtlt 924.1 8hf dpty $4.00 R. D. Homes, shf bailiff C. L. Tryon, Supt. Hwy., ,co hwy sal $239.75; co sup hwy trav $88.61 Harengo Republican News,- co treas prtg $86.80; co elk eleC stipl $9.20 Supr. Sal. Mileage L. A. Stockwell C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus ....... K. E. Beck ......... N. B. Clawson ...^.1.',.,,.. G. J. Carroll E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman Frank C. Ferris ...W^.....,...., Roy J. Stewart 40.00 tt.00 4.00 I2t.3l •6.00 41.60 (1.20 46.50 68.20 85.60 79.80 21.80 SO. 90 66.25 •8.10 62.10 6.20 61.80 24.00 66.50 60.00 160.20 46.90 106.40 J. H. Harrison H. M. Turner . „.... J. , G. Stevens Frank May .... Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier John J. Filip T. F. Nolan. Jr. Paul Rosenthal Lester Edinger, , shf per diem fees serv • 100.80 Marian Edinger, shf feed pris.... 160.00 Armour Birk, ct hse jail sal ....... 116.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal...., 125.00 City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail It and water. 136.26 Sup. Schs. Asst. ,& Clk. Hire-- Daisy V. Moore 75.00 Ada M. Manning 38.75 Philip E. Bierdem'an, shf apty- .... 126.00 Alice Helm, er TB off sal 75.00 Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 60.00 A. A. Crissey, cir ct pro off sal.... 75.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. E. HARRISON, Chairman JOHN J. FILIP N. B. CLAWSON G. J. CARROLL PAUL ROSENTHAL . ' . Tile Committee on Claims,. €0Qnty Po'or presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. 'i urner and duly seconded by Supr. Cluwson and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: October 13, A. D. 1642. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that tne Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for tne several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: chad. Dependent Chil.--- Chicago Indus. School St. Vincent's Indus. School, Glossen and Toomey Paik Ridge School for Girls, DeLine Eva Kapping, Ystebo 16.00 W. E. Harris, Pearson 30.00 Herman Eickstead, Hinz 30.00 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman 11.25 22.60 ....<167.25 .... 16.00 ,... |0.00 9.18 22.33 5.40 salary Prank Wrhite, salary Floyd Mason, salary Louise Johnson, salary Linnea Wolt, salary ...j... Hilma Melander, salary Carrie Stephenson, salary .... Cr. a-c Mi*. Goddard 140.00 36.00 :75.00 : 16.00 90.00 65.00 <50.00 19.00 $2,048.57 , $£,029,57 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, , Court House, ' ' Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry County Farm, Home |nd Hospital Committee beg to report tliat they met at Hartland, October 7th, 1(42, and audited bills in the following amount's, ordering same paid; Running Expenses .......„|1,228.74 Clothing, Boots and Shoes ......... 60.15 Tobacco v . 47.51 Hospital .u--.. 303.69 Medical 40.85 Diet ..: $320.45"""': 'Credit, &-c eggs sold 22.80 2. • ' .. ' "897.08 |Wftl 63.95 12.048.57 October 13, A. D. 1942 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frnk Thorhber Co., co elk off sup $109.64; contingent $15.77; cir elk sup $15.94; co elk elec sup $5.16; co elk dog tax lie $149.49; cir elk rec bk $58.74.... 354.74 P. F. I'ettibone & Co., cir elk ec bk $103.00; cir elk sup $1.50 B. C. Jess Co., cir elk sup Woodstock Daily Sentinel, co treas prtg $158.90; co elk elec supl $314.60; supr sal mileage $2:60 McHenry Plaindealer, co treas prtg : 408.80 Richmond Gazette, co treas prtg 141.10 Hebron Times, co treas prttg .... 29.10 Harvard Herald co treas prtg $82.70; co elk ptg $62.75 , Crystal Lake Herald, co treas prrg $391.10; co elk oft sup $14.25 State Bank of Woodstock, co treas off sup Amer. Law Book Co., judcy libry 10.00 Lawyers Co-op. Pub. Co., judcy library Co. Coroner's Reporter-- Mary l^ou Hayes Helen Knox Verna Buesing Harry C. Daniels, <?o judge gai Hd. of Rev. Salary--- St.ephen H. Freund John J Hayes G. P. Chittenden ..l..w....„„.T.......... ^rlitc 'Mra Goddard ..... ' v, • v . " '• $2,029.57 t. Yotlr Committee further reports that Ijrc regular monthly inspection of •trounds, equipment, live stock and Suildines everything to be in good.con f|IUon. Canning has been in progress for M>me time past. At present there are 'liver 3,000 quarts of home canned fruit Slid vegetables in storage and more to e done. Also a substantial amount of fresh hlit and vegetables has been delivered b the Children's llorne at Woodstock. Respectfully submitted, MoHenry Co. Farm, Home and Hospital W Committee. | C. PKltRY WRIGHT, Chairman « • N. 1!. CLAWS! )N : G. J. CARROLL " f > ' PAUL ROSENTHAL . '?,} . T. F. NOLAN, JR. 104.50 1.17 476.10 145.46 405.^35 1.80 7.60 6.00 3.00 5.00 15.00 134.00 144.00 96 00 87.75 YTlie Committee on Fees and Salaries Presented the following report, to-wit: Wni. A. Mueller Henry 51eie Ct. llse. Sup.-- Grover Sweet land S. H. Freund & Son Woodstock Heating Co. ................. Ludwlg Wilson C\o. Bohn Hardware (Vfry Pfeiffer Pharmacy, co^treas off sup $1.53; ct hse sup $4.48 .... Charles F. Hayes, judcy justice fees B. F. Kennedy, er Til off sup ...] R. O. Andrew, ct hse jail coal .... Anna Wurtzinger, Rec. Deed, pro tein, eontingent Andrew Worwick, shf off sup 111. Hell Tel. Co., et hse jail tel.... 101.57 Co. Clk. Ins. Depdn.-- Dr. A. S. Romberger. Schramm ... Dr. O. E. Nelson, 11 Hands, Dahlke and Sehram ... . Dr. Henry W. Sandeen. Dahike " and inlands Sheriff Per Diem Fees Serv.-- Lester Edinger Marian Edinger . Shf. Feeding llrig.-- ' Pingel & Koch Traekett's Bakery. ...u....; E. G. Shinner & Co. 90.00 25.00 16.37 il.64 11.29 Mrs. Jack Pierce, Erie Mrs. George Spencer, DeLine, Meyer and Steadman Dr. John M. Warren St earn man Pfeiffer Pharmacy Louise M. Brooks, $12.74; pro off trav exp $38.90 Montgomery \Vard & Co., dctpendt. Chil., DeLine, Meyerfl and Steadman Mrs. Laura Buckley, dependt. chil, Lynott 60.80 T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hibbard 30.00 Lake Co. T. B. San., 2 months.... 1,982.00 Edward Sanatorium, Kublauk .... 25.00 Thomas B. Merwin, Schramm .... 26.UO C. E. Ambler, Vermett 15.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. G. J. CARROLL, Chairman H. M. TURNER FRANK MAY T. F. NOLAN, JR. CHAS. H. ACKMAN" The Committee appointed to select a list of persons equal to 100 for each Trial Term of the Circuit Court from the Jury Lists No. 10 now on Ale li) the County Clerk office, said Jurors to be selected for the ensuing year, make a report showing such selections which report was read by the Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said report be approved and that said selections so made be ordered attached to the aforesaid Jury Lists No. 10 and be hereby made a part of this record, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt and Filip ana Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted. Statements of condition at the close of business on the 30th day of September, 1942 of the State Bank of Huntley, Algonquin State Bnnk, The State Bank of Woodstock, Marengo State Bank, West McHenry State Bank, First State Bank of Harvard and The Harvard State Bank were presented and on motion of Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and declared carried, said statements were ordered placd on file. Auditors report No. 9A and 10 covering receipts and disbursements of Motor Fuel Fund were presented and ordered placed on file. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman announced that if there was no further business to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. HENRY C. MEIER, Chairman Attest: R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. mm Probation Officer Orand and pajtlt Jurors Co. Treas. S«lary Clerks' Balartee .....: Non-HifH School Fund ., Total Expenditures ... Balance on bind In aU funds Oct. fist 121,229.7* ommimd that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be Instructed to distribute no funds until the Teports as required t« be filed under statute by the various posts of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars are pre- 2t,162.96 sen ted to thl various Supervisors for Grand Total $159,4 93.73 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of November, 1942. R. D, WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk It wits tlMMUpofi regularly moved by Supr. Filip jorid duly Seconded by Supr. Kueckcr that the report of the County Treasurer be approved and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously CArf The Committee on Finance presented the following1 report, to-wit,: ' ? . approval and filed with the County All of which is respectfully submitted. G. J. CARROLL CHA8. H. ACKMAN tt. M. TURNER - Woodstock, Illinois November 10, 1942. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee on Finance would beg leave to submit the following resolution and recommend its adoption towit; Whereas, there is not at this time sufficient money in the Treasury or' McHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County, and it is necessary at this time to provide a fund to meet all such expenses by issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to be dt twn against the County Tax levied in the year of 1943 in the way and manner provided by the Statute of this State for the issuing and disposing of warrants. ,.Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry tba.t the County Treasurer of this Cotinty be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to issue and sell as needed anticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the sum Of $20,000.00 against the County Tax levied in the year 1942, but in no event shall the anticipation warrants issued exceed 75% of the amounts of the appropriation tax levied tor the year 1942; that said warrants shall be issued as needed in the sum of $5,000.00 each and each bond to be so drawn so that the same shall draw interest at the lowest available rate not to exceed 2 3-4% per annum from the time of its Issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a fund from which payment' of the ordinary and necessary expenses, of said County may be paid. Be It Further Resolved that such anticipation warrants shall when drawn show upon their face that they are payable solely out of the tax when collected and aiot otherwise. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRANK C. FERRIS t. F. KUECKER . M. TURNER . E. BECK It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Acktnan and duly seconded by Hupr. Kuecker that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Resolution authorising the issuance of tax anticipation warrants be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Acknmiv Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, Sterns, May, Schmitt and Filip and Asst. Supr. Nolan voted aye, nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously curried, the report approved and the Resolution adopted. The Committee on Elections presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Steyans and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted;, tO«Wlt: (. -November State of llllnoi*. «•- County of McHenry, tBS. To the Chairman and Ocntlemsn of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee da* Elections, to whom was referred the Election Expense bills for the General Election held November 3, 1942 in McHenry County would beg: leave: to report that they have examined said statements and would recommend that the following amounts be paid to the Supervisors and Ex-Officio Judges of Election for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County, to\wit: Special November Meeting, 1942 35.00 12.50 2.40 56.53 102.72 6.01 15.00 11.62 17.68 5.00 3.08 500 16.00 10.00 82.80 20.00 < Sentember 24, 1942. 16' tlw Chairman sn«l Gentlemen of the •T ljtoard «f Supervisors: I Western I'nited (las & Elei' tin |To ur Committee on Fees and Sal- Marlnda Hates , ' would beg leave to report that Jack llinderlider V met at the Court House in the Conwav Dairy j'tv pf Woodstock on September 24, | Sheriff Dntv " MV with all members present except • Marold Hoblii Ipr. J. G. Stevens of Richmond Twp. i Riehnrd I. Edinger r. the purpose of recommending sal- in,-die > Scliioeder and clerk hire for the various Henrv A Nullc -- IMk' officers who will ta"ke offie® Frank 'W. Prokop " JtotPber 7, 1942. Your Committee, j Frank Wiurinr rter having duly considered said mat- ; George Klilert •. and being fully advised, would Fred H. Wilke ommend that there be allow- Howard Freeman the County Treasurer the Bum of | Walter Sabs, shf 106.69 16.74 54.63 4.28 •2.00 25.00 2.2.78 8.00 36.«o 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.0« 4.0n 4.00 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met in special session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of Its members at the Court House in th City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 10th day of November, A. D. 1942 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Henry C. Meier, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the Cnlted States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Hoard and visitors present participating, after which the roll was called by the Clerk and the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supra. L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry Wright, Carl K, Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawsoti, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. II. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris, Roy J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and John J. Filip and Asst. Supr. T. F. Nolan, Jr., constituting a quorum. The minutes of the Special October 1942 meeting were read and upon motion approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of October, 1912 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: County Treasurer's Ksport j Xor the Month of October, 1949 ' Receipts Balance brought forward October 1st, 1UI2 $135,221.56 Taxes redeemed from Forf $235.89 Personal Prop. Back Taxes Supt. Co. Home „. Institute Fund Inheritance Taxes .;. Motor Fuel Tax Fund' Blind Relief General Fund Fine for Violations v «n state highways 106.50 Liquor Licenses^ 250.00 Highway Fund 2,001.75 Supervisors. Co. Home. ........... 72.60 235.11 487.50 60.00 9,506.01 ...... 603.30 713.00 10,000.54 Total receipts .24.272.1 Grand T^tal $159,493.73 IxpndltUN County Orders $12,303.98 Highway Orders 5,677.24 Blind Pensions 1,501.00 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 7,563.22 Coroner's Jurors 30.00 Stamps loo.21 103.80 v....tt 104.20 98 00 ^" 109.50 108.20 109.20 98.00 -104.20 108.70 98.80 -1Q4;20 106.70 102.30 ,106.60 101.60 96.00 98.10 102.10 r 106.70 99.60 104.20 : 104.80 107.70 102.70 109.20 108.00 107.80 109.00 ' 107.40 99.50 102.50 103.00 98.00 102.50 ....,....y.r^jy,^..._ Riley Marengo 1 Marengo 2 Dunham .... Chemung 1 Chemung 2 Chemung S Alden . Hartland ^... Seneca Coral ..7Z7Z7 Grafton .1 . Grafton f . Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 6 Greenwodtf . Richmond : .... Hebron Burton ...'. McHenry 1 . McHenry S McHenry ' 3 McHenry 4. . Nnda 1 ....... Nur$la 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 6 Total All of which is respectfully submitted. ^ MATH X. SCHMITT C. PERRY WRIGHT L. A. STOCKWELL FRANK C. FERRIS N. B. CLAWSON $3,533.40 The- Committee on County Poor Clalfns presented the following report on Distribution of Bogardus Funds, which on motion of Supr. Kuecker Rnd duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: > November 6, 1942. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Toor would 'beg leave to report that they met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on November 6, A. D. 1942 and investigated requests made by the various American Legion Posts and Veterans of Foreign Wars for funds levied under the Bogardus Act for the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday in December. 1913. Your Committee, after due deliberation. would recommend that the following amounts be allowed the various posits of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars and charged against the total amount appropriated for said purpose for said period, to-wit: Woodstock, American Legion $30oo.oo Harvard, American Legion J.1«0.0« Crystal Lake, Amer. Legio® .... 1,600.00 Marengo, American Legion 800.00 Slcllenry. American Legion .... 300.00 Cary, American Legion 200,00 Fox River Grove, Amer. T<egion 30o.«0 Algonquin, American Legion .... 200.00 I'nioi^ American Legion ..: »... Huntley, American Legion .-- Hebron, American Legion Richmond. American Leglon_ Crystal Lake, Vets, of For. War KRANK MAT T. F. NOLAN, JFRv Tfre Committee on Roacis and Bridges presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Filip and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-tvit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the .Board ot Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Tiie undei signed members of the road and bridge committee for said county beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before thenn. That we met on the 16th day of October 194Z and went to Harvard, Illinois to inspect the road improvement known as section 18 M. F. T. Considerable filling material is needed and We uecided to secure part of it from the Emma Beck Estate land at Chemungat nine cents per cu. yd. and other lining consisting of black dirt and creek gravel needed for the backslopes and shoulders from Joe Parenchio at lif- >-teen cents per cu. yd. loaded into trucks. We agreed on a price of twelve and one half cents per cu. yd. with Joo Parenchio for loading the Beck Pit material with his crane. The material irom the Beck Pit has cost us considerable less per cu. 'yd. on the road than irom the small lake being excavated by Parenchio because the trucks could make more loads per day handling the dry material. Not much of the lake material ia needed. We also completed arrangements to secure the gravel that is to be crushed trom the Frank Pokrant • Farm east of Harvard, the price to be ten cents per cu. yd. and permission was granted to store the screened stone at the pit until it is needed for the asphalt top. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 30th day of October 1942 regarding the County's HD 14 A. C. tractor which had been working at Glenview. Tha Job was reported completed and we decided to inspect the tractor as to any damage. They had furnished us a set of new tracks and we had furnishd a new potyer takeoff unit for the tractor. The trip was made and the tractor appeared to be in satisfactory condition. We .were unable to see either Mr. Balfranz or Lieutenant Cochran, the gentlemen who came before this Board and asked for the tractor and agreed to return it on demand. A representative met us at the gate and took us over the airport and he agreed to convey our request that the tractor be returned to McHenry County at once. We felt that we were being given the run around and to date the tractor is not returned, although we have further requested its return in writing. Our worst worry in the matter is the snow removal problem. This is our newest, fastest and most powerful tractor and we have a large snow plow for it. -Should heavy snows come this winter the machine will be badly needed to remove same and our taxpayers who own the machine will be the oneB to suffer. We again met on the 7th day of November at WoodBtock, Illinois and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature charged to the McHenry County highway system as a whole for repairs and supplies and for labor at the County tool house to a total of ....$1,590.30. Biils chargeable to the various sections of the McHenry Countyt patrol system of roads for labor and mkterials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: Sections 2, 14 ........ a 1 .191.93 Sections 4, 16, 18 j Sections 4, 17 Sections ^ 10, 11, #12 Sections 160.10 104.25 258.$2 mil ...$2,414.46 42.75 40.00 20.00 9.25 .. 64.62 .. 72.25 .2,245.08 49.00 1.00 *6.75 4.00 Total Bills audited and ordered paid out of Motor fuel tax funds as follows: S.A. Rt. Section 5B Sec 8, labor and mach. rent .... 23, 9-T maintenance labor 25, 12-IT maintenance labor 17 and 19, 16 engineering labor 17 and 19, 18 construction labor material, machine rent 5,466.17 14 and 15, 19 ma|nt. labor, machine rent 14 and 15 19-lT engi. labor »... 14 and 15, 19-lT Suburban Oil Co., final estimate 9, 21-IT engineering laobr 20B, 22 engineering labor 20B, 22 construction labor, machine rent ..: ......... 15, 25, engineering labor' .............. 15, 25 construction labor, material, machine rent .1,608.81 13, 26 engineering labor 1.00 13, 26 construction labor, material, machine rent 106.86 We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on County otfned machinery as follows: Sec. 8, $30.25; Sec. 18, $886.20; Sec. 19, $54.62; Sec. 22, $40.75; Sec. 25, $710.52; Sec. 26, $43.50 a total of $1,765.74 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is hereby reappropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery and for building imprpvements for housing machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of" the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway funds of $3000 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STEVENS C. PERRY WRIGHT , O. J. CARROLL L. A. STOCKWELL The Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Stevens and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: 250.00 200.0o 125.00 200.00 400.00 Total $8,675.00 Your Committee would further recommend that upon approval of this report the County Clerk Instructed to draw orders to the various organisations on the County Treasurer for an amount not to exceed 50<& of the levy or balance thereof at any time upon the fllins: with the clerk of a good and sufficient bond with two or more sureties in twice the amount of the total levy, bond to be approved by the Clerk. It being understood that ..sureties on said bond are to be freeholders »in McHenry^ Conntv, Illinois. Your Committee woi*ld further rec-! November I, 1942 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on November 4, 1942, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of October 1942, and respectfully submits the following report recommending same be paid. Goodrow's Garage, gas, oil & serv. 20.19 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs and med. 76.74 Sawyer Biscuit Co., bakery 19.33 Public Service Co., electricity.... 57.89 Bohn Hardware Co., sup. 9.24 Ridgefietd Farmers Supply, sup. Jen A See Laundry, laundry ...... John Sexton Co., groceries Thorne_& Son. clotning Woolworth. notions Boyce Bros., gas and oil Woodstock Wholesale, Co., cigars and tobacco R. O. Andrew Co., feed etc Royal Blue Store, groceries ........ V. Mueller Co., hosp. sup. .... Marengo Bakery, bakery i. Bif<kom Bros., sup. Ludwig Wilson Co., supplies Superior Oil Co.. oil Miller Patton Baking Co., bakery 111. Bell Telephone Co., serv. Frank Dinse. silo filling Wolfs Sanitation System, sup Montgomery Ward, supplies W. P. Allen, incidentals W. P. Allen and Esther C. Allen, salary Thomas and Effie Montgomery, salary Floyd Mason, salary ..„ Louise Johnson, salary • Linnea Wolt, salary Hllma Melander. salary Carrie Steplienuou, ualarjr 68.3 28.63 109.27 16.38 7.96 21.84 56.64 69.20 76.59 •4.19 2199 6.66 101.46 42.29 36.56 25.55 98.87 12.00 66.34 48.00 216.00 166.00 75.0© 16.»0 100.0o 76.00 60.00 2 cases eggs $25,20: 12 hbls. $1,814*6 63.26 Eggs i..". EdwardMPooles .. Emma Goddard $28.45 12.60 30.00 . 30.00 „ 61,713.13 Noy«mb«r 4tu, 1942 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, Court House, Woodstock, Illinois: Tour McHenry County Farm, Hotoe and Hospital Committee beg to report that they met at Hartland, Illinois, on the above date. Bills were audited and approved for payment in the following totals: Running Expenses $933.45 Clothing 71.72 Tobacco 66.64 Medici neb 76.74 Hospital 292.23 Diet 72.74 Fuel VI 10.66 Less recelpts'^foftfc*®^ Paying patients :......$60lO0 Sal* • «f •'; • 61,814.18 101.05 $1,713.13 The regular monthly inspection of buildings, grounds, livestock and equipment was made, and your Committee reports everything to be in good condi-> tlon. Respectfully submitted, C PERRY WRIGHT, Chairman; B. CLAWSON I^-m'-J. CARROLL , - i f . n o l a n , j r . Lester Edinger, shf per diem, fees, serv 100.00 Philip E. Bierdeman, shf dpty .. 155 00 Armour Birk. ct hse Jail sal 115.00 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal.... 125.09 Marian Edinger, shff feed pris .... 100.00 Sup. Schs. Asst. & Clk. Hire- Ada Manning 36.76 Daisy V. Moore 75.0*6 Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 50.00 Ct. Hse. Jail Coal-- City of Woodstock, ct hse jail light, water 96.ft Ridgefield Farmers Supply Co 360.27 Walter Dalton 56 96 A. A. Crissey, cir ct pro off' sal. .. 75.00 ^All of which is respectfully submit^.. .7. E. HARRISOIC, ChftirnAR • O. J. CARROLL * : v JOHN J. FILIP * . .-.J' -, • The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Stevens atfl duly seconded by. Supr. Ackman and ti*5 roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: 93.65 30.00 16.00 27.20 66.00 12.96 120.00 41.12 48.00 30.66 55.41 16.S6 15-ft 15.00 5.00 Supr. Beck addressed the Board and stated that certain minority groups in the State of Illinois were working for legislation' to do away with our present rural school system and would also like to abolish township and county form of government and that in his opinion, this type of legislation should not be enacted into law and the best way for the people to voice their opinion on said matter is through their legularly elected township and school officials. Supr. Beck announced that there would be a meeting to discuss said matter sponsored by the McHenry County Township Officials Association at the Harvard Central School on Tuesday, the 17th day of November, 1942 at 8 o'clock P. M. and urged all Supervisors to notify their township officers and anyone else who is interested to attend. Supr. Stewart outlined in detail che methods used by these minority groups to centralize local governments under the guise of lowering taxes and he also outlined the manner in which their efforts in this iegard can be counteracted in the State legislature. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1:M o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, except aupr. N. B. Clawson of Alden Township, constituting a quorum. Mrs. Irwin Burger, President of the Woodstock Women s Club, and Mrs. L>. R. Joslyn, Vice-President, together with Mrs. Warren Shoemaker and Mrs. Chas. G. Wright, members of. the Zoning Committee of the Women's Club, appeared before the Board and spoke briefly concerning the need tor zoning outside of the corporate limits of any city or village in McHenry County. The Chairman called on Supr. Stewart ot Dorr Township to introduce the delegation. Mrs. Shoemaker addressed the Board and stated that it was not the purpose of the Woman's Club to in any way dictate to the Board of Supervisors on matters under their control and that it was only the desire of tne Women s Club to show the great need for County zoning and to let the Board know that they were in back of them 100%, on any action they might take. All members of the delegation spoke in this regard. 1 Supr. Stewart stated that this matter had been oeiore uie Board several times in the past few years and that he was Informed that the cost of County zoning would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $2600.uo and that it was his opinion that said matter should be investigated by the special committee previously appointed, con- Stilting of Asst. Supr. Rosenthal, Chairman, and Suprs. Filip, Beck, Stewart and Stevens and that said Comnxittee make a report at the December, 1942 meeting of this Board. Supr. Stewart made said suggestion in the lorm ot a motion which was duly seconded by supr. \Vittmus and declared unanimously carried. Mrs. Burger, President of the Women's Club, then thanked the i,ccins at home c Board for their generous consideration | in"he presnt form of Township and nf ,>w,ir County government they are not the November 10. A. D. 1942 Mr Chairman and Gentlemen - of tho Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined fall claims presented to . them, and recommand tho payment of the following, and that tha Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for th she several amount allowed, as follows, to-wit: •• Dependent Children--, '/'• Chicago Indus. Home for Chil. 6139.lt Mrs. GeoVge Spencer, DeLine, Meyer and Steadman W. E. Harris, Pearson Eva Kapping, Ystebo St. Vincent's Training School, Toomey and Glossen Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., Norton and Daymond Mrs. Jack Pierce, Erie Anna O. Keller, Belding Mrs. Laura Buckley T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hibbard 30.00: Lake Co. Tuberculosis San 1,592.70' Ogle K. Howell, Soma 2 mos 131.19 D. T. Smiley, Vermett Chas. H. Ackman, Rayner National Tea Co., Rayner ....j., Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav i exp $14.35; dependt. chil. $2.20 T. B. Patient Pauper-- The Fair, Vermett C. E. Ambler, Vermett H. P. Schmid, M. D., Vermett .... . The Shurtleff Co., Rayner 18.39 All of which is respectfully submittod*. • •.«. G. J. CARROLL, Chairman .. ./ FRANK MAY H. M. TURNER CHAS, H. ACKMAN T. F. NOLAN. JR. The Clerk presented and V-tfco following Resolution Condemning Sfforts of the Taxation Committee of ths Illinois Chamber of Commerce to Abolish County Boards of Supervisors and County Schools, to-wit: lUiolntlon Condemning Uorti of Um Taxation 'Committee of the IlHwirta Chamber of Commerce to AboUik County Boards of Supervisors and Country Schools The Board of Supervisors of McH4tt- . ry County, hereby voices its opposition to the organized efforts of certain minority groups to aoolish and destroy our present Rural School System. These small groups have carried on a well organized campaign for many years to convince the people of Illinois, that It would promote the general welfare and create efficiency in our Educational System, if our Rural School Districts were consolidated. Laws providing for the voluntary consolidation of school districts have been in our statute for many years. The people prefer to have "Home Rule." It is contrary to th* traditions of a democracy to 'enact "Slust" legislation. These minority groups would like toabolish any present Township and County form of government, and substitute in place thereof what is known as the Commission form ! cX' " County Government. Our present 'taws* and our State Constitution, provide that the people of a County shall have a choice as to which of the two forms they prefer. With the exception of a few sparsely settled counties all counties of "Down State" Illinois, prefer to avoid a highly centralized government in Township and County affairs. Ex- , perience dictates that good government If there are defects of their apeal for County zoning. The Cominitttee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: November 10, A. D. 1942 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Laor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., co clk elec supl $617.14; co clk off sup $105.13; co clk tax bk etc $868.06 6U9jy& Woodstock Daily Sentinel, contingent $19.75; supr prtg $2,50; co clk elec supl $930.50 952.75 Co. Clk. Elec. Supl.-- Crystal Lake Herald 2,245.75 Harvard Herald 582.90 Walter Sahs 21.20 R. O. Andrew Co 4.50 Co. Coroner's Reporter- Catherine Warner 5.00 Pearl Schultz 15.00 Bertha Freund 5.00 Ct. Hse. Sup-r-. Hanchett Paper Co ........1. 17.24 A. Flanagan Co 26.96 Thomas B. Merwin 38.00 Derrls & Broeker Supply Co. .... 27.03 Ludwig Wilson Co 81.80 Pfeiffer Pharmacy ; 7.36 Ben & Ralph Leinau, ct hse jail repairs ......^.:v:.;...... 24.14 Mishler Electric, ct hse jail rep. $22.37; ct hse sup $30.40.. 52.77 Harold W. Schmidt, contingent 8.42 Dr. B. F. Kennelly, er TB off sup 6.90 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jal tel.... 105.04 Callaghan & Co., Judcy libry ...... 3.06 Lester Edinger, Shf., shf per diem fees, serv 1,058.55 Hall & Eckert, ct hse jail rep .... 55.47 C. L. Tryon, Supt. Hwy„ co sup hwy sal $191.80; co sup hwy trav exp $91.67 283,47 J. T. Kitchen, co clk elec sup . 5.00 Charles F. Hayes, co clk elec sup 5.00 Charles F. Hayes, Judcy jus fees 20.00 Ft'arik Thornber Co., co clk elec sup $30.12; co clk off sup $49.75 85.87 Sanitary Plumbing A Htg. Co., ct hse jail repairs 6.23 Bakkom Bros., ct hse jail repairs .33 R. O. Andrew Co., ct „hse jail coal 32.27 Shf. Feeding Pris. Western United Gas & Elec Co. 4.45 Pingel & Koch 109.9 Traekett's Bakery 16.11 E. G. Shinner & Co 43.66 Marinda Bates.shf feed prM ' $2.00; ct hse rep $2.00 4.00 Otto Buchert,, shf dpty 4.00 Frank W. Prokop, shf dpty 4.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf dpty .......... 4.00 George Ehlert, shf dpty .... 4.00 Walter Sahs, shf dpty $20,00; .. shf bailiff $32.00 52.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf bailiff $24.00; dpty $12.00 36.00 B. f>. Holmes, shf bailiff $4.00; dpty $4.00 8.00 Ethel C. Coe. Supt. Schs., sup schs off exp 49.48 LeRoy Hetterman, co «or. rep ... Supr. Salary Mileage-- . » L. A. Stockwell C. Perry WriRht -- Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck .......... N. B. Clawson ...-- (1. J. Carroll lii.asy.v. E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackman F^ank C. Ferris -- Roy J. Stewart John E. Harrison Henry M. Turner -- J.G. Stevens .. . Frank May .: --....... Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier ...-- .....--.. John J. Filip ........... T. F. Nolan. Jr ; Psul Rosenthal Alice Helm, er ,TB off sal fault of the system, and whatever the defects are they would not be eliminated by the institution of a Dictatorship in County or local government. Townships are perfectly adapted to populous (districts. Township organtation is an expression of the very essence of democracy and illustrates the people's power to control their own affairs by their own chosen agents. The township form of government was fashioned by our forefathers after terrifying, intolerable and distressing experiences with centralized authority such as advocated by ,the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. It is a development of continuous fight against oppression. This power taken from the people can be used against them. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that we condemn the efforts on the part of the Taxation Committee of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce to abolish the one-room school house, and their efforts to undermine the confidence of the people in the system which provides that counties under township organization may choose and elect a county board of supervisors from each township to transast a business of the township and the whole county in the interest of the people of the county, and Be It Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board be and is hereby Instructed to send copies of this resolution to the Senator and Representatives md the General Assembly in the eighth district and to the president of the McHenry County Association of Count* , and "Township Officials," and to . auk";' township supervisor. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The matter of the organization 6f Township Boards of Health and Township Health Officers was broutrht up fO* discussion, but no action taken. Supr. Beck, a member of the Flnanca Committee, stated that at the December meeting of this->Board the bonds of County Officers' would come up for approval and that in the past the County Treasurer has presented a personal surety bond In the amount of • irtO,0«0 On. said sum being fixed bythis Board. The County Collector's bond for the past few years has bean a suretv bond In the amount of $75,- ' 000.00 and paid for by the county. Supr. <»Vck stated further that it was the opinion of many members of the Board • hnt «"•«.,ntv Treasurer's Bond was too high and that to get the matter before the Board, that he would move at this time that the County Treasurer <>lect mav present a $50,0^0.00 County Treasurer's surety bond for approval 'if this Board, to be paid for by M«- Henrv County Said motion was d"ty seconded by Supr. Harrison and the .. V-illed Supervisors Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck. Carroll. Kueck* '•r. Aekman. Ferris. Stewart, Harrison. Turner, May. Schmitt and Filip and ^sst. Supr. Nolan voted aye. Supr. Stevens not voting. Nay's none.. The rJ'il? Mhe Cry r« I Hebron State Bark. Cary St State Bank of Richmond a Rank of Cnion were presei {Chairman declared the motion carried. 6.00 i statements of condition at the close | of business on September 30, 1942 of J the Home State Bank of Crystal I*ake, State Bank, and State presented a««-' 1, - ' ordered placed on file. "-•'0 | Several communications from the Hts*" nartment of PuHic Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois were presented and ordered placed on flW\ The Chairman stated that if the^a . was nothing further to eome hefnr* nieetins:. he would entertain a mo* „ , •ion to adjourn. It was thereupon aVIn refcu,arl>' moved by Supr. Ackman and oi m i seconded by Supr. Stevens to adoo'aa 1°Mr» Motion carried. Thereupon the • J Board, adjourned. SVSS HENRY C. MEIER. 8 2 . A t t V t ' C h a i r m a n i. WOODS, Clark. 34.80 41.30 62.50 40.70 35.00 18.60 33.00 .00 I