Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1943, p. 15

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" i .-w~ -'"j-- VT" •• * * 1 • • r ' < * \ '^ ^ * J' *V r.rS "*' ~ .ft j.,rA>V •>»*• TttB tWNTY, ltLiyiOty ' finetial December M«»tingt • ^ *.- •*&£•; • 1942 *' "/V V-1.;;^- r ' , r ' - . The Honorable Board of Supervisors • «# McHemy County met in special Session pursuant to a call signed by JHore than one-third Of its members at ae Court House in the City of Woodock, on Monday, the 7 th day of December, A. D. 1942 at ten o'clock A. M. ' The meeting was called to order toy the Chairman, Henry C. Meier, and the Fledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by tbe Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors present participating. The Chairman stated that the certificate of appointmtent of Warren 1 Pierce, Supervisor of Richmond Town- Ship, appointed to till the vacancy Mk Caused oy tiie resignation of J. G. titev- W ens, County Treasurer, was on the .Clerks desk and was in proper form. ' • • The Chairman then introduced the new .' Supervisor to the members of the .Board, and the roll being called, the 'following members responded to their :lW.mes, lo-wft: Supervisors L. A. Stock- Well, C. Perry W right, Carl E. Wittmus, F\ E. Beck, N. B. Clawson, G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, J*rank C. Ferris, Key J. Stewart, J. E. Harrison, Warren F. Pierce, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and John J. Filip and Asst. Supervisors T. F, Nolan, Jr. and Paul Rosenthal con- ~ v . •tituting a quorum present. _ The chairman announced the appoint- Went of Waren F. Pierce the Supervisor ftom Richmond Township, on all standlag committees of this Board that his predecessor was on to serve for the remainder of the Board year and until * new Chairman is elected, except that he would name Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal as Chairman of the Road and .A Bridge Committee. It was thereupon ™ ' regularly moved by Supr. Beck and dJUiy seconded by tiupr. Harrison that the appointments be scontirmed. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. . 'r •; "The minutes of the Special November 1942 meeting were read and on motion Approved and ordered of record. . #k The bond of Raymond D. Woods, ™ County Clerk was presented uuU read. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and dulyq seconded by Supr. Ferris that the bond of the County Clerk be approved, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Pierce, •#- ./May, Schmitt and Filip and Asst. •""'Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. ' The bond of J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, was presented and read to .' -t#e .Board, it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly suc- . ^ Onded by Supr. Kuecker that the bond JP ; Of the County Treasurer be approved, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wrtght, Wittmus. Beck, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Haiv Tisou, Pierce, May, Schmitt and Filip • Mid Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal I voted aye. .Nay none. The Chairman ! declared the motion unanimously car- #~r" vied. (For record of bond of county Clerk and County Treasurer, see Miscellaneous Record It. County Otovk'c* Office). The following requests of J. G. #tav* «ns as County Treasurer and as Kx- * Officio County Collector, requesting the lioaid ot Supervisors to name certain • parts as depositors, together with A Resolutions naming certain banks were w read to the Board, to-wit; State of Illinois, County of McHenry, sr. Xo the Board of Supervisora of Mo- Henry County, Illinois: The undersigned, J. G. Stevens, Coun- • ; ty Treasurer of Mclienry County, JLlli- •'^IJKMs, respectfully represents unto your :honorable body that under an Act adopted by the General Assembly of tliu State of Illinois, and now in full force and effect, the County Boards shall. Upon request of the County Treasurer, designate the bank or banks, or other depository in which the funds and other public moneys in his custody as Coun- ™ ty Treasurer may be deposited. The undersigned therefore requests the County Boacd ofc McHenry County, Illinois, to designate the bank or banks, or other depository in which the funds and other public moneys in his custody (jounty Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, may be deposited as proa ' vlded by law. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 7th day of December, A. D. 1942. J. G. STEVENS, County Treasurer •f McHenry County, Illinois. State of Illinois, bounty of McHenry, ss. Whereas, J. G. Stevens, Coupty TreaJI- #trrer in and for said County, has, pUirsuant to the terms of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of-Illinois adopted and now in full force and' effect, requested this County Board to designate the bank or banks, or other depository in which the funds and . ' Other public moneys in his custody as . , County Treasurer may be deposited. • '. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by , - fhe County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, that - Marengo State Bank>»First National Bank of Woodstock: The Harvard State Bank; Hebron State Bank; First State Bank ofllarvard; State Bank of Richmond; State Hank of I'nion: West Mc- , Henry State Bank; State Bank of Huntley; Home State Baiik of Crystal Lake; The State Bank of Woodstock; Algonquin State Bank; Cary State Bank; are hereby designated depositories in Which the funds and other public mon- 2ys in the custody of J. G. Stevens, as tounty Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, may be deposited; and Be It Further Resolved that no bank ' herein designated as a depository shall qualified to receive such funds or moneys until it has furnished the Ooiin- . • tJ" Board with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities which such bank is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of CUr- ^ ::'v;;;,>v#((M>cy; and 9 Be It Further Resolved that each bunk designated as a depository for such funds or moneys shall furnish the County Board with a copy of all bank statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency, while acting as such depository; • and Be It Further Resolved that if such funds or moneys are deposited in a ' bank herein designated as a depository, tlie amount of su<-h deposits shall not iexceed seventv-five per cent of the capital .stock and surplus of such bank, and the County Treasurer shall not be discharged from responsibility for any 4k such funds or moneys deposited in any „ banks in excess of such limitation. . .• . State of Illinois,* County of McHenry. ss. To the Board of Supervisors of >IO» Henry County, Illinois: The undersigned. J. <•. Stevens. County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illij »«'ls. *nd ex-offioio County Collector. re- IP Urtiectftilly represents unto your honorable bodv that under an Act adopted by tti« General Assembly of the Stnte nf inois and now in full force and effect. the County. Hoards in ro.mties Kinder township organisation shall upon fiequest of the County Collector, flesig- '• .r 'Hate a bank or banks, or other deposi- ••.! '•.%*rv in which funds and moneys reived by him in the collection of taxes -ipav be "deposited. The undersigned therefore requests the County Board ot McHenry County. Illinois, to designate the bank or banks 0|r other depository in which the fund* and moneys received by him in the collection of taxes may be deposited as : provided by law. Hated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 7th dav of December. A. T">. 1S42. j G STEVENS. County Treasurer «f McHenry County, and-iHK ' officio county collector. 'V*',r tate of Illinois. 1 : ounty of McHenry, "ss. ^ - . Whereas. J. G. Stevens. Count v >jdS 'treasurer and ex-officio County t.ol- : ' jR'ctor in and for said County, has. pur- ' auant to the terms of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois adopted and now in full force and effect, requested this County Board to designate a bank or banks, or other depositories in which funds and moneys received by him in the collection of taxes may he deposited. Now, Tieiefgrj, £« F-esoKsa by ! the County Board ot McHenry County, | Illinois, that Marengo State Bank; First National Bank of Woodstock; Tne Harvard State Bank; Hebron State Bank; First State! Bank of Harvard; State Bank of Rich- i mond; State Bank Of Union; West Mc-; Henry State Bank; State Bank of Huntley; Home State Bank of Crystal LtKe; The State Bank of Woodstock; Algon- j quin Stale Bank; Cary Stale Bank. | ; are hereby de&ignaied depositories in ; which the funds and moneys received ! by J. G. Stevens, County Collector of j McHenry County, Illinois, in the collecf tion of taxes may be deposited. lie It Further Resolved that no bank ' : herein designated as a depository shall ' : be qualitied to receive such funds or ' : moneys until it has furnished the | County Board with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities which such bank is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or ter the Comptroller of Currency; and Be It Further Resolved that each bank • designated as a depository for such funds or moneys shall furnish the County Board with a copy of ail bahK statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency while acttiig as such depository; and • He it Further; uesolved that if such j funds or moneys are deposited in a bank herein designated as a depository, the aUiounts ot such deposits siiall not exceed seventy-five percent of the capital stock and surplus of such bank, and such County Collector shall not be discharged from responsibility for any such funds or moneys deposited in any bank in excess of such limitation. lit e.M It was thereupon regularly movet} by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that the requests of the County Treasurer and Kx-Oflticio County Collector be granted and that the : Resolutions naming depositories for the funds of the County Treasurer and of the County Collector be adopted and the roll being called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Carroll, Kuecker,, Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Pierce, May, Schmitt and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, and the requests approved and the Resolutions adopted.. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of November, 1942 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit; County Treasurer's Beport Vor the Month of VoTember, IMS • , Receipts Balance brought forward November 1st, 1942 $131,329.78 Taxes redeemed from Forf. $2,640.56 Pers. Property Back Taxea-- 8,408.09 Supervisors tor Co. Home 622.50 Supt. County Home 66.46 Institute Fund 66.00 Mottor Fuel Tax Account 7,250.00 Blind Relief : 2,923.18 General Fund 9,620.92 Fines for State Hwy. Violations 7.00 Penalties and Fees 1,166.49 Dog Tax Fund 1,070.21 Liquor License Committee .... 26.00 Highway Fund, Machinery Rental and Taxes ll.31t.2S officio County Collector. Oaymond Minors 24.00 Tax Anticipation Warrants 16,000.00 Highwav Fund ..... 168.10 Mothers Pensions".. 259.63 Bridge Bond Fund 2,701.93 County Officers' Fees' 6,636.59 Penalties and Fees 7,913.21 Non-High School Fund - 10,368.62 Insurance Refund 7.80 Total Receipts .89,743.70 $221,073.48 $21,060.92 ..2,3 93.35 . 1,426.00 ...10,114.36 .... 30.00 300.00 aoo.ot IH.N .. S,384.92 .... 25.00 .. 8,697.74 ...11,390.94 6,000.00 49.66 J 1.64,432.88 ........156,640.60 Grand Total .... Xxpeadltares County Orders Highways Orders ..... Blind Relief Orders .... Motor Fuel Tax Fund Coroner's Jurors Probation Officers ........ Co. Treas. Salary Clerk's Salaries Disputed Taxes Petty Cash Distribution of Personal Property Back Tax Bridge Bond Fund Anticipation Warrants Interest on Warrantt ^ Total Expenditures Balance on hand in all funds Nov. 30th ---:-_. Grand Total $221,074.48 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn tto before me this 7th day of December, 1942. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the report be approved. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A report of the County Treasurer showing payments due for the County Home from the various townships covering the months of August, September and October, 194 2 was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried was ordered placed on file. "-j* The following request and report of the State's Attorney, William M. Carroll, was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: December 4, 1942. To the Honorable. Chairman and Board of Superisors of McHenry County, Illinois:- Herewith is submitted my report of the disbursements of monies appropriated and paid to me for expenses of the State's Attorney's office from December 1, 1941 to December 1, 1942. I respectfully request the Board to allow me the sum of $300.00 for rent for the year beginning December 1, 19f2 and that my office be allowed the sum of $350.00 for miscellaneous expenses. This is the same allowance which was made to the office during the past year. At this time, I also wish to personally expuress my appreciation to the Board of Supervisors foo the assistance and cooperation which they have so generously extended during the year. Very truly yours, WILLIAM M. CARROLL WMC :ec To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, lllinois:- The undersigned, WILLIAM M. CARROLL, State's Attorney of McHenry County. Illinois, respectfully submits the following report of the disbursement of moneys appropriated by your Board for his use during the period beginning December 1, 1941 and ending December 1, 194 2. _ He charges himself with the following:- Xtems of Beeetpta ... Dec, 1, 1941 bal. as per last report $S0.2.> Dec. 11, 1941 by cash received 650.00 Total Receipts $680.25 He asks to be credited with the following items riaid out:- IMabarsemeata 1941*-- Dec. <v Marion Leveroos, extra stenographer • 10.00 Dec. 11. H.irold W. Schmidt, sta. 23.9.0 Dec. 12, Geo. L. Murphy Estate, December rent 25.00 Dec. 12. W. 11. Bartlett, cleaning 1.0« Dec.'2fi, W. 11. Bartlett, cleaning 1.00 Dec. 26, Wm. Desmond, Postmaster, stamps • 7.50 January, 1942 - IS, Geo. L. Murphy Kst., Jan. rent |».0n 22, Wm. Desmond, Postmaster, stamps ... «.«0 | 23, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning --...1.00] 27. W. H. Bartlett. cleaning . t.00 j February, 1042-- ' ' 3, W. If, Baftlettt. cleaning . I.r'° 12, Geo. L. Murphv Est.. Fep. rent S5.00 24, Wm. Desmond P. M. stamps 6.00 27, W. H. Bartlett. cleaning 1.25 12, Geo. L. Murphy Est.. Mar. rent 25.00 20, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning .... 1.00 20. Wm. Desmond, PM stamps .... 8.50 24, P. F. Pettibone & Cr».. Crim. Complants and Warrants In Ba tardy and Complaints ud Warrants for Violation of Statute •.'9 April. 1942-- 10, 0*o. L. ilurph;- Est... Apr. rent 35.00 10, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning 2.00 13, Anna Wurtminger, recording 1.46 14, McHenry Co. Title Co., tax searches 21, Wm. Desmond, PM, stamps .. May, 1942-- 16, Wm. Desmond, PM, stampa.... 0.00 18, Geo. L. Murphy Est. May rent 25.00 8, Bill Sweetiand, emptying bskls l.tfti 8, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning 2.60 29, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bakta. 1.26 June, 1942-- 2, Harold Schmidt, off. sup. 7.76 8, Win. DesmoujA, PM stamps .... 7.50 lv>, Geo. L. Murphy Est., June rent 26.00 15* i?erb Sweetiand, emptying bskts 1.00 24, Thomas E. Kennedy, Shf. Lake Co., sheriff's fees <j......?. 7.00 26y Nat'l Off. Supply, supplies 2.20 July, 1942-- 1, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning 1.00 9, Violet Beu, ex. stenographed .. 6.00 14, Wm. Desmond, I'M stamps.... 7.00 27, Geo. L. Murphy Eat., July rent 25.00 J8, Fee for bond as Notary Public 2.0fl 31, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskts .50 August, 1942-- 1, Glenn Russia, emptying bskts ;7fc 5, Wm. Desmond, PM stamps 6.00 6, W. H. Bartlett. cleaning * ,60 10, Geo. L. Murphy Est., Aug. rent 25.00 11, National Off, Sup., supplies .... 6.54 14, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskts .60 28, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskts .50 September. 1942-- 2, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning 1.00 4, Emma Helm, cleaning 2.00 11, Bohn Hdw., new lock and kays 2.00 11, Geo. L. Murphy Est., Sept. rent 2S.00 11, Wm. Desmond, PM stamps .... 7.60 11, Service charge on State's Attorney's Account SS 11, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskts 30, Daoy Elec. Co., rep. elec. It, bulb October, 1942-- 2, Emma Helm, cleaning 1.25 6, Woodstock Awning Co., putting up awnings l K 7, W. H. Bartlett, cleaning halls.... l.Oo 9, Geo. L. Mur;ihy Est., Oct. rent 25.00 14, Wm. Desmond, PM stamps.... 6.00 15, M. B. Cook Co., supplies <*/. 18.36 30, Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskt£ 1-00 30 Emma Helm, cleaning 1.86 November, 1942-- 12, Geo. L. Murphy Est., Nov. rent 25.00 12, Wm. Desmond, PM, stamps 7.10 13, Emma Helm, cleaning 1.26 27, Emma Helm, cleaning 1.26 27. Herb Sweetiand, emptying bskts 1.00 December, 1941--» 1, extra stenog. expense 75.CO Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob I Rosenthal Lumber Co., supplies ! Thompson Appliance Co., gas .... Sawyer Biscuit Co., supplies Stiller Pat ton Raking Co., sup.... , Royal Blue Store, groceries i W. P. Allen, incidentals W. P. Allen and Esther C. Allen, : salary • Thomas an<l Effie Montgomery, salary ;... ! Vara and Mattie Albright, siUary ! Floyd Mason, salary [Louise Johnson, salary ..... j Linnea Wolt, salary Hilma Melander, salary Carrie Stephenson, salary i Clara Hayes, salary |T. F. Nolan. Jr., salary * t '.T-/X •?/!, •-U 216.00 136.01,] 80.CT I 75.00 < 16.00 " 100.00 76.00 46.00 17.33 60.00 . A. A. Crisssy, cir ct pro off sal 76.00 1 Armour ttirk. ct hse Jail sal 116.00 • Vestie Muldoon, ct hse jail sal.... 136.V0 Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire 113.75 i Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp 50.00 ! All of which is respectfully submit- • ted. J. E. HARRISON. Chairman i U. J. CARROLL. i Paul Rosenthal ! JOHN J. FILIP i The Committee on Claims,t County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being called was declared Unanimously adopted, to-wit: ; Credit Royal Blue Store • i grease and egg's $15.52 Received Payment from ; i Emma Goddard 28.00 iff | . $1,782.82 ] December 2nd, 1942 To the Honorable Board of Suupervlsors ' of McHenry County, Court House. i Woodstock, Illinois. ' ; Your McHenry County Farm Homo and Hospital Committee beg to report that they met at the County Home in Hartland on the above date and audited bills in the following totals: Permanent Improvements ..$100.87 Running Expenses 912.39 Clothing, boots and shoes .1 ..... 29.55 Tobacco - -- --43.44 Hospital X4 2.53 Medical -- --..... 73.06 Diet X. 371.39 Total Disbursements 1693.09 Beeapttalattoa Total amount received $680.26 Total amount paid out 693.09 Balance on hand $ 87.16 W1LLLUI M. CARROLL State's Attorney of Mc.Heary Co. Illinois. State of lUinolflt County of McHonry, ss. WILLIAM M. CARfW^t, WflT flrwt duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says that the foregoing is a true and correct account of all moneys received by Irim from the County of McHenry for the expense of the office of State's Attorney and of all money* paid out by hiin from December 1st, 1941 to December 1, 1942. WILLIAM M. CARROLL Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 3rd day of December A. I>. 1942. ELLA CROUCH. (Heal) Kotary Public ft was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the request of the State's Attorney be granted and the report approved and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an order on the County Treasurer in the amount of $650.00, payable to the State's Attorney to cover rent and miscellaneous expenses for the year beginning December 1, 1943, being $800.00 for rent and $350.00 for miscellaneous expenses, and the roll beinir called Suprs. Stockwell, Wrigley, Wittmus, Beck. Carroll. Kuecktr. Aikinsn, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Pierce, May, Schmitt and Flllp and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chatrmta declared the motion unanimously car- MHMI The following Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-Wlt: * RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, 8tste of Illinois, in special session convened this 7th day of Lecember, A. D. 1942, that William M. Carroll, State's Attorney of said McHenry County, be aud he is hereby authorised and directed to proceed with a tax foreclosure proceedings against the real estate known as the Crvstal I^ake Country Club Properties, said real estate being the premises described on the 1941 County Collector's Books of said County, as follows; Algonquin Township, Volume 1, Page 6, Line 18. _ Algonquin Township, Voluma S, Page 78, Line 1. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by by Supr. Kuecker that the Resolution authorising the State's Attorney to proceed with the tax foreclosure proceedings against the real estate known as the Crystal Lake Country Club properties be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called. Suprs. Stockwell, Wright/ Wittmus. Beck. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman. Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Pierce, May. Schmitt and Filip and Asst: Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted ave. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. . . _ . The Committee on Labor. Fees and Supply Claims presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Kuecker and dulv seconded by Supr. Hsffrison and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit; November II, 1942 To the Chairman and Gentlemen Of the Board of Supervisors; Your Committee on Labor. Fees and Supplv Claims would beg leave to report that they met on November 19, j912 concerning the appropriation made hv this Board for the McHenry County Tuberculosis Association for the period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday in December. 1942. the said Association having only drawn $500 00 of their $2,200.00 appropriation during the past year, said payment being made by the County on November 12. 1942. Miss llolrbs. County Nurse, informed vour Committee that there were bills outstanding and that 'bey would need another payment of $50o.oo and perhaps a little more before the new appropriation starts. After due deliberation. vour Committtee authorised the County Clerk to draw an order on the County Treasurer, to O. Tv Still. Treasurer of said Association in the amount of $500.00 and in the event that that was not sufficient to pay their obligations to December 7th. that the County Clerk be authorized to draw an order to the Treasurer of said Association on the County Treasurer in the addit i o n a l a m o u n t o f $ 2 0 0 . o o _ . . . • All of which is respectfully aubmittC*' J E. HARRISON PAI'L ROSENTHAL G. J- CARROLL JOHN J. VII.IP >*. B. CLAWSON i The Committee on McHenry County Home presented the following report and recommendations, to-wit: December 2, 1942 Mr. Chairman and Members the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your Countv Home Committee met on December 2. 1942. at the McHenry Countv Home and audited the bills for the month of November 1942. and respectfully submits the following report recommending same be paid. - Waler L Goff. labor and repairs $ Bohn Hardware, supplies '-'J Ludwig Wilson Co.. supplies .... John SeTton Co., groceries r. O. Andrew Co.. f«*d and son.. Goodrows Garage, oil *nd repairs 30.16 Rardin Ins. Agency, ins on truck Superior Oil Co.. fuel oil 42.09 A. .T Ironside, repairs on hot . water heater J T Day. cleaning cesspool 111. Bell Tel,. Co.. service Pfeiffer Pharacy. supplies « Wovce Bros., gas and oil ... 1 Thorns A Son. clothing 5 Montgomery Ward A Co.. clothing 21.«o r. W Wool worth Co.. notions -- S-l* L«sur A. Hawlsj', repair parts.. o.30 1«>6 or. 52.«e Rebate from patient?--$28.00 S a l e o f p r o d u c e -- 1 5 . 5 2 $1,826.34 43.52 T£.00 16.00 16.00 30.00 1.43 3.00 2043 Net Expenditures $1,782.82 Your Committtee recommends the following appointments at the McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital for the year beginning March 1st, 1943, at the present salaries Mr. W. P. Allen, Superintendent Mrs. W. P. Allen, Matron Mrs. Linnea Wolt, Supervising Nurse The regular Inspection was made and your Committtee reports grounds, buildings, equipment and livestock to be in good condition. There being no further business, upon motion duly made and carried, your Committee adjourned. , C. PERRY WRIGHT, Chm.. ! V O. J. CARROLL * PAUL ROSENTHAL • N. B. CLAWSON • T. F. NOLAN. JR. 95.63 4.00 16.00 16.50 02.11 It was thereupon regularly moved by pr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. srrts that the report be adopted and recommendation of the appointment W. P. Allen as Superintendent and W. P. Allen aa Matron and Mrs. naa Wolt as Supervising nurBe of McHenry County Farm, Home and pltal be approved, and the roil be- , called, Supra, stockwell, Wright, tunus. Beck. Carroll. Kuecker, Ack- A, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Piercc. Schmittt and Filip and Asst. Nolan am} Rosenthal voted aye. none. The Chairman declared the >a unanimously carried and the lBtmenta madia. Clark presented lists of Claims ist the County and upon motion of S()pr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committeee and tha Board adjourned to o'clock p. M. for committee work. I ISO VOMOI V.M. Board met pursuant to adjournment aim upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared in the morning session, except Supr. N. Clawson of Aldan Township, constttiwn| a . Quorum present. /The Committee on Claims, Labor niM and Suppliee presented the follow, iga rspori, whiefcuo* mttUoti of supr. rem* and duly seconded by Supr. fCQfeCker and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: December 7, A. D. 1042 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors; Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on he County Treasurer *o the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, aa follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., co elk off sup ^.-$290.18 P. F. Pettibone & Co., clr elk sup 10.82 111. Office Supply Co., sup schs off exp 13-30 Ethel C. Coe, Co. 8upt., sup schs off exp * - -- 36.22 Charles S. Pingry, Agent for American Surety Co. of New York ins. prein. bonds co off 1,597.50 Pearl Schultx, co coroner's reporter 6.00 Charles F. Hayes, Judcy. Jua. fees 20.00 Lawyer's Co-op Pub. Co., JUdcy libry Co. Clk. Ins. Depdn.-- O. E. Nelson, Anderson --..... Henry W. Sandeen, Anderson Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Goerlits-Becknell Co Pfeiffer Pharmacy Busy Corner Grocery i Bohn Hardware Co Ludwig Wilson Co ........ Ct. Hse. Jail Repairs-- • ~ Dacy Electric Co -- May Motors Andrew Worwlck, shf off sup .... Marinda Bates, ct hse rep $2.00; shf feedg pris $2.00 .. Woodstock Daily Sentinel, cir elk sup $12.50; supr prttg $2.70; shf off sup $r>.75 ; co treas prtg $9.75; sup schs off exp $1.00..„ Illinois Bell Tel. Co.. ct hse Jail tele Hoy Insurance Agency, co ins Slip. Schs. Off. Exp.-- Johnson-Randolph Co Byers Printing Co Sanitary Plbg. & lltg. Cow ct hse Jail repairs •• Getselman & Jensen. Agts. for V. S. Fidelity A Guaranty Co., (compensation ins.) co.lns ... ..172.73 Kilts Office Service, slip schs off exp $4.59; co treas off sup $1.»3; bd of rev sup $16.00; co elk off eup $24.00 C. L. Tryon, Co. Sup. Hwy., co sup hwy sal $184.95; co sup hwy trav exp $71.67 Sj Sheriff Feeding Pris.-- Royal Blue Store Asm us & Son --i™*, Trackett's Bikery .......... Conway Dairy Richard Karell, shf dpty William C. Coghlan. shf dpty .... Walter Sahs. dpty shf $12.00; shf bailiff *16.00 _ Clvde C. Miner, dpty shf $32.00; shf bailiff $2«.00 B. D. Holmes, dpty shf $8.00; Shf bailiff $4.00 .. -i.. . Jack Hlnderlider. shf reed pris Harold W. Schmidt, contingent $29.85; co treas off sup *1.99 R O Andrew Co.. ct hse Jail coal Western Cnited Gas A Elec. Co., shf feedg pris Helen Knox, co coroners renortei- Shf. Per Diem Fees Serv.-- ' Lester Edinger, Sheriff ..............3.156.90 Lester Edinger Supr. Sal. Mileag*-*--: " L. A. Stockwell C. Perrv Wright ...J.-- Carl E. Wittmus F. K. Beck -- G. ,T. Carroll --j--4 H. F. Kuecker ----- Chas . H. Ackman Frank C. Ferris Roy J. Stewart J. E. Harrison --i....,™,...™--.. H. M. Turner ................ T. ,G. Stevens ....• Frank May ............. Matt V. Schmitt John J. Filip Paul Rosenthal ........... T. F. Nolan. Jr. --......--v City of Wooatock, ot hse Jail It and water* George L. Tryon. Co. Surveyor. co surveyor Alice Helm, er TB off sal Lewt»r TOh fees iorfeedg pris.. per diem. $1,526.34 December 7, A. D. 1943 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the / j Board of Supervisors: Vour Committee on County Toor •1.52 Claims would beg. leave to report that they aave examihed all claims presentetd to them, and recotnmend the payiiient of the following, and that the Cieik be directted to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for tne several amounts allowed; as tollows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Chicago Indus. Home for Chtl. $133.50 Lutheran Child Welfsre Assn4 Norton and Daymond St. Vincent's Indus. School, Glosson and Toomey E\a Kapping, l'stebo •Mrs. W. E. Harris, Pearson Montgomery Ward & Co., DeLine. Meyer and Steadman Louise M. Brooks, dependt. thlL $32.35; pro off trav exp $13il0 44.46 Dependent Children-- Dr. O. E. Nelson, DeLine Mrs. C. J. Mitchell, Bradley Bowman Bros. Shoe Store, Bradley 8.86 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman 48.00 Richardson's Drugs, Stteadman 1.40 Boston Store, Steadman _.... 13.41 Mrs. Laura Buckley, Lynott 40.50 T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hihbard 30.00 Lake Co. Tuberculosis San. .... 1,149.63 The Edward Sanatorium, Kublank 40.75 C. C. Miner, Soma Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, Verdeacan Chas. E. Ambler, Vermett The Fair, Vermett i.„. Mrs. George Spencer, DeLine^ Stedman and Meyer ..... . Alt of which is respectfully submitted. G. J. Carroll, Chairman FRANK MAY T. F. NOLAN, JR. CHAS. H. ACKMAN Several members of the Harvard Sportsmen's Club appeared bofore ' the Board and Lee Cornwell, one of the members, addressed the Board and stated that Harvard for Sodm time past has been sponsoring a MoHenry County Horse Fair and that it was his understanding that it was poMible for them to secure State Aid in the operation of said Fair from the State Department of Agriculture. He than called on Attorney T. V. Houlihan of Harvard who explained the law In detail concerning said State Aid, informing the Board that it would be hoceasary for the sponsors of said Pair to Set the approval of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County before the State Aid would be forthcdmlhS. Supr. Kuecker sta tad that he had attended the Fairs in the past and would recommend them very highly and that m would move at this time that th« Chair be instructed to appoint a Committee of tflree Supervisors to make an investigation and report at the neat meeting of the Board. Said motion IMS duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus and declared unanimously carried. Tim Chairman then appointed Supra. Kuecker, Wittmus ana Carroll to act as said committee. The Committee on Roads and Bridaaa presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner ahd the roll being called was declared unanimoualy adopted, to-wit; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 25th day of November 1942 at Harvard, Illinois and Inspected the work being done on the Harvard-Lawrence road. The grading was completed except the final shsplng of the shoulders, and the crushed gravel hauling was well under wsv. About half the road had been covered three loads wide. A request was made to rent the County's Allis-Chalmers tractor, which had been returned from the Navy contract at Glenview, to strip a commercial, gravel pit near Harvard. Illinois. We considered the matter but owing to the ground being froien and the difficirlty of securing repairs and supplies and our opinion that the use of the tractor ought to be conserved as it will have to last many years, we decided not to do outside work and save the machine for maintenance and betterment work on the County roads only. A request was made by I.ake .County that about 1^4 miles of the McIIenry- Lake County line road south from Rt. 176 near Island Lake be put on the County State Aid System of Roads, as they were getting ready to improve Roberts Road to the McHenry County line. The State requires a connected svstem of roads making it necessary for joint action of the two Counties on the matter. Last years road and bridge committees had agreed to and recommended such action at a future date. On the 3.ith day of November 1942 we inspected said road and met a Mr. Amstut* from the I>ake County Highway Department and McHenry County was requested to secure the right of way for about 1000 ft. of road on a desirable relocation through a portion of Boulevard Park Subdivision and Lake County would grade and gravel said gap. We found that the lots involved are in sloughv land and have not been sold to Individuals and are under control of the First National Bank of Liber'.yville, "'if^his road is made a State Aid Route the two Counties become liable for its maintenance and we inquired whether Lake County, in which the greater portion of the road is located would assume the maintenance as we have no regular patrolman near and the representatives of Lake County thought it could be arranged and they would hill McHenry County for its proportionate share of the cost. We would be Inclined to place a limit on the expense to this county of $160 per year for the care of the 1^4 n,i- ®f road on or near the said County line, and to make no promises as to date we would Improve the road as several projects are alreadv planned ahead. Mr. Amstutz stated that it might be several vears before I.ake County would start actual construction but they were securing the right of way and making the plans !for a considerable mileage of i road Improvement to be built after the war so as to be ready to put men to work in slack times. possibly with some aid from the Government. We decided to recommend to this Board that the right of way commit- «ee what kind of a deal the ' ountv can secure for the right of way through Boulevard Park Subdivision before adding said road to the County State Aid Svstem of roads, and th^t they report haTk to this Board on the, matter as soon as practicable. We again met at Woodstock. Illinois on the day of December 1912 and audited and ordered paid bills or » oral nature chanted to the McHenry County highway system as a whole Tor insurance, repairs and supplies and for labor at the County Tool House to a total of $1.9<0.11 Bills chargeable to the various sectfTins of the McHenry County patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as followsv Sections 3, 14 .r Sections 4. 16. II' - >74.34 Sections 4. 17 3X>, Sections 5, 6 l Sections 7. •, 0, 10, 11, tf -•<-- 2;T «« Sections 13.1S -- "I-90 Total Bills audited and motor fuel tax funds as S. -» Ht. Section ..« 7.60 6.00 6.00 23.97 1.16 ..16.80 42.33 24.74 9-00 3.04 .70 , 4.00 31.70 107.66 48.60 12.95 3.19 14.06 256.62 88.64 64.30 16.15 43.74 4.0o 6.00 28.00 B2.0O 12.00 25.00 31.84 14.02 4.31 6,00 6.45 25.20 32.3r 2«.rto 23.60 ««.«o 60.60 «0.60 66.50 25.50 45.60 11.20 19.K0 mi 87.70 ftl! 115.03 833.56 75.00 125.H0 100.00 100°. 00 23, 9-T maintenance labor -- $ 13.00 36, 12-IT maintenance labor --... 6.60 17 and 19, 18 construction labor, material, machine rent 2.620.70 14 and 15, 1»-IT engineering labor, material, machine rent 2.70 9, 21-1T engineering labor 97.76 3vB. 22 construction labor ---- 3.50 15, 25 engineering labor 7.75 16. 25 construction, labor, - material, machine rent ,1,128 30 18, 26 construction labor 49,69 2, 31 engi. labor, material 26.06 #. by RoW comm McHenry-Kane Co. line road. Herman Henk $113.90; Frances K. Spencer $171.40: Minnie A. Kemp and Frances K. apencer $38.00; Edith R. Johnson and Wm. B. Johnson $190.60; Elisabeth Childs and Geo. W. Childs $89.50. Total for ROW 603,30 We have received from the motor fel- tax funds rental on County owned Machinery as follows; Sec. 18, $761.55; Sec. 25, $484.85; Sec. 26. $36.09 and from Standard-White MidWeet, Gknvlew. in. rental on AC ttactor $142,50 a total of $1,523.99 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road and bridge fund, which said sum is hereby reappropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage ahd purchase ot road machinery and for building improvements for housing road machinery. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway funds of $3000 until the next meeting of this Board. at which is respectfully aubmit- PAUL ROSENTHAL C. PERRY WRIGHT L. A. STOCKWELL G. J. CARROLL The Chairman announced the selection of Grand Jurors arid Supplemental P,anel for the January, 1943 term of the Circuit Court and the following named persons were selected 10 serve as Grand Jurors for the January, 1943 term eX the Circuit Court, to-wit; Carl L. Johnson, Riley Tvl Daniel Reuter. Marengo Twjp. Mabel Peck, MarertSo Twp. • Jack Oost, Dunham Twp. Mabel Brickley, Chemung TWPt Wilma Johnson. Chemung Twp. A. E. Weter. Alden Twp. llfcry King, Hartland Twp.-' .• Harold Leisch, Seneca Twp,. . r f Walter Karsten, Coral Tw; Thomas Graham, Grafton J. C. Pierce, Dorr Twp. filmer Carlson, Dorr Twp.'< Harold Blrk. OreenWodd T Sam DeYoung; Hebron Twpiv.. •' A. G. Merrill. Richmond Twp. Charles Freund, Burton Twa. Math M. Blaka MaHenry Twp. Vera Purvey, MoHefcry Twp. gmtl Schroeder, NuMfc Twp. Meta Tessendorf. Kunda Twp. tfred H. Rainier, AASoMSin Twp- ~ Helena Bencoi&i, AfiroSqlMn Twp.1 The foliowiaf named persons were stlected to serve ap (hrn Jurors on the Supplemental fiMt for the January, 1941 term of th* C>r«uit Court, town: . ' •«*. Tillte Anderson, Alma Gets, Mad ,. Fred Wyse. Dunhaip C. A- Haffner, Chert) waiter W4ttmu*> Krving Bettlemr Sohn Schildt, B. W. Bush. 8 Anna Nulle, C Margaret Dwy Wm. J. Todd, _ aul E. Hunter, w .rgaret Stoffel, G Kenneth Schaefer, Ruby Wilson. Ric John Miller, BU ~ Fred Smith. M 7 Wih. Ehlert, Nun^ Richard Novak. A Anna Welisek, Al It was thereupon Asst. Supr. Roseau ed by Supr. Beck Orand Jurors Mid far January, 1941 Caurt be approved reeled to certify the gilds lists to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the roll being called Supr. Stockwell, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Carrol. Kuecker. Ackman, Ferris, Stewart. Harrison, Turner, Pierce, May. Schmitt and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, and Sheriff and the annual report of the County Treasurer were presented and upon motion of Supr. Filip and duly Seconded by Supr. Ackman and declared carried, were referred to the proper Committees for report. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on ille. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. HENRY C. MEIER. Attest: Chairman R. D. WOODS. Clerk. Balance on band in all funds Dec. 31st. 744,018.5#- Grand Total _-- $190,325.4^ The above and foregoing report iitrue and correct according to my bMt knowledge and belief. i J. G. STEVENS, j . .. . ^ County Treasure#!;. I Subscribed and sworn to before m# this 12th day of Januarys 1943. r. d. woods, (Seal) County clerk Tl» committee on finance presented I the following report to-wit Woodstock. Illinois * ! January 12, 194£~ To the Chalmati and Gentlemen of tha " I Board of Supervisors: i Your Committee on Finance woulA/ ; beg leave to submit the following Readfr-J lution and recommend its adoption to*, wit: I WHEREAS, there is not at this tima . sufficient money in the Treasury of,; McHenry County to meet, and defrato-*. the ordinary expenses of the County,", and it is necessary at this time to pro*,, I vide a fund to meet all such expenses ' by issuing and disposing of anticipat*:. tidn warrants to be drawn against tha County Tax levied in the year of 194f I in the way and manner provided by th#' Statute ot this State for the issuing and disposing of warrants. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board «<» Supervisors of the County of McHenrjr that the County Treasurer of thi»- County be and he is hereby authorise#1 and directed to issue and sell as nee<fc ed, anticipation warrants to an amounftnot 00 exceed the sum of $20,000.0# against the County Tax levied in thin year 1942, but in no event shall th# anticipation warrants issued excee#, 75<& of the amounts of the appropriate tioh tax levied for the year 1942; thai . said warrants shall be issued as needed . in the sum of $5,000.00 each and eacpV bond to be so drnirn so that the samp shall draw Interest at the lowest avaiW ~ able rate not to exceed 2 3-4<j, per ani*> num from the time of its issuance unit til paid or until notice is given thajfc . said warrant is recalled for payment' which anticipation warrants are issue# for the purpose of creating a fund from which payment of the ordinary an# necessary expenses of said County maf be paid. ».« RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thsf " such anticipation warrants shall whefi drawn show upon their face that thef are payable solely out of the tax when collected and not otherwise. ~T* All'Of which is respectfully aabtnlb* tod: PAUL ROSENTHAL E. F. KUECKER H. M. TURNER F. K. BECK " . FRANK C FERRIS TWp. • Twp. ly moved try duly eevondlection of tai Panel Circuit .too Clark be di- Special January Meeting, 1943 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met in special session pursuant to a call signed by more thane one-third of its members at the Court House in the City Of Woodstock, 011 Tuesday, the V2th day of January. 1943 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Henry C. Meier, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States otj America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors prepent participating. And the roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors L. A. Stockwell, C. Perry Wright. Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, N. B. Clawson. G. J. Carroll, E. F. Kuecker. Chas H. Ackman, Frank C. Ferris. Roy J. Stewart. J. E. Harrison. H. M. Turner. Warren >•. Pierce, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, and John J. Filip and As«t. Supervisors T. F. Nolan, Jr. atid Paul Rosenthal constituting a full board present. • • „ . „ The minutes of the Special December 1942 meeting were read, and on motion approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of December. 1912 was presented and read and upon motion of Supervisor Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and declared carried, the said report was approved and ordered placed on Ale. to-wit: Orntr Treasarer's »eport _ for tha month of Dooember, 141 Beeelpts Balance brought forward Noveber 3oth. 1942 ... •• redeemed from Fori. $e»,320.ji« Pers. Prop. Hark Taxea 4M.f5 Supervisors for Co Home .... 635 4n Supt., County Home - 94.62 Inheritance Taxes . .. M5..19 Motor Fuel Tax. State nf III. 3.039.20 Blind Relief. Sta«e of ill 750.60 General Fund "f'Xi FMne^ for Violations on Hwy* 6.00 Penalties and Fees 638.15 Hufhwly* Fund r msjlm Tax Anticipation Warrent .... a.OQO-QO It was thereupon regularly moved °bwf tupr. Ackman and duly seconded b upr. Schmitt that the report of t! committee on finance e approved an_ the resolution authorising the issuanqa of tax anticipation warrants be adopte# by this Board. And the roll beiny .. called, Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Wiitw mus. Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kueckei* Ackman, Ferris, Stewart, HarnsodL Turner, Pierce, May, Schmitt and Filil end Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairraa# declared the motion unanimously car» ried and the resolution authorising th# iwuance of tax anticipation warrant# id opted. The committee on Fees and Sal arte# presented the following report, to-wi<p January 12. l|4Sk To the Chairman and Gentlemen of t3n Board of Supervisors: ' * Your commltteo on fees and salaries beg leave to report that we met with the Sheriff. Treasurer, County Clerk an# Circuit Clerk at the Court House in thb. City of Woodstock on December 30, 194# and January 6, 1943 to consider several; requests that were made to your coma mlttee by the various county officers. Due to an increase in the fees of th# office of the Sheriff, enacted into la# In July of 1941, the Sheriff's office i# now able to pay out of his fees earne# and received the salaries of his officd clerk and night jailor. The practice ii the past has been that the Sheri# charred his own salary and that of his. thief deputy to his fee account and tl county paid directly the salary of t*i office clerk and night jailor. Your cow mlttee would therefore recommend th#|. the Sheriff be allowed the sum of $T.& • 500.00 or so much thereof as is neceAt sary to pay the salaries of the chie#. ' , deputy office, clerk and night jailo^y Your committee would further recomte< mend that the salary af the day Jail'# ® and Janitor be increased from $125.00 # month to $140.00 a month starting JaniS' uary 1, 1943. Due to the great amoun& of investigation work being done by th§ Sheriff for the . Federal Governmen# your committee would recommend that the Sheriff's car allowance be increase# from $100.00 a month to $150.00 % month effective January 1. 1943. You#' committee would also recommend tha# the Sheriff"* bailiffs and special deputie# ., salary be increased from $4 to $5 a day effective January 1. 1943. At the October meeting 1943, of th# • Board of Supervisors upon the recoak» mendation of this committee, the Boar# fixed the salaries of the various count! officers and tlxed an amount for cler| hire. At that time your committee ftxe the clerk hire for the offices of the City cuit Clerk and County Treasurer at th# same figure that ^ as fixed for the previa ous four year period, which we d| not believe is sufficient for the needs of the offices at this time. Tour commit;, tee would therefore recommend that the Circuit Clerk be allowed an addik tional $500.00 or so much thereof as in necessary for clerk hire, making tho total amount of $5,500.00 per year. And that the County Treasurer be al^ lowed the additional amount of $1,300.09 per vear or so much thereof as is neces* sarv for Clerk hire and the costs of collecting taxes, making the total amount of $10,000.00 per year Tour Committee discussed with the various county officers individual sal- Ties that are now bein* oaid to tha deputies and clerks or salarie* that an» to be paid and we are of the ooinio® that s*id salaries are Just and euuitai-. hie. It has been the practice in Mo- Her.rv Countv for a number of years for th® Brmrd to fix the. total amount o# clerk hire per year allowed to each offc flee for denutv and clerk hire ami tha the principal officer fixes the Individu salaries and vour committee is of th opinion that this practice should be continued and so recommend subject of course to the control of this committee- All of which is respectfully atthuut- «|i . ' FRANK MAY. Chair ma* •' W. r. PIERCE math V SCHMITT V F Cl.AWSOV CAR I* E. WITTMlTS C. PKPnv WRlOHT F. E. BECK Total Receipts Grand Total County Orders Highway Orders ......... Blind Pensions' Motor Fuel T*» Inheritance Tagea ..... Coroner's Jurors Probation Officer Treasurer's Salary -- Clerks' SalurieB Institute Kurd 33.684.86 $190,326.45 $16,805.91 3.320 16 1.441.00 E B ... $70.00 4.' 13.91 insmu<e r UTI'T Taxes redeemed from I«n.--• 15.39 County Officers* Fees- - -- 6,676.64 4S.2Q6.95 It thereupon reeularly moved W Supr. Kuecker and dulv seconded by <tn*e FVrris that the report and recommend.-! lions of the Committee «>n Fee* and Salaries be approved and adopte# Hv this Board, etcent to tho s-*tnrjf of the Jailor and ianitor Vestie M'ild<>.>(| and that his salary fixed at On# -<n<t fiftv dol'srs per month starting January V 1943. in of One hundred and forty dollars per !>s wimTUfpW in the r»»vrt. And the roll beine called Simrs sit•»«-*- . W-'--b' Wittmus. Beck Cta«s»* Carroll. Kuecker. Ackman. *>rris. SJ-w- «rt. Harrison. Turner. Pierce, May, «<-hmitt and FHin »mt Asst. Sunr^. Vnlm and Wosentha.1 voted aye. Nay "one. Th» Chairman declared the mo» ton unanimouslv carr"^ Tho committee on Public RuitdinK* presented the following report whH-H. • >n motion o' Sup" Turner :>n-f dul* «eooi>ded hv Stiver. ami r«>H being called was declared unanimously, idopte#. to-wlt r Harvard. January » Board of Supervisor* rianlteMan' k' Below Is a list of insurer,,* « ine due for renewal tH>l« Icies or endorsements which^have^beei| bv your Public Buildings l om* mttttee: , _ Wa'to* w«Kw. TJ ; : . 'iteb

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