*•»; £ '*% ^ ,-*•« *;«f -J?$ •,^4* ?*?%*'%Tix*?".*®**?; ?*$%*"%#- • «• .1 .*' ' V' 5 "<•? - '; ••* """ '*"_!'» ' "" ' *'k < » ' 1 .•, ' ' T,'1^ -•.. -r • -v , ' „v .*V* * „ : - ~ ; ' % • , . , \ " > " A > ;- • • > . « * ^ ' V " t * ' ; V?^ ? > i ItV&AM'S' h A .- », ji J|yL. #"WsjfcAtf ^ * "* ' * s"r " i* ' ' • t ,.* . i " \,: •• - ' •»%' " ^ , 1'-' t aul A. Neldhold, Harvard I?* C. Flotow, Crystal Lake.... H. E. Rardin. Woodstock ... .... K J. Dctieen, Harvard ...:... Dtonald Tftppan. Woodstock Mary A. Keating, Huntley, .... Roy A. Kent, McHenry : Frank B. McConnell, Richmond Wm. Q. Schreiner. McHenry ...; J. F. Mittchem. Harvard' .:...:J.Jii, J. C. Peters, Woodstocif J4.S4 The committee on Resolutions pre- ?i.94 , snt«l the following report, to-wi|; • ,74.!>4 14.M _ , January 12, 1943 71.94 TO the Chairman and Centlemen of the 74.94 74.94 7:..:<» 75.39 143.»« " ,fi.r,4 Cljas. H. Francis. Woodstock •>:..;.• 4.08 StofTel ft Relhansperger, •W. McHenry 4.43 ; T«y truly yours. . :-'-V- .Ji F. MfTCffr-MV January l\, 1943. Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Resolutions would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters* and things before them. iMOlttlOB WHEREAS, I( has (ililwed Almighty Ood to remove from among: u& our esteemed citizen and worthy Public Servant. Daisy V Moore, who" departed this life January 10, A. I>. l!»48, and who for many years served McHehrv Coun- Youn^Comlttee on Public BuUdings-itJ' with distinction and wouiit^P^ Feave to report that the v. met i WHRRRAS, in her passing the people .at'the court House in the Citv of Wood- I of McHenry County have toUsttlthed *n stock (>»Ti 'errinfr the- renewal',**' inrs'"*- '.great loss, and anee "on County owned properties and WHEREAS, It is the desire of. the would.. recommend that '.the,.-following I Board of Supervisors of McHenry agencies be granted renewals <>n t heir . County. Illinois, in Special Session aspolicies'- together With the alpoiint of j sembied this twelfth dav of Januarv A. premium to-wlt: • 1>. 19-43. -to pay public respect to'her Paul A. Neidhold. Harvard -?*4:94 .Lmemory. now therefore John 'Q. Flotow, Crystaf Lake .74 9,4 ) " WE IT RBSaJ.VEI) That we extend to H. E. Rardln. Woodstock -"-74.94 j her bereaved \^'ntily our heartfelt sym- Frank B. McConnell. Richmond -7^.39 Wift. O.. Schrelner, McHehry' 7".SO J. ,F. Mi'tchem. Harvard 142.96 J. C. Peters, Woodstock ti."i4 Chas. F. Francis, Woodstocki - 4.01fc StotTel & Reihansperger, ' • " * » . W. Mollenry ... ..... _ ' 4.4S We further recommend that Walter Wilber of Cr ystal I>ake, TlHn'ols and J6hn J. • Hayes of Woodstock. Illinois be piven the renewal rigrhts on two agencies that are not now tn business and that thev be allowed the amount of $74.94 each as premium on said policy. All of the above and foregoing- policies expiring- on the 1st day of January 194S, covering insurance on McHenry County properties. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. TT. ACKMAK , PATTL, ROSENTHAL . J. E. HARRISON O, J. CARROLL ROY J. STEWART ^he following report of the special OOtnmitttee on County Zoning together wftn a resolution providing for a Zoning Commission was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: feeaolntion Providing For A loalif OomnlsaioB BE TT RFSOI.VKP by the Roard of Supervisors of the County of McHenry. Illfnois, in special meeting duly convened on the Uth day of January, A. D. 1943, as follows: Section 1. Creation of Commission. A *oning commission for the County of McHenry, Illinois, is hereby created under authority conferred by "An Act in Pelatfon to County Zoning" passed by the General Assembly of the state of Illinois and enacted into law June 28, IMS. Sction 2. Membership. The zoning commission shall consist of the follow- Ing. (Ave) members, appointed by the Chairman, who are hereby confirmed by the County Board: Roy J. Stewart, chairman. Ray Pnsenberry. Paul Rosenthal John J. Filip, Charles F. Renieh. Section 2. Membership. The zoning duty of the aoning commission shall be to prepare and recommend to the County Board for its consideration a proposed zoning ordinance for the entire County outside the limits of cities, villages. and incornoratted towns, which ordinance shall describe and show the boundaries of the several districts created and set forth the appropriate reg>' ulatkms to be enforced therein. It pursuance of its duty the commission, among other things, shall obtain and use such information as to the nresent use of buildines. structures and land as may be necsssary, and shall cooperate and consult (2) with the officials and municipalities with regard to the, kind of zoning proposed ad.lacent to their limits, (b) with the several agencies having to do with State and Cotinty highways, parks, and forest preserves with respect to regulations and policies affecting such facilities, (c) with the several state, regional and local planning commissions or organizations. and (d) with the Clegal advisor pf the County Roard) (State's Attorney) on tho legal aspects of the proposed ordinance. After the commission has prepared a ten.tative report and a proposed ordinance a public hearing, advertised adn posted as prescribed by Statute, shall he held in each township affected affording persons interested an opportunity to be heard. Within 30 days after the final adjournment of such hearings, the cnmmllffeion shall make a final report and SWbmitt a proposed ordinance to the Cotinty Board which may enact the ordinance, as prescribed by Statute, with or without change or refer it back to the commission for further consideration. The Commission shall keep written records of its proceedings. Upon adoption of the zoning ordinance the commission shall cense to exist. Section 4. Expenses. In the preparation of Its report and proposed zoning ordinance the commission may incur such expenditures aw shsll be authorised by the County Board. January 9. 1943 Tour special committee oh County Jjonlng would beg leave to report that they have met from time to time with Robert Kingerv of the Chicago Regional Planning Commission and Wm. M. Carroll. Statt's Attorney of McHenrv County concerning Countv zoning outflde of the corporate limits of any citv or village in McHenrv County. And aft »r rtue deliberation it was unanimously decided by the members of your committee to recommend the adoption of a Resolution Providing for a Zoning Commission for said County. A copy Of said resolution being attached hereto and made a part of this report. .All of which is respectful!*, submitted, PAUL ROSENTHAL 1V\ F. PTEPPK ftOV J. STEWART P. E. BECK fOHN J. FILIP be directed to certify a true copy of same to the family of the Deceased 1m» mediately upon Us passage and approval. which Is respect ted. E. F. KUECKER : ' C ROY J. STEWART Li A. STOCK.WELL' Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the report be approved and the resolution adopted. . And the Chairman declared the* motion unanimously carried. The following annual report of the County Coroner was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Coroner* Anaual Aeport of the Fiscal Tear Ending- BMtmNr 6, 1948 SaVnltted by Harry X*. Shorn, Coroner Of Mc- Xesxry County, Illinois. 65 Deaths Itpoitai 65 deaths of which were:' „> •' 34 inquests were held. 29 inquiries were held. 2 drowned on one occasion. 2 smothered and burned on one occasion 28 died of cardio ailmentts, such as acute heart attacks, malignant heart trouble, cerebral hemmorhage-, apoplexy, embolisms in he . vascular system causing failure of heart or brain. 11 autonioblle accidents. 3 drownings. ...... 4 sucides. 1 accidental shooti 2 d'tch cave-in aoeldi 1 tetnous infection. 1 smoke suffocation. . 3 accidental falling. motorboat accident. 2 gastro-e,nteritis. ». 1 cerebral concussioa* 5 trBtn accidents. . . • 2 suffocated and buraod. 65 total. Amt paid out for stenographers $105.00 Collected by Cot-oner foe Transcripts: 1941--111.50 194 2--*?Oir.0. Total fc. $32.00 Total collections" paid r ..*;.f8l0.00 Total collections" to -be paid" ir>.00 *795.00 Respectfully submitted this 8th day of December, A. D. ,1942. HARRY L. EHORN. Co. Coroner lES? Tt was thereupon regularW moved bv Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly secondtile special committee on County Zoning be approved and the resolution providing for a Zoning Commission adopted, and the roll being called by Supr. Harrison that the renort of ed Suprs. Stockwell. Wright, Wittmus, Reck, Clawson. Carroll. Kueeker Ackman, Ferris, Stewart. Harrison. Turner. Pierce. May, Schmitt nnd Fiiin and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimouslv carried and the renort approved and the Resolution adopted. • Asst. Supr. Rosenthal addressed the Board arid stated that he noticed from the report of the County Treasurer that Was on each Supervisors desk that there was a fifty dollar bond item that IS being carried as a cash item of manv jraars standing. The bond in question being a Government bond that can nevef as far as McHenry Countv is concerned be converted into cash. And aat he wovM move at this time that e County Treasurer be instructed to farward the bond to the Federal Ooverrment with a letter of explanation and charge it off of his accounts. Said motion was duly seconded bv Supr. Mhmltt and declared unanimously carrleH The committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis In Cattle presented the following report which on motion of Sunr. Harrison and duly seconded bv Supr. Kueeker and the roll beine called was tMclared unanimously adopted, to-wit: ^ .Tamiatv 11. 1943. 3J)(> the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Sunervtsors: Vour Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis In Cattle would beg leave .*5 report tbat they met nt the Court House In the City of Woodstock" on Januarv 11th. conceiving the matter of the 1ncre^«e in saiar"for the secretary lit the office of the County Veterinarian a«d after due deliberation vour eommitte hereby recommends that" the Mlary of the so'd' Clerk be increased "*?R.0ft to $85.00 per month begin- February let. 1943. of-which ft-respectfully submlt- 1. A. STOCKWEl.L J. E. -HARRISON - JFRANK C. FERRIS It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report or the Coroner be approved. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Petit.on of the Harvard Soortsman's Agricultural Association of its appointment as the official annual County Fair Association of McHenry County, Illinois, together with a Resolution appointing the Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association County Fair Association of McHenry County. Illinois, were- presented and read to the Board, to-wlti State of Illinois County of McHenry, ss. To: The County Board of Supervisors: The Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association would respectfully petition The County Board of Supervisors to adopt the resolution hereto attached, which resolution, upon its adoption bv the County Board, would permit the said association to qualify for aid from the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois, and for grounds therefor, stattes as follows: 1 That the membership of said association will be the same as was the membership of the Harvard Sportsmen's Club. That the Harvard Sportsmen's Club's membership was composed of prominent and Influential individuals for the most part residing In McHenry Countv. Illinois. 3 That the said Harvard Sportsmen's Club has successfully engaged in a number of civic enterprises and promotions, all for the advancement of the objects of the club. 4. That the said Harvard Sportsmen's Club, for a number of years, has promoted agricultural comnetltions and. a program of racing on Julv 4th and on Labor Day of each year, through Its own finances. 5. That it is the wish of the Harvard Sportsmen's Club to expand tlv>se activities so as to make them county wide in apneal and benefits. 6. That there is no organization in the County which 1ms 1-een conducting a county fair in McHenry Countv, Illinois. and the members of The Hiirva^d Sportsmen's Agricultnral Assocation desire that the County Board of Supervisors of McHenrv Countv. Illinois, fhould select The Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association as the offictn' association for the conducting of annual county fairs in McHenry Countv,, Illinois. Tn Witness Whereof, the President of •"•id Association has hereuntto affived thte name of said association and has faused these presents to be attested hy »ts <?ec»"tnry, this 9th day of Januarv,' A. D. 194$. The Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association. Bv LEE CORNWELL. Tts President Attest: R. E. LUSH, TtS Secretary. Resolution Appointing the Harvard Sportsmen's Agricnltntrral Association ss the Official Annual County Mr Association of XcKenrjr Oonnty, THlnois. WHEREAS. The Harvard Sportsmen's Club, for a number of ye*»ro. have conducted an annual hor=e <"->ir and racing program each year at Har« vard. Illinois, and WHKREAS, the membership thereof have organized an association known a<» The Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association which, It 1s their intention to incorporate as a non profit1- organization. and WTTERF \S. In the attractions and exhibits, 1 le said horse fair and racln* program have had connty wide appeal an-1 benefits, and WHEREAS, the members of said club desire to expand their program and to qualify with the Department of Agriculture of the State of JlllnMs enr state aid toward prlfces and awards pursuant to the provisions of Section 1fi4 of Chapter 127 of the Illinois Revised Stattutes. NOW THERFFOPR BE TT AND TT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Countv Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv. Illinois, in regular session assembled t^nd in consideration of the premises /heretofore recited, that The Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association be and it is hereby appointed as the official annual countv fnir association • of McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of holding annual county fairs in McHenry County, Illinois. ? •; - , 71 Dated this 12th day of January. A. D 1943. at Woodstock^ Illinois. HKvny r. METEB. Chairman. RAYMOND D. WOODS. Clerk. man, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, fierce, May. Sehtnitt . and Fillp and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chnlrman declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. Supr. Beck of Chemung Township thanked the members of the Board for their -action In the appointment of the Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Association as the official County Fair Association of McHertry County and that he knew he could speak for the people of the Harvard Community In this regard. And he would make every effort to keep the members of the Board informed concerning the activities of the Association.1 •- The Committee On Roads and Bridges presented the following report,, to-wlt; Mr. Chairmnn and Gentlemen or the Board of Supervisors, McHenry-County, liltmiis: The undersigned piembers ;r of the Road and Bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on tne matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Mlinols on he 31st day of December 1942 and discussed the matter of securing a coal stoker for the furnace in the work room of the west building af the County Highway shop or tool house. The fire does not hold over during flights and it takes extra coal to start a new fire and warm the place, Also when making concrete blocks, right ofway markers and catch ba«in blocks ami covers they do not set up over night sufficient to remove the forms until an extra day. We decided to attempt to purchase a suitable stoker at about $275 for installation as soon as possible. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 9th day of January 1943 and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature charged to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a Whole, for insurance, repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County Tool House and hops to a total of $.1,566.33. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the McHenry County patrol system of roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audi ted. and ordered paid as follows: .. . j.;> i ,- -ji. • Sections 3, 14 ....I SI.55 Sections 4, 1#, tg 101.12 Sections 4; IT- It8.15 Sections 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, l| .......... 189.99 Sections-13. 15 99.41 , 13.05 107.50 1:^8,540.72 Total ..? ;f 3.161.55 Bills audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Fnhds'as follows: S. A. Rt. Section ~ 13-13A, 4-IT maintenance labor and machine rent ::.....$ 4.84 2. 7-IT maint. labor A mcah. rent 27.27 23, 9-T maint. labor A math, rent 9.68 4A and 4A 5B Ext., 13-IT 'maint, labor and machine rent 26.25 28, 17-IT maintenance labor and machine rent 4.84 17 and 19, 18 constrctlon labor •material, machine rent i 8*0.85 14 and 15, 19-IT enftl. labor K.00 1, 2U-IT maintenance, labor, machine rent 9, 21-IT engineering labor 9, 21-IT contract construction Est. No. 3, final S6, 27 maintenance labor, machine rent „ T.26 2, 31 engineering labor . * 6.00 t, Kane-McHenry Co', line Road right of way, Chllds & Wood additional damage 39.20 The matter of putttng'an asphalt top on the Ridgefield Road gap and also on the two mile portion of the Woodstock- Marengo road known as section G was discussed and we decided to have the County Supt. of Highways draw the proper resolutions to the State Division of Highways and the required forms to the IT. S. Government to secure the necessary asphalt, If same is available to close these twoshort gaps in asphalt roads already built up to both ends. Asphalt Is mostly a by-product In the manufacture of gasoline and fuel oil and there may be more available than the ' government needs. We therefore recommend that said resolutions be passed by this Board at this tirtie. It is required that a resolution be passed at the start of the year to create a maintenance fund for the care of M. F. T. rosds now built fot the Coming year. Funds not used are easily transferred to some other M. F. T. project. Wo recommend that a resolution covering said maintenance estimated be pasnsd by this Board at this time. Assuming that the neceSs&ry right of way through Boulevard Park Subdivision on the Lake-McHenrv County Line Road, south of Island Lake will be secured at a reasonable cost, we Instructed the County Sunt, of Highways to prepare a Resolution adding the one mile of road more or less, to the County State Aid System of roads, subject to the approval of the State Division of Highways and we recommend that It be passed by this Board at this time. The road officials of Lake County, Illnols, having agreed to do the maintenance work on the road along said County Line we further recommend 'hat the cost of said maintenance to McHenry, Illinois shall not exceed $15o per year for the above mentioned mile of road more of less, without the specific authorization of this Board in case of some emergency matter, and that they be so notfiifled if said road is added to the said County State Aid System of roads. We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery as follows: Sec. 4-TT. $3.54; Sec. 7-TT. $10.62; Sec. 91T, $7.08. Sec. 17-IT, $3.54; Sec, 18, $381.77: Sec. 20-TT *4.55: Sec. 27. *5.31 a total of $416.41 and turned same over to the Conntv Treasurer for the road fund which said sum is hereby reappropriated for road nut-poses including the repair, storage and nurchase of road machinery and for bulding Improvements for housing -ond machinery. Your Committee estimates there will he necessary for the care 6f M"Hen*v County. Illinois patrol svstem of rriarts ^n apnronriation of $3000 from the County Highway funds until the next •nesting of this Board. ^All of tfrhich Is respectfully iwlitlilt- PAUL ROSENTHAL • W. F. PIERCE <V J. CARROLL C. PERRY WRTftHT A. STOCKWETJL >":M T« \ It was thereupon regularlv moved by Supr. Flllp and duly seconded by Supr. Kueeker that the report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called U>e Chairman declared the motion nn^nimousiy ea-Hied. The following resolutions creating a State Aid Route, M. F. T. construction resolution. State Aid Route ] 3. Maintenance Resolution end M. F. T construction resolution State Aid .Ro"te. 15, "•ere nresented and read- to the Board, to-wit: designated as Section 2«-TT MFT: and. Be It Further Resolved/ that the- lm» provement Shall be- constructed by contract: and. Be 1 Further Resolved, that there Is hereby appropriated the sum of Twenty- foOr Thousand and no-loo dollars, ($24,000.00) from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement: and, Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk Is hereby directed tto transmit two (2) certified copies of this Resolution to the Department of Pubic Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through its District Engineer's office at Blgin> Illinois, Maintenance Xesolutlon Of t Connty "Board of KcXanry County B«- qtrwtrag approval of the Use of Money Allotted to the County Vndet the Provisions of the Motor ruel Tax Lit*. Resolved, liy th^ Hoard -of Supervisors of McHenry County, that public interest demands the maintenance of sections of the public highway all located on State aid roads and originally constructed under the provisions [of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved Mar. 25, 1925, designated as follows: State Aid Rt. M, F. T. S. Appropriation 13-18A, 4-TT maintenance- .-v $175.00 20, 5-1 maintenance -S'ibo.oo 2, 7-IT maintenanc ">B, 8 Maintenance ......i.-...-....;... 75.00 23, 9-T maintenance -i....,':I-;.i......i.l,200.00 11, ll-IT maintenance SCO.00 25, 12 maintenance >"?no.00 25, 12....-IT maintenance - 250.00 5B ext. 4A ext., 4A, 13-TE maint. 1400.00 21A, 14,-IT maintenance ....'.....v.. *250.00 28, 17-IT maintenance -2O0.00 17 and 19, 18 maintenance 600.00 14 and 15, 19-IT maintenance -...1,300.00 1, 20-JT maintenance ......'............ ^!0(».(i0 9, 21-TT nuiintenanr e:^............. JT.o.nn 20B, 22 maintenance J200.00 20B, 24 maintenance 150.00 15, 25 maintenance ^200.00 13, 26 maintenance '-450.00 26, 27 maintenance .. BOO.OO 2, 29-IT maintenance *&00.00 and be It further Resolvdd. (T) That the above designated sections be maintained under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax LAW during the year ending January 31, 1943. (2) That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Sixty and no-100 Dollars (13."60.00) frotn the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance of the above designated sections- and be it further Resolved, that the' County Clerk Is hereby directed TO transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the De* oartment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield. Illinois, through its District Engineer. Stat* of Illinois (MTT Construction) ••Solution for Improvement By County TJndet the Motor Fuel Tax Ii&w Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois,"1 that the following described State Aid Route be improved under the Motor Fuel Tax Law." approved - March 25, 1929: State Aid Route 15, beginning at Sta. TO-Ofl & point near the S% Sec. Cornet* •if Sec. 11, Two. 44 N.. R. 6 East of the 3rd P. M. at the easterly end of the existing concrete road and extending along said route in an easterly and northeasterly direction for a distance of approximately • 10,062 feet: and, Be It Fur*h<*»- Resolved thot the im- >rovement shall consist of Bltumlfio- Surface Construction Type C-4 Modified width 19 ft. and varies and shall be designated as Section 25-IT MFT;' and, Be Tt Further Resolved, treat the improvement shall be constructed by Contract: and. Be It Further Resolved, that there id hereby appropriated the sum Of Sixteen Thousand and no-100 Dollars (16,000.00) from the County's allotment Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the cohstructio'n if this improvement: and. Be It Further Resolved, that the C"lerk is hereby directed to transmit !wo (2) certified .copies of this resolution to the Department of Public works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through Its District Engineer's office at' Elgin, Illinois. Tt Was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Stewart and duly seconded bir Kueeker that the praver Of the petition be rranted, and the' resolution appointing the Harvard Sportsmen's Agricultural Aseoclatlon as the dlfl»^Wl Annual County Fair Association of Ma. 'Jenrv County. Illinois, he adopted bv th|s Board. And the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell. Wright, Wittmus. Heck, Clawson, CarM4J^ JCuecker, Ack» BE TT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois that the portion or portions of the '^lowing described existing roads that are in McHenry County,- Illinois be made a State Aid Route: **»g|nnin«» '<t its Intersection with State Bond Issue Route 176 ne'*r the northeast corner of section 29, Town- M. M VW«h q 0( jr<1 P. M.; thence southerly one mile raofe .or le^.-s tn Kiiltnhle connection with Rob- ®rts Pond in Lake Couwtv. Illinois, nwr 'he northeast corner of section 32 Tnwrnshlp -pd Hnn»i> aforojuild- and BE IT FARTHER RESOLVED that the Conn'y '"'lerk tmnsmit two certified copies of this resolution to the State of Tllfnols Department of Public Work* -nd T^nildlne-s. Division of Highways, for their action thereon:' State of Illinois fttTT Construction) •evolution T6T Improvement by county Under the Mb tor Pmel Tax Uw Be Tt Re«olv«i hy the Board of 8unervlsors of McHenrv Countv- Illinois that the fol1ow-tn«r rtesorfbed State Aid **oute be Improved under t»- Fuel Tax I,aw. approved Mar. 25, 1929: State Aid ftoote 13, beginning at Sta. t-7o a point near the intersection of a Township Road In the northwest ouar- *er ft the uoutheant quarter of Section ' 1. T<-vk ... 'i!|i 11 North Range 7 East ">f the- TM'-rf Principal Meridian and extending eiong said route ip « south- «»*te«y d«rsct»on for a distance of appr «xt">ate]y ir.01244 feet: ?»nd. l'» it Further Resolved, thnt the Improvement shall consist of Bituminous Surface Construction Type C-4 Modified Width 18 ft. and ?«**•«. aiid, shun /ty* It was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr: Beck' and dulv seconded bv ,\«st. Supr. JBosenthal that the resolution -ecommended for adoption by the Road >nd bridge committee be adopted by this Board. And the roll heiir*- called, -trprs. Stockwell. Wright. Wittmus, Reck, Clawson. Carroll, Kueeker, Ackmnn. Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner, •fierce May, Schmitt. and Filip and As*t. Suprs. Nolan and Rosenthal voted aye. °Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackmnn and duly seconded by Supr. Kueeker and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1 :30 6'clocfi P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'C&OOK T. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appieared of record in the morning session, constituting a full Board present The Committee oti Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded bv Supr. Ferris and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: „ • ' January 12, A. D. 1943 Mn Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg legive to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed. as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., co treas off sup $13.00; co elk off sup $128.00: cir elk sup $14.46 IBB.BB Woodstock Daily - Sentinel, etr elk sup $97.70; co elk off sup M.00 101.70 Harvard Herald, fco elk off sup 1#.60 A. W. Andre Co., co elk Off Sup.... 18.36 Ooerlitz-Recknell Co.. clr elk aup 6.16 J. O. Stevens, Co. Treas., co treas off sup Co. Treas.. Off. Sup.-- Pfelffer Pharmacy Richmond Gazette yr,-v'7; Ethel C. Coe.. Co. Supt. Scfi)».( . sup schs off exp rr'pm; • Shf. Off. Sup.-- " • Andrew Worwick State Bank of Woodstock Karl O. Fritz, ct hae iall reffc Dr. B. F. Kennelly, Co. Vet., er TR off sup Callaghan & Co.. Judey libry ...... Andrew Co ct hj|0 jalj coaj 111. Bell Tel. Co.. ct hse Jail tel.... 10?i33 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Ludwig Wilson Co 64.40 Luther o. Draper Shade Oo, _.. 32.86 7.86 10.61 35.4$ 27.53 an 2.50 19.88 3.06 20.81 5.71 10.23 11.78 56.115 4? 9.90 20.00 Thorne & Son True Value Store .... .. Mishler Elec., ct she sup 1(^41; Ct hse jail rep Pi.f7 Shf. Per I^iem Fees Serv.-- Henry A, v»U« . H«»nry A. NnH«, Shf !. Ch arles F. Hayes, jttdcy. just'"* fees C. L. Tryon, Co. Supt. Hwy., co sup hwy 8 .1 $246.60; CO SUp hwy trav e+p *33.64 . ...ee#-*.* William L. Alvin. ct hse jail rep 382.00 Harold W. Schmidt shf off *nr» $9.49: co treas off sup $5'.10: contingent *38.33 62.** Frsnk Thornber Co., clr elk sup t $31.14: cir Ctk rec >k $«8;50 119.84 John H. Brill for Huntley Review, CO t treas prftr. 118.60 Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-*- 1 ' Richmond Gazette . Woodstock Journal Shf Feeding Prig.-- t . western United Gas tk Elec;" <Jo;i Trackett's Bakery Royal Blue Store * & Son ..-s .' John H. Burroughs . ....*. M-.-l.wlBnten, shf feedg prls $2.00 ct hse rep-§4.00 .... s.A. tvuri ^-hult*. co eor reporter ...r Bohn Hdw. Co.. et hse sup Co. Trrn-- off ?»«••* -- • First Nat' Bank of Woodstock.... Stftte Bank of Woodstock I "ell & ErkeH. ct hse Jail ,r*P-••• •Up. Sal. Mileage--*«';»•>'>.9.yf-j*.'? L. A. Stockwell 12.60 °- Perry Wright ... 37.20 Carl E Wittmus ' 39.00 ir. K. Beck , ... -mm 1.R0 .60 8.M 85,18 67.04 70.34 13.07 .6.00 10. e0 t.ll R.1J 30.R2 9J. B. Clawson g. J. Carroll 11.40 5.1.30 Kueeker 47»0ft Chasi H. Ackman 50.70 Frank C. Ferris 3L50 Roy J. Stewart 4.4.90 J. E. Harrison R.70 W. F. Pierce 60.60 H. M. Turner f.SO Frnnk May 20,-40 Matt N. Schmitt 41.40 John J. Fillp -- T. F. Nolan, Jr Z*........... Paul Rosenthal City -of Woodst-ock. ct hse Jail light and water 149.12 Shf. Dpty.-- .- i'hilip E. Blerdeman 126.00 Homer , H. Mann- 4.00 Fred Wilke 4;00 llenry A. Nulle 4.00 l^oren lOdinger '4.-00 (iteorge Roop . 4.00 H. D. Holmes, sh# dpty $8.00; * sf bailiff $4.00 11.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty $40.00; shf bailiff $20.00 -. . ifl.00 Vernon W. Kays, shf dpty $4.00;; shf bailiff $12.00 ...i. * lt.00 Ben Lienau, ct hse Jail repairs.. 14;95 Armour Blrk, ct hse jail sal 115.00 Vestie \tuldOfin, ct hse jail sal.,.. 125.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf per diem ; fees serv -. .-. 100.00 Ora S. Nulle, •"fchf feedg prls 100.00 Alice Helm, er TB off sal 75.00 Ada M. Manning, sup schs asst ~ ' and clerk hire 113.75 Roy Hobart, ct hsje Jail coal 67.68 Ridgefield Farmers Sup. Co.; ct hse jail coal -a* ./ 362.65 A. A. Crissey, cir ct pro off sal.... 75.00 All of which is respectfully- submitt& d - ' J. E. HARRISON. Chairman PAUL ROSRNTttftli r , JOHN J. FILIP >- G. J. CARROLL N. B. CLAWSorfv The committee on Claims, County Poor> presented' the following report, which on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Svpr. Turner and the roll.,being called was 'declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: January 12, A. D. 1943. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims, would beg leave to report that they have -examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Clatmantts for he several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Dependent Children-- Chicago Indus. Home for Chll. ..$111.25 Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., ->•, - Norton and Dayruond St. Vincent's Training School, . Glossen and Toonwey 37>20 Park Ridge School for Girls, DeLine ' m.OO Mrs. George Spencer, DeLine ' Meyer and Steadman #9.00 Eva Kapping. Ystebo 15.00 J. F. Rowley Co.. DeLine 2.50 Louise M. Brooks, DeLine and phone calls L. 4,25 Montgomery Ward & Co., DeLine ' and Meyer 16.63 Lutheran Child Welfare Assn., Norton and Daymohd' 55.75 Mrs. Casslus Sweatman, Steadman 22.50 Laura BUckley. Lynott. "BS.72 T. B. Patient Pauper-- Old People's Rest Home, Hibbard 30.00 ~oV C. C. Miner, Soma 81.St William H. Schmidt, Rayner 10.00 Henry W. Bruening, Rayner lO.OOf Lake Co. Tubereuldsls San.' .1,212.93 C. Frane & Co.. Rayner 1.16 Walkup's Grocery. Rayner 6.00 Ridgefield Farmer's Stirp., Rayner 8.1* O. K. Amler. Vermett- 16.00 Dr. R. B. Millar, Rayner 63.00 All of which' Is TespeOtfully submiti ' j Q. J. CARROLL, ChalfIMM) ^ CHAS. H ACKMAN ! , H. M. TURNER - F*RANK MAY P. NOLAN. JR. Tfie committee on Mcftenry County Home presented the following report and annual inventory, to-wlt: January 5» 1943 Mr. Chairman and Members or- the t*oo-/i 0f Supervisors ot McHenry County: . Yot*r County Home Committee met on January 5, 1943, at thi? MlrHenry Oounty Home and audited the bills for the month of December 1942, and re- 'peetfuiiv submits the following report recommending same be paid. Superior Oil Co.. oil $ 72.92 Stoffel & Relhansparger, Ins 4.4S Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers, etc. 13.67 Public Service Co., electricity.'... 9.0.25 Miller Pa'tton Baking Co.. bread 8f.38 Rosenthal Lumber A Fuel Co.,' stoker grates 81.38 Montgomery Ward, notions and clothing 69.9S 111. Bell Tel. Co.. service 26.50 Ten A See Laundry, service 6®.S4 Dacy Lumber Co., sewer tripe; etc. 3.04 Goodrow's Garage, gas. and serv. 22.37 R. O. Andrew Co., feed 50.88 Veil Thornnson, husking corn .... 60.00 Ludwig Wilson, insecticides, etc. 48.34 Raue Hardware Co., supplies ...... 19.98 John Sexton Co., grocerl4»s 221.31 "oyal Blue Store, groceries 69,50 Thorne & Son, clothing 2o.*l F. W. Wool worth, notions 16.18 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob 51.13 ffeiffer Pharmacy, supplies- 124.47 Woodstf>ck Drv Goods, clothing.. 19.93 Thompson Appliance, shellene gas 35.00 Rovce Bros., gasoline ......l;.....-....,'. » 4.97 Bohn Hardware Co., supplies .... 4.97 Mueller & Co.. supplies 66.94 W. P. Allen, Incidentals 40.76 W. P. Alleh and Esther C. Allen, ' salary 115.00 Thomas and Effie Montgomery, salary 125.00 Vern & Mattie Albright, salary.... 110.00 Floyd Mason, salary 75.00 LoUise Johnson, salary IS.oo '.innea Wolt. salary 100.06 Hllma Melander. salary .... 75.00 Clara Hayes, salary 65.00 Edward Toles--.... "Sale of HidtSS .... Sale of Hogs $1,075.02 161.00 18.0® ....... 144.26 711.15 $1,351.77 MeXsnry Couikty Motae ftursatory Senort Taken D*o«inber ldi' iftt Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of ; the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Countv. Illinois: Your Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm, to whom Is referred •*11 matters pertaining to tho- management snd care of said institution, wotlld beg leave tn submit the foUjwrlng* inventory taken Bece-mber 80, Hospital-- Permanent Equipment, beds, stands, chairs, desks, etc ....$1,344.26 Work'ng equipment and supplies. bedding, gowns, etc 1,286.00 Total $2,580.25 Sterilizing Room and Oper. Room-- Permanent equipment, sterilisers, o»-<net8. hampers, operating tn'>'». instrument oabtnet. etc. $1,435.00 Supplies, instruments, lights, gai'ie, medicine, etc. 600.00 T-^nl $2,085.00 Hospital Serving Pantry--. nifliM treys, silver, nankins, chairs, etc, total. ....$ 100.00 Nn«-ses' Room-- p>,ir..>it>ire. heddips. cab. etc., total 313.60 Men's lytning R«om & Liv. Quarters-- chrtirs. taHes, dishes, silverware. etc ......v.. 325.00 Furniture snd betfdlnr In second and third floor bedrooms .... 1,400.00 60.00 950.00 Total : - $1,786.00 Laundrv Equip ^ Sup., .total $1,500.00 Maintenance Supplies-- Disinfectants, floor wax, sprays, jetc,, total . ..y... .v...J$ "raim Equipment, total ..$ SfcCttchen-- , . , . . \ . st,ovo cooking utensils, etc.. jto.il .*. $ 680.00 Office Supplies -- Ty«v.*rrlte>- orMing machine, desk. ^filing cabinets, chairs, sta- !tlonerv, etc., total IWiOO i o n -- Canned goods, vegetables, meat, etc., total .Poller Roonh-- ' Ftiel, tMl* etc. sjokers in Institution ................ StoRer In residence ...'. . Tolii 8^5,00 900.00 flnro.oo 225.00 .$1,025.00 Carpenter Shop-- . . ToOls and material, total 105.00 harden* TooN'-- • • > Lawn-mowers, seeders, shovela, etc., total 1H.M. Chicken Hoase Equipment, total $ 65.W Poultry-^ . -I. • 355 hens 'm 65 roosters Total -- I; 642.66 Mac hi n e r j^a nd^ru'clc, tbt'ai .-..ifi,038.33 iKarm Feed and Grains-- 4 , 38 tons baled har & $10, 380.00 105 tons ttmothr and clbver hayi . ® 111. lj!60.0(l 10 tons baled straw & $10 ........ lOf.OA 90 tons silage, fi> $3.60 .^......... 8)5.00 768 bu. oats (?> 55c ....... A. $ 2 7 . 4 8 1306 bu. corn # 75c Wo.i* 10 tons loooe straw * W7 70.A0 fehose and Equipment, total t logs , . ' • ; . -.J. » -- ..." small p i g s @ $ 1 3 . 5 0 - H . & j f & lUlc-^O# lbs. m K Fl 87 shoats @ l»%c«^0#Hi 8 brood sows ® $G0. 1 large -boar # $85, 1 small boar @ $40 Total Cattle-- , 21 e«w? © $13.6,00 $2^635.00 4 heifers. 94 months old ® $85. 340.00 3 heifers, 12 months o4d fl> $40 120.00 1 bull, 2 years aid 109.00 1 registered bull calf .. ............. 100.00' 6 calves, 2 months old @ $82.60 136.00 Total .|*,630.00 Horses»-- . 1 team of, brown gildings .4 150.00 1 team of sorrel geldings ........ 250.00 . Total t". 400.00 Three Sets of Harness and Collars, total*"...;..:..-. 100.00 Grand Total ........ $16,180.50 Itemised lipt of Inventory on file at McHenry County Hothe. i ' "Woodstock, Illinois. January 12, l«4s. To the Honorable Board >of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock,^ lllv Your • McHetiry Coubty Farm, Homeland Hospital committee begs to r^prb that they met at Hartland January Mfc) and approved bills for p&ymeftt In the following amryunts: - I'ermanent improvements $ 68.85 Running expense .....U.., •951.47 Clothing, shoes, 'etc. i;/* 100.12 Tobacco •Tospital Medlflilci .....*^...i• Diet '. '* " 18.076.02 Receipts from hides and nogs.... 7^3.25 ^$1,851,77 Tour Committee inspected bufldinvs, grounds, equipment and livestock aM report everything-to be-In gbod-condition. Your Committee recommends that salaries of the County Horn# emfftoyMw be paid In the folowlng a*Womvts^ Mr: W. P. Allen, $116>00 per month., Mrs. Esther -AHen, $10<M)0 n*r mOntn. Mrs. Kffie Montgomery, 168.60 perF|»o. Mr. Thos. Monttfonrtery, $W.5o per- mil. Mrs. Mattie Albright. &0.00 per Mr. Verw Albright,- |60>00 per mo. Being no farther business befeVe* your Committee, upon motion 8uly tMMM and seconded the Committee tadjottrned. All of which is respeetfitlly subnvltte4^--' i--4,--.'. •• •» . .J. >• c. PERRY WRIGHt, Chairman V - G. J. CARROLL . PAUL ROSENTHAL «- K. B. CLAWSON- <:• T.- F. NOLAN, JR. • j i ii Tt was thereupon regularly MrtvM by Supl*. Fillp and duly seconded by 8 Schmitt that the report and annual iijventory of the Oounty Home Committee be approved and. the roll behxg called! the Chairman declared Uie motion unanimously carried. < The bond of James Glen Stevens as Couhty Collector . of Taxes in 4b0 amount of $76,000.00 with tMr American Surety Company of New York a~s Sir*' ty guaranteeing the collection and tributlon of the 1942 taxes was presented and read to the Board; it .lffcjg thereupon regularly moved by Sppf. Kueeker and duly seconded- by Schmitt that the bond of the County Collector be approved, and ordered of record. And that the Connty -Clerk be Instructed to draw an Order on the County Treasurer payable to (he American Surety Company^ <# New York In the amount of t760.«9. the annual premium for said bondr And the roll being called Sttprs: , Stookwall Wright, Wittmus. Beck. Clawson, tfrir-i1 roll, Kueeker, ACkman. Ferris, Ste- Harrison, Turner, Pierre. May,' Sel and Fillp and Asst. Suprs. Nolan Rosenthal voted aye. Nitty none. T Chairman declared the motion unanl' mously carried. The Clerk announced that in making up the report and recommendaWons fOT the Committee on Tee* awl' Sdfortea 1 that one recommendation trf thefOamc, mittee was left out of the rfep*>?t« Thrf1 recommendation being as' fellOWSv ^hgt the bmtlfts and Sheriff's spttel*} depu^ ties salaries be Inctfetfrffed fron4 $4 to $5 per day. And that the r«fl6H of thd Committee on Fees Cnd SrfWries Wtp corrected tn show said recommendation.* It was thereupon regularly moved by Stipr. Schmitt and duff Seconded1 ' $upr. May that the ada ltional by recommeVidfttlon of the Committee on Feof Salaries be adopted by this Board. AAd the roll being ctflled, the (Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Statement of condition ai 'the clqSe'ot business on the 31st daA' of December* 1942 at the Home State Bank of Crystal l>ake. First State Bank of Harvard. Algonquin State Bank, West McHenry State, Bank, the State Bank of Woodstock, The Cary State Bank. First National Bank of Woodstock. State Batik of Huntley. State Bank or t'nlon, Hebron State Bank. Marengo State Bank, State Bank of Richmond and The Harvard State Bank were present^ afld read, and on motion of Supr. HArrlson and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and declared carried, the said statements of condition were approved and the said banks authorized to continue as depositories of the funds of the McHenrj County Treasurer and Collector. A communication from J. C. Stevens County Treasurer of McHenry County was presented and read thanking the mefribers of the Board for the beautiful flowers presented to him at tho tfnfc of his Induction Into ofWce, WhjA was ordered placed on file.' Aftd Auditor's report of MFT funds for the period beginning January j, 1941 and eadlnt December 31, 19#l vras presented and ordered placed on Ale. The Clerk • presented lposo-leaf binders and forms to fhe various • Supervisors that can be used In keeping the record of the flvepercent Victory tat deductions for township employees, and explained to the members Of the Board how the tax shquld' he deducted and remitted to the Collector of Internal Revenue for this district The Chairman announced the appointment of Roy J. Stewart as Chairman. Ray Dusenberry. John J, TUfjk, Paul Rosenthal and Charles F, Renich as members of the McHenry County Zoning Commission. Said appointments-by motion duly-made and -harried were, confirmed by the Board. Supervisor Sttfwart addressed the Bor>rd and stated thtfut be realised full well the importancein starting rtut in the right manner to establish zoning 1n McHenry County, and that fce •ahtedo assure the Board that the Commission appointed by the Chairman would *o everything In their power to see that every legal rqulrement was met. Supr. Wittmus of Dunham township thanked th<** members of the B$ard In the action taken in the morning session 1n appointing tbe Harvard Soortsmen's Agricultural Association as ttt^ -official annual County. Fair Association>0f llo-' HeYVry Countv. and «tMed fnrtbeh ^bM the race track used by the AsSQPlatfiVa was in his township end as * member of the Association and of the Harvard Sportsmen's Club, he wa« sure that a grent deal of benefit Would come to all of the people of MbHenry Cqwnty. ' Several eommnnicstlr>ns from- the of tiiinoi^ T»epartment of Public Wn^ks and BnlldlngM were presented and ordered placed on flle. The Chairman' ttated *Hift If there wAs nothing furthet* to come Ifefbre this meeting, he would entertain a motion Jo adjourn. it isas thereupon rag- ®«ved by Supr. Ackman and duly > seconded by Supr. Kueeker to « Mptton - battled. ' Thereupon tbp adjourned. ... , HENRY C. MEIKR, Attest: Chairiaaia-VR. D. WOODS, Clerk. i' ? The Honorable Board of Supervisors a£ , M^Ienry CrftfMy met its specMrl setMIoM^ •VtfrMiant to a call MlgfiAd by mote 4M8M" ^thM o». ttsmer^rs^ thaC®S5 t teti i^loigk A. M. caUod to order thetChai#Trt«r» f y Cv MetOfL ma Stated-; wi% 'imi«ber« to-wl*: rf#nt, cart E. Wftwms, ^ A £2 %>'i»wson, G. 3. «arnrtl. tCt|e<^er.' Ch*s.^H. ^dknuUb'. • • Tt _ T. f. Koran, Jr.( - Vonrftltuttng a ouoMMt' present.' .i, ,)i "The minutes of the Special Jaftuatry, 1943 meeUng-werd read,.and oh apbrovW 4|»d Ordered of record. - i: lrfdMon»4t Supervisor CM sltebhaed ttyHfWpr.< flchr carrtedf/' «hV skw rifnttrt was' aft* broerM pl*e« o^flle. to*wll Balance brought lit** 31a»f -1«2( Stfprs. fo* ooW.tyHHofrt* f._..- 4*ii Jl^pt. -QtfMty Hom*- .Aii.. ... .. " fmut* ftund 9<jB»n&ersMr i&*wnLci .-- -.l-t,Mvi>W4li< ,. Ftt"i*s fbir Violations on Hwya IdpBM S«fe*s Attorney's Fun* a..^. 195.MK Tax J..^ if-'-"' dts»%iiS$^1S5nz3K • Hs.< Grand TbUl • HO.H1.H' douMy Ord.r.|1 J J ' ,. orohefs -Jurolrs ...... 12,00%;^ Mttld Petit Jurors*. 58CO#i'^ "^er's Salary 188<l»<;. -" mtmmu...,: imp. kd Taxek. Ct. coste;.... $99.1 CowjupfOffjeetW Fees .....u.i.... MfHmry w. Psyroll- r.-,. \ , Clearing Acct "S,i Bon<r taken feom cash Total expenditures. Balance on -hand' in-all. . •. fufids • jm: -•ist.» .••iui....-l-.i86,o|gJ|f, Grand ToUl - llfMSLtt; The above and- foregoing t*eport fa true and correct accotdWt 10' tut knowledge and> belief. . .- i ' Subscribed and sworh to - before mm this r#,^,of^br^ttfoi«4t^ v (Seal). . _ : ! Thf Committee on Roads and Blrfi presented the following ftpptt, to- >ilr. Chairman and Gentlemen of. 1 Board of-Bapervisors, McHenry Gpv tyv IlHnoisi * - • The undersigned members of 1M road and bridgaeommtttacj • lor -.saw County bqg leave taamUt^ tng >i«port «i tlM> naatters bei That »e m*t at Woodit "" on the 16th day af Jaiktfgi ae<%pted foal stoker stalled-<at the Count/ M an Imperial No. 8% and, „ Intruding tares ana 4a ftfonfti Isfactory. again met at on the 6th* d«y tof F#bt»0**JV Audited and ordered paftf'.'toUt #f^ter»l nature charged td the "1 49/. County patrol system of qrhijle, for supplies and repairs iftfwtsn owned machinery and labor - ^he<®«unty Tool house altd sb< ®ttl1s chargeable to. the •ari Moris of tha • McHenry < Coui iystem of rokds for labor at *t ftttes herVtofOH flh* ffisrl were audited and ftfft&its: ' -as Sections 3, ljl --.--»i..t 9M(to«4 4, ir - i fMtlbftd 4. l»( 18 S^rtlbnS 5, * 6 • *..i......- v....«... 9kct0nrf 7, •«. •, HI, li. S^ctlohU 14, 16 Total .. mils audited and ordered oat^jovlr sk : MoMr Fuel' Tax Ftthda as-<oTToW8: • v« 8. A. Rt. . Section- • ' *** •' ' l. a fid 1$, 19 cof««uctlon labpr 4 « ifA's.TO. " . $500 to a total 14 arid 16, 19rIT fch#l, labpr 15. 26 co^strucVAn libpt*'.. 18, 26 construction law>r, truck rental IS, 32 4><lgln*erlng labpr Conaldmible frouftfe wit snoW had' been endoiintered deep lnopots to be handie< n -the sp^Miy mttnn«r ;or sivewil years; It to g» out with the Alow trpUHir tractors. However storma baye been so 1 we#* able to widen thi as tn hay« It £1*2* \6 v from the next storpf ai Evjr?n".s;".tKr.7; ne /has been cm frm t>e necessgrr Henry County, Tltinon roads *n stppropriatU highway fa«4A *of-T meeting of this Boat-- . .. . AH of whteh is respectfully svbtfilK: SL ' - •• V,1- • . * •"**'. Hf*- • T.1 w, F. PIERCE • m . C. PKRRT WRIC18T ^ . b. J. CARROLL - It was thereupon rei Supr. Stewart whI 4 «vor. Mknmi t' ' <M«amttu» e* I ad^ted ,bsi« th|s _ The following report af j, W, Wj _ Co.. ^ertifted -aeco«lntants< an audit of t)M funds 6t' the County officers for thei tint. endtSg Novtj^fcer 80,- 1U1 and 1VI presented' to tho Board, to*«Jt: '( AJu<Htor's Report se« Supr. lwchrd fn Conntv Clerk's office. PHftl- 8 to Influsfve.) It aas thereupon regulaiiy moved Tnrner sad miV ooconded 8opf. Ferris that the AjUdlior'S he approved and referred to th* mitte« on Fees and 8aM4#P fcn Committee on -Finanne Trif (WinsC the ^m of a. W. North » 0« " amount of SS0Q.0* beirig- Hll tfact frice for swfd dudlt ^*-»r.« work tK- *11 owed a.»_ Cooitty Clerk be Instructed to drill? m i order on tha County- Treasurer " *sme. and the roH Welnc called I Wright. WMtmue, > 8|cl C*rrol, Kueefefr, A^kmaa-,' sffe • ffarriass, Tihmr, « 4e^lared the' motUn uaar rfed. The Clerk prseented and read a communication from R. T. Caah. Dlattlol I * * w • Ww*W *| V4'