Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1943, p. 17

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TsJJ*r-: $&&&&* ^id^Sites « t f . - * McHEKRT OOtTNTT, ItMfKMg mm ,P«P*rtment of Public Works -?£f D,v,s,on of Highways of j' v u "tate of Illinois concerning the purchase of Rjght of YVay on 8. B. 1. Route 19. Federal Aid Route 2«. Section 29 R, * ^.C?"nJIJ C?unt>- Illinois. After some diseusjflen, it was regularly moved by S"Pr ,,Btllc.and du,y seconded by Supr. - vftfroH that said matter bf referred to ^fCoWMalttee on Right of Way, giving s.iM Committee full power to act. The Toll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously enfried. ;.-•• ' A ^rtWed copy of Grand Jurv report fo? thr-January, 1943 term of the Circuit CCWrt of McHenry County was presenter and read and upon motion of Supr. nek and duly seconded by Supr. ' Harrison" and declared carried, the said ' j p'l>«r* Wfls approved and ordered placed » • r.n file. ( The Committee on McHenry County -Home presented the following report. Which on motion of Supr. FJJip and duly W0^'!}; Supr. Kuecker and the roll "•P*1!?'W'ed, was unanimously adopted, t^-Wit: v • ' . i • "JSiSs «• Supervisors of AlcHenry iMr> CW<rf»wn- «B« Membtr* of the Bo«air d of Si-- * -- -- A County Your County Home Committee met .'.. 4-®n February 2, 1943 at th* McHenry *>'• V- *ount3r Home and audited the bills for - - • - the month of January 1943, and respect* submits the following report, recy• ommpndlng same be paid. Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing and . shoes t 44.13 Jen-A-S^p Laundry, serv Il!l2 Ridgefield Farmers Supply, fuel (5.94 Bohn Hardware, supplies ....... Rosenthal I,br. & Fuel Co., fuel rfelffer Pharmacy, medicine ?Va*A®fue Store, groceries .... John Beaton Co., groceries V. MueTfcer. equipment, etc. O odd rows Garage, gas, oil 4 rep. % »"H ,g 3.82 19.54 133.16 71.64 3(5.60 v4€. 28 W8.71 oit R»k. Co., bread, etc. 64.43 'Wholesale Co., £*. ths. notions Son, clothing prvice Co., service- , roe., g»s, etc fkoot- Bros., repairs ©. Andrew Co.. mash, «aU, etc. Superior Oil Co., fuel oH li....-....;. Ifes. Sanitation System, serv. 111. Belt'Telephone Co., service .... "iwyef. Biscuit Co., bak. supplies ^uifwir-Wilson Co., maintenance equfpihent -- ...JV. p. 'Allen, truck and car -lie W. P. Allen, incidentals .....C.... • F. Clchpfek). shoe repairs,-etc :... "W. P. JMlen, salary „ . Esther O. Allen, salary Vem Albright, salary J.......... Mattie jClbright, salary Floyd . Mason. salary Thomas Montgomery, salarjr'..,... Kffie >fnntgomery, salary .a......... Louise Johnson, salary ...J*.:.. I.lnnea wolt. salary , 100.00 Hilma Melander. salary ..... 6 CiarA 'Hayes, salary . ]_.f 87.53 11.16 19.41 104.07 5.72 2.50 53.10 87.19 18.00 27.85 16.46 108.24 12.50 38.25 ft.KR 115.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 75.00' «2.R0 62.50 12.00 66.00 Rebate a-c E(l. Toles ....{31.60 Stort^i ft Reihansperger Ihs. rebate 4.£3 92,212.89 85.43. 'i tit. 10. $2vl 77.44 . • February 2nd, 194Sr To theHonorable Board of'Bupervisorau of McH4nry County, ,ir. ^ourt-Hottse. Woodstock, Illinois. 1 Voiir McHenry County farm. Home find Hfefrital Com m it tee rrVet at Hartland, and audited bills and recommend paymeftt in the following amounts: Running expense .J 6905.22 Clothing, boota and shoes 63.53 TobacW1 ........... 37.53 HospltSf. 342.65 MedictMs ...._ 133.16 Diet 628.13 Jniel :. 202.67 $2,212.89 The fdllowlng Items of cash receipts nre* to Be deducted. Greenwood Twp. for 1 paying inmate 831 JO Rebate for over-payment of ins. premium 4.43 S5.I1> $2,177.46 Inspection of premises, buildings, live stock '*nd equipment revealed everything to be in good condition and well taken care of. No other business coming before your Committee at this time, ftpon motion duly made and seconded the meeting ad* Journed. • Resjfisctfuully submitted,. t C. PERRY WRIGHT, Chairman ; P. .1. PA PROM, » K. B.CLAWSON 1T. F. NOLAN, JR^ The Clerk presented lists of claims agflnW, »>e County, and <*1 motion of Rupr. • 'AsKman and duly seconded by Supr. $i)*ck*r and declared carried, the same W*fe referred to the proper ooniH^iCterk's Salary for mltteM" and the Board adjourned to, S?5elro c-k- P-. -M-. f-or committee worje. ^ . ' 1^0 Ve&oox *j *. y Tb< Board met pursuant ad adjounimtnt <nd upon roll call, the same members Mtfponded to their nfcmes as appeared 61. record in the ftiorning session, etostituthig a quorum present. The pfenimittee on Claims. Labor Fees »>nd fci#plies- presented the following "*epor£'iwhlch on motion of Supr. Wlttmui iM duly seconded by Supr. Wright and tp roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: February i. A. D. 1^43 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Toiir Committee on Labor. Fees and . Supply Claims would beg leave to report -that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recom- Jnepd the following and tnat the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the r»verat amounts allowed ak follows, to- Wlt: * rank Thornber Co., co elk off "15.26; co elk elec supl ' $884.88 ck t>ally Sentinel, .e--lk /he sentiri 8.75; supr prtg $^.60 .. . 26.2ft HM-vard Herald, )iup schs'oflf egp'.r $l)Sf; clr elk sup $1390; co c«, prtg $8.00 I8.W Kl't^nff. Service, ct hse sup $$63f; co elk off sup $M.71; ClrJUk sup $10.71 1 Rtrh«*«?a Q(isette. co treaii prtg 694.85 77.01 eaa. off. sup. k of Woodstock S Bk. Woodstock Off. T>p.-- f ; »er Co -- Suot. SfhooM :. .. 'elgl^g Service, cf hse "?n, Supt Hwys, co sup fr«w o>„ ct hse |iiii coal 19.35 J4t>rv<--r 1 Ijiw Book Co; 20,00 Oo-op . Pub, Co. x 10,1® f\ Hayjudcy.. Jus. Cites 3».#0 itt Tel. Co, ctT hse tel Mae. Sup.-- «r Pharmacy 4.96 3.40 20JI sio • 89.6S 108.87 L.qd^lBf' Wilson Co. RtcMnr Oermiclde Co* *----- RakkiMn Bros ------•••'• True *Wue Store 9lKr4|f& Republlcaa-Newj^ co 'trSjnortg' $98.30: shf «uS^$47 25 W. .^grle.v ft Co., shf off sup .84 22.95 68.91 4.«$ M« 140.7" (.12 Mensrt "Elec. Shop shf. off sup 2.45 Crystal T>ake Herald, eo tt^eas nrtg 62.8 Hareii w. Schimdt. co tr^as off sup #83.00; clr elk sup W.03: "hflf off_»up 51c: contingent $11.5S .. 88.07 Frant Thornber Co., co elk off nu* $87.05: eir elk sup *10.33. ByeA Printing Co., sup •»*» Off; CXP Per Oiem. Fees, Serv.--^ A. Nolle -- A. Nulle - Feeding Pris.-- ' iim»er ft Co. United Gas ft JSlec. Oo. Tea Co. -v-- ------- Rate* Burroughs fv per diem. 20.95 • 20 13.00 44.36 24.86 2.80 III m 17.16 6.20 80.40 13.60 $4.80 12.00 12.40 41.30 S8.70 169.2; Jl,. chairman Supr. Salary Mileage-- L. A. Stock well C. I'erry Wright Carl K. Wittmus F. K. Beck N. R. Clawson G. J. Carroll K. F. Kuecker Chas. H, Arkmait. Frank C. Ferris Pfdy J. ffte#*n .v... .... J. E. Harrison .' H. M. -Turner W. F. Pierce Frank May ... ..... Matt N\ Schmitt ... .*.. Henry C. Meier John J. Filip .... T. F. Nolan, Jr. Paul Rosenthal e City of Wowdstock, ot hse Jail It and water Henry A. Nulbe. f^ea, serv Ora S. iNulle, shf f< Vewtie MuldLoon. ct Alice Helm, er TB Ada Manning, sup and elk hire J,.' llv>75 A. A. t'rissey. clr ct pro oft n*}.... 7Vf| All of iwhich is fftgyK'.tftll^ 8ubtn)t> ted. J. E. HA JOHN J. . K B. CLA Q. J. CARR The Committee on Clalmi^ Cotaaty Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll being called, was declared Unani* mously adopted, to-wit: w ^ , February 9. A. D. 1943 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all. claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed* as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Chicago Indus. Home for Chll. ....$180.00 Lutheran Chil. Welfare Assn.r, 1 ' Norton and Daymond ' 60.06 St. Vincent's Indus. School, , Glossen and Toomey • $7.20 Dr. O. E. Nelson, Meyer and Rrle f.56 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman 92.50 Kva Kapning. Ystebo 15.00 Woodstock Dry Goods Co.,'Meyer 6.10 Louise M. Brooks, pro oft trar exp $4.50: dependt chil $1.9P<v>.. Dependent Children-- ' > •'* . Mrs. George Spencer Meyer,, t$U line and Steadman Benton St. Rest., Lynott I.aura Buckley, Lynott .V Eleanor Rack man. HohenstelA T. B.• Patient Pauper^- • • * \.r. Old People's Rest Home, Hibbir} Si Charles E. Ambler, Vermett'.../i:.'.' $ Lake Co. Tuberculosis San. > Col. .C. C. Miner, Soma Cohway Dairy, dependt. child. Plerson !... AJ1 of which Is respectfully ttp. O. J. CARROLL. CHAS. H. ACKMAJt^-sfi .*n frRANK MAY H.M. TURNER T. F. NOLAN, JR. ^He Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to*wU: February 8, 1942 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual report of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the half year ending December 1 and December 7, 194$. would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them: The semi-annual report of the County Clferk being as follows: Receipts Earned Received For Probate Fees ....$1,989.98 $ 639.90 For Clerk's Fees in 1 Suits in Court ^... 266.00 "tfl.O* For County Serv. .... $.350.75 - For Misc. Serv. 1,619.65 $,471.20 Total Earning* of half year $11,226.38 Received of earnings previously reported : Prolatt $1,585.00 Miscellaneous $.09 Total Recetpts Expenditures-- Clerk Hire • including extra --$M99.$0 Clerk hire previous $ mo. not charged Refunded Dock Fee. Mfec.. present 6 o. MfKf-eli&heous. not «. previously charged -.424*0.10. 45.00 5.00 1$6.05> $^.06 . t.HQ.OO C$fcult 1JH66 Wf.96 iOne-half year Ba'l knee due County for half ,;ykar ending Not. 30, 1942 OtrealtOlerk The semi-annual >Clerlv Pro Tem beln_ . ^ecelnts ^ tiittoVS^flgt«*e4 For Recording $$.9$6il$ ' ¥t.ttt»'.8$ For Clerk's Fees In, 1 " Suits in Court 1 1J For Misc. Serv. For 153 days In Court at $10.00 per day -"t.CM.M Total Earning of • . . 1 ' • half year $^871^5 Receipts during eurreu for the ser>lces fMW prevlpus half years and ft^reto-^ fore reported aa Mf »iffl • *f$.05 Total Receipts Expenditures- Clerk Hire, including extra for ^ yr. "4U41.7«. Refund Docket fees - for ^ yr »®S", Misc. Off. exp. H *+• 2**9, Clerk's Salary for . >*• '* one-half year 1,256.00 Balance due County rorrjutlf' yr. ending Nov. $0,-If The semiannual rifpfl »5,871.05 MS4 .0$ $$7.01 Artsuits in count :'36B via Receipts - "" BJmed Recel'Vef For Sheriff's Fees in Suits Iq Courtt Process Docket . Execution Docket For Misc. Serv. . Total Earnings . < jgr «- of half year ..........$4,f&6.p§ Receipts during half ymr f6r ices performed in hglf year' ' endinr Dec. 7, 194 2, and heretofore reported as not rfcelyed Court Costs. Process Execution Docket Miscellaneous F.720 $0 • -S4.S5 $.093.45 :„4$4|?,75 $$$.50, 41.50 850.00 $1,7|5.00 97.88 86.90 677.40 86.01 41.23 Tradfcfctt's Rakery Fred' W. Wilke. shf dfety John ' NechrebeckI. shf doty Hemir H. Mann, shf dpty ttnMff c Carr. S>if dpty Fred "Wendt, shf dpty -- VtMm W »hf J>»IH!LVeiviafe K. vWf*m. «Tif. t-imr .... Clyde C Mtn*r. rtf bailiff $30.00; st»f dpty $36.00 Fred 8. Oay. shf bailiff $6.00 shf dpty $10.00 ; Ladefoged Bros^ ct hse Jail rep .43 6 23 $.SA 19.69 26.18 6.09 6.00 6.00 (.00 6.00 UK 65.06 18^0 1L98 Total Receipts Expend I turea--• Dntv. Shf. Sslflry .. .f Misc. per statement. herewith . 8herifTs Salary for one-hnlf year Bal. due County for ^4 yr. endng Dee. 7. 1942 -- $$,$$2.76 Your Committee met on Wednesday, February 3, 194$ to check the above and foregoing reports and also met on Tuesdsv. the 9th day of February, 1948 to verify the Officers' reports with the report of J. vr. North ft Co.. certified public accountants, for the biennial per* iod ending December 1st and Decelw^ *er 7th. A. D. 1942. \ We And in our verification that the "aeml-aanual reports of the County Clerk. Circuit Clerk Pro Tem and Sheriff are correct and recommend that same be apeproved. We further recommend that the Auditor's report ahove referred to be ap- GALLEY 68 Supervisors nroved in so far as said renort concern* the offices of County Clerk, Ctrcuit Clerk Pro Tem. Sheriff and Superintendent of Schools for the reason that the Auditor's certificate certifies that The earning* of theve various Offteee are fully accounted for; that the expense* were prooerlv approved by law and that all cash funds are accounted for for the per'^ ttnder audit. All of which Is respectfully auboiitted. FRANK MAT J|.»TH V. SCHMTTT CARL E. WTTTMUS •* N. R. CT A WSON F. E. BECK PjfeRj^^^lGHT It w»s thereupon regularly npvad by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded hy Supr. Ackman that the report of the Committee <ta Fees and Salaries be •iteillted by this Board, and the roll being called Suprs. Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackttan, Ferris, Stewart, Harrison, Turner. Pierce, May, Schmitt and Filip and Asst. Supr. Nolan voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion Unanimously carried. Supr. Carroll, a member of the Road and Bridge Committee addressed the WSW anff st*t¥»i tn*t n wr of rime would be save<T if a telephone was Installed in the McHenry County Highway Garage for members of the Committee and the Superintendent of Highways and that he would move at tnis time that application be made for said installation. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Wright and declared unanimously carried. The following letter addressed to Paul Rosenthal, Chairman of the Finance Committee, fromj . W. North ft Co.,, certified public, accountants, was presented' ?md1 read to the Board, towit: • Mr. Paul Rosenthavl sssaa * Finance Cot&mfftee SfeTTenry CoHnfv • • .... "• •:£'• Crystal LAke, Iillnota i Dear Sir: * After completing the examination, of the County records, we express again AW'oWMOT tlfacr m pwsent ^tyste# .Inadequate and that something must ' . done in the immediate future to take Care of the possibilities of inaccurate record keeping now existent in the Treasurer's and Collector's offices. It is our opinion that controlling accounts must be established in these offices. We also believe that numbered receipts In both offices are imperative. In our report, we made a brief outline ot what can • he done along this line. The following excerpt is from that report: - • • "The confusion caused by the h»x handling of such items' to a ve#j great extent, be eliiMMteff bf the trrstallation of. a proper S(!feqliming~ ree- «rds and controls. Such HPeeoMs W01IM pwrmlt of proper balnncfhif ftf the "-accounts outstanding at theT>eto*e of bust- IWM on any day of any month during the year.. It is our opinion that numbered receipts should be Issued'Tot* AH collections with duplicate and trlBllcatf pies of such receipts bell|S Retained and filed by "Date of collectR#!**'and "rttfmerically." Recording of"payment* deceived should show on the nn Bolls M of the date of collectic/h" ffiM rAMfl pumber, thus giving a dual control and in the way and manner provmeti by the Statute of tni.'. 3^»ce c'o» ihe isp.irg and disposing of warrans. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenrv that the County Treasurer oi"tTus County be and he is hereby authorised and directed to Issue and sell anticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the sum of $30,Hio against the Cownty Tax levied In the year 1S42, but in no event shall the anticipation warrants issued exceed of the amounts of the appropriation tax levied for the year 1942; that said warrants shall be issued as needed in the sum of $5,000.00 each and each bond to be so drawn so that the same shall draw interest at the lowest available rnie not to exceed 2 3-4<& per annum from the time of its issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a fund fc-pm which payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may bi paid. WE IT FPHTHigfc'RWOI.VED that such anticipation warrant* shall when drawn t&iow Upon tn*lr raoe f^at they At*- ffliyatfle solely ftur W the ta* when ooliected and not otherwise. All of which Is respectfully submitted. F. E. BECK H-. M. Tl'RNER FRANK C. FERRIS • P (f n assist you In th^ lnstalla- L f« «m W vt>tr ft niIot thpt the InMytartoil ., mafio- gradually ,witw-#r twite? rfwctiir# sSbuld « « i b r y s y t w i t l KttraH~offi(^i; Pnd<* , MMn ^thp apbofntmeM of ^ t0f take chifife Of the snsst* il discUiRiion Was then had .... thi.-lWkti9lrifc system In nty TfetfArer lWd Collector's fupr. Beek stated that it was tlie auditor's belief that some improvements could be made and that the Finance Cotannjttee has had tlje matter uttder consideration. After some furtltfr discussion. It was regularly moved by .$upr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that said matter be referred to the Finance Committee for their' Investigation and report. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting it was regularly moved by Supr. Arkman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker to adiourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. : '• " <•<* HENRY C. METER. Attest: _ ChfcTrthan T R, ». WOODS, Clerk. T c • •> r *• ' +• 1 1943 SpecUl The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met I* special session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of Its members at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 9th day of March, 1»43 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the "Chairman. Henry-C. Meier, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the Cnlted States of America was given by the Clerk and all members of the Beard and visitors present particlpat- And the roll being called, the folbers responded to their it? Supervisors C. Perry MtPtfLE. Wlltmu*,<F. E. Beck. N. " • 6. J. Carroll, "E. F. Kuecker. .ckman. Frank C. Ferris, Roy % -.MaWr.B: Harrison. Henrv M. Frank May. Math N, Schmitt. Henry C. jyfeler and John I. I^ a^ Aj^t.'"Supervisor T F. No- .- ^ qiiofum present. „ Splcial Februsry, $rt*i fead. > nd on motion (*d»fed of recoil. report bf the County 1 'tnonth of FOhruary. tM and read and upon jra»er F/lip and d«ly (fr 0iwr. Kuecker and declared ~lib$>rrtved; and ' ordered i^i^eed en m», fo»#it: oomra una vis Inc. At»d th* 1 Jsnuary ... Taaea Bedeenjed fCjm Forf Pers. Prop, wick Taxes "r* tute fSrtkS - $186,020.65 . $ll.tM.2« 1,769.fiO 46 t.12 9,825.45 . „ ?;ohl! jftViiWii ? iSlSWIcft Deposit by Order of Court . , Total Receipts 39.649.17 Berltence Orand ,TgtS| ln t|1s| |r $174,609.82 te£rtr0ro&& :: -.i'.iI'i.:,14:ili " Tnheiitance: T«»e^ r.t.----• $84.«0 Oefpwr'.a- Jurors /«•« 8 t a m p s , v , > . w . -- * 5 1 1 5 t*r$h«tion Offvcer - ^|7.60 Grknd and iVtlt Jur^ta--...'-. '62.30 Traasujrer^* Salary --•••i-:----lfl|| cieeks Salaries - • "if'S Count* Officers Fees 66.00 Pay' Roll Account ------v 8.772.15 Unknown Residents and Minor Helrft Ac(;t. H«1 «2 Deposit by Order of Court 5 2*. 80 Penalties and Fees M8.16 Violations on Highways -1.141.60 Coroner'# F«*s . 16$ Exprese on tav bills 'I-'J Per. Prop. Bpcfc Tax re^un^. lj)0 Totsl Rxpendltorea 23.919.S8 Balance 00 hand In all ftinds , J>>wary 28th. H Grand Total $174,669.82 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belef. Q gTEVENS County Treasurer Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 9th day of March l 9 4* R. D. WOODS. (Seal) County Clerk The Committee on Finance presented the following1 Report and Resolution. * Woodstock. Illinois. March 9, 1948. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on Finance would >eg leave to submit the fellowlnr resolution and recommend its adoption tolait: WHEREAS, there Is not at this time sufficient money In the Treasury of VcHenry County to meet and defray dMfr'iMrMry expense* of the Co«tntr> iu it't*-necessary at this time to wriride a fund to meet all such expenses by fssvlag and disposing of auticlpa-. . •Ion warrants to be drawn against the County Tax levied in the year of 1942 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the Report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Resolution authorising the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants be adopted by this Board and the roll being called Supervisors Wright, Wittmus, Bet*. ClatfBOtt, Carroll. Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris* SnwfcN, Harrison, Turner. Pierce, May, SChmttt and Filip and Awt. Supr. Nolan *Oted |fye Nay none The Chairman declared the motion <iiSanimonsly c-trrlea. A report'of the County Treasurer Showing payments ^hje ft* County from tWwtHis on Owlnty Bfame for the (loapt^r endtn* JamMary 81. 1943 was preiMstlt^d and read, to tn#. Board and on motion of Supr. ACkmari and duluy seconded by Supr. Schmitt and declared parried the said W#>rt Was approved Snd ordered placed S*i Hie. The C^rnnilttee M Roads and Bridges presented thft fbtliOVTIng report. wlTich on motion 6f Sdfl*. Kuerker and duly seconded by Supr. Filip and the roll being called, wu declared unanimously adopted, fe-wft: Mr Chairman and Gehtlemen of the Board Sypervisors, McHenry County, iiHnots: The Undersigned members of the ^oaa snd bfW|i committtee for said C6anty beg leave to sMbmit the following report eih the WMftttrs before them. ' That we met at Wjpodstock, Illinois bn the 27th day 6f "Pebriiary 1943 to fMnault with representatives of the Ctylllit^'s rood errtployees regarding an tncrohse in their wasmt Seventy cents bear hour and S&tOraty afternoons, off fetth pay was den*ah4*o as was also an **pressi*)n from thlw ward as to Whether they would lose their seniority If called into military service or if they entered defense plant work. We agreed fo take the matter under consideration. We again met at Woodstock. Illinois on the 6th day of March 1943 and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature charged to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $2199.47 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the McHtenry County patrol system of roads for labor and materials •>t rates heretofore approved by this Hoard-were audited and ordered paid as folio#*: • PMtOTOtt* 3. 14 $ 166.12 Sedtlons 4. If. 1$ 2(4.83 (tactions 4, I7 73.2, ^tltins 5, I ....^,. 66.28 Sections 7, 8. 9. 1», 8$, «| 888.92 Sections 13, 16 124.23 Total i $3,290.07 Bills Were audited and orders) paid out of tht Motdr fuel tirg funds as follows: S. A. Rt. Section 13-13A. 4-1T maintenance labor, machine rent $ 66.67 2. 7-IT maintenance labor. machine rent 23, 9-T maintenance labor, machine rent 11, 11-IT malnt. labor, mach. rent 25, 12 maint. lqtoor mach. rent .... 25, 12-IT maint?rfftWVr. mach. rent 4A-4A and 5B Ext., 1S-IT malnt. labor, machine rent 21 A, 14-IT malnt. labor, mach. I rent ' - $8, 17-TT maintenance labor, machine r<ent 17 and 19. 18 construction labor, machine rent Jan. and Feb, .... 14 and 15, 19-IT maintenance labpr and machine rent 1, 20-IT maintenance labor and : machine rent 9, 21-TT. malnteViance labor and machine rent >5, 25 construction labor, and maehtn* rent The Committee on Resolutions presented the following Resolution, tr»-wlt: WHEREAS, In the^ matter of selecting a Chairman, this Board has for many years followed the custom of electing as Chairman the member with the longest period of service on this Board at that ttme and who has not previously served as Chairman; AND WHKRKAS. under this method of selecting a Chairman, any menioer is ineligible for election as Chairman is ineligible for election to that office, regardless of the length of time that he has served on this Board. AN'I) WHKREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the period of service of a member together with the valuable experience gained by such service should be taken into account in the selection of a Chairman: and whereas the members of this Hoard are mutually desirous of agreeing upon a method of seleotng the Chairman which will, be fair to all members and also result! 1% the most efficient administration of the bustnee^ of the Board; Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of tbe County of Jifcfl*nry as follows: 1. That no mefhber of this Board shall be eligible to be elected Chairman thereof unless he shall have served as a member of this Board at least six years fontinuouWly ftnrrtediately prior to his election, provded hnwever that in ;the event that at the time of the annual election of Chairman, no member is then eligible under this rule then the member with the longest period of continuous service to his credit at that time shall be named Chairman. 2. That in the year 1943 the member with the longest period of continuous service to his crediit shall be elected Chairman to serve for one year: that he shall l?e succeeded by the member with the next longest period of service to his credit and that in each succeeding year the member with the longest period of servce shall be chosen as Chairman, provided however that such member has served continuously immediately prior thereto for > six years as a member, of. this Board. ~ that he was retiring wiih niucn re- ! h..v., small - i*iia gret and that he hoped to be present ' sufficient tax m*e to meet their MmAJ as a spectator at some of t&<6 meetings , pensions and set rcrt'n 1 l ,y;l~ j» , "3; of this honcra.i»le br>Jy. 1 in? that since the blind pensfen. is A4 The Clerk presented lists of ela'.ms 1 gratuity, that Arter.a. c.untv hip * " against the County, and on motion of ' " ** 61.22 26.89 88.711 4.00 81.38 12.50 *«*$ 16.00 ».65 88.68 SM7 -- 70.54 17.79 «« L'*. 64.26 47.43 25 B4 22.50 15, 2R-IT englneerinn labor t*. 26-IT engineering labor |6. 27 malnt, labor, mach. rent.... 1, 40-IT, rtslnt. labor, mach. r*nt Si, engineering labor The matter of a rslse in wages to County road workers was discussed and 'ed trt an opinion ttmt it was advisable to attempt to hold about 12 experienced W*en ^0 man the snow plows on the County State Aid System of roads. It M neeesssry that these roads be kept •>pen o a reasonable extent and enough *nen be retained and kept busy the year ground so that they will be available »o handle th* snow problem. It Is too 'ate to go out and find the men after •he snow comes, and unless they are In- [ited to outdoor work, it is apt to kill a man frerfi exposure on a snow plow. We »xpecteH to We decided to recommend thJtt inwj^< **r as possible, men who are.rallen •he srmed forces, Snd those tW) go inM •lefense pl.tnts, be re-entployed at their old lobs after the war emergency. We decided to recommend further that the wages of the truck drivers and mschinerv operators be temporarily ••alsed from fc5 cents per hour out of the County hlghwav funds other than •notor fuel tax funds to 67>4 cents per hour, and from 65 cents per hour to 72K cents per hour out of thte motor 'uel tax funds: the road patrolmen ^rom 45 cents per hour to 55 cents per houru: and the foreman of the grading ?ang and also the foreman of the "rusher gang from G8 cents per hour •o 80V, cents per hour out of County highway funds other than motor fuel •ax funds, and frOm 80 cOnts per hour tn 87 cents per hour out of the motor 'uel tax funds: ami that they may take «l*turdtev P. M. off with pay. except in emergencies, as an opportunity to work fhelr gsfdfns; but the to d*Vs vrfcatidn with p8y foV th«5se re<*eiving snid wage fatMS be siwmended dnrinr the war ^#r#fgencv: anl^TTiat the above be 1" •ffect on "end after Aprft 1. 1948 until 'urther notice. We have received from the motor fuel tax funds rental on Countv owned •naehlnerv as follows: Sec. 4-TT, $34.32: <5ec 7-IT. *44.52: Sec. 9-TT, *15 54: Sec. 1 i-IT, $15.93: Sec. 12-TT. $30.58; Sec. 13-TT $9 25: Sec. 14-TT. $17.43: Sec. '7-IT. $11.10: Sec. 18. $7.00; Sec. 19-IT, «1«S3: Sec. 20-IT. $40.42: Sec. 21-1T, <47 79• Sec 25. 110.64: Sec. 27. 831.18- ind See. 29-IT. $17.84 a total of 8389.87 ind turned same over to the County TrWsirrer for the road-fund which neld <um is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage md purchase of road machinery and •or building improvement* for housing •nsehinery. Your committee estimates there will '»e necessary for the care of the McHen- Tr County. Illinois patrol "Svstem of -oad« an' apnrooriation of $8500c?from •he County Hirhway Funds until the next meeting of this Board. ' All of Whleh is respectfully apbOaitted. PAI'L ROSENTHAL O. PERRY WRIGHT O. J. CARROLL W. F. PIERCE It was thereupon regulary moved by Supr. Turnef and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the Resolution tixing the manner In which the Board is to elect a Chairman be adopted by thla Board snd the roll being called. Suprs Wright, Beck, Clawaon. Kuecker. Ackmnn, Ferris. Stewart, Harrison .Turner Pierce and Kiltp and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye and Suprs. Wittmus. Carroll, May and Schmitt an* Asst. fftupr. Nolan voted nay snd the Chairman declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted. After the adoption of the Resolution, a general discussion was had by the members of the Board concerning said matter. The Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm presented the fallowing report, to-wit: March 3, 1948. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry criunhty: Your County Home Committee met on March 3. I-M8, at the McHenry County llome and audited the bills for the month of February. 1943. and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. Millar Patton. bread, etc $ 58.78 Willis Disbrow. gas, papers. etc, for 5 months 27.69 Gumprecht ft Son, supplies .„.™ 74.86 Lester Hawley, tractor, plow and disc «...^.1,861.39 Ludwig Wilson Co.. supplies : 101.51 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers, etc. 16.86 TU. Bell Telephone Co.. service .. 33.85 Public Service Co., Service . 83.77 .len A See laundry, service ......... 13.58 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, supplies ........ 98.43 Montxomerv Ward A Co., clothing 5.S3 Mueller ft Co., supplies ' 5.9T Woolworth ft Co.. notions . 1.4S Woodstock Wholesale Co., ;47.31 Wittmus Tire Shop, tire'r *2 M noyol Blue, groceries 84.55 U. O. Andrew Co., feeds. et&, m. ,,34.10 Ooodrows Garaire, gas, etc. ........ 13.? Thome ft Son. clothing 8.4« Uovee Bros., gas, etc ^--™- 7.16 Superior Oil Co.. fuel oil 61.26 tohn Sexton Co., groceries 867.84 Thompson Appliance Co.. Shellftne gas 27.00 W. P. Allen, Incidentals 42.50 W. P. Allen, salarv Esther C. Allen, salary !"0 00 Vern Alt-right, salary a-- S O . n n Mattie Albright, salary 50.00 ,;,loyd Mason, salary 75.00 Thomas Montiromery. salary «2 KITIe Montgomery, salary ....; 62.50 t.oulse Johnson, salary 14.On r.lrinea Wolt. salary -..^.........toooo Hllma Melander, salary .......w....... " 75.00 Clara Haves, salary ..65.00 Shults Live Stock-- . S hot* and t WW $471.8$ Rebate from Bd., Tples St.00 $9,884.18 502.82 $2,881.30 March 3rd. 1943 To the TTonnrnble Board of Supervisors if McHenry County, Woodstock. Illinois. Your Mcllenrv County Farm, Home nd HoKP't»l Committee beg to report that thev met at Hnrtland. on thp above mentioned date and audited iind apnroved bills for payment in the follow- >nR amounts:- Permanent Improvements 9)-*^4.00 Running Expense* '"Mothlng, boots and shoes Tobacco „--.... Hospltal • Diet • F\ret ...... 921.98 0 09 47.21 *9fi,15 628.03 88.26 PIcMpr:,^..:..... ^ •• L e i W I \ ' Receipts from sale of ' hogs and 1 cow $471.$$ Rebate from paying pat. 81.00 $8,224.12 160.00 $$,$84 12 602.8} $2.$81.30 Inspection of nt and live ptock rtv be i •onditinn. There being no1 Commit itee, upon . cennded. adjourned. Respectfulhr suWattted. - C PERRY WRIGHT,ICtialt N. R. CI;A*WRON' ' ' " O. J. CARROIJ, PACL ROSENTHAL T. F. NOT.AN, JR. It .was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Aekman and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris that the report of the ("ounutv Home and Farm Committee be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A report of the Probation Officer of the County Court for he year of 1942 <va« presented and read by the Clerk, and upon motion duly made and carried, was ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented and read a letter received from Supr. L. A. Stock well of Riley Township statinr that due to illness* it was impossible for him to be oferent at the meeting and conveyed to •he members of the Bqard his appreciation of the many kindnesses shown him during the years that he sat as •% member of said Board which communication was ordered placed 0T1 nle. The Chairman called on Supr. Kuecker of Seneca Township who announced • o the members of the Board that there •vere two Supervisors, namely Supr. Turner of Hebron Township and Supr. Stockwell of Riley Township, who were not seeking re-election and were retiring to private life. He stated further that both Mr. Turner and Mr. Stockwell had served their constituents with distinction. Mr. Turner having served\as supervisor of Hebron Township for\ 44 vears of continuous setvice «nd Supervisor Stockwell having 90 vears of service to his credit representin" the oeonle of Rilev Township. Mr. Kuecker then outlined in detail 'he progress and membership of the RdSrd over the nast SO years and stated that it was a pleasure for him at this time to present on behalf of the members of the Board in appreciation for • he splendid services that the retirinr Supervisors had performed, a token of snpreciatior The Clerk then presented Supr. T rner with an upholstered nutl-'in cbs r i*«d ilwt ^imflaf |(ft foY Supr. Stockwell. ' 8u«r Turner very graciously thank' ed the members of the Board for their kindness and consideration and «tated Supr. Ackma.i ai.u <iuly t .o-deu Supr. Kuecker and declared carried, the same were referred to the proper committees and the Board aa.,c..:nec; t; l:8* e'elork P. M. for committee work. itao o'clock The Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, including Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal of Algonquin Township, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims. Ijvbor Fees, and Supplies presented the following: report, which^on motion of Supr. Ferris and duly aaconded by Supr. Turner March 9, A. D. 1943 Mr. Chairman and GentieWien of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee 00 Labor. Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to re-l port that th*y have examined all claims presented to them, ami recomthe full amount it can" under The law]!* and received th» full amount to which;' it is entitled from the ^tate^BteasuB^ ; and paid the same in full ir, r e t-lind,'" that said county is no longer liable for pensions it cannot pay bv reason oC lack of funds. • BK IT Fl'RTHER "RESOLVED that *' a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Coventor of the State of lilt- > nois and to Members of the Legislature ! of this district, respectfully re< ues^iing immediate action thereon." •/ - Unanimously approved this 9th day*#- ;..s of March, A. D, 1343. • I " HENRY C. J-EIER, '. Attest: Chairman R. D. WOODS, Clerk. ' » ' , Supr. Filip. Chairman of the.* Liquor5^ ' • -^Control' Committees • stated" that Mi* Committee met with -a Committee <jf., • the Tavern Keepers Association of McHenry County and were asked by. -,;S said Association to do sway with tba requirement of filing a surety bond with an applicati<m tor Liquor License and also that the Association wanted some reduction in the license fes nad ! also a reduction in the number of . taV» I mehd the payment of the following, and I erfts to be licensed in the County. After: that the Clerk be directed to issue «oine discussion in the matter, it was orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the, several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., co elk off" sup $32.10: eir elk sup $2.45 ...$ 34.55 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, contingent $23.45; clr elk sup $51.00; co elk off sup $12.00 86.46 CJoerlitJt-Becknell Co., clr elk sup $6.21; eo elk off sup $12.90 Kilt Off. Service, co treas off suup $12.50; contingent $2.30 Zlon Office Supplies, co lr»" Off SUp Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-- Woodstock Journal Hammond ft Stephens Co. Ethel C. Coe, Supt. Schs. B. F. Kennelly, er TB off sup ... R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse jail coal Pfeiffer Pharmacy, ct hse sup .... J. F. Mitchem, co ins Charles F. HOyes, judcy Jus fees C. L. Tryon. co sup hwy trav exp Andrew Worwick, shf off sup .... Illinois Bell Tel Co., ct hsa jail tele '. R. d: Woods, County Clerk. co elk tax extn -.4,$$0.07 Frank Thornber Co., co elk tax • bk ttc » Richmond Qasette, sup schs off exp .... Shf. Per Diem Fees Serv.--* Henry" A. Nulle ........ HOnry A. Nulle. Sheriff Shff. Feedg. Prls.--• John Asniux ft Son Plngel ft Koch I$.71 14.80 12.24 27.30 10.29 10.18 j 16.55 ; 21.04 4.25 50 00 I 40.00 i 54.64 2.90 1 104.27 112.77 1.00 96.77 390.00 Trackett's Bakery Oakside Dairy .. Shf. Dpty.-- , H«; »nier A. Manrt John NechrebeCkl Fred Wendt ft. D. Holnies . : '.. Melvins E. Wright,"shf bailiff .... Vernon W. Kays, shf bailiff I'red S. Oay. shf bailiff $5.00; shf dpty $10.00 -. Clvde C. Miner, shf bailiiff $40.00; shf dptv $30.00 Marinda Bates, ct hse Jail rep $8.00: shf feedg oris $2.00 -- Sabina Bau. shf per diem fees serv Ora S. Nulle, shf per diem fees serv Western I'nited (Jas ft Klec. Co., shf feedg prls Supr. Sal. Mileage-- C. Perrv Wright -- Carl E. Wittmus .V;..... P. E. Beck -- V. B. Clawson --- f>. J, Carroll E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Aekman .... Frank C. Ferris Rov J. Stewart J. E. Harrts(XB -- H. M. Turner W. F. Pierce Frank May Matt N. Schmitt .-- Henry C. Meier John J. Filip T. F. Nolan - -- Pa til Rosenthal Oeorge L. Tryon. co surveyor's. . A. A. Crlssey, clr ct pro off sal City of Woodstock, ct hse jail It and water 49.59 58.63 29.99 20.58 10.00 5 00 10.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 70.00 10.00 6.00 40.00 $.88 $8.10 21.50 44.30 24.60 34.20 75.40 89.40 96.45 33.03 34.20 12.40 20.40 13.60 68.20 6.00 105.60 57.10 72.70 236.40 75.00 99.10 Vestie Muldoon. ct hse Jail sal 150.00 Alice Helm, er TB off sal 85.00 Ora S. Nulle, shf feedg prls 100.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf per dlsm fees, serv ••• Ada Manning, sup schs asst and elk hire Ct. Hse. Jail Coal-- Rtdgefleld Farmers Supply B. F. Wlnlkelmann All of which Is respectfully submit- J. R. HARRISON. Chairman . a J. CARROLL N. B. CLAWSON 160.00 113.75 438.66 55.05 regularly moved by Supr. Aekman and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the requirement of the surety bond be continued. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Dr. E. Thomas Brand appeared before the Board and was called upon by the Chairman. Dr. Brand stated that it was always a pleasure for him to sit as a spectator and a taxpayer at the sessions of the Connty Board, that the meetings of the Board were interesting and that it was his belief that the County was one of the best managed Counties in the State of Illinois. He. stated further thae he had a suggestion to make to the Board concerning Victory Gardens to help in the war effort: that each County Farm in tha I'nited States should encourage their inmates to operate Victory Gardens on a small scale and that the produce raised should be used for the general consumption. They could also raise chickens and other poultry and in aft doing would relieve more essential workers for other war industry. The Chairman thanked Dr. Brand for hia remarks and attendance at the meeting and informed him that feaid matter would he taken up with the proper Committee. Col. Clyde C. Miner of Woodstock, Illinois and Director of Civilian Defense of McHenry County appeared before thhe Board and outlined in detail the work of Civilian Defense. He stated that he had secured the use of the room formerly occupied in the Court House by the Rationing Board for the Civilian Defense Headquarters and that It was necessary to have an appropriation from the Board of Supervisors for expenses and the employ-, ment of an office clerk. After soma discussion, it was regularly moved hy Supr. Aekman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said matter be referred to the Finance Committee for report and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois Department of Publi® Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. There beinfj no further business Jo. come before this meeting, it was regulary moved by Supr. Aekman and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker to adjourik' Motion carried. Thereupon the Hoard adjourned. HENRY C. MEIER, Attest; Chalrtwua. R. D. WOODS. Clerk. - IV. n. HMVYsun , , PAT'L ROSENTHAL JOHN J. FILIP T> HMm* Committee on (Malms, County Poor ri esented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll being called, was declared unan mously adopted, to-wit; March >, A. D. 191 J. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tne Board of Supervisors: ' Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presnt- #>d to them, snd recommend the payment of the following, and that thhe Clerk be directed to issue order* on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed,, to-wit: Dependent Children^-- Chicago Indus. Home for Chill. ..180.00 St. Vincent's Indus. School,, 1 Olossen and Toomey 33.60 Park Ridge School for Girts. DeLlne 67.20 Ysteb? Home Chicken Raising Will Meet Meat Nee4 Many people will have to raisp ^ their own backyard flocks of chickens - -1 if they wish to be sure of an ampht supply of poultry afid eggs undor wartime conditions, it is general^pr • believed. The shortage of other meats is resulting in an increased demand for poultry products which can bft | met only If more chickens art raised. While an increase from the farm* 'i and from commercial poultry raifff, ers is in si«*ht. r-"v f,-'-. >..»-• , • r e s o r t a g a i n t o u . e f l o c k v . to supply their own and some <£ their neighbors' needs. It requires only a small amount of labor for a backyard flock of chickens, and, if th6y are property housed and managed, they can l£|; made a constant source of food fat the family. Twelve to 20 pullets when produQ* ing and well cared for should pro vide an average size family witk sufficient eggs. A -4 A, J Mrs. Marion IV JotojgfcfW QeMnie 3 < 88 Lutheran Child WSffifeT A>sn., Norton and Daymond ' JJ.SO Mrs C. Sweatman. Steadman .... 23.50 T. B. Patient Pauper- ^ Old People's Rest Home, Hibbard SO.OO I,ake County T. B. San I,076.fi7 D. T. Smiley. Vermett 24.00 c. C. Miner. Soma *2.00 Dr. H. J. Schmid. blind exam 12.00 C. E. Ambler. Vermett , The Fair. Vermett ••••••• 7.»9 All of which is respectfully submitted' c, j. CARROLL. Chairman H M. Tl'RNER FRANK MAY T. F. NOLAN JR. CHAS. H. ACKMAN ; A report on Surplus Commodities pjSody for the months of December 1942 and January. 194* was presented and ordered placed on die. The following Resolution on Blind Relief wu Dresented and read to the Board, to-wit: mesnlaMos WTTBRKAS. the bounty Una-rd of !*ttpervisors of McHenry County is desirous of having- some changes made in the existing legislation on relief of blind and WHKRKAS. the blind pension' law is indefinite as to who should be paid as blind, snd WHKRfcAS. severs! counties In the $tpte °f Illinois are badly In need of new and more adequate lejgiilkfToR' concerning the blind pension lawj NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois. st their meeting held in thte Court House at Woodstock.. Illinois on March 9. 1948. that tha Governor of tha State of Illinois and tha LegUlatura be reepectfull requeeted and orged at ^the regnlaar aeaatoa of the legislature to definition of who are bflnd^and who should be pat4 a pension aa bllndl also, legiaiAtlpa fiousUoa *Wch| 8oldiers to School The army specialized training pr^ gram in colleges and universities ot the country will provide technical instruction for approximately 150,000 young soldiers each year, Brig. Geo. Joe N. Dalton, assistant chief tit staff for personnel, services of supply, said recently. These men, who must be under 22 years of age, will spend from 12 to 48 weeks ... engineers, medical cfepartment, i chemical warfare, signal corps aad f the adjutant general's division^ The j college will house and feed thft Sdl>: | dier-students in suclt a manner as * meet army regulations and will prO^ 1 vide textbooks, laboratory supplies and other academic equipment. JBf* yond that the army will Super^Bir and discipline its meat 4*-1 Farm Populatioa Drope Minnesota's farm population clined by more than 21,000 during the year immediately preceding America's entry into the war, ac* cording to estimates made co-operatively by the U. S. Bureau of Agri> cultural Economics and the Division of Rural Sociology of the Minnesota agricultural experiment station. Dr. Lowry Nelson, professor of rural sociology at University farm, says that the shrink in farm population from 902,100 in early 1941 to 880.900 in early 1942 was probably accelerated during the remainder of 1942. The last figure represents the est farm population since the industrial boom of the First World reduced the number of farm to slightly under 900,000. France's Lonrdes Situated in southwestern at thtt foot of the Pyrenees. 20 m Iran the Spanish border. Lourdes is - served by a railway joining th* „ towns of Pau and Tar bos. Long a '• ptfie in territorial and r^'if'ouS^f" wars, Lourdes was regarded the Pyrenees* >V\v !t V * \;

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