Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1943, p. 3

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1 • *'" J1*5; > ^ v?» ' 1 _';, \« ^..' >'«_ ** 4; .-t^ •- - *' r- *"-» ' ' *; " •' • k*-~ '-. / v«<«-~ - ^ !-> - /", --;----< ,-• . r .„ * «v'V • v. , -•: '"'•1 •'••• 'C r, May 13,1943 City Council Proceedings %^Council Boom, Annual Meting, - April 29, 1948 • • The annual meeting of the City Cooncil was held Thursday evening wtth Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bass, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner. Absent: None. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Boss, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. , Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the treasurer's report for the month of April be approved as tcad. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Ferwwda, that the collector's report for the month of April be approved as Md. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, ttrt the clerk's report for the month •f April be approved as read. Motion THX KsHBOrr puldtdxalxb Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Im, that the treasurer's annual repact be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Freund* that the collator's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the clerk's annual report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwarda, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Howard Cairns, police service..$121:10 Pater Wirfs, police service 107.10 W. C. Feltz, supt. of streets and alleys M. M. Niesen, waterworks superintendent Karl R. Walsh, office expense.. K. I. Overton, mayor service.... Edward J. Buss, alderman service Fred Ferwerda, alderman serv- Mayme cle: HcHen and ne rical ennr i pul Buss, commissions, service ......... Plaindealer, printing iblications 26.59 53.20 12S.11 64.60 10.00 2.14 20.62 5.00 J 12.00 2.00 .91 5.2J 78.77 4.55 350.00 8.70 7034 102.10 59.80 25.00 40.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 - 25.00 P. Freund, alderman iervice ... ..... 25.00 A. E. Nye, alderman service 25.00 Joseph M. Regner, alderman •ervice 25.00 Sari R. Walsh, clerk serv ce.... 104.80 Vernon J. Knox, attorney service 50.00 Gerald J. Carey, treasurers service 30;00 U. S. Collector of Int. Rev., Victory tax 29.90 Dr. C. W. Klontz, board of health service A. J. Kamholr, board of health service B. J. Brefeld, board of health service Chas. J. Rasmussen, services as judge of election Edward A. Rossman, servient as judge of election . 5.00 William C. Dettmer, services as judge of election 5.00 Mayme Harrison," services as «ierk of election 5.00 Margaretha H. Spurling, services as clerk of election 5.00 Vera B. Kane, services as cleric . of election 5.00 F. G. Schreiner, services as judge of election 5.00 Clara K. Miller, services as judge of election 5.00 Margaret Simon, services Spi judge of election 5.00 Evelyn Anderson, services as clerk of election 5.00 Vera Purvey, services as clerk of election ...... Matilda Gerasch, services as derk of election 5.00 G. P. Steilen, services as judge of election 5.00 H. J. Miller, services as judge of election 5.00 T. W. Winkel, services as judge of election - ; 5.00 Maud Rothermel, services aft' derk of election 5.00 Gertrude Webzer, services ak derk of election -- 5.00 Ella Gans, services as clerk of dection 5.00 Milwaukee Lead Works, lead pipe" -- James B. Clow A Sons, lead. Mrs. Eva Guinto, rent for city election Frank Thornber Co., supplies- Walter J. Freund, gas and oil for police car ............ Freund Oil Co., Distillate William Heimer, labor waterworks Jack Smith, labor waterworks.. Ben J. Smith, hauling Tu Earl R. Walsh, freight. 111. Bell Telephone Co., telephone service Public Service Co., power and light ..... Downs Motor Express, lead pipe and meters ,. Catherine Hepp, license fee...... Special Sewer Fund: Fred C. Feltz, salary.......--....... 102.10 U. S. Collector of Int. Rev., Victory tax .. Public Service Co., power and light Mayor Overton appointed Aldermen Freund, Nye and Regner as a committee to canvass the votes cast at the city eleetion held April 20, 1943. The committee reported the following named to have received the highest number of votes for the office of al-« derm en in their respective wards: Alfred Tonyan, Edward J. Buss, Fred: Ferwerda. Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that Alfred Tonyan, having received the highest number of votes for the office of alderman in the first ward, be declared elected for a term of four years. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that Edward J. Buss, having received the highest number of votes for the office of alderman in the Second ward, be declared elected for a term of four years. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Freund, that Fred Ferwerda, having received the highest number of votes for the office of a'derman in the third ward, be declared elected for a term of four years. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, to adjourn. Moton carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. Water and Sewer: Buss, Regner. Freund." Public Property: Nye, Regner, Ferwerda. ^ Ordinance: Tonyan, Nye, Freund. Purchasing: Ferwerda, Regner, Nye. Building Codes and Permits: Ttegner, Tonyan, Ferwerda. Band: Ferwerda, Freund, Nye. ' Beach and Skating Pond: Regner, Ferwerda, Freund. , Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by ! Buss, to approve the apopintment of the standing committees as made by the mayor. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Ferwerda, to pass and approve the ordinance as read, naming Mayor Overton and Aldermen Freund and Regner as members of the board of local improvements. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss, to pass and approve the resolution as read, designating the West McHenry State Bank as depository of funds of the city-'treasurer. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, to hire the firm of J. W. North & Co. to make the annual audit of the city books. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Nye, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. * SffRPiOiif' -H5?1 Washington i > ^Letter ;.T-' National Editorial AssodaUss Washington, May 12 -- Attorney General Francis BiHdle, in attempting to explain the tensions of the Washington scene in a university lecture, aptly described the current picture as "the period of irritation * • the air is full of charges and countercharges, so that we sometimes wonder where the war is being waged." This is truly representative of the emotional tangles and maneuvering for favored positions. The conflicts over Federal agency jurisdiction and simr |r * ***• • v»"• - - '•s «: well free a sizable number of workers for war production jobs, or might increase the supply of certain types of goods produced primarily for civilian use. In an attempt to arouse the average citizen as to the need of alertness in preventing sabotage, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has asked all civilians in every community to consider themselves "listening posts." It does not mean that each citizen will be required to consider himself a "GMan" and pry into his neighbor's affairs. While enemy espionage in this country has been under remarkable control, the F. B. I. has information to the effect that the Nazis are turning out hundreds of graduates from their espionage training school with the expectation that they will find their way into important localities in the United States. Locating these super-expert sabouteurs, and possibly others as well, might be like finding AUCTION Council Room, May 3, 1943. The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Resrner, that the minutes of the annual meeting held April 29, 1943; and the special meting held April 29, 1943, be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nj*e, seconded by Freund, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carired. Motion by Regner, seconded by Buss, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carired. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the following btjfls be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Special Sewer Fund, sewer service | 75.00 Earl R. Walsh, postage 8.50 Theodore Winkel, labor in park 22.50 John King, Jr., labor in park.... e Art 1 Martin Stoffel, labor in park.... Carey Elec. Shop, ladder Employers' Liab. Asaur. Co., Insurance bond Stoffel & Reihansjgerger, Insurance bonds Jack Smith, Labor at Waterworks Henry Stilling, Labor at waterworks William Heimer, Labor at waterworks Westinghouse Elec. A Mfg. Co., Films -- P. H. Freund, Repairs--waterworks / Public Service Co., Power and 1 1 ; light 160.94 * , „ SPECIAL MEETING^ X;.. . April 29, 1943'. . 'M 'special meeting of the City 'Council was called by Mayor Overton for the purpose of acting on applications submitted for alcoholic liquor licenses. Present: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye. Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, to accept the application of Winifield W. Hagberg for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by ilar disputes among Congressional a hay3tack" \™on*w the committees have reached a point mi"lons f of Americans, once they have where the major objective of wmninsr ; m.a de entry into the country. Keeping . ! pos4te dj on ;"«p ersons want.e d is anothe°r ,t he wapry .1s eems lost m a c^o n.t.r oversial !w ay fto r ci-Lti-z ens to ,h e,l p the ,F7.. Bn . It . haze. The wage control policy is so tu r d t , r . ... snarled th.t row concern hi beer, ?"; 7 felt ttat the 't*resident's "hold-that 'hf 'h'y need never conaider themline" slogan against inflation ^ * I* "™ the Um. of .meither be broken shortly or badly bent. About the only optimistic touch is the success of American arms on I the battle front. | The challenge raised by. the'miners'! union as to the effectiveness and au-! thority of the War Labor Board has j placed that war agency in a precarious ! position. If the House is quick enough to enact the Connally bill, already apportant men" in bringing or phoning reports; and that whatever they disclose to the F. B. I. will remain completely confidential between the individual and the bureau. j « -X/.4Z Chilean Nitrates for •- \ Allied War Weapons Transformed from tKeir peace-time proved by the Senate, it is believed role of serving as quick energy foods that this proposed legislative imple- for agricultural crops the world over, mentation of the Board's powers may war-vital nitrates of Chile now form prevent a break in the tottering waH an important element in the high exagainst inflationary spirals. On the plosive content Of powerful, deathother hand, the Senate is not display- deal in? weapons of far-flung battleing a tendency to rush throusrh the fie'ds. Nye, to accept the application^of John j tax "forgiveness" plan which was Buried under miles of shifting, A. Thennes for class "A" license. Mo- voted by the House. The White House drifting sands, in one of the most tion carried. clique is smarting under a criticism j desolate regions known to mankind. Motion by Nye, seconded by Freund, of the Senate's Truman Committee lie this great desert storehouse of to accept the application of Math B. j blaming much of the inter-agency Chile, which the Good Neighbor to Laures for class "A" license. Motion j feuding and ineffectiveness on the' the south has opened to the arsenals carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Regner, to accept the application of Ernest Freund-and Carolyn Justen for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye, to accept the appliaction of A. E. Noonan for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, to accept the application of John A. Anderson for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Tonyan, seconded by Freund, to accept the application of \Villiam A. Wolf for class MA" license. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Tonyan snows of the towering Andes and producing miniature oases at measured distances along rail routes. Foodstuffs also are necessarily transported, entering the nitrate area on a large scale in order that food-growing materials may be sent out. Hundreds of scientists are studying the caliche in Chile's vast storehouse for the production of many commodities. And their reality will still further add to the bewilderment of the world at Nature's queer visitation of a priceless heritage upon the barren wastes of one of the world's most desolate regions. Recoil of Firearm The office of the chief of ordnancii of the war department says that action of recoil of a firearm begins as soon as powder pressure rises in the barrel--when the bullet starts to move. Exit gases give recoil to barrel and compete recoil cycle. Subscribe for The Plaindealer! | of Design. Morse an Artist Samuel Morse, inventor of the tele* graph, studied painting and sculp* ture in England and opened a studio at Boston in 1815. Indifferent sue- s cess led him to travel as a portrait painter. In New York he became 2 more successful and was elected first president of^the National Acade^ny v-i failure of the President to bestow full of world democracy. The nitrate re* and specific powers on responsib'e gion lies on the northern boundary of executives. The wrangling seems end- Chile, extending south for a distanc#j less. j of 500 miles, but less than 100 mile! Encouraging developments on the; in width. Scorching winds, and the ; farm labor supply front have elicited , shriveling heat of a burning sun have, the official prediction that sufficient seared every living thing in this des» manpower will be available to produce ert land. Where only a few misplaced: and harvest a 1943 crop up to the drops of rain fall once a decade, evetf leve's of the announced goals. Reports the tortured surface of the barren indicate that a sufficient nucleus of wastes has withered a deep brown, experienced farm workers will remain Just why Nature should choose this on farms as a result of agricultural inaccessible spot to bury one of mandeferment by the Selective Service, kind's mo?t valued treasures will go the President's order prohibiting farm unanswered through the ages. Perlabor to leave the farm for more pay haps it was Nature's inexplicable way elsewhere, and the War Manpower of compensating a region so other- Commission's appeal to employers not wise da<A)id of natural features and to accept the application of Gus Unti to recruit farm people from the farm, j resources. for class ' A" license. Motion carried Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, to accept the application of Marie S. Yegge for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by^ Regner, seconded by Nye, to accept the application of Joseph J. Miller for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Tonyan, to accept the application of Frank J. Immekus for class "A" license. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Fer The dominant trend in agriculture j In peace time, nitrates and theif over the past year has been toward j by-products of iodine nitrate of polonger hours. While the W. P. B. has : tash, sulphate of soda and common agreed to an increase of farm machin-! salt have been widely used in the ag* ery production in 1943, the War Food ricultural'ihdustry. Nitrogen, phosV Administration states that some farms phate, and potash have long been conmay. be handicapped in harvesting and sidered as the three most important cultivating. Some concern is felt fertilizer elements for farm crops, e«- about weather conditions preventing , pecially those grown annually on, the early planting in all sections of the same soil. The biggest Americai! country. i consumers have been in the past cot- i Government agencies and large em- ton and tobacco farmers in the South,] ployers are worried over the failure ! where the growing of a single crop of women to enter the labor market in year after year has impoverished the 22.50 werda, to reject the a|>plication of [sufficient numbers to balance the soil 22.50 Catherine Hepp for class "A" alco- 12.24 holic liquor license. Motion carried. 1 Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by ......... 10.00 Buss, to accept the application of Floyd Coleman for class "A" license. 295.00 . Motion carried. €BARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer JJ.00 AM 4.80 2.99 2*00 Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, to designate annual salary of to adjourn. Motion carried. the City Attorney and membrt's of the t R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. Board of Health, and monthly salaries EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk, of other appointive officers for the following year as follows: City attorney, ?2C0; chief of police, $135; number of men leaving for the armed , But the world is at war, and now forces. The age composition of the j Chile's great beds have become almost female labor force has remained much priceless, furnishing the prime for more stable; about 55 per cent of the i powerful explosives which showed women active in the labor market are death over the vast battlefields. under 35 years of age. Federal em-! The huge volume of the nitrate in- Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, ployment experts state that the major ;dustry is proceeding on a much swifter to accept the application of Edith E. source of potential workers today is and more thoroughly modernized Karls for class "B" license. Motion the 36.200,000 female non-workers, scale of production, due to developcarried. iand bringing these women into active ments of recent years. Power shovels Motion by Buss, seconded by participation in the labpr market is have supplanted hand labor in est-- Freund, to accept the applicatum of j one 0f the most important manpower tracting the much fought caliche^. James C. Smith for class "B" u- . problems confronting the nation. Male The lumps of crude ore are now load* cense. Motion carried. i non-workers capable of holding jobs ed by electric shovels into motor' Motion by Regner, seconded by have been drained off almost com- trucks or cars drawn by electric lo- Tonyan, to accept the application of _ pletely_ _.tand _ today school boys and | eomotives for delivery .to the refine^ Thomas P. Bolger for class "C' "" men unable to work or too old to work ies or "oficinas." A new refining cense. Motion carried. • 1 M make up 92 per cent of the 7,100,000 method has also been developed, Motion by Busg, seconded by Nye, maie non-workers. Apparently, some whereby caliche containing smaller Due to ill health, I have sold my farm, located 4% miles southwest of . , . ,. . . .. m,nn Crystal Lake, 4% miles northwest off81^"4 chief of police, $120; supenn- Algonquin, 5 miles northeast of Hunt- ! °\ waterworks $70; superinley on the Huntley - Crystal Lake ^ndent of streets and alleys, $115; Road, and will sell at public auction on TUESDAY, MAY 18 beginning at 1:00 p. m. sharp, the following described property: 18 HEAD OF CATTLE 17 milkers and one heifer, coming two years old. New milkers and some close springers. Dairy has average 4 per cent test. superintendent of disposal plant, $115; members of the board of health, $15. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, to approve mayor's appoint- Estate of Margaret May, deceased: WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney-at-Law, Woodstock, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE ment of Vernon J. Knox as city attorney for ensuing year. Motion carried. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, July 5, 1943, is the new form of educational campaign amounts of nitrate may be profitably will be necessary to recruit women for extracted, and a larger amount of the factories and shops as replace- nitrate recovered. ments for the heavy drain of men into i With such a large-scale industry the armed services. The 48-hour week carried on in a desolate region utteris helping somewhat and the War ly devoid of natural resources, bat Manpower Commission hopes to ex-! necessarily inhabited by thousands of tend the lengthened work week to all j engineers, chemists and workmen, one areas. The theory is that extension j may wonder how these hardy inhabof the work week in service, trade and itants maintain themselves, consumers' goods industries might Water is obtained from the melting Motion by Freund, seconded by Nye, claim date in the estate of Margaret to approve the mayor's appointment of Howard Cairns as chief of police 3 head horses: sorrel maTe, 5 yrs. j for the ensuing year. eld, wt. 1,550; bay gelding, 9 yrs. old, wt. 1,200; and one good work horse. GRAIN 600 bushels ear corn in (srib, husked hp hand; 1 V& bushels DeKalb 404A seed corn; % bushel Wisconsin seed corn; oats; 1% bushels grass seed, mixed clover and alfalfa. MACHINERY John Deere com binder, nearly new; grain drill; John Deere mower, new; John Deere corn planter, new; S-^ection drag, new; bob sled, nearly new; wagon and box, nearly new; iron wheel wagon and hay rack; iron wheel wagon and box; International Voting Yes: Freund, Nye, Tonyan. Voting No: Buss, Ferwerda, Regnen There being a tie vote, Mayor Overton cast a deciding vote in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Motien by Regner, seconded by Nye, to approve the apopintment of Peter Wirfs as assistant chief of police for the ensuing year. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, to approve the mayor's appointment of Mayme Buss as city collector for the ensuing year. Motion carried. .. Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye. to approve the mayor's appointment May, deceased, pendinp: in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. I-Ef) BLAKE, Administrator. ;(Pub. May 6-13-20) An Emblem of Rest The fly-brushing type of fan is caBed flabella, and in Egypt it was an emblem of heavenly rest single row cultivator! John Deere of M" M. Niesen as superintendent of single row cultivator; cultipacker; waterworks for the^nsuing year. Mohorse cultivator, shovel plow; Case tion carried. riding plow, nearly new; walking s^onded Fer" plow, new; set breeching harness; werda- to I f mayors apbreerhing' harness, nearly new; Pomtment ofW.C. Feltz. as ^uper.n- 12 milk cans, nearly new; some fence *ent^n* streets and alleys for the posts, new; 1 spool barbed wire; 30 new grain bags; rope*and tackle block; wire stretcher; post hole digger; slip scraper, wash tanks, pails and strainers; 2 galvanized baskets, new; McCormick Deering gasoline engine, 2 hp.; Maytag gasoline motor; stone boat head; forks, shovels, hay rake, and other small tools too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Office desk; cook stove, good as 6 dining room chairs, organs ensuing year.„> Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss, to approve the appointment of Dr. A. I. Froehlich, Ben J. Brefeld and A. J. Kamholz as members of the board of health for the ensuing year. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Regner.' to approve the appointment of Fred C. Feltz as superintendent of disposal plant for the ensuing year. Motion carried. Maypr Overton named the following antique; rugs; two double bids, day «tandNr eommittees for the ensuing had; 5-piece reed set; rockers','etc. FREDKAHLX Home State Bank of Crytal Lake, clerking. year:'; Fii LiceJ Sti ner, Nye. : Buss, Freund, Tonyan. Ferwerda, Tonyan, Nye. and Alleys: Freund, Reg- "Hem's why Mom says rt TOYS to worm with GIZZARD CAPSULES Qwidr- iaty- Won't Skkmtt IM or Knock fjg Production Worming D**"* double didde&' is this year. In needed eggs for Vncle Sam and bigger profits for YUl'. Keep 'em Laying this winterl Pat'd Insoluble Capsule Coating d<x>* not dU»olre in crop--protects medicine until crushed by gisfard--deli tots correct dose. full strength to worm*. Won't ficken Mrdror knock egg production. For all S kind* of norms--Pin. Lare« Bound an'! Large Tapes. OM beads of •U aperies of Tapes that any product on market can get Ahem 1c or is» BS Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry NIGHT AUCTION 7:30 P.M. . Charles Leonard, Auctioneer Wednesday, May 19 ^ At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois' 100 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Will have large run of choice Dairy Cows, close springers and fresh. Good selection of well-broke Young Farm Horses; also good run of dairy heifers, bulls, beef cows, horses, veal calves and hogs. This will be a good market to sell killer horses. Terms: 25 per cent d«»*n> ffienthl^Insiiik ments. 1 to 16 months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. GAULKE, Owner Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock AH consignors make arrangements to get your l!vest6Ck in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. ir OTTO ADAMS, Prop. Day and Night Towing Service ' Auto and Farm Implement Repairing ; v . -1 Welding, Blacksmithing and Lawn Mower Sharpening Sinclair Gas and Oils Day Phone: 640-J-2 Night Phonl: 640-W-2 tv-SVI $ 2 IM qt. PASTE FORM One gallon Kem- Tone pcate makes 1 $4 l*l> Kem-Tone finish. Ready-to-use cost--only $ 1.98 g*L COAT covin WA1U PAMft, ylirtstl walls, well- AmMi IAMIY wMi • wW« kr«ik tr with lk« Kim.Imi oni aauoN ooct tm Avra. AM ROOM. ; ffirTfr R0UER-K0ATER Rolls Kem- OAa Ton* right Qjgvl o*»r your walls quickly, easily, •moothiy! MOOES WITH WATUtl WOWIHOWM •-'•si BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street McHenry, I1L MARTIN-SENDUR P A I N T S • V A R N I S H E S • E N A M E L S -FOR SALEThis beautiful Long Lake ; HOME $3,250 Modern conveniences . . . including electricity/ running water, etc. -- Across road from lake sho#e --- O. E. JOHNSON PTo. AiMraw RFD, McHnuy, IN, T.I. Pitt 655-J-l or, in Chicago call Av«nu* 9500 - • -JV . • - -4

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