Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1943, p. 8

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&1 •• >v < «>* ^ ' • i * ; i. » ( _ «kf>ncht THE McHKNXY PLAIKDEALn* thimAnv 1w |$|3 * v- ^Vv 'jC1 ' Announce Marriage , ., possibly can wi'l attend the annual "AnnouncenienHias been made of the pittite on July 16. • approaching marriage of Miss Margaret Muetterties, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mutterties of Elgin and Lieut. Richard B. Warner, son of Walter Warner and the late Irene Frisby Warner of Elgin. The wedding will take place "kt Dyersburg, Tenn., so.,*bvn:,.Ms i* sfettpwad-in mid-June< I * * • ....;_ ,^..j Partf fbr Graduate , 1 \ .Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J. Schmitt entertained relatives and friends at their prize was merited by Mrs. Robert Knox. Plans were made for a lawn <fard party to be held the latter part of June,"the exact date to b« announced later. Mrs. Ray McGee will be chairman. of the affair; * * , * * \ '|k C. D. of . The Catholic Daughters of Aitferica held installation last Thursday evening in the K. of C. hall. Mrs. McGill, distirct deputy from Belvidere, was present to act as installing officer. The following were installed at the ceremonies: : Entertalfi Cltib Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained members of their card club j Grand Regent ..Elizabeth Thompson last Saturday evening, when five hun- j Vice-Grand Regent..... Anna Sutton dred prizes were awarded Mrs. Peter Monitor ...............Bertilla Freund carry-over lesson, ment of tKo Feet,' "Care and Treatby Mrs. Sweeney. Weingart, Mrs. Anton Freund, Peter A. Freund and Ford Jackson. ° * , * » Honor Bride-To-Be * Miss Rita Martin was hostess? at Lecturer ..Ethel McGee Prophetess Gertrude R. Weber Financial Secretary .....Laura Weber Treasurer Elizabeth Schoewer Historian ,^.......,.#..'Nettie Fleming W. 3. C. S. The next meetiner of the W. S. C. S. will be held on Thursday, June 17, "kt the home of Mrs. Harold Owen. This 1:30 luncheon will be the last W. S. C. S. meeting until fall and a large attendance is desired. *• * • *. » Graduate Honor«| Mr. and Mrs. Louis St off el entertained relatives and friends last Sunday, in honor of their daughter, Mary Lou, who graduated from the local high school the previous Friday evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee, Wis., apd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, and son, Kenneth, of Waukegan. * * * Bridal Shower ARTHUR MILLER TAKES MISS GLADYS LARSON AS BRIDE ON JUNE 5 One of the early June weddings to occur ih McHehry was that of Mfss Gladys Larson of Elgin and Mr. Arthur Miller of McHenry,-which took place in St. Patrick's rectory, Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke officiating, last Saturday afternoon, June 5, at 4:30 pt-m. Mis^, Larson is the daughter of Mr, BYLSMA THOMPSON VOWS EXCHANGED THURSDAY, JUNE 3 . • Mrs. Alice Thompson, in Woodst The groom, a Woodstock high school graduate, is with the U. S. army, stationed at Camp McCain, Miss., whe|» he is returning today (Thursday!. McHenry folks will read with in?- June 10. ; V terest of the marriage last Thursday evening, Jurfl 3, of Miss Nellie Bylsma 1 ^ pRDAINED A< MINISufJI of Woodstock and Staff Sergeant Wil- ' K6t. Heber J. Miller, who has "beelf iam Thompson. The beautiful sanctu- ' pastor of the McHenry Community ary of .the First Methodist church Methodist church for the past several was the setting for the 6:45 o'clock ; years, graduated last weekend froi and -Mrs. Claus Larson of Hebron, Nuptial ceremony, with Dr. Merle N. jthe Garrett Biblical school in Chicago formerly of Wonder Lake, and Mr. Miller is the son of Mrs. Anna Miller of Chicago. The lovely bride chose as her wedding attire a blue sheer afternoon English, pastor, officiating. [ and was ordained a minister. The The attractive bride chose for her, many friends of Rev', and Mrs. Miller wedding a light rose crepe dress with; 'n McHenry are sorry -to hear that white.accessories and wore a shoulder ; the very near future they will fag corsage of sweetpeas. Her attendant, i leaving our commanity, as Rev. Millar: dress, with an overskirt of lace. Her; Mrs. Lyle Widmayer, was attired in j has been transferred to another blue shoulder veil was held in place : aqua blue with white accessories and by a coronet of flowers and she wore I also had a corsage of sweetpeas. Lyle a corsage of gardenias and white sweetpeas. The pearls, which she wore, a grift of the groonri, provided the "something new," a lovely old tafned hostess a Sentinel . Simon i Mrs. William Blake entertained at liome Friday evening in honor of their lively pt«-nuptial shower held at her Celia Winkel l& recent Friday shower for her neice, son, Gordon, who graduated froih the home on Main street last Friday eve- i'-trustees ---Helen" Heu«ier and Fmm« ! ^iss Mareta .Blake,' Who became the . handkerchief, belonging to her sister, McHenry Community high school that; ning. honoring Miss Arleen Bacon, Adams • ( bride of Carl Serock of Elgin on:was the "something old and bornight. Cards provided the evening's who became the bride of Carl Hiatt Fnllnwinrr tW 'June 9- Miss Bflake is the daughter of i rowed'" and the color scheme of her enter&lnmejrit and refreshments were of the United States army on Monday.j were p]ay^ prjze3 b^ine mei Mr* and •***»• Joseph Blake. " seirved at the conclusion of tlie social Cards provided the eveniivg's enter-|-jte^ £y Mare Powers in contract'*' Cards ahd bunco, provided enter- . . jteinment wUhpri^s-being awarded |brid^; Anna Sutton and Helen Weber ^e showe^ _with five hun- ' V • ^ u . / n - w ^H ^ t f e r , M a r g u e r i t e J o h n s o n , ! i n . > u c t i o n b r i d . M a r y F r e u n d . i n ^ r ? d f p m ® 8 - D o n •' v" -a,ter?,*uat D!WMEl •' Mrs- ^ hundred and Laura PhanhenstiU "Unt an.d Mre; Hem7 ^Her and - " - •'J: Ra'^ ^^er' and Elizabeth Thompson ifl pinochle. r^u"VriZt? ^ng 1° ^flaFreU!!d' . « x « • ,rf%-v ' bets of the family,..was held at the. Mrs. Dick.Hester, Marguerite Johnson, i w . .. ... . rand Marcella Ferock. Following the sweetpeas. Ben J. Smith served tm. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams Adele Froehlich, Arleen Bircon. Lu- 'U^ next meeting of the group wUl opening of a variety of lovely gifts groom as best man. • Widmayer acted as best man. Following the wedding dinner, the young couple left on a short honeymoon trip. The bride, a graduate of the Mcchurch. While we are sorry to se<| them leave, nevertheless, we are happy to hear .of Rev. Miller's advancement A' li'-Vl,;' attire was the "something/ blue." Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Ben J. Smith of Spring Grove, who wore a rose crepe dress/ lace trimmed, with a flower ornament in her hair. Her corsage was of mixed s yreek; Guests of ' cil^l'Steffes and the h^tttysu^. A d a i m s ' b r o t h e r . B o b v , - _ * " * * J > one cvehinar this honor wpr? Mr« Walsh, of Wauconda, who leaves soon for" srmy service, and her nephew, Billy Walsh, of Fox Lake, who will leave soon for ^erviee with the raa- TitieS. "V"-"-""' * . B a p t i s m ' The infant son of Serviceman and .Mrs., Frederick Wah! was christened Frederick George at baptismal ceremonies held at 1 o'clock last Sunday afternoon at St;. Patrick's church, Rev. WTm. A. O'Rourke officiating. Sponsors were Bob Stilling, uncle of the Honor Serviceman bean. Home. Bur«i*/'Vj»^;>i; . . . , - T h e l a s t m e e t i n g o f t h e i f o m e B u - Re'atives and friends were present reau was held 0'n June 7 at the home at a gathering held in the George of Mrs John Ho^an At >at time W!rfs home on Richmond Road last; Mrg Sweeney gave the lesson on Sunday night, the party honoring Syl- .Tood preservation.- She discussed Vester Wirfs, who is .enjoying furarmy by Miss Blake, avdelicious lu^ch 'was aerved. : '-v; * - 'VP .-T. A. Both the mother of the bride attd. of the groom wore corsages of white and orchid sweetpeas.; The bride attended the McHenry The regular monthly meeting of the , Community high school and grada Parent-Teachers Association was heldjated from a business school in Flgin". in the school hall last Wednesday af- :She has been employed with the Pro; eniovinsr a fur- * u i • 1 ternoon at 3 p. m. After aa musical ; jggrreessssiivvee Soiiggnn Cwo.,, iinn tmhaatt cciiLtyy fioorr tihnee lough from army duties at Camp Su^Zprogram of patriotic songs and piano past five years. The groom attended Beale Calif Sylvester has been tak- fu ^ ou i u j fu u bnning i se,ectlons» the meeting was called to the Spring Grove school and at present Mrsn R,a,y is h«*d °f'he Mi!i" --• more recehtly b«*un a course 'tit * uuu j acnydrateis, the use McGee. Committee reports and the! pany in McHenry. „ baking. wh,ch 9h, demonstrated . , to.Surert annual report were read Fol,owing the wedding, a dinnefwf Present to eniov supper and a Social n u>, 1 * * 7 * C?lhns«v, 1 ewed "Cross (The organization should feel proud of , reception for forty-three relatives and evening wire^ M^ anf m"s George ^ Marjor.e Rawlins and fol-(its accomplishments. With funds | friends was held at the Riverside iFtr eund and Mr. and Mrs. Jro-hln- Blake -lowing this portion of the program ; raised from the activities given, new hote, Later in the evening the group -i*i^"hbme. Because Mother's ChA of so • many 'Margaret Smoak and daughter of j'Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and family, Lily Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Clemactivities ens Wirfs and faif»ily, McCullom Lake pljained for the next month and the,®™! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and ajjty. Mrs. Rose Jepson, home man-1 Mrs. Paul Gerasch, added duties which must necessarily i his j>arente of Johnsburg. agrement; Mrs. Anton Freund, health;! She presented-the w a r* 9 % a a & moo I i ^ .1 *. I a m k1* # - * • i * . i -% secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Clinton Mar-1 Crystal Lake. tin, community interest; Mrs. Ed! After (kmciuding the reading of Denman, clothing; Mrs. John Hogan, j reports for the past year, the chairfood; Mrs. Paul Walkington, person-1 man of the nominating committee, was called upon. be assumed as a result, the June meeting of the Mother's club, which was to have taken place at the home of Mrs. C. W. Klontz on June 11, has : Pot-Luck Supp«r A large group of members were in attendance at the Altar and Rosary t*een cancelled by the committee. The sodality's pot-luck supper Monday next meeting of the organization will! evening of this week. Following the ; July 6. At that time plans wi be be in the fall. i supper, cards were played, with a made for next year's work, which will Jt is hoped that all members who: prize given ior each table. The special | begin Sept. 1. There will also be a Mrs. Harry Collins, minor projects; Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, publicity, and Mrs. Ed, Teet, handicraft. The next, meeting of the Home Bu reau will be with Mrs m following slate of officers which was unanimously voted upon for the ensuing year: Mrs. Hugh Murphy, president; Mrs. Ed Landgren, vice-president; Mrs. George Weelock on j A. Freund, secretary, and Mrs. Henn, " treasurer. The P.-T. A. is sponsoring a styla show and movie, "The Navy Comes Through," next Tuesday evening, June 15, at the Colony theater. The members are working hard to make this undertaking a success and if you have not already purchased a ticket they would appreciate your doihg so immediately. BACON-HIATT VOWS EXCHANGED AT LOVELY CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Dad is tuch a graat guy thai ha'll lov* you Wh«th«r or net you giv« Kim a present n«x» Sunday. Why not surprise him with some good, practical duds that he'll be proud to wear and to show off to his friends. Shown below are just several of thai many Wilson Brothers items that will do the trick. See them today 1 * Styled for Father'* Oay fJwne 20th) ; V K- \ W;- ' • P sc • fc- FAULTLESS PAJAMAS New sheer-weight Faultless Paja Mas, roomy-cut for sleep comfort, filet him several pairs at $2.50 U D«C*I SHIRTS. Poronet-weave shirts in cool pastel tones. Can be worn with collar open for leisure . . . buttoned with a tie for business. V-shaped waist. $2.50 ap Co'orful ne^ Congo Tics. $1.00 SKIPPER LEISUREWEAR Skipper Leisure Shirts and knit Tshirts are equally good for working or relaxing. Smart new weaves and colors in easy-to-launder fabric «- ' $1.00 up SUPER SHORTS * SOCKS Dads love comfort. They'll appre date these cool, Poronet shorts with flexible Ringsider waist. * Pastel-toned socks with comfort able knit tops. A lovely candlelight service performed by Rev. Heber J. Miller of the ;! Community Methodist church on Mon- ; day evening, June 7, united in marriage Miss Arleen Bacon, daughter of ; Mrs. Zena Bacon of this city, and | Corp. Carl Hiatt of Florence, Arizona, I formerly of Waukegan. Corp, Hiatt is , the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiatt of j Waukegan. I The church was beautifully decorat- | ed .with spring flowers and candles ; and a lovely candelabra adorned the ! altar. Preceding the ceremony Miss ; Adele Froehlich, a friend of the bride, : sang "Oh Promise Me" and "I Love j You Truly," and these songs were folj lowed by the wedding march played by Mrs. C. W. Goodell Y Miss Bacon was a ractive in a Jj white suit, with which . ie wore white :« accessories and an orchid corsage, Her bridesmaid, Miss Rita Martin, 4 was attired in a green, print sheer T dres^, white accessories, and wore •&. white carnations. Robert Bacon, 1 brother pf the bride, served as best ? man. X Following the ceremony, a recep- 4 tion was held at the home of the 2, bride for about thirty-five relatives f and friends^ Later in the evening the couple left oh a short honeymoon tripT Mrs. Hiatt is a graduate of the Mc- | Henry Community high school and is employed with the Commonwealth Edison Co., in Chicago. The groom was employed with a construction ; company in the West Indies for sev- , eral years before being inducted into ; the army about eight months ago.. Corp. Hiatt will return to camp at the conclusion of his ten-day furlough and his wife will continue to make her home in Chicago. upon their return will reside at McCullom Lake. Many put of town guests were present to witness the wedding ceremony. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. v' TAX COLLECTIONS . Colfaty "Treasurer J. C. SteviWs nounced last week that $900,176.8# Heniy Community high school, is em-1 has been collected in taxes up untg ployed at the Oaks Manufacturing Co., j June 1. This is an increase over the in Crystal Lake and has been making: amount collected for the same rati: her home with the groom's mother, j last year, jjrhich was $817,799.50. ^ HUf*"*1 M » • - - ' . THIS NEW SENSATIONAL OIL PAINT COVERS MOST ANY INTERIOR SURFACE IN ONE COAT • READY TO USE JUST AS IT COMES • DRIES QUICKLY-- USE ROOM SAME DAY • EASY TO APPLY-NO BRUSH MARKS • CAN BE WASHED WITH SOAP AND WATCH • NO OBJECTIONABLE PAINT ODOR • NOT A CASEIN PAINT-NOT A WATER PAINT Green Street BIG TIME' i McHENRY'S ANNUAL COMING EVENTS . June 11 Mothers' Club. JuneiS Sunday Nighters. June 15 Fashion Show -- Sponsored by St. Mary-St. Patrick's School P.-T. A. --Colony Theater. June 17 „ W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Harold 0*eh. June 22 O. E. S.--Bridge Luncheon . June 28 • i Friends Night, O. E» S. July 1 9 C. D of A.--Regular Meeting. " July 2 Christian Mothers--Regular Meeting. July 3 Bake "Sale*-?.Sponsored by Christian | Mothers •--Justcn Brothers FurnitureSStore. July • v ! Johnsburg Community Club, Home Bureau--Mrs. Wheeldek. July 16 Mother's Club Picnic. J T T T 7 • ? T T T t T T T T T T ff T tt T T T T T •T f T T T T J ?t T T T T y T t •T f T f T T T (Sponsored by McHenry Post, American Legion) at Legion Park in McHenry Big Days and Nights FridaypBaturday^Sunday, Monday July 2,3,4,5, Fourth of July Weekend Li&rVvVC r>r ? ? T T T t tT T T T cHENRY invites yon to pause for a short time from the serious side of these dark and anxious days of the war and relax by coming to this city some time during this carnival. Nerves are now under a heavy strain with the worries of what is going on all over the world. We believe they should be given some relief and one way is to create something along the opposite lines--in other -words some real amusement. We believe we have done just this. v This carnival comes at a time when the summer season opens 4n McHenry, providing an extra inducement for paying a visit to the Gateway City. We find it unnecessary to elaborate on the many attractions offered and will only say, "Ask .anyone who has ever attended the Fourth of July carnival days, sponsored by the local Jwigion Post." Hope We'll Be Seeiri* You! , STORE FOR MEN . But Not Now One out of every 33 Australians plays golf, according to an estimate published in Melbourne. green Street •McHenry t • Ideal Alaska ta pronounced "ideal" fcf radio reception, distant stations being received with great clearness. i'0 > fc, T T ft T T V t t T T J T V T t T T T t J&t

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