Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1943, p. 4

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*. . «7-V- r* ,• "! Entered as second-class matter at '. the postoffice at McHenry, III., under yV,* the act of May 8, 1879. •One Year .. Six Months •;r-•' v • NATIONAL €DITORIAL_ .ASSOCIATION * / c trft '.i'fff PLAXNDEALE THEM'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at M6> AvV'f J&&V. Benry, 111., by Charles F. Reuich. ft. MOSHER Editor and Manar« FOR 8ALE FOR SALE--$1,100 Piano Accordion. ..$$•00 Will sell for $250. Miygt be seen to be i............$1.001 appreciated. Phone 656-W-l. 4 •"OR SALE-- Double lot with two houses on same, which warrants an income. Across from McHenry park, one block from river. Reasonable. Address "G," care Plaindealer. 4-tf FOR SALE -- Choice Chester White boar; 100 tons of new alfalfa and clover hay, baled; enclosed pump jack Phone Kimball, Jarrett Farm, Genoa City 71-R-l. „ *4 . FX>R SALE --- Seven - room, modern, well built, well located house in McHenry. Address Box N, in care; of the postmaster. 4 K. jii-r:;,? FOR SALE--Ice box and gas stove in good condition. Call either Satur* *v". ~ v»< i 1 !' l .>'>Ashould£rs» Subscribe :• for ;The > Plaii^eafet^ Gremlins and War Gremlins are pixies (imaginary little people) that came into promi- ' nence first during World War I. when they were said to annoy members of the RAF. Among their pranks are playing merry-go-round on the com- < ^ pass and making the flier lose his , way; jamming the guns when a gun- $ner has an enemy plane in tie sights; ^^0ot sitting on a flier's shoulder and ~v - '" making a noise like a Dad motor. or Sunday. Wbi. G. Barcley, lot ^ Sometimes they are said ' > fly into ^planes from the win^, of seagulls; pqr SALE^-Field flf alfalfa hiy, •'-some pile fcrsay they have,wmg^or about lg acresjT; :miQtines0^ ^vertical '.lift, propellers on their McHenry 37 * FOR SA-tiE^ftpuble bed, spring mat- • tress, ice box, good condition; *gas stove, 8x10 rug; Tuxedo, size 42, ne#?' and miscellaneous household goods; Mrs: F. Haug, Shalimar subdivision. FOR SALE--Oil heater in "very good "condition. Reasonable. Tel. 681-W-l. •• - • ~ . *4 FOR SALE--1938 Ford panel trucknew motor installed this year. Price $375. Inquire at Barbian Bros„ Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 180. 52-tf FOR SALE--ifear-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls ahd ceilings. Call LEO J, STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf McHenry , Illinois FRIDAY-SATURDAY A Picture You Must See Noel Coward-Bernard Miles 'IN WHICH WE SERVE" Also--Comedies SUN.-MON.. JUNE 13-14 - Don Ameche - Janet Blair Io/>L Oit kto (1) "SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT" Allan Jones - Jane Frazee (2) "RHYTHM OF THE ISLANDS" Also--eWorld New.s TUESDAY - JUNE 15 Benefit Program for the St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Sponsored bv the P.-T. A. FASHION SHOW Presented by Betty Nielsen's Shoppe Screen Attraction 'THE NAVY COMES THROUGH" River. Completely furnisn!% and fin- FOR RENT FOR RENT--Upper apartment, five rooms and bath. Hot and cold water. Inquire at 301 Waukegan stret. *4 On Jtme 14, 1777--a day which is thirteen stars, -wliite in ,a blue field, to thirteen, but that"on the admission ; Always stand when "The Star rise and lowers .• «. • noy celebrated as Flag Day--the Con- .representing: a new constitutiq^ of every new state into the union, one i Spangled Banner" is played or sung- : + u andJ™eredat ' Care ***** tmental Congress created the Stars i When Vermont and Kentucky came j star be added to the union of the 1 but do not applaud at its conclusion! i not touch *** Never use the flag for festooning j8rround- . . - or draping, but use stripes of red,' No advertising or lettering should white and blue bunting. . j be placed upon the flag, nor'should ft The flag should- be raised at sun-, be used as a trade-mark !!* Tln?' iand Stripes by Passin£ the resolution: jinto the union in 1791, the flag was flag. fa/o p! " Gh;; l¥That the flag of the thirteen United changed to fifteen stripes and fifteen ago. i i. ren. 4B»/. 4 states be thirteen stripes, alternate stars; but Congress ruled in 1818 that v: Etiquette of Flag. When the .flag goes.>y,-j^:;$ red and white; that the union be | the number of stripes would be limited j ting, halt if walking. € ersonm visited her sister and husband, Mr.: ParaflTiav T« TTniniiP ~ ' and Mrs. Charte, Gibb., last weekend. ^ FOR RENT--Furnished 7-room house at 310 Waukegan Road, McHenry, Hot water heat. Call McHenry No. 6. A R. I. Overton. 3 2 I Mlssou,a» Mont., are spending- some , _!--! I time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FOR RENT -- One and two-room Earl Gilkerson. Her husband, Sgt. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Ida Lupino - Mnoty Wooley 'LIFE BEGINS AT 8:30" apartments. New, modern; tile floors, ;«J°hn D. Jones, has been transferred block ceiling, knotty pine walls, in-a- from Missoula to San Diego, Calif, , door bed, Frigidaire, white porcelain range, built-in cabinets and sink, bath- * Miss Betty Regner will return this weekend after spending a three-week vacation from her duties as student Ms. John Jones and son, John, of nu^!e at Ann's hospital, Chicago. Chief of Police and Mrs. Joseph Saan and children, Patsy and Jerry, of Libertyville were dinner guests last Thursday evening in the James Curran home. y -i By the Pan American Union Washington , , president of Para^Waf^ General Higinio Morinigo, who is visiting ! the United States on June 9 is the Miss Barbara Carey left Tuesday rePTf.9entative of one of the most ro- I three weeks vi«itin«r friPnH« mant,c. and historically interesting The Beautiful MlOVAIf mm CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHewy Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT., JUNE 11-12 Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright ill* "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES* Story of a Real American Hero! SUN. * MON\ JUNE 13-14 Sunday continuous from 2.45 p. m. Deanna Durbin. Edmund O'Brien in "AMAZING MRS. HOLIDAYwith Barry Fitzgerald Peanna's First ip a Year > 1 1 1 I Hill ft II " I Among those from out of town who . , , , „ , 1IWI11.1V , attended the funeral of Mrs. Ella ^ ^nd three weeks visiting friends icountrie8 South" Xmerica.' Burke last week were Mrs. Frank at Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and daughter and Mrs. May Bungard of Elmhurst were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Martin May. Marine Gunner Merle C. Davis, who i'oom--tile recessed tub and shower. Heat, light and gas furnished. Must Heckmann and son, Frances, and Lee be seen to be appreciated. McHenry Cooney of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Town House. Phone 35. , 36-tf Mrs. James Burke and children and ~ Mary and Dan Coffey of Wilmette; Hxil*r WAni£ll | Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cody, Mrs. Ella -- j Kinney, Joseph Fruin and Mrs. Jessie j •?ent * ^y-day furlough here with WANTED j Hunter Boat Company. 50-tf an(^ son» Frank, and the latter's --------- | daughter, Norine, of River Forest; ^ WANTED--Woman for kitchen work I Mrs. E. N. Merrick, Milwaukee; Edi aiT ^or waitress. Eva's Restaur- j ward Aylward of Hebron and Mr. and ,ant, Riverside Drive. 4 Mrs. Louis Young, ^Waukegan. ' WANTSD Evelyn Kraft of Richmond visited i in McHenry last weekend. WANTED TO BUY -- Used bicycle, Miss Alice Ann Ryan of Chicago, with balloon tires. Not a Victory',ormer teacher in the local high Gneral Mortnigo himself is a colorful figure, has been especially distinguished in his military career. He became president of Paraguay in 1940, when the constitutional president, Marshal Jose Felix Estigarribia, lost Maintenance manjYous, all of Chicago ;Mrs. Sullivan , left eral Morinigo was then Minister of Santa Barbara, Calif., where he ex- ^ar/. H* ™ ™any, ™lit<iry ho"ow pects to be stationed. He saw service ba"leflelds of Paraguay, has in the southwest Pacific for eleven ! 8.erVed " d'recto/ °,f th« s mi1; bike. Address Box "R," in care of the 80,1001 • attended Commencement exer Plaindealer. *4 ; ^se8 ^ere laftt Friday night. WANTPn-K 1ft n P T U "i Mrs- John Bote®1", daughter, Mary WANTfcD 5 or 10 H.P, Johnson or Ann, and son, John Jr., visited Woodenrude motor. ' Best cash price, i stock relatives Sunday. State year and model. Address Box "S," in care of the Plaindealer. *4 l«c TUESDAY SPECIAL lte 2c Tax lc Ralph Richardson in "THE AVENGERS" Plus "Mother of Presidents" WED. & THURS., JUNE 16-17 Noel Cow ard, Celia Johnson "IN WHICH WE SER^ET' Phis Latest News Ewnt* That WED.-THURS. Event WANTED--Couple to rent room. Must have car or be able to drive oar. Call McHenry 653-W-l. 4 ANIMALS WANTSD The Dick Smith family, Mr. and months before obtaining leave. ning. Ethel Huntz of Chicago was. a weekend guest of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mclntyre spent Saturday in Chicago. ' Miss Edith M. Scott of Chicago was itary school, and also as Minister of the Interior. Although Paraguay is situated in herb or plant whose leaves are dried and powdered to be used for tea. "Mate" is the dried gourd, hollowed <out, in which the leaves are placed, boiling water poured over them. The beverage is consumed through a tube, a "bombilla" inserted into the goru$ It has high nutritive qualities in addition to constituting a pleasant social diversion throughout the South American countries. Paraguayan tea is served to visitors, even in the humblest home, as a token of hospitality, and the custom of drinking the ten through the same "bombilla" signifies lasting friendship. ^ 7A§ MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE FRIENDS OF SERVICE MEN WARNED AGAINST > DEVISING NEW CODES Families and friends of men in service are being cautioned by naval authorities, in the interests of -national security, against having any part in trying to circumvent military censori ship by using homemade codes in corthe very heart of the South American respondent with service men. Appealing for public co-operation in establishing a non-leak "security line," a statement issued at headquarters of the Ninth Naval District at Great Lakes said: "it is essential that every continent, it was the first fixed Span ish s££tleroent in the great river Plate region, its capital Asuncion, haying a weekend guest in the Fre<J Scjioewer jbeen established in 1537.. Logically, home and attended tlie Commencement initial colonization of a new counexercises at the high school. *fy ^fke8. Place on coastal poihts, *mt | civittah do his share in keeping vita'l N. C. Klein and Mrs. Mildred May I™ Spanish conquerors, thirsting for |lnformation from the enemy Fam. ,an^ son> J- C., of Waukegan attended t and nches, were led feverishly; jj^ an^ friends who correspond with Mrs. Frank Lowe and Eileen Kilday . Commencement at the high school and ; onward by the fabulous myth of "El j aervice men can help if they recognize of Chicago were weekend visitors in a reception at the Ed Young home; Dorado»" a legendary land of great j the need of censorship and realize the following graduation last Friday eve-1 ^*aa"r®' sPanish adventurers in the j dangers involved when it is evaded." ning. The reception was in honor of S®?"1 Atlantic were assured by Bra- r There are definite risks in transmit- Mr. Klein's granddaughter, who was | Zllia.n Indians that they -should push j ting information by private code, navy a member of the graduating class. ! 8V*<u£?,t westward to the coveted land j authorities pointed out. regardless of of El Dorado, and when they; how harm Ims or t.rivnl tVio ntMiuiMt DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. j 'ted in the home of his son and fam- Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodsir last charges. No help needed to load. 14-fcf week. the John Kilday home, Mrs. Robert Ulrich and daughter, Virginia, of Oak Park, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, before leaving for San Francisco, where they will make their home. Mr. Ulrich has accepted a new position there. George Goodsir of New Jersey vis- MISCELLANEOUS ELK'S CARNIVAL--Woodstock, Illinois, June 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th. i Rides, War Bonds and Fun for Young and Old. Don't Miss It. 4-3 Dear Mr. Mosher: I guess I'm the last one to' vritr and thank you for the paper. It's really great tm read about what is going on back in good old McHenry. Iam now going to school at North Carolina State College, but I dont expect to stay here very long because the subjects w<e , , are taking now are refresher courses. Wie will go to permanent school, that is, if we When I left I didn't think there would be any baseball played, so I am really glad to hear that the boys are at it again. We used to play some ball but when they started throwing the studies to us we just didn't have any time. Thanks again for the paper. Ther» are three main things I, and I suppose all the other boys, look forward to and they are the home town paper, chow, and a weekend pass. I would say furlough but that seems to be aot of the question. -- Sjncerely yours," m PVT JOE JACKSON. '••ir MILLER SATURDAY JUNE 12 Richard Carlson in "MY HEART BELONGS TO DADDY" CO-FEATURE "LITTLE JOE THE WRANGLER" SUN. & MON., JUNE 13-14 Deanna Durbin in "THE AMAZING \ MRS. HOLIDAY" with Edmund O'Brien TUESDAY--BARGAIN NIGHT Dennis O'Keefe in GOOD MORNING JUDGE THURS. - FRL Teresa Wright in M SHADOW OF A DOUBT" with Joseph Cotton Harry MunBig, in Barrington Jack Weber returned from Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan Tuesday of this week, having been confined there for three days because of injuries suffered in a fall. Rev. Charles O'Brien of Mundelein spent several days the past week with his grandfather, Jacob Thies. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winkel and family visited friends and relatives in Chicago last Friday. Mrs. Adelaide Gausden, Jacob Thies and son, Jack, and their guest, Rev. LAWN MOWER MACHINE SHARP- [Charles O'Brien of Mundelein, spent ENING AND REPAIRS--Work guar-1 a few days recently with Joe Gausden anteed. Will buy and sell used mow-!at Iowa City. ers. Robert TTiurlwell, 110 Main St., Mrs. Genevieve Swenson of La- West McHenry. 48-eow j Grange and Mrs. Bernadine Murray of ! Allen and sister, Emily, of Polo. Dear Mr. Mosher: Well, it is time that I wrote yon and thanked you for the Plaindealer. I sure am glad to see it every week. Me- Mr. and Mrs. John Murtaugh visited I01 Dorado," they j harmless trival the message Chicago relatives Saturday. j reached the country which became may seem. They said that efforts to Mr. and Mrs. Gus , Herrlin spent j Paraguay, they set up a central base ^ smuggle information through military Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. i*or future expeditions: In the wars j channels are mad»by persons who do, ^ .v , for South American independence, the , not stop to consider the loss of life j Boy, I sure miss that town of in Paraguay which began in i and. property that might result were ; Henry. 1721 are known as the first insurrec- j their knowledge to reach an enemy! The camp I'm in npw is much'bettions against the Spanish yoke in the agent. I ter than the last one I was in. I was colonies. "Family codes," so-called are fre- j iust about getting sick of eating dost. Paraguay has another unusual dis- j quently used by service men in cor-! Out here we don't have dust storm Mr. and Mrs. George Witt and Mr. - Unction among its sister republics, be- (respondence with families and friends but it gets pretty cold at night. 1^ and Mrs .Leo Scheid left Saturday to cause it is bi-lingual. Spanish is its to f£t those at home know where they [in the, quarter master division of the spend a few days visiting with the; official language, as in most of the {are stationed and what theyv are do- j air corps. We will be here for eight former's son, LeRoy, at Lanark, 111. | South American continent, but the j ing. Other guests in the LeRoy Witt home people also Speak the tongue of. the j last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gus j ancient native race of Guarani In- i Doshe of DeWitt, Ife., Mr. and Mrs. idians, who vanished from the country Fred Doshe and Mrs. Clarence Rob- : more than a century ago. It is said erts of Foreston, 111., an4. William | that there is no- other instance of this kind in America. Middle Ages Cruel to Women In spite of the romantic idea of the lady in the Middle ages, there was never a time in the world's When the Indians i history in which women were more jWauconda were weekend guests of! Mrs. James Sayler, Mrs. Albert ; were crossed with their European con-i grossly insulted, more shamefully WE WA^NT AMMUNITION! -- Shot- i their sister, Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mrs. | Purvey and Miss Anne Frisby visited j querors, the physical traits of their 1 reviled or more basely defamed, gun, rifle, revolver shells, any size, Murray left Monday for a visit with | Miss Mabelle Wheeler in the Florence jrace and language as well were lost, i The number of anecdotes that drag any kind, any age, any quantity. We her husband, C.E.M. Kenneth Murray, i Rest Home in Marengo last Thursday.1 There are fragments of forgotten I women in the dirt is infinite. Only pay cash or trade. We buy, sell, trade, jat Camp Peary, Williamsurg, Va. I Mrs. Jack Behlke and Miss Helen | language in natives villages through- \ the scholar sees them, whereas pogruns of any kind. BOHN HDWE. CO.,' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lower of Spring- Buch of Chicago spent a few days in out Latin America, or tribes which ; etry and story tell of romance, dig- Woodstock. 2-4 | field, Minn., are spending a few days ! H. E. Buch home last weekend i still speak their ancestors' dialects, nity and knight errantry. if PVTH w • Z ..« _ I visiting her sister and husband, Mr. and attended the Commencement ex- but the Indian language of Paraguay lljUr--Wo priority on tue floors. , v„„,i„ vrriMs af tVio hiorh aoVinnl Fridav eve- 'is live anH shares with Snanish enual Ideal for schools, churches, stores,- hospitals, basements, kitchens, etc.' Variety of colors. Also FLOOR! SANDING and refinishing with j DURA SEAL. Henning Newman, 932 i Marvel Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone 131. 39-tf LARGE ONES, SMALL ONES. I SELL FARMS.--List your farm with Dan Quintan, Woodstock, 111. He sells 'em. Phone 50 & 54. Call him up. *50-8 i home. and Mrs. Paul Yanda. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas and family returned Thursday from Iowa, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs. W. H. Thomas* Mrs. Margaret Smoak and daughter of Antioch visited relatives here hist weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wirfs and family and Edmund Worfs of Rpckford ercises at the high school Friday eve- 1 is live, and shares with Spanish equal social importance in the country. It Suspend Crow Control Contest Indiana's annual crow control contest, which has accounted for nearly 400,000 black marauders since its inception in 1934, has been suspended for 1943, the division of fish and game has announced. "While there is need for continuous control meas• ures against the crow," the anis also preserved in music and litera- ; tare. Linguists attribute this phenom- j enon to the fact that the Guarani In- j dians had remarkably perfect struc-! ture in their speech, with a trace of j spent the v^ekehd in the George'Wirfs ! nouncemeiit states, "it was felt that ~ me. i no organized campaign -should be Mrs. William Heimer, Mrs. "Nick P.! sponsored this year when gasoline HAVE YOU HEARD ahout the new I Justen arid Mrs. Pete Koob visited j and tires are being rationed and reduced Auto Liability and Property Mrs Rov. N«>im*rt «t St Kiizahfth's whe Damage rates? They will surprise you. .Ask us for insurance rates. ! The Kent Co., ,McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf the classicism of the European Ian-' for defense plant workers? Panels guage, which appealed to European | will insulate the walls and give an conquerors. j Paraguay is one of the landlocked j countries of South America, the other weeks, then we will be shipped to some permanent camp. Hie town here isn't as nice as Salt Lake City bat t guess it will pass. Well, that is all I can think of now. Thank you for the paper. PVT. ELMER GLOSSON. J Fort E. Wju*eiv Yi^OJ#!f Dear Mr. Mosher: I am writing to you to thank you for the McHenry Plaindealer. It is good when in service to read what ray friends are doing down McHenry way. In case you are not familiar with my Extra Room for War Workftr name, I am from Wonder Lake. I am The federal government is foster- j a member of the veterinary detaching a plan to house war workers in i ment here. This work varies from existing structures. If you have sold | veterinary service to sanitary work your car because of the tire and ' that affects a soldier's health, gasoline restrictions, why not con- i I wish to have you discontinue sendvert your garage into living quarters i jnf the Plaindealer for a month's par. GARBAGE COLLECTING-- Let us dispose of your garbage «ach week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, for- Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. tf merly George Phone 365. Montevideo I Corruption The hill which rises behind the capital of Uruguay was originally called "Monte-vi-eu" (Mountain Saw £) by Magellan, but was later corrj nipted into Montevideo Mrs. Beti Neunert at St. Elizabeth's ; wnen ammunition for sporting guns hospital in Chicago Wednesday, increasingly difficult to ^obtain. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Miller, who ; TJ1*8 d®es have been spending the past week in Chicago, were callers in McHenry al conservationist from Monday evening where Rev. Miller officiated at the wedding of Miss Arleen Bacon and Carl Hiatt. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and William Heimer of McHenry, Leo Heimer of Great - L&kes and Mrs. Kate Steilen killing crows, nor does it prevent a club from continuing activities against Ws in its community." "bonhle bdt Duplex demountable housing units ! being erected in Bremerton, Wrsh., of Chicago returned home Saturdey ' defense housing project are, in reallafter spending several days with Mr. ' ty, single houses placed end to end ' being Bolivia, but it is nevertheless ' known as one of the best watered j countries of the world, enjoying a i thriving commerce on the Paraguay ! and Panana risers. Both are navigable for steamships, and the capital, fAsuncion, is the principal shipping ; point. The city has modern port fajciliti£&; including adequate berths, warehouses, railway terminals and loading cranes. The widely known "yerba mate" is one of the principal products and exports of Paraguay, about 7,00 tons attractive interior finish which can be any of five popular pastel colore. These panels can be applied right to the studs of the garage walls. / Short Takes' Private David A. Jernigan, Raleigh, N. C., now stationed at Keesler Field, Miss., is an uncle of Corporal Hargrove of "See Here, Private Han* grove," fame. (Hargrove recently was promoted.) . . . Going upt That's the description of Private Robert Wickizer, Aurora, 111., who stands six feet, six inches and weighs 250 pounds. Incidentally, the soldier iod or until I write you a permanent address. Thanking you very much again I repiain > S/SOT. MORRIS E. HALL. Clovis, New Mexico AO-American Football Star More than 75 All-American foot* ball stars have taken the pilot training course at Randolph Field, Texas. and Mrs. George Heimer in Saginaw, Mich. Marie and Dolores Vales were Chicago callers on Monday of this week. Miss Patricia, Holdan • Chicago to conserve space. After the war is over they can be demounted and reerected as individual homes. •_. wears a size 16 GI shoe . . . The 1 of the plant used for tea being ship- huge mural in the Service club at I ped annually. Much romance is at- Keesler is completed. The I tached to "yerba mate." The native Guaranis used it as a beverage long before the invasion of the Spanish, Subscribe for Plaindealer! when it grew in .wild profusion oveT « ¥<9*ba" " Field huge undertaking occupies an area of 1,000 square feet and upon completion will be valued at approximately $10,000. Daring Peacetimes • Lourdcs, France, includes an oil' and a new quarter divided by the Gave de Pau and connected by • bridge. An esplanade leads to the shrine, the basilica above the grotto and the Byzantine church of the Rosary, completed in 1889. Hanging thickly on the grotto walls are the crutches discarded by afflicted men, women and children who cr,edit their cures to a visit to the shrine. Votive offerings and the flags of all nations are displayed.

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