i*" , Pa«e Six' \» , T j Vfe ; * 7 | w ? " ' ^§f »* ^ r r >%f5i - -'7 /"ff-.?s •«• ', r •:; ••• ;^«<r ^r*? ^ THE McHXNET PLA15DEALER Thursday, July 1, 194 ' ?} CAN PEAS AND BEANS, TOO! flSfeV*1* >?. ••< * ' ' S'w • wm-i. „ // Vv%K^ dx>Mm £ #?y <. • ; Peas . . . Some like them hot, some like them cold, but nearly everybody likes them canned, or so claims Gladys Kimbrough, Home Service Director of Ball Brothers Company. Not everybody likes green or "English" peas and that's all right because there are plenty other peas o£ different color and flavor. All kinds of peas, lima beans, and<|* butter beans are canned the same way. All should be picked and canned the very day the pods are full enough to be shelled. At that .time they.will be from small to medium size, tender and sweet. . ' Peas and beans begin to lose flavor and food value as soon as pulled 'from the vine and are likely to spbil if time is wasted between gathering. preparing, and canning. • Flat sour and all other spoilage can be avoided by paying strict attention to canning rules, Yes, Rules, they are as simple as this: 1. Check over jars and lids the day before the canning is done. If glass top seals* or two-piece metal vacuum seals are to be used, examine the top edges of the jars--the slightest flaw may cause you to have to do work over. The same is true of the sealing surface of glass lids. If there is any doubt as to the tension of the wires on "lightning" Jars, fill them with hot water, sieal, let stand until cold, then hold up- •Side down and examine for leaks, and don't forget to wash jars, caps and rubbers clean. 2. Use young, tender, freshly gathered vegetables--and they won't be fresh after being out of the garden all night. 3. Prepare no more than your can- Bier will hold and not that many if the canner is large and.the help «m«ll. • Three on a Mafreh '.' According to one theory this super- Stition arose during the World War I when there was a very real danger in keeping a match lighted for a considerable length of time, thus attracting the enemy's attention and giving him a cue for his aim. Another authority links it with Eastern Europe where three altar candles are lighted with one taper in the funeral service of the Eastern Catholic church. The Russians, it is said, considered it sacrilegious to make any other lights in a group of three, and the superstition grew that ill luck will befall anyone who lights three cigarettes with one match m anyone who accepts such a light; 4. Wash the po< shelling. Sorry, but dirt is the chief, cause of spoilage, so rinse the peas or beans in clean, eool water after they kre shelled. 5. Cover vyith hot water and cook from 3 to 10 minutes, depending upon size; then pour into the jars while boiling hot--this won't break jars that have been covered with lukewarm water, heated to boiling arid kept hot until heeded. 6. Leave about an inch space at the top when filling the jar; add teaspoon salt to each pint. Pint jars are be^t for peas and shelled beans because the heat reaches the center of the pack more quickly but whether pints or quarts are used, be sure to have enough water to insure quick heating all the way to the center of the jar. Seal or partly seal jars, depending upon type used; then put into the canner as quickly as possible and process the correct length of time. Young, tender, green peas take 50 minutes; blackeyed and field peas, limas and butter beans are processed 60 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. If no pressure cooker is available, process (boil) 3M> hours in hot-water bath canner. Use the same time for pint and quart jars,.. Nothing larger than a quart is safe for canning non-acid vegetables. The bacteria that cause spoilage in peas and beans thrive in the tem- Anclent Snake Bite Cure One of the superstitious remedies for curing snake bites in the pioneer days in Ohio was the application of the flesh of black cats. After the cats were killed and dressed their flesh was applied to the spot on the human body that had be*n bitten. " Order your Rubber Stamps at The Ptaindealef. The Little People A Field museum expedition spent five months in Ecuador, studying the ruins of ancient cities of the Canari civilization, a people conquered by the Incas. Discovery of perhaps the last remnant of the Mayas, who fled before the conquest of Cortes into unexplored parts of Chiapas, Mexico, was reported. The natives are described as little people with long hair, who still use bows and arrows, and who worship figurine gods. Photo Courtesy Ball Bros. Co. perature that makes you say "Whew, ain't it hot in here!" The quicker you make it too hot for bacteria, the better. So, don't piddle around when canning vegetables' or anything else for that matter. If you have no pressure cooker, use a water-bath canner (never art oven or a steamer for vegetables). And remember to boil beans and peas 15 minutes before tasting them-- even if a pressure cooker is usedw for about once in a million 'or so tirries, a toxin fortns in nomacid foods. Such toxin can be destroyed by boiling: Failure to take this precaution has been known to cause se-i rious illness. Re boil non-acid vegetables left over from one meal to another. To use a wafer bath right: Have the water steaming hot and deep enough to cover the tops of the jars two or more inches when they are put into the canner. Get the water boiling as quickly as possible and keep it boiling steadily every minute of the time called for in the recipe. Take the jars out of the canner as soon as they have processed long enough; complete the Seal on all jars that require it (all except two - piece vacuum seals should be partly sealed before and completely sealed after processing-- the vacuum seals are sealed before only); stand the jars far apart on a cloth or folded newspaper to cool. Make sure every jar is sealed when put away for winter and, believe it or not, there will come a day when you will say "I didn't dream it possible that canned peas could taste so much like garden fresh ones." Better Dividends Repair of farm machinery pays better dividends than gold mining. .H' Atoms Make Sky Glow The constant glow in the night sky is brought about by three-way collisions,. between atoms from 150 to 500 miles above the earth.- Meaning of Name Jerusalem* The name "Jerusalem" means "the Foundation of Peace!" It is also termed in the Bible "The Holy City," "The City of God," "The City of David," and* in the New Testament is considered to be a type of the heaven of eternal bliss, "Jerusalem that is above," and, the "New Jerusalem." To this day it is known as el-Kuds, "the holy" among near Eastern peoale. Loo k I In the grade crossing accident illustrated here, one out of five had it--a reckless, uncontrollable desire not only to beat a train across a crossing, but to drive around four other waiting cars in order to attempt it. This description of *a actual case is but one small sample of the driver-carelessness that results in an average of 1875 deaths and 47(50 injuries through crossing accidents each year. Four automobiles were standing Oh crossing in compliance with the warning of flashing light signals and bell indicating the approach of a train. A fifth car drove around t tese standing cars and attempted to cross the track, but struck the locomotive. The National Safety Council is conducting a special campaign to stop these accidents which every day delay 38 trains a total of 22 hours -- a. serious blow to the nation's war transportation effort. Driver carelessness is the cause Of almost all grade crossing accidents according to the Council. To help win the war--to save yourself and others needless suffering--the Council asks you to be sure the track is clear before you start across. PETER B PEEVE -AND D'kb OUT ALL THt PANPE LIONS fN THE LAWN PT you GET THE ROOT5 TOO wNU Service) j* i.i.' $ ' Lights of NewVork • br L. L STEVENSON " Backfire: The order banning pleasure driving along the eastern seaboard gave pause to six well-to-do "residents of a nearby commuting Community since they motored to a nearby town to play badminton each Sunday morning. But after reading the regulations carefully and taking Counsel among themselves, they set «Wt as usual. Sure enough they were flopped by a motorcycle officer who wanted to knoW where they were going. Being prepared for such a question, the driver replied: "To Church." The officer nodded but instead of waving thera on their way, asked, "What church?" After seconds of silence, one of the six, having studied the cop's countenance, answered: "The Catholic church." \ •" v ' "Okay," announced the officer, "I'll give you an escort." \ He took them right up to the door and the sextet not only attended mass in slacks and sneakers but also i paid for unused badminton courts. I 'v : j Bowwow'; New York is the "dog-; giest town" in the couhtiy," tyn Murray declared in Toots Shor's the other evening. He was referring to the canine population and gave as a basis for his opinior) the fact that he had lived in several sections of Manhattan and in each had found that abbut 35 per cent of all apartment house dwellers owned dogs. Riverside Drive and Sutton Place are the city's greatest gathering places for dog exercisers. On pleasant days he has counted as many as 50 men and women airing pooches on,the East River docks. Dogs serve to break down the New Yorker's well known reserve, he supplemented. It's possible to reside in a New York apartment house for years without know? ing who lives next door. But not if dogs are owned. Many neighbors I have become firm friends because J of simultaneous dog walkings. -- * * * IThawing Out: Many New Yorkers are hoping devoutly that the rest 1 of the winter will be as mild as the first part. The reason is shortage of fuel oil. There are apartment houses which, for one reason or another, have not changed over to coal with the result that occupants, particularly housewives, that remain home all day, do much shivering. Some houses turn off the heat entirely for that part of the day when most tenants are at business. There are those who hold that heatless homes play a large part rn the big increase in business in neighborhood movie houses. Motion picture theaters, air-cooled in suntmer, are wellheated in winter because they either have coal burning plants or buy steam which is made with coal. And there are 1,085 movie houses in Manhattan. . • • • Food: Note that muskrat meat is finding its way to New York tables where it would have been scorned in the past. The current meat shortage of course is the cause. But I never could understand why there should be aversion to the flesh of these aquatic animals, unless it Should be their name. As a matter of fact, the muskrat is one of the cleanest animals in the world. Not only is it a strict vegetarian but it washes every morsel carefully belfbre eating it. There's no secret about cooking muskrat--the musk glands merely have to be removed. Tasted muskrat for the first time many yiears ago and prefer it to sqjjirrel, i rabbit or even goose. Also I re- I member when drinking places in ! Monroe, Mich., served roast musk- ' rat as free lunch, Thus many i rat converts* ,!j • . * • . /••• • "i" I " Music Hath, Etc.: When Sophie* j Tucker, on her return from Chicago, j alighted from a train in Grand Cen- ; tral, her one desire was for a "cup l-pt good New York coffee," the dini ing car having run short of the pop- , Jilar brown beverage. But every i nearby restaurant was so jammed j With travelers it looked as if she J *roul4,have to do some waiting bej fore Satisfying her urge. Then an j Idea came to herT The USO runs a cozy servicemen's canteen at the terminal. Taking her pianist, Ted Shapiro, with her, the "last of the Red Hot Mammas" w^nt in and introduced herself. The soldiers and sailors, of course, asked her to en-, tertain. So Sophie Tucker sang four songs--and within 10 minutes, got her cup of coffee. | • • '• : )' Here and There: An ancient with ] a long, bushy white beard calmly stopping at Forty-sixth and Broadway and making his whiskers neat "with a pocket comb . . . and without the assistance of a mirror either ... A woman informing a flower peddler that his gardenias aren't fresh and being asked: "What should you expect for a dime--an orchid?-' , . . . Two taxi drivers trying tQ get j j into a parking space for one. Bell Syndicate--WNU Features. Pork Every Day, She Succumbs Too Late CHICAGO.--A housewife went to her market repeatedly trying to buy something besides pork. By Saturday she had despaired of buying anything else and greeted the dealer with: "Well, I guess I'll have to take some of that pork." < ••Today, lady, you gotta take steak or nothing," he told her. A CHURCH SERVICES Rejected Flier Becomes Air Ace ||S||i«d Dpwn Tw&e, Click* v ^ iOn Third Attempt. tfEW YORK.--His blood pressure was somewhat high and his eyes weren't quite Up to standard. But when it came to shooting down Nazi planes, the only thing "high" about Lieut. Lyman Middleditch Jr. was his record and his eye would put that of an eagle to shame. A member of the "Black Scorpion squadron" of United States army air force fighter pilots stationed somewhere in .Egypt, Middleditch, credit?; ed with downing four enemy planes in as many days, was twice rejectk ed when he tried to join the air force. Proudly exhibiting reports which told of his son shooting down one plane on Sunday and then blasting three more Messerschmitts in a dog fight on Wednesday, Lyman Middleditch Sr., printer-father of the desert ace, recalled his son's early efforts to join either the army or navy "air force. Lieutenant Middleditch's first attempt to enlist was in 1937, shortly after he was graduated from college, but he was turned down because of high blood pressure, following an appendectomy. Two years later he tried again, but this time his eyes were below the standard acceptable to the army air arm. - ' His third attempt, however, made 14 months before Pearl Harbor, clicked and he started training at Lakeland, Fla., in January, 1941. The Black Scorpions, the father believes, got their name from the fact that their desert tents arc infested with' the pests. Thousands in Honan Are Dying in Quest of Food CHUNGKING, CHINA. -- Thousands of Chinese who left Honan province because of one of the most devastating famines In modern Chinese history have perished in their quest for food. A mass exodus toward $hansi province has taken place. Refugees have been driven by hunger to sell children, especially girls, for food all along the trails of the famine-stricken province. Many watched their children die, while thousands died from eating the roots and bark of ppisonous trees. Loyang, one of the biggest towns along the Lunghai railway, is crowds ed with refugees and has become a city of beggars. A recent cold spelj has increased the number of deaths. Vagrant Is Paroled Long Enough to Fix Furnace LINCOLN, ILL. -- The heating plant at the Illinois Odd Fellows Home for Orphans is back in operation-- and Vagrant Blacksmith Jerry Simpson, his repair job a success, was back at the Vandalia Prison farm. The boiler broke down in the midst of the arctic weather this week. No local repairman was available, but there was a blacksmith at the Vandalia Penal farm, serving a six-month sentence fof vagrancy. Prison authorities gave him a twoday leave, dispatched him to the spot with his tools. Cadet Leaving Air Raid Shelter, Nabs Nazi Flier ..LONDON. -- Fred Ovendon, 1 ft year-aid British flying cadet, was leaving an air raid shelter after a recent German f "raid on London when a man approached him in the darkness. "Drink, drink," the stranger appealed. Ovendon took him to his home. There the man admitted he was a German flier who had bailed out ol a Junkers-88 before it crashed Ovendon turned the flier over to th* authorities. St. Mary's Catholic Churefa Masses: . ' Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:3(£ Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. *v First Friday: 6:30 and 8i00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. .Thursday before First Friday-- Affcer 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. Si. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: ' Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00. ' Weekdays: 7:80. ' First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Commanioa distributed at 6:30, 7:00 sad befor> and during: the 7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7aXi t* 8:06 * : Rev. Win. A, O'RourVe, pastor. St. John's Catholic Chareh, Johnsbarg Masses: Sunday: 7:00; 8:30, 10:00, 11:15. Holy Days: ,7:00 and 9:00.. , Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: ^ Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80., Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. » • Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. Pork Barrel Legislation Hie term "pork barrel" legislation eame into being when the first J tJill for harbor improvements was before congress in the early winter of, #823. Opponents of the bill charged ' that its advocates promoted it solely 1 to gain popularity among their constituents at home by accomplishing Something which v/ould benefit only , (pertain communities. They compared the onslaught on the federal treasury to the rush made by the Slaves on Southern plantations when the.pprk barrel was,,opened. After-: ivards river and harbor improvetnents bills were called facetiously "pork barrel bills." Later the term was extended to any legislation al- • legedly passed for the purpose of political patronage. The total con- ; tributions to a campaign fund sometimes are called the pork barrel. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plain dealer. ^.-.V • Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Divine Service -- Nine o'clock. Sunday School -- Ten o'clock. Rev. R. T. Eisfeldt, Pastor. Community Church ' Smiday School: 10:00 a. nC": Worship Service: 11:00 a.m., Junior League: 6:30 p. m. Epworth League: 8:00 p. m. : Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. St. Peter's Catholic Chatch, ., , h Spring Grove * • Masses : . Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. ^ Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. J Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: - Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 .V and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. H. L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor r \ Grace Lutheran Church Richmond Sunday School: 10:30 a. m. Adult Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, pastor. v r, DR. H. Veterinarian^ " 1 Richmond Road , PJutee SI MtHkmr. ILk Charlie's Repair Shop Sign Painting Truck Lettering ; Furniture Upholstering and Repairing fftARLES RIETESEL McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-l -- i One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for ail occasions! A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing .Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. !i?£ INSURANCE F L A£2 EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies 'When yon need insurance of any Mnj Phone 43 «r 118-M Green & Elm McHenry McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. McHenry Lodge No. 168 meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the hall on Court street. Galf to Sea Duval street in Key Wert, Fla., runs from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic ocean. Telephone No. 300 , * Stoffel & Reihanspergtf Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - Phone 43 ; Vernon J. Knox ATTORNEY AT LAW -r OFFICE HOURS -- Tuesdays and Friday! V Other Daya by Appointment McHenry . - .Illinois O^UNQIS A. P. Freund Co. JSkcavating Contractor , Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building-- M. 204-M McHenry, III. WANTED TO BUY We pay $•> to $lf> fur Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive, Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE We pay phone charges. S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS -*^-PAND BUILDERS Otir Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry Discover War Work Aids Women's Health PITTSBURGH.--Women war workers aren't ruining their health in the defense plants-- they're much more likely to start gaining weight. So reports A. C. Brown, safety engineer of the Scaife company , plant in Pittsburgh, which bfrgan to employ women workers with the opening of its armament divisiort, ; • The God of Wat * Thor was the Scandinavian god Of war, thunder and agriculture. He was the son of Odin and Jord, chamftpion of the Aesir, and benefactor of man. He was the implacable foe of the giants, whom he slew with- hi»i magic hammer. . j Deer In Al*ska Since MM 1 The history of reindeer in Alaska dates from 1891, when 16 were brought in from eastern Siberia to provide means of livelihood for the Eskimos and furnish them with food and clothing. I He Prayed Every Damn Night, Tar Tells Knox *PEAKL HARBOR.--Frank Knox secretary of the navy, told corre spondents of a conversation he had at an advanced base with two Irish men, both of whom had received awards for exceptional gallantry who "got religion" on the front. "I prayed like hell every damn night,"^said Sullivan, a naval of ficer. "There are no heathens in the fox holes," said Murphy, a marine pri vate. Thief Walk. Off With Beef, Leaves Bologna LOS "ANGELAS.--Police have re ported recovery of 3,400 pounds ol hijacked meat, but it's all bologna-- the meat, that is. v Still missing are 2,600 pounds of choice roasts and top steaks' Of ficers said they found the stoler truck, some lard and the bologna But the hijacker K£pt the beef. Horses Wanted I B U Y Old and Disabled Horses. ---- Pay from $5 to $14 ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, IIL TEL. WONDER LAKE 158 DR. C. L. WATKINS Dentist - Office Hours - Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eveniitys and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P.O.--McHenry PHONE 15 X-Ray Service DR. J. E. SAYLER DENTIST i Office Hours By Appointment Only Green and Elm Streets, McHenry Good Neighborhood j#- grateful to your neighbors, If their presence makes yours a "good neighborhood." Knots-^-Units of Speed A ship's speed, is expressed in knots, a unit of speed and not distance. A knot is loosely equivalent to one nautical mile per hour. A nautical mile is 6,080 feet. At 30 knots (a high speed!) a ship is traveling roughly 34.5 land miles per hour. KEEP YOUR CAR WELL OILED AND GREASED Friction and wear of valuable parts result when your car is not properly oiled and greased. Keep your car on the road and in smooth running order by driving in here for regular inspection. ^ Our expert, trained mechanics will see to it that each mechanism functions properly and efficiently to give you more mileage with less c^r trouble. They'll completely overhaul your car at an economy price. Care will keep your car on the road! CENTRAL GARAGE rRBJB J. SMITH, *w>p. Phone 200-J Towing - Johnsburg