Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1943, p. 4

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-i^il 4*. m Ti? Page Fo# / i 1:, : » f1 v\m; ^' - zrJ^4 *• V '»* '*%7^ THE McHENRY PLAINDKALER * •* * "*" V* * ^ *v* * ** v ^ ytj * ^ u >* ,-*•«•». O 1 V T f -V. J THE MUENRY PUUNDEALEB Published every 'Thursday at !!• * .Benrjr, 111., by Charles F. Renich. viF^'lV. A. tt. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHcnry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. , One Year ............... $2.00 Bix Months 11.00 NATIONAL €DITORIAl_ " ' " ASSOCIATION t ^/llx^nAtA-- Places to Pliy New York leads all the states in state parks, forests and recreational areas. • •' FOR SALE FOR SALE--Buick sedan in e^ellent condition. Runs and looks like new. Good tires. CaH Wauconda 2544. 8 FOR SALE^--Reed baby buggy. Otto E. Mueller. Tel. 93-R. «8 Vegetable Oilfc ./ • v c •; -V yf. United States vegetable oil tech-'. ';4 \ nicians have recognized Brazil as * • f " * the world's greatest potential source ,N ' .of vegetable, oil exports. Millions of. oil-bearing tre:es grow wild in the - V * . tropical $reas of .northern Brazil. The, big problem -is to obtain labor ' v' * and transportation.'• FOR SALE--Deering mower. Mike Freund, McHenry, on Richftiond Road. *8 i FOR SALE--17t-ft. mahogany Dunphy Runabout; trailer; 32-h.p. Johnson Sea Horse, $200. Call Pistakee 602- M-2, between 3 and 5 Friday or Saturday, or write C. G. Kustner, McHenry, 111. Marine Route. .. *8 FOR SALE---Fifty chickens. Inquire i E ersondls Mrs. Richard Stenger and son of Kalamazoo, Mich., have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett of Chicago visited relatives here over the holidays. Jane Schnaitman of Chicago, a ! Kinsala former McHenry resident, visited Batavia Crystal Lake and tyr. and Mrs. William Marshall of Chicago wer«. Visitors of Mrs. Kathryn Schneider-last Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ndrman Eggert and children, Barbara and Hank, are Vacationing at the Lasch Colony. Dana and Austin White of Cleveland are visiting their grandparents, the Charles Laschs, this week. RINGWOOD (By Halea Johnson) Mr. ,and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and children and friend of Huntley were callers at the C. L. Harrison home • Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Carso and Norma Jane j Mrs. Ada Carr formerly of Spring Kinsala of Chicago and Mrs. Elmer i Grove called on Rev. and Mrs. Collins and son, Elmer Walter, of! Monday afternoon. spent the .weekend in the ; Mrs. Charles Coles and Suzanne of *rlv- •vi' X ' ' ' - O p e n ' - N e w - M i n e s y / . . i Many riew mines have gone ifitO .operation as the result of the expansion of Mexican mineral output v for- United Nations war needs. An economic review reported an increase of 124 mines in operation in Mexico in the first seven months of 1942. Breeding 'roubles Complex The numerous reasons for breeding failures explain why the problem of producing a normal calf every 12 months is not simple. Sterility is not a disease in itself, but is a symptom of many possible troubles. For this reason no single remedy, will solve all conditions causing breeding - troubles. :v>- ' Thursday afternoon after spending a three weeks vacation with Mr, and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. Mrs. Thomas P. Walsh of Grayslake visited in the home of Mrs. M. J. Walsh last week. _ Mrs. Rose Stacey and son, Walter, ofLudwig ThalhVfer7"'RV." 2™Mc^enry". Chicago, former McHenry ves* Conway's second subdivision, located ?5nts' were weekend visitors in Mcori. gste of old Fox pavilion. *8 "®ttry. _ _ -- : -- - -- u M r s . R e g i n a M a r r e a n d s o n , R a y - FOR .SALE Ford % -ton pickup mond, of Waukegan. visited John i Sunday evening callers in the M- Jtruck. '1937; Small bottle gas stove; j Scheid and daughter, Rena, last'vS'eek-i Walsh* home. outboard motor; two boats; 4-wheel end. : i The Walter and Herbert Fenske 'steel.-trailer, good tires; miscellaneous, i Mr.; and "Mrs. R.: % Joheis- of St. j famlies of Chicago are spending the Call at Clir\t Raven's Farm, Hy.^ 176, | Louis, Mo., are spending a two- ! summer at their home on Fox street. Qii Slocum's La^e. ! *7-2 week vacation with her parents,! Holiday guests in the Petter. Wein-. fttfT Mayor and Mrs. R.VI. Overton. , jga'rt home were Mr, and Mrs. Roger Hr- and Mrs" Robert Thompson, Mason of Elmhurst and Mr. and Mrs. mff hogs.. Geo., Witt. Ptione 619.-M-^ Miss Maude Granger and Mr. and Mrs.! Fred J. Bauer of Chicago. - ; "•- •" • ' ' Henry Stephenson, the latter of Ring-! Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz and FOR SALE - Double lot with two ' r 1 family *2?* houses on same, which warrants an ui.-L. farm np»r t ^ & e !in ®oc^1®^e» HI., last Sunday. so Hughes farm near Woodstock. ( la guest that day was Gerald Schoen- Miss Ellen Boyle of Jacksonville, j holtz of Fort Riley, Kas., who was Fla., returned to htr home Wednesday made a second lieutenant a few days after spending a week visiting in the i before. Local folks will remember Mr J. Walsh .home. " I that Lieut. Schoenholtz visited in the Stanley Hill of Chicago spent the , M. L. Schoenholtz home here a few holiday with his wife and daughter, who are spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. James Costello and friends here last weekend. • Henry Kinsala home. Elmer Walter j McCullom Lake were guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill of Aur- I remained to spend a week visiting his Mrs. Ray Merchant Sunday. ora spent the weekend as guests in the brother, Donald, who is spending the Jacob Diedrich home. summer with his grandparents. Donald Kimmel returned to Elgin . Ml\ a"d n M™' A" K" nirsSav nftpmnnn „ ! f"ends of Oak Park spent the holidays at their home at Hickory Grange. Harry and Walter Mueller, chilren of the Otto Muellers, are spending the summer on a farm near Knox, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bickler of Chicago visited friends and relatives here last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schultz and daughter, Nonie, of Chicago and Mrs. Kate Graham of Long Lake were Mrs. David Low, Elsena and Polly of Wayland, Michigan, spent Thursday night and Friday with Viola Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and family and Edna Peet of Rockford and ,, , Mr. and Mi's. Ben Fout and sons of! GeorSe Young home Thursday evewere callers in the Joseph Kattner home at Spring Grove Friday evening. Howard Shepard has returned to Park Air College ;at East St. Louis, after spending a two week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koristra and sons of Harvard spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and Karen of Crystal Lake were callers in the George Young home * Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Miller and children called on Mrs. Albert Schultz at Genoa City Sunday. Mary Hogan is visiting her -grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chanes Ackerman of Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgerta of Spring Grove were callers in > the Thursday, July 8, 1943 Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. income." Across from McHenry park, one block from river. Reasonable. Address "G," care Plaindealer. 4-tf FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls aJid ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry .18. 20,tf, , • , „ , _ ' ; : 1 children, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bev- WANTED |erley and Mary Margaret Westerman of Elgin visited relatives here last Tubs for Yanks Detachable "belly tanks" or auxiliary gasoline containers used by Japanese airmen to stretch the flight radius of their combat planes are proving a boon to Yankee soldiers in the Solomon islands. These supplementary fuel containers which are dropped as soon as their gas load is exhausted, are being picked up by the Americans, cut in half and put into service as bath tubs in the otherwise tubless jungle areas. WANTED TO RENT-r-House in Mc- Saturday evening. Henry or West McHenry. Tel.-145=R. ^r- and Mrs- Earl Seepe of Chicago 7-tf were weekend visitors in McHenry. ----1-- ; -- Miss Mary Ogden of Geneseo, 111., WANTED--Lawn swing in good con- spent a few days last Week with Mrs. dition. Child or adult size. Phone Simon Stoffel. months ago and at that time was suffering from a broken neck, having been injured in service. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burlheide of Chicago are moving to their home at McCullom Lake pemanently, Mr. Burlheide having retired after many years of service with the Chicago Rapid Transit company. 138-R. 8 WANTED1 •--i spring chickens, also heavy hens. Wm. Staines, West McHenry. Tel. 622-R-2. 8-2t, INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS FOR RENT Soy Bean Planting Successive crops of soybeans ln» crease the hazard of stfil erosion and also take excessive amounts oi the ffeosphate and potash from the soil. Either oats, barley or corn io a better crop to follow soybeans than to repeat the soybeans. Soybeans can be planted advantageous ly on corn stalk or corn stubble land, especially since the proposed reduction in oat acreage will cause farmers to use some other crop to replace oats. Small grain stubble fields which were not seeded or where the meadow seeding failed also are likely spots for soybeans. FOR RENT -- Four-room apartment, unfurnished. Mrs. Kathryn Schneider. Tel. 78-R. 8 cl, •'••I :• LOST Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and children o| Waukegan visited relatives here last weekend. Mrs. Ada Smith and son, Granger, of Elgin called on relatives 1iere Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyers of Chi-| Enjoying' cago were weekend guests in thelfrom the heat Saturday night cost George P. Freund home. j the Hfe of Jejjn Madden 16 Gf North Miss Joan R.ley of Ch,cago has been; Lake vm who drowned in the spending the week with Mrs. Theresa | waters of Diamond near Mun_ 1 y' i delein. Mary Ann Wiedrich was pleasantly surprised by the members of the Brownie Scout troop Friday afternoon in honor of.her tenth birthday. Those present were Mary and Charlotte Hogan, Louise Hunt, Darlene and Audrey Andreas, Marilyn Rinkennrng. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mae were callers in Genoa City Wednesday. Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. Viola Low attended surgical dressing class at McHenry Wednesday afternoon. i Mrs, Oscar Berg was a caller in McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison berger, Patricia Day, Jeanne Muzzy spent the Fourth at the Bert Doolittle Jajet Johnson and Peggy Ann Leon- j ^ x't , „ wT. , xr , • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and son, , Y<?r^SP!nt'Geo^e' Greenwood and Mr. and Saturday With friends «t Wonder , Mrs |hepard and Howard, were guest. V'.. e -w • ii j _• of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koristra at Har- Mrs. S. W. Brown called on her i sister, Mrs. Arthur Merrell, at Solon Mills Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Oscar Berg was a Johnsburg caller on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Weber of Chicago spent the weekend With the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlien. Mrs. Fred' Wiedrich, Jr., and Mae called on Elijah Coates at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon. vard Friday evening. The 500 club was entertained at the home <3f Mrs.^B. T. Butler Thursday evening- Marguerite Ackerman of Belvidere is visiting her sister, Mrs. .John Hogan, and family. Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. George Young attended a party at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louise Taber an old resident of Ringwood, died in Oregon, and the Mr. and Mrs George Young were ^ returned to Ringwood for callers in Waukegan Wednesday. burial John Dienlien of Libertyville and Mrs; Walter Larson and daughter, Mrs. Fred May and children of Spring Patnciai of Chicago spent Monday in Crove spent Saturday afternoon in ; the ^ Young home/ ? " the Ed Bauer home. • j . Alice Peet of Elgin spent the week-.j end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.! -- ••• •• • I The George Kunbman family of B»-;SXjfrjSh "Si! TkJT61"11 rimTd Tf'°f !iT F^h 5rnt Julir 4 the 0<'°r8e B- lake two or three hours, spending at boat races, Sunday, July 4. Wnlte Fnsby home. 1 Mrs. Thomas Hunt, Box 232 or call i Mrs. Carl Hiatt and Bob Bacon vis. jthe ^ when friends of the ^r, no. Antioch Io0-\V. 8 jited their mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon,; ticed she was missing. preIuming u rj Cn «. • tu r> . i that she had met with an accident, ,<la„5' f!"8481" ">e George Worts | lh caiM for M and the Munde.' home on Riverside Drive were Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty and chldr^ n and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago. Harriet Boger of Chicago spent the Charles Peet. Lillie Darby and Mrs. Btert Doolittle and Barbara Jean of Antioch spent Saturday with Mrs. Walter Harrison. •* Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary Ann and Janet Johnson were dinner • . ^ • | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bren- # | nan at Richmond Friday. ~ ' The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Ben Walkington on Friday, July 16. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Helen Ruth and Muriel Lu Ann Bauer and ; Marion enjoyed a picnic at Elgin on : the Fourth. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson Mcintosh Apple Honors Man The Mcintosh apple was named for John Mcintosh of Dundas county, Ontario, who discovered it- in 1796. Jellies Help Morale Although there is no proof that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, England reports that apple jellies, jams, butters and preserves have been found to maintain morale so that workers can work more and are better able to withstand air raids. SCIENTIFICALLY AIR CONDITIONED #h#wiag the Pick of the Pictures TUiAPi-Back tf.eatd MILLER Wed.fThurs.-Fri., July 7-8-9 WS'* * Horse on Lou and JyBarrel of Fun for You! VSUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO in Damon Runyoa's IT AIN'T HAY" SATURDAY ONLY--JULY 10 HENRY ALDRICH GETS CLAMOUR" with Jimmy Lydott --pius-- "AMERICA!* EMPIRE ' Starring Richard Dix, Preston Foster SUNDAY & MONDAY, July 11-12 It's That Top Toe Tossing ' ' Technicolor Treat! "HAPPY CO LUCkY" Starring Mary Martin, Dick Powell Betty Hutton, Eddie Bracken Rudy Vallee in Technicolor TUESDAY ONLY--JULY 13 BARGAIN NITE--Also "SOCIAL ACTIVITIES" "HE'S MY GUY" with Joan Davis, Dick Foran, Wed.-Thurs.-Fri., July 14-15-16 'PALM BEACH STORY" Starring Claudette Colbert Joel McCrea A Gay Romantic Comedy! , -V: r HELP WANTED WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter Boat Company. 50-tf WANTED -- Truck materials and coal. care of Plaindealer. 5-tf Colony McHenry, Illinois "" FRIDAY -SATURDAY Lura & Abner (1) "TWO WEEKS TO LIVE" Dick Foran, Irene Hervejr (2) "HE'S MY GUY" SUN.-MON., JULY 11-12 John Garfield, Gig Young Harry Carey, George Tobias "AIR FORCE" Also--New* and Cartoon TUESDAY, ONLY / Lupe Velez, Eddie Albert, Max Baer "LADIES DAY" PLUS COMEDIES >V EDN ESI) A Y-TH U RSDAY Criiy Kibfee, Gloria Warren Butch & Buddy "CINDERELLA SWINGS IT" driver, building j holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Address Box "A," j Kathryn Boger. Other guests in the Boger home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger and family of Maywood. Harold Owen and daughters, Marilyn and Patsy, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Charles S. Owen, in Glencoe last Friday. Harry Hubbell of Glenview and ANIMALS WANTED DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. i M. w . Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the Ma"e Weidman of Chicago vis charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf lted ,n the home of ^ latter s ^ part of the time Swimning around | •££ Th<,mPS°" Mr. and Mrs. Verne Malsh of Glenview called on Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison Saturday evening. Mrs. Agnes Jencks entertained her brother, Charles Stevens and family and Roger Stevens and daughter of J Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and' son of Barrington over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family and Archie Beggers attended a lein rescue squad, along with Police Chief Jess Shields of Mundelein, recovered the body, which was located inot far away from Ray's pavilion. Camp Epworth, located on U. Route 20, about four miles east Belvidere, where for many years picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rousing Methodist camp meetings Charleg Ackerman at Belvidere Sunwere one of the Dig church events of . day< | the summer season, is to be offered j for sale and disposed of as soon as i possible, it has been learned. MISCELLANEOUS KEN TILE--No priority on tile floors. 'ideal for schools, churches, stores, hospitals, basements, kitchens, etc. Variety of colors. Also FLOOR SANDING and refinishing with! home. Mrs. Charles Owen and C. DURA SEAL. Henning Newman, 932 1 Norton Owen of Glencoe were callers i Man-el Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone! Sunday evening in the Owe'n home ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredrcks, Lieutenant Norman Retchin, last weekend. was shot down in a flying fortress Blye Griffith of Great Lakes was a j ra>d over Wilhelmshaven, Germany, guest in the Harry Durland home last! °n May 21, is "alive and well" in a weekend. " German prison camp, according to Charles S. Owen of Glencoe was a a letter received this past week by weekend visitor in the Harold Owen h*8 wife, Mrs. Pearl Retchin of the 131. *»39-tf i an,d attended the Legion carnival. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman, Mr. HAVE YOU HEARD about the new land Mrs. Gerald P. Newman and Mr. reduced Auto Liability and Property ; and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson attended Damage rates? They will surprise j the weddirig~<Sf Marilyn Boone and you. Ask us for insurance rates. | Robert McDonald at the Methodist The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. j church in Woodstock last Saturday 27-tf j evening and also the reception at the GARBAGE COLLECTING - Let us i ^1°" ha?„R°^ert isJhe grandson dispose 6f your garbage each week,l°f Mr" and Mrs" LinU8 Newmanor oftener if desired. Reasonable 1 rates. Regular year round route, for- ! merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf1 Oaks farm, Barrington.- The following enjoyed a picnic dinner and supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Shephard on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Smith, Mr. and who j Mrs. Theodore Muggenburg, Mrs. Rena Arling, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert and Joan, Orville Autson, James Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, William Heine, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and Dorothy, Mrs. Cynthia Freyer of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and George of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family and Fred Wiedrich attended the hames races at Harvard Sunday afternoon. Patricia Clay returned to her hpme at Rockford, after spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and » Living Costs Cp You need $6 today for every $9 you spent two years ago to meet th« cost of living. An extra laborer on th« traefc gang of the Milwaukee road was killed instantaneously in an unusual manner Sunday when a brake shoe was flung from a passing train at Rondout. Thomas Mulligan, 57, the victim, was standing near the tracks washing his clothes as the train ap- I Mrs. Ed Peet. proached. Paying no attention to the j The annual Fourth of July picnic passing train, Mulligan kept at his | was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. work until fellow employees noticed [ R. C. Harrison. Those attending were Weekend guests in the John Pank- him slump over. The object had struck I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and nin home were Mrs. Catherine Ringel-jhim over the heart. Near his body, • family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilman and children, Mrs. Elizabeth j they told Coroner L. Taylor, was | Ham Wurtzinger and daughters of Johnson and family, Jack Mueller, Mr. |a 20-pound brake shoe that had beand Mrs. Thomas Swanell and chil- j come loosened from the train and dren and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lowman, i hurtled through the air. all of Chicago, and Edward J. Pank-j nin of Wilmette. ' A third Continuance The B, itifiil Kl lOVAii mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre COOLED FRI. & SAT.. JULY 9-10 Alaii Mowbray, hi "THE DLv'IL WITH HITLER" Phis "Sherlock Holmes and the VOICE OF TERROR" SUN. & MON., JULY 11-12 Johnny Weissmuller, in "TARZAN TRIUMPHS" Joan Davi.i, Jinx Falkenburg in "TWO SRNOR1TAS FROM CHICAGO" 18e TUESDAY SPECIAL 10c T** 2c Tax lc Russia's Youth Fights on: •THE BOY FROM STALINGRAD" Plus comedy "My Wife's An Anger* WED. & THURS., JULY 14-15 Philip Dorn, Anna Sten, in "Chetniks! the Fighting s Guerrillas" That WED.-THURS. Event Hybrid Yields Thirteen years of tests to edmpate the yields of hybrid and open pollinated corn indicate that a farmer can expect to get 11 bushels more corn per acre from the average hy- . brid than from the average open Tf ren poiliaated variety. j t> ii- , „ ^ , - -- was granted Jervaise Belling of Barrington, R. I Friday in the hearing of Penn I., a former McHenry resident, is j Watt, being held in juvenile court spending the week visiting Miss Betty ; jn Chicago. The case is scheduled to Kramer. r ; be resumed on Friday, July 9. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chi- j 16-year-old Barrington youth, has cago spent the holiday weekend visit- confessed setting fire to five barns in ing his mother, Mrs. Helen Heuser. j the Barrington area. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper and] - of Crystal Lake visited Keep Ducks for Mitt Ducks are kept primarily for meat i relatives here ;cause of their rapidity of growth, their hardiness, and the ease in han- , . . , , , , Funeral " services for William friends he^e and attended the Legion fiirks, 21-ycar-oM Palatine youth carnival on Monday evening. wj,0 wa8 foun<j dead in his car last , . r' a Mrs. Jack Hart and .son of | Thursday morning, were held Sat- «P^nt the weekend visiting urday in London, Ontario, Canada, where the tragedy occurred. Young Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and David of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Edyth ; and Loren and theirlhouse guest, Gay . Klienesel of Chicago. j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and j P^ggy Ann sent Sunday kfternoon; in the P. C. Leonard home at Lake j Geneva. | Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent j Sunday at Twin Lakes. i Mae Wiedrich entertained the mem-! bers of the Bunco club Thursday af- [ ternoon at the home of Mrs. Carr. i Prizes were won by Delia Freund,' Grace McCannon and Pearl Berg. i Mrs. Emily Beatty, ^^^la Low, j NIGHT AUCTION 7:30 P. Wednesday, July 14 *K«ao]ke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Wilt have large run of choice Dairy Cows, close springers and fresh. Good selection of Farm Horses. ALSO USUAL RUN OF DAIRY HEIFERS, BULLS, BEEF COWS, HORSES, VEAL CALVES AND HOGS. Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock consign. .••• ; All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, ei^gi: the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. - Terms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. 1 to 16 months time at '/z of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLIAM E. OAULKE, Owner ^rUhf r?„their raP|?ity 0f gro^th- I The J- Albert Woll family of Win- BirkV had b^n'ThinjTTn ^London "^th dling. A young8Pekin duck^when" weSfend'8^ ^ ^ h'8 Mr- and Mrs- W. T. jA^^Mae. Robort and Walter at properly grown, should weigh tween five and six pounda at i 12 weeks of age. beto Trudell, while attending the Univer- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moderhack, son, sity 0f Western Ontario, from which Kenneth, and daughter, Darlene, of! he graduated in May. He evidently Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer, last weekend. graduated in May. He evidently was listening to a radio program Wednesday night when he drove into Miss Evelyn Kraft of Richmond the garage at their home, and lingerspent several days the past week in ed a while to hear it. Since the bat- M enry. tery of his car was weak, he had kept ; his motor running. The garage doors I blew shut,' the youth failed to notice Cotton Cotton farmers will have 15 mora days in which to apply for federal crop insurance on their 1943 cotton ^r- and Mrs. Ed Holly of Oak Park crop than on their 1942 crop, theian<* Mrs. Cecelia-Konx of Crystal closing date in North Carolina i Lake were guests in the Martin Con ing April 1. Contour Plowing Old Contour plowing was practiced by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. In fact, a son-in-law of Jefferson invented a hillside plow for facilitating this method of plowing which many people consider as a new phase of farming. Alpaca for U. S. Another import from South America-- wool from the herds of alpacas Which dot the high Andean plateaus way home last weekend. R. I. Overton attended the funeral of William F. Hoeft, a summer resident of Oak Park, last Saturday. Mrs. Eleanor Foley, who is attending summer school at Rock Falls, spent the July 4th holiday in McHenry. Her sister, Mrs. Harry Anderson, and family of Chicago are spending the summer in the John Phalin home. Mrs. M. A. Sutton attended the funeral service for William Hoeft at Oak Park last Saturday afternoon. J. Schneider and children, Kathryn, Rita and Robert, returned to Jackson, it, and he was overcome monoxide gas. by carbon Holds Breath ** In a" scientific test, a 20-year-old college student held his breath for 20 minutes and five seconds. Purpose of the experiment was to prove that eventually reflex action would force breathing of the subject against his will.. --has become a strategic material j Mich., Wednesday after ^spending a for United States. Alpaca fleece is j week with his mother, Mrs". Jacob used in the manufacture of uniforms i Schaefer. for., troops and aircraft crew* ex- j Mr. and Mrs. Mel Miller of Woodposed to. frigid temperatuN. | stock, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wirt* oi Baa Matches Matches are not only prohibited transmission in the mails to all foreign countries, including Canada and Mexico, but also when addressed to the personnel of our armed forces or civilians receiving mail at points where sea transit is involved. Read the Want Ad>! tended a family reunion at the ~Leslie+ Allen home at Hebron Sunday. j Loren and Edyth Harrison and" Gay ' Klienesel visited friends at Crystal j Lake Thursday evening. j Helen Johnson and Bob Brennan I spent Sunday in Harvard. ! Rita Mae Merchant of Woodstock [ called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. { Ray Merchant, Friday evening. i Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Collins visited j friends at Fox Lake Saturday after-; noon. j Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. Ben Wal- ' kington and Mrs. Viola Low attended i surgical dressing class at McHenry { Wednesday afternoon. j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mae were j callers in Genoa City Wednesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern of Sprinp Grove w ere callers in the j George Young home Thursday eve- j ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were: callers in Woodetock Thursday after- ! noon. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson, Mrs. ; Rob McLain and Mrs. William Roth j returned home with them anu spent i several days in Ringwood. ! Mrs. Charles Peet spent Friday wtih Mrs. Bertha Peet at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and children FROLIC!! ^CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT --VISIT THE -- "WIND LP" MOVIE BAR (Known as Hemning'a Resort) AT PISTAKEE BAY NEW--NOVEL--UNUSUAL 80 feet of keyhole shaped bar -8 PICTURE SELECTIONS New Movie Unit Weekly -- DON'T MISS ANY UNITFun -- Gayety -- Pleasure Any Time--Day or Night AN IDEAL RENDEZVOUS For You and Your Friends Phone: Pistakee 645-M-2 iiaL" '

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