Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1943, p. 4

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'Uv*£•; « r THE M'HENRY PLAINOEALER -- Published avery Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. ». MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as pecond-cltss matter at tbe postoffice at McHenry, 111., nnd« tile act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... ftix Months $2.00 $1.00 !• NATIONAL €DITORIAl_ Ml/to W ASSOCIATION III y%unSiA-- Health Program ': - Brazilian and United States mpleal medical specialists are organising the greatest health and sanitation program yet undertaken for the vast Amazon valley, with the object ot protecting tens of thousands .of additional workers expected to enter the valley to expand production of rubber and other tropical materials. . r ?! ersonals fOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wolf, Jr., and son of Chicago celebrated their twenty-first wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield REGISTERED HOLSTEIN B U L L. j Hagberg on Sunday. FOR SALE--Yearling bull; highest! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of records of his six nearest tested dams ' Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. average: Fat, 849 days, 788.96; milk, ! Mlollie Givens, last weekend. 21,702.10. Bangs tested. James D. I Miss Evelyn Kraft and Miss Velora Curran, West McHenry. Phone 622- ! Sutton of Richmond were visitors in _ 10-tf J the George Lindsay home a few, days the last of the week. FOR SALE--Estate coal heater, Universal combination gas and oil stove, has Florence unit, and 100-lb. ice box. Call Sunday, Aug. 1. Vana's, Solon Mills, Highway 12, opposite Charles Westlake's tavern. *10-2 & /• FOR SALE--Large Johnson- motor and boat. Good condition. $100. Also ! Ford dump truck, 1 Vz ton. H. Morgan, j Pistakee Bay. Call Johnsburg 624-W-l i or 624-W-2 on Sunday or call Sacramento 1187, Chicago. *10 FOR. SALE •*>-- Cucumber*. 607-R-2. : • y McHenry, Illinois FRI--SAT., JULY 23-24 Johnny Weissmbller, Francis Gifford (1) 'TARZAN TRIUMPHS' Disney's South America'n Feature (2^ "SALUDOS AMIGOS" StjN.-MON., JULY 25-26 Abbott & ("ostello •. "IT AIN'T HAT" Plus--News--Cartoon Musical and Sport TUESDAY--(One Day) • Richard Dix, Jane Wyatt Albert Dekker 'BUCKSKIN FRONTIER' - Pitt Comedies WEDNESDA Y-TH U RSDAY Van Hefliij/ Ruth Hussey L. feirrymore 'TENNESSEE JOHNSON' FOR SALE -- Double lot with two houses on same, which warrants an inc,eme. Across from McHenry park, one b^ock from river. Reasonable Address "G," care Plaindealer. FOR SALE--Year-'rou~d comfort and J economy with fire-proof Johns-Maniville Type A Home Insulation "Blowni in" your walls afcd ceilings. Call | LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf WANTED WANTED-H Spring, chickens, also heavy hens. Wm. Staines, West McHenry. Tel. 622-R-2. 8-2t Mrs. Mollie Givens, son, Donald, Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann Frisby were Elgin callers Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson accompanied their daughter, Marguerite, to Chicago last week, from where she left for Hunter college, New York, for induction into the WAVEs. Roy Redwanz spent the weekend visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Brahm of Chicago were Thursday visitors of Phone jher sister, Mrs. John Murtaugh. 10 J Shirley Colby, who is making her home with the William Ziengenbeins in Denver, Colo., will soon become the bride of Paul Ziengenbein, now serving with the marines, it has been announced. Mr, and Mrs. George Hoelscher of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Larkin of Elgin were McHenry callers Sunday evening. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder visited in Palatine last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moderhack and children, Darleen and Kenneth, of Chicago visited Mrs. Moderhack's mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer, last' weekend. Weekend guests in the John Kilday home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith and family and Eileen Kilday of Chi* 4-tf WANTED TO BUY--Small modern, [home in vicinity of either Catholic jcago. church. Address Box "L," in care of I Mr.a nd Mrs. Harold Phalin of'Lake the Plaindealer. *10, Villa called on relatives here Sunday. -------------------- ----~ j Miss Genevieve Knox, who is em- W ANTED TO BUY We will pay ployed in Chicago, spent the weekend! cash for wire coat hangers. McHenry jn McHenry. Cleaners, Elm St., McHenry. *10 £ob Bacon spent the weekend ^in WANTED TO BUY--McHenry or Arlington Heights West McHenry residence. State price . M*- «nd Mrs. C. H. Dukei:, Mrs. and location. Address Box "P," care ^nard McCracken and children, of Plaindealer *10-2 Patsy and Dom"e, visited Leonard ot riamqeaier. McCracken in Victory Memorial hos- WANT TO BUY--35 to 40 acres work , pital Sunday. The latter returned larm with couple acres of timber. ; home with them, having been confined North of Crystal Lake or within the in the hospital for two days previous. *West McHenry rural mail delivery: Mrs. Carl Hiatt of Chicago visited zone. Must be on side road, kept open ; her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, last during winter and high enough for j weekend. Because of illnss Mrs, good drainage. Give price and loca- j Hiatt was unable to return to her tion. Address Box "T," care Plain- work Monday morning. dealer. *10 Edith Wiedling of Chicago and Dor1- ---- " othy Wiedling, who is acting as coun- HELP WANTED pelor at a camp at Elkhorn, Wis., The Beautiful I.IIOVAI! mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Go's. Leading Theatre COOLED FRI. & SAT.. JULY 23,-24 Tom Conwav Harriet Hilliard THE FALCON STRIKES BACK' William Boyd, Andv Clyde in "LOST CANYON'* SUN. & MON., JULY 25 26 Sunday, cont. from 2:45 p. m. Mary Martin, Dick Powell in "HAPPY GO LUCKY" with Betty Button. Bddie Bracken Romance and Music--in Color Me TUESDAY SPECIAL 10c Tax 2c Tax lc Joseph' Cotton, Dolores DeJRio in "JOURNEY INTO FEAR'* Ptos Edgar Kennedy Comedy WED. & THURS., JULY 28-29 Richard Dix, Jane Wyatt "BUCKSKIN FRONTIER" That WED.-THURS. Event - ; ' ' s p e n t t h e w e e k e n d w i t h t h e i r p a r e n t s , WANTED--Farm manager to run j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiedling.. 300-acre farm. Salary from $150 to j Mrs. F. H. Cobb of Chicago spent $2C0 per month. Apply Kent & Co.,; ^he weekend with her cousins, Mr. McHenry, 111. 10 J and Mrs. Linus Newman. Mrs. William Johns and daughter, : v>arol Ann, of Dayton, Ohio, and her! i sister, Miss Jeanne Warner, of Elgin WANTED--Waitresses--3--Steady or summer work. Top wages and good : tips. Hill's Cafe, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 10-3 WANTED--Maintenance man. !HunU*r Boat Cornwall %. 50-tf WANTED -- Truck driver, building materials and coal. Address Box "A," care of Plaindealer. 5-tf WANTED--Boy or girl to work in /""".V™1™ store. Also boy for Japer route. In- !Caro1 Ann' of quire at Albert Krause News Agency. gpen^ Monday with relatives here. . : j Mrs. Jack Purvey, daughter, Pattie, and son, John, of Alexander, La., arrived Friday for a month's visit in the Albert Purvey home. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman and guest, Mrs. F. H. Cobb, called at the C. L. Newman home at Slocum's Lake Friday. Mjr. and Mrs. Eugerie Zoia and children, James, Eileen and Helen of Woodstock, visited Mrs. Zoia's aunt, Mrs. Peter Doherty, Friday evening. Mrs. Delia Callahan of Chicago, who had been spending a few days with her sister, returned home with them. Mrs. Jesse Yous of Chicago spent the past week in the Martin Heckmann home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak Park visited Mrs. Blum's aunt, Miss Mary Fleming, a few days the past week. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughters, MJary and Dorothy, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Kate Graham at Long Lake* Mrs. E. F. Kelter and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner are spending the sum-' mer at Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Ford McDonald and ANIMALS WANTED DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS daughter, Joanne, of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. George Haldeman and son of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson attended a farewell party for Ed Lay in Spring Grove on Sunday evening.^ Mr. and Mrs. Michae'l Thill of Aurora spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Rev. Father Walter Conway of Notre Dame is visiting in the James Doherty home this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Wietel of St. Charles visited Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty were recent dinner guests in the Harold Phalin home in Lake Villa. Mrs. Anthony Neumann and daughters, Theresa and Catherine, are spending the' week in the Olson cottage at Woodlawn Park. Mr. Neumann expects to spend the weekend/}^ here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett and children of Johnsburg and Arthur Jackson were Chicago callers Tuesday. Frank Warner, son Billy, and Walter Warner of Elgin were visitors here Monday. MJrs. Mae Lester of Elgin was a dinner guest Monday in" the M. A. Sutton home. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Doshe of Clinton, Iowa, and Harry Peterson of Davenport, Iowa, spent a few days the past week in the George Witt home. Mr. and Mrs. John Meeha* and three children of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund accompanied George Freund, Jr., and Walter Nickels to Champaign Sunday afternoon after the boys had visited at their homes here. Both are now stationed with the army there. Lieut. F. S. Orr of the Great Lakes, former coach at the local high school, and his brother, Louis Orr, of Fox Lake, called on old friends here Tuesday evening. -- ( s . Kangaroo Has. Kin The kangaroo of Australia is a near relative of our native opossum. Matches From tytdy With matches scarce in Britain, a Londoner has discovered that the human body'contains enough phosphorus to make 2,200 match heads. Malarial Scourgo ' Malaria is a persistent scourf# fa Chittagong, India, because of numerous mud flats and stagnant pools. Smallpox and cholera also are prevalent. Winds sometimes bring the city into the headlines. Worst storms swept it in 1848, 1872, 1876 and 1807, laying it low for a time. Laden with moisture, the southwest monsoon cools the air, drenches the land with dew and rain, and envelops the town ki dense fogs. UCHENRY COUNTY'S FAVORITE SHOW PLACE •SHOWING THE PICK OF THE PICTURES CAREFULLY COOLED MILLER |K ENTILE--No priority on tile floors. i Ideal for schools, churches, stores, {hospitals, basements, kitchens, etc. • Variety of colors. Also FLOOR [SANDING and refiniehing with jDURA SEAL. Ifcnning Newman, 932 , Marvel Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone ' i3i# 39-tf | daughter, Kay, of Waukegan, called in the Linus Newman home Friday evening. Mrs. Lewis McDonald of Woodstock HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property j Damage rates ? They will surprise j spent Saturday evening at the* Linus you. Ask us for insurance rates.! Newman home. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. j Dinner guests in the M. A. Sutton 27-tf | GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ' dispose of your garbage each week, : or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regulaj* year round route, formerly George Meyers1. Ben J. Smith. Phone 366. tf \\ < lOc.lst IK'k SATURDAY ONLY--JULY 24 2--CHOICE FEATURES--2 'TENNESSEE JOHNSON' with Yen Heflin, Ruth Hussey Lionel Barrvmore PLUS 'OLD CHISHOLM TRAIL' with John Mack Brown SUN.-MpN^ JULY 25-26 Blazing a "Trail of Victory's "AIR FORCE" Starring John Garfield. Gig Young Harrv Carey, George Tobias -- A MUST SEE PICTURE -- TUESDAY ONLY--JULYV7 Bargain Nite--25c ^ A1M> Giant "Socal Activities" •-- ON OUR SCREEN -- "LADY BODYGUARD ' Bddie Albert, Anne Shirley Wed., Thurs., Fri., July 28-29-30 Destined to be One of the Great Pictures of All Time! "THIS LAND IS MINE" -- With-- > Charles Laugh ton, MaureeaO'Hara tuapitBS o®o p Save Property in Wartlmo Federal Housing administration, in a current statement says: "A paint-neglected house is a house well on the way to decay and deterioration. If painted in time, it will furnish years of additional service and comfortable living; in addition the property will maintain its value." Paint Multiplies Reflection D. F. Wilcook of the Basic Science , laboratory of the University of Cin- | cinnati has found that new white finishes which have been developed , for interior walls reflect as much as ! 72 per cent of the ultra-violet rays ! from ultraviolet ray "health lamps" ] compared with less than 10 per cent j of such reflection in an ordinary room. The findings indicate that , users of the lamps jn rooms properly ! painted for their use will receivo more of the beneficial rays than otherwise would be the case. Schools Are Community Centers Speaking at a United Parent- Teachers' association dinner, Dr. John E. Wade, superintendent of New York city's schools, stressed the urgent need for opening public schools at night as community and recreation centers. New York city has pioneered in the use of school facilities for recreation activities and many of its buildings have a wide range of excellent programs , to fill the needs of service nen, i war workers and their families. Custodial service on Is 24-hour basis Is provided. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin of Elgin, Eleanor Larkin of Chicago, Mrs. George; Hoelscher of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sutton of Elmhurst. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller attended the fifteenth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. -and Mrs. Christ Anderson of Woodstock at Walkup Park in Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kempfer of Waukegan visited relatives here last weekend. N Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins and son, Dick, were Elgin callers Tuesday afternoon. • Miss Sue Nimsgern of Genoa City, Wis., visited in theMartin J. Stoffel home Wednesday. In the afternoon they visited in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch were Thursday visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. E. J, Lohr, at New Glorus, Wis. Miss Angie Freund and Miss Lucille Blake left Sunday for a week's trip in the North. Miss Lenore Frisby has been enjoying a two week's vacation from her work in Chicago. Visitors in the Anton P. Freund hpme Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan and daughters, Jul- j aine and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Delphm , Freund and son, Denny, and Mrs.' Jrvin Freund of McHenry and Mr.' amTMrs. Joe Petitclair and sons, Paul - and iuddy, of Waukegan. j Jars. Anton P. Freund returned j home Friday, after visiting a few^ days with her sisters, Sister M. II- • | defons, Sister M. Arcadia and Sister i Jeremia, at Newburg, Wis. j ! Art Jackson and Ray Smith were j McCullom Lake callers Monday evening. Alfons Diedrich of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. . Mr. and Mrs. William' Novich, G L O B A L of the World at War Here's a realistic picture of the' world, a "plane's-eye view** that makes it easier to understand the scope of this worldwide war, with new-stylo maps by Matthews-Northrup. • 4<#lof Global Maps, sbowia* tit • Chronological Map* of At baol* front* • 10 fali-PM« full-color • Army ud Nirjr Insignia • TIIM of Modara Plsaar' ^ e 4| yuevit'* ATLAS 35c ilcHENRY PLAINDEALER Burns Paid for Tombstone Whether Robert Burns paid for the tombstone he had erected in Canongate churchyard in memory of the poet Ferguson is believed to be settled by proof showing that the Scottish bard Settled the account In full. The question has been agitating Scotland for some time with heated arguments among historians. Some one has produced Currie*s "Life of Burns," which states that the monument cost Burns $27.50, »nd that the money was paid through Peter Hill, an Edinburgh bookseller. In his letter accompanying the money, Burns wrote regardinjg the marble cutter and stone: "He was two years in erecting it after I had commissioned him for it, and I have been two years in paying him affir he sent me his account; so ho and I are quits." Order your Rubber Stampa at The Plaindealer. I Peru Produces Coffee Peru produced over 9,200.009 pounds of coffee last yeli. What Words Mean The most bitter word is--alone; the most revered--mother; the most tragic--death; the most comforting --faith; the saddest--forgotten; the £ ".'{j most beautiful--love; the most cruel --revenge; the most peaceful--tranquility; the warmest--friendship; -- and the coldest--not. Meat for Pans Use person who slauf delivers to others even one animal of the kinds affected by. (he meat restriction order is subject to thai order. Farmers who slaughter livestock for their own home use are not affected. Records open to inspection by the OPA must be kept on any animals slaughtered for delivery to others. SPEED BOAllRACES !$^DAY,;Aua'1^19431;. ?•%. AT PISTAKEE BAY ; , . | Beginning at 2 p.m. • . Henning's "Wind lip" Resort * ' i . WITH THE FIRST AND ONLY MOVIE BAR NEW--NOVEL--UNUSUAL 80 feet of keyhole sharped bar 8 PICTURE SELECTIONS -- New Movie Unit Weekly - DON'T MISS ANY UNIT-- w Fun -- Gayety -- Pleasure/ .- Any Time -- Day or Night AN IDEAL RENDEZVOUS For You and Your Friend* Phone: Pist&kee 645-M-2 Make your gas range work better. • .conserve cooking heat Here ore some easy ways to save in wr kitchen t your gas flame for the job "Acquired, not beyond it. A high flame does not hasten Cooking-it only wastes gas. Cooking ntensU| lor top-of-stove cooking, a oan with straight sides is better than a bulging one. Duplicate or triplicate pans which lit together over a single |>urner cook several foods with little fuel. For oven cooking, use dullfinished casseroles and pans. Polished metals reflect some of the heat, they should absorb. Preheating When preheating the oven, leave the door open two or three minutes to prevent condensation. Broiler should be preheated to high temperature -before placing meat on tray. "When the oven broiler is not in use, remove the tray or placc it. wi tbt jk>wwt larit r ideas "Ok r wludo P"™ , A p\,incO- stIve g« Cleanliness Dirt, food, acids and stains from boil-overs tend to shorten the life of your gas range. Whea food spills in the oven, cover it with salt and after oven has cooled, wash away with soap and water. Oven racks may be cleaned with steel wool and scouring powder, aluminam burners with aluminum cleaner, cast iron burners with soap or scouring powder.* Clean enamel top surface with soap and water. Don't attempt to dean while sur%e is hoc Waterless cooking Use the "waterless method" in cooking vegetables. Pour in a small amount of water, bring it to a boil and then turn the burner down to die simmer point. Result: you save cooking heat, retain the valuable vitamins and minerals, get better looking, better lasting food. Nutrition Plan menus and shopping lists in advance, according to the recommendations of the National Nutrition Program. You'll not only get more nutritious food for your family, but jou vail also save time, work and money. WESTERN TOTTED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY :"'k

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