Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1943, p. 1

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' y- ' • •-• ' : ' \ v • - • W,T*. • . " V ^ • • ' v' ' f ' ' ' v v • ' . '.'- - -I'v * • • . • l • - ' -. 4 ' < ' r , W . ' • ? . . % - ) • 1 ? " ; . - - • ' • * . ' : * - .. Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1943 n THOMAS GARDNER NAVY ENSIGN, IS LISTED MISSING GRADUATE OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY . , LAST BAND CONCERT III CITY PARK WILL V. BE PLAYED AUG. 6 Another •'war casualty has been Yealiztd in McHenrv with the recent The last concert by the City band to be played in the park will begin Friday evening, August 6, at 8Vclock. Besides some snappy marches such as "His Honor" and "On Wisconsin," the band will play a request number, "Alpine Sunset," and a trombone novelty, "Noisy Bill." among others. ,v I The complete program fbObwft: *\ Program • „ "The'. Stair Spangled Banner^- M'CULLOM LAKE WOMAN FOUND DEAD SATURDAY R. R. DE ROME WILL DTP III FID A TT OPEN DENTAL OFFICE DLUIN U H A I I "M"™" OF FATHERS ON OCTOBER 1 ARMY MAN Starting next Monday, McHenry: will have a new dentist in the person i"' of Dr. R. DeRome of Twin Lakes,.' W is. He will have offices in the Reiner building, near those of Dr. H. 8;.-.' VanDenburgh, with hours being from JOHN BURZINSKI, 9:30 to 7 Thursday afternoons and CHILDLESS HUSBANDS TO . MOTHER OF TWO Sundays he will not have office .hours.. Q,Q FIRST . . : • : t ' J " \ • ' • " . \ " " D r . D e R o m e h a s b e e n ^ ; ' p r a c t i c i i i ^ ^ > \ ; ; ; "Unexpected death : it$ lift^ dentist in Chicap for the past thirty ^VAshington." D. C.. Aug. . *.<^UpA MRS . .. . u u lia . . _ _ . • a >v°ung \&*oman, a mother of* two, twenty-nine..flf- these being in draft boards were authorized to draft1 news that Ensign Thomas Gardner, Swinging Down the Lule - last Saturday morning, July 3l, 1943.1the same location, atv-Ked^ie awl fathers starting Oct I in an order aaV- 23, son of Jitr. and Mis. j. C. Gardner; J . ••••"•••v1- " Brockenshire, The dead 'woman is • Mrs: Sylvja Bur- Montrose avenues. ^He .graduated nouneed today by Paul V. McXutt, was listed as missing in action in the , Serenade, Cupid s Chwm^ Miller zinski, 38 years of age. who wasfound ^rom the Chicago College of Dental eha-irman^'Of tlie^^ mfaf ifokn pb%«r*c;o^s^ ii-7 IHicifie. The Gardners hav^ been re$~ i Overture. "Aurora" .1.; Toder dead in bed ather McCullom Lake Sui-ge^ in 1912 and was a member: of mtsisioii V V"?•^ ^ . ' ident*' of this community since Jan-; Mardh. "His Horio^' FiJltnore home at about 8 a.m. bv her husband. mlmy-eiVic organizations.;^* AterU '&• nary. 1-esidii^ on^ t$k oWtSayl^r fajcm,| Walt^, "Alpine Sunset west of McHenry. (Request Number) S'uniber, "Prais|f t and Priss the Ammunition* in. the morijing and wkh some guests cities; Dr, DeRome was at one tim^ by reason "of Ensign Gardner enlisted;^irv tfe.^. j Pop"1®1" : ^uniber, . "Pwisg "-Lor^J had gone, fishing: At 7:loihis wife president4 of the Montrole Ayeiivie• fa estimate was available * ** ' * " " t arose and watched her daughter, Business Men's association- ar.d is a LoesserJ Marie, as she left for work in Wood- Past Grand Knight of the Knights of mopth S. nav'.y oijjSept. 1, 1942 following,.his [ graduation from the University of! •••••• .... tllinois. and served for a time at Cuban Dance, "Fontella Notr»- Dame. Later he was sent to Overture, "The Elves" Northwestern University, where he Marth, "On W isconsin" ........ was graduated from the Midshipmen's Valse ^Oriental, Moonlight school as an ensign. ! m The parents of young Gardner re- ( Trombone Novelty, 4 Noisy •eived in the message from the government only word that their son was P°Pular Numbeiv missing. They know that he was1 "Pennsylvania Polka" their dependents, bat on bowf ill be called each! M'HENRY HAS ITS SECOND BLACKOUT TEST IN A YEAR PUBLIC URGED TO LEARN NEW SIGNALS Kiefer. Kiefer. •"fhe local defense council' wished ^ thank all those who co-one rated and", conxjilied with. the. signals durrr.e .blackout ia$t '• ^-khbu^hwas expected that the;jjlackrot'.-Woiil-d^ sUirt at 9:30 sharp, the first bltie sigt^ nai did hot arrive "frpni headquart ers until 9:4,3 p,hi-.'which tnay have Hv^nj the, reason for s<jme of the {xppie not ignter, ^ tir # nianjf fathers will be called each un^|*'rstandirtK the signals. jWood-,Past of kmghts lnoptll ! There were some reports turned in stock. She then' returned to bed Columbus. ' , . i 1C' .. . < rr»BP imnup \i un i i?o the different wardens that several where she was found dead lessHhan McHenry's new dentist was bprn ,wh. h *!® 1,^ mrs oldj ' • J J people, young and old. did not wish ..Purdy. an hour later when her husband at- and has always made hi^ home in Chi- *hp ll^e children born prior to Sept. Since March, 1943, shortly after his| to comply with their orders to get off on the tempted to awaken her to feed their caK°- However, it has always beett~%"1' *"• are in the 3-A. group. i tnduction into the army, the Plain- the streets and seek shelter. In one .. King, three months old baby. , ^ his desire , to reside and carry on his ( all to Be Based on >'umber. ' dealer has been sent weekly to Corp. instance someone deliberately lighted Bill"...... The Burzinskis had resided for'tfw 'practice in the quiet atmosphere of, The; order, issued by Maj. Q«nJ Jerome M. Miller, son of Mrs. Anni. a cigarette and defied the warden. At Loseyv; past five years at the lake. Although the counUy. For that reason he and Lewis B. Hersliey. draft director, pro- Miller of this city. His first .address present the wardens have no other ; the deceased had not been in perfect his family moved into our cmv,ii>ujiity. vides that these fathers shall be called was Camp McCoy, Wis., .but since identification than arm bands, which ............... health of late, she was up and about Dr. DeRome has three daughters and ..according to their draft order num- that time he has been transferred to; makes it very difficult to get the serving on a destroyer but his exact •••• ••• •••• Lee and Manners, and her death came as a shock to her three sons, two of the latter how serv- bers without distinction as to their Fort Custer, Mich. . - proper recognition from the public* location or any j)ther details were March, "Invercargill,t,ithgow family and friends. ing their country. af^s or Hie, numlter or ages of their --. . ' especially in the dark. It is their •mined. It is the hope of the family Finale. "God Bless America*'.. Berlin. Surviving besides her husband, It is the belief of those who Mve children. .. ....... „ " GRAND JURY HAS j li^pe, howeVer, to get helmets, arm and their friends that "more definiter • - . John, are two children, Marie, who at- met the new dentist that he will gain As in tlfe case of childless ntis . INDICTED CHARLP5! * band insigntas, plus flash lights and and favorable information may be ret,> M3XTi«lgf6 LiC6QS6S ^ • . tends the local high school, and Ray- many friends in his new home. It is bands,, fathers who are "key men," , nnopu •ov mi A rtrvr^i night sticks in the near futur»j. \ • eeived soon 1 _ v mond, three months old; one sister, our bop'e that he likes our city equally in|: agriculture or essential industry ; OOKBiY. EX-MARINE It is hop«Hi of all"that in future Ensign Gardner was bom in Toluca, r T*om»s r Bai"^i!Tge' Cxystal Josephine Josinski; one brother Jos- as Well; 4 ;ar'e. to be granted oeeupatiouai de* --r--•--7 blackouts everyone will co-operate III. Besides his parents he has three " Lois W alters, Crystal eph Eisenkohl; two'step-sisters,. Mary sisters and-one brother, Richard and ^ ' ;^iv ' * Eisenkohl • two step srs^rs, 'Mary Wilma of Berwyn and Lois and Carol 1Maday and EUa Nugent. at home. ;!1 ' • . Shirley Ki Sjae ow, Cary, Ilk _ ' ^ body taken t<j a funeral iVTV" :;"OthWXaSualties^"^^^ °'1,home at 5123 South Western avenu, , , ., • JiVi • ii.,,' Mary ^ Page, Chicago. Ml. , jn Chicago, where it rested until Wed- Jlr. and Mrs. Donald R. Mev is %vee we ave ;,e^® • •'George H. Seibel, \Voodstock, III., nesday morning 'at 8:30 when services parents of a babv giri. born Fri-" as 'are necessary, to- supplement tli 'ITI^d^^rtwei^two^eold0lettered! if'h u. • ^ ^ere held at St. Michael's church; In-^^jjy morning, July 30, at the Wood- supply of available single men and two sons ^nmv serying with that • lt is wise to watch the papers-and • . '• 1, . fi ki> rn Standish, Maiengo,, terment was in Ressurection ceme- stbek hospital The 8 lb, 12 "oz little niiirried nieu without children who branch irif the service in the south- 'istt>n f°1' radio announcements con- rrrvrcSi .. bi^™.: tt. .«.>w,u.«»mc,- Thes. men are known to have made ' : -- * ^ Dr- Henry F. Andree Bailey, will answer to the name of-111 tor military service) deferments. - Last summer Corev was reinstated jsU,et> wel^ t*fc^" J*88 trouble would the supreme sacrifice. It is possible-ROLAlTD M'CANNON fistakee Bay residents are this Mary -Grace. Her father, SeainiMfc-,-;^. »««rds Told to; CoMb 4-Fs. .- in the marines as a sergeant and left'• ^ .ewounteryd at these, times. . - that some are' not vet recorded on! TAlfF<5 ftVFP wsm - week mourning the sudden passing on Meyer,-is in tli« South Pacific. At the same time. loOal boards for.'San Diego training, then sent to • louowing is-tne.\ei-y latest air th^ h^Z rolL ttow"er, Xse / TAK1.S OVER^ NEW^ Monday, August 2. 1943, of Dr. Henry Mr. and Mrs; Leo Blake herald th*^ instructed: to comb the ranks Milwaukee as a recruiter. The start ra,d warn,n2 system and signals with the names and home addresses of rest of kin. f W i s . ' > ' ' Births ferments by local boards. Likewise, The love of a Woodstock justice of with the.wardens and others in charge fathers whose induction would cause • the peace for the marine corps to 'or 't is not the desire of the jocal "extreme hardship ami privation-' to which he once belonged 'ed him into counci' to report anyone to ,hej|d-:.. t)ieir families 'Still be deferred. tfouhle-rTecently. Tlie \storyrasT' ap*' •,'i'iiart"ers,: It is our duty to remember Gen. HtM-shey instructed local boards peared in a Chicago paper, revealed" that this is everyone's war, not just are tP 'eali farljers oiriy in such- numbers-the man to be Charles A. Corey, 42. ibose|who are in charge of thesjp.eea marine in the last war and with ossa,'y demonstrations. seryinsr with that SCHOOL DUTIES F. Andree of MaHemy and Berwyn. arrival of a baby daughter, bom at of childless husbands who are clas- of his downfall came* when word ^le council w.ll operate. It is -- ! .Survivors include his wife, Margar. . the Woodstock hospital .Wednesday of sified 4-F to sitt out registrants reached Woodstock residents that he^• .that ®ac|} family clip out WILLIAM PEARSON, McHenry. Succeeding Ethel C. Coe, Roland et; three sons, Henry, Jr., Donald and this week. Parents Mrs. Joseohine Pearson, McCannon of Algonquin last Monday Robert; and one sister, Lucille Ah-. . . McHenry took over the duties of superintendent dree. " BOLLU (.'HA vIBERLAIN, McHenry. "the McHenry county schools, an The body rested at a funeral home ' * Dr and Mrs. "E.' D-;' ^ffk-e which .Mrs. Coe has held for at 318 N. Central avenue, Austin, until this (Thursday) morning at V "-vVv'- Parents: Chamberlin, McHenry. KRNEST MILLER, McHenry. i Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mill? er, McHenry. JOSEPH NELLES, Woodstock. Parents: Martin Nelles, Wood- ,. stock. . • • THOMAS LOUNSBURY, Wo>od$tock. Parents: Robert Lounsbury, ! Woodstock. .» j . KOBERT SWEfcNEY, Woodstock. ' j Parents: T. J. Sweeney, Wood-,' stock. IA VERNE ROBERTS, Woodstock. ; 'Father: Fred Roberts, AIden". BYRON OLCOl'T, Woodstock. V Parents: Eugene Olcott, W?ood- . .htCCK.. " :> VERNO.n J.. KELLY. Woodstock. ' 1 Mother: Airs. Luetfa Kelly, Darien, ' • Wisconsin. ^ • HENR1 1". tiLivCHAL, Woodstock, l'arents: EuwarU 1'ercnaf, Cnicago. WILLia.u MUSSER, Woodstock. Fattier: Jonh Musser, Wood- " '""Stock,.' "' •: ' RATION GUIDE He was arrested and last week a are . grand jury indicted him for operating the following and study it. then hang it on the|Wall for future reference. New System When the blue warning signal'ts given (a steady blast) it means that who may be eligible for the dr lft was a sergeant. and, likewise to review the records of childless husbands who other deferral classifications. ^ private mavino corps intelligence" It was explained the order does office at Woodstock all last summer. not mean that all draft boards will ; The jury had two complaints: That enemy planes are headed in'your distart (.ailing fathers Oct. 1. It was Co^e^ posed as a captain." and "That rcction.^ When you hear it all lights • • • % . said some boards have reserves ofj he 'swore into' the marine corps five shouU1 be blacked out unless specific In order that local housewives may childless husbands sufficient .to'meet i townspeople as marine corps intelli- ca"y exempted. Autos may continue keep up on the fast changing ration their quotas for .several weeks or t ge^e-' oflTicers. '."t»lting;.flS.10 the five ! w't'1 on 'ow beam and pedesschedule, we" are giving following possibly months:.but that other boards.; $375." _ - j trians may walk. Workers remain at time-table as released by the office of will have exhausted their pools, ex-/ According to United States At^ their jobs and the civilian defense torney Francis J. McGreal, Corey had i m<l«V'zes'. ; . McNutt said the•.drafting of fathers ( commissioned several Woodstock men when the red signal is sounded (a good is made necessary by the approachfiig; as "officers," their duty being to series of short or wavering, blasts) exhaustion of other ]K>ols at regis-' guard 'against' sabotage in that area. m^ans bombing is expected, good > i:i !h^ fa e of ( 0:»Tinu^d calls They were- to tell no one of their new *n YVS .cafe *c S^°P8, a" , by tiie army and the' navy tor aJ-' office. are blacked out except authonzed em- - ditional men. He said the coinbiiled When word spread last Winter that ei Kency lights and all take shelter. When the blue warning sounds 9 o'clock when services were held from St. Odillo .church. Interment was in Mount Carmel cemetery. MANDAMUS WRIT SOUGHT BY KNOX \ AGAINST COWLIN price administration for this region. ; cept for fathers, 011 or before Oct. I : , PROCESSED FOODS: Attorney Vernon Knox of Crystal Blue stamps N, P and Q Lake and McHenry* has filed a suit in though AUGUST 7. the circuit court against Henry L. Blue stamps R, S. and T Cowlin, county judge, of Crystal Lake through SEPTEMBER 2. asking for a writ of mandamus be is- ME4TS AN'l) FATS: sued by the circuit court directed to stamp T good through AUG- lCaI1 a,my and the navy for July Corey was in reality reinstaed as a1 When the blue wi Judge Cowlin to. act on the approval UST 31 > • 8 was meu.and Vill be 275.000: a. marine sergeant one of his officers'1 (another steady blast) it means enor disapproval of an inventory filed in the estate of Ella Kelter Burke in the county court.. « Attorney Knox stated in his com - I lairit that on (June 28. 1943, Martin Cooney' was appointed in court as executor of the last will and testa- Red stamp U good through AUG- t"1' August and September. : became suspicious and rejwrted the, emy planes have passed but may re- UST 31. "Hartlship" Case* Continued. incident to Col. Chester L. Fordney, turn. When you hear this all lights Red stamp V good AUGUST * 8 'He said tW? new order wipes " out marine corps head. After further in-! remain .out, *but it ' is permis through AUGUST 81. • Stimn-No mn^u- Ration Book and"ineaii^"jhnt"'uJl""\Vh>^lally'"fS',the Case'tunie.l over to the f^deral^^Iwith lights on low beam but the cir. Mamp- iNO. i.y jn -vtai K4iion ijook ...... , : , 1 ^ ilian-defense remains mobilized. dfpendem y as a reason for defers, vestigation the truth was uncovered j>jble to leave shelter, and resume acmeiit. 'except for hardship cases,••arid Corey diwharged in January and | tivities. Driving may be resumed that ail physically fit tin. executor of the last and testa- ... '--Vhrdutrh-AI GUST "La'.for m^n of draft age Will" have to justify bbuurreeaauu ooff iinnvvie stigation m lit of Ella Keltei Byike and that t * noumjs defeiments whith have been, granted' Corey faces a possible fi he posted loriii and qualifitd and is ...a.St~taZmpns<' N<»s. 1in6 i<utod<i 1166 iiini 'fBioonokk' hOnni>e °h the ground their jobs are esfeenr prisonment and $10,000 fi KoLA.Nl> :»icv ...j. " ^'v^:i>od',;fur ti \ e poiind> t'ach foi; hoiiw. 1(1 V:. w£u' ,,ro,?ra,n- ^ --. . - w many years. Although elected in, ' Knox clarn>$ "P P1*®* canning through OC1UBER 3L^.•(^.T6<lay"s':-6rdei; Was issued >as Con » .. HAROlu kARST^N, Woodstock. November, 1942, the' rew school head--. se.nti^r._an,---iriytntpr4^-th^-.^-Ve^I. an<!.-;.*---;.. •.-; ; • P^'EL OIL: "'/..•^fess'-v-was. in.--, tjie iniddle <>r its suhi- Parents: lienry lysirsten, union. (jj(| not officially take charge for nine\ sorta!/.estate of the deceasi',1 and >ns No. 1 in new l>ook good for iner recess and came in. the face of V' lie: Mrs, tlarold Katsten, mont}ls "•••-. . ^sked JAidgc" •(owfin for approval-tlf ^ K..v|i,,ns p;,,.!-, Bp,ri,)tl y[ 0f OPA . nn-ent' congressid'hal Opposition to: r~~~ ~uo^lslocK- ' '• , Mr. McCannon find his fami'y Have K"?x ^barges that Judge Cow- t,uou^h JANUARY 4. 1944. . Wrgl'[scale induction of fatliers. .\lc- ANDRLU L tuLTl, \\oodstock. ^ toed from Algonquin, where he had iin state!,m open-court-he.^oold not Cou ons No. 5 in GId book for Xntt denied, howeve^ that'the action Father: Warren frultz, Marengo. ^ ""«t on the inventory presented by the : five year im- The-white, all clear signal, is charfine on each ^terized by a steady blast of one •of nine counts charged in the'indie-" minute in case of blackout tests or a mont- pubjic radio announcement or other distinctive audible signals. This . meanS that the danger appears to be Among the Sick V- W th« the binckout «Beti J. 1/ietz, co-oi-dinatot*. and H. moved from Algonquin, where he had hn x sta!e . ... . .... - - Voup0,ls Wo Gia oook good lor .Mm aen1ea.110wever. Mia1 u.e ff.-a\ulated upon the fine work they . . t l i t a t i g h t f o r s o m e t i t n ? t o V V o o d s t o c k . , ° . n ' i n v . e " ! f r ^ J ] . 1 1 g ' a l l o r t s e a c h i n R e g i o n V I t h r o u g h Was taken deliberately while congress . James Benson of West. McHenry W^he in-connection with the AiiltiLH KELOr.K, Ciystal Lake, He Was a former local man, his par- fet!Mon«r' a that he fuithyi SEPTEMBER 30. . was away from the Capital Jn prd^., underwent surgery at the ^odstock„ H>cal\viiian defense Parents; Herman- Keider,. t/iys- pnts ^avinir lived for years near would not act on any matters pie-. ; SHOEi*: . v j, to by-pass possible legislation to pre- hospital, on Saturday. , t^l 'Lake. ... - Ringwood, until moving to California , WN VON HARTZE, Crysu Lake. s.n^ . the petitioner. " The M ' P.\Owen, commander, are to be con James Benson of _* 4.u ..1 nuve\uuiitr m vuuncw ouncil. JHOEJ+: v 10 pre- hospital. Saturday, ' sented to him by Knox, Sattorney. for, jn Book One good fdr Vent such a move. / •'/.: Jack Smith has been"under obser- POWFT T " „ pair through*-' OCTOBER 3L - vation at Alexian Brothers hospital j v - Mother: Honoxv Von .Hartze, Q house was held at the court Th* Pet'^°ner; represented • mav be exchanged lanronifl- -SERVES WITH COMAjilTEE at Belden and Racine avenues in Chi-; NEW MINISTER AT Crystal Lake/ _ : . ho^P "J0'B p ida;' ^.-noon for'<Mrs 2* h* .d«ma"ded members of a family. ' Rep. Thomas A^ Bolger of Mc- cago the past week COMMUNITY CHURCH WILLIAM AK^O.v Crystal Lake. ^GASOLINE: Henry, of the Eighth district, has Mrs. B. H. Freund of Delavan, Wis., v _ ventory and again he refused to act 0oup<,ns jsv. 7 in new A book good been' appointed - by Speaker Elmer J. underwent surgery at a hospital in Pvt. Edmund Lav is stationed at for 4"gallons each through SEPTEM- Schnackenberg of the state house of the city Monday DONALD McANDREWS, Marengo. capably for so lonff. - Camp Sutton, N. Carolina Parents: Raymond Mc Andrews, , Marengo. BLLSNxUKlii McCUE, Marengo. ^ A o. *: u,--„ tu„ #..m.;i.. received book holders, by OCTOBER 31, and nounced in Springfield, KENNLiH AlOMbUMfcKV, Hebron. ..... . , . ., . Parents: John Montgomery, Eden,, patched a bit reluctantly as she re. .... . tired from a position she has filled so Wisconsin. Mrs. Freund was George Erber, Jr., son of the Geo. With three sons now in service the BfiR 21. TIRE INSPECTIONS:. For A book holders, must be cornarranging for the celebration of the Henry. 126th anniversary of Illinois' admis- McHenry, and especially the members of the Community Methodist [church, are happy to welcome a new j minister into their midst. He is Rev. Mack Powell, who came to Chicago JOHN LAZAN&KV, Cary. ry, who has been Wile: Mrs. .Jonn Lazansky, Cary. Louis Obispo, Calif EDW AKD FEALLUKB, Algonquin. Mother: Mrs. Augiista Flagler, . .-vigonqum. GORDua bwruXm MAN, Cary. s i u " . i t t ^ h t o " d ! . U « V ' stationed at St. tory home. The family has AiiriKST 11 is now enroute word that their oldest. son, Arthur, for. C book holdeis, b> AUGUST 31 His twin brother leaves for service tute. For the past several weeks Re*. Les- Paul Kails is spending 4;r AGED WOODSTOCK MAN • DIES INSTANTLY WHEN ^ STRUCK BY AN AUTO overseas. His wife has returned to Jr., has arrived safely overseas. the home of her parents. Mr. arid ter is now stationed at Van Buren, ( Mrs. Carl Gulgren. in Wopdstock. Ark., and Earl is at Champaign, 111. from army duties at Colorado Spi mgs. N. J. Justen TRAINOR FAMILY SERVES COUNTRY 100 PER CENT A §ad Occident which took the life •f an ag'ed Woodstock man, occuretl last Kviday afternoon when Eugcfte . E. I^w/, fc"2. years' old, stepped down from the curb on the corner of Dacy and Dane streets^ directly . into the path of a car dfiven by Dr. R. C. Kiufriiauv The tragic accident hap- / pened so »Tuickly that the driver 01 t!u> c.;'n/ Wis unable to avoid striking tii- a^eil.' itt- Stantiy.. Folio-Xing 4be cleath of hb wife in 'l 1929. Miv Low came to Woods Cock to ii>ake.'"uis:'.iio-iiie.. ii« . Was a retired ' *ccountam and eveiv at "his adv^nc|d *ge i.e'v. iiS sai l to j i \ .-ry efficient ir b*s work . The accident seemed especially , sad '"tn Mr. Low and Dr,„ Kauf«nfin, were •ei"y close friends. • "v-ZV^-; \ ; Ericr.ds here will be interested to ! >am that Richard Wegener, son of MiSs Verena Justen of Chicago within a week. He reports the home poweU hag becn ctyming to McHeni. fjir^ugh j spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. town paper as a very welcome weekly ^ Sundays to conduct services and visitor. / / : " . ^ j this week it has been disclosed that he --ii 'lJu.-j. / ^ ,.i"i-!1-7"• >ui"11 4will be here regularly. He is replac-' ting the Rev. J. Heber Miller, who kft * in May for Graettinger, Iowa, to ' make his home. ' • Rev. Powell comes to McHenry highly recommended as a Went speaker and possessed of a'Charming personality. Those who have .heart! him the past few weeks say that he • is very'"'much at home in the pulpit and they" ar? confident that the entire congregat ion, as well as other residents of the" community in general, will derive benefit from his presence here, both in the capacity Qf a friend . and' minister. Rav * Powell expects to bfe McHenry Friday afternocms- ^tuniays, Sundays and Mondays and will live ip );he upper apartment of tho parson, age. After the end of the summer course at Garrett.'hfwill;,-begin • t'he Winter terni 'and ;so.;wa|:.spend"we^ day's ir\ Chicag^.' ' "" CHARLES TRAINOR 1>e five Tiainors pictured above, five (constitute the entire family ex- haa Insert the Ben Wegeners of Chicago, form- Charles. Wilbur, Agnes. Robert and cent the parents. '• i rly of McHenry, is in service and is, Thomas, belong, to our knowledge, to Before moving to "Woodstock a physician's assistant at Le»therman• the only family in McHenry county short time ago the JIYainors resided. Agnes, his sister, is in the • • T V * _ * . *- I j S ^ _ *9 T 1 _ * . A. ---- •JS-A A & %M M «MW • mm I ^ M J a ALAM^ • fm 1 m WILBUR TRAINOR THOMAS'TRAINOR EN JOYS TRIP .Old friends here will read with in* •j terest that Dr. Louise Evanson, whv . lived her early life in McHenry and •? attended the local schools, is now vis. i iting an old classmate. Mrs. Arvidson, diantown Gap, Pa., and Thomas the piro»d parents of these yming; jn Los Angeles. She is also visiting ics, aboard one of Uncle Sam's ships is stationed at Great Lakes. Charles folks and well they inay be proud for a .brother and sister whiL- on the trip, a^of war, is at present on |furlough, is a sergeant in the army at Camp they are doing more than their share, During her absence, Dr. Evausonj* TAVEs at; Carson, Colo. _ «for Vktory. ' */ » i brother,, who i^abo a.dentisMs tak-: AGNES TRAINOR convoy duty in the" '-/iiiiSlai ROBERT TfcAlNOR iMspital in San Francisco. to have five serving Uncle Sam. These just we*t of McHenry. Wilbur, who Cleveland, Ohio, Robert is/n the army Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Trainor an * j ing -charge of her practice jn Clikago.

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