Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1943, p. 1

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* \ £$ i*S~ *i " ve ; » .A' - ' '? r; •; ^ I • ' ' «^• '* -t • : > •••< PLAINDEALER m'"' - -^v ^ *«* .W^vi. ' ..:-;i9l Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1943 1* SENIOR SGT. PHIL GUINTO LAID TO REST icOIDENT TAKES LIFE OF ^ ^ POLICEMAN A- wy¥iad of floral offer ilifjs, countless spiritual" bonquets and An unending stream of friends and co-workers Who crowded the Peter M. Justen funeral home and St. Mary's church.' last weekend were ample proof of the esteem iri which Seftior Sft. Phillip B. Guinto was held by all who knew 'Sgt. Guinto, a member of the state : highway police for the past sixteen1 IN GLIDER INFANTRY PREPARE FOR THIRD WAR LOAN DRIVE ST. PATRICK'S AT HARTLAND TO HOLD gt DINNER AUGUST 15 MARINE CORPS NEW HOME M'HENRY GIRLS RECEIVES AWARD BIG EVENT WILL BEGIN i SEPTEMBER 9 ! MARY C. BREFELD, JUNE BOLLWAHN ENLIST St. Patrick's Catholic church at Hartland, 111., will sponsor its annual homecoming: and chicken dinner next Sunday, August 15, with serving beginning at 11 a. m. and continuing until 3 p. m. • MdHenry residents have; long patronized the Hartland dinners and will be sure not to miss this year's event. . ----- - - the iinn7; .there T^ inore McHenry girls have en^ Finance committee, presenting die-i afteinoon, merchan-. Ugted, their services to Uncle Sam tot tailed information regarding the 4,St" booths ,and ™fre*b™«?nts ^ - the duration, both choosing the Third War Loan Drive, which begins Hartland is located between >\ood-| women's Reserve of the marine corps. September 9, is now'being mailed to. ^ock.and .Harvard. Flan to- attend v -fifst' of these is Miss Mary county organizations throughout the.••'.c.hic.ken dmn&r a.nd give "Chrsstiqe' Brefeld, daughter pf !t{r state. ; a vacation frortn the kitchen. , a v * "Face - to - face, house : to - house, V * f alletin No. 1 of the Illinois VWarj ; bench-to-bench, desk"-to-desk, the key [ note of the Third War .Loan t)rive 1 is billions from millions." i This is the opening statement of • LOREN THOMAS - j the bulletin. The announcement that Followers of sports at M. C. H. S. j every general county chairman, all within recent years, will be sffre to county, city, village, township and remember Ljoren Thomas, wfho did school distHct committees are laying such fine work on the football field plans now to obtain a, far greater FIRE DESTROYS J. GRISTY EARN :"and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld of this city, ivho chose this least publicized branch .l>f the service. She enlisted on Saturday, July 17, and expects her active i'call to duty within the next month. Pvt. Brefeld, who in later years has been, employed in Chicago, lived her early life here, where she graduated from the old St: Mary's school and ithe Community high school. origin' She has long been active in ath- LOCAL LEGION POST ELECTS : NEW OFFICERS SELECT PAUL YANDA AS NEW COMMANDER S A ftri ondetermined „ - _ during his high school days. Loren, number of individual subscriptions completely destroyed 'the large barn h'tics, which should prove invaluable Cullom Lake resident, was wounded U>gionnair& afid Cojnmander who enjoyed a furlough a few weeks during the September drive than i«v on the J. Cristy farm a few miles as she enters this exacting branch of. overseas a short time ago, according may well be proud of his achieveago from army duties at Aliance, Neb., April. >west of Whiting's Corner, near Won- the service. , ; to. word received by his mother. He ment. . is in one of the most difficult! Neighbors will be trained and or- der Late, shortly aftei: noon Wednes-: McHenry cannot entirely claim Miss: is a bombardier and has two brothers With this admirable start Paul branches, the glider infantry. His ganized to call on neighbors in cities, day M,! Cristjr and neighbors who! June Bollwahn, the other girl to en- f also serving in the army, Dave anl" "^anda^^ wiTl earn ' on. . HBds boun llisa enthusiasm in his work is something villages and on the farm. One leader, werg helping had begun threshing a list her services with the marine Everett, both stationed in the South.; -- ---- other boys'1 entering service would do selected by his neighbors, will keep s^ort t;,ne after dinner ami soon one corps, for until the last two years her well to emulate. t . .. ... ; in touch with ten or twenty families. tj,e men noticed flames cpming home was Twin Lakes. However, since Secretary Morgenthau is quoted as from the barn. * > 1941. when she became employed with ' --. Luck}1 aH livestock was out of the the Ringwood Chemical plant, she has barn at the time so no animals were 'wen residing in McHenry, where she lost. It is believed that in some1 man- has acquired many friends. Local folks extend best wishes to NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN 3*ying, "the entire fifteen billion goal for the drive will be sold to individual investor#, corporations, j insurance companies and . other non-banking sources. ' - Volunteer Salesmen MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE ner the straw caught on fire and with the intense heat of the day it was both MfSs Brefeld and Miss Bollwahn only a short time before the whole ^ they enter a new life, with Uncle t "The bonds will be sold largely by f building, was ablaze. "Hie. barn was Sam as maste^ of this large house-j p_ , ifn_|lAit_ u__ u-pn r„.nHv' hundreds of thousands "of* patriotic erectetl about 1930. * hold. I Tgue&s itfe about time that I write rrea ivamnouz nas Deen recently volunteer sajesmen ^.ho already have The local fire department was called Purpose of Corps - j a lines. -Sorry I haven't written FVvrf8 wL™ rtrt . made plans to coficehtrate' on house- but the fire had gained such headway Formed for the purpose of freeing?! . .. _ . . 11 to-house selling, since .a major con-, and with a scarcity of water it WiM j combat trained marines to fight, the > weather as in Cal I sideration is increasing the number of. impossible to save the structure. j women's reserve has the same high; i f o r n i a F r e d P e o p l e w h o a r e b u y i n g w a r b o n d s . " -- s t a n d a r d s a n d t r a d i t i o n s t h a t h a v e : writes home that f°N°winS securities will be of-, ASK SURRENDER OF i always distinguished the corps. The h p p n i n v * t h e f e r e d : S e r i e s E s a v i n g s b o n d ; S e r i e s ! Plaindealer » - »•« ' F and G savin?s bonds, Series C say-* cent bonds of women reservists are marines m name, function, and uniform, and conform to all the rules of the corps. -- The smallest reserve of any of the All having ration books to which armed forces, ther marine women pef- ALL RATION BOOKS ISSUED IN ERROR much and that m?s /.not^s' 2% Per u . , „ some of the other 2 per cent bonds of 1951-53 boys in camp read % P«r cent certificates of m-, it too even thouirhj • • 1 .. thev are not ac-' The 2 per cent bond will be dated surrender them immediately to the duties. Age limits for enlisted quainted in this September 15, 1943, due September local war price and rationing board women are 20 to 36. Accepted applicommunity. they are not entitled are required to form a vast number and variety 15, 1953, callable September 15, 1951, as the result of orders received from, cants are sent to the huge marine (Photo by Worwick) SENIOR SGT. PHIL GUINTO Gene Adants, who has been serving for several months in New Guinea, is reported back in Australia. Lester Henry Klintworth of Ring. I ! and will be issued in coupon or regis- the regional office. tered form at the option of the buyers, War ration books No. 3 to be surin denominations from $500 to $1,- < rendered, include: duplicates, books 1000,000. issued n error to members of the The per cent certificates of in- armed forces; books belonging to perdebtedness will be dated September sons now deceased and books belong- 15, 1944, and will be issued in denom- ing to persons leaving the United base at Camp Lejeune, New River, takes but I finally got it going North Carolina for indoctrination, to say hello to everyone and are stationed thereafter at bases , back there and hope everyone is feelsooner telling you lyw much I appreciate, you sending me the Plain-' dealer. It's o ne] thing I look for- ,* ward to. I readj every word in It, Thanks again. I am attending radio school here interest in the affairs of the Legion is very interesting and I like it very and its members and his untiring much. Last week I put a six. tube; efforts in making this year's carnival radio together. I had several mis-1 such a fine one. should make him a PAUL YANDA and posts throughout th country. years, was killed late last ^ursday^^11^ sou of Mr. of ^ to $1 000 000 and ln. gtate. for more than 30 days, afternoon. August 5, 1943 while nd- j wa ^ ^ coupon form only. Where duplicate »KK,ks have been ^ his motorcycle on duty on Route oj h,s way asan avmt.oncadet .n the ^ ^ ^ wU, ^ in error members of the 120, several miles east of Volo. ^wo^n according available for subcripUon by com- armed forces holders willi avoid emto the Chicago Aviation Cadet E*am- mereial banks for their own; account, barrassment and investigation if they McCULLOM LAKE FOLKS FEATURED ON BAND PROGRAM > ing fine, paper. Well, thanks again for yWEUr Sincerelv yours, PFC. ALBERT F. RODIG. Siouz Falls, S. Dakota body was found on the side of the highway by a passing motorist. A verdict of accidental death was Mturned by a coroner's jury at Fox Lake Friday morning. Evidence introduced at the inquest disclosed that Gointo evidently lost control of his machine, as marks on the highway ahowed it had skidded about 115 feet from where he struck shoulder. The victim had left his home on Riverside Drive shortly after 4 o'clock, ^enroute to fill an assigningnt on a parade in Waukegan, The accident was said to have occurred between 4:30 and 5 p. m. TT\e fatal accident was not the Mc " " " j S i r * Two McCuUom Lake residents will I j wish' ^ inform you that I hare during the period of the drive. COMING EVEN1H Aug«t>t 12 S.--Mr». ining Board. Klintworth attended McHenry high school and was employed at the Ring- j wood Chemical plant before entering! the service. His father was a veteran : of World War I. Group 4, W. S. C. S.--^Mi*. &eslie Qualified men for this training Olsen. > cement j undergo about thirteen months of in- pjenJc--Juvenile Lady Foresters* , , tensive training before winning their August 13 silver wings as a pilot, bombardier, 4-H Club Meeting--High School, or navigator in the army air forces. August 14 * . Bake and Fancy work Sale--Sponsored Lester Adams writes us that he by Group 4, W. S. C. S.--Central has been given an honorable discharge Market. hecause tu*e be guest artists at the first band con- |>cen transferred from the tank des- ' .. j cert of the year to be played on the trovers intn thp medical denartment. high giounds. . Chaplain--Fred Schoewefc ^ v Historian--Harry Durlani " • Sergeant-at-Arma -- Andrew W«f» .'iv returnea ai oni-e, and year, me troyers into the medical department, j worj." OPA knows the name, ®ddress. an.d hiirh school n ounds. So as not to ! work. j atrial number of every No. 3 book play favorites the band presented this address". I sure missed it this j issued. •• • • ^ . .. _ four concerts in the City park and wee^ Sunday. I am used to getting ^ VT o i 8 f w>" conclude the season with four jt around noon Sunday and then I sit, No. 3 control centei-a storte.1 check- concerts at the school. and read every bit of news. I wish mg their files for duplicatiion in issu- The flr8t of the featured soloists t0 thank you for the paper. It makes . ance of books and wi114mi n ovei^to'the. .,j be p^er M Kaminski, Who will^.^eel at home. ! J^aforcement division cases whlcn , piay several accordion solos. Later'. PFC. DONALD L. MICHELS. t,TW(<uire investigation. ^ I . on jn the program, you will hear Mis3 ^ > • • • : .. ' i Nellie Crick in vocal solos accomp-Mose and. Friendg; , / j anying. herself on^her guitar. Both . Yes> rm gtU1 here at Alameda, al. Mr. Kaminsk. . and Miss Crick an qu haven,t heard fnm me fop well known at the Lake for their Would you please send my paper to! The new commander will choose hi* adjutant in the near future. Not only the leaders of the Mcfrom the army, but that he is subject August 1$ to call at any time there is a shortage . Forester^ Picnic--Conway's Woods. ., „ . . , ... in the medical corps. He has been Chicken Dinner and Homecoming-- Sill stationed a. Camp Walter.. Tex»3. St..«k'. C^Hartlard. , Sgfc. Robert Winkel, whose latest Public Card Party--McHenry Com-i. address was Los Angeles, is enjoying try Club--Sponsored by 0. E. -S. INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS a fifteen-day furlough with his wife. Upon his return - he will repoit to O. C. S. Bruce Klontz, who has been serving with the navy at Great Lakes since, June, has been enjoying, a furlopghat his home here. --8 p. nr. August 19 Lady Foresters Picnic. East River Road Pinochle Club.-- Mrs. John Braeseke. C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. August 21 Second Annual Dance and Bazar--- Sponsored by Wonder Center Projvriding. for several times before he narrowly escaped death. Probably his most serious injury occurred [ in 1928. when he suffered a fractured skull in an accident on Route 14, near Brooktail Bridge, between Wood- Stock and Harvard. His was a 1 colorful career, with police work entered • into in .1927, when "he acted as officer for the City of McHenry. The same year he was appointed to the state police force and through the years, by his efficiency, he continued in office under ire governors. Small, Emmersott, Horner. Steele and Greefir "During Horner's governorship he served as a lieutenant in the Third district and after Green's election was transferred to District 2 as a sergeant. At the t&rne of his death he was the only senior sergeant in the state, j Veteran of Twenties j The deceased was one of two offivjijs still serving of the veteran force Which took office back in the twenties.. " Phillip B. Guinto was born on Aug. _ . , • . /__, -Mar* September 4 11 1892-J^,y^ini^° ^ ^ue^Vdhi^oiTof the WAVEs. She [Kff"»«»'« Annual Camlv»! Country with hie. mother when only ? Grove. three years of age. They settled*in •n some time. To tell the truth, I don't talent and we are sure everyone w>H..have a t deal to wrile about. want t0j attend «ve r n^« o S Things do happen around here, but they will probably remain best untold for the present. San Francisco and the Bay area | offeu a great deal of beautiful sights, however, and a large amount of my free time is spent in sight seeing. cert and hear McCullom Lake's con. tribution to our band concerts. ------ In addition to these two entertain- Mrs. .Hannah Sanders, 47, wife of ers, two young members of the band, Arthur A. Sanders, former member Elaine Landgren and Dean Mc- Of the Round Lake Beach village Cracken, will offer * cornet duet, board, was burned to death Saturday. »The Pals," with band accompani- j may have mentioned some of these after a kerosene stove exploded m the ment They have long been faithful thJn jn a previous ietter, but I don't kitchen of a-"government house' near niembers of school musical organiza Wilmington 111. where she and her tions and their offering is sure to husband had been living temporarily, please. Her nine-year-old son, Robert, who was in the dining room when the ex- Vern A. Russell, 29, husband of Mrs. Grace ML Russell, Route, 1, McHenry, 111., has begun his basic trainring as a bluejacket in Uncle Sam's navy at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes. Ill He will remain there for several weeks during which time he will participate in daily physical drills and physical hardening exercises, receive instruction in the fundamentals of seanian- W^' ow^rs^Association of^Wonder P>«^°n occurred, e9£aPe<^ y husband was at work at the Wilmington ordnance plant at the time. Lake--Legion Hall, Woodstock. Ail gust 22 Public Card Party--Sponsored by Al- . tar and Rosary Sodality of St. F*1- A ^5"° Wednesday afternoon Barrington youth think too much can be said about the Golden. Gate, its bridge, and the fa- j mous Oakland Bay bridge. They are really sights to see. Of course there are many other points too numerous, to mention, but plenty worth looking at. I'm not much good at describing scenery, but I'm not afraid to say that anyone visiting this area will be rick's church. - i dn charges that he took three auto- Other numbers listed on the Ripgram for August 13 will be as follows: ••*. ' "The Star Spangled BannerH March, "On The Mall" Goldman Serenade, "The Poet's Dream" -- Huff i pleased at the sights that greet them. . Popular Number, "Deep in the Heart jn ca3e y0U are interested in the • ...Swandler ; work j.m doing, I'm still betraying (Photo bv W>rwu-k) on ciaigca •"--« . of Texas" ..»»w RAY PAGE O.E. S.--Meeti^. " jfliobUes ^^Jre Overturev^^"^rixon^ .......• Buys my rate M a meUkmith and doing „ ^ but. one of the past August 26 to g° for;;oy-nd<^ Piano Accordion Solos office work here in the administration commander8f Rav Pa^; now com. PubUc Card Party-Fox River Valley . Police Magistrate Arnold H, S*«».. W,. .^... Peter Kimmski bunding . it's a little out of line with mander of the Ejewnth district, Camp, R. N. A.--City Park;;. ... j a-hearing September 3 still at Hunter college and says , 0. . they have been doing quite a bit of celebrating on th. first anniversary marired Eva Kowalske. They were .saarried by Judge Bernard Barasa and on Jan. It'. 1931. they were remarried |n McHenry by Msgr. C. S. Nix. Th>' couple lived in New York for a time in 1919. but except for this ----,' •' --••: r-1 ^-- ~ short period resided in Chicago until, society. On Monday momihg at 10 Bioving to McHenry. o'clock, a solemn requiem mass was March, "Men of Ohio dememoer ^ i . _• m ^ Cornet Duet, The Pals .. ship, and, be scJh ooled in naval cus- ' Christian Mot,h ers and, Aa ltar '«S*o»c;i«e•t»y ;• . AAnnitoonn Diddling. 25, of Wauconda,; toms and procedures. --Reirular Meeting . I and Irwin Perkins. 28, of Woodstock, Po ,ar Number. "Der ^Dtember 4 were-scheduled to appear Thursday pace» Friends have heard from Mar* ^ _6»rine before Justice of the Peace Robert C. Traveller".. ' Kent in Wauconda on charges of drunk Buchtel and disorderly conduct. It is March, "Indiana State Band" Card Party -- Benefit of Servicemen that the two men Fa™ and Servicewomen-Sponsored by Thompson, Wauconda chief of police. Wa]tz> ..0ld Timers". Arr. by Lake .Fillmore training I received in school at Oklahoma, but I like it very much (Barnard and hope I can stay with it. of girl but rest September 12 f their being in existence. Onr lofaJ When he tried .to *TrestVne.i Solos........... iri says she likes the U AVEs fine, a charge of drunken driving^ The March <.Bamum and Bailey's Favor- winners. i think vou earned > ut that there ia never a minute to - «,e >- , fi ht is alleged to have occurred at a itftM King titles " •* • »«t* f p „ „ l_ / Omar Bakine company ( j Dt a Rorlin ..." • _ i Advance Night--O. E. S. •Drfore entering police work, Sgt. . \Cv into was a business agent for the 0od Can trs/union and was later em- •'i/t-Wpyed ss.a chauffeur. On March 24. 1942, 2o0 friends and sung at St. Mary's church, with Msgr. t S. Nix, Rev. Fr. Day. Rev. Fr. Frank Miller, Rev. Fr. Daleiden and Rev. Fr. Lessman officiating. Among the Sick I garage of the Baking fauconda. for whom the two men! Finale, "God Bless America".!. Berlin may be proud of the fact that his district went over the top in membership this - . ^ , past year. He will attend the state I'd like to take this oppor vuu y o conVention at the Shernvan hotel oh August 27, 28, 29 and 30, as the representative of his district. Delegates from the local post are Commander well as pleased, to find my name s° !»Harold 0*en and Howard Cairns and near the top when the final standings a]ternates are Andrew Worwick and were posted. Thank you. everybody. pauj Yanda. Births Fuehrer's Wallace thanking all my frjends for the support I received in the "Lucky Warrior" contest. I was surprised, as the vour I'd like to stick in a won! direct to you, Earl,r and your, "So I Hear. NOTICE Thought you might like to Know that . . . j K i n d l y c a l l a t t h i s o f f i c e f o r H o n o r s o m e " o f m v s h i p m a t e s e n j o y y o u r The body of a man ^eliWW w »• j Roll certificates for local servicemen. coiumn nearly as hiuch as I do. James F. O'Brien, t>4. employed as; g^RL B- WALSH, City <3*# Bing's "worm oil" made a hit with a section hand by the Chicago. Mil- 13 fp _ many of them. One of my officers, Gus Unti, Jr., underwent surgery at, waukee, St. Pa^l and Pacific railroad .•--• -' • nvght put in an order for a gallon Until Mondav morning the body the Woodstock 'h ospital last week. with temporary residence m- oa track FIRE AT CHURCH of that stuff. He got a kick out of it. hetocd the Guintos celebrate rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral tiathias Pitzen entered the Wood- gang ear no won a siding at Wads- auitlH, .... - SSiiU.; w^.lin- anniversary. The home where ^n"honor guard of state stock hospital on Sunday as a medical worth. was found called to the old St. Patrick's church Wl,mwwa««anffat St police man was present Leading the patient. . -road right of-way 4W teet norui <» , Iast p,.idav afternpon after a spark tamed., .g honor of the anni- procession to the church on Monday Sally Marie Niesen of West Mc- Wadsworth road, Tues^aJ >from some brush that wa8 burning • were the pallbearers, the sergeants Henry has been a medical patient at Ty,e head had been crushed indicating ^ started a fire on the voof. In a short from Districts 2 and 3, anil the hon- the Woodstock hospital the pastjthat he had been struck by a tram. . | time the flames were extinguished A son. to be named William John, was born Monday morning at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Leo Winkel. Mrs. Winkel wis the former Celia Thennes. ^ Dr. and Mrs. Hetrick of Chicago are the parents of a son, born last week. Mrs. Hetrick is the former Mary's church in iressary. • Survivors ^urrivors Besides his Wife, are five orary pallbearers, the captains and week, sisters, Mrs. Anna LaBarber, Mrs. lieutenants of the stafe force. Since Lenora Nelson submitted to sur-1 Libertyville people •#ferv- BW' M."naEllla Turrisi, Mra! Sgt.'Guinto had had'charge of traffic gery at the Woodstock hospital1 Wed-, an opportunity to get ITsephine DeStefano and Mrs. Emma at Great Lakes for the past year, an; nesday. * a-,™,* hrst Crosbv Another sister, Antionette, escort group made up of sailors vand •receded him in^death. _ marines was also included in the long Sgt*. Guinto -waa a member of St. procession.,. The body was laid to rsst Mary's church aivd' the Holy Name| in St. Marys cemetery hew. Sgt. Albert Vales has returned to Fort Sheridan, after enjoying a tenday furlough at his home here. McHenry fire department was That's just one example of the recog e* our iittie Aaper gets out here. I hoDe vou will be able to keep it Josephine Freund of Johnsburg. LS my wTy. Mose. Ill .ure mi« " Mr. and Mr,. Joseph Riedl »f Ro«. it if you don't. I'ml sure not alone 2 are the parents of a daughter, bora in that statement. - Vern Harrison, are you in Frisco? Look me up, my naval address is Naval Air Station, Flag Office. Alameda, Calif. Drop me a line and let , . , and little damage was reported. will be given - ' - v . ^ a close-up NOTICE , view of America's first trophy, cap- •pv>r yinor convenience this office is tared after the Pearl Harbor attack supp]ie<1 with various blanks pertain- • \noVf"where you are. --4he Japanese two-man suicide sub- rationing. marine--when it pays a visit there on EA&L ft* WALSH, City Cftrk. Thursday, August 26. 18-fp I • • •<?. •• at St. Therese hospital, Wauke«{aa. Monday. July 9. Friends here were happy to receive word that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake, welt knows here, are the parents of a boy, bora think it's time** to* quit, but how'at the Woodstock hospital Monday . ----- Mrs. John R. Smith $f McHenry is (Coatinuad en last paga) ] the happy tra»dmotM^ "The annual election of officers tdot I place at the Legion hall last Monday night, Aug, 9. resulting ,in the election of Paul R. Yanda as new com- • ';mahder, for the • ensuing"" year. Mr. Vanda replaces Commander Harold P. Qwen, better known to his friends 'as, uPat," who efficiently has filled ;tho ' position for the past year,. Circumstances--the war, the' pop-'" uiar and energetic personality of .. Commander Owen--are among the LIEUT. JOHN BOYLE ' various reasons for the local Legion , Hiis week we present Lieut. John post No. 491 growing so that), last Boyle, to our knowledge the iif5( year it exceeded in menvbershinp any local boy to receive the Award of the other year since, its organization. Purple Heart. Lieut .Boyle, a Mc- McHenry now has seventy.five J worthy successor of Mr. Owen. Installation of the following elected officers will take place on Sept. IS: Officers Commander--Paul R. Yanda. Vice-Commander--Ellsworth Shoe- B&ker. Finance Officer -- C. J. Reihansparger.

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