i & ^ <: f •'"'••>. * -T™"-W" r ?T. *** jPfefn? «fV*> vajf«v, e w| ) , ^ .13^ .Lit » ., "•'."SKf" -V " f .' C *"' ? •-. •> ,, ",*, ' ,'i|- • *•*"', 7*- r'>^ £-* • **2*' ;*£• '»'; ' ' M'>;* ' *>'* ^tf"' .•"• . 'V, -->'•. v * " '*» : TWB MCHKNTT KJUHDEJUUBTT *•>, r>v"^ mi p*-' ft®- ^•r >• •rK.' «•. «• ?'£ '£ "? '">" ' A j% <*- v, / * _; •«•; ' <S Wv ' •>i«* PERSONAL PROPERTY Justen, Nick P I Justen. Jacob F Justen, Alex ASSESSMENT LISTfcV^ Justen, Harold .. -it.---, -i. TI , IX,^,~ ; Kralowetz, Robert •(#^A I E OP ILLINOIS, r ! King. Madison JvlxHLXRY COUNTS, SS. _ Knox. Martin & Genevieve .... PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Knox Cecelia E .: tilVEN. Th*t the following is a full Knox! John F - '"""""'"y Itnd complete List of the Assessed Kane, Geo B Value of Personal Property in the Konig, J F . Town of McHenry, County of Mc- Kempher, Frank " Henry, State of Illinois, for the year Keller, Lillian iZZ'ZZ'ZZZZ A. D. 1943 as taken from the Assess- Kelter'Est .1 ohri jj *"**"**'* intnt Books of said year. Kinc John' . J- G. STEVENS, Klontz. C wZZZZZZZZ • Supervisor of Assessments.,,: Krause, Albert r. M* jMaifts, Nick J 50 Kreutzer, Herman „ Adams. Mrs Ben J V 70. Kreutzer, Herman R Adams. George 50 ( Kramer. Geo F ...: Alexander Lumber Co 4405 Kent. Laura _ _ j Unti, ||05 Unti, John 75 Vycital, Charles ....... , ..70 I Vycital, John 75 1 Vycital, Harold D ...«» 50 . Voltz, Fred W 160 Winkelman, Elmer H • 60 Weldy, Glen ... ; "|50 ; Ward, Georgina i * u ^ gpv Uv AlthofT. Louis Althcff. Wm H - Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co ;'-iRntholz. Henry B • £A pat ha Shop v; 'Anderson. John A 'V ^rderson,- Dorr ;-;A.nderson Arnold. •.'^dams. Lester V •* . A ichf r. Anabell - M dam's. Vince ^dams. Alfons ' Anderson. L A :;;Anplese. 'Clarence; ANDERSON: \VLILTER • -Anderson, Lyjev-;>.^ii^i^^>.r' fJlake, Math a..^. , >6rda. Charlesf J" i>®arbian, George J . • Barhian. Kathryn ^JBafbian Bros Barbian, Nick E Bacon. Nelly Bacon, Lester Bassett. Leslie E Bauer. Micheal Bauer, Math J . Brda. John BlakeJohn Blake, Anton Blake. Leo Blake, Albert S ....................... IBlake, Frank M .1....;.. ' Bohr, Magdeline Bohr, Georpe Boley. G C • Bolper, Thomas P , Bolger. Mrs John A. "Buss Motor Sales, Buch, H E ..... .... Buchard, Wm ,..„„„.«,..„„ Brefeld, Paul «... Browm, Earl Beatty, John D ....f..........^,....... Basts Store Bienapfel. Fred ...................... Butler. Albert M JBauman. George . Brown. Charles D ................. •Bohlin. Franklin ................... i Brefeld, Ben J ;. Conway, Earl Conway, Robert Conway. Cathryn Collins. Howard Covalt, Floyd E ;.. Colley. Floyd E Colman, Floyd ./ Cleary, P J Carey. Mary Carey, Waltef Carey Gerald < Carlson, C N Cairns, Howard W Cusin. Edmond Cooney, Martin Chamberlin, R G Cassanov, L C • Coobert-, William J ................1 Colony Theateh By R J Milier Cox, Ray Douglas, C ; .' Downs Motor Express Co Piederich, Jacob M DieU^ricli. Joe J ,-jc'n Thomas Doherty. Mrs Peter J Doherty. Maiy G Do we, Mary Dowe, Charley Done. Christina Denman. Edward Dobyns, W E Durland, H EDegen, Mike Ducker. C H Downs, C J . Ensign. Roland Etstrom, Arthur F ............. Ellis, Charlie Jr, Frisby, Geo B Fike, H S Pitzsimons, Gusta Freund, Charles B .........w... Freund Ernest Preund, Mike. Jr reund Stephen JJ reund Katnryn L ................ Freund, August ; Freund, Carl J Freund, George P Freur.d, John R Freund, Hubert Freund, Nick N ; Freund, Peter H Freund, Emma K Freund, A P Freund, Nick. F F reund, Geo J Freund, Elmor Freund, Herbert; H , Feitz, w c Feitz, E ii I< itzgerald., Homer . Fcrwt rda, Fred i Froehlich,' A I .......................... Fveiitr'ck, Havrv . "FeJs, Myrtle \ZZZ Flcnnninc?, R ;M Freund; Christina Fround; Anna Maria Gilks, E F Guz^ardo, Jos ...i...... Ginto. Eva ....... Gilkerson, Earl .' Gladstone, Maurice . Gies, Peter Z'ZZ Cra^^er. . John/[•^...ZZ.Z.ZZZ. Green, W;m Goodman, C M ... .... ............ Givens, Donald Gerasch,. Paul- Glossen, Math , .Gens, Frank 'J Geherman. Albert P Goodell, C W -.•Crosby,... L H Hickey, Thresia Holley, Jos C Hirmer, Henry t. Hirmer, Wm Killer, Ben ......I,.....:......... Howard, Ray" Huek, L J .v, Hobbs. Harold Hepp, Catherine Hester, Richard Herdrich, John IIcttermaTi, Elmer ; Halligan, M J Ha'gberg, W ff ...i.iv. •» Immekus, Frank Interstate Bottling Ex- 100 ^0 140 100 70 380 Karls, Mrs John j ............. 1150 Ken nebeck, Henry J ............. 1420 Krause, A D Lark in, Eveline M- 250 Lorenz, Henry T ....-- *50 Lennon. James M 70 Lauers, Math B 50 Lindsey. George . «?« Lindsay. Harry 360 Long. Odilon .*1.., Jf' Lowe, Edward W' 75 Mills, Louis A 5St! Murtaugh, John 125 Mclntyre, Malcolm 3U Mavnard, B-'T Miller, Fred Matheau. Delia Martin, Clarence McGee, Ray } 200, McHenry Art Stone Co, ........ 620; Mc Henry Farmer's Co-Of> 285 ; Afss'n 50: McHenry Lumber Co ...... 80 j McCracken, Leonard 130 Miller, Ben J 1601 Miller, Jos J 50 j Miller & Son, John H 75 Miller, Henry J 1001 Meyers, Frank C 100 j Mosher, A H ........... ........ 50 Mi Place 400 I May, Jos M 70 J Miller, Ben K ... .... 670 Miller, Roy H 75) Miller, Peter F 75 1 Miller, Nick P 1675 Murphy, Sr L B 280 Miller, Theo S . . 450 May, Frank J 600 | Murphy, Hugh 150: McHenry Country Club, ...i... 140 Miller, Chuck 70 ! Miller Products Co .............. 75 j Nielsen, Betty ....................... 1300 Newman, Gerald .,... 125 | National Tea Co 1501 Neiss, Peter A i 70 ; Neiss, John W ...,,........i. 601 Niesen, /Math 50 j Niesen, /Clarence ....: 75:Nickelsl Edward H 50 j Nye, Win A ....... 70 i Nye,' A^ESs....... 50 j Nye, Harvey ...... 125j Nye. Eleanor 75 Noonan, Allen E .................. 70 Nimsgern, Louis 200 Nickels, Fred ,,,, • 2050 Nordin, Edward ..............J.,...*. 175 Orr, James ....,i.....'..,....v,.uv 560 Overton, R I 225 Overton, R I ; 200 Olsen, Leslie ........................... 70 Olson, Oscar 80 Peabody, E E 135 Page, Ray 10U Pat;-e, Lester KA Pa.vne, David 50 Pettrson, Mrs Glen ......„,.r.. Phalin, John M 11M phalin, Tom M Powers, Mary ' Powers, Etta 1175 Patzke. Paul *12 Pul"ve>'- Albert Pries, Wm 50 Pederson, Alpha 50 Petersen, Frederick. .... ........... i Richardson, Mrs .Jennie ........ 75 Rogers, Fred N 7®' Regn^r. Jos M \®0 Renich. Chas F ......i;..- Reihemberger, Chas ...... ^5 Schaefer, Henry B • 70 SomP(1- Frank Schaefer, Ambrose inS Schaefer, Peter J 1J*: Schaefer, Jacob 75 Schaefer, Herman ^iSchaffer, Henry J .................... i4o Schmitt, Joseph M T CA Schmitt, Anton J on I Schmitt, Henry M Schmitt, Irvin ; Schreiner, Geo J' ^ Schreiner, Wm G ......... vtooft Schlt?iner' Frank '.i 4J®J. Schneider, Elizabeth .............. *40 Schneider, Toney i 500 Schneider, Catherine 95 Schiessle, & Weber ................ 515 Schiessle, Caroline 60 Schaid, John 1840 Savler, J E i.., 250 Scherman, Mrs C E ;. 225 Smith, Arthur •5 Rinith Bros Smith, Louis 50 Smith, Ed 80 Stinger, G F ; . Sayler, James N ...v...... .60 Sayler, W A 60f Schaffer, Stanley , 6 0 S m i t h , M r s J o h n R 1200, smith, Rena 72® Stock, Theo ...; 1'5 Stock, Geo A-...... 90 Stoffel, John ;..,i......... 150 stoffel, Mrs Simon 350 stoff 1, Louis 60 StefFes, Est, Mathl..',,. -n Steffes, Jacob 7ft Steilen, Geo P ....................... 17c Stilling,. Johnj. ! 100 Leo 179- Spencer. Wm ok Segel, David 135Standard Oil Co .................... 19C» Schwerman Chevrolet Sales.. Schwerman, P H gQ Spurling, P'rank II .......... 22g Smith, Jack ; 100 Steffes, Herman 100 Sloan, Anna E jg-Q Schoenholz, Mervin ti ...... ..... Schosanski, John 125 Stoffel, Jacob .. m* Schroeder, Ralph ft ^ Stilling, John H v.1;. Socony Vacum Oil Co Iiic ... Stoffel, Martin J 70 126 U Stilling. Henry J Taxman, Morris :.' S!' Thies Co., John C ^ w Thies, Jacob Thennes, Jo!in 440 Thennejs- Edward j Thurwell, Frank 3 Thompson, Robert A Tonyan Construction Co ....... 80 50 Tonyan, Alfred .... 1 Tonyan, Geo B .... Tonyan, Edward change, ^ 200 ™?nyan' Jackson^Ford^..:^^. V-- : 75 ; ThSTra^ei Justen, Ben Juften, George R Johnson, George H Justen, Peter M Justen <& SOBS, JA^OB- ......-- Justen, Aibdrt 'm Tucker, W C 135 ; Thyrwell, Robert J 165i! Tonyan, Joseph 1600 i Texas Company 1 Thompson, Leo . 100 Unti, Gus Walsh, M J Walsh, Earl Wattles, Glen ' Wattles, Mrs P H Wattles. Howard . Weber. John P ...., Weber, Math ........ Weber, Henry M . Weber, Robert ..... Weber, Carl N Wegener, Joe Wirfs, Geo Wirfs, Peter ......... Warwick, Andrew . Wolf, Fred & Emil Williams, Joseph A Wirtz, John B ........ Wirtz, A J Wirtz, A! R ........... Winkel, Leo .......... Winkel, Theo .... Wilson, Thoma$ Walsh, Quinten .............. WTieeler, Jos E Wolff, Herbert ...... Wegener, Martin S ..... Wolf, William Worts, Mike Weingart,„ Petet .$0 . Yanda, Paul tiO ! Yegge, Marie Scheissle 100 !• Young, Ed ^305 j Adams, Otto Adams, Jacob H ......... Adams, Joseph H ........... Adams, Mathias Adams, Alex Adams, Frank L Adams, A N Adams, Clara Klein AlthofF, Wm .......I, Amberg, J F Anderson, Alex ....... Arch, Henry C ....... Anderson, Fritz ..... Andres, Welden .... Aronson, Charles ... Beathy, S F ......... Bordewell, H G ...... Baue, Victor ........... Bennett, Ralph ....... Blake, Jos Blake, William ...;. Blake, George P Blake, Bernard ; Benson. Garfield .... Burmister, William Bauer, Ed Barbian, Albert Bauer, Bernard ....... Benwell, L C .......... Beatty, E A Biggers Bros Bildner, Adam Brown. S W Butler, B T ....... Banks Est, Edward Berger, Robert ........ Buehler Est, Carl .. Buehler, Herman .... Bloomgreen, L A Barnical, Carl Bode, John Baker, Zion Bauer, Jos J ........... Berg, Oscar L ...... Behrens, William ... Bell, James Benson, Gorden ...... Brefield, Joseph Burton, S T Barlow, E T 50 , Boyko, Jerome ....... 105 Benson, Henry ....... 50 Bethy, Karl E 50 ; Bartka, Mary ......... 200 Bow, John 50 1 Bender, Otto r..'... Bennett, Langley ... Beathy, A Bollman, Bernard ... Cope, Roy W ......... Crain, A H Claxson, Wm Cox, Albert J ........... Cavenaugh, John Carson, E C Chavaloski, Chas ... Christy, Kenneth E Christy, J W Craver, J A ...... Carey, Mary TO • 60 ; 70 825 60 2075 15000 50 •'.-'."too 150 • . J50 ';-:^r|00 ••'to 110 •• " 60 «'80 ••'-•y <*ro -fro jr>o fco ,75 •• - J20 -r?5 .' ..fio .- . !f0 .-70 180 2845! 4600 70: ioo 205 250, 80! 100 120; iso; 75 50 ; . 70 • *0 100 125 50: 125 100 125 130 500 350 125 1600 50 75 .•••60 90 330 100, 550 80 j 1501 245 70 ;• 50 70 -60 75 700 70 50 375 135 135 50 650 70 i 80, 8001 50 50 125 i 200! 800 50 80 450 75 150 70 50 70 70 70 50 50 50 140 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 70 75 130 250 200 75 100 75 190 •""T r- 135 425 400 100 50 250 435 1300 125 50 90 110 560 135 100 140 70 90 mo 90 : 70 70 T5 Carr, Charley H C a r r , L e s t « r , Caferelo, V Cossman, Frank Cylik, Stephen ... Cooper, Tillie .... Cieroce, Frank .. Calcord, Clay ..., Cox, Julian i|0 i Comisky, H E , Carlsen, Selma Connihan, Roy R Cabler, G W Clark, M J De Roche, Walter . Drennen, Wm F ..... Dimond, A F ........... Diedrich, Edward ... Diedrich, Fred Diedrich, Jr Jos J Diederich, Arthur ... Diederich, Leo Doi-fler, John Doherty, Thomas R Dippe, August Dreymiller, John Dolferty, James ;E* Deimaer, Anna ....... Dietz, Ben J De Vore, EAW Davis, Arnold R .... Dibble, Arthur Devore, Chris .BHU.;.. Dorn, Ed Dvike, Einar ........... Danford, E En gels, Peter Eppel, Eva Ericson, Henry F.ttinger, I S Ettinger, I S 80- Ebel, C J 50 Ewell, James C ....... 5o Etigvalson, Kinsley 300 Eckland, Harry 50 Feiereisel. Clarence GO Fitzgerald, Roy ........ Freund, Alfred Freund, Math P ... Freund, Stephen H Freund, Martin, H Freund, Wm »W Freund, Jos L ....... Freund, Herbert P Freund, Jacob ....... 70 80; 75 50 100 60 475 800 90 50 70 140 50 70 135 60 - 70 260 160 60 50 60 80 160 . 80 1185 110 %25 600 70 70 70 * 85 1230 70 150 125 1895 50 100 130 50 150 OOO 375 Freund, John N .. Freund, Peter F Freund, Peter jr Freund, Anton H F reund, Jos J .... Freund, Ben Freund, John Freund. Peter A" 140 Freund, John V 70 Freund, Anthfflfty".,........... .475' Freund, Leo 50 PVeund, Fred P 200 Freund, Peter A Jr ........... 100 ! Freund, Jos W • 50 i Freund, Peter M 70 130 50 800 Freund, John Freund, Anna Freund, William N Freund, Bernard A Freund. Victor Freund, Joseph M Freund, Frank Fredrickson, Ivar ...... Fay, Frank ;. Falcon Outing Club, ., Frisby, Robert Finkel, Wm Frett, P. J Frett Bros Fairchild, <?atherine Flemming, R M ...: Foss, Wayne E ...... Freund, Clarence .. Freund, John Franks, Stanley .. Flurrey, Edward E Gardner, J C Gilliland, P H Gross, Marie Griffith, Chas M ; Gaist, Adolph Glossen, William ..... Glossen, Joe Glossen, Geo Grasser, William ..... Goolinski, Emma Goettshe, H C Grandt, John H ......... Glende, E H Gibbs, C W ............v.* Grell,. Eugene .....i..., Gibney, Loretta S .u Hamlin, Peter Haug, Walter Huvka, Stephen Hinn, A1 Hunter, John Hillman, Emil J Hinke, Wm J ,......X,. • 70 : Howard, Christina ... 100 IHarold, Edward C ... 710 j Heimer, Mrs Stephen . 70 j Hay, William 1140 | Hay, Frank ........... 60 ! Hoy, John ................ 1075 ! Hawley, Louis ; 800 | Hawley Andrew " 300 | Harris, W S 2501 Harrison, Flora S , 100 Harrison, Walter B ... 60 1 Harrison, Raymond R 500 j Harrison, Mary E .... 100 i Harrison, C L 70 [Harrison, Frank 150 j Harrison, A C 150 j Hunter, Everett 75 Halstrom, Carl 100 ! Halleman, Andrew .... : 50 Hunter, Donald J ....... 950 I Hepburn, Wm 900 I Herdrich, Charley ...^ 1090 , Herdrich, Emil 1030 S Herman, O H 105 Hiller, Joseph 150 Hiller, George 1115 ! IHHIIer, Wm J 140 Hiller, Leo 1250 Howe, C B 300 Hopper, Milton E .....1. 1540 Hoppe, Valeski 1,745 Hopper, Jos .. 80 ; Hogan, John --525 j Hueman, Jos H 300 Hueman, Jos G 350 Hueman, Fred A........ 100 Hueman, Jacob 450 Huff, John .1 • 200 IHtaff, Albert IOO Hunter Boat Co, 100 Healey, Thomas 50 Hunter, Emily 50 Hollenbach, Charley 150 Hollenbach, Geo 1080 Haide, F ,100 Hetterman, Jos B ; 60 Hetterman, Henry W ........ 910 Hetterman, Edward .......... 50 Herman, Louisg ................ 100 Harold Jennie 175:[HiuflF, Harry 75 Hall Bros .100 I Hanish, Ernest ................ 125 Hiller, Henry ..»....T......,., 70 Harvey, Steve ................... 125 Hayes, William 100 Holley, John A ...-- 125 Hayes, Danial 90 Himsley, D R........<.,.,<. 100 Horn, Alex ...v..^,...... 1910 Hogan, O F 1l790 Johnson, Eldred L .......... 1280 Jepsen, J C ... 125 i Jepsen, C J 100 Johnson Est, Rudolph r...... 400 ; Joyce, Danial 100, Justen, William 985 Justen, William H 1055 : Justen, John R 150 ; Justen, Anna 745 ; Jung, INick 1480 Jung, Mrs Martin 125 ! Jung, Frank 100 Jungen, Mlath 450 , Jeffers, C D ; 125 i Janish, Margareth ........... 1370 | Jecks, C E 50 Jepson, Harold 70 Joseph, Samuel 100 , Jensen, Vatilda R Kling, Charles ...... Kent,' Chas ................ Knapp, Forest Krickl, Geo Kuby, Andrew E Kroh, F Kotbra, W E ...... Kohler, Antori Kelley, Peter M Krenz, Mathilda Kane, Thomas Kaiser, Frank G .................. Ktinnebeck, Ben J .......... Ken nebeck, Henry Jr ........ Kennebeck, Elizabeth ........ Kennebeck, Bernard M ...... Klein, Jos .......................... Klein, Arthur King, Jos ..........t... King, Leo J Klapperich. Henry J Klapperich, Wm J Klapperich, Joe ••••• Klapperich, Frank ............. Kopke, Ed iKrohn, Chas Kildey, John W Kling, J B Kent, Roy Karowski, Steve ........... Kleinhans, Geo Klockner, Jos Kuntz, Fred --V T«««> 50 "100 150 70 100 100 100 945 70 1505 1305 1285 100 100 1260 100 930 130 100 110 250 885 85 250 100 110 100 50 1690 200 620 1625 100 Keller, Wm Kries, Chas P Kinsley, Philip .*. Koos, Jennie J «... Ludfot, Robert ... Lane, Frank ....... Lancli, Antotl Lau, Arthur ...,„ 50 -Luce, Ben 515 Lacey, Phil 940 Ladd, Elizabeth ... 70 Lash, Chas Lind, H T .... ..... Lawrence, Abe Lallinger, Albert'. Luckie, F \V ...... Loy, Christina ... Ix)ftus, Ben Leaderer, Adolph Lindgreh, H W .. Liirson, Lee McKiin, E P ..... Mitchel, Jennie' .. Medouis, W R.. Morse, C Marraz, James M nv, John V .., McNeeley, W C Miller, Otto E Mathias Frank Miartin Bros .. Martin, Clinton 860 605 150 100 . 250 1000 70 1260 1220 1095 1315 905 2405 2530 1650 50 70 70 80 130 100 80 325 200 90 845 80 765 - 85 325 60 100 60 225 60 "170 250 100 1 iso 1390 1020 150 250 945 630 100 150 100 880 500 1045 1040 100 350 j 70 100 50! 1015 200 1405 90 v50 ho 965 May, Ervin May, Frank S May, George A May, Wm May, Steve Mauer, R G McCannon, Wm ........ McAmsh, Andrew .... McLaughlin, T ......... Mclntee, Jennie ....... Merts, John Mertes, Jos J ........... Mertes, Wm Muller, Nick G Miller, Jos Miller, Paul Miller, Oscar & Fred Miller, Peter Miller, Jacob P .\... Miller, Delia K Miller, Leroy Miller, Minnie McRoberts ... Michels, Geo ! Michels, Frank Mjeyers, Wm J Meersman, Peter | Moeberg, Henry ! Mayer, Geo Muzzey, F M Morgan, Harriet i Miller, Geo J May, Alfred ; Martin, Laura W .... , Matchen, John ....... J Mories, Harold P j Maidge, Elsie ! Morris, H W ' Malch, Ernest .^•§8gui060 Smith. Leo F Sompel, Henry V .. Stilling, Jos Stephenson, H M .. Stilling, Clarence .. Stilling, Geo A ...... Stilling, Arthur .... Sutton, Edward .... Swanson. Albert .... Strandt, Wm Schuler, Alvina ...... Schulz, Wm Surth, Joseph A .... Street, Ed E Schnaitman, Harry Shadle, Wolf, Sherman, F C .: Schumaker, Jacob R Sheian, Earl Sullivan, Patrick Spring Dale Farm .... Stilling, Elmer 80 Stains, Wm 80 i Schaefer, John W Jr Smith, A W Sloey, Michael Stilling, Mrs Mary Schneider, Ernest ... Stephenson, Franke Shepard, Geo E Simms, Ida --*44I4--4 ......U.. 300 995 ! Smith, Walter M '*' "••166 ; Stockholm, Anna fvlOO j Struve, H E rfij370 ! Swayne, A W .... I Schmidt, Alber|;. , pilOO: Stedman, Geo C , vit-jl 80 j Senne, Henry ^#780 Saw}o' ^ $*125! smith, s.j V/ « 50 Schubert, Geo C Nagel, Theodore .; :' a/-'200 : Elizabeth fit Northmeyer, Russell Nelson, Hanna tno Nelson, C A 50 M Noonan, M!ary ..... Nelson, Magnus Nett, John E .w. Nell, Frank ...... Nell, Henry Nett, Nick Nielsen, Harry Olsen, Louise .... Olsen, Olef Oldsen, Richard Oster, M A Osberg, Charles Oeffling, George ....... Oeffling, Peter ...... Oeffling, Wm Oeffling, Alfred Olsen, Olef C S Olsen, Ben T P^aul, John S .......1..... Pyritz, Otto Peterson, Milton ... Parsell, Cashes ...... Piet, Tony Perkins, James ........ Passfield, RojT Prince, Calvin E Pescki, Ester Peters, August Peters, Florence .... Peterson, A Q .......... Pedersen, Peter .... Peterson, Kenneth .... Peterson, E G Peterson, J M Peet, Charley Peet, Ed ...... Paulson, C M Pearson, Gues Pearson, J C r.V Pfannenstill, John Pfailnenstill, Wm J & Arthur A Pitzen, Math J Pitzen, John M ...i..i....„....t.....,; Pitzen, Nick S .............i,..;. Pitzen, Margreth Pitzen, Louis Pitzen, Frank N Pitzen, Michael Pomeroski, Alex A' Pagel, Fred 100 Portway, Mary im'i Pistakee Yacht Club 150 Peters, Arthur ion Pepping, Albert Pine Tree Dairy No. 1.......... Pine Tree Dairy No. 2 Pine Tree Dairy No. 3...i..„.„ ; Pine Tree Dairy No. 4. | Pine Tree Dairy No. 5. Pine Tree Dairy No. 6 Pine Tree Dairy No. 7........... Pabst, Mrs F ...4.,., Palmer,; F Peterson, Charles E Rzeczkowski, Henry Richard, Vera L. Reeves, Fred A Reid, David Richer, Geo W Roemister, Clem H Rodert, 'Hlarry E Reeves, Edward ................... Regner, John ...........i...i........^ Regner, Clarence Rothermel, Jos J Rietzel, Charley Ringa, Mary y Rimbaugh, V L Rossman, Wm A Randall, Wm .... Rossman, Fred Ringwood Chemical Corp Rothermel, Wm Raycraft, Frances ......... 75 640 1230 330 100 925 70 2035 900 1570 1220 275 100 75 490 75 3270 200 320 1010 100 70 200 1250 1180 1350 640 950 100 2225 700 j 50 50 { 2570! 70 70 1505 125 2125 1050; 100 IOO! 350 75 75 100 100 200 770 50 70 70 Thelen, Ben J Thelen, Henry J . Thelen, John J .... Thelen, Arthur Thelen, Alfred 120 T°riyan, gen 70 Tonyan, Elizabeth Tonyan, Wm H ... Tonyan, Silvester . Todd, A M ; 50 1535 . 225 250 250 125! 70 j Thompson, F W * 1 Thiel, E C Trill, Geo W Thiel, Jacob Thomas, Dale W ... Thinnes, Math Thompkins, A F ... Torcom, E M Thevenot, Albert . Thall, Geo A N .... Thurner, Ear| ...... 80 1 Tomas, Toney ...... 75 Toppelson, B 0 ..... Vogt, Robert Vandergal, Jake ... Vallencourt, J A ... Wattles, Mrs F JH' Weber, Eva ..... Weber, Henry J ... Weber, Catherine . Welter, Math Weingart, Frank . Weingait, Nick .125 1140 50 75 110 200 200 100 70 200 80 1170 100 150 125 75 50 «00 1130 630 | Weingart, Josephine ' 2 0 0 180 895 100 75 >'260 810 100 150 340 400 70 350 200 1380 955 1485 50 300 1190 1400 70 100 60 145 2380 150 200 100 100 125 50 965 200 250 125 150 100 50 1660 100 90 70 50 50" 95 970 900 905 • 120 750 70 100 645 700 200 : 100 100 900 290 90 100 1975 150 200 100 -100 75 80 50 100 •75 200 100 50 * 140 100 250 70 100 150 70 100 100 *125 1450 200 200 100 100 50 800 1080 810 100 70 340 800 850 980 190 100 100 .100 250 200 100 3550 945 1780 670 670 045 mo 350 • .100 270 170 100 875 110 170 250 100 Smidt, Mike Sales, Leo Stanley, Walter T .......... Schlitt, Wm Schuman, Louis Stealow, Elizabeth Struve, Wm Schmitt, Edward Schmidt, Win J Schmitt, Elizabeth Schmitt, Geo J .................. Schmitt, Jos S Schmitt, John Schmitt, Math ...v;....... Schmitt, John N Schmitt, Stephen N Schmitt, Ben N Schmitt, Jos N Schmitt, Math N ...... Schmitt, Anton M ............ Schmitt, John R Schweitzer, Carl Sassman, D C ............... Steffens, A1 ..................... Schaefer, John W Schaefer, John P Schaefer, Math & John .... Schaefer, Jos M Schaefer, Michael, Jr .;...... Schaefer, Jos A Schaefer, Peter M Schaefer, Mike B ......i Schaefer Bros Schaefer, Ben J .( Schaefer, Jos P Schaefer, Joe v..». Schaefer, Ruby M ............ Smith, Charley ................. Shi Ho, Helen Severinghaus, G H ........ Schroeder, Louis Schuman Est, C E Schuman, Lester Smith, Arthur Smith, S W Syiith, A W Smith, Leo J Smith, Lonnie L Smith. Stephen 3 Smith, Peter .................... Smith, S H Smith, Minny M .............. Smith, Bernard N Smith, John .....A. Smith, Fred J .................. j Smith, Peter H I Smith, Fred Weingart, John Whiting, Ellen .... Whiting, Ed E ..... Whiting, W E .... Whiting, Earl .... Wilbrandt, A1 .v„. Wood, Susana A Welde, Louis G •-,•,',,.1.0'.'. Wieland, Charles Westfall, G J ..... • Waters, Florence E Williams, Emma Weber, Jos H Wiedling, Charles C .....A... Worts, Geo Wilson, John P" ..................„.„ Winski, H Weber, Martin Wiedrick, Fred W Jr . Walkington, Ben Winkel, August Worber, Stanley Weber, Lauretta Watzo, Anna Woolf, Math ...,.!..v««». Wirfs, Clem Wroblewski, Edw J ........... Williams, H L Whiting, Sibre D Wohlert, Henry .....„,......i..... Wegner, Edward ............... . Wall, Ulric ........„^...... Welte, A1 Wlashbui-n, I Wicke, Wm ......; Wheaten, Arthur H ............ Wiser, Anton Walkington, J P Wheelock, Edith O .............. 50. Young, (ieo J 60 Young, Wm 135 Young, Clarence 90 Zimmerman, H S 50 Commercial Union Fire In» 100 Co of N Y * 100 Quaker City Fire & Marine ;^20 Ins Co 100 American Equitable Assur- 730 ance Co of N Y ...u« 2000 Northwestern National ft®": Co Emmco Ins Co Hartford Fire Ins Co ........ The Home Ins Co ............. Aetna Ins Co Phoenix Ins Co Fireman's Fund Ins Co ....... Royal Ins Co Automobile Ins Co of Hartford .... Fire Assn of Philadelphia...... Commercial Union Assurance Co ". Fidelity Phenix Fu*e Ins Co.... Franklin Fire Ins'COL. National Fire Ins Co of Hartford American Ins Co of Newark. N J Ins Co North America Hanover Fire Ins Co Eagle Ins Co of N Y American Tel & Tel Co ........ Illinois Bell Tel Co Western Union Tel Co Public Service Co Western Unted' Gas & Elec Co Farmer's New Era Tel Co .L West McHenry State Bank... 90 50 50 125 •' 75 70 800 100 100 70 250 70 1780 870 1740 2005 1180 935 , 70 170 70 7445 ' 5 0 150' 100 75 . 800 S&70 915 875 1030 1050 1270 75 400 «20 atoo 80 75 70 75 125 180 1010 840 . 475 icr>0 • 475 ' 1660 .700 •535 890 " 50 1190 . 1590 80 800 70 130 50 435 1040 " 175 825 70 1255 560 100 250 100 100 100 100 100 50 200 50 200 175 1905 1010 890 1170 155 75 75 150 60 60 175 120 100 100 470 1000 100 150 70 70 80 650 1060 Thursday, August 12, 1943 City Council Proceeding* /r <t y t August 2, 1943, Council Room " ' The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton, presiding. Aldermen prep* ent: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nffc, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Freund, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the collector's report be • proved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded fc# Buss, that the clerks report be proved as read. T7 Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Njtoji that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance commit-* j tee. Motion carried. | Peter Wirfs, police service ?104v49 | W . C . F e l t z , s t r e e t s u p t . ; . . . . . . . . . 113.30 M. M. Niesen, supt. water- ? works Earl R. Walsh, office expense. R. I. Overton, mayor service... Edw»rd J. Buss, alderman service ; Fred Ferwerda, alderman service George P. service . A. Freund, alderman 65.40 35.00 56.00 35.00 35^0 E- Nye, alderman service.... 610! Joseph M. Regner, alderman 35.00 35.00 1380 1305 70 1350 50 60 340 100 100 100 100 75 125 200 125, 125 870 125 75 100 125 955 690 100 1595 100 240 50 80 50 1270 50 565 130 885 845 140 150 100 100 | 300 100- service Alfred Tonyan, alderman service ....'. Vernon J. Knox, attorney service Gerald J. Carey; treasurer service Earl R. Walsh, clerk service.... F. B. Ritzert, work on streets and alleys Walter J. Freund, police caf service McHenry Artificial Stone Co. labor Martin Stoffel, • labor at City Park Theodore Winkel, work at City Park John King, work at City Park. Earl R. Walsh, Federal Sticker ' for police car Ruddy Brothers, cleaning Green street sewer R. I. Overton Motor Sales, Tire and tube--police car Schreiner's Standard Service, gas and oil--police car T |o n y a n Construction Co.,. cement wtork at Riverslide Drive McHenry Plaindealer, printing and publications ...» Mayme Buss, clerical salary, commissions Carey Electric Shop, street light repairs Thomas P. Bolger, flashlight d batteries 35.00 36Jt 50.00 30.00 104 JO 26.25 Ijft tso 5.00 12.50 12.50 5.00 123.10 21^8 < IfJT 25.07 101*- 40 Jf LSI 150 1050 190 100 200 200 125 70 1100 110 100 200 100 100 1270 170 125 50 50 50 70 125 140 110 75 ioo! 70 j 70! 180 70 595 840 100 229.97 1.93 124.60 9.00 45.00 113 M Vernon J. Knox, certified copy of ordinance Public Service Company, power and light Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service Howard Cairns, police service.. Helen Knox, stenographic work, police court Math N. Schmitt, compensation policy Nick J. Adams, police service. 119J Special Sewer Fund: Fred C. Feltz, supt. disposal plant Publis Service Co., power and light ,.... 54.51 Walter J. Freund, oil 3.00 Motion by Buss, seconded by Regw ner, to pay sewer bond in the amount of $1,000 and interest due August 15, 1943. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Fer_ werda,' to pass and approve 1943 Tax Levy Ordinance, in the amount of $15,436, as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded bj Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH), Clerk. 06 10 05 Cabbage Likes Cool Sea on Cabbage is a crop unto it elf. Although it grows best in a lelatively cool season, the spring crop, which 6401 Is transP'anted, completes its growth 10 | in ?arly summer. The fall crop may gg i be seeded directly in the row. It 15' grows more slowly and reaches ma- 120 j turity just before the first killing 120, frosts in the fall. The fall crop may be stored and used in part as slaw throughout thu eolixe winter and early "jprinfc 25 165 !$• .. ••• j 50 8150 45 75 645 285 200 75 8575 60915 935 50480 22130 2875 2&770 Spruce Trees and War Effort ™ Spruce trees in Great Britain have aided in the war effort in a remarkable way. Before the war Britain imported all its seed for common spruce from central Europe, but the supply was cut off with serious .. ™ loss to the forestry department. But now the spruce are astonishingly ; rich in cones, even the small trees bearing them. This is true all over the country, it is reported in London, and the cone harvest is enough _ © to plant many thousands of acres. Cheap Fertilizer Rock phosphate is a cheap, effective fertilizer when used in growing clovers and alfalfa. These crops, with their strong feeding power for phosphorus, return it to the soil in a highly available form when they are plowed under or fed and the manure returned to the soil. Barter in Ecuador To assist some of its small-acreage farmers, who see little cash from one end of the year to the other, the Ecuadorian government is trying out a system of "barter" loans. In El Oro province today, hundreds of farmers are borrowing, not cash, but sows, brood hens, cows, hoes, spades and seedlings. Later in the year they will be paying off, ar ain not in cash, but in sucklings, e^gs, calves, vegetables and seed. In each case, the animals or materials are entered on the books at the prevailing market orica. Ht!p chicks young birds prow find develop. Give them TONAX i: their mash. Especially after . any disease. And a? a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building elements. Tonax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable stimulants. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 2-lb. caa enough for 400 chicks for a month, 73c Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry