, V, . . ^ v. -;-r ••-• • :: -* , 4 ' ^ : ' • * • - X f f i r i i * . * , , ' ', ' :• \ V . • ' ' . McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1943 No 14 - USE OF RATIOK BfiOK THREE TO SEPT. 12 J-i TECHNICAL CORPORAL r- • B, C GAB &OOKS MUST BE KCHANGED v Brown stamps in ration Cl, 8 become valid Sept. 12 for the pur- I V,. chase of meats, fats, oils, and dairy %$*;(•: products, t|ie office of price admhi- ; istration announced in Washington, y : D. C, Monday. This will be *he •-- first use of the new ration book. } The OPA said the last red stamps 1 Y, and Z--in ration book No. 2; will expire Oct. 2. A stamps become; valid Aug. 22, Y on Aug. 29, and Z od Sept &• | In the No. S book A brown stamp*: became valid Sept. 12, B on Sept.) 19, C on Sept. 2«, D on Oct. S, E on. Oct. 10, and F on Oct. 17. The A! and B brown stamps expire Oct. 2 and the C, D. E. and F on Oct. SO. 1 Both Will Be Valid. ! FORTY-FIVE INCLUDED IK LATEST CALLS JUDGE VACANCY IN COUNTY CHARGED BY ATTORNEY V. J. KNOX Attorneys Vernon J. Knox of Cry*, tsl Lake and Thomas J. O'Malley of Chicago* representing1 Martin Cooney of McHenry, have filed Wednesday, August 18, with Raymond D. Woods, • " , county clerk of MdHenry county, SEVERAL WELL KNOWH' charging that there is a vcaancy in ^ ^ IN McHENRY < °^'ce °f county judge of McHenry ; 'V county, which vacancy they charge V 1 *• • I was created when .ludgo Henrv L. local selective service boards thisjCowlin accepted the office of attOrnev week released the names of men from! for the citv of Crystal Lake, Crysta'l this county to go m the second call for- Lake Park* District, and village atenT :^rrfe^ tJ- torney for Algonquin, Huntley and enter service from Board One and Lake wood villages . th'rt^T0"® fr°™ Board Two. Several Mr Cooney hak been are McHenry rttett ^ W?re formed jas execut9r 0f the last will and testafrom here. • ' REMEMBER XMAS GIFT OVERSEAS MAILING DATES DON'T FORGET HIM THIS '7>v-; HOLIDAY 'the mention of ChrTstrf&s may sound out of place in August, hut War has made not only talk and thoughts of Christmas necessary but also action. When we recall that as late as SERVES IN SOUTH (Photo by Worwtck) CORPORAL NEIL W. HARRISON I Corp. Neil W. Harrison, who has been on maneuvers at Yuma, Arizona, is at present visiting his parents and other relatives and friends at Ringwood. For a time Corp. Harrison was As the result of the overlapping stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., and both red and brown stamps will be while on maneuvers his address has valid from Sept. 12 to Oct. 2, after been Los Angeles. Neil is the son of which only the new brown stamps j Mr. aiul Ifr*. Raymond Hartiioia; will be used. The OPA continued1 -- its policy of validating meat stamps on successive Sundays and setting their expiration dates on the Saturday nearest the end of the month. Ration book 2 will not be discarded after Oct. 2, however, because the blue stamps for processed food* will not be exhausted, the OPA said, Blue stamps, U, V, and W in tin* book become valid' Sept. 1 and pire Oct. 20--continuing the BOARD ONg McHenry -. PETERSON, V: WAYNE T SMITH f Harvard EVERT C. WHAPLES (Vol. RALPH A. WAGNER Marengo SIEVERT E. BLOCK WILLIAM H. CLARK Other Places 'V- •' FORMER LOCAL MAN ADDED TO CASUALTY USr CORP. D. C. LAMPHERE I® WOUNDED month ago local residents nominated j n>c -jved Christmas gifts from their ,> boys overseas, and the bovs, thfehi^' ; ment or tne late fcita lyeiter fiurke «jf j selves, report receiving their Christ,> McHenry. Judge Cowhn recently re- '^as mai, months late we Can readily i , fused to approve or disapprove an in-Ve the importance of early mailini " 1 \ entory of the estate of Ella Kelter The general idea expressed by boys Burke Aled by Attorney Knox and ] on furlough fix>m filing fronts is ! stated in open court that he would not -Don't forget to send our men And act on the inventory presented or on | women overseas some sort of reany matters presented by Attorney f membrance/at Christmas." • Knox as attorney for Martin Cdoneyj Mailing Dates in said estate. Mailing dates for Christmas gifts fC'S5U I" 01. ", Attorneys Knoi »d O'M.Uey , ,,vtnie,, ,Ws yMr are Sept. 15 to Oct 'he ,r'P Lou,s,n» '» S1'e charge that it is the county clerk's: 15 for those, addressed to army perthe list of-d; ad and wounded recorded in World War II in ths'; county,: As we lonk over the lonar ' it,"* •we, ifi McHenry fe*>l fortunafe tha^* *• only tHrve local hoys have; m *de th* * '* f» \ supreme sacrifice and ^ly.:.cn>/fro«< , ."*V ^ the city'"'Itself has been reported wounded in action. - " I •;> Th,s *'wk we have news of another' ; " / ,. - "^suajtr whieK local folki, -espec.aily' " , " . SGT. GORDON KNOX The last visit paid to McHenry-."hy Vhe old timers; will read of with interest. This hew addition, to the casualty list is Corp. Donald C. Lamphere. 40, of Elgin and Omaha. Neb, NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Cadet Barry B. Taxman is a mereex- ber of the engineer corps stationed OPA at Kansas State college in Manhat-„ Sgt. Gordon Knox was last spring a ho was born-.and lived his early life when he and his wife, the f&rmer n McIIenrv Florence Persson of Woodstock, made .than'- twenty-four hours after . . . , . „r J t - . his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles . .. . , w armv per-.iV*» ^^ock and Umphere, ofEl.Hn, had-been given; PETER M. GIANESlN, Winnetka, duty to call in a qualified judge to soni.el, and Sept. 15 to Nov 1 for WcHen^-v-. Bob, as he is known to a telegram notifying them that their (Vol.) hear matters before the county court j>i,0se serving in the navv marine most 0 hls fnentls- has l)e«n in 9er" son had been seriously wounded" WILLIAM H. KIMBALL. Hartland. during said so-called vacancy, also to{,.ol.,,s and COMt 'guard " i'ICe ab°Ut a >'ear and a ,haIf a>,d thls July 16 in the Southwest Pacific area, THOMAS* C. WILSON, Wauconda. notify the governor of the state of During these periods it will not be f,nd'y Sm * W(>uld ,ndic»t<; that he they received a V-mail letter from JAMES L. HEIDEN,' Rockford Illinois of said so-called vacancy, ii»'| ..ecessury to present a'-letter of re-!? enjoys 'army -hfe* Mrs" Knox. him in'<his own handwriting and dated HAROLD F. MORRIS. Capron order that said vacancy may be filled« lUtst }r'om the person to whom a lS n,ow' makm» h®r, ^om« «n Wood-, July 30. bearing the happy message RUSSELL F. GRIFFITH, Wal- by appointment until an election is r,hrvajre is addressed. stock. Bob, son of John Knox of this; that he was *'0. K." plan of setting the life of these stamps at one month plus 20 days to permit a 20 day overlapping period in which six groups of stamps are va^d. The R, S. and T blue stamps ••which became valid Aug. 1 expire Sept. 20. The OPA will attempt to outwit gasoline black market operators by surprise cancellation of ration coupons and issuance of new series, Ed«* ward F. Stegen. regional rationing executive, said in Chicago. Mast Be Exchanged. tan as part of the a r hi y specialized training program; unit. He is the son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taxman of Country Club Drive, M c Henry. Before entering the'armed services he studied music in Chicago. The Army Specialised Training Stegen said all B and C ration "n,tat Kansas State college was acbooks now outstanding will have to t,vated Ju"e l: 1»43- 18 be excban&ed by Sept. 1 for new man>' suc,h u"'ts loca^d u"iverseries bearing the letter "V" at and college* throughout the the suggestion of the secret service United States wher« army men recwve department of the United States tra,n,n,f 1_,n sPec,a '\ed fie,ds- The treasurv, which has been aiding the co,,eSe has several hundred men in CPA in combating counterfeiting. ar"«y uniform in basic engineering Despite the extra cost and the and in the veterinary corps, consumption of critically needed' c,^» members of the college the OPA will invalidate mil^WiBy are th* classroom instructors for a worth HOWARD K. JUDSON, 'Hebron _MARETON WRUBLEWSKl, Chi cago ,, . BOARD TWO • Woodstock LOUIS A. BEAR STANLEY W. SEVICK (Vol.) GEORGE J. ZANRSTORFF ERWIN F. P. BETH WILLIAM A. GLAWE DARRELL G. BENOY NORMAN E. EHRKE GLEN E. GABRIELSON (Vol.) JOHN F. RILEY (Vol.) KENNETH W. HOOD (Trana;) Crystal Lake DONALD R. GOODWIN. CLAIR D. KINSEY VERNON J. RUDSINSKI EDGAR A. STARKEL (Vol. GORDON H. DETJTSCHMAN JOHN W. SHERWOOD DONALD L. GRAENING VERNON GIESEKE LEWIS C. REED WALER R. SOUTHERN he_ld. , , , • • • , . rP,a i -„c e,l s s e n 4t o v e r s e a s a r e a c c e p t e d . c, it,y , is now at Shreveport. The filing of these demands is no ( Ht th(. risk of the sender and may not i. doubt preliminary to the filing of a 1 he."irsured or registered. rnAII bill in a higher court charging that v, Nc,t more than one ]Wrce] may lkU|-V V flMLV LUIIIfl said vacancy exists, and demanding a . ,ent (o the M|ne pefson in anv one n>LUUHULO I llUlfl hearing of the issues involyed at *• which time Judge Cowlin may make 1 answer and the case be tried on its i mei its. . • •• '_ 1 NEW RATION ORDERS GO INTO EFFECT "DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE" WEEKEND THEME Christmas gifts for overseas deliv ery (including Alaska) must not weigh more than five pounds nor measure more than IS inches in length, or 36 inches in length and til th combined. MEN IN SERVICE Although his parents and friends realize that this "O. K." was probably • exaggerated, nevertheless, the fact that he was able to write within two weeks gave them assurance that he is ^ on the road to recovery. The letter was written from U. S. hospital 7* somewhere in • the Southwest Pacifie and read *s follows: Dear Sir: I W rites V-Mail ¥ . . . " "Wrote a note yesterday but Just received, thre# copies of the thou?rht that v.mai, would get'to yoa All packages must b* carefully e^l^r beginning with the April soonen Am O. K. and here for a rest -wrapped and properly addressed. I * wish j Nothing around here to worry about. Parcel post rates for five-poundr rfV thank you and However, 1 am anxious for mail. I. overseas Christmas gifts mailed from K~>1) . PfPp,e h 0 am v^ry fortunate indeed. Just tired Chicago are as follows: ma"e . sending 0ut. Via and in care postmaster, New, your PaP«r to 1 "From navy treatment, food Highways in this locality were crowded last weekend wficn Chicagoland motorists evidently decided to en-! Wash., 50 cents. York City, 33 cents Via and in care postmaster. New Orleans, La., 33 cents. . J Via and in care postmaster, Miami, FIh.. 40 cents. 1 Via and in care postmaster, Presque Isle, Me., 40 cents. Via and in care postmaster. Seattle; ^ont*s irithis remote area how onWs at Munda teresting home community news can <-I"on 0886 ai Munaa. me possible. No doubt the other copies will follow soon. You cannot realis? unless you, too, had served several an4 w alC/K n. .. ---- -- •, . o- „„ j-, 99 f HnAA.RnVvFexY 1H1 . nRuOnHnRoSoSbEnN /VaL-'-"'ii 'jo 'y fo_ r .t he last time before additional;. Via ind in care pos.t master, San d"u tv on board on1e "oVf „tln ele Sam'« paper, lions of B and C coupons recently Ior academic wor*. The engineers printed and issued in the last meet ,n cltase* by themselves but the month. About one-third of the B veterinary medicine students conand C card holders in the Chicago tl?ue *<> meet ln classes with civilian area already have renewed their students- A™y officers handle the rations and received new coupons, military training. Kansas State eol- These will have to be replaced at established 80 years ago as a local rationing boards by the "F" la*»id-grant college, has more than geries . , thirty beautiful native McHenry EDWARD J. GITZKE Marengo CLIFFORD OVERTON (Vol.) Huntley ROBERT A. BREWICK (Trans.) Cary CHARLES GALVlN(^Pol.) LYLE P. JECKS Fox River Grov* LOUIS R. ( ERNOCKY ; Other Places JOHN H. FISCHER, Escanaba, limestone Mich. •gas rationing a trip into the country For beginning last Monday morning at 12:01 a. m., local motorists, together with all those between the eastern seaboard and the Rocky mountains saw their gasoline coupon rations being slashed 25 per cent. Francisco. Calif., .r>9 cents OPENING MEETING FOR NEW TEACHERS duty on board one of Uncle Sam's ships of war, I have done shore duty i in New Zealand and here at San Francisco. During the period I had six addresses. TTiat HELD NEXT WEEK three months . „ , . . -- , ' newspaper to eaten up AH begmrwng teachers, teachers 1 Yours truly, The action put the middle west in. who have not previously taught in ERNEST ROSING much the same category as East- McHenry county and teachers who erners. who have long been doing are returning to teaching this year, without because of meager supplies, will meet at the. court house on Mon- Reason given for the new cut in day, August 23, at 1:30 p. m. The Stegen said motorists whose B buildings on a rolling. 155-acre campusand C coupons expire Aug. 31 will landscaped with more than 150 vahave to file renewal applications rj®ties of trees and shrubs. with their rationing boards. Those ' rn who have already renewed their Charles Wiedling, stationed at 111 DONALD LOCKWOOD. RocR Island HENRY O. SAUNDERS, Los An- was not listed as having any bearing geles, Calif. on the decision to cut rations this locality was said to be because , opening:-meeting of all rural teacher . an ine oiner mem- ,.eineml the petroleum output was inadequate, groups will be held as follows and 's .youl ,s, ' j °™°™C father' The wear on tires and automobi.?le s. i ,nay»• be'. c. ounted as a dav* " taught. Hv™aq fl avS iannCd? ,1 iiVrCn nld 11 L/a f /\ Un/\i«Pr laHi/n\iw" a- bric. k. Northern--August 24, 9 1:30 p. m;--Central school,- Wood- ELSO FRERKSON;. JR.^/Fl^pptty Stove Rationing stock, court hou^e, get supplies. Gasoline is not the only thing that Harvard--August 24, coupons will merely tftr&ender their Green Bay, Wis., visited his parents, Afti r both local boards had released js being placed under new ration re- P- m. Court house, get coupons and receive an equal n-um- Clarence Wiedlings, last week- the above lists they both listed sev- strictionS. The plan for" nation-wide P"es- Central school, Woodstock, ber of the "F" series. .....end, ... . eral more to leave soon. Those listed ' rationing of domestic and cooking Wbdstock--August 25, 9 a. iri Surprise exchange of gas ration v : • .- by Board One aie Raymond L. Rose, stoves designed to burn coal, wood, oil 1:30 p. m< Central school, W coupons iill be made, periodically.Men received that Rex^" Woodstock, and Allen C. Jones,^^ Har- or gas will go into effect at 12:01 stock court house, get supplies. Stegen said, to eliminate the "In- Ray, a former local resident, has re- Those nametl by Boaid Two are August 24, the local War Price and flation" of the ration currency. Ho cently been released from the Chicago George L. Koty. \\ oodstock, ^ Robert Rationing board has announced said that stolen, improperly all combined, I believe I should have joined the navy. But I have a great deal of respect for the army boys that are out here." it is believed that Corp. Lamphere mny have been wounded in the campaign to capture the Japanese Sol- He enlisted a year ago and last April 21 wrote home enroute to the Southwest Pacific with an infantry unit/ Readers of the Plaindealer will recall an item of three years ago menwhy "it* took t'on'n? the fact that Lamphere, then ths' for ~your interesting mil"a?ei" l u he men's clothing de^. to catch up with me. jP^tm^nt at the J C^Penney store, in competition with 1.500 other salesmen throughout the country, won the firm's annual sales contest. Soon af* terward he was promoted and transferred to Omaha. Residents of many years here will remember his parents, and his grand- Isaac Wentworth, who owned yard and served on the school a in to dealer and 1 wou,d like to know how board here for many years. things are going back in the old home town. The Plaindealer is the first thi"g I look for every time we have a mail call, which incidentally, is not too often. I'm .fine and getting along i »»»»»»»»»»»»•»»»«•»»•••• M as can best be expected. There is not as much activity going on around our island here as there San Francisco, Calif. Dear Mr. 'Mosher: How are you and all the other mema. m, to sup- Among the Sick Marengo-Seneca-Coral-Riley -Aug. "Bed ** I guess the Nips have ust 25--9 a. m. to 1:30 p. m'--Court the,r hands ful1 farther up. They Mrs. Vernon Knox of Crystal Lake entered the Woodstock hospital as a iriedical patient the last of the week. Miss Edythe Geary, employed by r. Deen «"w*®«"-•», «"wv..v Kaiioning ooaiu nas> mmuunteu. ~ ,, • r ... . gHii nun . bombing raid now and the «Il••l•i•n•«o•<is» Bell Telephone company trans- Beach hospital, where he had been Courier, Woodstock; Walter G Beginning that date all consumer Jou«e, get supplies, Central school, ^ do^ miS hefe as an .°Perato' - ferred, and counterfeit coupons would confined as a pneumonia patient. He Benson. Sandwich; Raymond L. Cat- purchases of rationed stoves must be Woodstock. • ' • t damage. We hand out the damage °PEYATION at St. Therese hoehe considered "inflated." He em- is now visitin? his Darents in Val- 'oW> Cary. and William G. Naslund, made with a certificate obtainable a * _ ^ ^ ' . . . . • f r t t V i a m A i i A n r i i i A t , a a i m a b v a u h j I p i t a l , W a k e g a n , l a s t e e ( ' i v s t a l Lake. SCHOOL GROUNDS TO be visiting parents Val phasized, however, that he has en- paraiso, Ind. ^ countered no counterfeiting of gaso- -- line coupons and that thefts in the Sgt. and Mrs. Edwin E. Slwrtnan evpnwn PONPVPT nv midwest region have been few. Denver. Colo., are' spending a two "Surprise invalidation of ration weeks' furlough with McHenry and currency, however, will cause .'no Chicago relatives. end of trouble for black market operators?." Stegen said. Jerome Buch has been made a pri- Apply for Extra Ration*. vate first class at Santa Rosa, Calif, presented its first concert at the high Motorists who find that their gas- ~ school with only the noise of some - i„,mHrv •line allotment, under the 25 per« *^dams, sUtioned at Camp children maITinjr the enjoyment of i ®"d lr^ which became effective in J11'8' Peon* ^ spent the weekend the music. parent8 are asked to ^'PP^1 wlth bu,lt-'n water Jacket* yesterday here' . j sr..... gas heating stove* their local rationing board Stove 1:30 p. m.--Central school, Wood- *o them every time they come around pthuericrh alsoec acl errt iftiic antie sg nowa is.s ued by stock court hnoouusspe, get ssuupnpnlliieess. , , o, ur an,t i-air.c.r aft .,g uns.• , ,W • e the War Production board and nor- McHenry-August 26, 9 a. m. to fought^one down> the cite a mally valid for thirty days from date 1=30 p. m.--Court house, get supplies, Q K of issuance will be invalid after Aug-j Central school, Woodstock. the rising sun t that ay. ^ ^ ^ ^ RE PRESENTED FRIDAY ust 23. New certificates will be in I If you are unable to meet with your We have our camp fixed UP M, appendectomv at St. Therese hospital IS* 1 r KlLlA i jocaj before the own group y0U may come with one • good as possible now and are getting < ^urda evening. . . • others Ifed a lot better than at first. We J Last week, Friday, the City band ra e~"!"5 ^ llt„w --1 _ 1 #ot some cold storage eggs in today a tient at St so I hope I can look a "sunny side v linWc,.wc Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will-- iam Tonyan is recovering from a" tonsillectomy performed at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, last week. „ Mrs. Fred Goodsir underwent an eent cut the midwest and south are inadequate to meet their essential driving needs may file applioa- . tions for suplemental rations with J"*?*.* sergeant in charge of weektg concert wili be as follow*: their rationing boards, he said. battalion suppl.es, writes that he en. Program Those who use their cars in their' paper which arrives regu- ..Thc Sur Spangled Banner"...^, work but are not eligible for pre- lar,y- Hls address is New Orleans March Basses" Stoves to be rationed under the nrTar»rk*rOTW OiPiTV F,r".'T-.r "7 progrHm include: coal and wood heat-| WISCONSIN STATE ^ n° ^ S m ( onH IrtiinHrv ntovps nrtt I FAIR WILL BEGIN NJSXT SATURDAY PLEASE co-operate in keeping small or i c^Us; coal and wood ranKes and children on the bleachers or the lawn. up" in the face tomorrow morning for breakfast. The dehydrated chow we've been getting was pretty rough cooking stoves; Americas fast^e st Gr< randj Circu•i*t ^so I fhnosphe fwooed sc_a n continue getting .i ng .fo r .h er. LeRoy Miller of Johnsburg has been Therese hospital, where he underwent an appendectomy, Mrs. Ferdinand Frett has been ill. at her home in the north part of this city. Her sister from Chicago is car- Mrs. Kathryn Schneider is eon- I can't think of much else to say fine<1 to her. bed at her home on River- Albert fioehlke. who recently Was away from the band platform. This and heaters; gas cooking stoves; oil harness horses are waiting for the -- i -i an<j kerosene heating stoves and heat- starter; carload after carload of capers; oil, kerosene and gasoline ranges tuered Axis war, machines have ar- except keep the home town news com- Drive, and cooking stoves, and conversion oil rived; barns are crowded with prize n,V way. I enjoy every issue burners. 'farm products; famous artists of the thoroughly. Say hello to al my Not rationed are electric heating sawdust ring, stage, screen and radio friends in McHeni y and also all my NEW ADJUTANT woS andBiother1 ^ich wwld ihdica^ that he is some- Grenade, "The First Heart Throbs 8nd cooking equipment; cook- Tre tuning up, and' everything is in buddies in the. armed forces of the . : whprp out „f th, St»t» iw 1 "h'ch bur.n -dine- '»•- ««i- « the great,,. LTr show of the year when the Wisconsin hope ft won t be much longei before Harold Reemer is now stationed-at State fair opens its gates Saturday, W be back with you all. Until then Golf port. Miss., with the air force. ferred rations allowed ministers, but the card he sent^was censored, seienac|ej "The First Heart Throbs physicians, war Overture, "Lustspiel" Keler Bela - , , , , , WalU, " Mv Wild lrisTTRose'L.. charcoal or Rlcohol; sheet metal wood . _ w Olcott burning stoves not equipped with _ • (Request Number) grates, cast iron bases and linings; August 21, on seven days and seven! I remain „ Vocal -Solos: A--' Neapolitan Nights" watel. heaters; laundry stoves with night8 ^ thrilling, inspiring, patri- Janies and Joseph Walsfi left Tues- _ ^ Zamecnik built-in water jackets or coils, gas | Q^c entertainment. day for Savannah. Ga.. after spend- gj -"Roses of PicarciyWood b°t plates; gasoline camp stoves; For seven climatic evenings, inspiring a two-week furlough here. Adele Froehlich central heating equipment, such as rational, patriotic and genuine en- ® : March "El Caoitan" . . Sousa' furnaces' and stoves , designed tertainment, the State Fair presents Dear Sit*. jt George A. Spoo. seaman first-*la;ss,QWti'- f wT1^'p^.'eflp["i:, . j specially for commercial, industrial,, ..Let pr<;ejoni Ring.". It's a night, 1 wwhu /;th»nk ^rou -for. seinltof^ left Elgin this week for New York for ^ _ Friml agricultural and institutional pur- show you'll always remember. Seven me tbe papei. It sure is swell to advanced training in Diesel engines TromboneNoV^ityr"^^m^ne To- Poses. , nights of splendor, charming music and spiall gasoline motors at Miller hoetran" Weber - t i . - . - - , f»«ld, Staten Island. Mr. Spoo for- ftv ** «VSant" "*"'Z3.'..Kiefer on » montniy quota oa«w xur ma Island Lake Is Dead merly of McHenry. and now with the „_ ^ ^ Solo "On the Road to Man- war P"c® and rat'on'n8 board. When ^ w „ Islan i Lake residents are saddened ( coast guard, is the son of George F. ?n, „ ' . gpeaks a board has exhausted its quota, no five njghts, the midwest's finest gait- and some of them can speak English over the death of Mrs. Alvera Riedl, Spoo. His bride, the former Marilyn 8 y Schcdle additiopal certificates of purchase may e(j horses, jumpers, six-horse draft I have bcc/i to their villages and havt nee Bohne, who passed awav last <• l-sr!:, resides in Elgin. March - 'The New Colonial-'^ ...,,J..Hall be issued by th? board even though teams and high-stepping hackneys seen how they live * Q-j -tJ' frnn< »The Merrv Widow" local dealers have a supply of stoves perf0rm in the large, airy, comfort- various. things, such. as grass skirts. American Legion is Ray McGee, " - , Lehar on hand. able coliseum. Sunday, Monday, beads and combs and have sent them jn business lite a postmaster, who "" The Office of Price Administration Wednesday and Thursday in the home. They live in grass huts, which was seJected for the position this week _ privileged--drivers will be limited 480 miles of driving each month. Stegen said reports from gasoline companies indicated about 25 per cent of Chicago gasoline stations •old out their stock over the weekend. but that sales were not " as heavy as anticipated following announcement of the cut in A, B, and C coupon values from 4 to 3 gallons •ach. : ..V n . . . : ' • ' Mrs. AlVera. Riedl of Yours; truly, PVT. LEONARD BLAKE, i ; Southwest Pacific sit'down after a day's work and read The stove program will be set up glorious girls and gorgeous, dazzling, home town paper. - nsational settings, color and acts. At the present time 1 am in New. Beginning Sunday, and running for-Guinea. Thp natives • are friendly Friday. August 13. She is survived i - - by her husband. Joseph, and an infant Mrs. Frank Kempfer. 'Jr., of Wau- • daughter, Nancy Ann. / k*g*n is. making -her home wjth her ^ ...WAshhiKton Post uents, the Albert Vales, for the ' , RAY McGEE I.have collected1®,^' adjutant of the local po«t_ of things such as grass skirts, the Ar Sousa The body rested at the funeral pa home at 4905 Lincoln avenue, Chicago, present, since her husband, who has and last rites were held at St. Ma- been stationed at Great Lakes, has thias* church at 9:30 Monday morn-( been transferred ing. ^Interment .was in St. Joseph'*; - cemetery. , ; 'Herbert Reihansperger'ha* arrived nebeck, who has spent .the past two by the War production board. • r^nRI«i« America" Berlin ui'£ed owners of stoves to keep their beautiful modernistic ballroom the have a stone square in the center. ~^y Commander Paul R. ^aruia. ' present stoves in repair. Necessary ( best: of man's best friends will be They are hollowed out like a bowl. H:s work will consist largely of spending a two weeks furlough here, materials to be used in the produc- His wife, the former Geraldine Ken- tjOI) Qf 8tove parts are to be released repairs can be obtained as sufficient; shown in the outstanding dog shows of the year. APPOINTED CHAIRMAN ' •' ' | in Camp Roberts, Calif., where he' months in McHenry, returned with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Wau-1 will undergo , basic trainingl him. Also accompanying Sgt. Lloyd • keean were visitors in the home of' . .. . . , , - _ A , »„ , , her mother Mrs if. J. Walsh, Tues- Staff Sgt. Russell Lloyd has re-[James Goodwin of Alexandria, who; gan home at Rantoul, 111., several days dav ,\ | turned to Alexandria, "La., after [made the return trip Sunday nightjthie week. They build a fire in the hollow part taking care of the book work of the and cook over it. _ post antj |n other ways aiding the The villages are usually located on commander. His is probably the "biga stream. There are usually about gest" job of "all, taking much time his trip here were Mr. and Mrs.'Purvey visited in the William ItflCr- Mrs. Jos. J. Miller and Mrs. J. C. i pointed as chairman of McHenry C• . JI. Reiha_n1 sp:er g.e>r Aha/s \bMeeAnl iiianpru- gj-^_ t or_ ten huts to a vill.a ge. . --Fo ur and „ concen.t .r ation. However,» . > those eoonty blood donor service by Atty. Don Wicks, eoonty Red Cro*s chairman. or five families live in one hut. They who know hini best can "readily see live on wild berries, bananas, vtildl an- j why an^ commander would oetogt Jjfff . : :-- ----l as his '"right ham!" man, ' (Continued on last page) | . . 1 - * si