Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1943, p. 4

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fc'1 ; F C IF THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER > '~^X r7 Thursday, August 26, 194& THE M'HENRY PLAINDEftLER Published every Thursday at Mellenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. %. B. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter at (be post office at McHcnry, Iil., under Ii4e act af May 8, 1879. 6ne Y ear #ix Months .........$1.00 NATIONAL €DITORIALI >.!<• ASSOCIATION FOR SALE FOR SALE--Pickles--phone 606-W-2 15 FOR SALE--Feeder pigs, all popular breeds. Phone Wheatland 44-Y, Bassett, Wisconsin, 5% miles northeast of Richmond, 111. *15-2 Ceramic Heater Economics! Tests show a lower average fuel consumption in a ceramic heater . Jhan in an ordinary coal stove, and 3 the ceramic heater retains heat : • • Jongcr than a metal one. FOR SALE--Gentle 6-year-old pony with cart. Very reasonable; Inquire at John Geary farm, north side of Island Lake in Lake county. *15 FOR SALE!--Ford V-8 truck, long wheel base. Five good tires. State tested. Arthur KrauSe, Tel. 117-R. *15 Aluminum In Planes "; ; i '->1 Aluminum is regarded as the'moSt important "meftal of air power,** •' with more than 9,000 pounds needed . v" for the modern transport plane and ; • ;* ' "twice *that for a bomber. Magne- * sium is widely used-for incendiary , v'• v'*' bombs, arid tracer bullets •V. t'i constructioh purposes.'-'Y' f'iY.vvY FOR SALE#--^Airo Flame oil heater. Very good condition. Will heat six rooms comfortably. Reasonable. Tel. Sleep-Killing Rooster Has No/ Place in City TROY, N. Y.^-Health Commissioner Dr. James H. Flynn approves raising hens in the city, but not roosters. .y The. rooster, Dr. Flynn said, is apt to keep sleeping .war plant workers awake. Due to food rationing, the city fathers are inclined to take a more liberal attitude on chickens. TL ersonm Pjgeon in RAF ^ Flies 199 Times She Gets Sick Leave Afterr Surviving Barrage. 681-W-l. 15 FOR SALE -- Dresser, brass bed, good spring; pad* 2 bed pillows, six dining room,chairs and Other articles. Bohlanders, 410 Waukegan St. *15 McHenry. Illinois FRIDAY -SATURDAY Alan Larid. Helen Walker "LUCKY JORDAN" Pitts--4>rt<oon. News and Novelty SUN MoC AtTG. 29-30 Franchot Tone, Amie Baxler "FIVE GRAVES -TO CAIRO" Also News, Cartoon and Musical « TUESbAY (One Day) - A return engagement by .popular request . "(1). Walt Disney's • "BAMBI" (2) Brena Jovce, Richard Frazier : "THUMBS UP" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY "HENRY ALDRICH GETS GLAMOUR" Thf Beautiful |<IIOVAI> mm CR\ bTAL LAKt. ILL. McHcnry Cos. Leading Theatre Y COOLED FRI. & SAT, Al'G. 27-28 In Color--Walt Disney's "SALl IK»S AMIGOS" Rabert Preston, Ellen Drew, in **NIGHT PLANE FROM CHUNGKING'*. SUN. & SlON., A LCI. 29-30 Sunday--Cont. from 2*45 p. m. Barbara Stanwyck, in "LADY OF BURLESQUE" with Michael O'Shea Merriment! Music. Murder! 18c TUESDAY SPECIAL 10c Tax 2c Tax lc Constance Cumming, Robt. Morley in "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" WED. & THURS., SEPT. 1-2 Ann Miller. Dick Purcell, in "REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY" . Plus---Latest March of Time ! That WED.-THURS. Event i- : - ..... ]•; snow I'LAC E IN MrllKNRV COUNTY I'lHU:! "Phone 32 Woodstock • :.A 1 I Uij.W ilNU-Al l,. 28 "THUNDER BIRDS" with Preston Foster. One Tierney IMus: This Western Thriller "THE BLOCKED TRAIL" " ith The Three Musketeers Also: Cartoon and Late News SUN.-MON., AUG. 29-30 A Boy . . A Horse . . TTie Warmest Human Sforv of the Year'. "MY FRIEND I'LICKA" in Glorious Technicolor Starring Roddy McDowall. Preston Foster, Rita Johnson ,FOR SALE--Two young pure bred Holstein bulls. Ready for Service. High production dams. ; Top notch nlood line.. Robert M. Burtt, Rt. 2, Crystal Lake. Tel. Crystal Lake 8025-Y-l. 15 FOR SALE--One silo. Inquire at Gladstone's Department Store. 15 F OR SALE--Double lot with two j houses on same, which warrants an j income. Across from McHenry park, j one block from river. Reasonable. ; Address "G," care Plaindealer. 4-tf j FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and! economy with fi~re:proof Johns-Man- ! villfc Type A Home Insulation "Blown-j in" your walls aSid ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf j LONDON.--This is the story of "Bronzey," the most experienced pigeon of the RAF bomber command. . Bronzey has just been given sick leave and is temporarily- out of action-- but that's getting ahead of the tale. Two and a half years ago, this pigeon enlisted in the RAF when, her owner lent her to the National Pigeon Service for war work. Her job was to be ready to take mes-. sages back to base in case of emergency," and she went along in a yellow metal cannistef, which was her post aboard the bombers. At first Bronzey flew in Welling- Jean Thome enjoyed Monday at, Hawley spent Sunday with friends in Riverview Park, Chicago. Richmond. Miss Margery Whiting has resigned i Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mrs. her position at Springfield to acceptl Andrew Hawley and Eleanore Jane one as bookkeeper for the Overton, Hopper attended the 4-H calf and Among those from here to attend Motor Sales at Crystal Lake, where' stock show at Waukegan Thursday phrases j the Chicago Music Festival at Soldier she is making her home in one of the I evening. ' Feild Saturday evening were Mr. and El Tovar theater building apartments, j Bob and Bill Glawe of Woodstock j 'Mrs. Ray McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mrs. George H. Johnson spent the called oh Loren Harrison Sfinday j Schwerman and family and Mr. and [ weekend visiting relatives in Elgin, i morning:- I Mrs. Paul Yanda. Mrs. Eleanor Nye is spending the' Shirley Hiawley of Chicago was Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago was week in the Eugene Nye home in Mil-j h6me over the weekend. a weekend guest in the home of Miss wa"kee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Biggers of Genevieve Knox. Mrs- CharIes Carso of Chicago^ Wonder Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. liwit artH nrw A w««, spent the weekend with her parents,: Nick Young Thursday evening. , It MLxinrnd p^tty Ctey 1 ° w Z ^ S7dH 2S? -Uhm a visit with relatives m McHenry. ther/tr.^n£, M° Stiro 6{ Chicago were in the j and Mrg E^Peet * P Miss Betty Althoff, senior nurse at home of Mrs. Catherine Schneider, ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant, Aud- St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, via-1 Sunday, They are spending two | rey and Rita Mae, Mrs. Charles Coles ued her parents, the William Althoffs, weeks at a cottage at Emerald Park, j and Suzanne of McCullom Lake and Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Mary Grace Murphy: Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock Marines in caught OQ. to 'Mire!' Marines Learn Spanish in Puerto Ric# Puerto Rico ha\# numerous Spanish and idioms, including mire! probably the most conrKmonly used word ill Puerto Rico, ft means "look," or "I say," and 'm used to attract attention. In insular towns, on liberty, m%' rines can be heard to say withoiH. a thought "Deme usted una grands botella de cerveza por favor," whicfcT will bring a large bottle of beer froni the mozo, or waiter. "Cuanto?" opr How much?" is commonly used is restaurants and in dealings with publico, or jitney drivers^ 4 Meeting native acquaintances* Leathernecks more often than mi; say "Que Pasa?" or "Como esta'**" meaning "What's going on?" o| O Sunday guests in the George Adams ! andr Joan Durland were Chicago visi-j spent Sunday with relatives in Ke- a^f, youhis friend#* hommiel wwAerreo CPAoWrpM. Robert Adams oA #f itaomrs lMUonnn/diaa*y., answer la polilla." he knows thail Camp Ellis, Peoria, I1L, and Mrs. John I Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. Mary Whalen and daughter, Judy, of Elgin. Freund,_Mrs. Victor Freund, Miss nosha. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Capron spent Sunday in Catherine Adams, who has been em-! Lucille Freund and George Frett vis-; the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Rov p_ 1lo yedf i* n Er<lig i• n, returned. .t.h em, ;i if A/4 RDiiictVhinaUrdil Frett a.At VGl reajt. Lt a.1k es 1 •«« . . . _ * * Mr. and Mrs. George Westerman, SjjrJday. daughter, Mary Margaret, and son, Mr. and ^rs. Joseph May and Eugene, and Mary Ann Costello of: Miss Ann Frisby were callers in the Elgin, .visfted relatives here Sunday. ^ate Frank Lumber home at Ingleside Ebgene remained for a week's visit Monday evening. ' _ with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.;' Bolger arid Robert Cutler* Walter J. Walsh. j *vere visitors at McCullom pake Sun- The Misses Audrey Rothermel, An-, n'Sht. / . , nabel Nett, Marion- Krause and Mrs. I Among those from out of town who Fred Meyer are enjoying a vacation in the north this week. Mr. -and Mrs. Howard Ensign of tons; then she graduated to four- ^Qrth Chi . . ^ relatives here engined Halifaxes. She traveled , ... more than 160,000 miles and went ! Th«rsd»y rught and Friday Wiedrich remained for the week with hi? grandparents. "" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert, Betty ai^d Frank of Richmond called on Jennie Bacon Sunday evening. Mrs. Delbert Bacon, Mrs. Ed HaWr Iey, Eleanore Sue and Edgar spent Friday with Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Catherine Vogel, Mrs. Dan Lawrence and Susan and Philip attended the O. E. S. card party at | Vogel of Elkhorn spent Wednesday the McHenry Country club last week afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., were Mrs. E. W. Ebert, Miss Lillian home. Jean Roe returned home with Schroeder,/Miss Alta Kirkman and them after spending a week with Miss Minnie Bohn, all of Woodstock, j Mary Ann Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Burton D. Stephens! Mr. and Mrs Lonnie gmith an<J out on operations 199 times. She I £ Wood stock ^Miss G!^ys Justen of j ^ Mr. and Mr, John was never air sick, not even in the , «Pent several days this week with her E1^ Roger Ekholm of Chicago and 1 Mrs wjibu; Reno/lnd Do^othv^ln most violent action, when the pilot mother, Mrs. Frank Lumber at Ingle- Mrs Anna Freund SBent gund jn j Mrs. Wi,lbur Beno;y ami]Dor,»thy Ann had to hurl his bomber around the j side, where she was called by the i the home of Mr and Mrs John R. wauekgaf w^dnes^y afternoon Justen. Charles Smith received second prize Pvt. Douglass Roberts of Aberdeen, for the calf he showed FOR RENT sky to escape bursting ack-ack fire, death of her father on Friday. But the 199th time Bronzey flew j Mr. and Mrs. iHoelscher of Wheaton out in a Halifax bomber, the plane are spending this week vacationing at ran into a particularly hot barrage the Robert Sutton cottage at Emerald over an important target in Ger- Park. many. It was hit several times, but; Margaret and Florence Larkin, acmanaged to limp home. However, companied by Miss Mabel Knox of Md., and Mrs. Earl Roberts of Elgin visited in the William Rothermel home one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw of Grand tained at Henry Wraage of Chicago spent Sunday Avith Loren Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich entera reunion of the Schultz FOR RENT--Four-room flat. Furnace heat, electric refrigerator. Address I box "R," care Plaindealer. / .V- 15-tf! WANTED WANTED -- River- or lake home.: Kindly submit in detail. W. C. Zinter, 9024 S. Ada St.. Chicago, 111. 13-4 WANTEI)'--i Spring chickens, also I heavy hens. Wm. Staines^ West Mc- j Henry; Tel. 622-R-2. 8-2t IEBLP WANTED as it landed at its base, flames re- Terra Cottaj left Monday morning for fu i n' t dinner guests in | famiiy Sunday. Those present were suiting from-the damage burst from : a few days trip into Michigan th«-Haiold Owen home one evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laney, Helen the fuselage. ! Dick Haves s P_._t few V ' ]ast ^eek. Other recent guests were Bronzey, in her metal cannister, j k ith M Fn L|e"t. and Mrs. Fillmore Shaw and was trapped by the fire and her! Tv»,:tino. O _J m R» L IJ « Lieut, and Mrs. Keith Mayer of Waufellow crew members feared for hf r i , r, . " ' . rs" 0 a kegan, Miss Kathryn McCullough and life. But when the fire was extin- £f Chicag0 were also recent v,sltors Thor Nelson of Chicago. guished, she was found to be still i e^' • _ L . T> C t Miss Gladys Justen of Elgin spent alive, even though the cannister was j Mr and Mrs. Hubert P. Schoewer the t ten da jn th h f h and daughter, Peggy Mae, of Oak Park polilla," th4|/ nothing is new because "la polilla* is Spanish for moth, a symbol q| insignificance. Marines and Puerto Eicans gdfo along very well together. Native^' of this island are proud of their abUf ' ity to speak English words and- AmjCZicaQ servicemen are glad, fofr 1 the most part, to let all business b#r conducted in their own language. ' o *Ci ®tinl Cocoa Seam <• • \ The scum which forms on coco* ; as it, cools should not be discarded^ since it contains bone building mi." tenal which is healthful. Just beat the cocoa with an egg beater lightly; and the scum will be broken up » that the cocoa can be enjoyed with its full nutritional content. slightly scorched. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Justen. Examination proved that Bronzey , w®re Sunday visitors m the she j,as been empioyed for more than was suffering from shock, and after 1<red schoewer home. a vear as a secretary in the executive the crackup she lost weight. So sU* _ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly, Mrs, S ^ thTchta™ ^ leave was prescribed. But her RAP i Thomas Kane and Mrs. Agnes Jenks corporation in Elgin buddies are positive that Bronzey ; were Elgin callers one day last week will soon be back as good as new and later attended a supper given by and Ruth of Chicago Heights; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schultz, Virgene and Louise, Mr., and Mrs. Arnold Huff, Arnold, Yvonne and Barbara of Richmond, Albert Schultz of Genoa City, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, Alfred HELP W ANTED--Girl for soda fountain and general store work; steady. Write box 20, care Plaindealer. : ^;.... 15-tf WANTED---High school girl,: board, room and allowance in exchange for j light 'household work ai^d care of i children. E. J. Thennes. McHenry. | Phone 131-R. 15 WANTED5-- Woman or girl for res-1 taurant work. Tel. 377. A 14-tf WAITED--Painter's heljieri Hunter Boat Company. , 13-tf for her 200th flight over eneirty territory. Three-Year-Old Scatters Eggs Like May Flowers TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. -- "Boys the Methodist church at Greenwood. Martha Page of Chicago visited in McHenry last week. Recent visitors in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Ritter were Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rit- RINGWOOD Betty and Bobby of Ringwood Virginia Jepson has returned to her duties at the Evanston hospital, after spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith have received word that their son, Ralph, has been made a major in the U. S. army at Morris Field,, Charleston, S. C. There will be no chur/h services this Sunday, but Sunday school will meet as usual at 10:30. Community nite services sponsored by the W. S. C. S. will be held at the church Sunday (By Helen Johnson) Mrs. S. W. Brown was a caller in I ter and son, Ray, and Mrs and Mrs. [ Marengo Wedesnday afternoon. will be boys," but sometimes they G. F. Grignon, all of Chicago. j L. E, Hawley and Marion, Mrs. behave in a manner that is more OT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samlow and Hickey of McHenry and Mrs. Delbert m<""ning- • n. J ^ iess startling. daughter, Dorothy Jean, of Elmwood Bacon of Crystal Lake attended fun- • a5 U S'J U Abendroth Take the case of Robb Richard Park were recent guests in the Fred eral services for Fred Schau, father! * f , a"^ Mrs. George Bacon Smith, three, as recorded in the Schoewer home. | of Mrs. L. 12. Hawley at Chicago Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. "Times-News. This boy, according to ~ * - - - - - - ' »! -Totinw, R<"><"> of WANTED--Man for general work. Experience not necessary. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake* 111. Tel. McHenry 90-J. 11-tf WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter Boat Comjiariv. 50-tf ANIMALS WANTED Jennie Bacon the report, took eggs from the ice-! Cook County hospital, Chicago, s^iit ! Mrs." Maude Johonott of Racine - Mr' K a,J? " - " VT , Tom of Evanston and Mrs. Elizabeth Marjorie Duker, student ijurse at Tuesday. box ahd scattered them on the floor "like flowers in May." On another occasion he "backed up against the wall to get a good start and ran right through the front bay, window." But young Smith entered a new phase recently. His mother gave him cherries, and, to her horror, he consumed the i'its. To prevent a rethe weekend with her parents, the C. i spent Wednesday with Mrs. Fred H. Dukers. ! Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodtz of Crys-• Dolores Feltz is spending the week tal Lake were McHenry callers Sat-j witfl friends, in Chicago. urday evening. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. Glarenec Martin and Becking and daughter of Woodstofctodaughter, Rita, Mr. and Mrs. John spent Wednesday in Elgin. McGlave and Ann Smith were dinner] Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman of Ev-1 "Mete's why Mom caysrfcPAVSfo worm with GIZZARD CAPSULES Quick- toty- Won't Siekum Bird* or Knotk fgg Frodvctiom Worming pars double dividends this year, in needed eggs for Uncle SAm and bigper profits for YOU. Keep 'cm Laying this winterl l'afd In- Roluble Capsule Coating does not dissolve in crop---protectsmedicine until cjrushed by gizeard--delivers correct dose, full strength to worms. Won't sicken birds or knock epg production. For all 3 kinds of worms---Pin, Larue Round and Large Tapes. Gets heads o' all species of Tapes that any product on market can get About lo or less per bird. Bolger's Drug Store Green, Street McHenry 0 guests in the Glen Robison home in DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf currence of this catastrophe, she • Woodstock Saturday evening gave him a banana. He ate it--skin and all. MISCELLANEOUS GRINDING -- Silo filler knives and : all other straight blades, hollow! ground, under water--avoids temper ! extraction^^-- on modern automatic \ sharpener. Newhouse & Son, Grays-! lake. *15-41 TO BE GIVEN AWAY--Magic Meal! Kitchen Range. Come and get it. A. K. Burns, Hickory Grange, Sub., Mc-1 Henry. 15 Too Bad Sheriff! Why Wail About the Siren? WINONA, MINN.--Sheriff George Fort was waiting for a garage attendant to deliver his car. Hearing a siren, the sheriff had visions of being afoot in an emergency. He dashed to the window of his office and saw his car drawing to the curb. The siren was still wailing. The sheriff had difficulty in making the driver understand he wanted to know why the siren was on. "So that's what's wrong," the driver said. "I figured something was wrong the Way people looked at me. I'm stone deaf." KENTILE--No priority oil tile floors. Ideal for schools, churches, stores, hospitals, basements, kitch.ens, etc. Variety of colors. Also FLOOR SANDING and refinishing with' DURA SEAL. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock, 111. Phone 131- 39-tf j HAVE YOU HEARD about the-new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates ? They will surprise ; you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry., t*hone 8. 27-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, for-- ^-merly-George Meyers',. Ben J. Smith; Phone 365. v . tf Vandals Steal 115,000 Light Bulbs on Trains LONDON.--Vandals on the British railways during the past 12 months were responsible for breaking 17,435 windows, theft of 115,000 qlectric light bulbs, damaging 400 blackout shades, damaging or theft of 31,328 window straps and damage to 9,250 cushions and upholstery. Officials of the railways' executive committee said "cushions have been found on the line deliberately thrown out of windows," mirrors and toilet fittings have been removed, woodwork has been damaged and seats have been fouled by tar. Tl ESDAV ()\LY--Al'G. 31 * 2.V--I!.A RG AIN NITE-- 25c 22C--Reasons Why You Should be Here at 9 O'clock -- On Screen -- "SHANTYTOWN" and Stooge Comedy >V ED.-THU RS.-FRI., SEPT. 1-2-3 Bob H»pe, Dorothv Lamour ill • "THEY GOT ME COVERED ' 1 REE---If ejftess acid causes you pains of Stortiach Ulcers, Indigestion, j Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nau-1 sea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, j at Bolger's Drug Store. , v. *12-16 ! : ° Quartz Rusb The discovery and production of quartz in Brazil resembles the early history of the gold rush in Alaska. Quartz Veins are located by independent pick-and-shovel prospectors known as" "garimpeiros," who mine the crystals by crude hand methods. Deposits have been worked in four regions of Brazil, including the poor> ly accessible Tocantins river districT inhabited by untamed Chauvantes Indians. It is expected that the installation of mining machinery and the introduction of modern methods will shortly bring about a considerable increase in the output of crystals from the Brazilian mines. Jail Inspector Locked In Cell on First Trip --SALT LAKE CITY.--A new woman employee of the health department made a routine inspection of the city jail about noon. The jailer went to lunch, forgetting to tell the relief man the wornart was in the cells. . After completing her inspection she called to the relief man: "I'll come out now." # "That's what they all say," he retorted. She spent an eaitra hour behind the bars.' •' Mrs. Joanne Rulein returned Sunday from Seattle, Wash., where she •pent the summer. Betty Regner, student nurse at St. Ann's hospital, Chicago, visited at her home here the first of the week, Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago, visited in McHenry last weekend. Recent guests in the John J. Vycital home were Pfc. Richard Vycital, Louis Martin and Pvt. Vernon Gees, all of Chicago, and Mrs. and Mrs. Stanley Vycital of Springfield, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Sivyer and family, Louise and Jessie, of Chicago were weekend guests in the A. H. Mosher home. Jimmie Althoff, Bob Miller and Dick Heuser are spending this week the La 11 res resort at Long Lake, Wisconsin. The William Miller family of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives here. ^ ' ' Corp. Jerome Miller of Fort Custer, Mich., spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson and daughter, Marilyn, of Chicago were callers in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Henry Heuser, Jr., of Chicago visited her mother-in-law, Mrs. Helen Heuser, last weekend. Mrs. Anthony Schneider and daughter, Toni Ann; of Milwaukee are vis- 'ting Mrs: Kathryn Schneider and daughter this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughters, Dolores Vales and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, attended a picnic at anston spent the weekend with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Danny Weber of McHenry spent Friday in Hebron. Billy Smith of McHenry called on Bilstien of Chicago spent Friday afternoon in the Ed Bauer home. Edna Peet and Elaine Chabucos of! Rockford are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. j M,r. and Mrs. S. W. BlfOWk Spent | M6nday in Chicago 1 On Sunday evening a group of relatives and friends met at the Ed Bauer home to help Lu Ann celebrate her thirteenth birthday. Harold Jepson of Urbana is spending several days with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. IH'arrison, Edyth his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. amj Loren were dinner guests of Mr. | "1! ' ay even,nK- and Mrs. Clarence Harrison of Rich- j David Dean Harrison of Richmond mond Sunday evening. ' spent several days last week with his Mr. and Mrs< E. Hawley and! grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Har- Shirley spent Sunday afternoon at j 1 ison. I Crystal' Lake. j A J « ? spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich, Dick Audrey Merchant ! and jim attended the rodeo at Mil-! Mrs. Harry Anderson and sons of waukec Monday ! IC mond called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon J A numbej of boys and girls from onday^evening. Ringwood received prizes at the 4-H i s. Herb Simon of MdHtenry en- r local Achievement Day at Woodstock ter tained the Bunco club Thursday af- jast Friday. ~ • i ternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Arthur Trepus | Ed Thompson, Mrs. Nick Young and cf paiatine, 111. , announce the mar-' Mrs. Nick Freund. At the close of rjpere 0f their daughter, Emma Grace,' the afternoon, the hostess served a to Mr. Leonard James Bi*own, son of lovely 'un^- S. W. Brown of Rinppwood, on August Helen Bi!stien and her nephew, 3, jn New York City. Mrs. Brojyn Charles Bilstien an<| Anthony Merges j,as beej} a homemaker teacher in the of Chicago spent seyeral days last Barrington public school for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer. four years. Mr. Brown is an in- Mis. Leo Kails and Mr. and Mrs. structor at Northwestern University Bartholman and baby of Richmond at Evanston. The couple jwiM >niake! called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon Satur-' their home in Palatine. a , .1 day evening. .' ..!• ' • •• . Y , Miss Marion ^Herbert of Evanston, Meat Producing Area was a guest of Virginia Jepson for The 13 states of the corn belt and ! the,weekend. 12 western states extending to the 1 Eleanore Jane Hopper of • Chicago, Pacific coast represent our major has returned home after spending a meat-producing section. These 25 week with her aunt, Mrs. Andrew' states produce about 82 per cent of Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Maxine ' Patty and David and Edna Peet and1 our beef, veal and pork, and about 91 per cent of our Iamb, or more than 83 per cent of all OUK meats. MEN We have good jobs for active men of any age in our war plant. ***Earn $40 and up per week after four weeks training.*** *Ideal Working Conditions. •Time off for Punctuality. •Vacations With Pay. •Company Cafeteria^ Good Food. ^Uniforms furnished and. laundered free. Apply at Once MR! JOHNSON JEWEL TEA CO., Inc. Barrington, 111, Viana Park, Oak Park, given by the Elaine Chabucos of Rockford spent Chicago Candy Jobbers and Pepsi Sunday in the Ed Peet home and cele- Cola company Sunday. brated the birthdays of Mr. Peet. Mrs. Alice Bowles of Chicago spent. Edna Peet and Maxine Clay. • » few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown of her cousin, Miss Etta Powers. Palatine called on Mr. and Mrs. S. Miss Mina Kinsala of Wfeukegan W. Brown Sunday. was a visitor in the home of her Frank Block of Kenosha is visiting, brother, Henry Kinsala, and family his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. WiU a few days this week. liam Hepburn. The Harold Hobhs family and Miss Helen Ruth Butler and Marion r Coptic Calendar in Use The Coptic calendar still in use !ter 2,500 years has.- 12 30-- months with the extra five day voted to worship. Order your Rubber Stamps* at the Plaindealer. • Indians Hostile to Colonists The Indians whom the Spaniards found living in present-day Argentina, Uruguay tlnd Paraguay were strong, hostile and independent. "They attacked the colonists in frequent raids, not unlike the, raids, of the North American Indians. prepared you/rell servt Jacob Justen Sons -- Funeral Directors Phone McHenry 103-R ^ Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry S 0 G L O B A L of the r World at War Here's i realistic picture of ike world, a "plane s-eye view" that makes it easier to under* stand the scope of this worldwide war, with new-style maps by Matthews-Northrup. • 4-color Global Maps, diowHU akr distances • Chronological Map* of th« bank fronts • 30 full-page full-color map* • Army and Navy Insignia • Types of Modern Plan* • 4$ pages, II* a 14" ATLAS o PLAINDEALER j Sif* \V: •0

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