Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1943, p. 1

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-• irwyr^ v *•£*'$>'* f ^•,*""®w** s^;> « ..*•«" ** *;; |r*-v jj,*; ^'v?"- 3 ' . . n ' & f y •I; -'Sdjia* Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 No. 17 - ••• L*'. .. /;: $225,000 FOR M'HEHRY TOWNSHIP ;.#i L . ••"I?; "V MCHS ENTER VARIOUS LINES OF ON MANEUVERS :;- V. BOYS NOW IN ARMED FORGES; ^ The sound of school bells ringing this veek has been a definite reminder that the autumn season is once more with usfand that summer is fast slipping into oblivion. j Students become the "men and women of the hour" for at least •, short time and again the sight of a timid Freshman or a confident Senior striding down the street is a familiar «ne. However, there are some steps that we miss each fall and these 'are, of our boys and girls who, seemingly turned overnight from children to KNOWN HERE ANSWER DEATH'S CALL SON Or MAJOR GENERAL DIES AT 76 Thomas Harrison., son of a Major General in >4he English army, passed away at "'the home of his brother, Frank E: (Pink) Harrison at Pistakee Bay last Friday, Sept. 3, 1943. at 1 p. m. He had been suffering from a heart ailment for the past thirteen years. , • The deceased had resided with his brother and family for many years in Chicago and for the past seven* years had lived with them at their resort rrtRP WII.I i(at Pistakee Ba>- His fathei- MaJ°r CORF. WILLIAM KfclD % General William H. Harrison, served to ad_ „. ,Vst' a „ * s t a*°' °rp' sixty-five years with the English men and women, have gone on to aa tyjUiara Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs: army raneed schools of he David Reid of McCullom Lake was Mr! Harrison was born on March This year, due undoubtedly to tn^ once again mingling with McHenry son of Willaim and Julia Harrison, influence of war, we find nursing the frjends while enjoying a five-day fur- .1873, on the °f Mann, the most popular of all careers chosen y lough For a ti ,-BiU .. who haa ^ decease<1 He was # retired §u local girls. been in service about nine months, tjonery salesman for the A c Mc. Five of'."fife 1943 graduating class was stationed at Camp McCoy, Wis., c,urjf company He never married are starting upon such a life's work, but recently he was sent farther from and hjs survivors include besides his with the dream always uppermost in home. At present he is on maneu- brother> Frank, another brother, their hearts of the day when, attired vers in Tennessee. in an attractive white startched uni Are We Still . p in The Fight? .Today, September 9, there are more than 350 McHenry "township boys scattered. , throughout the globe fighting for Victory. Many of these 350 boys are homesick and weary and must often feel that they have fought enough. Even as they think, however, they know' that they cannot stop, until that Victory is won. We, on the home front, are told that we have done a good job. We too, are tired of our new way of life and, like our servicemen, are homesick for the luxuries of prewar days. WUl our selfish desires persuade us to stop "in the middle of the stream?" Oil will we resolve to help our 350 servicemen finish the fight? Co-operation is the keynote to success in any business. This time war is that business. Let's finish it with bonds while they finish it with bullets. form and cap, they will receive their degree as a jregistered nurse. - St. Ann's hospital school of nursing in Chicago-has been the choice of four •f the girls: Claire Freund, daughter mt Mr. and Mrs.r Walter Freund; Esther Jean Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Orr; Nadine Schaefer, NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Attorney Vernon J. Knox of Crystal Lake, through his counsel. Attorney Thomas J. O'Malley, Jr., filed suit in the circuit court here last week in the form of a complaint in mandamus against County Clerk Raymond D. Woods. The plaintiff asks the circuit court ' to direct County Clerk Woods to notify the Governor of Illinois that a vacancy exists in the office of (bounty Judge. This suit is a follow-up of similar notice served on County Clerk Woods several weeks ago. It charges that County Judge. Henry L. Cowlin of Crystal Lake has vacated his office by accepting an appointment as attorney for the city of Crystal Lake, village of Algonquin, Huntley, and Lakewood and the Crystal Lake park district. Attorney Knox represents Martin Due to the regular meeting date Cooney, who was named executor of George, of Elmhurst and three falling on Labor Day, the City Coun- the will of the late Ella Kelter Burke nephews, William H. Harrison of Elm- cil me* °n Tuesday of this week. in the county court some months LEGAL CONTEST INVOLVING ATTY. KNOX PROGRESSES LIEUT. VALE ADAMS BADLY INJURED IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT ; ^'.•3 hews reached McHenry last Weekend when the story spread that. Lieut.. Vale Adams was badly injured1 in an airplane accident last Thursday; Vale is now a flight instructor with thf •" army air corps at Waycross, Ga. WAR LOAN DRIVE UUNCHED OVER U. S,TODAY *. t»! '4 •• ' 10M MANDAMUS Leading four planes, V^le was jfty-v^ aL MOSHER 19 T-Of!Af. AGAINST WOODS . iv-!*"* about 3W »«t i„ tW air wh.», ' CHAIRMAN City Council Meeting Held Tuesday Evening LIEUT. VALE ADAMS Tbday, September 9. is the day when I the Third War Loan. • which will be : the most gigantic drive in the history " of cur government begins. It win Continue through October 1. State's Attorney William M. Carroll. who so successfully handled the first two drives, again heads the county-wide drive this time. A. H. Mosher is in charge of the drive in McHenry township. _ ^ total of $1,663,770 has been as* signed to the county and $225,000 tQ, McHenry township. Every individual must offer full co-operation to raise , this large sum asked for by our government. The slogan for this drive is "Baclt the attack with extra bonds in September." During the drive the objective will be to reach every American citizen who has any money above what is needed' for. living expenses.. Nearly all salaried persons are now purchasing bonds regularly. . These same persons are expected to make hurst. Cadet Thomas A. Harrison of The application of Albert M. Budler back. He sets up in his complaint; \ . . . . ~7Z additional nurchaw. ri. Corpus Chfisti, Texas, and Herbert. F. for. renewal olT cla.3 _"A" tavern li- th.t on Aue. 18 he r^oerted County I** drive V*"™ <h» A. S. of Newberry,--S. cense at the Palace Recreation was Clerk Woods to notify the governor fhe P'»ne at once, but scon after pulling the cord on the parachute, lost Harrison, Many farmers and business men Carolina. approved, upon payment of the full of the state of Illinois that a vacancy - *" ": f « r^«nilar nl»n nn The body rested at the Justen year's license. In ,<*her words, the existed in the County Judge office he ^fJrellti "£ i bonds- The committees in Xnre'wiH Brothers funeral home until 9:30 full amount license was paid to cover and that he should call in another c e Mn* w"e,c was treated Ifey a s»ecial aom^al tn all Tuesday mornine when last rite, were a period from October 1. 1943. to qualified judge^to hear hi. ease. >"*" ™ "roups pK let us al roJ,Vr,^ „ New recruits at the U. S. Naval conducted from St. Miary's church. April 30, 1944. ' V .'i-AWM •*»*««»•» 1? "E.' ?J, , , McHENRY-Erst VcourT St^ daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Training Station, Great Lakes, 111., Burial was in Mount Carmel ceme- An application submitted by Harold' Upon being taken to the hospital it Schaefer, all of McHenry, and Betty are two McHenry men. They are tej-v, Proviso township. ' Bell for class "A" tavern license was ' ' T-1- W,wr- now receiving in- j Anton Krumpen rejected. struction in sea- Wagner, daughter of the John Wagaers of Volo. Miss Freund and Miss Orr will take a post graduate course at the local high school until midwinter, at which time they will begin their studies at the hospital.' The latter two are beginning the fall term. Miss Bertha Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund, will study nursing at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. She is the third of her family to select the nursing profession, _ 1 Bernice Norton, of last yearns grad- The complaint further states that was discovered that he was suffering an,d North of Creek--Wm. Pries, capon Dec. 8. 1942, Judge. Cowlin ae- from three broken ribs burns on the *a'n' Clarence Douglas, Wm. Tonyan, cepted the appointment of city at- neck and arms and shock. Lsst re- Green, Arthur Krause, Harold Hobbs, Roy Kent, Robt. Conway, Eva Guinto, Larry Huck, Clarence Angmznship, milit^i^^ds in.t^s torney for CrysUl Uke and.a8 8BCh ports that he was rest- Kent. RobtLConway, Eva j jil ' j _awo» sorry to leam of the death of Anton . .. ':_-j „rviarit<l - counsel, has attended council meet- ing. more comfortably. proc•e dure. Soon, Kv rumpe--n , a--n old time resident ih.«ewre.. disbursement9 were referi-ed to the inKS' l,rt*Parec' ordinances for tax It was bilieved that the broken ribs ^s.ej they will be given ]^e Pass® a en°s a, is., [)an<j commission for approval. a series of anti- last week at the aRe of 85 yea,S- ' tude tests for de- Survivors include a brother. John termining whether^^umpen, of Richmond and seven thev will be as- <»a^ters. 1 signed to one of Herman Gumprecht the navy's service Herman Gumprecht, 78, a resident RATION GUIDE levies and prosecuted violations of or- were caused bv his unconsciousness j McHENRY--West of Court Stre<^fe dinances at a salary of $300 per year, and the fact thst when Ihe par»chu*f ,i ant^ North of Creek--Charles Vycital, The plaintiff further states that the reached the ground he was not able captain; Mrs. L. Bolger, Mrs. E. minutes of the proceedings of the (0 help break the fall. Foley, Mrs.' Henry J. Stilling, Mrs. council meetings of Crystal Lake show Recently Vale was made a first Ge°- P- Freund, Miss Frances V'ycitthe above and that he, can prodyce lieutenant. He was the first McHenry a'- Anthony Wirtz, Ben Justen, Geo>. proof in court. v serviceman to graduate as a flier many ; Schiemer, Jacob Schaefer, Jos J. Mil- It is, further Charged that by ac- nionths ajro. His ho«t of friends will I '?r» M. Gladstone. »tes, is studying child nm-ng at St. 9 niedmte active Saturday Sept. 4, 1943, in She, man mtion a pound startinff last r,:v8ta, Lake and the villages of Al-ici>Wy. Vincent's school in Chicago. V duty at sea. Upon completing their hospital Elgin He w.« boin on ^ Sunday and the ration value of thirty- ^onquin. Huntlev and Lakewood. asf , - Two of last 5 • grades #re recruit training these men will be 15, 1864 in. Saxony Germany, and ^ ^ q{ fresh meat wag m|uced as the Crystal Lak, park dis-^ leavintr for college this fall. Tney ar^. j,ome on a riuie-day leave*They are: orphaned at an eary age. When 1< ^ an,i 'Patricia Cristy, daughter of the Jay William John Gerlach, 18, son of Dr. years of age he received permission _ office of nrice administration !5 j t U|,*e • Qf" Countv Judge Cristvs of Ringwood, who will enter Leo Gerlach, Route No. 1, and Her- from his guardian to come to America ?« ^ .? r' nf S conS 'the University of Wisconsin at Madi- man pre(j -popel, 34 .husband of El- alone and arrived after a long ocean _ . ' twelvp noint«^ nnnnH C't tl t : of Illinois soli, .nd Jessie Lindsay, dauehter of loisc , Topei, Rou'te No. 2. voyage in 1881. Hi. -ifc. th, form^ J?"?!*". the John Lindsays, who will study army and navy invaded Mc- W^ilhelmina Luecht, and nine of his j^jow ( Domestic Science at DeKalb. Joan Henry last weekend when many local sixteen children preceded him in 8teatjjj increasing Reihansperger will continue working 50yS returned either on furloughs or death. , . J w , • t anA was because produ<^ion is 5 per cent' Attorney Knox several we^ks ago The army and navy invaded Mc- W^lhelmma Luecht, and nine of his estimateg and . the decline is barged in a notice filed, with the Country farm State's Attorney and Attorney Gen- . iaxihicago "untU leaVes or just weekend passes^ Among Mjr. 'in In Effort time she intends to begin the secona those we saw were LeRoy Hetterman, of Mrs. Fred Kamholtz of this fity, ,m- f • ; . -J.' . • th„ 't»in.k„ osta tester at the Universty o< Wis- ^ naval cadet stationed ,t Glenview wh, attended the funeral th, firs, of ««• «™.^....'."coutt that v knowledge, there are' eight "ttcMu.^lS'n.* "he ' -- " 1 sweetbreads - is increased in point, „0t act on in the inventor. MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE TIVo oVWu*r o- ' f i 7 of last year's graduating class ai- fornier was enjoyiog a few hours UITlber 4 Ration Books tO ready in service and many more who jeave an(j t-y,e iatter was home for. have been accepted and awaiting their geverai days. Both boys expressed -calls. Those now on active duty J*ie ^xtteme pl«a&ure in -setting^^foot sc oos, 01 im o rys e , 'Creamery butter went up <two red cepting such duties for the city of anxiously await word of a speedy re-j WEST McHENRY--Floyd R valt, captain; C. J, Reihansperger, Homer Fitzgerald, Math Laures, Geo H. Johnson. M. L. Schoenholtz, James Downs, R. I. Overton, Nick N. Freund, Wm. H. Althoff, George Tonyan, Peter M. Justen, Norbert Yegge. COUNTRY CLUB ADDITION TO SOUTH TOWNSHIP LINE--Fred W-, Heide, captain; C. H. Duker, El- "1 - r mer J. Freund. Bernard Bauer. Harold Dear Staff: Dickow, Edward J. Frett, John Muran After nearly a year in Florida I taugh, O. M, Solum. H. H. Zimmerstate finally have irioved a little further mann, W. t. Cooper, Leonard Menorth. I'm hoping Cracken. the move continues EAST OF McHENRY TO Mcuntil it brings me HENRY COUNTY LINE--Nicholas to McHenry and. if W'eingart, captain; Bernard Peschke, all goes well, it Henry Nell, John Dreymiller, Hershould happen in man Schaefer, Ambrose Schaefer, Ben a few ^'e°ks- : J. Dietz. '" Edwa, Sutton, Ellsworth --in the meantime Shoemaker. you can send the JOHNSBURG AND PISTAKEE n,v BAY--Anton M. Schmitt, captain; new address. The , Fred J. Smith, Lawrence Pitmen, last * week's issue John Weingart, Elmer Diedrich, value. No change is made in the presented or cn any other matters number of points needed for lard, ^resented by Attorney Knox. Th.. Be Distributed in October shortening, cheese or cooking oils and ,as the state of the legal argument fats. . • I . -'iwtween the two Crystal Lake resi' • i unv|p William Brda, Charles home town once airain but talked 1 Ration' book No. 4, now coming ooffff ' °" j dents. - - -r ^..i, 2™L»C srence Freund, Herb Har- e„thu8ilst ca"y ^ ot thS woVk ' ">e presses »nd being .tore,, in saddle cuts of lamb snd^utton and The suit Med aga.ns. County Ue.k Brocken. Cls.enc Marston 41^ on SnLv we saw Ban y Tax. guarded warehouses throughout • the >n,b are ,e,luced one po.nt Woods yesterday .s ^not directly Other Students v college at Manhattan, Kans. any book will supplement No. 3. well as some variety cuts of veal answer the charge in behalf of.Woods „ - - '"•'•.Thtre are many students of other hs been in service for almost nine . effect Sept. 12. and beef. because as State's "Attorney he' is will probably follow me here from Clarence Schaefer. George Michels, graduating classes who have returned months and is wjthjhe engineers.^ No 4 book wiU contain more Canned fish products, which con- counsel fof the various county of- Murphy and as the rest of the boys, John E. Nett. Joe Hiller. Ben N. tn^school this fall also, as well as • Sgt. William Kinsala arrived home- . * « and wjn tain more than 20 per cent of ra- ficiah looking forward to receiving it. Schmitt. Fred Huemann, Frank Mich- MIIV who have been forced to inter- last week from LeesviUe, La , to ^UP v°". ,S^e, eriod probably uoneO hsh--sandwich spread, fish The sure'y is appreciated and els. Lonie Schmitt, George Hiller, thfir education to enter service, spend a furlough with his parents. In be valid a ng p . P' ^ pastes, etc.--go on the point table ******* • • 1 ••••• • 1 «••••••• I want to thank you again for your Lo„js Schmitt, John N. Schmitt. John Stratton. daughter^, ^ ~ ^ ^ ^t time at l2points a pound: the Sick efforts. J, Thelen, Ben Thelen, John Freund. rrrk ^ rsMSi. s . • -r ^ Betty Reiner, daughter of Mr. and _ jo>ed ^ th^,weekend jn^M^HePry^.^H^ ntr a arnwo .one processed foods--13 up and 8 Mrs. Joseph Regner, year at St. Ann's. Beginning their futuie first year at this hospital, although her second expects to be transferred, in the near4 RESIDENCE CHANGES down--and restored The news of serviceman is very in- Leo King. M »« H I I I I ' I 1 ' 11 ' • * 1 1 teresting and especially the letters NORTHWE&T PART OF NUNDA »*/, Mrc Mni-tin overseas. TOWNSHIP--Paul J. Doherty. capdri «l prunes, c^j.^/ereT injures to'his foot ^Hope everything, is going along, fin; Jo. Draper. Wm. F. Doherty, raisins and currants to rationing. . • „• . wu*»n hp steo- "" Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hoffman have Those changes aiso went into effect ^r pit'chfork at Lake Defiance. to in McHenry and I'm looking for-! Gordon Lowell Mervin Strever. John , . «... , , alro , ,.No seeing you in thenear future. Lindsay. Earl Pomrening. George not o"i last year's graduating class, James -E. Frisby has .recently been moved from Forest Park to what .was, Sumdav. Increased are the ration ped on a pi C \ °r " Yours truly, Whiting. and fiLtrice William^, transferred from Fort Leonard Wood, formerly the Baum house on the Mc- value of. canned fruit3 and a,i frozen - Miss Etta Powers underwent s«i- NORBERT B. MAUCH. NORTHWEST PART OF NUNDA !!ILh^fT«f Mr. arid Mr*, ••jsse&k ^ tc'Los Angeles, Calif, ; Cullom Lake road, which they-recent- Iood.s. Decreased are several types of K^ry at Victory Memorial hospital.! : Robbing Field. Ga. TQWNSHIP-Nels Pearson, captain? William* " • u • j *ii i ly purchased. ~ canned beans, beets, carrots, pumpkin W*ukegan, last Satur „ n... Henry McMillan, Edw. Conway. Mar- Wilnam.. Gerald Urkin, who is in the, B»yal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder moved and squash .Mrs. John Gracey of Ridgeheld. «ui I^ear Jftr. Mosher. ; tjn Obenauf .Henry ftansen. Two senior nurses from McHenry . air corps, is_attending the naval recently from Woodstock to an apart- Following are the new meat and^'*old time res'dent oI- this v>cinity. suf- Just a card to l*t you know my-. McCULL0M LAKE AND ROUTE Betty Althoff daughter of Mr. preparatory school at Green- ment £ the home of her parents, Mr. Jte. S vaTues Jer JJuS- ' j fered a hip injury in a fall recently, change of address Have been here and Mrs. William Althoff. who_i* en- • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J Ringwood. ^^-^SpoihU;;1 She was taken to the HarthftuI hos- since last Friday. Was stationed at tering her 'last, year at St. Therese se,ven-inch rib steaks, 11 points; sir- pital for treatment hospital in Waukegan,' and Marie Newport News for one week. 31 TO CREEK--Wm Schlit*. captain; Howard. Williams, Harry Locke, Nix" daughter of-Mr^.Tillie Nix, ^ho' ofa^Urge'da^f weather^aS who Jos^nJ) Jackson of diano,. Maine, is lo»n steaks, 11 points; ten-inch cut ; » on the "honje ^mualssione^.awarded ,ce.^^^ hoihe her^.^ Hb ^ J() county hospital, Chicago. Also « - tificates • of competence in advanced ; . s« vr noints- brains 1 point• ' heart 3 Cook county in her second ytar is nieteoroloKV at the University of Ch,- LeRoy Melsek and wife Lorraine P^ ; J"1"8'.- J6 poi'nt8 V,ctory Marjorie Duker, daughter of Supt. Q September g. The class, en- Engeln) are home^from Walla Walla, points, tongue^ (snoi cu ), t> poin^ ( _ lu^ts wno uiniiv,. mt, is - * . • t»4»iitment Then rded cer- enjoying a furlough at his home, her?. "b st^in^ waukegan. the past-week... "military secret," "slip of the lip will -- . •* * it l *• Victor Freund, George Blake, George Mrs. Etta Wattles underwent med- Cant tell you anything about the ical treatment at St. Therese hospital, type of work I am doing. You know • - "slip of the lip will Th^nk you for sending and Mrs. C. H. Dukter. She had pre- fn the Universitv's Institute of Wash., where he has been serving Mrs. Celia Winkel is a patient at sink a ship Memorial hospital, W^u- the paper, 'Veal--Brain^,". 1 "point; heart, 4, kegan, this week. R . t M wioosly taken two years ^ ^ ^ ^^h'a^my ^ with the army. LeRoy will feave Sup^ pomts; sweetbreads, 8 pointy .^nt at • wterk. V ,navyweat^r students. day Ui return;^ camp, but h.s wrfe .4 .. ' Leave College < The students were commissioned by will remain in McHeni j foi the tongue '3 poinisv ; Several students who'"began college^ Lt. Col. James F. Thompson, US. A. present. ----- -pork -- Brains,! point; hVer, 3 TSlTyear were .forced in mitT-year fd A. F., and were awarded certificate* As ever, P^. VAN. DIEDRICH, Norfolk, Va. Brains;, i ^int; >»>«•>• McHe„ry "ST„d..,er: | My • address has been changed to last year were ,iorcpu m x-., «nu -- , i ' it; Tov«a. -tot-^'WWek joints. abandon their studies to enter ser- by President Robert M. Htitehms of ^ctommi^sion as second liewten- Butter--CreameB" butter, 12 points; •iee. Among these were Lester Smith, the University of Chicago. I^ie c ass. wa«; Xoiman F Blomgren farm or country butter, 6 ponts; prowho started the year as a Freshman was the fifth to graduate in the nine- ant, was Norman h. Biomg ern-- ^ bu^r; 4 Mi electrical engineering at the Uni- month advanced course of the lnsti- _ _ Fnsby has recently "been Canned fish-- Products containing versty of Illinois. His brother Earl, tute of Meteorology, one of ^ f r 0 m Fort Leonard more than 20 per cent of rationed .Junior in the University's school of stitutions in the country giving this transfer ie<l^ i r . o t a r j n . accounting, also left lor service some training and the only one botwetfh the Wood, Mo., to Los g . time ago. They are the sons of Mr. Atlantic and Pacific seaboards Schubert. w RINGWOOD AND WEST TO BARNARD'S MILL--Henry M. Stephenson, captain; Louis^flawley. Clarence Pearson. S. W. Brown. Dr. Wm. Hepburn, Bruno Butlen F: N. Muzzy, Calvin Mohr. Martin Rzeczkowski. , <. SOUTHWKST OF RINGWOOD-j- | Chancey Harrison, captain: Anton 'I'll* •Freund. Kenneth Cristy. Jay (. nsty, .- Thos. Doherty. George Biggers. Miami, Fla.. where it is piet^y hot at , 'WONDER LAKE--Otto Heilniatn, • present. But^the town-itself is fine. capUin; Jerry .Kubovy.. Ivar Fi*ialson. Carl Hoiand Mrs. Arthur Smith. Eayl is now stationed at Champaign, and i Recent transfers include Lieut „ , _ , - . Melvin Gladstone from Deming, New Pvt. Kenneth Tonyan lias returned• ; ^ ^ ^ ^ Wash. Virginia after spending , J cement from county Red Cross head- woodepiant are now in uniform. The boys in service and McHenry in genPvt. A. L. Kosinski of Camp Grant q_ ttarters All young_ single women bjood donors were as follows: L. H. j^yj J -* spent' the weekend with his, wife, the from 18 to 35 and wives of service- Grosby. Gail W'rede, E. . C. Swanson • . «. * - einm onnli/tflfi AUB ... . •• vr tr C* 1 r Lester i»t Van Buren, Ark. to a camp in / "Warren Jones, who was a Freshman, a furlough with relatives here. in the musical school of-the Chicago ; ; i. YMCA college, left in the spring for His parents and friends were.^mad^e BUniie "MaiihaiC""'.' men are sign applications .M "j.~ Harrington, N. V. Shaw, Teresa army duty and is now at Rantoul, 111- happy this week over the pews that , - to become hostesses. • gchlitt J F Kaplan, Wolf Shadle, He is the son of Vaughn Jone^. Eugene Nielsen of the army air corps.; ^ Kramer, who was enjoying -- -- Calvin'Mohr and Karl Hoff. Harry Anderson, who was in his -taUoned m England, has been made a; . tinw and M„, final year at Apn Arbor, Mich., where first lieutenant he was studying engineering last CHEMICAL PLANT EMPLOYEES GIVE BLOOD TO BANK trees,, fish of all types to t, rjckson Kinlev Engvalsor ULUUIl 1U DA" ocean water to swim m;and downtown st Dn c> L Watkins. " . . Miami has little places like Coney ORCHARD BEACH. SHAI-IMAR Last week ten of the huskiest em- j8iand. an, HI FM^NX"^ SUBDIVISION!--• ployees of the Ringwood Chemical j understand there are several Mc- ' George SttUing. corporation went in a group to Lake Henry at Miami Beach. I would OSXEXI>i:Arthur Hopix«. captain; iWVSTFSSFS Sired \.en«',a «nico"tri|,®ifd ® p,nt eac^^ like t0 look them-up ..if I could get on *Martbt .Aj,en. Dimon. Frank uOSTEwKs UtialKtlU Blood Bank of the American Red their addresses. -- . • - Hostesses*from McHenry county are cross for benefit of our fighting Please send the Plaindealer to my still needed, according to an announ- men Fifteen workers from the Ring- new address so I can keep tab on the canned fish. 12 points. to become hostesses. a leave ffom navy dutjeis, Mrs".' Mrs. Gertrude Ritter and Mrs. ti* Kramer of Kokbmo, Ind^, spent last Dowell ivere Sunday guests of Mr. Sincerely, HAROLD TAXMAN. Kaiser. Eugene Eppel. Anna Kaisei\ ' * * >• *'•# ' Births Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klapperich BWiHa are the Parent5 ^ * sou> born Ml ' *k>rH,a* Therese hospital, Waukegam^ Monday . i Dear Mr. Mosher: . ; 0^^'s *^y . Mrs Lvle Thotaaa Dance every Saturday night _at How are you and all the rest of the ( # orn;. ^ Grove on Wednesday, a (OontiaiMd MI last pa««) Graduatinjr from the Mrmy air week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs, Ralph Whitfield at McCul- Nell's Ballroom to the music of Ed j -- -- - forced cwitSl twtoto* cOtamand^^ ! Gearfe Kraiiwr. j^m I*ke. Klemme's^ wtheatra. . - •• .tat p**). of Spring daughter. ' •'• ' " VwtA

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