Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1943, p. 4

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liiii!!!mmmmm Page Fe ar THE McHENRY PL AIND E ALER THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mc- 111., by Charles F. Renich. A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., tmdei til* act of May 8, 1879. One Year ........ Six Months •„ $2.00 $1.00 National cditoriau. yr association U. S. Employment Grow* Employed persons in the United States in May, 1943, totaled more than the country's population in 1W0. ; . Order your Rubber Plaindealer. •' • >Z- 1 -\'- >sl at The FOR SALE FOR SALE--Apples. Also winter apples later. B. Bauer. Phone 691-M-2. . ' • ' • *18 FOR SALE -- Two bro<xi sows, "with fifteen two-weeks old pigs. Clarence Stilling. Phone 614-W-2. *18 FOR »SALE -- Milk route with 1939 Chevrolet truck. Trutk is in excellent conditofi and tires are like new. Harvev Brown, lit. 2, McHenry. Phone" 615-R-2. *18 FOR SALE -- Muskovy ducks and ducklings, all ages. • J. C. Seibert, U. ,S. 12, two miles north of Volo. 18 FOR SALE--rTomatoes, $1.50 a bushel. Baled straw, fifty cents a bale. Peter A. Freund. Rt. 2. Tel. 614*K-1. 18 McHefcry. Illinois . . ' FRIDAY • SATURDAY • Aim-Sot hern. Mehin Douglas 4'*THREE HEARTS FOR JULIA" . ,i Plus--News. Cartoon . and Novelty • SIJN^MON SEPT. 19-20 IN COLOR Tyrone Power, Anne Baiter "CRASH DIVE" P1u»--News and Short Subjects ^ TUESDAY a) MMAwNILA CALLING" ' (2) "THE UNDYING MONSTER" ^WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY Alan Ladd, Loretta Yo«ng "CHINA" FOR SALE--Grey, 7-year-old horse. i Black 5:year-old horsfe, both gentle I and good workers. Also fresh and springer cows, Mayer & Eckhaus, Dealers in Livestock, Libertyville, i 111. , Phone Libertyville 6S7-J-1 or 34. :• . "18 FOR SALE--Leghorn pullets, 7. weeks 1 -ild. Ready for range. Fifty cents J each. A. C. Parfrey, Spring Grove, fPhone Richmond 902V *18-2 FREE--If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Bolger's Drug Store. LOST LOST -- Painter's black leather tool kit. Finder call McHenry 225-W. Reward. 18 HELP WANTED BOY WANTED--To deliver papers. Albert Krause News Agency, McHenry. 18 BOY WANTED -- To work in store after school. Gladstone's*, Green St. 18 HELP WANTED-^Woman or girl for soda fountain and general store work. Steady. Bolger's Drug Store. 18-tf HELP WANTED Boy to work in drug store. Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. , 18-tf WANTEI>--Some one with^saw to cut logs. Mrs. H. R. Wagner, ; Wickline Bav, Wonder Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 421. • " *18 WANTED -- Woman or .girl for res-, taurant work% Tel. 377. 14-tf WANTED--Painter's •helper. Boat Company. ' 1 Hunter . 13-tf WANTED--Main fdr general work. Experience not necessary. Kramer Boat Co., Fox Lake, 111. Tel. McHen| FOR SALE -- Double lot with two ry 90-J. 11-tf houses on same, which warrants an j ineome. Across from McHenry park, bloc.t!rom ^ver, Reasor>^! Hunter Boat Com nan v. • Address "G," care Plaindealer. 4-tf : WANTED--Maintenance maai. 50-tf FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls aiid ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf FOR SALE -r- By bushel, tomatoes, I beets, carrots, squash, -llry onions, j Cabbage for kraut. Also green beans. | Matchen's Garden, Tel. 109-J. For loi cation, inquire at Farmer's Mill. >17-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Five-room modern home. Thoroughly insulated. Easily heated. Hot and cold water. Gas, electricity. : Apply Severinghaus, Pistakee Bay. 18 ersonah NEARBY NEWS Losses were estimated to be between $25,000 and $30,000 when fire destroyed two barns, a tool shed, valuable machinery and a large quantity of baled hay at the Harry Bairstow farm on the Wilmot road Monday evening. The blaze is believed to have originated from one. bf two tractors kept in the machinery shed, although its exact cause is unknown. The machinery shed was attached to a barn, which also burned, and a strong wind from the west drove the i- Thursday, September 16, 1943: RATION GUIDE ASKS $10,000 DAMAGES William F. Keiser, administrator of | the estate of his-'son, Robert Keiser, J filed suit in the circuit court last week | against R. D. Holt and Frances Smith, u Brown point stamps in war ration ! business as the Smith Trarisit book 3 became valid last Sunday for • ilTrTn *• ^red ?* ,Wines and the purchase of meats, fats, oils, can-I Tt f a Ji? ngr bus»iess as the : ned fish, cheese and canned milk and !, Sh'PPin<? company. The plain-, all other commodities now rationed Jrn ff/fA S ®ma^s in tlje amount of ) with red stamps. *n>,000 as the result of injuries to his Columbus Branght Cane Here Cane sugar had been grown a nek eaten in the Western hemisphere* since Columbus had brought the* cant here. The A series, valid September 12, will.expire October 2, at which time son which caused his death. TPlies Carry Dysentery Germ Dysentery germs ingested by the* fly can live in its intestinal tract for as long as five days. The" source of contamination need not be in the immediate neighborhood, for* red stamps X, Y and Z will also ex- 1 ' !„ °" ^oute 23 between pire. As in the past, stamps will be i "arvard^nd Marengo. The complaint come valid on successive Sundays but, i u ** , ref",was. when struck hereafter, they will always expire oni a t™ck wj«ch is claimed was the the Saturday nearest the end of the j ProPer Y °* the defendants. month. This will give consumers and j Keiser, it is claimed, was standing It is alleged the accident took place ?ies can travel as far as eight miles flames toward a second barn, filled : trade the advantage of knowing the i near- an aut° along the highway when with bKAaIlAeJdI hay, and .s.e4t it afire. ® F t . < . * Ensign Harold W. Brill, 22, of Mount Ranier, Md., an instructor in day of the week on which the meats- I struck by the truck. He died on the fats stamps will always expire and will permit them to plan accordingly. Brown stamps are the only stamps the naval air corps at Glenview air- which will be used in war ration book "V'as^kllled,' and Aviation Cadet 3 untii further notice. Housewives, Willard C. Anker, 20, of Route 2, | while shopping will use three ration Edgerton, Minn., was injured in ,the r books, war ration book 1 for sugar crash of a plane while the two were j and shoes. book 2 for processed foods on an instruction flight near Prairie | <b]ue stamps) and book 3 for meats, View on September 2. I fats and oilsbrown stamps) . same date as result of injuries received jn the accident. in one day. Flies have the pernicious habit of vomiting just beforefeeding. They therefore contaminate* food in this manner, by defecation or" by germs adherent to the hairs of the legs or other parts of the body.. . j previously mentioned, meat may be "<'Rasty'"'A oneryear-old half colli^"' purchased on red stamps X, Y and and half'il^rmlan shorth^red pointer, Z until October 2 the Saturday hearwhich was the pet of Russell Thiede est the end of the month, of Carpentersville before the young Here is your latest ration table: man entered the army is following Processed Foods V his master into service: Last Friday! ,v^e ^ R, S and T good trough the dog received its crate from the 'September 20 i government and was sent my" by j Blue stam ! s U; V and W good express to start its basic trauung.lth h 0ctober ^ Within a few months, he will be mi ' afctive service either on shore patrol j Meats and Fats *duty in this country or in some bat-: Sftsd stamps X, Y and Z good tie area abroad. through October 2. Brown stamp A (War Ration Book Three) good September 12 through Prepare Concrete for Paint In order to render the alkali Inconcrete harmless to paint, it is ad- ; w visable to permit newly laid con-- , ^rete to »ge for several months be- ' Wltek Ponltry Rationsf tore painting. If it is inconvenient^ / ' Nutritional deficiencies in poultry ,*° wait for the weathering period, it- 1 rations may cause "curled toe" ! is often helpful to wash the concrete-' "* \ paralysis, dermatitis, imperfect egg with two pounds of zinc sulfate in aV " shells, rickets, or convulsions. Grow- i gallon of.water. After allowing this-^J'-' ers shouid watch closely all feeding to dry thoroughly, the paint may As , rations. , applied with .less likelihood Of K kali damaging the film. Mr. anil Mrs. George Adams visited their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen, in Elgin last Sun- Mrs. Stanley Thomas and daughter, Carol Ann, of Woodstock were >Mc- was received, was relayed by tele Sgt. Robert W. Lanning, 23," son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lanning of! October 2. Beloit, former residents of Harvard,: Brown^stamp B good September 19 a veteran of Pearl Harbor and Mid-1 through October 2. way, was killed in a truck-auto crash! Brown stamp C good September 26 near Miadris, Ore., his parents have j through October 30, j been informed by the War Depart-. Brown -stamp D good October 3^ ment. This message, soon after it through October 30. Henry callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boyle and chilren, who reside near Joliet, visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda were phone to Misses Nell, and Kate O'Con nor of Harvard. : ' i! band is with the armed forces in Ha- FOR RENT Qne and two-room ! route fr0m Winnebago, Minn., to visit aoartments. \cw. modern- floors. I reiativeg. in Tennessee. C Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette spent the weekend visiting .in the John Phalin home. Chicago callers Friday evening when 1 charge of Home Economics. Her husthey visited for a few hours with Mrs. Yanda's father and sister, the' latter two stopping in Chicago en Brown stamp E good October 10 j through October 30. " ; I Brown stamp F good October 17! through October 30. ^ - j Mrs. Adelyn Robinson of Leland, I Sugar j 111., is a new member of the Crystal | Stamp No. 14 in Book One good for | Lake high school faculty. She is in' five pounds through October 311. GOOD TIME to buy is rig-ht now BALL BRAND WORK SHOES (stamp 18 expires Oct. 31). RUBBER BOOTS (permit required). Work Rubbers and 4-Buckle Overshoes (no permit required)^ Service Army Blankets in part and all-wool. Wash Dresses. Table Felt, Feather Ticking, and other items of merchandise. . r ' StoffeFs Store The B e a u t i f u l Kl/TOVAI! MM CRib 1AL LAKt, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theaire FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 17-18 Blob Hope. Dorothy Lamour in "THEY GOT ME COVERED" SUN. & MON^ SEPT 19-20 Sun.--Continuous from 2:45 p. b Loretta Young, Alan Ladd, in "CHINA" With Williams Bendix 1*« ' tUESDAY SPECIAL 10c Tax 2c Tax lc James Craig, Pamela Blake, in "THE OMAHA TRAIL" Plus--LURE OF THE ISLANDS' WED. & THURS., SEPT. 22-23 Franchot Tone, Ann Baxter, in "FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO" ujlWith Akim Tamireff That WED.-THURS. Event apartments. New, modern; tile floors, block ceiling, knotty pine walls; ina- door bed; Frigidaire, white porcelain range, built-in cabinets and sink, bathroom - tile recessed tub and shower. Heat, light and gas furnished. Must be seen to be appreciated. McHenry Town House. Phone 35. 18 Miss Ruth Klodzihski spent the weekend at her home in Chicago. Maurice Foley recently returned to ASt ALL CITIZENS . TO CONSERVE CRITICAL MATERIALS All eitizens were asked this week to co-operate in the voluntary conser- McHenry after spending the summer f ^anfwer; transportation, . • ... V. , „ .fuel and critical materials war- FOR REN.T --. L.o wer„ a vpa r.t.m. en.t, th.r ee, ! visiting his grandmontkh!e/>r, Mrs. Mary | e iiecebbii}. rooms and bath. . Centrally located. Foley, in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald M. Nelson, chairman for the Address box »Y,": i„ ; of the. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodtz 6t Crys-: production ., h g. East- Plaindealer la' tal Lake were callers in .McHenry j. , . .. ' -' , . . v rlaindealer. . ; ; : - Saturday evening. man' director of the off,ce oi defense FOR RENT--i^bur tooin house, inside Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christiansen ' £ansP°rtati°n; and Interior Secretary bath. Running water. Ready Oct. l.iof Richmond visited in the Edgar; ?a™ld>L~ ^es, petroleum adiajnistrator for war and solid fuels adminLester Acfams left Friday to visit istrator, joined in an appeal to every I JV""7 a" w v«Tp industnal and commercial plant and $25 per month. McCullom Lake. Tel. Landgren hqme Saturday evening. McHenry 665 W-2. "»16-3 v W- AN- ^TE D -- J, his son, Lieut. Vale Adams, who was , , . injured in an airplane accident at «very. private citizen to save coal, oil, Waycross,. Ga„ two weeks ago. «&s' electricity telephone time, water Miss Betty Regner, student nurse I.anrrn, ransPor . lon*. . lhe campaign, which was launched September 15 and which will be conducted as an educational program, is designed to obtain voluntary public co-operation to avoid rationing or other restrictions of "these seven facilities that comprise the lifeblood and RENT - Desirable spending some time with her mother,' nerVes of our ind"strial effort." WANTED TO BUY--Have buyer for 120-acre farm near McHenry. Good buildings desired. Earl R. Walsh. Phone 43: . ^ . *7-2 WANTED*-- Spring chickens, also heavy hens. Wm. Staines, West McHenry. Tel. 622-R-2. 8-2t at St. Ann's hospital, Chicago, spent a few days last weelc with her parents, Mr. aiftf Mrs. Jos. Regner. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris of Chicagp spent the weekend at their summer ho^ at Fair Oaks subdivision. Mrs. fidith Hayes of Chicago is WANTED TO -- Desirable! mother, . . . ^ dwelling in McHenry, -adjacent to Mrs. Ellen Whiting, who is suffering . saving in coal up to 20,000,000 n Fox River. Will pay j from rheumatism. ! ^ns annually ca" *»e accomplished by rent in advance. Earl R. S Mrs. Kathryn Freund spent the j ?doPtlon of reasonaWy economic heatfor Party. Phone 43. j weekend visiting her daughter, Mrs. i m?, PJact'ces- the joint statement 17-2 William Berndt, in Chicago. i ^ld\ Practicable reductions in the use 1 a tTTif at o nrA«mW ^ Madeline Freund and Elaine Hei-1 °f elect"c and « •ANIMALS WANTED : mer spent Thursday in Chicago. - stor^' homf' f^"es a"d °fice« -- -- r ' w o u l d s a v e 4 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 t o n s o f c o a l a n d DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN TUB! ! "•^•000 ^ Friday. Clare, who has been study- duced u9e of ^as in home beating, Stamps Nos. 15 and 16 in Book One I good for five pounds each for home j canning through October 31. • Shoes Stamp No. 18 in Book One good for one p^ir through OctoberSl. Fuel Oil Coupons No. 1 in new book good f o r 10 g a l l o n s t h r o u g h J a n u a r y 4 , ! 1944. (Fill tanks early.) Coupons No. 5 in old book good for 11 gallons each through September 30 ; except in Southern Illinois, where value is 10 gallons each. Gasoline Coupons No. 7 in A book gooid^^ for \ 3 gallons each through September 21.1 Tire Inspections For A book holders, must be completed by September 30; for B book ! holders, by October 31; for C book j holders, by November 30. Increases Power Supply It has been estimated fhat the use of anti-knock fuel in high-compression motors has increased the power of our civilization by the equivalent of 40 Boulder dams annually. » Are You Now Classified 1-A? We Can Give You a Good Job While Awaiting Induction * 100 "PER CENT WAR WORK * CLOSE TO HOME * EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Permanent Jobs Also Available Apply at Once JEWEL TEA CO., Barrington, Illinois McHenry oj^or 12 months/^reri Walsh, Agent Where would we be if THEY said_ WAR -- Five dollars is the least we 1 horses and cows in good Wheeling Rendering Co. pay for <lead horses and cows in good th7 pHestho^f^the^past^few : poking, water heating and refrigera- Reverse the, charges. No help needed to^load ^ Chka ment said in illustrating- possible volvisitors Sunday. , untary ^<>n«mies. Mrs. Guy Dalziel, daughter, June, condition. Phone Wheeling No. 3 MISCELLANEOUS New Kail Policy Now in Kffect! Doors Op?n. Week Days at 6:15 p. m. Show Starts at 7 p. m. ^".'jKATCKDAY. SKI'T. 18 • Gene Autrv, iri *RiIDE TENDERFOOT RIDE" : -- IMus -- "TONIGHT WE RAID CALAIS" With A nnabeila. John Sutton ----St:N.-MON., SEPT. 19-20- 2---Snaeh Featires on One Program-- _ with -- ^ Alan Liadd and Ix>retta YoanR "CHINA" Plus--All Comedv Hit "TAXI MISTER" -- With -- Wm. Bendix, (iracie Rradlev TUESDAY ONLY--SEPT. 21 Always Bargain Nite--25c : Also 175 Reasons Why You Should be Hore at 9 O'clock "CINDERELLA SWINGS IT" Guv Kibb e. (iloria Warren Wed.-Thurs.-Fri*. Sept. 22-23-24 The Musical-H^t of The Year! "REVELTE WITH BEVERLY" With Ann Miller Bob Crosby and Orchestra Frank Sinatra, Mills Bros. Duke Ellington and Orchestra Count Basie and Orchestra AUCTION WE BUY AND SELL USED GUNS of Pistakee Bay, and her mother," Mrs. of all kinds and Ammunition of all Frank Lumber of Ingleside, visited types. Ask us about ammunition for! in the Howard Collins home Monday. fall. Hunting licenses issued. Com- Peter M. Justen and brother-in-law, '* „ "w \iwr a plete stock of sport clothing. Bohn R. E. -Sutton., of Chicago have been : w , uc ,onecr Hardware Co., Woodstock .111. . 18-6 ' enjoving a vacation at Denver, Colo. Win Tk ui- 8.?° H..„ , ' v Mrs. Frank A. Kempfer is" leaving *}™hc A?ctl™ on WILI. LOAN -Registered Holste.n today . (Thursday) for Washington, Woodstock, --111. -farm, known as Dn Bull, 15 months old. Negative to; D.C;.whefe she will make her home ®'®nd S F„arni: 55 m'1®8 "°w T! I ug S;,a-,^<!oMarch J6' 1943- 0r . with her husband who is -stationed:. ^ ^rth of Woodstocl^ will sell, W, S. Borgan,--.Route 2, Mc- n,w thpre m (>ast good .irravel road off Henry. Tel. 648-M-2. "IB with the navy there. Mrs. Charles Carso returned to "Route 47. UNEXPECTED CHANGE MAKES 'Chicago Monday after spending a in SUNDAY, SEPT, 19 available fine Rawleigh Route in vacation with her parents, Mr. and All personal property, sale 'com- North Co'oW' County. ' Splendid busi- Mr»- Henry Kinsala. Her brother • menemg. at 1 njock_ secured in this district for 25 William Kinsala', who is on. a - o,0 ACRE xA.IvPA years. Over 5000 families. Excep- • furlouKh here, accompanied het; home Will b«. sold at 2 o'clock tional opportunity. Write Rawle'igh's,; 'or * hrief visit. Mrs. Mary Kinsala ; All rich black tillable soil, 12 acre Dept. ILI-412-201A, Freeport, 111., or and Bon- Elmer, of BaUvia were bearing apple orchard, 7 years old; see Albert J. Grever, McHenry, 111. ^cp^end guests in the Kinsala home.' live creek of clear water through *17-8; Barbara Carey left Tuesday even- small pasture; 168 ft. drilled well ing for the Marywood School for ; with abundance of water, new modern knivea and Girls, where she is entering her sea-. home. 5 rms. and bath; 34 x 40 , i°r year. ^ . -j barn; cement silo; 160 "ft. poultry ground, under water--avoids temper j Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Peterson and j house; 2 corn crtbs; milk house, extraction - on modern automatic son of Chicago visited in the Ben J.-i running water* (electricity in all Miller home last weekend. I bujldings. ' ' Mrs. Alfred We'ingart has returned! Personal Property _T . a j from New York where she had gone 1200 Plymouth Rock frying chick- I KEN TILE--No priority on tile floors. with h^i^ husband, who is with the ens- 10 ewes and buck- s6w and 4 j Ideal for schools, churches, stores, army ' glider division. gilts- 55 breeding geese I hospital,, basements, kitchens etc. I Mrs. John Paulson left last wee* 55'acres early hybrid; 20 tons i Variety of colors. Also FLOOR; for her home in Eldon, Mo., after old corn. •L v - i SANDING and refinishing with Spending two weeks with her sister, 4 laree electric brooders' noultrv DURA SEAL. Henning Newman, 932 Mrs. jeppe C. Jepsen, in Johnsburg feeders?25 and her daughter, Mrs. Louis Jarbo rowing house; brooder house; quanof Highland Park.. Mrs. Paulson was tity heavy steel sheets; 60 cedar a guest Sunday of her niece, Mrs. K. posts; 7,000 ft. good used lumber, Mortensen, of Kenosha and also spent consisting of lxC, T & G flooring, 2x4, a few days with her niece, Mrs. Hokan 2x6, 2x12 framing; steel posts woven Christensen of Elmwood^Park. | and-barb wire. Mrs. Esther Rudin is spending some j 50 gallon drilms; 18 poultry ship- Do More in September GRINDING -sttsharpener. Newhouse & Son, Grayslake. *15-4. Marvel • Ave., Woodstock, III, 131. t*hone 39-tf HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for . insurance rates. The Kent Co.; McHenry. Phone 8. , 27-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING-- Let lis dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly. George Meyers!. .Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf time in Florida. Order your Rubber Stamps Plaindealer. • . -• Pneumonia Deaths Drop In this country health reports show that the death rates for influehza and pneumonia have declined from 202 per 100,000 population in, 1900 to 70 today; bronchitis, from 45 per 100,- 000 to 3. Subscribe for the Plaindealer ping coops; 3 tons poultry mash; 2 tons baled shavings; Jamesway steel hor&e- hay and grain feeder; sheep feeders; other miscellaneous articles. TERMS: Personal property, cash or make -arrangements with your banker. Real, estate 10 per cent on day ol sale, balance on delivery of warranty deed with title guarantee policy., NORMAN JOHNSON State Bank of Woodstock, Clerking --of least an EXTRA $100 War Bond for everybody I 15 BILIION DOLLARS (Noil-bonking quota) • Look *t.the headlines in this paper today. They tell Tividly what otar men are doing on battlefronts all over the world.. . \C'e thrilled to victory in Tunisia . . . lilctory at Munda . . . invasion of Sicily. And tomorrow more victories will fill us with pride in our fighting forces. But wtlat would happen to us if our men in {Service said, "We've done enough"? It would be"jJbe end of all of us. i We know, of course, that they'll never quit. We know, too, .that YOU won't let America down. That YOU won't say, "I've done all I can." For your job is no less important than that of the man in uniform. And this month your country asks everyone who possibly can to invest in at least one extra $ 100 War Bond. You know the benefits of War Bonds, "iftiey're the safest investment in the world. They secure your future. They help your country and your loved ones doing the fighting. Get at least an extra $100 Bond in September in addition to your regular purchases. More if possible. invest not only out of current income but out of idle and accumulated funds. And do it NOW! BACK THE ATTACK--WITH WAR BONDS West McHenry State Bank ••f--

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