Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1943, p. 4

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IP* fSLgt PO . '>>> - • .v »*sr' McHENRY PLAINDEALER W'i1 -r.Ttf,,- prVt\ \ > , • " " V; * , • » " ,• THE M'HEHRY PLAINOEALER Published every Thursday at Mcfeenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. . A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager 4 ' -- Entered as second-class matter at |b« postoffice at McHenry, I1L, under tine act of May 8, 1879. - - FOR SALE t>ne Year ... |Six Months : „...$2.oo $1.00 FOR SALE--Very choice Holstein, Guernsey and Ayshire heifers. $25 each and up. Shipped C. O. D HELP WANTED children and Mary and Dan Coffey of \»r. vm?n »r • j i- Wilmette were Sunday guests in the BOY WANTED-t-To deliver papers. | home of Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Albert Krause St.. McHenry News Agency, Elm 20 HELP WANTED--Woman or girl for soda fountain and general store work. Steady. Bolger's Drug Store. 18-tf Among those from here who at-^ tended Official Visit of Worthy Grand Matrons, Worthy Grand Patrons and Worthy Grand Officers at Crystal Lake on Saturday evening were Mes- JOHNSBIJRG NATIONAL €DITOFUAL_ " ASSOCIATION desired,. Bull free with 5 heifers. I McHenry,_ Homstead Farms, McGraw, N. HELP WANTED -- Boy to work in j drug • store. Bolger's Drug Store, 18-tf! Y. 20^5 i WANTED -- Woman or girl for res-| taurant work. Tel. 377. 14-tf i Hunter: 13-tf Biggest Finnish City Biggest of Finland's cities is the capital, Helsinki, with its 305.000 residents; next are Tampere, 76,- 700; Turku. 74,300; and Viipufi, 74,- 250. All other cities rank below the 40,000 level. J. ;• p°^ 22~{}' J*rson . | WAITED--Painter's helper. Boat with Scripps 125-h.p.. engine, or | Boat Company. will trade for a 16-ft. or 18-ft. inboard. Call or write Joseph J. Vavrik, WANTED--Man for general work. 558 Twentieth Place, Chicago. Call; Experience not necessary. Kramer Canal 5445. 20-tf Boat Co., Fox Lake, 111, Tel. McHen- ; ry 90-J. 11-tf (By Mrs. Arthur Klein) Staff Sgt. Henry B. Tonyan of , ... ~ Camp Campbell, Ky., is enjoying a dames Minnie Martin, Florence Lar-, ten-day furlough visiting his mother son, Rachel Spurling, Celona Kane,1 Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan and friends v aleska Hoppe, Lillian Cox, Fannie1 and relatives. Thompson, A. J. Johnson, William] The Michels auction was well at- Spencer and Eva Eppel and Miss Elsie j tended Sunday afternoon. VyMtal' j «* , J The fami,y of Mr- and Mrs. Jos. H. Mr. arn Mrs. Edwin Michels of! Huemann gathered to celebrate the Aurora spent Sunday visiting his! 80th birthday of Mr. Huemann Sunm ' ^rS" Michel's. " | day. Cards furnished the afternoon's Mrs. Anna Phalin, who has been | entertainment and those present were spending a few weeks in Wisconsin, | Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann, Mr. and arrived Friday for a visit with her! Mrs. Vincent Kurst and daughter, sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Carey, and Mary, and Mrs. John Smith of Chi- MeHenry,Illifiois FRIDAY-SATURDAY Victor Mature. Lucille Ball 'SEVEN DAYS LEAVE" IMus--Cartoon and News \ SUN.-MON., OCT. 3-4 f (In Glorious Technicolor) Betty Grable, Geo. Montgomery and Cesar Romero 1'CONEY ISLAND" Robt. Morley, C. Cummings (1) "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" . Leon Errol, Grace McDonald (2) "GALS INC" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Claire Trevor. Jess Barker (1) "GOOD LUCK MR. YATES" Joe Sawver. William Tracy (2) "YANKS AHOY" monah FOR SALE!--Victrfcla coal stove, selfheater; very good condition; reason-WANTED--Maintenance man. able. Phone McHenry 380, 20 jHunter Boat Comrmnv. 50-tf FOR SALE -- Hand - picked apples^! Jonathans and others, $2.00 per! busheL Bring own containers. Also! broilers, ajive only. • First farm south of McHenry High School. *20 FOR SALE^-Upright piano and stodl. I j A 0 _ , . .. Reasonable, jf Uken at once. Phone TJlfj},!! ^ Se^rth 6R2-M-1 • on' Lalie "ave 3ust returned from attend- : jing the funeral of his sister ,Mrs. Ida FOR SALE1933 Oldsn>obile, good I Buettner. motor and tjres^-$lG0. Call 659-J-2. A few old friends gathered in the 20! Owen.. homestead Saturday, September , ' -- -- - 1 2 5 , i n h o n o r o f C h a r l e s O w e n . FOR SALE--Five-room modetri year Mrs. G. A. Hilmer of Tacoma, : round home, English typ«v furnished I Wash., will arrive in McHenry Friday ;or unfurnished; bath; one-car garage, j as guest in the home of her daughter, | In restricted Oakhurst subdivision on j Mrs. Floyd Covalt. ; Fox River. Ellsworth C. Shoemaker. Those from out of town who • at- Phone McHenry 605-M-2. 20 J tended the funeral services for Martin ' FOR SALE-95 White Leghorn year-1 Sat"rd^yi,f0r.eri00n M nlH Viona rreeaassoonnaabbllee. MMrrss .,' Mrs ®A" d j DruAck; eFr-) FM,^r aatnnedr -M Mrsr- and j other relatives here before returning 1 to her home in Thorsby, Ala. | Sharon O'Shea and brother, Danny, ; of Grayslake, were weekend old hens. Priced Arnold Davis. Phone 603-M-l. 20 j Kr umddick, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore FOR SALE --Racoon coat, size 16;! Bickler- Mr- and Mrs- A- A. Kirchgrey tailored suit, size 16. Phone Mc-1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, Henry 52-R. 2Q|Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hart, Mr. and i Mrs John McCormick, Mrs. Bessie FOR S A LE--Two registered Holstein i Stasney, Mrs. Julia Kasper, Mrs. cago; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Olsen and son, Bobby, of Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter, guests I Phyllis, and Math Niesen of McHenry; in the home of their grandmother, j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heumann and son Mrs. Kathryn Conway. Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. g! Mrs. Edward Holle of Oak Park, iHue mann and children, Patsy, Billyh spent a few days this week with her Tommy and Jimmy. Refreshments parent?, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Con- concluded an enjoyable day. VaM* ^ , The infant daughter of Mr.: and Miss Genevieve Knox and brother, Mrs. Math Adams was christened Martin, attended the dinner sponsor- Dorothy Marie, Sunday, with Rev. A. ed by St. Mary's church, at Huntley, J. Neidert officiating at the Ceremony. Sunday. Sponsors were Miss Frances Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and, and Vincent Adams. Dinner guests daughter, Sarah Kay, visited relatives i were Mr and Mrs. Vincent Adams, at Janesville, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams, Michael Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming and Bauer and Miss Frances Bauer, son, Jack, were dinner guests in the Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hannish home at Algonquin; George Freund and, family, Mr. and Sunday. | Mrs. Jos. H. Adams iand Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Hettermann and little j AdamST . son, Kenneth Donald, returned to Tena Lay enjoyed a f«>w days Thursday, 8ept6ml*r 90j YOUR MONEY OR HIS LIFE! 5 WAR BONDS 7 ? Lorn Amgtlts Satmiaer U. S. Treasury Dtptrtannr-, Shoes for Soldier " In addition to the two pain of shoes Issued every American soldier on entering the service, three extra their home on Richmond Road, from! yac^io" with her da«ghter, Tfielma,! pairs must be available in reserve, the Woodstock hospital, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and little daughter and Robert Bacon of Arlington Heights were visitors in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon Sunday evening. In company with Mrs. Bacon they were dinner guests in the Lester Bacon home, where they helped Scott bull calves. Also a serviceable bull. Maud Block, Mrs. Jack Hart, all of j Bacon celebrate his birthday. James D. Curran, West McHenry. | Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John McCue, Phone 622-W-l. *20; Mrs. Kate Real of Elgin; Charles POTATOES FOR SALE --We will! Le«^"d r^f W<^i®tOC^ . . ' have a car of Red River Ohio potatoes j, * ^ .uT ® has . retu!!,€d on track i•n_ wM.ctHt enry the first of next!i fpr,o"m"' a visit with her cousins, Mrs. week. Place your order now. Mc- Elsa Schm,tt and Mn' HeIen Heide» Hehry Co. Farmers Co-*>p. Assn. Phone 29. 20 The B e a u t i f at IJTOVAIJ mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. & SAT, OCT. 1-2 Betty Rodes, MacDonald Carey in **SALUTE FOR THREE" Also Bill Boyd as "Hopalong" bv "BORDER PATROL" SUN. & MON., OCT. 3-4 Sun.--Continuous from 2:45 p. m. Deanna Durbin, Joseph Cot ten in "HERS TO HOLD" 'With Charles Winninger 18« TUESDAY SPECIAL 10c Tax 2c Tax lc Eddie Albert. Anne Shirley in "LADY BODYGUARD" WED. & THURS.. OCT. 6-7 Stuart Erwin, Betty Grable in 'PIGSKIN PARADE" With Patsy Kelly, Jack Haley That WED.-THURS. Event FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY in or NEAR McHENRY -My year-round lake front home, 1% story frame, on Wilson Road, Long Lake. Automatic oil heat, hot helped and cold running water, garage and, granddaughter boathouse and other buildings. Price j $7,500 --- terms. Geo. Van Minnen, owner. Address Box 497, Ingleside, 111. Phone Eox Lake 3126. *19-3 at Green Lake, Wis. Mrs. Rose Miller and Mrs. Ida Mix were guests in the George Stoffel home at Woodstock Sunday, where they visited the former's granddaughter, Betty Stoffel, who is recovering from a long illness, and Rosemary Stoffel, another celebrate her birth- FOR SALE -- Double lot with two houses on same, which warrants an income. Across from McHenry park, one block from river. Reasonable. Address "G," care Plaindealer. 4-tf ; of Mundelein, were Sunday visitors Scheid - Kennebeck home at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters, Monica and Diane, of Lake Villa, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Nick Miller and Mrs. D. D. Dickie were Elgin visitors Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. LaHoda and children FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and . the u T . economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Unswold ville Type A Home Insulation "Blownin" your walls ahd ceilings. Call LEQ J. STILLING, McHenry 18, 20-tf Mr. and 31 rs. Vandenboom and daughter, Mrs. John Bolton, of Round Lake, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Vandenboom's sister, Mrs. Henry Kinsala, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Neste* of Chi- WANTED -- Self - cleaning rabbit i cago were recent visitors in the home WANTED hutches. Call McHenry 632-M-2. J. C. Siebert, Ingleside, Illinois, Box 617. *20 LOST of her parents, Mf. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. Mrs. Kate Graham, Miss Clare Krause and Mrs. Thos. Walsh of Long Lake, were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. j. Walsh Friday evening. Mrs. Ada Smith and son, George and wife, of Elgin, called on relatives Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and baby left Tuesday for Dewitt, Iowa, wheie they will visit the former's relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Michels spent a few days this week in Waukegan. Mrs. Mary Stilling has gone to Chicago to make her home for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home at Fair Oaks. Mrs. Wm. Novich, daughter, Joanne, Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Phannenstill home. Mrs. Linus Newman and daughter, Mrs. Lewis McDonald, of Woodstock, spent Friday at thj Ford McDonald's and Mrs. W. E. Colby's in Waukegan. Mrs. Barnes Farrell of Grand Rapids, Mich., is \ isiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dobyns. Flash Floods Common Flash floods, in normally dry river beds, are common occurrences in North Africa during the winter months. Subscribe for tthe Plaindealer in Waukegan last week. Mrs. Math Schaefer and son-in-law, Walter Downs, of Chicago spertt several days in the Jos. Schaefer home. Misses Ann Schaefer and Thelma Lay of Waukegan spent the weekend in their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago were weekend guests with Mrs. Delia K. Miller. Mr. (and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodcock were weekend guests in the Peter F. Freund home. Ben Tonyan, Art Peters, Bill Marz and Bert Wagner returned home Saturday from an enjoyable fishing trip to Turtle Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner returned from their vactaion in Wisconsin last week. A large gathering of friends and relatives attended the funeral of Martin "Happy" Weber Saturday morning in McHenry. Tlie Community club will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening in the hall. '"Huppy" Smith and Jos. Regner of McHenry returned from a fishing trip to Wolf Lake, Wis., Thursday evenings ' ' . ... V . Sunday guests in the Mrs. Catherine Smith home were Mrs. Florence Geier, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy, of Chicago and Mrs. Barbara Horick of Woodstock. Mrs. Mamie King spent a few days in Chicago this week. and two more pairs la process of manufacture. Finland Land O' Lakes ' , Finland's Arctic shroud is an&eMt history written in the thousands of lakes gouged out ^y the glaciers in their southward push. Biggest of all European lakes is Lake Ladoga, between Finland and Russ'a. Bomber Boras Gasoline A heavjrliRJmber, cruising at tS$, miles an %our, burns 3% gallons H gasoline every minute. Develop Hydro-electric Power Approximate^ 19 of the 25 milliop. United State: hydro-electric potential .has been developed. Relief Payments Relief in the form of payments for work on public projects almost 25 billion dollars during 1933-42 decade. Order your Rubber' Stamps ^ si The Plaindealer. Appreciation! We wish to thank the residents of McHenry and vicinity for their friendship and patronage during our many years in the cleaning and tailoring business here. Our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. JohiiD. Lodtz LOST -- Female DacWfiund, red * brown; on or near Donald Hunter firm, south of McHenry, Sunday, ^ ^ ^ j*1- $10 reward. here Monday evening Alfred Zehnder 3841 New England! jack McCarrol and Ave.. Chicago. Call Mulberry 6819. have turned from Reverse charges. *20! Rhineiander, Misses Agnes and Josephine Anton- Albert Justen a fishing trip to LOST--Black leather wallet. If found, please return to June Patzke, W. McHenry. -- 20 ANIMALS WANTED DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No b$i> needed to load. 14-tf YOL'R FAVOKITK SHOW PLACE IN McHENRY COUNTY MILLER SATURDAY ONLY--OCT. 2 A N.w Western Thriller! Rov Rogers, in j/HEART OF THE GOLDEN WEST" Also: U'urel pnd Hardv in 'AIR RAID WARDjbiAd" Plus: Cartoon--News SUNDAY & MONDAY, OCT. 3-4 Delightly . . Delicious . . De-Lovely Deanna DurbiR and -- Joseph Cotton, in < "HERS TO HOLD" Also (Cartoon) "Lonesome Mouse" "The Dog House" and News sen of Chicago, and WVn. Rohn of Berwyn were Sunday visitors in the Thomas Kane home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were visitors in the Wm. VanNatta home at Crystal Lake, Sunday evening. Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. Howard Wattles visited friends in Berwyn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilles, daugh-! ter, Carol Ann, and Mrs. Margaret ; Gilles of Woodstock, were callers in! the home of Mrs. Peter Doherty Sat-j urday evening. Mrs. Gilles remained • for a weekend visit with her sister. ; Mrs. Kathryn Boger was a guest1 K ENTILE--No px-iority on tile floors. ! the homc of her daughter, Mrs. Ideal for schools, churches, stores, Harold Frett, in Chicago this week, MISCELLANEOUS McHENRY CLEANERS .f- WE BUY AND SELL LSpD GUNS of all kinds and Ammunition of all types. Ask us about ammunition for full. Hunting licenses issued. Complete stock of sport clothing. Bohn Hardware Co., Woodstock ,111. 18-6 where she attended the christening of her little granddaughter on Sunday. MK and Mrs. Robert Blum of Oak Park, were Sunday visitors in the home of her aunt, Miss Mary Fleming. -- -- ------ r Mrs. Floyd Benwell visited her HAVE YOU HEARE) about-the new j sister, Mrs. Chas. Rushing, at Hampreduced Auto Liability and Property I shire, Tuesday. Damage rates ? They will surprise1 The Misses Evelyn and Ruth Lavin,; you. Ask us fof insurance rates. Mrs. Leslie W. Krieger and, Mrs. j hospitals, basements, kitchens, etc. Variety of colors. Also FLOOR SANDING" and refinishing with DURA SEAL. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Ave,, Woodstock, 111. Phone 131. 39-tf The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf Elmer W. Jensen attended the Sig- i TUESDAY ONLY--OCT. 5 EVERY TUESDAY--Bargain Nite 25c (Incl. Tax) 25c 130 Reasons Why You Should Be Here at 8:30 P. M. -- ON OUR SCREEN -- "GALS, INC." W ith Leon Errol. Harriet HiHiard Also: Stooge Comedy WED.-THURS.-FRI., CKT. 6-7-8 The Gayest Comedy "Surprise 1943!" "THE YOUNGEST V PROFESSION" ' With Virginia Weidler and Many Holly wood " Stars Also: "March of Tinve" ] mund Romberg concert at .Orchestra j Hall in Chicago last Friday evening. ' GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ; Sunday guests in the home of Mrs., d i s p o s e o f y o u r g a r b a g e e a c h w e e k ,| Z e n a B a c o n w e r e M r s . C a r l H i a t t o f ; or oftener if desired. Reasonable j Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rapp and j j rates. Regular year round route, for-j daughter, Carol, arfd Bob Bacon of! merly George Meytrs'. Ben J. Smith, j Arlington Heights. I i Phone 366. : tf .j C:illers in McHenry Sunday were '" : •---- i Frank Snyder and Ted Nielsen of : FREE--If excess acid causes you j Woodstock. pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, j Mr. and Mrs. William Hansman and Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nau- daughter, Rita Ann; of Chicago were sta^Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, I McHenry callers last weekend. at Bolger's Drug Store, "12-16 Alloys Have Great Strength New steel alloys are three times the weight of aluminum and almost five times the weight «of magnesium, but their tensile strength approximates 190,000 pounds to the square inch. Prisons Make War Goods Prison industries have gone to war. Already war contracts totaling many millions of dollars and affectr ing more 'than 160,000 inmates in more than 100 state prisons are being fulfilled. Miss Ruth Klodzinski spent the weekend with her parents, the Edwin ; Klodzinskis, in Chicago, • I The A. I. Froehlich family left; Tuesday for a few days vacation in j Winnebago, Minn. j Miss Lois Van Fle^t of Elgin, who j is employed at Woodstock, was an J overnight guest of Miss Winifred ; Benwell Friday and attended the | "Home Bureau card party at the Anton^ Freurd home. ^ , Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago spent the past week in the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ellen, Whiting, who is ill. > awl Powers, Manager . . . ^ . . . . _ ^ I PROMISE YOU Excellent Workmamhip AND • Prompt Service I WILL BE PLEASED TO MAKE Alterations and Repairs ON LADIES' AND MEN'S GARMENTS FULL INSURANCE ON X^MENTS J; D. LODTZ, Tailor PERCY LODTZ, Plant Manager E. P. RIEHL, Owner CLEANING - DYEING - PRESSING REPAIRS TELEPHONE 104-M - ALTERATIONS ELM ST., JUST EAST OF GREEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS - •• y- ,'r3 '

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