Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1943, p. 5

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T.'j HP pep 7;"-V Thursday, October T, IW5T TH* MfeHBNRY PLAnmEALMt .-'r-fefc. , „i,' "»• >. i ~. ;• 'SO I HEAR by EARL R. WALSH J)ear "SO I HEAR": * i clergrv--service men--they all want Well, as they say in the Sales Em-j to see them play--they ail say the , poriums--"there's a war on lady',": same thing--Frank has a great team and so when the phone rang early this there--and how about some morning and the little man who is the ! seats, for the Army--Nary--Iowa-- t>Get hat-- Michigan or Illinois-- . v- :K4M S-i«: ig boss sez--"Uet on your you're working at the < Notrje Dame ftadium ticket office today--we're short of help"--I sez to myself--they surely are or they'd never let me in that sanctum where the female of the species, ne'er has tread. He sez--sezze" Take the next bus out-- report at gate 14 and God be with you--that piece that Eddie Burns , while had in that well known newspaper - yesterday is gonna pack 'era in'--I ; ' ' hopped a bus-- ; \ ~ : We swayed and jostled out the old ill street route to good old Notre Se you at gate 14, October 23rd, So I Hear-- * : ' Your SBC Those seats on the 50 yard line are in one after the' V . / An" : story came to the Shamrocks were in the swing of a long winning streak the ; past summer, but we held back rather: . gj than put a Jinx- on -the' boys# j 2212. "Uncle Ed, ' • • . | J. Herdrich, 495. As the season opened, the boys I0WLING NOTES PALACE JMCHS FOOTBALL TEAM BEATS ST. MARY'S OF WOODSTOCK, 12 TO 0 Editors Note: i.;.-' ^ The "following account of MCTIS football was written by students in the journalism class at our high school. •--. McHenry High footballte&ro, beat SUCCESSFUL SEASON Ends as shamrocks , , BEAT RICHMOND, 4-3 • The McHenrv-Shamrocks closed a highly successful season of baseball last Sunday qn the home diamond From the start it was evident that! the. local bov: v«iy ; Fage TTvt : ' • for the first meeting. This large j ler, Joyce Jackson, Maddine Freund* ; number topped by se^n members the Mary Endres and Ruth Reihansperger«* ' - previous high set in 1941 when thirty- : f H.ele" Knox- captain; Chard* Vy- . . . I Cital, Huppy Smith, Howard Freund,, six join . . *.. . t George Egbert. Fred Goodsir. Ksthef . Membership has been closed for the' Althoff, Lily Unti, Clare Freund and! present for it is imposible to accom- AJice Mclntyre. with « 4 to iMn , i modate more in one evening. How- i Margaret Larkin, captain; James the Richmond team * over 1 ever, anyone who failed to be present •'J-arkinrGeorge Jackson. Ed Dittman* Thursday evening but would like to Donald Blount, Mary Vycital, Anna-; Guzzardo, Viola Brda. Betty Thomp- Helen Bauer and Bernice Blount. were 1 th* waiting list. She will inform you - *uth,Klodzinski' Leonard; «•»»:. *as he,d « Mary's ; pU Un.< to uk, the garae Serkm»- j *** be » ™""*' ; "tb ™ /JEJXilE " ' ly, Richmond almost upset the apple-.1 «<-"w fk" < -- ---- cart. "Moose" Wagner "was the leading hitter of th| day with three safe blows. Not an extra-base was re- ; was organized in 1940.; • < corded in the game. j Teams were chosen for volleyball The victory marked the sixteenth of j as follows by four girls, who will act , were out for an after- ' join' ^ou'd con,tac| Hel™ Kn°x. sec- I gets myself up to the main played under Bill Bolger's manage- j 7 O'clock Ladies-- to a big green door marked "Pri- mertt. The team lost a couple of | Rett's, 3--Smith's. I! te--Keep Out" and gave it a healthy ; games, then found winning ways. • , J.Ai Rothermel, 450. well lighted field, was said to be the most exciting one of the season. . McHenry flashed it's color in the first quarter when "Little Junior" Huska received the ball and plunged through for a touchdown. McHenry had kicked off to St. Mary's, got the C. O. : • ball on downs and scored on the C. Stilling's 2478--Ed Thennes'2219. fourth play. The try for point failed. Winkel, 204-582; H. M. Weber, 507;' • The rest of the half saw the Wood- Gus Freund. 500. . (stock boys out-playing McHenry all Smith's, 2406-^-J. Herdnck'si i over the field. They pushed the ball j V. Miller, Ifv f 224-214-165--60S;-!'inside the1 Me0<enry ten yard line, buti.Christenset|i-,i(i. they failed to scdre. The McHenry j R- Miller, Ijfc ,lini? didn't look so good as it did in Winn* c. •. B sides tjh et -j0* tar*' 3"eW Pre8*" Louise Wahl. Mary Knqpc, Leila Ditt dent was elected to serve th.s season. man Vi ]nla Go^sir and He is Charles Vycital,_a -faithful and Anderson f enthusiastic member since the club • •. Evelyn Nelstm'S Funeral Sftirtetf ft The neckerchief worn by the th„ season asain.t torn Iw. Ttatji icaptarns'dorS/'tfi' ta w «ttog backgro^d" ^ A. N«tt. <74; ump--a slot in the uppfer pOrtiOnj it. previous games, but when the boys Klaus, 3b. 5 • ! had. to stop or be stopped "they dood M. StiHing;;Cl.v..u. 4: -. it." •' ; • • '.5 May. 2b. should he- good enough in any league.' rnent Richmond--3 * . I „ , , • A.B. ; R. H. 1 Mabel » -I 0 •'•*'1... - o \ 0; ; Bolger, captain; I>onald f Weingart, Donkid Jiisten, 0iarlie Brda. Frank Schmitt. Maureen Mil- . , - thought it best to turn ^th^;^ "Pat" Meyers', ^--"TinW" Meyet^8',5. The second half .was' a. different' Hoff, 2b. ..r.i,U.v......r 41 „ iwas slowly opened by a policenjan--^management Over to. the veteran Arniefi. ,,'^pkt*' 414; M./'Milled :'Bti^tory. With Mcltenry dominating| Kattner, .rf; •^,xr.-?;-J%em»niscent of prohibition days--and , Andersbn. Arnie agreed to take over Althoff, 420; "Pat," 401. ,r;'.v*4:-l>lay»'Paul Bonslett caught' a pass and ; Rudolph, rf. ,3 "5 • \ • • ;_^ir. John Law. sez "Whodoyouwant?" --but not until the team lost a game!: . ----rr * - - J-put 011 the run of the game. At least' C. Miller; p^uV.v;.v^; 4; ' ' " ® I .4,%^'t stz real^faint like, "I don't want . :j9 O'cloc k Ladies-- ' • Uneven St. Mary's men must have had' , . - Ak things turned out; tlje^ Sham- i. Barbian's Butcherettes« 3 *--r Mar-|a hand on him before he was finally.^ - , Totals.^...!...39:' 0 0": 0 » t • Q' .rocks ran their string with Bill guiding the way. idh's,0. Gert Barbian, 495; Jule Kralo* etz, 417; Marion Kruse, 440J dred Kinsala, 400. Mil- ; i sCz real; 'faint- .-like, ' ' thing but to get in"--I : Once msl&e--confusion and exciter mr nt--A long narrow oflFice--large money vault and two busy ticket windows-- four or five policemen--a dozen ~ We tnink that all who saw the or so ticket sellers waiting to be j will agree that Bill did a fine! Harvesters, 3 Riverside Dairy, 0. checked in--telephone ringing--radio ! of handling his team. In addition, j Agnes Freund, 469; Min Green, 404; """' blaring aw^v--barkers and crowds i hi® conduct drew-the respect of op- Kay Brefeld, 449. milling around outside--service men | posing teams, managers, umpires and ! everywhere--Mr. Law sez--"Hadyer-|«H- J league lunch" I sez "No," just had my break- . Grimelli's, 3--Bacon's, 0. Dick Gon- #|v, 210-570; Kralowetz, 516. Budler's, 2 -- E. Smith's, 1. W. Schreiner, 210-161-201--572; W. Tonyan, 510. fast" but-he sez "Ham or cheese ?" j Dear Mr. W^tlsh: and I found , myself devouring a ham J This is a letter of thanks to you (sandwich the like of which hasn't j and your paper. I am very grateful graced our board since Pearl Harbor. to be on the mailing list ^f the Mcfnd suddenly I have i# my handis a | Henry Plaindealer. Although I'm not stout cup of coffee and I am thus j an original McHenry boy, I'm the initiated into the official family of j very next thing to one. I have been friendly stadium workers. j coming to your wonderful town for Well, the big b^ss comes along and 1 over seventeen years. A little less I follow him, hop-skipping and jump-; than two years ago I married into ing up a steep stairway to the office j one of its fine families. It was a tinder the Press _box--my work be- wonderful feeling to receive your l>ins-- paper, especially when you know Long table which I dust off with you're not an original home town a stray money bag--First I must line native. All papers ought to follow up the money boxes for the sellers-- j the same principle because it's a real supplies of all kinds, currency straps ! morale builder for the boys"in service. --change wrappers--sack of change ; I wish to thank you and the paper, for each one supply of tickets which j again. Please keep the paper coming! Monday Maiora-- have been checked and double checked j for it really is swell to know what is! ' Oak Park Hnt^l 2-JTnw* Ch.h , the night previous--today we're sell- goinff on back in good old McHenry. I Ioe Frett 566 H ' Schaef^20a 534 ing everything-tax tickets to em- Thanking, vou' sincerely, ^nu^ 2(^r' SchTitt 200 ^28 • ployes--Service men's tickets ^hil-, PVT. HENRY KRAUS. Sch1'"' dren's tickets--<>nd zone tickets-box Most of you will know the above New w' Laundry 2 Runnert seats-side line seats-seats in writer as "Bud." He has been active Beer" 1 L. S^203^D?ck .l^eany s lap--• in bowling circles and other sports The fun begins--three telephones in McHenry. Other activities, as he ere beside me and they all sound j indicated, included picking off oiie alike--all ring at once the messeng- f,f our nice young ladies. "Peggy" ers disappear after devouring all the Schaefer. sandwiches--so I hie myself over to Giad voU like the Plaindealer* the gym--back again--the big boss 1 ..Bud Wriie agaifi g6^ Schlitt's, 3---H. Smith's, 0. C. Feirisel, 535; H. Smith, 212-551. Peisert's, 0--Krauaes', 3. Peisert, 584; Krause, 627. - • SCHAEFERS' " \ Thursday Commercial-- Kleinhans Builders, 2--Tavern Pale,! Carver 0. Kleinhans, 205-505; Zens, 192-467. Bonslett McHenry Laundry, 2--Prager Beer, Miller 1. Hagbert, 504; Rochelle, 473. Martin Freund brought down on the ten yard line.- - '•.'•i'."*. After a few unsuccessful attempts to - ShJMnrocks--4' take it across, "Little Junior" rolled A.B. through a nice hole in the line and Cbnway, ss. ;3... went-over for the second touchdown.1 B. Bolger, cf, >4 Again McHenry failed to convert.; J. Wagner, 2b. .... 6 St. Mary's took to the air in the closing minutes but an interception and a nice run back by Michels put the game on ice; v McHenry St. Mary's J. Larkin, p. .. H. Stilling, If. . M. Crouch, lb. L. Wagni'i',' 3b. W. Bolger, c. .. Schaefer ............ L.E. Wett Lawson L.T. ..........Barrett Guzzardo L.G. Stolzke Jackson (Capt) c....... Carroll Schmitt R.G. Taylor Thomas R.T. ..(Capt) Freund Miller R.E. Oliver <McCracken Q.B. Buckley Frett R.H. Ronninp Michels ...i.......... L.H. Lynott Huska ..... P.B. .... Commingore Substitutes L. Stilling, 5 4 a 3 .f; A ,rf... 2 if;.... 2 ft. 0 r ;• 1 0 1 0 P 0 0 1 •"i.: 0, - ' tr • 0 H. 0 2 3 1 2 1 0 'Vir *0 i 11 0--4 1-4 Mil- ThuroW , McCauley Desmond ' Totals.^......88 ; ;' 4 ' Score by innings: ° Richmond 000 001 020 Shamrocks 002 010 000 Stolen bases: Christensen, R. ler, C. Miller, Conway. J. Wagner, H. Stilling, L. Wagner. Double plays: I Winn to R. Miller; Conway to J. Wagner to Crouch. Struck out by: Larkin, 8; Miller, 2. Bases on balls: Miller, 5; Larkin, 5. Umpires: Ed: Smith and George'Jackson. 1. Smith, 204-642. BOY SCOUTS "iHie fourth meeting of the Boy Scouts opened by posting the colors.- which duty was handled very capably by David Page. Robert French and Larry Haug. The Scoutmaster asked opinions whether the troop should have patrols. The Scouts decided in favor and shortly elected David Pag" and Larry Haug. Because of so much business, the Scouts had no time for CHARLES VYCITAL NEW PRESIDENT ATHLETIC CLUB starts on tour of all ticket windows --must keep em moving and get the customers in the stadium by gave time--I stay and hold the fort--a My Dear Mr. Walsh: I have had my name in print before ( with such notables as Lindsay, Jones, chart is befor£ me showing exact lo- Powers and the uke> but j d'are say cation of each boeth and the name of this is the first time it ever has apman on the job--phone rings "win- peared jn the same paragraph with doipr 3-gate .7 send change and siagles right away" the messenger jumps to attention--he's off J^ith tho needed funds--"Booth 5 gate 10" Whereinhell pardon me lady--I'm out Bob Hope. If that was me that you were talkihg about in the Sept. 23rd issue, it had all the earmarks of a dirty dig. And furthermore. I wish you would for you. But when you start spelling; Bob, BOD, then this old stuff has to • come to a focus. "Oil" Walsh! I still of tickets" OK messenger--you plunk SpeH my name correctly. After all, out the tickets sign them in fast and ^jje name g0b isn't hard to spell, even furious now it's only ten minutes before the kick-off--It's the phone again "Need at least two hundred more tickets at window 1" "Where's the key to Service Men's booth--can t. get in--coming right down--say lady , send me halves and quarters and send •Vm quick--I do--a curly headed boy Sticks his head in the door--check me out with 120 box seats O.K. telephone again--window 2 is swamped--nobody ' at 5--you send someone to switch the j REDUCED PASSENGEft TIRES ONE FIFTH An October, quota that will reduce don't know if you were trying .to, by one-fifth the number of new pas- i spell BAD, BUD. or ^t's ge-*! senger tires available for rationing on the ball. has been announced by the office of So there, j price administration. In reflection of BOB ADAMS, .the low level of new tire supplies, the quota is 645.000 tires, compared with K. of C-- Blake Motors. 3--Schaefer's, 0. L. Stilling, 557; Guffey, 513. . McGee's Clothing, 3--Nye Jewelers-, 0. G. Barbian, 511; Pete Schaefer, j singing, but a good snace of time was 480; Nye. 453. j piven to such Scout craft require- !• j ments as knot tying, studying merit Bill Rochelle rolled a 247 game in a ! badges and first aid. A good game of 598 series last Sunday night in the tdrop-kick football followed. The colors mixed double^ crowd. > [were then retired by Richard French, • •i-i- - (David Page and Ronald Brunner. The Ladies-- _ Scouts then sang taps. Fanny Freund, 489 ; Peggy Kraus,: ROBERT FRENCH, Chief Scribe. 482; Mae Simon, 412; Marie Wilde-1 ------; -- brant. 407; Helen Immekus. 403. ' Another car of Red River Ohio potatoes on track in McHenry this OCTOBER QUOTA HAS week. Place your order now. McHenry The Young Peoples' Athletic club again this year proved that it is a lasting organization, war or no war. There was doubt in the minds of many as to whether or not it could be continued with so many of McHenry's young men in service. Sufficient answer to all those doubts came last Thursday evening when forty-two came te the local high school gym was first worn in the, British navy at the funeral of Admiral Nelson, as a sign of respect and mourning. . Our navy cop- < ied it. • ^ •V; Selection of a casket, approp riate both fo- the occasion an^. to the available means, may ba made in the privacy of our display rooms. -- Funeral Directors -- Phone McHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry 112- Green Street, corner ISlni -- McHenry THESE finest T/tUue+i QUICK OR REGULAR 48-OZ. PKS Quaker Oats DELUXE COFFEE National Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. Ph. 29 21*p5 Substrftie to The Plalfid^aler! lo spelling should have - 829.000 for September. Boob," The quota is based upon alloti j ments assigned by the office of rubline-- which refuses to budge--any' ; Pickup: ~ body have a blank check you supply jsn»t this a furtny world? it--signals--buzzers I hear the team , Will wonders never cease? come on the field--but only over the , Civilized nations are at war, radio--getting nervous now--want to | , ^jj savages at peace. see that game--rbut there is no let \ up--someone finds an adding machine* TKat's further proof that the women for new tires. and now aided by my staunch friend are taking over this country. Next This basis of eligibility was Julia", whom I have kept waiting for thing we know our "S. B. C." will one hour we box up the remaining ^ sitting: on the bench helping Leahy tickets and get them on tfleir way direct the attack. at last we're excused--thtf first quarter. ~ is ending--we dash but past the of-1 "Mac's" footballers have won three ficer of the law--up to row 59-^-no straight games and their goal line has score as yet--and then N. D. starts no^ been crossed. . pouring, it on -- N. D. has .power--. ---'*A; J/.*;' jrior. than one good passer--Georgia- • Qf course, it was a matter of inches Tech fades fast--when, Big Ed Mc- ]as^ Friday nip-ht that kept the recoi St. Mary's of Woodst -not by a foot--by inchef oik ber director and is set in line with ja recent OPA action to„cut- rationj demand by raising mileage req.ii ire- ! ments. Beginr ng^last week, only I automobile ow ers who must drive C01 miles or i.iore a month qyalify 'fix i'd because the nation faces-a. continued shortage of new tires until the synthetic product is made available in larger quantities. October, quotas for other types of tires will be practically unchanged, except for farm and tractor implement tires, which Will be reduced in number because of the seasonal drop in demand. Keevtr leaves his post in the press intact. box where he usually is stationed to niissedspot the plays and weaknesses and phone them to the bench--and appears anticipated, the StuesSy crew < n the field we know that the game is was hard to beat. They were on the in the bag. ~ offense plenty of time, but made »>is- The band put on it's usual colorful takes that hurt their cause, vi maneuvers, aided by. many of the -- ^ V-12's, marines and navy men now McHenry's first touchdown came stationed on the campus--^nothing like too easy. We think it t^ded to make this unless it's a good old game at our boys ease up just a little. They Wrigley field--but presently the game soon learne<l that vou can't ease up to the against that scrappy little outfit from again--^with a team like this ; St. Mary's. htretch Shortening . At least 20 per cent more bakerygoods are being produced in 1943 with the same amount of shortening as was used in 1942. "tiengfr why Mom says ft MS to ivorm with GIZZARD CAPSULES' OwJcA- laty . Won't ««toM •Mb f Kitotk Igt Ptodvtilom WdTTjilnB drub> <11*-! den<ls thi* Tt-*r, In nef egg* for Vnci<» Ham and bigger pruflu f»>r YOl'. K«-op 'em lArlnji this winter! I'at'd Inpolable Capmle < o*ilnp not tlksoJve In crop- i»rr>u*ot» medicine until cru«h«»d bv pl7.iard--deliver!* corr»*ct dose, fuil utrenp'.li tu w<>rni*. Woo*I sicken birds cr Knock e«t pro- dilution. For all 3 liindi at oorms- P:n. Lattre RfU'ul and Large Tapes, lifts hearit cf all of Tap#* that any product on market can frt. A bout 1© or less per bird. Bolger's Drug Store (ireen Street That's the signal for the start of the-greatest struggle in American sports--) The World's Series between New York and St. Louis. And there's another great struggle--in fact the great est in the world. This one makes it necessary to buy War Bonds. The 3rd War Loan drive is over but the purchasing of U. S. bonds goes on just the same. Invest your money in War Bonds. If yott^ desire ^ invest some in Hardware Come to us. E. H. Nickels Hard war e West McHenry / ; is office 0he seems to be, there will be a lineup for reservations for other games-- llolding receipt pad flat against the Jkrick wall I write or scribble fast and ftirions--fans from Philly--Chicago- Columbus--and nearby Indiana towns McHenry's line looks^ Hfce it will hold up well in any,company. Plenty of s«e and drive. " ; •: Clean Soot. Interior walls, especially in kiteh ens and in rooms with fireplaces, are likely to acquire a greasy or sooty film which should be thoroughly removed by cleaning before the walls are repainted. If this is not donq, the new paint can not be expected to adhere properly, and if light tints axe used, the soil may result in blotches in the new paint jobw WANTED--Maintenance man. Art Jackson has been in on a big Hunter Boat Company. $0 tf McHenrv Trade In Your Old Battery new JOHNS MANVILLE TYPE A HOME INSULATION ; INSTALLED BY THE WALL-FILL CO. "-ORIGINATORS OF BLOWN-l.N ROCK WOOL INSULATION, FOR ESTIMATE CALL LEO J. STILLING - McHENRY IS percentage of tlackles made. And how h*1 tackles! His tackling is low"and clean. They just arent' going any ii;:ce when hit that way. Saw an outstanding performance in St. Mary's line and learned that he is Art FreundV son. He's a husky boy. "Mac" will take his team to Belvidere on Friday night of this week. Looks like a tough assignment. Petie Schaefer reports that Cupi i, with his little arrow, has been hoveririp over the Yegge tavern this week. Petie is organizing a big charivari for Bill Sullivan. All we know is what rwe hear. ' ; We have a complete stock of TIRES, passenger and truck. Bicycle tires and tubes. v You can nowliave your tires retreaded without an OPA Bring- them in. TIRE AND TtJBE VULCANIZING Sinclair Stock Spray, 75c per gallon. BICYCLE TIRES and TUBES-NO PRIORITY. Walter J. Freund OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENBY PHONE 294 REGULAR Cream <rf Wheat FORT DEARBORN, Farina . ... QUICK OATMEAL Fort Dearborn PKS. FORT DEARBORN 9UICIK . . Oatmeal ; :19c OUlCK OR SEGULAK Quaker Oats 10c »-oz 12c M-OZ KT! LOGO'S WHEAT FLAKES a-oz. » • • PKG. 9° !OHl DtArCuRN Wheat Flakes ' ri DC AM! »RN ' Corn Flakes... rosT Bran FlakM ... fORT CtA'SORN Giant Whe«t FORT DEARBORN Giant Rice J-OZ. ,rPKG. 8c I..OZ 7c .....;PKG. 14-OZ. ..rue. 4-OZ ..nee. 14c 4c 4 oz Ii* PKG DC HAKES Grans-Nuts 12 OZ. PK&. I4C | KELLOGG'S Shredded Wheat QUAKER Rice Sparkies OUAKER Wheat Sparkios " REDDED Ralston CRISP-CKUHCHy" Grape-Nuts ..'tfi: 10c %°l 11c 4-OZ. PKG. 9c .%z: 11c 12-OZ. . PKG 14c Pancake Flour '^g8 6< FANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR Pillsb»«rw l'/4-LB : PKG I'AIB . . . . . . . . P K G HAZEL BUCKWHEAT , v: : . PKG Pancake Flour r c B MJfflNS . • Gclden Mix 13c 10c 7 c VI 11c COTFEE •' Our Breakfast : 3-LB .. .tAG 59c DELUXE COFFEE National. l-Lfi .-.JAR 30c COFFEE Hills Bros. ........ t-LB ....AR 33c COFF€E Maxwell Hons* ...iAR 33c ?7% CAFFEIN FKEC Sanka l-LB ...JAR 36c Kaffee Hag I-IB .. JA^ 35c TE Br&ad 2 loX«s 17' i'/4-18. LOAVES Enriched to B«M»r Nutrittaia ENRICHED Pillsbury Flour ENRICHEO Pillsbury Flour PILLSBURY CAKE FLOUR Sno-Sheen 75LI. BAG. $1.27 $2.53 J* IB »Ki 28c SALERNO Saltinos I N .PKG. 16c SALERNO Butter Cookies 10 OZ PKG 16c FRESH GOLDEN GRAIN Donnts • DOZ. 13' I 15 lbs. 47c " LBS IOC PolnlaM* UIUIUC SWEET AND VENDER Rutabagas 3 CC'TC RICAN Yams 3 t«* 25c FANCY MICHIGAN Celery 2 lis 25c F^NCY TAf'.E QUALITY TOKAY Grapes 2 lbs j •c BROWN STAMP VALUES B(JtE.STAMP fatou. . [L KL 5 MARGARINE Good Luck I-LB CTN. 26e l-LI. CTN. &n' 22c i <_ AS" MARGARINE AllsweeJ MARGARINE Durkee*s EVAPORATED MILK " Carnation ... EVAPORATED MILK Pet .. EVAPORATED VITAMIN D MILK Dean's ....... . . . . . ' 4 I /CAN 23c I .. CAN 9s i 9c, 9c • 1 NATIONAL UNSWEETENED I4'/J-OZ. CAN Eyan. Milk !•! Treet .i......... WUSON*S Mor • ' E B v 5 ' : Potted Meat L ! PBV S Vienna Sausage 36 c Pineapple NO I8-OZ. 2 CAN m 10 12c 'UNSWEETENED JUICE Grapefruit N0 ^ -VEGETABLE JUICE I ¥-8 Cocktail 15c EXTRA STANDARD CUT I Green Beans 12c SLICED I Beefs ^oz Carrots ......<»IASS 12C 9e u-oz GLASS COME AGAIN Peas. 20-OZ. NC 'Si 35c s-oz. CAN «-OZ CAN 10c 13c! Marigold ^ I7« Sales te Camay Soap M:w Lifebuoy ^ VP tfc Amer.Fam. t iARS 11c Amer Fam. X 23c CAKE Old Dutch tSSS 15c Tissue Hj,., . ... Fleecy Whito- NATIONAL FOOD STORES

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