Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1943, p. 1

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TEACHERS WILL ACT AS and Restaurant," 314 Elm street, at REGISTRARS which time souvenirs vrill be given to i y" . • ~ 1 - both ladies and gentlemen. > Registration Zr$to«, B<*>k jLS -i« take: place in MeHenry next » *!" - jl Thursday and Friday, October 21 an<J 22, on the first-floor of the McHenry community high school. Grade, rural and high school teachers will act as registrars and consequently a 1 1 schools will be closed for those two days. Additional volunteer workers will be used to register the huge number expected, according to the need for help. Those in charge of the registration •re high in ther praise of the splendid co-opration given them by the public at previous registration®^ It is hoped that this same co-operative, spirit will be carried out again this time. The following registration schedule has been worked out alphabetically for the t&o-day period: Schedule Thursday: 9-11, A and B; 11-1;. C and D; 1-4, E, F arid G; 4-6, H, I and J: 6-8, K and L. Fridav: 9-11, M; 11-1, N. O and P; 1-2. Q and R; 2-6, S; 5-6 T,U arid V; 6-7:30, W. X, Y and Z. , From the above schedule It is clear that the registration will begin: at 9 a.m. and will be concluded at 8 p.m. each day. years. The new place will be open each day from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m., except Tuesdays, when the diner will be closed all day, and Saturday the closing hour will be 1 a. m. Mr. Scott and family are residing on Elm streft in the Anna Freund apartment. -i- HEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Walter Feltz, son of Mrs. Ida Feltz who resides on a farm southwest of^ Corp. Donald G. Lamphere, son of this city, received his silver wings and his commission as second lieu- ' tenant in the army air force at the , air school at Marjanna, Fla., on October 8. One adult may register for the |h tire family. The registrant must Corp. Donald P. Lamphere, son of bring a Ration Book for each mem- the Charles Lampheres of Elgin, ° ber of the family for whom he is former McHenry residents* has reregistering. He must know the age turned to his home after being given •f each member also. a disability discharge by. the army. Application blanks may be filled He was seriously wounded in the •ut at the school. Help will be given Southwest Pacific war theater last in the filling out of the blanks, with July. « $' • V about six minutes being required to _ . • ^ , . • •' :-i register a family of six. h«8 This is a big job, as anyone who a Staff Sergeant. has had anything to do with registra- , tion £pys will verify. Please do your . best u help those in charge. Thomas Wilson, who recently joined his brother, John, in service, i6 stationed at Camp Blanding, Fla; WITH MARINE CORPS New servicemen on our list art' Everett Ingersol, Chester Ingersol and Edward Gitzke. .«• OF DAT cHenry Pilot Makes "Yank" Cover Pag® WM. M. CARROLL ' •.,-^scwu in McHeiQy county will;-- " close on Friday, October 15. while i ;; the teachers of the county attend the - i , 'annual meeting of '.tlrt. 'Northeasterni-i--; " Division of the Illinois Education as».',,;' ; sociatori to be held at Aurora. Over " . -2,000 teachers from Kane, Kendall,;PATRIOTIC PROGRAM McHenry and Will counties will be t>t a xrxrw-n ' present at this meeting. ;.. -v-..' •; f-? The annual business npfcetine: 6f the . " Northeastern Division will be held ^K.cHenry • is honoring her men and during the day. Miss Mabel Hunt of Vvomen in-service next Sunday after- , 'Joliet is the present president. Rol- n°on, October 17, and every man, •and' McCannon. McHenry county su- w°nian and child is invited to be. perintendent of schools, is chairman,of' Pres«it to take part in the interesting .tthe executive committee. Miss' Elsie ' an<* Pat"otic program planned. The • Vycital, a resident of this community Call to Order, which will open the and a teacher in the Pox River Grove program.' will begin at 2:30 sharp. school, is a member of the nominating Members of the Re<t Cross, Motor corps, Boy and Girl Scouts and Legionnaires are asked to meet, in uai«-. i form, on-the high school grounds at 2 Qt clock sharp. From there a parade, led by the high school band, will . march to the Legion grounds in preparation for the program. Servicemen^ home on furlough are urged to take committee. MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE part. {fear Mr. Moaher and Staff : Just a few lines to thank you for the>*r and to acquaint you with my new address. Receiving the pa Corp. made a Glenn W. Benson has been sergeant at Seattle, Wash., FIRST LIEUT. EUGENE NIELSEN (right) AND HIS CO-PILOT OF FLYING FORTRESS delivery s'Srvici1. but the "Jerrves'" tUfti't appreciate us. They try their best to knock us out of the sky and A; short time ago Mr. and Mrs. greatest of artists cannot reproduce. recently* He and Mrs. Benson, the Nielsen received the above pic- As we all know, England has an enorformer Betty Mae Qrr, formerly lived fUj-e which appeared on the cover of mous amount of historic buildings. n Walla Walla, Wash., wheil* he was stationed. , _ , ~~ the Nielsen's son, Lieut. Eugene Niel- London, Westminster Abbey, West- turn, go4)ack afiother Enjoying weekend furlouglis were S{>n wh0 h-as b-.>en serving overseas minster Cathedral. St. Paul Cathedral, George Freund Jr., of. Champaign, ^ith headquarters in England, for Hamptcn Court Palace (King Henry Donald Schaefer of Scott Field and several months. Eugene reported that ."5gt. Albert Vales of Foi t Sheiidaii. had just_retuined from a mission , over Fiance when this picture was James McAndrews returned to r ord Those who have seen the new Honfljr Roll and the surrounding landscaping which has just been completed are unanimous in their praise of the beauty of the thing. The Honor Roll is equipped to carry 500 names and ner in iust nice witl> the ever >n<-'^asing numbt^r of spending a day !^ys l**™* in each d™ft cal1 wiU back home and he only a shoit time before an a^- there is nothing as' Uo" W1" to * made" u ; fine as that. Thp The following program ha^ be n English people are Planned fo. next Suw «n^ a :, really wonderful., Attorney. Carroll acting as After all that 'they! euest sPe«*er .-for the .occasion. , have been through ~ Program they just smile and MUMC High School Baid do everything in Call to Order Paul R,. Yanda, Co#®* their powei to make mander of McHenry American III* you Welcome. Everything is rationed Ki°n Post 491. here; even the soldiers need a ration Invocation..,..„...,...Rt. Rev. Monsignor card to make purchases at the P. X. C. S. Nix. The food ia vary food and there is Unveiling of the Honor Roll plenty of it. Servicemen We are in one of the most historic Dedication of the Honor Roll camps in England. The two regi- William Carroll, State's. Attorney ments who were barracked here were of McHenry County. in most of the important battles of. Presentation of Flag ... the last war and are in the thick of Harold P. Owen. Past Commander this one. Many Kings have passed of McHenry Post. _ i through here and all around us there Acceptance of Flag is evidence of the terrific defense the Ray Page. Commander of the Eleypeople of England put lip. Tomorrow enth District, American Legion. we are gong to visit Statford-on-Avon Raising of Flag .Servicemen and Warwick castle. I will try to To the Colors write and tell you all about it. Bugler, Elaine Landgf«i My best. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag..., • JS/SGT. ALBERT BOEHLKE, Led by Boy and Girl Scci#» Somewhere in England., "The Star Spangled Banner" ^ 'Yank/' an English magazine. One Some of these, of which I had, the sometimes they do. For those boys 1 • ..Led by Adele Froehlich of the two servicemen pictured* is 'pleasure to visit are the Tower of it's thtir last trip, but \\e who re- Dear Mr. Mosher and Staff : . Benediction .Reverend Mack Powell lay, / The stars may shine bright "Deep In case of rain the dedication cere- Receives Injury^ . - in the Heart of Texas," but I'd rather monies will be postponed. A short time a«c wlulc Sylng with see mine shining in the Johnsburg VIII and his wivts lived here), and a cold', I receivtd a slight ear injury. >md McHenry vicinity. ^ . Buckingham Palace. There are still With this, of course,. I was taken off After many months of training Im many places to visit. Hying status. Duiiiiii this time I had finally at an intermediate training ......... . Within the last half year I have ar. opportunity, to witness the^anxiety station, which is Corpus C hristi. The Ord, Calif., Saturday after spending. Last week the .Plaindealer received traveled about 10,000 miles. During of the ground personnel while the planes I fly here are about 450 hotse a fifteen-day fuiolugh with his par- a ]e^^er from 'Eugene which w'e are this time I visited many countries, boys are on a raid. Waiting patiently p'.wir, long wing monoplanes, ant •<nit8, Sir. arid Mrs. Earl McAndrews. sure a]j Gf ol)r readers will be*inter- but regardless of how nice they may --then--the heavy drone of the. eh- have, radio equipment. Until now I ve -- j ested in reading: be or how. famous they are, there'-to xines is heard; signifying the return never had any radio equipment in the A very kind letter was 'received j • ^ none that will ever compare with'our of the bombers. How many? One,, planes. This base is known as the Tuesday from Secretary of the Navy.. JJ^J. r kosher: • own. You really ! W..: ^ H-k.) RICHARD J LISTEN A few weeks ago his many friends in this vicinity read with interest of the exciting and dangerous life of Richard Justen during his last eighteen months of service with the marines. Son -of the Nick P. Justens, Richard has, in just that year and one-half of service, been in four major conflicts, including the Battle of the Solomons and the Battle of the Santa Cruz islands. Pearl Harbor has been the home port of our marine gunner since his enlistment. He spent »; thirty-day furlough at his home here in September. Frank Knox, by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredricks. telling them that their son, Eugene Wiedeman, died on Sept. 21, which happened to be his twenty-second birthday. ' M>•••<»»•« Births Araonj the Sick Mrs. Anna Wat so of Orchard Beach ]°ng .WJ n>?-_ f.n, entered the Woodstock hospiul Sunday for treatment. Mrs. Leota Long underwent sur- . . . . • 4 g e r v a t t h e W o o d s t o c k h o s p i t a l on never know how two, three, etc. Are there any miss- largest naval aviation training center , j^0^(]ay morning. I'd like to take this opportunity to wonderful the States are until you ing? If so, who? As the planes come in the world. If you were to see this Nick M. Justen. who resides thank you again for sending the lpave them. lower they look for' red flares. The place it 'v0uld be easy for you to be- ne81. Ringwoodf entered the Wood- Plaindealer, the best home town newsV VieM Routine ( red flares, as you know, is a signal lieve this sUtement. My Day « a; stock hospital as a surgical patient paper in the E. T. O. It's really At the field the routine is the sartiel'that wounded are aboard. In this busy one from reveille at 6 in the treat to read about the folks at home. -work, sleep and eat. Twice a week case the doctor, his assistant, and an; morning until taps at 10 in the evethe fellows in Service, where they're have four hours of for this air- ning. One-half of the time is spent located and what they're doing. Due With the continued improvement tl to the fact that I have traveled from equipment and tactics it is necessary With every raid the ground crews in ground school on Tuesday. Charles Martin suffered a broken f ground school, ambulance are waiting ior mis an-• nm*. v/nc-u««i **> _ . • tiw> R«lvidere-McHenrv infprpvement of plane, which will always land first, at the fl-ght line ® ' football game last Friday evening at J. ALBIN ANDERSON WINS SPRINGFIELD MAYOR NOMINATION Friends and relatiytt of. J. A44h«- one place to another faster than my to study these changes. . ; go through this same routine. Permail could reach me, I was unable to We have new bombing tactics, radio sonally, we like them, to worry a enjoy the Plaindealer for over three navigation, gunnery, air craft recog- little. It makes us feel imporUnt. months. Now. as in the past. I receive nition, target recognition, medical aid Silly, isnt' it? while in.flight, dingy drill and two As it always does, time has passed other subjects that I am not at liberty quickly. Before closing may I again to mention. Of course, this ground thank you and the many people of school is conducted at a time so that McHenry for sending th<* Plaindealer. it doesn't interfere with our main It's a swell paper. May. it never very beautiful country. Every square job-delivering eggs across the chan- change. .. . .^Cheerift. foot of land has some vegetation, nel. It's a funny thing, we try our EUGENE H. NIELSEN, which offers a picture that even the best to be prompt and regular in our , ET1gland- Freund is confined to past, the paper regularly; my latest was the August 26 issue. Historic Buildings As you undoubtedly know, I am now located in England. This is a hour and a half of athletics thrown Bejvidere. in four days every week. .- Stephen H. ^ Tdm Harrison is here and is about St. Therese hospita . au^ega , to recive his wing, but I h.venV M" i^.. »bl« to »>- him ^ yrt. Jo« G«u.- . w~k. suffer!*. (Continued on last page) < a broken leg, just beneath the hip. Mr.«*and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sr., are the proud grandparents of a little fjirI bcin 'ast Sunday .-Anderson in McHeni>-.-will be anxious- • 10- Mother Cabrini Memorial hos- - •'Iv'aw;-,iting the outcome of the gener- P'^al in Chicago to Mr. and Mis. al election in Springfield, Mass.. on' Fred Simons. The 8 lb. 4 oz, little Nov. 2. for at that time the f o r m e r ; K>>1 of the Kempfer's daughter, Marie, McHenVy resident is running for re- has bt>en named Kathleen Marie. . elect ior. as mayor of that city. Rep. Thomas A. Bolger is'the happy The acting mayor won the Republ.i- grandfather of his first grandd.aughean nomination for mayor of Spring- tcr. a girl born to Lieut."and • Mr?.- held Tuesday afternoon at Sharon, field last week in the primary balio- Richard Eastman on Thursday, Oct. j ""i ting and Rep. Philip M. Markley the 7, at Gatesville, Texas. Mrs. * East- HONOR MEMBERS . Democratic nomination. man is the former Viyian Bolger. The county Anderson, president of the Board The 7 lb. 1 oz. little girl will he Herman Benson, chairman, of Crystal of Ali.ermen. who has been acting named IJatricia Claire Mrs George Bonsall Died BEN J DIETZ ASKS Raymond Bauer Is Elected Sunday at Sharon, Wis. CO OPERATION IN President Freshman Class -- NEW SCRAP DRIVE . --" ve received word of the j _ ' Raymond Bauer, son of Mr, and death last Sunday, Oct. 10, of Mrs. The McHcnry Township general M's" Josei^ L-, Bauer, R ; F. Georire Bonstill at her home in Shar- ' A'7 *1'-" side- was chosen to serve as president on, Wis. The Bonsalls made their »^ap dnve; is on. Our county s Qu°ta of the Freshman class in the all- ; home on the Clay Baird farm south is 3.000 tons .Owing; to the labor and school election held by Illinois State of McHenry for many years until gas shortage we are asking every- Normal university students this week, they moved, to Wisconsin about three body that has a nveans of bringing The election ^was sponsored by the. years ago. Fu 4 ral services were their scrap to our disposal location, student council. mayor of Springfield for the past A 6% pound son was welcomed by tho,se 4-H girls who have completed six months since the' mayor'enlisted Serviceman and Mrs. LeRoy Melsek their '-projects and have been selected in the navy, had a which is at the northwest corner of ^r- Bauer is enrolled in the busiour Legion Park, to do so. The en- ness education departrpe;nt at Normal trance on State R«iute 120 is about university. 4-H committee, Mrs. 200 feet west of Schwerman's garage. " : ^ . . For anyone having much large SERVES ON COM Ml ITEELake.- have announced the names of gcrap and who wants us to pick it up, ReP- Thomas A. Bolger of this city we will have to find Volunteer trucks 'R one a com'nfcttee appointed to to do this. Thev should call Math arrange for the celebration of the three-way con- last Saturday. The baby, who was as .Countv Project Honor members, ]ylcHen;y ^35, or Ben J. 125th anniversary of Illinois' admistest with Alderman Richard B. An- born at the Woodstock hospital, is the Among those named were • Shirley derson of Ward 8 and Chairman Roy first child of the former Lorraine Neal and C arol Harrison of Ringwood. C. Chapin of the Park Commission. Ehgeln. The father is stationed at , -- • :.|Ii«« - EvelVn' • Andei-son is planning Walla Walla. Wash. ' , . , CARD OF THANKS trip to Springfield the latter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel, (Flora. * In this manner we wish to express part of the month and will be there belle Bassett) of Wbodstcfck announce our thanks to our friends and neighfor the election. The many friends the birth of a son, born on Monday, bors for their expressions of sympaof the family will be keeping their Oct. 11. at the Woodstock hospital- thy and assistance during our recrossed for the .'victory .of Mr. and Mrs, Carney Gilkei-son. of cent bereavement. We are especially *h« me-town-fcey who made good;" Crystal Lake are the parents of a grateful to Msgr. C. S. Nix.?- , - ---- daughter, born at Sherman hefcpital, MR. and MRS. HARRY lrvin Hart And children of ^ ^Ttdnef^ay " of this week./ - FREDERICKS and FAMILY. Dietz. McHenry 675-W-l. Your co- sion the «Pion a 8t«te-- operation will be appreciated to put; "" ' * this drive over the tep by Nov. 15,, A barn dance will be held on.Sat- 1943. The help of the Boy and Girl' urday evening, Oct. 16 at Rudolph s Scouts and all children will he very 1 1 mile south of Spring Grove, welcome *^oe Miller's orchestra will furnish the hihusic. Admission 44 cents, tajc ini eluded. " " our THE McHENRY WAR COUNCIL - No. 5. 'ty.r-, "•"} " Ben J. Dietz, Executive Secretary. Mrs. . . Chicago spent the weekend at their , eottage near McHenry. Read the Want Ads! Subscribe for the Plaindealer Capt. Frank Harrison has been transferred from Fort Benning, Ga., to Camp Howze, Texas. Gregory Kattner Has been undergoing treatment at St. Therese hospital, Waukegaa^ the past week. Subscribe for the Plaindealer The McHenry Plaindealer ; Needs Your Help I hereby contribute to the MeHenix Plwiideiftier,,s Soldiers-Sailoiv Fund to help pay the expense of sending- this newspaper to nien and women in all branches of the 'armed forces" of the l , R, >10 niatter where they may be locate<i. Please enter my contribution ay follows: ( ) Monthly or ]>art payment '.$1.00 '.:( ) 1. Subscription 2.50 ( ) "J.;:JSubscriptious .... 5,00 < . ) .TSubscriptious . . .. 7.50 , ( j 4 Subscriptions' _ . ^ 10.00 ° It fe understood that this money is to be used entirely as a coTiti'ibution toward the cost and expense of sending the McHenry Plaindealer to men and women from the McHenry community lJ[j§;:y;.iSr,-inUitarv' service al. over the world. ' • • ' ' v Please acknowledge receipt. Street or Rural lloute J .... Post Oflfice ^ l

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