Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1943, p. 5

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f. ; Thursday, October 14, 1943 ¥H£ McHENRY PLAINDEALEK "SO I by EARL R. WALSH Word did Ttot come direct, but week that yours truly would spon be through our grapevine we learn an in- called for examination in this selecterestirig bit of news about one of tive or not too selective service call our local boys in service. ; that would includ« the dads.. Bob Stilling, former high school j Hear tell our number is up, hat ! athlete, won distinction last Thurs-- orders have not arrived. Anyhow, it1 day in the form of "Expert" rating take Mayor Overton long to j "on the rifle range at Camp Matthews, phone us and tell us that he was ; out California way. I sending a fellow oyer whi^ wanjted tot • - ' j sell a pony. • I BO WLING NOT Out of a possible 340, Bob moI^bA ai | mark of 312--within 20 points of the all time record. PALACE Our solicitous mayor reasoned that we would most certainly want to get in-' the cavalry. 7 O'clock Ladies-- To the head of the cites goes to salvage one game, but his 173 wasn't enou'rn to carry the load. Blake Motor Sales won three straight. Pete Olsen flashed a 192 game in a 446 series. Thursday Commercial-- Industry Enlists Robot For Chemical Production A "robot" control which opens and closes dozens of valves with splitsecond timing now controls processing in many of the nation's plants Potatoes Freeze at 30 Degrees Potatoes wili freeze at 30 degrees Fahrenheit, but if stored at above 40 degrees they will sprout. Avoid Gritty Seoan Strong, gritty scouring powders oft soda Should never be used in clean* ing aluminum pressure cookers. Dick Hester's 480 series led as Producing aviation gasoline, buta- Tavern Pale won the first and third diene for synthetic rubber, and tolugames from Prager Beers. Devik ! en5 *or ^plosives. rolled a steady 456 series for Pragers. ! Tn s"ch Plants steam, air and hot Kleinhans continued a torrid pace ?a's®s ^ow intermittently through an hitting 512 to give his^Building Ser- j <*}>&»* and tanks, vice team three straight from Mc- i It m"st.ffow 1 each fher Henry Laundry. Ralph Just,: *s 492 Nervals, and any 2 » A , . , • i error in timing or route of flow ™ tops and the laundry, w^ed o« j would slow up production not only through loss of materials but pos- Mixed Doubles-- | sible damage to equipment. This i3 a Sunday >}eague that goea j The processing might be comin for sociability firft and high scores j pared to the job of scheduling, dissecond. The duplicate score sheets ; Patching and regulating trains on a arent' too plain, so you can sue us if, congested railroad system. One Charlie Dowe didn't have a 486 series. > sma11 error can tie up railroad traf- . .... . . i "Tink" Mev^r -with a 228 game and -Bill Rochelle 499, M.Rc*helle. 420. | ^.,for hours.:possibly resulting m Many of you 6ld Rimers will remem,; ^ -M 522 series This oerforman^ was the Jaek Wrublewski 497, E. pevik452 ; collisions which would damage t>oth r ber Bob's grandad, BBeenn Stilling, as aa;,:;.n COg in Wtffand Rose Glende 411; i trams and goods in transit. leading trap shooter in his day. horse Wouldn't he be thrilled at such news , if. he were here today? T in three straight. Ann hit 412. ii-,'.'L «• *• ^ V:-' Eietty- Buss rolled a 420 series to ^ ^^^ "^^mbine with Lu Smith's . 410 in win- Nice going, Bob! Hope ' yttii r»^er | lo "stole** our- dear Editor's car l ning two games from "Pat' pgO; gtmhin' for us." ; ft Co. Maureen Millar rolled a sweet ; Bill Althoff broke 100 in two. out "robot ' control performs the Of"three games! • ' , same_ functions in some parts of '• • - • 'W";' y : < j gasoline, butadiene and toluene Meyer ATHLETIC CLUB v- j Plants as dispatchers and switchmen * s>' • • ' • [do in a railroad system. In many When they get all through finding 455 and "Pat" came through Witli4$4. v".'• ,.1; the reason for the Yankees beating., /• •-:? examination . Cgrdinals in the World Series, we Old Timers-*- j of these plants, even if the required Margaret Larkin's volleyball team i numbers of skilled operators were went into first place Thursday eye-1 available, it would be humanly imning as the Athletic club met for j possible for them to open and close Mr. Duker: "The 5 *****'•> **12" ^ aliensthat mZnZ : Bill Meyers Wound up with a 2151 their second time this fall, tk second'1 the mim^ou^'valv«^"the • Qhi/ien^ "Who is the v1 1 Dickey, veteran game to run up a 525 series and lead > pjace is Helen Knox's team, Mattel cise timing provided by the "robot" ^ [Yank^. calcher' a «<xi- the Les Adams team 2313 to 2240 over.i Bolger's group is in third place and printed?" v,;.. : • ; . |N>ck Freund's squad. Jake; Sohftefer] Ruth Klodzinski's teamt ts •0ur 14cHenry hufh' tichool. team paced the losers with 492. , ! place. James Larkin. star in last of the We we*e 1 teamed last Friday night that Belvi-1 Ed Smith's 517 and A1 Barblan'sfirst place team, will be leaving for women use eno ghl p brit,ht recl dere is too big a bite for a school of 502 led the way for a 2324 to 2261 i service in another two weeks, so the ta pamt 40,000 barns a bright rea Qur ^ ^ Qver pred Rop color. • • , . ' j sandwiched a' 208 But, we suppose the^e is nb gwd [ You will want to attend the dedireason why barns have to be P^tjd j^of ^erican ^on honor - ^ bright red. Or what were you in -, # ^ ^ ^ whose names appear on ,eaeue is off a .good start control, cgnsisting ol autpmatic i cycle-timers and valve control. \ Nicotinic Acid Aids Pigs win over Fre„d v Rogers' teams.« R.o gseorns j ,p'i ct,u,r eJ mmaaVy °lo°oKk daiifnfeerreennti aalftteerr tthnaatt P*gS ac^ and those getting but five milligrams sandwiched a 208 game m a 620 it all depends on how big a lead that ; in tests at California university, be- , series. team is able to pick up tonight and! came emaciated, unsteady on their [ next week. j feet and finfffly unable to arise. Nicotinic acM given these pigs remg We' were just turning over in our mind a little logic impressed on us quite a few years ago: "Great thing,- confidence. a i v u i c » » t i u c v i i n i i i v o a ] ^ | / c a i u n , w ^ I '• the honor roll would like to attend. aKai° this year with several of the girls well over the 400 mark. the shell situation the Way It - Ma,lon's Sh°PPf won twoi time. If you aren't there you are only wouldn't be too surprised to ^01" R^erside Dairy. Look em over: • hurting your team'iB chances.d!¥««tk ™, M. Krause, 44/; L. Thennes, 442; E. | ting: ahead. 1 All members are reminded * td be j stored them to"Hormal, save two that in the gym and dressed to.plMy by apparently were unable to respond. 7:30 sharp, for p?«ly will start on , - : - With is, one Take! see the bow and arrow come back. u M n v r «• • a Hester, 430; R. Marshall, 457; K. that man there in the gray hat. He | Ducks are going to get tame »nd Brefel(j 451' could come in The jjarvesters mowe<j down Bare me n«. «*«= 451 and steal a horse and | pheasants Will strut around without Tw no one'd stop him. But that feller; fear. hsittin' on that bale 0' hay, if he came j in and looked anxious at a halter 1 Bowling is hitting a new high in GtT,"t" Barhian had 471 and Julia Kra'lwe'd have the sheriff on him." our community this year. Leagues owet2 437 for the losers. bian's Bucherettes in two games with Agnes Freund's 461 leading the way. are in full swing with applicants on Then there is the young wife who the waiting lists. ! c. O. F - was terribly upset to learn her soldier husband was running around 'Uncle Ed** Smith went strong with High Falls Eighty per jcent of British Guiana lies under tropical rain forest, threes- Four people sought to become new 1 fourths of it unexploited, and much members last week but the previous I of it unexplored. Cabinet woods and announcement that the membership was closed made it Impossible at • this time. We repeat, if anyone wants his or her name on the waiting list, notify Charles Vycital, president or Helen Knox, secretary. Not too much open bowling. Pin! 200-582. strongly supported by Bill LAMENT OF THE VERY YOUNG with a jeep--upset f *" j boys are scarce. Guess the girls will Tonyan's'«534, but ran into a 2515 ; As night 0.ershadows closing day. plained that it is a little automobile. have over this pin-spotting; total for "Speed" Selling's team. H. Up to the fire we draw. She thought * jeep was a female department, too. j M. Weber had two games over 200 in Mother to her knitting turns, JaP- ~~~ • ® 576 series to combine with Chuck Right soon, you'll hear Dad snore , „ . . Gene Maybe that pin-spotting job would Weingart's 616 and "Red" Winkel's < Met ^ n! ^1 u do more for some of our waist lines 506. Old Rover's curled up on the hearth, mer changed hands several times Dobyns an home than throwing the ball down the John Herdrich pitched a 246 game; A' dreaming dreams of Joy, before becoming permanently Britspending a few ^ort - A1j alley; ' 'i. in 539 as "Big Hank" Weber aided of all th fun he-8 ha<1 that day ^ 1815. Surinam was given to thence back to tlw! army fe All with 5!8 in beating the Ed Thennes ^th our litlle boy, appeared to be in top Famous last words: Add a pound of t#>am- For the losers--Gus Freund, . The new? spread around this past butter to our order. " 622. balata are the money yields. Biggest features of the interior are waterfalls. Kaieteur falls is most famous, but its 741-foot drop is surpassed by at least two falls of about 2,000 feet. Kaieteur is 4^ times as^U-.^ high as. Niagara, however, and av^P ages 305 feet in width. Newly discovered Angel falls, across the border in Venezuela, drops arbout a mile, the greatest drop in the world. British Guiana was settled first by the Dutch, and Surinam was originally an English colony. The for- BELVIDERE PROVES - TOO STRONG FOR McHENRY ELEVEN Cultivate Dia/onally First cultivation of corn, soybeans and other row crops may be diagonally across the rows, with a weeder, spike-tooth harrow or rotary hoe. If the work is done after the sun has been out for some hours in the morning and the plants are no longer Now Sister to a dance has gone, And won't be home 'til late; And with her went my brother. „ v George,. ;/,..: Oh, how those kids do rite. City League-- Hup Smith's 213-570 was the big reason for three wins for Meister Brau over Atlas. Art Tonyan's 493 was the big kick in Atlas. Now who am 1 to be talking thttS,! Carl Thorsell, one of Volo's leading ] Well, I'm the baby son, citizens, rolled a 203-522 series to Antj jn^j ] have to go • give the Town Club Boys three from. As soon as day is done- Alexanders. Ed Piesert rolled 610 for the lumber boys. I*11 grow up, you wait and S#e, i ' And then will I be glad "Champ ' Grinielli was in fine form , When I can stay up late at night the Dutch after the English took the island of Manhattan. British Gu&na it nearly as large as New York state and Pennsylvania combined, but has fewer people than Vermont. Have a Large Supply of fs t Mm Plentiful Tasty Foods MACARONI O* SPAGHETTI 7-OZ. Red Cross PK6 WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter Boat Company. 50-tf Belvidere handed the McHenry eleven its first defeat of the season, 26 to 7 l,«t Friday night on the Bel- SV'mtil'irtU ff-gg vi<k>re held. McHenry led ,t the 1«1' S^c'rop SoBe ™ 7 to 6 but lost heavily in the last two quarters. • \ - The first quarter saw Belvidere, Guard Against Gall Aphis : anchoring McGee's, hitting a 200 An(j"no" ^ win get mad. score after a steady drive. The trStl Because serious damage from * '£ame and'569 series in winning two Fred Goodsir. for point failed. In the second spruce gall aphis may start at any games. Dick Conway had a 200 game. -i__ quarter McHenry picked up spirit and time, Dr. Harlow B. Mills, ento- ! «n 485 while Ed Tonyan hit 482. j Steel Spectacles took advantage of every break. Mc- mologist for the Montana Agricul- Mike Budler's 522 and Willys! Use of steel spectacle frames thin- Cracken stole the ball from a Belvi- tural Experiment station, urges Schreiner's 514 proved too much for jy coated with nickel silver, in place dere man on the forty yard line. On daily inspection of the trees and Les Bacon's 211-557 as McHepry Qf pre-war frames of other metals, an attempted pass to the right end the prompt spraying the moment new Lumber took 2,out of 3 from Walsh has saved 9,000 pounds of nickel, defensive man knocked the ball up growth starts to curl or shows the ; Insurance. 1 28,500 pounds of nickel silver, and instead of down. Bonslett came along beginning of an infestation: and carried it down to the ten. An Spruce gall aphis are so tiny they end run and a plunge took it to the are hard to see, Dr. Mills explains, two yard on the next play, with Mc- However, at this time the female, Cracken scoring on a quarter back hidden under cottony masses en the sneak. He also converted with a underside of last year's growth, has drop kick. Score at half: Belvidere, J®ld e88s which will hatch soon. Lit- 6- McHenry 7 nymphs will migrate to new ! And that's that as we go rolling along. ; '* , j 16,000 pounds of copper. SCHAEFER'S LS4ie»-- • The Vogue Girls, led by Helen Im-1 The second half saw the supply of growth and cause the characteristic mekus's 189-459 series, anchored by Belvidei^reserves pliying havoc with con^witiwiwlles^MctendinB M«> SimOT'5 463 "nd ,W ,he McHenry starter,. They ran for KJIl. Albright's 410 won two out 13 paints in the third quarter and 7 at ^ tums brQwn ^ ^ of three from Pop Fenske s girls, more .in the last. The victory kept eventually kills, the. tip.' ' V^Peggy Krause anchored Pops <team Belvidere's slate clean. They have won three games, while losing none. This was their closest game so far. Starting Lineup Belvidere. McHenry Curtis, B L.E, ...... Schaefer, 72 Curtis, J L.T. Lawson. 77 With 465, while Lenore^ Frisby's 416 and Eve Hoyte's 401 kept the girls Canning Effect on Taste the game. It is evident that the effect of eaifc ! , ¥ ^reun4 J?" up ^ ning on the palatability of fruiti^"6!18! roI1»nr- aJTC and vegetables varies widely with L.G; .^...Guzzardo. 65 C.-.--(C) Jackson. 66 R.G Schmitt. 69 R.T Thomas, 75 R.E Carver,-64 ead Suburban Oil to two wins over the particular method used. In gen- R'lpp^rt Beers. ^Rose Stilling led off eral, the drastic treatment of pres- for the losers with 432. sure cooker canning necessary for John Stillihg's "66" girls took three vegetables, gives the most pro- straight from .Farmer's Mill as jiree nounced effect because of the high girls hit the charmed -'400" circle, temperatures. However, some of M. Rochelle, 464; M. Stilling 436 and Q.B McCrackw, 61 the methods which require long-time K. Peisert. 411. Mary Beatty finished R.H. ..I... Michels, 67 processing are also sometimes disas- with a 173 game for the Mill crowd, trous to color and flavor. This is es- blit didn't start "with enough oomph, pecially true of oven methods for .pjnk Harrison's fair ladies had fruits of delicate color and flavor, more total pins, but lost two games The rate of heat penetration is slow l0 Peti<? Schaefer's Markc-teers. B. in oven canning and hence a long . Kraug m B jU8ten; 404; E. Mil, iKltan uWi a 1nS• . aH? i•U I-*i rrAedt mufh° TIn Ptrn0 adUor°i,tie m t a0 ler', 408; D:. Schaefer, 1*77-428, ' Smith' Baker ........ B* rman ..... Porter ........ Sellars ...... Wright «.... Taylor...;...,. Meyers .............. L.H. Bonslett, 62 Foley (C) F,B. . ..Huska, 74 The warriors havie a breathing spell this wieek. There is no game until next Friday, when they tangle with St. Edwards at Elgin, Oct. 22. ^ (1 Civt VOUR CHICKS <?mwzom oaiMKiMC wartn c«or AND INTCSTINC. ACTS IN OMM imi *nd witk «Udk • •oa«i Ib contact there. INS, ACT* IN CROPI OnUmur feotinU purify drink. Mil i*rmi an alio plelnd up from Itt* tar-dropplogt. Ocrmoacoc ACTS h •rod. too. IRD. ACTS IN INTCSTINES. O«rmotmw U not eolf an actrlsgwit tn lcUatlnca, It alio uti against harmful bactaria there. Vtluabla for man; ilmplc crop, dl- (eatlvc, towel dkorrtfr*. I 01 40c; 11 ox. ir.c economy M o», $1 80 Bolger's Green Street Store McHenry We Have No SHELLS OR CARTRIDGES We cannot even sing "Pass the Ammunition" BUT we do have some darn good WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY to fix up those windows in your home or garage. And many very useful items in Hardware are still to be found in this store. After all, we are doing our best to conduct a hardware business. Come in and see What we can sell you in that line. Don't forget to dig out that old metal stuff for the SCRAP DRIVE E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e Phone 2 West McHenry Times up Oct 20 FOR BlUE STAMPS U V W WHOLE KERNEL CORN Niblefs. |>-oz. Qe CAN V BLUE WRAPPED MACARONI OR Spaghetti ^ SPAGHETTI Oft MACARONI Foulds' 10c PKG. Be MEDIUM OR IROAD NOODLES Mrs. Grass' 8c SLICED BEETS .... DICED CARROTS AMERICAN HOME SPINACH 14-OZ. 14. .•LASS IfcV U OZ. Q. .. .CLASS WV I7-OZ NO. Vh CAN AMERICAN HOME CUT 19c Green Beans . NO.,'CSN 19C COME AGAIN PEAS VEGETABLE JUiCE V-8 COCKTAIL NO. ^2 C°ANM 1c .•££ 1.5c 2 Blue Pointt SPAGHETTI DINNER Life Club ^ 18* NATIONAL SPA«HEni Oft' Maearoii AMERICAN HOME Salad Dresslif........ COME AGAIN Salad Dresslif ...;^4c r.JAR MC i6c PORK I BEANS Campbell's li£s |3C 21 • HAZEL Peanut Butftr I4.BL JAR wl ...h^n2 29C •-OZ. NO CUTS 1 TIPS Asparafns DEL MONTE Ttmata Save* 6c FOR SAUCES t GRAVIES Tomato Puroo . 8c CEREAL OR Clapp's Oatmeal 15c Taste the Difference IN NATIONAL S FRfSH COFHES OUR BREAKFAST Coffee h|59< l-LB. .BAG 27c ' 8 33c r>FLUXE COFFEE National ....... COFFEE Maxwell House JAR VACUUM PACKED DELUXE COFFEE N a t i o n a l , . . „ . ' . . JAR 30c Hills Bros. 1 :B-33c FINEST QUALITY RED FLAME Tokay Grapes 2 lbs 27C IDAHO RUSSETS U. S. NO. I Potatoes 10 lis. 39C PORTO RIGAN . Yams 3 lbs. 25c CRISP WASHEO MICHIGAN Celery ... .... 2 its. 23c COOKING Apples tLI5 19c WASHED RED TRIUMPHS Petatoes 15 lbs 45C I QUICK OR PEGL'LAR Quaker Oats 22® «%oz. 19c Pods Beneath Soil • Tftie peanut actually belongs to th« leguminosae or pea family differing only in that it poss£Ss?5^4he ma-, turing fruits or pods beneath the surface of the soil. Small yellow flowers are born at the joints where the leaves are attached to the stems. As soon as pollination qpcurs. the flowers fade and the "pegs," as they are commonly known, elongate and go into the soil, where the pods CODtfeining. the nuts develop. Subscribe to The Plaindealer! be heated through. In the meantime «£>r and flavor are appreciably al- ^on<lay Major^_ ein determining the difference be- Not * team was under 2500 in this tween home-canned and coramer- KrouP- But, after all, that s getting cially canned foods, the time factor to an e"te circle. You don t apply is important. Commercial canners ^or membership unless your average heat the product rapidly to the re- ig at least 160. quired temperature and as soon as The old master, Pete Koob hit his processing is.completed, cool it rap- stride (228-183-200--611) to anchor idly. Irw ta Park Liver Pork liver has more iron than calves liver and is less expensive. Pork liver loaf is a tasty meat dish JOHNS-MANV1LLE TYPE A HOME INSULATION INSTALLED BY THE WAIL-FILL CO. ORIGINATORS OR BLOWN-4N ROCK WOOL INSULATION ; FOR ESTIMATE CALL • LlEO J. STILUNG McHENRY 18 the Oak Park Hotel to 2 out of 3 from Ruppert Beers. Wrublewski started with a bang-up 225 and missed 600 by 8 pins. Joe Frett maintained a good pace, rolling a 203 second game in a 532 series. The Ruppert rollers reeled off 935 pins to take the second game. Hup Smith, 205-544; Les Adams, 214-532. Herman Schaefer and Art Krause were absent, but left some fancy averages that lielped the Town Cljib win two from the New Way Laundry. Bill Schlitt got going in the third eame to count up 204--bringing his ; series to 517. Peisert's 226-560 and ! Conway's 195-551 were tops. ; K. of C.-- --- You can take Gevge BarbiafiV 234 562 in this league and 'not expect too much* from there on. But, the boys have a lot of fun. The Barbian, Grocery won. two from ; Ambrose Schaefer's "Bing" | Frisby had a 194 mark in the second i g-ame and 476 series. "Prof' Nye made a desperate' bid Trade In Your Old Battery on a new F I R E S T O N E We have a complete stock of TIRES, passenger and truck. Bicycle tires and tubes. You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. . . TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Sinclair Stock Spray, 75c per gallon. w * BICYCLE TIRES and TUBES OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION • MAIN ST , WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 j OONUTS „oz 13° "KITO.EU r f.STED" FLOUR Gold Medal : B S A L® SC IB. BAG «2.S7 . SUNSHINE CRACKERS * " Hi Hq SURRY'S BUTTER \ * Pretzel Stix $129 23c C 02 FKG. 13c iNRICMD to new high standards for better nutrition cATMEAL Fort Dearbtm FORT DEARBORN Oatmeal FORT OEARBOfttl r; Farina K t L L O o S Shredded Wheat \ CRISP-CRUNCHY Grape-Nuts Flaktt C. *KER Wheat Sparkies .... KEUOGG'S WHEAT FLAMS Pep QUAKER • Rice SptrUM 11c KELIOGG'S Krumbles . :ooz. A,* PKG. ^Kci 12c %°l 10c ..kg2: 14c 4-OZ. PKG. 9c K?Z. Q. PKG. 55 JUMBO WHITE I'/4-LB. BREAD.2 LOAVES 17 ^gMIc BREAKFAST OF CHAMMONS Wheaties 11c FORT rt*RBO*H Brown Stamp Values NATIONAL UNSWEETENED Evap. Milk Giant Wheat FORT DEARBOMt Giant Rfco ... FORT CEARBO*N ' Corn Flakts ...P^KG 4c ...PKG. nor PKG. 7c MOOTIMWJ RUM MVi oz. oe ..-..CAN ®«P A rg9 Starch. 2 17c Lux Soap ... CA«7C Lifebuoy cake 7C EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK PET SWIFT'S MARGARINt ALLSWEET S W I F T'S BLAH© LARD WHITE MEAT lUNAFISt1^.:. vv- r DN'S MOR ARMOUR'S TREET To pricw i§ mm iMtrdMndU* IUf*d k«r* a »iti aa approiiniataly a<)uTv<9i«nt to 2% oo acccuot oi tha Ulircou Aataiiars ^aa Act. 23c 18c I4.B ...CIN, I4.B .CTN. ;. .^N 36c 35c » 02^ 36c Swan Soap CA" 10c Lux Flakes MM Gold Dust Tissut 23c IV.-LI ..PKG. 18c HaMl ,.»OLL 5c Sweetheart 9 20c NATIONAL n STORES

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