Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1943, p. 8

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1-- - »' »%* '» . iv, • *MV • h'V ;• v • '-"•/ST ** nfdj jj * v, «*•" fH. •'/• THC KoBEMXT PLAINDKALZE Thursday, October 2& 1943 ! 'y . se? ' i H;. > • * ' 4<•«•»»•»<••>»»••••••»»••••••••»•»••»••••••••••••» •¥^W RECEIVE WORD FROM PFC. WILLIS WYMAN, INTERNED IN GERMANY Engagement Announced -Joanne Rulien, Mrs. Thomas Phalin Mi*, and Mrs. C. E. Allan of Ken- j and Mrs. Jos. May. <&ha, Wis., have announced the en-1 Delicious refreshments served by g»g*ment of- their daughter, Nellie, i the committee concluded the evening's to Orville Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund of McHenjry. entertainment. Mrs. Helen Weber and Miss Gertrude Weber acted m cochairmen for the event. ' J The next regular meeting? of the C. D. of A will be held on NOT. 4 at: The George Wyman family of Crystal Lake is a happy one this week, for a few short days ;ago they re* ceived a card, written in the handwriting of their son, Pfc. Willis W. Wyman a prisoner of war. Written on the card, which' dated May 8, was the following: Dear Folks: I am interned in Germany treated well. Am in good health so please don't worry. The Red Cross is very helpful. HI be thinking and praying for you on Mother's Day, Mom. Things are not as bad -as one w'as and M'HENRY COUPLE MARRIED OCT. 17, IN SAN FRANCISCO Their m*ny McHenry friends will be interested to hear that Petty Officer Gerald J. Miler, son of Mr. and MESSAGES FROM OUR SERVICEMEN (Continued from Pas* On«) could get the paper. The army is alright but sure will be glad when I cap be back in Spring Grove agpin. Mrs. Jos. J. Miller of this city, and i Thanks again for the paper. Best Home Bureau ; The Home Bureau meeting will be heJd one week later than originally j *he K. of C. 4iall. planned. Vm Afe«jynl>er meeting will ;; * * * be a pot-*fc Arm* »nd each mem- ^ Lily Lake P. T. A. ... _ bar :is aaMIl hnng a handicraft • Hie Lily Lake P. T. A. is holding j Gf health. Give my regards to ides. * i fi Hallowe'en party at the schobl house j ajj - Love WILLIS. » * '• 'on Friday evening, Oct. 29, 1943, at' * ' Altar and Rosary ® o clock. Everybody is welcome, jjjss Mabel Knox, of Terra Gotta,! The Altar and Rosary sodality of ohildi-eri admitted free. Those * Miss Louise Kiddelsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kiddelsen of McCull« om Lake, were married at All Hallovt Catholic church in San Francisco, Calif., on Oct. 17. Rev. Philip Ryan was the presiding clergyman. - To the strains of the wedding march, the bride, on the arm of Sgt. Dudley Fairow of the U. S. army, who gave her away, walked up the aisle. They were met at the altar regards to my friends. ?VT. WALTER BROWN, Fort Riley, Kansas. Dear Mr. Mosher: I have had a change of address. It is now Pfc. James Smith, Los Angeles, Calif. I surely want. to thank you again for my home town paper. I get a lot of enjoyment out of reading the McHenry Plaindealer. I don't would think here. I made my Eas- j by, the grro?m aild ***- Him-! think there could be anything better nalmontt tirKA n <*^aW n o Kasv imam ' iUni J J _. _ J£ i.L _ ter tfuty in Italy. Letters will follow later. Hoping everyone is in the atpelmann, who acted as best man. The attractive bride wore a floor length white net dress over white satin, a fingertip veil, and car- In another message to his fiancee, rf? a of ^jdenias,The niaid vr..K„i ! of honor, a cousin of the groom, Miss Roseal Lay, wore a poudre blue, floor t ; „ . . . , Pfc. Wyman explained that he was f, ^ Patrick's church will hold its regu- tending are encouraged to dress up capture>d by the Germans in Tunisia,' en^ gown an cam a uque o :'?$Jtr -monthly rheetinp with Mrs. Ford f°r the party, prizes being awarded fl0^.n to Italy and kept there for six '""V&ckson at 8 p.m. or. Monday, Nov. 1. f°r the best costumes. There will be _ weejcs before being sdnt by. train to a „ . ... » .. . JJrs. George Miller, chairman, will be ^ames arK^ ^un ^or wh° a^tend. German camp for non-commissioned ? .r wi _ severa army ,a navy - •-*• ------ t- j r f friends of the groom, and their wives, red roses. After the ceremony the bridal. . "Assisted by Mrs. George "Hiall, Mrs. ,^rs" Lannes entertained officers and privates. He is now in- .Jack Walsh, Mi's. Joseph Glossort, Lilv Lake P. T. A. at bunco and cards ^erne<j fifty miles from Berlin. enjoyed a wedding dinner at the new-1 McHenry Plaindealer: • C5' f " • '*;,'Mrs.^Mjirie:'Y«tege,' ,^e ***** October meeting. Fpiz^s. ^ ,jt was March 28 when Wy^an was [j^e<^n*,^ure 'lomc 'n SanFransico. | Thanks again for sending iis-the that could be done for any of the fellows in service. I have been in service over, a year now and I have been waiting at every mail «aH to get the Plaindealer. All the boys get a big kick out of reading it. Well, I want to thank you again for sending it to me. . " . Yours truly, ' " > • fPC. JAMES W. SMITH, Los Angeles, CalifT ^ " ;•'-* ' ' jray and Mrs. John .KJildayS^ ;Were awarded for each table and a reported missing in action. On lovely lunch was served. \-, ^May 12, the Wymans received a telewas arranged by Mrs.1 Plaindealer. I enjoy reading it very Joseph Himpelrn,ann, a cousin and much although they are three and Mrs. Tom Klabough entertained-the , classmate of the groom. I four weeks reaching Surprised On Anniv gr^m from the War department in- < 'Jttleasantly surprised w.. • u.v.. , ... ... . , . ; > - r-r- - tieth -»ed,dinff anniversary last Sat- Iunch served ended a pleasant even- porte,. and a man in Milwaukee both urdav evening. Relatives and friends inf- , 4. notified the Wymans that they had were" present to enjoy an evening of William Etten will be the next heard Pfc. Wyman speak on a short cards, after which delicious refresh-: h®£e» TA ^nnihlv 1 wave broadcast from Berlin- Henry postoffice. 'The bride, who was ^ ments were served. ^ ° ll!Xt._P ^ i quoted him »s saying, "Tell my folks : an C1jyee of a ,aw ^ in Chi 'ter Circle 3. W. S. C. S. Circle 3, W. S. C. S. will meet on meeti;* on FrMay jeninir,!, am okehi n()t M worry, the Red cae<), j'8 ^ prese^t workY„g for Nov. o. at the school, at 8 oclock. Cross feeda us wen I have been same firm in San Franciaco. * * * moved from Italy to Germany." j • . Nintieth Birthday Wyman enlisted on July 29, 1941,] '^;CARD OF THANKS Mi® Ellen DohertjT, one of Mc-j and trained at Camp Wheeler, Ga.» | jfo ibis manner I wish to thank the with both their classmates and the boys who are in different parts of the faculty. j worid. Especially the letters from Before enlisting in the navy, the j the boys that I konw. groom was employed in the West Mc-1 Well( i win have to close this letnow, So long and £ .Mejxy Christmas to you all. As ever, EDWARD WISER, Nov.- 5 at the home of Mrs. Georfte Scheubert at McCullom Lake. This It , ,, . ..... • i , „ . „ _T ^ , . ,, will a 1*30 luncheon meetirMr Those "enr>r s oldest and best loved resi- and Fort Bragg, N. C. A graduate of many friends and neighbors who sent who plan to attend are asked to noti- dent?' observed her nintieth birthday; St. Thomas school and of Crystal j me cards and visited me while I was fV Mrs Thomas Kane This will be ann>versaiT last Thursday, Oct. 21, Lake Community high school in 1935,, confined to the Spa in Waukesha, an 'important meeting as plans will "j* t 1 h®ch^e of si8^fr't Mrs: M u? „was employed^ by the American Their kind remembrances were great Ike made at that time for the bazaar. Sozjjewhere in the South Pacific^ Walsh. She spent a most enjoyable Railway Express Co. in Chicago until1 ly appreciated. day "having received many congratula- he entered the Army. 4-H Party >' ! torv cards and gifts from her friends. v; fcs than fifty persons wet* in at- Amone t|}e latter were a beautiful CELEBRATE MlSSIOlt >!•- MRS. FRANK FREUND. tendance at the 4-H party held last^u(luet offlowers from the Altar and J Friday evening at the Ostend school, ^osar>' sodality of St. Patricks! sponsored by the Ringwood Home church and a large, decorated anniver- : Bureau unit. Pictures were shown sai*y cake from her mec^JIrs. Louis ( by Mr. Brock and he and Mrs. Sween- Waukegan. ey gave out the awards. After an FESTIVAL AT ZION CARD OF THANKS I wish to express ray sincere thanks T TTTTIWT? A W nUTT-ppiX and aPPreciati°n to those who Soo kind- •mv v*l U xwll; iy assisted during my recent bereave ' r- J ment, for the beautiful flowers and The special 4 o'clock vesper service i all services rendered. The nonagenarian ig most active,1 on Sunday at the Zion Evangelical MRS. HOWARD WILLIAMS. enjoyable evening of games, refresh- attending early morning mass almost; fiutheran church in McHenry will cele- I ments me served. ' daily. A high mass was sung Thurs-! btrate the annual Mission Festival.; SOLDIER VISITS HOME TOWN* P. T. A. day morning ito her honor, she being; Emphasis on this day w^ll be given Pfc. Aubrey E. Cadle has been Members of the P. T. A. are urged the olde8t member of the congrega-! to the work of the missions, bringing spending the past ten days in Mcto remember tha$ the next meeting '• j the gospel of Christ to people at home i Henry on furlough from the Smyrna will be held on tfov. 3. Being Na- Relatives and friends who surprised , and abroad. j air base, Smyrna, Tenn., where he is tional Book week, Sister Adelindis her Thursday evening in honor of the | Rev. H. L. Pfotenhauer of St. John's j stationed with the U. S.tfarmy air Dear Mr. Mosher: I wish to thank you for the Plaindealer which 1 revive regularly. My wife and I really appreciate the ! paper and all the news it has. It's ; the next best thing to being home. We at least know what is going on bpek there and won't be in the dark | when we get back. I have now moved from Muroc, ; Calif., to the army air base at Salij nos, Calif. I have been promoted to I a technical sergeant. Well, that's j about all I can think of now. Thanking you again for the Plaindealer I : remain. Yours truly, JOHN NOBLE, Salinos, Calif. Natritional Lunehes In Illinois, a survey made in nine war plants, by the Illinois state dewill talk on good books and the eighth occasion were Mrs. Jay Graham, Mrs. j Lutheran church in Woodstock will be! corps. With him was his wife, Kathgrade students give a symposium. Kate Grahiim, Mrs. Tom Walsh, Mrs. guest speaker on this occasion. The { erine, who came from Washington, Pla"ts, by tne Illinois state ae- There will be' a patriotic program, A1- Lennon, Miss Claire Krause, Long {choir from the*same church, directed | D. C., where she is living and working! ,**"*?. ® !°n the school orchestra will play and,Lake5 Miss Mary Furlong, Chicago;! by Mr. Waldo Werning, will furnish j for the duration. Both Private and | *ne PJJJ , h " Mary Jean Doherty will give the Sa-! Mrs- Mike Knox. daughters, Florence | the spiritual musical portion of the; Mrs. Cadle think of McHenry as j showe<j that only about 15 per cent •'l u*t e T^ . *th' e Flag. and Mabel, Terra Cotta; Mrs. James j service. j their home, having resided here from; 0j these lunches were adequate Walsh, Miss Hazel Gorham, Wood- j The congregation in its regular 9 j July, 1942, to January, 1943, while i tj,e nutritional standpoint. Of jlotior Bride, stock; Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh o'clock service will observe Reforma-1 Mr. Cadle w;as employed at the John ' • * ~~ * * • Mrs. George Glosson and Mrs Jand daughteisand\li?s Eva Stilling,] tion day. Rev. R. T. Eissfeldt of George Steinsdoerfer attended a; McHenry. . . shower at Crystal Lake last Thurs-' *( * * day evening, honoring Mrs. Berths Teacher's Reception Fillweber. whose marriage to Peter' ®ne the most informal and ert- E. Freund of McHenry. brother of joyable social affairs of the winter Mrs. Steinsdoerfer, took place at the season took place on Tuesday even- ^bride'? home on Saturday. A wed- inP when the Mother's club held its ><§ing dinner and reception were held arinual reception for the grade and at the John Borgeson home in Har- ;high school teachers; rr,L vard for relatives and friends. T:3G- •pitn.'\'.AIl. are in^ vited to attend. • • .••'."•••>•• ' Bu.sine-vs and Professional Round Lake, pastor ,of the church, will preach. ( NEW FLAG, STANDARD PRESENTED TO BOARD ONE BY W. W. MEYER -- The idea of | A very pleasant surprise was in | such parties originated several years j store for members of McHenry j I ago for the sole purpose of acquaint- County Local Board One at their ', Youth Fellowship ' ; i ing the teachers, especially the new | last meeting. At that time W. W. • The high school Fellowship of the j ones, with the townspeople. - I Meyer, a former member of the board, j Methxli^t church held election of of- About sixty persons were present presented that organization with a ( fleers Sunday evening. The following at the party this year. Following a' silk flag and standard. Mr. Meyet I were chosen to serve for the coming half-hour of visiting, during which was one of the three original memyear: President. Lon Smith; vice' everyc/ne got acqquainted, a short I bers on the board when it organized president. Dean McCracken; and sec-. program took place, with Miss Adele on October 21, 1940. He served the retary, Laura Sherman. Froehlich offering vocal selections, board as secretary for more than two; TTiere will be installation of the accompanied by Mrs. Carl Weber. years before being forced to resign new officers on Sunday, Nov. 7, at Following this, cards provided en- because of numerous duties. He is tertair.ment during the everting, with superintendent cf the Harvard public the following being the prize win- schools. \The other two members who neirs: Malcolm Mclntyre, Donald ! served with Mr. Meyer at the time of Blount. Mrs. Charles Vycital and the board's organization were I.. T. The last meeting of the Busines^' Miss Genevieve Knox in bridge; C. H. Peacock, Harvard, and Thomas P.j arfd Professional Women's club was Duker in five hundred; and Mrs. Al- Bolger both of whom are still meito-.; •held at the E. D. Pellegrin home near bert Vales in pinochle. bers. Woodstock one evening last vfeek. At The evening closed with the serving Additional members added during j that time plank were made for the of a tasty buffet lupch which was; th% • past two years are Charles H. | November meeting which will be held served from a decorated table, the Doolittle, Marengo; Andrew Vanderin the Woodstock Methodist church appointments being in keeping with Veen, Hebron and Donald Kingsley, on Nov. 15. The topic for the evening 1 the Hallowe'en season. Lighted pump- ; Harvard. I will be "Accidents-Enemies of Effi- kins, bouquets of Chrysanthemums -- ' Ciencythe l e a d e r s to be the h e a l t h ! and black candle s t i c k s and orange City Council P r o c e e d i n g ' s " committee. Miss Mabel Hobbs of candles helped beautify the table and ! Woodstock-' and Mrs. Gretta Goodell the centerpiece, also in orange and ^he City Council met in regular I of McHenry. Assisting them will be black, completed the picture. meeting with" Mayor Overton presid- ] Miss Manda Rode and Miss Ruth Credit for the party is due the com- inf? Aldermen present: Buss, Fer- Johnsor. / ' " mittee; Mrs. C. H. Goodell, Mrs. werda, FVeund, Nye, Tonyan. Absent:' * « • - ; • j George Johnson and Mrs. George 1 Card Party Kramer, chairmen; Mrs. Gerald New- • Motion by Buss, seconded by Fer- The public card party held last inan. Mrs. Leonard McCracken, Mrs.' werda, to approve the minutes of thev Thursday evening and sponsored by Fred Feltz, Mrs. Paul Doherty, iir*., previous meeting. Motion parried, the Catholic Daughters of America ' R- Counihan, Mrs. Jake Stoffel, Mrs. Motion by Nye, seconded bv Freund. was a huge success, twenty tables be- William Pries, Mrs. Ben J. Dietz, to pass resolution as read designating ing in play. Prizes were merited by: Mrs. Floyd Covalt and Mrs. Paul the West McHenry State Bank as Mtrs. Charles Miller. Mrs. A. Peder- Yanda. -- depository of funds of the City Treasrsen. Mrs. Mildred Passfield, Mrs. • . ;... .'•' ' - -..^•' .y-' urer, Gerald J. Carey. Motion car- , John Thennes and Mrs. Gertrude Rit- j BOY SCOUTS ried. ter in pinochle; Mrs. Eleanor Nye, . A report from the Department of! Mrs. Edward Sutton and Mrs. Thomas The Scofct meeting opened by post- Pwblic Health, State of Illinois, was 1 Phalin in auction bridge; Eleanor ing the colors, with color guards be- read, stating that samples of city Kinsala and Marie \egge in contract jng Larry Haug, Leo Smith, and water recently examined were found bridge; Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Jos. G.; Robert French. The Scouts then went safe for drinking purposes. Huemann and Mrs. Carolyn Schiessle jnto a study period where they stud- An ordinance regarding*--a--Policei-L in five hundred; and Mrs. Eva Wegen ied such tests as folding the flag and Signal System was tabled, pending er in bunco. signaling. The Scouts then joined examination by the City Attorrpjy Special prizes were awarded to Mrs.1 into some very'lively games,-such as and estimate on cost. "Singing Test." In this game two Motion by«Buss, seconded by Ton- Scouts turned toward each other and yan, to adjourn. Motion carried. tried to sing loud enough to make R- I. OVERTON, Mayor, the others stop. In the game "Horse • EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk, ^ Back Race." one boy rode another. :. They went from one side of the room . _ • lo the other side of the room arid - Caver Crop son Motor Co. in Waukegan. While here they; lived at the B. J. Adams home on Elm street. Both are looking forward to returning to McHenry at the end of the war and establishing a residence here. ! the balance, 36 per cent were rated as fair, and 49 per cent, almost half of the total number of lunches, were rated as inadequate. Order yobr Rubber Stamps iat^The Plaindealer. FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN FUN! SIMPLE TEST NOW TELLS YOU WHICH COWS HAVE MASTITIS Hara to a quick, eaay way to teat your cowi far Maatltto. You can do It youraelf rlftht In your own barn. T eat M cows In 20 mln. with tlM Baaba "BTB" teat. And It doaa not coat yoy a penny. Here la all you do: A«k ua for dM afxdml Beeba "BTB" Teat Card. We wUl Siva you FREE one teat card for each om la your herd. AU you do to follow the atopic dlr actio na on the card. Wa have BmIh "1BTB" teat carda In atock now. Aak lar"yoor FREE aupply today. Remember, a fa* mlnutea apant In teatlnft your cowa for Maatltto may mt* aocne of your moat valuable anlmato from ataughtar. THOMAS P. BOLGER The McHenry Druggist back. Walter Richardson and Robert 1° w* French won this game. Another game "arly cr°PS ,or late the, pl,y,d wu -Topple Th, Other ^ Horse. In this game one rider ' • grabbed the other rider's . hand and t r i e d to pull him over. Herman Hunt and Richard French won this game. The colors were retired by the same , color guards. The Scouts then sang "Taps" and wept home. this part of the garden from becoming a weed patch and plowed under next spring it will add needed organic matter to the soil. Chief Scribe,- Robert French. Higher Fruit growers, in general, will re- Cfive higher prices for their crops In 1943 than they received this year, according to the U. S. department of agriculture. Rivers of Silviw • v In colonial days "rivers of Silver" flowed from the Peruvian highlands to Lima, and thence to the markets of the world. The catastrophic fall in the price of silver in the last oentury hit silver mining hard. Yet Peru is so rich in this metal that even when silver is worked as a byproduct it gives profitable results. BOOK MATCHES Keep > box handy in your home. Contains 50 picki of wfety mttchei. This W--k'9 Special Vain* GOLD FISH and GLASS BOWL Tliii Annual Vila* in TM» W--k Mf Gold FUh includes two liv«, haaTthy Gold Fish ia a drua>-sh«p«d bowl. _ _ A Rainbow chip* for th« howl are included. Peed ter enh i a ' DART BOARD l arg« IB by IB in. board*, n til briltimt color Scurdv hiptr wood board with Darts STAR MOLDS Individ**! ^laaa aoldi for fomt galatm motda. For ca- ptdiy. on stove tihlf SERVING TRAY PUYING CARDS ®98* 22 i inch met.I crar with B«aitifu! Lady Hibbard %eautif«illr desifnad detisn, bcauriful linen Ctvital ralian . ^ _ finished cards ^ ^ fr\V?,"wnKr,rc *2^ :ho"rpuu*vf^ fiQc rii wn< i. •• pleasure. i r p l i pleasure. w PIE PLATE Pyre* "Flivor-Sivir" Kakts fatter, browni hold flaaa . die*, lO inch *i*e. 45e 116 SAW GAMES 0 New current event puttie* in full color, over 300 interlocking pietea. Choice of 4 different 29s COOKIE JAR Beautifully colored i n *hadrs of red, blue *rtd y e l l o w . l l V f c in. hi|fch. On* rable glazed pmicr:. tin WM. H. ALTHOFF HOWE. Phone 284 WEST McHENRY R-, - m..: - OOBUHa EVENTS October 28 Pot-luek Supper--Lady Foresteff* -- Church Hall, 6 p. m. East River Road Pinochle Club--^(rs. John Braeseke. ; October 29 Lily Lake' P. T. A.--Hallowven Party --School House. October SI $bt-Luck Supper--Recreation Room' M. E. Church--For MeAibers . and Friends, Program and Talks, 6 p. m. November I Altar and Rosary Sodality ' --^- Mrs. Ford-Jackson. November 2 Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. George Kleinhans, 1 o'clock, Pot-luck Lunch. Johnsburg Community Clulj, „ November 3 '•» ; , P.-TL A. --St. Mary's-S*^ School Hall. November 4 C. D. of A^Regular Business Meetin*- • ' . V: " ^ November 5 " Christian Mothers and Altar So- . ciety--Meeting. Circle 3, W. S. C. S.--Luncheon, Mrs. Georjfe Scheubert. Lily Lake P T. A.--Monthly Meeting. November 9 •.• Homo Bureau Meeting --' Vrs. Ekf Peet. . ;• • . Home Bureau--Mrs. Ed Peek • . Lily Lake P. T. A.--Mrs. Wm. Etten. . November 15 Business- and ' Professional' Women's Club. • PERMANENT WAVE-59*f Do it youraelf at hone with a Charm-Karl Kit. aa 1,600,000 women hare done in pnat year. Complete with 40 enriera and shampoo. Eur to do, nbaointdr hnnnls-- Praised by Bollywood nstis stairs and ram eimy» Vrbere. Mom? nfuniiad l( not sstiiM. ^ THOMAS P. BOLGER November 19 Public Card Party Sponsored by F#|t? River Valley Camp, R. N. A. December 2 Annual Dinner and Bazaar--Comma* nity Methodist Church. "MEET THE FAMILY" Proving *K>re popular than even op opening night were the Rotno# Players in their second appearance of the season in McHenry on Tuesday evening. Next week's show, "Meet the Family," promises to be entirety different than either of the first two performances, being a story of tile everyday life of an average Americaai family. Subscribe for the Plaindealer (ostl¥Cold$A r,UT EGG PRODUCTION Pew Diseases Cease Povltry Men Such t esses Wbsn jroa natiss wot bseks er whauiast (St basy quickly with aNhsr n? suessuisut, tasted tnetasols. Pgr colds and farsathiag tioablss. Helps jnrent spread; relieves symptom. Worts ma the inside scsiast soehdisonUn. Deed »looe, or in ssrers eases, With VAPO-SPRAY. SPRAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Orwheediof the birds. Rapid ia ' snrtsa, hkh ia satiseptie and !»Uatvaios. Q«t VAPO-SPRAY w Leeealeoo NOW, and be prepared. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry Come to • far [ Better Oothes at Lower Prices •^f-Opan Sunday Mocwiigi Phona 19 WestMcHenry Report of Condition ol • C, WEST McHENRY STATE BANK j of McHenry (P. O. West McHenry) Illinois, a member of ihte Fedea-al Reserve System, at the close of business on October 18, 1943, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. >. ;• >ASSETS r 1. Loans and discounts (including $766.34 overdrafts)..! 607,984.63 A United States Government obligations, direct and , g-uaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4. Other bonds, noterf. and debentures : 5. Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stwk oFPed'- . eral Reserve bank) * 6. Cash, balance^ with o^b<;r banks, including reseirv#. balance, and cash items' in process of collection.;.,..^ 7. Bank premises owned $3,999.00, furniture and fixtures $1.00 ..... 1,230,090.00 90,178.14 148,954.95 3,000.00 693,780.38 4,000.00 12. TOTAL ASSETS ^ . . . . . . I $ 2 , 7 7 7 , 9 8 8 . 1 9 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and Corporations .$1^2 474 .I4j Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and - ' corporations 15. Jh-posits of United States Government (including 735,429.77 B>stal savings) eposits of States and political subdivisions 18. Other de|)osits (certified and officers' checks, etc.):.. . l » ' 'u 'TOTAL DEPOSITS $ 2 , 5 6 6 , 3 1 9 . 1 4 43. Other liabilities 256,780.36 179,339.83 32,294.22 15361.82 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including isubordinated obligations shown below) .$2,582,180.96 > ^ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS oapl1i -- .....$ 50,000.00 97 ^*7 50,000.00 27. Undivided Profits 43,307.23 ^. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred :^"'M»pital) ;....; 52,500.00 .89. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 195,807.23 ^ JTOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL .ACCOUNTS $ 2 , 7 7 7 , 9 8 8 . 1 9 This rank's capital consists of common stock with total par value of $50,000.00. ~ MEMORANDA 31. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book .value): .(.%) y. S. Government obligations, direct and guarjsnteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities .'.$ 544,000.00 (e) TOTAI .....^.„.$ 544,000.00 32. Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged * k s s e t f p u r s u a n t to requirements of law -.X $ 279.232.00 (e)" TOTAL A.: $ 279.232.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. * ROBERT L. WEBER. . Correct--Attest: WILLIAM M. CARROLL, ' C. J. REIHANSPERGER, > GERALD J. CAREY. Directors. C. J. Reihanspergcr L Wm. M. Carroll D I R E C T O R S «f*. A. Nye, M. D. Gerald J. Oirey Jos. W. Freand MEMBER FEDERAL RESERV* SY8TBM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE C»RP6tJE^r6|f BUT UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS ..... itSkSfZkjL',

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