P«C» | ^ " * ',*-.•«• * y '" ,- " - .• "* „ \ • Mmm THE M'HENRY PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at Me* fcenry, III., by Charles F A. H. MOSHER :'v Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, HL, tie act of May 8, 1879. 5;;f 'Uv'.U One Year ... Six Months .$2.00 .$1.00 €DITORIAI_ SSOCIATION V:.r": V'-- ' _ Saves Fuel ^ \ Use of caulking compounds to fill cracks and chinks around doors and U windows and in walls lean be an im- : ^ i portant aid in stretching fuel rations. Caulking compounds are eas- . *- . •/ lly applied, either wUh ^ : . or with a "gun." " . ;:"r. i&.. X FOB SALE HOUSE SLIPPERS--the ideal gift. Buy them early! . Complete selection of non-rationed grift slippers for men, women and children at BOWMAN BROS., WOODSTOCK. 27tf McHENKY FLAINDXALBB ' ,J ' : •X; "h. -J ? * <* ' -v 1;. til ersotwh Baumgartner, coal and wood cook order. Will Clarence W. 2134 27 FOR SALE--ErrpiAe fur coat, 36 inches long1, with purse muff. Like new. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call McHenry 638-W-l. 27 FOR SALE--Holstem Bull months old. Four Berkshire boar pigs. Tony J. Miller. Tel. Richmond 4710. 27* Read the Want Ads. FOR SALE--40 pullets. Laying. 667-R-l. v AustroVopes Phone. McHenry ' . .27* McHenry . Illinois FRIDAY and SATURDAY Gec.rge Raft Brenda Marshall "BACKGROUND TO DANGER" Plus: News, Cartoon and Novelty SUN„ MON.-^NOV. 21-22 Judy Garland . Van Hedin "PRESENTING LILY MARS" Plus: News; Cartoon and "Touchdown Tars'* TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Robt. Preston -- Ellen Drew "NIGHT PLANE FROM CHUNGKING" Pins: Four Short Subjects WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Monty Woolley Graeie Fields "HOLY MATRIMONY" FOR SALE--Eight-piece walnu| dining room set.; Perfect condition. Tel. 651-R-l. 27 FOR SALE--Three shot bolt, action 20 gauge gun. One box shells: Tel. McHenry 113-J. , v : 27* ro It SA LE--Chickens Robt. Vogt. Tel. McHenry .<£»*"' 27* FOR SALE-- TURKEYS--Freshly dressed. 1943 Minnesota turkeys now available every day, Woodstock Produce Co., Calhoun St. at Rt. 47. Tel. Woodstock 441. 26-2 , FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and ; economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- ; ville Pype A Home Insulation "Blown- I in" your walls akid ceilings. Call I LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 20-tf HELP WANTED WANTED--Boy to deliver papers. Albert Krause News Agency. 27* WAJVTED--Painte^j helper. Hunter Boat Company. 13-tf Merchant WANTED--Maintenance man. Hunter Boat ComDanv. 50-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Comfortable room for rent. To a. reliable person at 108 Park St. Tel. 157. 27 LOST LOST--strayed or stolen: • Black and white springer spaniel. Finder please call McHenry 649-R^2. 27 ANIMALS WANTED Tickets --for- J. B. Rotnour •ft the -- McHENRY High'School AUDITORIUM . -<-Erery TuesdaysNight Ask for them at any of the following business firms: Jacob J us ten Sons Regner's Grocery and Market John J. Vycital Hdwe. McHenry 5 and, 10 Store Smith Bros. ; McHenry B a k e f f ' . « - Gladstone's Hoot's Tavern Mi Place Restaurant-Tavern Green Street Tavern " - McHenry Plaindealer Northland Greyhound Bus Depot Agatha Shop Sip Snack Inn Pa's Tavern * Holly's Service Station- Worwick Studio Parbian Bros. Groc. and Mkt. McHtnry Town Club . Worts Sinclair Service Schwerman Chevrolet Sales Schaefcr's Groc. and Market S"chie*sle & Weber Alexander Lumber Co. John Stoffel Fitzgerald's Men's Shop. Nye Jewelry Shop Geo. P. Freund, Implements John Anderson, Tavern Matt B. Laures Tavern McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good ;<?nditiQn. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling Mo. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WANTED--Elderly man active, reliable, handy with tools. Full or part time work. Call McHenry 603-R-2 27* BRING THE FAMILY--to Mi Place for your Turkey Dinner. 27-2* FARMERS--Don't sell valuable cows for beef. Settle shy* and non-breeders with Rex Wheat Germ Oil. For sale at S. W. Brown's Drugstore, Ringwood, Illinois. 27-2 PLEASE NOTICE--Beginning Dec. 1, 1943, evening office hours wiH be discontinued. Dr's Langhorst & Lescher, Elgin, Illinois. 27-3 HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry;, Phone 8, •(' 27-tf | GARBAGE COLLECTING -- L&t u= j dispose of your garbage each week, i or _«ftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Panknin of Wil* mette, Mrs. Martin Schrader of Chicago and Mrs. William Frits oi South Haven, Mich., were recent visitors of the John F. Panknins. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Heimer were Mr! and Mrs. V. J. Knox and children of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Annabel Aicher, Mrs. Jane Gitzke and son, Billy, all of McHenry The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mr. Heimer. ' Mary Lou Stoffel, Mercedes Stilling and-«Elaine Heimer spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Woltman and daughters, Ruthann and Louise, of Chicago spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mto. A. E. Nye, returning to Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedersen and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye attended the Palmer-Jepsen wedding at Ivanhoe Sunday afternoon. Recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer of Pistakee Bay were Mr. and Mrs. Charles M&j-tin and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer and daughter, Leo J. Schaefer. Miss Rita Brown, Shirley Freund, Clarence Walker and Alvin Schaefer. Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin and son, Claire, who is home on leave from navy <jluty, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained Mrs. Ada Smith of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, at dinner Saturday evening. The Harrison Smiths are enroute from Cleveland to San Francisco, where they will make their home in the future. Visitors in the Jos. A. Schaefer home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gorki and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann and family, Eleanor Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy of Chicago were visitors at McCullom Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan of Rantoul were weekend guests in the Jos. J. Miller home. Lieut, and Mrs. Vale Adams and baby of Waycross, Ga., -are visiting his parents, the Lester Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh attended the Notre £>ame-Northwestern game at Dyche stadium.last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff attended a wedding in Burlington, Wis., last Saturday. _ . • Marion Collins and Mary Jane Laures of Chicago spent the weekend visiting the latter's parents, the Math Laures. Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer attended the Ice Follies of 1944 at the Chicago Arena Sunday. Ethel and Clara Freund spent last Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund, Miss Bertilla Freund and John Scheid visited Stephen H. Freund and Mrs. Ragina Marre at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Friday evening. The former has been confined to the hospital for severfil weeks with a fractured leg and the latter is recovering from an operation whltch she underwent last week. Mrs. William Martin of Sterling, 111 spent a few days last week In the ClarenCe. Martin home, where she had come to visit her husband, W. O. Wil liam Martin, who was enjoying a furlough from army duties at Richmond, Va. Miss Joan Reihansperger spent the weekend visiting Miss Patricia Chisty, who attends the University of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and (am Uy of Woodsipck were callers in the home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Ba con, Sunday. Mrs. William Johns and daughter* Carol Ann, of Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Richard Warner and Mrs. Frank Warner of Elgin were tives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dan lake called on Saturday. O'Shea of Graysin McHenry «peed germination «f litfeplflnted garden seeds, in dry weather some gardeners lay a board over the row. As soon as the seedlings begin to break through the soil, they remove the boards. are well dried out and in a tion to receive paint, there is a logical opportunity to do a good job exceptionally favorable drying ditions. Doors and windows can be left open, protected by screens against entry of insects, to provide^ constant ventilation. KEEP 0IT ; * ' •WITH WAR BONOS • * * * * * * * * * * * * * McHenry Flour McGee's Store for Men Art Smith Groc. and Market "Sons of the "" Squaw Man" A 3-Act Comedy Drama Tuesday,Nov.23 0oors Open 7:45 p. Curtain 8:30 With Merchant Ticket- Admission 22c, Children under 12 years, eluding tax. •* tax 11c, in- .. m FREE--If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pair.s, get free sample, Udga, at Bolger'a Drug Store. *12-16 Find Shut-Off for Leak In House Water System Shut off the water, if there's a ! leak. This involves knowing the location of the main shutroff valve for the house water supply, the bureau points out. This valve is usually found near the basement floor level at the meter close to the wall nearest ^he street. Everyone in the family should know where to find this valve. The valve should be turned off and on at least twice a year in order to check on its free operation. Valves which have corroded so that they stick should be replaced. Have your plumber take care of this at the first opportunity. If the leak is near a fixture, it may not be necessary to shut off the entire water supply for the house. In every properly designed plumbing system there are auxiliary stops in the supply piping near the fixtures. In addition to valves in the branch lines, every fixture should be equipped with local controls. Some of the local controls for fixtures operate with handwheels and others necessitate the screwdriver. DER THEATRE - HARVARD S FRL, SAT.--NOV. 19-20 DISNEY DOUBLE FEATURE Technicolor Special "VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER' AlS6 Request Showing "DUMBO" SUN., MON.--November 21-22 In Technicolor "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" Starring Gene Tierney and ' Don Ameche A GAY, SPICY LAFF HIT! TUESDAY NIGHT AT 8KK) pjn Harvard Premiere Showing--ALL PROCEEDS TO ARMY EMERGENCY RELEIF. UM - Of a Protect Bread From Mold Three billion loaves of bread will be protected against losses resulting from mold this year, by adding a special mold inhibitor to the dough before baking. It lengthens the mold-free life of bread without changing its flavor, texture, nutritional value or annparance. Subscribe for the Plaindealer Y----< USA Ihfe is ffte TZCHMCOtf# A«nr STMtRMG MU Of M UKO FNCES - CEMtt IU8FHT * Ml LESLIE * U MMU KttMT MB \m ui mi omus nmmm-KAlE SMITH uelortc gatrrrrrur tsxBStt. ALL SEATS --$1.10 Tickets Sold In Advance Only » > • Popular Price Showing STARTS SUNDAY NOV. 2ft FOR 6 BIG DAYS Adults 35c Children 11c WED. and TIIURS--Nov. 24-25 TW1ANKSGIV1NG SPECIAL! Betty Grable in "CONEY ISLAND" In Luscious Technicolor The Beautifut i;irovAi> mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. and SAT. 19-20 Jane Withers Henry in "JOHNNY DOUGHBOY" Warren William * Ann Savage in -PASSPORT TO SUEZ" SUN. and MON,--NOV. 21-22 Sunday continuous from 2:45 pm. Tyrone Fower in i (*CRASH DIVE" with Anne Btexter, Dana Andrews Silent Avengers of the Deep! TUES. and WED.--NOV. 23-24 Star-Studded Cast in "FOREVER AND A DAY** with Ray pilland * Brian Aherae That Tuesday, Wednesday event! Huindfty, November 18, IMS Grapes Bear tartar •re the only important natural tartrate^bearing crop. They contain from 0.8 per cent to 1.2 per centjif potassium bitartrata.at Biae m»*» I « :; • Subject to Conscription women in Britain between the ages of 19 and 31 are liable to conscription for the women's auxiliary forces but may elect to go into .WQm. specified jobs in industijr. ••"-""'"'j, Sources of Vitamin Bl Thiamin, the morale-building vitamin Bl, is found in such vegetables as lima beans, green beans and baked beans. Rich in "vitamin B2 are turnip greens, lima beans, brocc o l i s t r a w b e r r i e s a h d p r u n e s . , ^ ; ' Safe Ladder There is no safe substitute for a step ladder. Men, women and children are killed every year because they clamber onvo boxes, or balance on rocking dhairs, or trust their weight to small tables and cane seats. See that there is a safe step in yo\ir house. MILLER -- -- -- phone 32 THURS., FRI.--November 18-19 "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" in Technicolor wHdr Don Ameche and Gene Tierrtey SATURDAY (ONLY), NOV. 20 "RIDERS OF THE TIMBERLINE" with Win. Boyd as "Hop-Along Cassidy." Plus: Hit No. 2 "HIGH EXPLOSIVE" with Chester Morris and Jean Parker , SUN., MON.--November 21-22 Humphrey Bogart in "ACTION IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC" Also Cartoon and News WED., THURS.--November 24-25 GALA THANKSGIVING DAY SHOW THURSDAY NOV. 25 'THE SKY'S THE LIMIT' Fred Astaire Joan Leslie Don't Braise Potatoes Since many of {he rot fungi can enter through wounds on the sweet potato, the pathologist advises growers .to be particularly careful not to bruise the potatoes during digging* and crating. S^ogne growers handle them as jf they vtere egga. v......... Cigarette Moaey A pack of American-made cigarettes is a gold mine to marines stationed on one island outpost. For a single cigarette, natives will climb the tallest coconut iree and hack down as many coconuts as diesired-- or the whole tree. . Typical New Jersey Farms A survey of 50 typical New Jersey farms gave an average of more than one ton of scrapfper farm. If this average were maintained throughout the country, the nation's farms are capable of yielding at least six million tons of scrap. • . ' Subscribe to The Plaindeafair! ifi • Help ducks and young birds grow, and devel- [ op. Give them TONAX in their mash. Especially after an attack of any disease. And as a tonic mn^ conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building dements. Tooax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable stimulants. For layers too*. Inexpensive and convenient. 24b. can enough for 400 chicks for .a month, 75c Bolger's Drag Store Green Street McHenpf "When/ that CR£AT DAY Comes1 4* Advertised m LIFE and Other Magatinee Until that Victory Day comes, let's back up our fighting men with real conservation on the ,hO(me front. HEADQUARTERS FOR Lee U N I O N . M A D t OVERALLS SHIRTS fir PANTS UNION'ALLS INDUSTRIAL UNIFORMS li McGEE'S - Store for Man - McHENRY, ILLINOIS r- To Save Manpower, Transportation, Critical Materials anil fuel. > , Y»ur Government makes ibis request... msktng your cooperation in a voluntary program instituted by the War Production Board, Office of Defense Transportation, Petroleum Administration for War, Solid Euel Administration for War, and Office of War Utilities. Hire's the most important way to conson* gas Turn down the thermostat -- Keep it set st the lowest possible comfortable temperature, preferably st 65 degrees. Also set the temperature down to 55 degrees at night, and when you are away. In homes where there is illness or the comfott^f elderly people to be considered, higher temperatures may be necessary. However, each degree that you lower the temperature will make a worth-while saving m the fHelustd! SIX ADDITIONAL Unused rooms --have radiators disconnected in unused roolns, kerp doors to these, rooms closed. Weather strip door tp j-'eypnt heat waste. WA Y S C O N S E R V E * O Insulate throughout-insulate the attic and •ide-walis if possible. It 'will cut fuel usage 15% or more by preventing much heat wastage. Install storm sash-put storm sashes on every door and window. They'll save enough fuel over a period of time to pay for themselves. Weather-strip--wherever you do not have storm windows, apply weather-stripping. Window and door cracks waste heat, waste fuel. Insulate pipes--all exposed hot water or steam pipes, as well as your boiler or hot water tank, should be iafuilatcd to reduce heat. loss. Close the garage-shut off and disconnect heat supply to the garage to conserve heat and fuel foi living quutets. Keep doors dosed. MM IUI...IO OUB PISHIIN* MICH Will HAVI MOKIt VICTOKV UNITED WAR BONDS Gas has gone to war--* don't watte it I «• m ^ WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY o