Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1943, p. 8

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Sr*C»SIffal THE McMKRY PLA1KDXALKR Thursday, November 25, 1943| MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE JUKIOTT CLASS PLAYS H TO AH APPRECIATIVE ' AUDIENCE OK FRIDAY ACCIDENT VIOTTM FCATHERLNE WIRTZ BRIDE OF MR. LEO THOMPSON NOV. 19 ••••••••••••• \ Business and Professional Lester Adams and son. Virgil, Mr. and; The next meeting of the McHenry Mrs. Lester Bacon and family, all of« Ootoity business and Professional "TrHmry; Lieut. and Mrs. Vale Adams ! Women's club will be held on Monday and Mrs. Malona Watt of Waycross,; evening, Dec. 20, in the home of Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Davis, Miss . Miss Mabel Hobbs in Woodstock., Dorothy Davis and Miss Florence Nrhis will be ar Christmas, with | Block, all of Chicago. • Mr*. Grrtta" Goodell giving a talk Following the ceremony 'a dinner *,j ffrjpyada wan served at 3 o'clock'at the Davis ' *£•:*' « ' ; home. The gathering also served a* Xnwi^e Bixg»g*ittent a farewell pre-Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and "Mrs. Herman Itehberg ofj for Lieut. and Mrs. Vale Adams, #h®> West Micllenry announce the engage-"eft Tuesday morning^for Waycross. ; ment of their daughter, Ruth, to * * * Stanley Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. - , I arty , ' reading the good old McHenry Plain- Harvev Brown of McHenry. ••-The jm-Thanksgivmg party held ;,(,ealer* 6 •* . • .:?*'*• *'&> chureh *»*r I guws you know what I'm dohiE • C. D. of A..•- ; • . *"»«« "-•'TP.T?1*- ./W «o there is „ use in my wart* * c o u r t , * ' ' : l i j g y o u r t i m e b y t e l l i n g y o u . ' ' I t ' s : beki its monthly social party at the Wetty nice and I like it a lot. Dear Mdse: Saturday afternoon and as I have a little time off I decided to. drop you a line to let you know of my ghange of address. I also want to again thank you and the business men responsible for sending me the paper. Many of my buddies look forward to it almost as much as I do. Although I am fortunate in that I' get home quite often, I still enjoy Although many were probably not fully aware of it, there must have I been a certain element of surprise among the Large crowd which gather-! ed» to see the Junior class play last1 Friday night. For even though these : annual presentations are always enjoyed, there seems to be a general opinion that the Senior class plays each spring are a bit more finished productions, probably because of the year's experience and confidence of the graduating class. However, this year all those who saw the Juniors nut forth their best, had all doubts as to thfeir acting ability dispelled. For the play measured up to any presented by any j Senior class in many a year and was better than most. "Health, Wealth and Romance," centered around the Hous6 of Health, which was operated by Ter- COMING EVENTS Hipp 5>;r :%ap ' "•>'1* -i: MOT. 9T Lady Foreeters--Meeting. • ,v • Her. ft-.-.-. O. & 8.--Installation. ; December 1 P. T. A. ---St Mary's-St. Patricks School. , Dec. i ! In a quiet ceremony performed in- : the rectory of St. Patrick's churdh by Rev. Father William A. O'Rourke last Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, i Miss Catherine Wirtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz, became ; -»« n **.j the bride of Mr. Leo Thompson of I ° ° °f A--Bu^inw. me^ng. this city. The bride was attractive in a gold, wool, dressmaker suit, with which she wore brown accessories. Her : it*': St. Mary's-St. Children's Christmas FRANK SOMPEL Dee. .* Christian Mothers. Dee. Sunday Nighters. . . . . . . , P u b l i c ' C a r d P a r t y corsage was fashioned of whrte rose*, j 8 Rchool hall. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, sister-in-law of' Benefit of the bride, alted as matron of honor, i party. attired in a black drtss, with which;* she wore a r«* roses. A. i Altar andftosary Sodality J. Wirtz served, the bridegroom as < ^ Wal)o*% fiolms • ^ i best man. • Following the ceremony, a wedding j dinner was served at the John Wirtz home on Riverside Drive to the bridal party. The young' couple then Dee. « Dee. '.'lie*;: ;K. of C. hall on Thursday evening, '• Nov. 18. * Cards 4 prizes awarded' Mrs. Joseph iMay dj„ay„ evening,-, ine announrfmen. i n,a s, ..o. een „m a ue , , rwr-eilil , .tii me ,to ca.t so I lr n-a jv -e l su• ju , moie aiiu „ni uic . n,u, urc.r u.u s in. - enjoyed a--njd- rc# -the engagement of Miss Bessie .. . ' cidents arose. Especially interest- p . „ , :|r. to, sign Thanks. *giur> f<«;:#»e ror Tripp (Dean McCracken) an ex- ^ H, Sh°rt. h t 0 u neyrn00n, triP prize fiehter With the arrival of T 1 h occurred on November on Monday of this week started 2ach new Health seeker to the re- ' in McHenry was Frank Sompel,; housekeeping in the apartment ab«*« sort, more a. nd« more ,h umerous in- w.h.o d tw. o. d • a/y s i.n the Woo.d.-. jI -B.a rbia.n . B• ^r others grocery •sWtoSre. i o»r»i stock hospital of a skull fracture arid! Riverside Drive. -•Jand Mrs. Emily I^a^fsoh m pinochle; ' . . .T T . a.h*.ima• m_<. been set for Radcliffe of Witchita, Kan., to Vr", pa®er ban B. Comas. No definite date has , ' Circle 1 will meet {>ee. T, nt Mrs. Carl C, Hoyt's for pot luck at 1:00. o'clock. Johnsburg Community Clul^ ' . DECEMBBB 9 M. E. Church Annual Dinner and. tHit- •• # » . , ; • Dec, 20 • Chr i stmas >Party- B u sin ess and Pro-». Mrs. Helen Weber in bridge; Mrs. ^ ™ Ann Feltz in five hundred and Mrs. T" Uke ^ ***** :Elizabeth Thompson in bunco, Ap-! T8 ur ough.^ Yours,1 1 .•> : ^PORGE FREUKD, . '• , * Champaign; 'lUr;: petizing refreshments, 11v the committee. * were served.;' O. E, - S. Invitationi - I>ear Editor:. wiU received invitations ' to' attehd vThe local chapter, O. E." has a '["f & how' mu<*h I ^y. an(^ Carl Adams, who enacted of pre-war • j • have enjoyed the Plaindealer dur-1 ^ . . » , . . . • , 1 ing characterizations were given by • 'aJtfn^ia'^e JJ»« -w6d^np Were ffessioftal Women's Clab^Mri "MiAeli • J7an Marie Thome and Mary AnJ, ^ ^ ' wl J®h" ^ Gerrjr^Thompson, '.Hobbs' home. ' N'oonan as trwo health-conscious spin- ; * . .;*• • "\ z\,®, McHenry, and , Dec. 22~. : *; • sters; Henry Nell, and •'Kath^!^:^'^ ^?L Y00*181^- ,y ^ • Messiah^by Bfgh - Adams as two money-seeking crooks'; . ^ Cut Paper Use ./ e " e ?ra uated from the Mc- ;:School €horus.;• •'V;-:;s!•:'^>»>i'.v.2 Carolyn Hay as the resort's cooitf British newspapers haschool in :. , -•/ Roman Bauer as Freckles/the house- P*P«?r consumption to 9^;^ ^1936 and has recently been employed Fdv River Valley Camp ««i.™ IUMV.HVIU . W i»- • . • . • .. the role of valet. Leading roles were stallation at Haven chapter, Maren^i . P 8 11 n® mon. ^ suJ"e ls f taken .by Mary Grace Murphy, Glor- 1 to read about folks at home | go, on December 2; Day Star chapter, ice Freund, Charles Martin and* Guard Against Effects As in all communicable disease*, at 4, ... . t - - • . Need Rubtjer Stamps! br<fer at The' at the Alemite in Woodstock. The | Plaindealer. v ' - •;room is an employtse, pf tht Public,! Service-company. >vv"i^ Dundee, on December ,1; and Louns-; interesting to read about Weideman, the latter whu much of the danger of the cold lies A' jftiost successful party was spon- bury'chapter, Barrington, on Decern- [doubled in a feminine role through in its possible after-effects. The best Christian Mothers usually read those tetters first, as! hajf of the j treatment is to go to bed when th« soon as my copy_ amves Have been Capable directors of the play were | symptoms first appear. Keep the Texas aJ1 th,s u™e but am due Miss Maurie Taylor and Miss Helen room comfortably cool. Drink plen- An important meeting of the ror' a ^ " ®ay / ^ Stevens, who were presented with ly °f water and fruit juices. Eat pinochle being awarded to Mrs. Car- christian Mothers will be held on so"7 / „ er" Pr!,tty tir!^ of thls gifts by the Junior class fot their lightly. SleeD as much as possible. rie Jus ten, Miss Frances \ ycital, December 3 and all members are in- fart ,of , rthern ^xas" may fine direction of the play. Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer and Mrs. vited to att€nd ^ XviU ^ a w mce places m this state but this WeU rendered musicaj numbers Kathryn - Barbian; bridge awards • Christmas party and later in the !"\no ,£ne °. hem. To my know- were furnjshed by the high school iHing won by Mrs. Margaret Simon. eveninK St. Nick wili make a visjt ,the only other boy hei'e f^m orchestrat under the direction of sored by the F6x River Valley camp, j^j. 4 R. N. A., on Friday evening. Nov. 19, at the Legion hall. Cards provided the entertainment, .with prizes in Planes Spray Lecnts In a campaign against locusts in the Middle East, conducted by Al-» lied governments, fighting planes using arsenic spray instead of explosives fly as low as seven feet above ground. Y°ur*el# a Beautiful PERMANENT WAVE F QC Do it yourself of home with * •he Charm-Kurl Kit, at 5,000,000 women have done in post year. AJ1 •he curh you want. Complete with Shampoo, 40 curlers and Wave Set.' THOMAS P. BOLGER Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mrs. Eliza- and present each member with a t>eth Thompson; five hundred awards gift. Refreshments will be served home is my, cousin, Frank Harrison, i P1 VnnHa „ . , , , Well, I started to write this just vj 1, . w „ ft ..... -- ... : Nev» scenery w-as especially designto Mrs. Evelyn Blake ami-Miss Ber- ^y Mrs. Carolyn May, ,chairman of f° .you discontinue my paper ed £or ^ j by Maicojm Mclntyre ; tilla Freund and the bunco prize to the ^mittee in charge. fm .a fe* ^e€ks' when 1 A"U wr,te and the Trades class. Programs Mrs. Eva Wegener « * * again and give you a new address Rummage Sale Respectfully, The rummage sale sponsored by the C0RP- J- R- HARRISON, W. S. C. S. last weekend was a,success as far as donations and patr&n- _ *» v age was concerned. Among the many ,3j Mr.. Mosher . lvu.!v items donated was a miniature can-; ' not know you personally but^I Schmitt and Richard Schmitt. nor made forty y-^rs ago by William ! ^rtai"ly. wani,,to y°u Make.up artiste were Miss The December 1 meeting of the Spencer. The wheels were made of P^mdfaler. There are many people Justen and Luda i>t. Mary's-St. Patricks school P. T. iron and the barrel of coppcr and ln and around McHenry that I know, . A. will be in honor of the new mem-, tin cannoni wllich really fires< and there are usually some interesting pTATNDEALER LEARNS hers of the organization. Sister An-: wa_ nnr.i,«^ Kv a o-on»rnnG' 'terns about some of them. _ Special prizes were awarded Mrs. Cleorpe E. Johnson, Mrs. Evelyn Blake and .Mrs. Mary P. Freund. Delicious refreshments wjere served V»y the committee in chai*e. Camp Hftwze, TexaA. Parent-Teachers were designed by Miss Janet Dola»v| Julia Knox and Bonnie Page. Advertising managers were Donald j Doherty, George Whiting and Mer-1 cedes Stilling, and prompting was] handeled by Esther Freund, PaUI Mae organization dreeila is planning special \yhich will be in honor of the next feast Day, Dec. 8. Plans are in progress for a card the;r saie party to be held on Sunday evening. Dec. 5, at 8 p.m. which will benefit the children's Christmas party. Prizes will be awarded in cards, with pivot style being used, and a prize for each table. Special prizes will also be awarded. It is hoped that 1$ was purchased by a generous contri music, bution of Frank Howard of McCull- Have been receiving the paper regom Lake. The W. S. C. S. is grate- 0iarly and wou,d ,ike keeP on «etful for the use of the City Hall for V"* * £ am 9fnding my new ad* dress. If, in the future, there is something that might be of interest to you, 111 drop you a line again. Yours Sincerely, STAFF SGT. CARL HEBBE, New York, in care of postmaster. TWENTY EIGHT ARE INCLUDED IN LAST CALL OF BOARD TWO good crowd will be present to aid this -:-£T ^ ... .. . worthy cause. ' ***** m contributing to the man- Peblht rard Party The card party sponsored by the , . . ... ^ „ , , Itar and „R osarv sod.a on S_ un- ber quota for that Board. r, ,, ,. McHenry county once more did its CAMPAIGN IS. BEGUN • FOR COLLECTION OF power of the nation when twentyeight more men from Board Two were called to fill the second Novem- DISCARDED CLOTHES THAT OUR COMMUNITY v HAS THREE ENSIGNf* The Plaindealer is in receipt of a very interesting letter from Lewis- E. Pennish of Chicago and the McHenry vicinity. Sorry we omitted tlje name of his son, John, when saying McHenry had only one ensign, hut especially mentioned just McHenry, feeling that there wa.s perhaps someone in the community whd held the same rank. We would like very much to s<ind Ensign Pennish the Plaindealer each week if yfe Altar day evening was a complete success The party was held at St. Patrick's church hall with the "following• winning prizes: Mrs. Albert Vales. Miss^ 1-aura Weber and Fred Schoewer ill pinoehlt*; Robert Knox. Mrs. Robe.'t Knox and Mrs. R. M Fleming in five hundred; Misses Eleanor Kinsala and Rita -Martin in contract bridge: Mrs. John Kilday in auction bridge: Martin Knox in euchre: and Grace Kitday in bunco. Special prizes were awarded to Jack lieatty. Mfs. Qt'>. Stilling. Miss Ann Frishy and Mis. <}e<). Tim ^ Refreshments were served by': t;Vie committee. Elizabeth Schoewer.,chairman. Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Mrs. Jos. C.uzzardo, Mrs Anna Miller. Mrs. Win. Staines. Mrs. Chas. Unti and Mrs. John Ifjiti. Prises and oaslr were donated; by Contributions of discarded clothing couid obtain his address. Following are the list of those urgently needed to help clothe and A few days after the picture 6^ habilitate destitute . children and. Ens,ign Taxman appeared in the^ : , adults in liberated countries abioad paper, we also learned that Tom rand for relief purposes in the United Harrison was graduated as an en/ States arc being nolicited in a-cam- aign the day that paper was print^ivr paign carried on in Chicago and sub- Following is Mr. Pennish's letter,' •.. urbs for two weeks, beginning last which we received along with a gen- Monday, Nov. 22. erous contribution for our "Soldier | 'The urgent need for clothing of an(j Sailor" fund.. \«]l kinds--light and heavy -wear -- Gentlemen: ! .-.J..for suflFerinp peoples in liberated "I have observed with a great deal countries cannot be over-emphasized," 0f pleasure that The Plaindesaler not stud William L. McFetridge, Director only speaks plainly, but sticks close * Salvage in Chicago and environs, to facts. Office of Civilian Defense. > |n your issue, however, of Octo- •••••." "This is a nation-wide campaign her 28, 1943, vou carry a picture of ' and while no quota has been set for Navy Ensign Harold Taxman, under the Chicago area, it is assumed, that which you gave some family decitizens will respond generously to tails about this good looking young the following to cyver expense of 1 Other Places party: Mrs. Ralph Bennett. Mrs. W. H. Guffey Mrs Ralph Justen. Mr*. Cecelia Knox. Mrs. Gus Unti. -Mrs Mary Carey. Mrs. Michael Knox. Mrs Evelyn Ijirkin, Mrs. Dick Overton. Mrs. Mae Powers. Mrs. George Wegener. Mrs. John Wirtz; Mrs. Laura Kent. Mrs. Peter Iioherty. Miss Mary Fleming and Miss Etta Powers. called: Woodstock • CLARENCE W TURNER HAROLD J. MARivEE JOHN T. BROOKK ROY K. WOOLCOTT* CHARLES S. PARKER JAMES R. ERWIN HAMILTON B. HOY Crystal Lake VAUGHN L. PIPPENGER LLOYD P. BURCiER ALViX F. CALBOW , IRVING M. OLSON LOUIS H. KNAACK JOSEPH T. KNAPP RALPH G. SCHNEIDER ARTHUR W. NICKELS Fox River Grove ERLING T. JOHNSON ARHTUR J. HAFER EARL F. MEERBERRY the appeal.' man. Among other things, you stated that he is McHcnry's only Ensign. In this respect, permit %e to re8pectrully disagree with you. It so happens that my son, • John, ifT an Ensign. Moreover, it so happens Family Gathering The Martin Conway home on John street was the scene of a family gatherihg last Friday evening, the get-to^. gether honoring Harry Conway, who Sailed Around 80. America is enjoying a furlough from army The first United States sailing vesduties at Salem, Oregon. Out of gel, from Boston, arrived in Calitown guests present were the Lynn fornia in Monterey harbor after the Smith^famiiy of Rockton, 111.. Mi"s- long voyage around South America, Cec^lfa Knox of Crystal Lake' and in 1796. Mrs.- Ed Holly of Oak Park. Mrs. •» '! ; : Howard Caims entertained the, family; at her home Sunday. Baptism , Tbe infant son o^Ueui; and M'r«. Vale Adams was baptized hi St. Paul's Episcopal church in CJiicagoJi day. the little fellow being vnam<"1 Gary Vale. Miss Florence. Ulpck of .Chicago acted as sponsor. In attendance; weie Mr and Mrs. Guard at Hole Falls In Alex Smith, watchman at Kansas », ,, "^".r^'ty, Kan., didn't watch. He fell ? ^ S .. „'A yl i tir-i es* ---^---toto a 30-foot deep hole he was em- ALF v. HANSON, Wiimette. ployed to guard. An ambulance crew ERNEST R. MARINE, Rushville, ^nd three officers spent a half hour Ind- * getting him out. He fractured both JOHN GORDON. New York arms and suffered back injuries in WILLIAM E. CREUTi, O'pik Lawn, the fall. Wis. '• • J O H N S . H U D S O N . S p r i n g f t e l d . U l . • . -* WILLIAM D. FURNESS. Elgin Waxy Fiber CHARLES J. MOORE, Joliet. Milkweed's waxy fiber repels GLEN R. KRYL, Chicago. moisture and locks air within tiny GORDON CAMPBELL. Hawthorn* cells, making it buoyant, resilient landed that we k%ep going that he and Harold Taxman gradua^, ted from Columbia University on the j . same day, to-wit: July 28, 1943. 1 "Harold, I know, has been assigned to chasing subs. My son is in Am- ' phibious. For short, they call it1 LST, which means, Landing Barge Operations. They are the youngsters who make beach heads for our gallant army and see to it once we have and an insulator of heat and sound. "If by this elucidation you stand, "- T These are the very qualities that1 or sit corrected, do not take offense, have built United States import vol- please. You must also bear in mind unie of kapok to 9,000 tons in re- that I, too, am a newcomer to your cent peacetime years. New Quinine Sources Protect Bread From Mold Three billion loaves of brad will be protected against lo^se^S result- Great numbers of wild cinchona ^ mold this year, by adding trees, needed for quinine and totaquine for war purposes, have been discovered in regions of the Americas where previously they ha<J not been known to exist_in_com me rcial quantities. Order your Rubber Stamps at The. Plaindealer; Com* to Fitzgeral d* s Men's Shop Open Sunday Mornings PfioM 19 West McHenry • ' a specie! mold inhibitor to the dough before t aking. It lengthens the mold-free life of bread without changing its. flavor, texture, nutritional value c a on'-a ranee. Pretty City Before the German attack, Smolensk-- set high above the river banks and dotted with' parks and gardens--was regarded as one of the prettiest cities of the Soviet union. It was particularly interesting to historians and tourists for the ruins and historic relics left from its long and turbulent past. neck of the woods, having permanently located and registered my vote at Johnsbuvg within the last year. "Sincerdy yours "LEWIS E. PENNISH. ' P. S. Here is something to aid you in keeping up the good work for the McHenry boys." Vitamin Soarce Fresh peaches are a good source of vitamin C, most of it being' in the skin. - • Keeps Doughboy Warm A $50 War Bond, purchased for $37.50, pays for a soldier's wool blanket, wood bedstead, raincoat, two olive drab flannel shirts, a pair of service shoes, two wool under-, shirts, and two pairs of tait wristlets. OW Man Wi titer's due back the saifce pld y tricks. ' v Get set for him . .. via ^ •• * the snug warmth of a Hart Sch'affrier & Marx coat These haniisome cdatS are top-flight in every respect. They^re woi^rfully warm, Without fatiguing weight. They're tailored of rich, all-wool fabrics which drape beautifully. Their styling is quietly smart. An?l they're for duration service. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER and THE ACTORS COMPANY, to enable you to see and Jknow >our own civic theatre,want- you to use this coupon as ONE GUEST TICKET (Exc. Gov't! Tax) if accompanied by one paid admission, any price, to "OUT OF THIS WORLD" At Forester Theatre ^ . 101G North Dearborn, Del. 2912* Good Tues., Wed.k Thurs., Fri., and Sun. Nights only thru" Sun., December 5, 1943 Rambler Coats $45 Tailored by- HART SCHAFFNER & MARX QUICK RELIEF FKOi.. Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID FrMBookTcllsof HoflMTreatmcnttha Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothir Ovortwomillion IwittlesoftheAV 11,T,At: i THEATM KN T lirvvo f>ecn sold for rclii-i. Kyraptoms of distress arising from Stomar') and Dwidiml Ulcar* due to Incm Acid - Dlwillon, S«ur or UpMi S*»m«chr~--r OiNtlMM, HllrttlTII, ItaplMMMM, : <i«o toCxMM Add. Sold on 15 days' iri.4?e : j Ask for "Witter*** Mmni" which fully. ; etplalns this treatment---fr** at. ' f BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ; WATTLES DRUG STORE ! This Hart Schoffner & Marx modtl Jt*tured in Esquire j or Dtctmbtr • McGEE'S /V Store for Men - . Green McHENRy

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